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İkidilli Dil Kullanımı Üzerine Bir Vaka Çalışması: Bir Çocuğun İsveççe ve Türkçe Okuma-Yazma ve Söylev Alışkanlıkları

Yıl 2014, Sayı: 70, 181 - 210, 01.06.2014


Bu küçük ölçekli sosyolengüistik ve etnografik çalışmada iki dilli bir çocuğun Türkçe ve İsveççe’yi günlük hayatın değişik anlarında ve değişik kişilere karşı nasıl kullandığını araştırdım. Bu araştırmanın son bölümü ise, bu gencin ve ailesinin dil kullanımının sosyal ve kültürel açıdan nelere bağlı olduğunu tesbit etmektedir. Bu tartışma bir kişinin iki dil kullanımının artı ve eksilerini ön plana çıkartmaya çalışmaktadır. Yazı aynı zamanda İsveç’in dil politikasına da değinerek iki dilliliğin değerini ve önemini değişik açılardan ele almaktadır: gözlenen kişi, gittiği okul ve İsveç’in ilk ve orta öğretimindeki milli müfredat programı.


  • Andersson, Christiph (1986). Om turkar. SIV pocket. Värnamo: Statens invandrarverk.
  • Andrade, Rosi A.C. and Luis C. Moll (1993). “The Social Worlds of Children: An Emic View”. Journal of the Society for Accelerative learning and Teaching 18 (1-2): 81- 25.
  • Arbetsmarknadsdepartementet (1988). Svensk invandrar- och flyktingpolitik. (Swedish immigration and refugee policy). Stockholm: Arbetsmarknadsdepartementet.
  • Auer, Peter (1999). Code-switching in Conversations. UK, London: Taylor & Francis Ltd.
  • Baker, Colin (1993). Foundations of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism. (3rd ed.). London: Multilingual Matters. Bartlett, Lesley and Dorothy C. Holland (2002). “Theorizing the space of literacy practices”. Ways of Knowing 2: 10-22.
  • Barton, David (1994). Literacy, An Introduction to the Ecology of Written Language. Oxford, UK: Blackwell publishing. Barton, David and Mary Hamilton (1998). Local Literacies, Reading and Writing in one Community. London and New York: Routledge.
  • _____, (2000). “Literacy Practices”. Situated literacies, Reading and Writing in Context. Ed. David Barton, Mary Hamilton and Roz Ivanič. London and New York: Routledge.
  • _____, (2005). “Literacy, reification and the dynamics of social Interaction”. Beyond Communities of Practice. Language, Power and Social Context. Ed. David Barton and Karin Tusting. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Barton, David and Karin Tusting (2005). “Introduction”. Beyond Communities of Practice. Language, Power and Social Context. Ed. David Barton and Karin Tusting. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Baynham, Mike (2004). “Ethnographies of Literacy: Introduction”. Language and Education 18 (4): 285-290.
  • Dagenais, Diane, Elaine Day and Kelleen Toohey (2006). “A Multilingual Child’s literacy Practices and Constrasting Identities in the Figured Worlds of French Immersion Classroom”. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 9 (2): 205-218.
  • Denscombe, Martin (1998). The Good Research Guide – for small-scale social research projects. Buckingham and Philadelphia: Open University Press.
  • Erickson, Frederick (1986). “Qualitative Methods in Research on Teaching”. Handbook of Research on Teaching. Ed. Merlin C. Wittrock. New York: MacMillan Reference Books.
  • _____, (1996). “Ethnographic microanalysis”. Sociolinguistics and Language Teaching. Ed. Sandra McKay & Nancy H. Hornberger. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Eyrumlu, Reza (1992). Turkar möter Sverige. En studie om turkisktalande elevers skolgång I Göteborg. (Turks encountering Sweden. A study of the). Stockholm: Carlsson Bokförlag.
