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İşsizlik Histerisinin Sektörel Bir Analizi: Türkiye Örneği

Yıl 2014, Sayı: 69, 29 - 52, 01.12.2014


Türkiye ekonomisinin üstesinden gelmek zorunda olduğu en
önemli sorunlardan birisi işsizliktir. Literatürde yüksek işsizlik
oranlarını açıklayan çok sayıda teori vardır. Denge işsizlik
oranı teorileri olarak da adlandırılan geleneksel teoriler, işsizli-
ği, doğal işsizlik oranı etrafında dalgalanmalar olarak tasvir
ederler. Fakat bu geleneksel teorilere, son yıllarda popüler hale
gelen histeri hipotezi perspektifinden itirazlar yükselmiştir. Bu
makale, Türkiye için 1988-2008 verilerini kullanarak sektörel
ve genel işsizlikteki histeri etkisini test etmektedir. Çalışmada
doğal oran alternatif hipotezine karşılık histeri etkisini test
etmek için yapısal kırılmasız ve yapısal kırılmalı tek değişenli
zaman serisi birim kök testleri uygulanmıştır. Bulunan sonuç-
lar önceki ampirik çalışmalara benzer olarak, histeri hipotezinin
reddedilmesi üzerinde yoğunlaşmakta ve Phelps (1994) tarafından
geliştirilen yapısalcı teori ile uyumludur.


  • Andrews, Donald W. K. (1991). “Heteroscedasticity and Autocorrelation Consistent Covariance Matrix Estimation”. Econometrica 59/3: 817-858.
  • Andrews Donald W. K. and J. Christopher Monahan (1992). “An Improved Heteroscedasticity and Autocorrelation Consistent Covariance Matrix Estimator”. Econometrica 60/4: 953-966.
  • _____, (2000). “OECD Unemployment: Structural Breaks and Stationarity”. Applied Economics 32/4: 399-403.
  • Bai, Jushan and Perron Pierre (2003). “Computation and Analysis of Multiple Structural Change Models”. Journal of Applied Econometrics 18/1: 1–22.
  • Ball, Laurence M, N. Gregory Mankiw and William D. Nordhaus (1999). “Aggregate Demand and Long-Run Unemployment”. Brookings Papers on Economic Activity 2: 189-251.
  • Ball, Laurence M. (2009). “Hysteresis in Unemployment: Old and New Evidence”. NBER Working Paper Series 14818: 1-37.
  • Bhargava, Alok (1986). “On the Theory of Testing for Unit Roots in Observed Time Series”. Review of Economic Studies 53/3: 369-384.
  • Blanchard, Olivier Jean (2003). “Monetary Policy and Unemployment”. Remarks at the Conference Monetary Policy and the Labor Market. A Conference in Honor of James Tobin. 1-10.
  • Blanchard, Olivier Jean and Lawrence H. Summers (1986). “Hysteresis and The European Unemployment Problem”. NBER Working Paper Series Working Paper 1950: 1-100.
  • _____, (1987). “Hysteresis in Unemployment”. European Economic Review 31/1- 2: 288-95.
  • Blanchard, Olivier Jean and Peter Diamond (1994). “Ranking, Unemployment Duration, and Wages”. Review of Economic Studies 61/3: 417-434.
  • Blanchard, Olivier Jean and Lawrence F. Katz (1997). “What We Know and What We Do Not Know About the Natural Rate of Unemployment”. Journal of Economic Perspectives 11/1: 51–72.
  • Brunello, Giorgio (1990). “Hysteresis and the Japanese Unemployment Problem: A Preliminary Investigation”. Oxford Economic Papers 42/3: 483-500.
  • Burda, Michael Christopher (1988). “Is There a Capital Shortage in Europe?” Review of World Economics 124/1: 38-57.
  • _____, (1990). “Some Evidence on the Membership Hysteresis Hypothesis in Europe”. Empirical Economics 15/2: 143-161.
  • Camarero, Mariam, Josep Lluis Carrion-i-Silvester and Cecilio Tamarit (2006). “Testing for Hysteresis in Unemployment in OECD Countries: New Evidence Using Stationarity Panel Tests with Breaks”. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 68(2): 167-182.
  • Choi, Kyongwook and Eric Zivot (2007). “Long Memory and Structural Changes in the Forward Discount: An Empirical Investigation”. Journal of International Money and Finance 26(3): 342-363.
  • Demir, Fırat and Nilgün Erdem (2009). “Labor Market Performance After Structural Adjustment in Developing Countries: The Interesting But not so Unique Case of Turkey”. Employment and Labor Issues: Unemployment. Eds. Lance K. Valencia et al. New York: Nova Science Publishers.
  • Dickey, David A. and Wayne A. Fuller (1979). “Distribution of the Estimator for Autoregressive Time Series with a Unit Root”. Journal of the American Statistical Association 74/376: 427-431.
  • _____, (1981). “Likelihood Ratio Statistics for Autoregressive Time Series with a Unit Root”. Econometrica 49/4: 1057-1072.
  • Dobbie, Michael John (2004). “Hysteresis and Insider-Outsider Theory: A Literature Review”. Macquaire University Faculty of Business and Economics Research Papers 04/08: 1-30.
  • Dreger, Christian and Hans-Eggert Reimers (2009). “Hysteresis in the Development of Unemployment: the EU and US Experience”. Spanish Economic Review 11/4: 267-276.
  • Franz, Wolfgang (1990) “Hysteresis in Economic Relationships: An Overview”. Empirical Economics 15/2: 105-125.
  • Friedman, Milton (1968). “The Role of Monetary Policy”. The American Economic Review 58/1: 1-17.
  • Feridun, Mete (2008). “Currency Crises in Emerging Markets: The Case of PostLiberalization Turkey”. The Developing Economies 46/4: 386-427.
  • Gordon, Robert J. (1989). “Hysteresis in History: Was There Ever a Phillips Curve?” The American Economic Review 79/2: 220-225.
  • Gustavsson, Magnus and Pär Österholm (2007). “Does Unemployment Hysteresis Equal Employment Hysteresis?” The Economic Record 83/261: 159– 173.
  • Heap, H. S. P. (1980). “Choosing the Wrong “Natural” Rate: Accelerating Inflation or Decelerating Employment and Growth?” Economic Journal 90/359: 611–20.
  • Layard, Richard, Stephen Nickell and Ricard Jackman (1991). Unemployment Macroeconomic Performans and the Labour Market. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Lee, Chien-Chiang and Chun-Ping Chang (2008). “Unemployment Hysteresis in OECD Countries: Centurial Time Series Evidence with Structural Breaks”. Economic Modelling 25: 312-325.
  • Lee, George (1989). “Hysteresis and The Natural Rate of Unemployment in Ireland”. Journal of the Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland 26/2: 31-68.
  • León-Ledesma, Miguel A. (2002). “Unemployment Hysteresis in the US States and the EU: A Panel Approach.” Bulletin of Economic Researc 54/2: 95- 103.
  • León-Ledesma, Miguel A. and Peter McAdam (2004). “Unemployment, Hysteresis and Transition”. Scottish Journal of Political Economy 51/4: 377-401.
  • Logeay, Camille and Silke Tober (2006). “Hysteresis and the NAIRU in the Euro Area”. Scottish Journal of Political Economy 53/4: 409-429.
  • Lindbeck, Assar (1993). Unemployment and Macroeconomics. Cambridge: The MIT Press.
  • _____, (1995). “Welfare State Disincentives with Endofenous Habits and Norms”. Scandinavian Journal of Economics 97/4: 477–94.
  • Lindbeck, Assar and Dennis J. Snower (1988). The Insider-Outsider Theory of Employment and Unemployment. Cambridge: The MIT Press.
  • _____, (2001). “Insiders versus Outsiders”. Journal of Economic Perspectives 15/1: 165–188.
  • Mikhail, Ossama, Curtis J. Eberwein and Jahdish Handa (2003). “The Measurement of Persistence and Hysteresis in Aggregate Unemployment”. Faculty Working Papers University of Central Florida 03-36: 1-18.
  • Mitchell, William (1993). “Testing for Unit Roots and Persistence in OECD Unemployment Rates”. Applied Economics 25/12: 1489–1501.
  • Mitchell, William and Joan Muysken (2008). Full Employment Abandone. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
  • Möller, Joachim (1990). “Unemployment and Deterioration of Human Capital.” Empirical Economics 15(2): 199-215.
  • Ng, Serena and Pierre Perron (1995). “Unit Root Tests in ARMA Models with Data-Dependent Methods for the Selection of the Truncation Lag.” Journal of the American Statistical Association 90/429: 268-281.
  • _____, (2001). “Lag Length Selection and the Construction of Unit Root Tests with Good Size and Power”. Econometrica 69/6: 1519-1554.
  • Ostrup, Finn (2003). Money and the Natural Rate of Unemployment. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Palacio-Vera, Alfonso, Ana Rosa Martínez-Cañete, Elena Márquez de la Cruz and Inés Pérez-Soba Aguilar (2006). “Capital Stock and Unemployment:Searching for the Missing Link”. The Levy Economics Institute Working Paper 475: 1-33.
  • Perron, Pierre (1989). “The Great Crash, the Oil Price Shock and the Unit Root Hypothesis”. Econometrica 57/6: 1361–1401.
  • Phelps, Edmund S. (1967). “Phillips Curves, Expectations of Inflation and Optimal Unemployment Over Time”. Economica 34/135: 254-281.
  • _____, (1968). “Money-Wage Dynamics and Labor-Market Equilibrium”. Journal of Political Economy 76/4: 678-711.