  • Farouky, Jumana (2007). “The Many Faces of Europe”. Time Magazine. February 15.
  • Gee, James (1996). Social Linguistics and Literacies: Ideology in Discourses. London: Taylor and Francis. _____, (2000a). “New people in new worlds: networks, the new capitalism and Schools”. Multiliteracies. Literacy learning and the Design of Social Futures. Ed. Bill Cope & Mary Kalantzis. London and New York: Routledge. _____, (2000b). “The New Literacy Studies. From ‘socially situated’ to the work of the Social”. Situated Literacies. Reading and Writing in Context. Ed. David Barton, Mary Hamilton & Roz Ivanič. London and New York: Routledge.
  • Geertz, Clifford (1993). “Thick description: toward an interpretative theory of culture”. The interpretation of cultures. Ed. Clifford Geertz. New York: Basic Books. 3-32.
  • Gonzalez, Norma, Luis C. Moll and Cathy Amanti (Eds.) (2005). Funds of Knowledge. Theorizing Practices in Households, Communities, and Classrooms. Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associate Publishers.
  • Grosjean, Francois (1982). Life with Two Languages. An Introduction to Bilingualism. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
  • Haglund, Charlotte (2005). Social Interactions and Identification among Adolescents in Multilingual Suburban Sweden. A study of institutional order and sociocultural change. Doctoral Dissertation. Stockholm University: Centre for Research on Bilingualism.
  • Hall, Kathleen D. (2002). Lives in Translations. Sikh Youth as British Citizens. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. Heath, Shirley B. (1983). Ways with words. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • Hymes, Dell (1964). “Introduction: Toward Ethnographies of Communication”. The Ethnography of Communication Ed. John J. Gumperz and Dell Hymes. Washington, D.C.: American Anthropological Association. 1-34.
  • _____, (1996). Ethnography, Linguistics, Narrative Inequality. Toward an Understanding of Voice. London: Taylor & Francis.
  • Jaspers, Jürgen (2007). “Urban Multilingualism in Europe. Immigrant Minority Languages at Home and School.” Linguistics and Education 18 (1): 96-98.
  • Jørgensen, Jens Normann (1998). Children’s Acquisition of Code-Switching for Power-Wielding. Code-Switching in Conversation: Language, Interaction and Identity. Ed. Peter Auer. London: Routledge. 237-258.
  • Jørgensen, Jens Normann and Anne Holmen (Eds.) (1997). “The Development of Successive Bilingualism in School-Age Children”. Copenhagen Studies in Bilingualism. Copenhagen. Royal Danish School of Education Studies.
  • Kuyumcu, Eija (1995). Språk och miljö i Botkyrka. Rapport från den språkvetenskapliga pilotundersökningen. Del 2. Turkiska elever på högstadiet – Språksociologisk situation samt preliminära bedömningar av språkfärdigheten i svenska och turkiska. Rapporter om tvåspråkighet, 10.
  • Lahdenperä, Pirjo (1997). Invandrarbakgrund eller skolsvårigheter? En textanalytisk studie av åtgärdsprogram för elever med invandrarbakgrund. Doctoral dissertation. Stockholm University: Institution of pedagogy.
  • Lundberg, Ingrid (1991). Kulubor i Stockholm. En svensk historia. Botkyrka: Stiftelsen Sveriges Invandrarinstitut och Museum i Botkyrka.
  • Lundberg, Åsa and Ingvar Svanberg (1992). Kulu utvandrarbygd i Turkiet. Uppsala University: Centre for Multiethnic Research.