A Sectoral Analysis of Hysteresis in Unemployment: Evidence from Turkey

Yıl 2014, Sayı: 69, 29 - 52, 01.12.2014


One of the most important issues that the Turkish economy must overcome is the problem of unemployment. Several theories have been proposed to explain the existence of high unemployment rates. Traditional theories, sometimes referred to as equilibrium unemployment rate theories, describe movements in the unemployment as fluctuations around the natural rate. However, these theories have been challenged by hysteresis theories, which have become the popular explanations for the increase in unemployment. This paper tests hysteresis effects in sectoral and general unemployment using data from Turkey for the period 1988–2008. The paper applies univariate time series unit root tests with and without structural break to test for unemployment hysteresis in Turkey versus the alternative of a natural rate. Similar to previous empirical research, the results point to the rejection of the hysteresis hypothesis and are compatible with the structuralist theories as described by Phelps (1994)


  • Andrews, Donald W. K. (1991). “Heteroscedasticity and Autocorrelation Consistent Covariance Matrix Estimation”. Econometrica 59/3: 817-858.
  • Andrews Donald W. K. and J. Christopher Monahan (1992). “An Improved Heteroscedasticity and Autocorrelation Consistent Covariance Matrix Estimator”. Econometrica 60/4: 953-966.
  • _____, (2000). “OECD Unemployment: Structural Breaks and Stationarity”. Applied Economics 32/4: 399-403.
  • Bai, Jushan and Perron Pierre (2003). “Computation and Analysis of Multiple Structural Change Models”. Journal of Applied Econometrics 18/1: 1–22.
  • Ball, Laurence M, N. Gregory Mankiw and William D. Nordhaus (1999). “Aggregate Demand and Long-Run Unemployment”. Brookings Papers on Economic Activity 2: 189-251.
  • Ball, Laurence M. (2009). “Hysteresis in Unemployment: Old and New Evidence”. NBER Working Paper Series 14818: 1-37.
  • Bhargava, Alok (1986). “On the Theory of Testing for Unit Roots in Observed Time Series”. Review of Economic Studies 53/3: 369-384.
  • Blanchard, Olivier Jean (2003). “Monetary Policy and Unemployment”. Remarks at the Conference Monetary Policy and the Labor Market. A Conference in Honor of James Tobin. 1-10.
  • Blanchard, Olivier Jean and Lawrence H. Summers (1986). “Hysteresis and The European Unemployment Problem”. NBER Working Paper Series Working Paper 1950: 1-100.
  • _____, (1987). “Hysteresis in Unemployment”. European Economic Review 31/1- 2: 288-95.
  • Blanchard, Olivier Jean and Peter Diamond (1994). “Ranking, Unemployment Duration, and Wages”. Review of Economic Studies 61/3: 417-434.
  • Blanchard, Olivier Jean and Lawrence F. Katz (1997). “What We Know and What We Do Not Know About the Natural Rate of Unemployment”. Journal of Economic Perspectives 11/1: 51–72.
  • Brunello, Giorgio (1990). “Hysteresis and the Japanese Unemployment Problem: A Preliminary Investigation”. Oxford Economic Papers 42/3: 483-500.
  • Burda, Michael Christopher (1988). “Is There a Capital Shortage in Europe?” Review of World Economics 124/1: 38-57.
  • _____, (1990). “Some Evidence on the Membership Hysteresis Hypothesis in Europe”. Empirical Economics 15/2: 143-161.
  • Camarero, Mariam, Josep Lluis Carrion-i-Silvester and Cecilio Tamarit (2006). “Testing for Hysteresis in Unemployment in OECD Countries: New Evidence Using Stationarity Panel Tests with Breaks”. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 68(2): 167-182.
  • Choi, Kyongwook and Eric Zivot (2007). “Long Memory and Structural Changes in the Forward Discount: An Empirical Investigation”. Journal of International Money and Finance 26(3): 342-363.
  • Demir, Fırat and Nilgün Erdem (2009). “Labor Market Performance After Structural Adjustment in Developing Countries: The Interesting But not so Unique Case of Turkey”. Employment and Labor Issues: Unemployment. Eds. Lance K. Valencia et al. New York: Nova Science Publishers.
  • Dickey, David A. and Wayne A. Fuller (1979). “Distribution of the Estimator for Autoregressive Time Series with a Unit Root”. Journal of the American Statistical Association 74/376: 427-431.
  • _____, (1981). “Likelihood Ratio Statistics for Autoregressive Time Series with a Unit Root”. Econometrica 49/4: 1057-1072.
  • Dobbie, Michael John (2004). “Hysteresis and Insider-Outsider Theory: A Literature Review”. Macquaire University Faculty of Business and Economics Research Papers 04/08: 1-30.
  • Dreger, Christian and Hans-Eggert Reimers (2009). “Hysteresis in the Development of Unemployment: the EU and US Experience”. Spanish Economic Review 11/4: 267-276.
  • Franz, Wolfgang (1990) “Hysteresis in Economic Relationships: An Overview”. Empirical Economics 15/2: 105-125.
  • Friedman, Milton (1968). “The Role of Monetary Policy”. The American Economic Review 58/1: 1-17.
  • Feridun, Mete (2008). “Currency Crises in Emerging Markets: The Case of PostLiberalization Turkey”. The Developing Economies 46/4: 386-427.
  • Gordon, Robert J. (1989). “Hysteresis in History: Was There Ever a Phillips Curve?” The American Economic Review 79/2: 220-225.
  • Gustavsson, Magnus and Pär Österholm (2007). “Does Unemployment Hysteresis Equal Employment Hysteresis?” The Economic Record 83/261: 159– 173.
  • Heap, H. S. P. (1980). “Choosing the Wrong “Natural” Rate: Accelerating Inflation or Decelerating Employment and Growth?” Economic Journal 90/359: 611–20.
  • Layard, Richard, Stephen Nickell and Ricard Jackman (1991). Unemployment Macroeconomic Performans and the Labour Market. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Lee, Chien-Chiang and Chun-Ping Chang (2008). “Unemployment Hysteresis in OECD Countries: Centurial Time Series Evidence with Structural Breaks”. Economic Modelling 25: 312-325.
  • Lee, George (1989). “Hysteresis and The Natural Rate of Unemployment in Ireland”. Journal of the Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland 26/2: 31-68.
  • León-Ledesma, Miguel A. (2002). “Unemployment Hysteresis in the US States and the EU: A Panel Approach.” Bulletin of Economic Researc 54/2: 95- 103.
  • León-Ledesma, Miguel A. and Peter McAdam (2004). “Unemployment, Hysteresis and Transition”. Scottish Journal of Political Economy 51/4: 377-401.
  • Logeay, Camille and Silke Tober (2006). “Hysteresis and the NAIRU in the Euro Area”. Scottish Journal of Political Economy 53/4: 409-429.
  • Lindbeck, Assar (1993). Unemployment and Macroeconomics. Cambridge: The MIT Press.
  • _____, (1995). “Welfare State Disincentives with Endofenous Habits and Norms”. Scandinavian Journal of Economics 97/4: 477–94.
  • Lindbeck, Assar and Dennis J. Snower (1988). The Insider-Outsider Theory of Employment and Unemployment. Cambridge: The MIT Press.
  • _____, (2001). “Insiders versus Outsiders”. Journal of Economic Perspectives 15/1: 165–188.
  • Mikhail, Ossama, Curtis J. Eberwein and Jahdish Handa (2003). “The Measurement of Persistence and Hysteresis in Aggregate Unemployment”. Faculty Working Papers University of Central Florida 03-36: 1-18.
  • Mitchell, William (1993). “Testing for Unit Roots and Persistence in OECD Unemployment Rates”. Applied Economics 25/12: 1489–1501.
  • Mitchell, William and Joan Muysken (2008). Full Employment Abandone. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
  • Möller, Joachim (1990). “Unemployment and Deterioration of Human Capital.” Empirical Economics 15(2): 199-215.
  • Ng, Serena and Pierre Perron (1995). “Unit Root Tests in ARMA Models with Data-Dependent Methods for the Selection of the Truncation Lag.” Journal of the American Statistical Association 90/429: 268-281.
  • _____, (2001). “Lag Length Selection and the Construction of Unit Root Tests with Good Size and Power”. Econometrica 69/6: 1519-1554.
  • Ostrup, Finn (2003). Money and the Natural Rate of Unemployment. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Palacio-Vera, Alfonso, Ana Rosa Martínez-Cañete, Elena Márquez de la Cruz and Inés Pérez-Soba Aguilar (2006). “Capital Stock and Unemployment:Searching for the Missing Link”. The Levy Economics Institute Working Paper 475: 1-33.
  • Perron, Pierre (1989). “The Great Crash, the Oil Price Shock and the Unit Root Hypothesis”. Econometrica 57/6: 1361–1401.
  • Phelps, Edmund S. (1967). “Phillips Curves, Expectations of Inflation and Optimal Unemployment Over Time”. Economica 34/135: 254-281.
  • _____, (1968). “Money-Wage Dynamics and Labor-Market Equilibrium”. Journal of Political Economy 76/4: 678-711.
Toplam 49 adet kaynakça vardır.