  • Lundgren, Åsa (1997). Turkiet och Europa. (Turkey and Europe). Turkiet. Bro eller barriär mellan Europa och Asien. Ed. Ingvar Svanberg. Smedjebacken: Bokförlaget Arena.
  • Martin, Deirdre (2003). “Constructing Discursive Practices in School and Community: Bilingualism, Gender and Power”. Multilingual Classroom Ecologies.
  • Ed. Angela Creese & Peter Martin. Inter-relationships, Interactions and Ideologies. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.
  • Martin-Jones, Marilyn and Arvind Bhatt (1998). “Literacies in the Lives of Young Gujarati Speakers in Leicester”. Literacy Development in Multilingual Contexts. Cross-Cultural perspectives. Ed. Aydın Y. Durgunoğlu & Ludo Verhoeven.
  • Mahwah, New Jersey and London: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers. Martin-Jones, Marilyn and Monica Heller (1996). “Introduction to the special issues on education in multilingual settings: Discourse, identities and power. Part 1: Constructing legitimacy”. Linguistics and Education 8: 3-16.
  • Martin-Jones, Marilyn and Mukul Saxena (2003). “Bilingual Resources and ‘Funds of knowledge’ for Teaching and Learning in Multi-ethnic Classrooms in Britain”. Multilingual Classroom Ecologies. Inter-relationships, In teractions and Ideologies. Ed. Angela Creese & Peter Martin. Clevedon, Buffalo, Toronto and Sydney: Multilingual Matters.
  • Moll, Luis C. (1992). “Bilingual Classroom Studies and Community Analysis: Some Recent Trends”. Educational Researcher 21 (2): 20-24.
  • Narrowe, Judith (1998). Under one roof: On becoming a Turk in Sweden. Doctoral dissertation. Stockholm University: Department of Social Anthropology.
  • Nic Craith, Máiréad (2000). “Contested identities and the quest for legitimacy”. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 21 (5): 399-413.
  • Saville-Troike, Muriel (1996). “The ethnography of communication”. Sociolinguistics and Language Teaching. Ed. Sandra McKay & Nancy H. Hornberger. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Schultz, Katherine and Glynda Hull (2002). “Locating Literacy Theory in Outof-School Contexts”. School’s Out! Bridging Out-of- School Literacies with Classroom Practice. Ed. Glynda Hull & Katherine Schultz. New York and London: Teachers College Press, Teacher College, Columbia University.
  • Scribner, Sylvia and Michael Cole (1981). The psychology of literacy. Cambridge,
  • MA: Harvard University Press.
  • Street, Brian V. (ed.) (1993a). Cross-cultural approaches to literacy. New York: Cambridge University press.
  • _____, (1993b). “The new literacy studies”. Journal of Research in Reading 16 (2): 81-97.
  • _____, (2001). “Literacy ‘events’ and literacy ‘practices’: Theory and practice in the ‘New Literacy Studies’”. Multilingual Literacies: Comparative Perspectives
  • on Research and Practice. Ed. Marilyn Martin-Jones and Kathryn Jones. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
  • _____, (2003). “What’s “new” in New Literacy Studies? Critical approaches to literacy in theory and practice”. Current Issues in Comparative Education 5 (2): 77-91.
  • Svanberg, Ingvar (1997). Turkiet, mångfalden och kontrasternas land. (Turkey, multiplicity and country of contrasts). Turkiet. Bro eller barriär mellan Europa och Asien. (Turkey. A bridge or a barrier between Europe and Asia). Ed. Ingvar Svanberg. Smedjebacken: Bokförlaget Arena.