Diğer ID JA68JT75FH
Bölüm Makaleler

Mehmet Çınar Bu kişi benim

Hülya Kanalıcı Akay Bu kişi benim

Feridun Yılmaz Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 2014
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2014 Sayı: 69

Kaynak Göster

APA Çınar, M., Kanalıcı Akay, H., & Yılmaz, F. (2014). A Sectoral Analysis of Hysteresis in Unemployment: Evidence from Turkey. Bilig(69), 29-52.
AMA Çınar M, Kanalıcı Akay H, Yılmaz F. A Sectoral Analysis of Hysteresis in Unemployment: Evidence from Turkey. Bilig. Aralık 2014;(69):29-52.
Chicago Çınar, Mehmet, Hülya Kanalıcı Akay, ve Feridun Yılmaz. “A Sectoral Analysis of Hysteresis in Unemployment: Evidence from Turkey”. Bilig, sy. 69 (Aralık 2014): 29-52.
EndNote Çınar M, Kanalıcı Akay H, Yılmaz F (01 Aralık 2014) A Sectoral Analysis of Hysteresis in Unemployment: Evidence from Turkey. Bilig 69 29–52.
IEEE M. Çınar, H. Kanalıcı Akay, ve F. Yılmaz, “A Sectoral Analysis of Hysteresis in Unemployment: Evidence from Turkey”, Bilig, sy. 69, ss. 29–52, Aralık 2014.
ISNAD Çınar, Mehmet vd. “A Sectoral Analysis of Hysteresis in Unemployment: Evidence from Turkey”. Bilig 69 (Aralık 2014), 29-52.
JAMA Çınar M, Kanalıcı Akay H, Yılmaz F. A Sectoral Analysis of Hysteresis in Unemployment: Evidence from Turkey. Bilig. 2014;:29–52.
MLA Çınar, Mehmet vd. “A Sectoral Analysis of Hysteresis in Unemployment: Evidence from Turkey”. Bilig, sy. 69, 2014, ss. 29-52.
Vancouver Çınar M, Kanalıcı Akay H, Yılmaz F. A Sectoral Analysis of Hysteresis in Unemployment: Evidence from Turkey. Bilig. 2014(69):29-52.

Ahmet Yesevi Üniversitesi Mütevelli Heyet Başkanlığı