A Case Study of Bilingual Language Use: An Account of Discursive and Literacy Practices in Swedish and Turkish by a

Yıl 2014, Sayı: 70, 181 - 210, 01.06.2014


In this small scale sociolinguistic and ethnographic case study, I explore how a young, bilingual boy with Turkish and Swedish as his two languages makes use of his bilingualism in different domains and with different interlocutors during the course of a day. The study provides an account of how this young individual employs his bilingual resources, both in his heritage language Turkish, and in Swedish, the principal language of his schooling. The final section of this paper discusses the cultural and social significance which this young person and his family have associated with the observed language practices. The discussion attempts to highlight the constraints and benefits of bilingual language use in an individual case, but it relates also to the broader societal issues of Swedish language policy, concerning the significance and value of bilingualism from different perspectives: the observed informant, the local school and the national Swedish curriculum for primary and comprehensive education


  • Andersson, Christiph (1986). Om turkar. SIV pocket. Värnamo: Statens invandrarverk.
  • Andrade, Rosi A.C. and Luis C. Moll (1993). “The Social Worlds of Children: An Emic View”. Journal of the Society for Accelerative learning and Teaching 18 (1-2): 81- 25.
  • Arbetsmarknadsdepartementet (1988). Svensk invandrar- och flyktingpolitik. (Swedish immigration and refugee policy). Stockholm: Arbetsmarknadsdepartementet.
  • Auer, Peter (1999). Code-switching in Conversations. UK, London: Taylor & Francis Ltd.
  • Baker, Colin (1993). Foundations of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism. (3rd ed.). London: Multilingual Matters. Bartlett, Lesley and Dorothy C. Holland (2002). “Theorizing the space of literacy practices”. Ways of Knowing 2: 10-22.
  • Barton, David (1994). Literacy, An Introduction to the Ecology of Written Language. Oxford, UK: Blackwell publishing. Barton, David and Mary Hamilton (1998). Local Literacies, Reading and Writing in one Community. London and New York: Routledge.
  • _____, (2000). “Literacy Practices”. Situated literacies, Reading and Writing in Context. Ed. David Barton, Mary Hamilton and Roz Ivanič. London and New York: Routledge.
  • _____, (2005). “Literacy, reification and the dynamics of social Interaction”. Beyond Communities of Practice. Language, Power and Social Context. Ed. David Barton and Karin Tusting. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Barton, David and Karin Tusting (2005). “Introduction”. Beyond Communities of Practice. Language, Power and Social Context. Ed. David Barton and Karin Tusting. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Baynham, Mike (2004). “Ethnographies of Literacy: Introduction”. Language and Education 18 (4): 285-290.
  • Dagenais, Diane, Elaine Day and Kelleen Toohey (2006). “A Multilingual Child’s literacy Practices and Constrasting Identities in the Figured Worlds of French Immersion Classroom”. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 9 (2): 205-218.
  • Denscombe, Martin (1998). The Good Research Guide – for small-scale social research projects. Buckingham and Philadelphia: Open University Press.
  • Erickson, Frederick (1986). “Qualitative Methods in Research on Teaching”. Handbook of Research on Teaching. Ed. Merlin C. Wittrock. New York: MacMillan Reference Books.
  • _____, (1996). “Ethnographic microanalysis”. Sociolinguistics and Language Teaching. Ed. Sandra McKay & Nancy H. Hornberger. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Eyrumlu, Reza (1992). Turkar möter Sverige. En studie om turkisktalande elevers skolgång I Göteborg. (Turks encountering Sweden. A study of the). Stockholm: Carlsson Bokförlag.
  • Farouky, Jumana (2007). “The Many Faces of Europe”. Time Magazine. February 15.
  • Gee, James (1996). Social Linguistics and Literacies: Ideology in Discourses. London: Taylor and Francis. _____, (2000a). “New people in new worlds: networks, the new capitalism and Schools”. Multiliteracies. Literacy learning and the Design of Social Futures. Ed. Bill Cope & Mary Kalantzis. London and New York: Routledge. _____, (2000b). “The New Literacy Studies. From ‘socially situated’ to the work of the Social”. Situated Literacies. Reading and Writing in Context. Ed. David Barton, Mary Hamilton & Roz Ivanič. London and New York: Routledge.
  • Geertz, Clifford (1993). “Thick description: toward an interpretative theory of culture”. The interpretation of cultures. Ed. Clifford Geertz. New York: Basic Books. 3-32.
  • Gonzalez, Norma, Luis C. Moll and Cathy Amanti (Eds.) (2005). Funds of Knowledge. Theorizing Practices in Households, Communities, and Classrooms. Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associate Publishers.
  • Grosjean, Francois (1982). Life with Two Languages. An Introduction to Bilingualism. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
  • Haglund, Charlotte (2005). Social Interactions and Identification among Adolescents in Multilingual Suburban Sweden. A study of institutional order and sociocultural change. Doctoral Dissertation. Stockholm University: Centre for Research on Bilingualism.
  • Hall, Kathleen D. (2002). Lives in Translations. Sikh Youth as British Citizens. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. Heath, Shirley B. (1983). Ways with words. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • Hymes, Dell (1964). “Introduction: Toward Ethnographies of Communication”. The Ethnography of Communication Ed. John J. Gumperz and Dell Hymes. Washington, D.C.: American Anthropological Association. 1-34.
  • _____, (1996). Ethnography, Linguistics, Narrative Inequality. Toward an Understanding of Voice. London: Taylor & Francis.
  • Jaspers, Jürgen (2007). “Urban Multilingualism in Europe. Immigrant Minority Languages at Home and School.” Linguistics and Education 18 (1): 96-98.
  • Jørgensen, Jens Normann (1998). Children’s Acquisition of Code-Switching for Power-Wielding. Code-Switching in Conversation: Language, Interaction and Identity. Ed. Peter Auer. London: Routledge. 237-258.
  • Jørgensen, Jens Normann and Anne Holmen (Eds.) (1997). “The Development of Successive Bilingualism in School-Age Children”. Copenhagen Studies in Bilingualism. Copenhagen. Royal Danish School of Education Studies.
  • Kuyumcu, Eija (1995). Språk och miljö i Botkyrka. Rapport från den språkvetenskapliga pilotundersökningen. Del 2. Turkiska elever på högstadiet – Språksociologisk situation samt preliminära bedömningar av språkfärdigheten i svenska och turkiska. Rapporter om tvåspråkighet, 10.
  • Lahdenperä, Pirjo (1997). Invandrarbakgrund eller skolsvårigheter? En textanalytisk studie av åtgärdsprogram för elever med invandrarbakgrund. Doctoral dissertation. Stockholm University: Institution of pedagogy.
  • Lundberg, Ingrid (1991). Kulubor i Stockholm. En svensk historia. Botkyrka: Stiftelsen Sveriges Invandrarinstitut och Museum i Botkyrka.
  • Lundberg, Åsa and Ingvar Svanberg (1992). Kulu utvandrarbygd i Turkiet. Uppsala University: Centre for Multiethnic Research.
  • Lundgren, Åsa (1997). Turkiet och Europa. (Turkey and Europe). Turkiet. Bro eller barriär mellan Europa och Asien. Ed. Ingvar Svanberg. Smedjebacken: Bokförlaget Arena.
  • Martin, Deirdre (2003). “Constructing Discursive Practices in School and Community: Bilingualism, Gender and Power”. Multilingual Classroom Ecologies.
  • Ed. Angela Creese & Peter Martin. Inter-relationships, Interactions and Ideologies. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.
  • Martin-Jones, Marilyn and Arvind Bhatt (1998). “Literacies in the Lives of Young Gujarati Speakers in Leicester”. Literacy Development in Multilingual Contexts. Cross-Cultural perspectives. Ed. Aydın Y. Durgunoğlu & Ludo Verhoeven.
  • Mahwah, New Jersey and London: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers. Martin-Jones, Marilyn and Monica Heller (1996). “Introduction to the special issues on education in multilingual settings: Discourse, identities and power. Part 1: Constructing legitimacy”. Linguistics and Education 8: 3-16.
  • Martin-Jones, Marilyn and Mukul Saxena (2003). “Bilingual Resources and ‘Funds of knowledge’ for Teaching and Learning in Multi-ethnic Classrooms in Britain”. Multilingual Classroom Ecologies. Inter-relationships, In teractions and Ideologies. Ed. Angela Creese & Peter Martin. Clevedon, Buffalo, Toronto and Sydney: Multilingual Matters.
  • Moll, Luis C. (1992). “Bilingual Classroom Studies and Community Analysis: Some Recent Trends”. Educational Researcher 21 (2): 20-24.
  • Narrowe, Judith (1998). Under one roof: On becoming a Turk in Sweden. Doctoral dissertation. Stockholm University: Department of Social Anthropology.
  • Nic Craith, Máiréad (2000). “Contested identities and the quest for legitimacy”. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 21 (5): 399-413.
  • Saville-Troike, Muriel (1996). “The ethnography of communication”. Sociolinguistics and Language Teaching. Ed. Sandra McKay & Nancy H. Hornberger. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Schultz, Katherine and Glynda Hull (2002). “Locating Literacy Theory in Outof-School Contexts”. School’s Out! Bridging Out-of- School Literacies with Classroom Practice. Ed. Glynda Hull & Katherine Schultz. New York and London: Teachers College Press, Teacher College, Columbia University.
  • Scribner, Sylvia and Michael Cole (1981). The psychology of literacy. Cambridge,
  • MA: Harvard University Press.
  • Street, Brian V. (ed.) (1993a). Cross-cultural approaches to literacy. New York: Cambridge University press.
  • _____, (1993b). “The new literacy studies”. Journal of Research in Reading 16 (2): 81-97.
  • _____, (2001). “Literacy ‘events’ and literacy ‘practices’: Theory and practice in the ‘New Literacy Studies’”. Multilingual Literacies: Comparative Perspectives
  • on Research and Practice. Ed. Marilyn Martin-Jones and Kathryn Jones. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
  • _____, (2003). “What’s “new” in New Literacy Studies? Critical approaches to literacy in theory and practice”. Current Issues in Comparative Education 5 (2): 77-91.
  • Svanberg, Ingvar (1997). Turkiet, mångfalden och kontrasternas land. (Turkey, multiplicity and country of contrasts). Turkiet. Bro eller barriär mellan Europa och Asien. (Turkey. A bridge or a barrier between Europe and Asia). Ed. Ingvar Svanberg. Smedjebacken: Bokförlaget Arena.
Toplam 50 adet kaynakça vardır.


Diğer ID JA75SG85HF
Bölüm Yayın Değerlendirme

Eija Kuyumcu Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Haziran 2014
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2014 Sayı: 70

Kaynak Göster

APA Kuyumcu, E. (2014). İkidilli Dil Kullanımı Üzerine Bir Vaka Çalışması: Bir Çocuğun İsveççe ve Türkçe Okuma-Yazma ve Söylev Alışkanlıkları. Bilig(70), 181-210.
AMA Kuyumcu E. İkidilli Dil Kullanımı Üzerine Bir Vaka Çalışması: Bir Çocuğun İsveççe ve Türkçe Okuma-Yazma ve Söylev Alışkanlıkları. Bilig. Haziran 2014;(70):181-210.
Chicago Kuyumcu, Eija. “İkidilli Dil Kullanımı Üzerine Bir Vaka Çalışması: Bir Çocuğun İsveççe Ve Türkçe Okuma-Yazma Ve Söylev Alışkanlıkları”. Bilig, sy. 70 (Haziran 2014): 181-210.
EndNote Kuyumcu E (01 Haziran 2014) İkidilli Dil Kullanımı Üzerine Bir Vaka Çalışması: Bir Çocuğun İsveççe ve Türkçe Okuma-Yazma ve Söylev Alışkanlıkları. Bilig 70 181–210.
IEEE E. Kuyumcu, “İkidilli Dil Kullanımı Üzerine Bir Vaka Çalışması: Bir Çocuğun İsveççe ve Türkçe Okuma-Yazma ve Söylev Alışkanlıkları”, Bilig, sy. 70, ss. 181–210, Haziran 2014.
ISNAD Kuyumcu, Eija. “İkidilli Dil Kullanımı Üzerine Bir Vaka Çalışması: Bir Çocuğun İsveççe Ve Türkçe Okuma-Yazma Ve Söylev Alışkanlıkları”. Bilig 70 (Haziran 2014), 181-210.
JAMA Kuyumcu E. İkidilli Dil Kullanımı Üzerine Bir Vaka Çalışması: Bir Çocuğun İsveççe ve Türkçe Okuma-Yazma ve Söylev Alışkanlıkları. Bilig. 2014;:181–210.
MLA Kuyumcu, Eija. “İkidilli Dil Kullanımı Üzerine Bir Vaka Çalışması: Bir Çocuğun İsveççe Ve Türkçe Okuma-Yazma Ve Söylev Alışkanlıkları”. Bilig, sy. 70, 2014, ss. 181-10.
Vancouver Kuyumcu E. İkidilli Dil Kullanımı Üzerine Bir Vaka Çalışması: Bir Çocuğun İsveççe ve Türkçe Okuma-Yazma ve Söylev Alışkanlıkları. Bilig. 2014(70):181-210.

Ahmet Yesevi Üniversitesi Mütevelli Heyet Başkanlığı