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"İslam, Müslüman Dünyada Demokratikleşmenin Önünde Bir Engel midir İslam ve Demokrasinin Uyumu Tartışmasının Yeniden Gözden Geçirilmesi"

Yıl 2006, Sayı: 37, 189 - 206, 01.12.2006


Bu makalenin amacı, İslam ve demokrasinin uyumluluğu hakkındaki argümanların eleştirel bir sunumunu yapmak ve İslam’ın Müslüman dünyada kurumsallaşmış demokrasilere ulaşmanın önünde bir engel olup olmadığını tartışmaktır. Bu doğrultuda ilk olarak, İslam ile demokrasinin uyuşmazlığını ileri sürenlerin argümanları ortaya konulmaktadır. İkinci olarak, İslam ile demokrasinin uyumlu olduğuna işaret eden ampirik ve teorik argümanlara yer verilmektedir. Makalenin Sonuç kısmında, ampirik ve teorik argümanların işaret ettiği üzere, İslam’ın demokrasinin Müslüman dünyada kök salmasının önünde bir
engel teşkil etmediği vurgulanmakta, ve fakat, demokrasinin ortaya çıkıp yerleşmesi için tek başına bu uyumluluğun yeterli olamayacağına da dikkat çekilmektedir. Bu doğrultuda, yapılması gerekenin, bir taraftan İslam’ın demokrasiyle uyumlu yorumları güçlendirilirken, diğer taraftan da sosyo-ekonomik, kurumsal ve uluslararası alanlarda demokrasinin önünde varolan engellerin kaldırılması doğrultusunda çaba sarfedilmesi olduğu ifade edilmektedir.


  • ALMOND, G., S. VERBA. (1963), The Civic Culture: Political Attitudes and Democracy in Five Nations, Boston: Little Brown.
  • BINDER, L. (1988), Islamic Liberalism: A Critique of Development Ideologies, Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
  • CUTRIGHT, P., J. WILEY (1969), “Modernization and Political Representation: 1927-1967”, Studies in Comparative International Development 5: 23-44.
  • ÇAHA, Ö. (2003), “Islam and Democracy: A Theoretical Discussion on the Compatibility of Islam and Democracy,” Alternatives: Turkish Journal of International Relations, 2, (3-4): 106-134.
  • EL-AFFENDI, A. (2003), “What is Liberal Islam? The Elusive Reformation”, Journal of Democracy, 14 (2): 34-39.
  • ERDOĞAN, M. (1999a), “Islam in Turkish Politics: Turkey’s Quest for Democracy without Islam” Critique, 15: 25-49.
  • _______ (1999b), İslam ve Liberalizm (Islam and Liberalism), Ankara: Liberte.
  • ESPOSITO, J. L. (1998), Islam and Politics, 4th Edition, Syracuse: Syracuse University Press.
  • GHANNOUCHI, R. (1995), Excerpts from a Lecture by Sheikh Rachid al- Ghannouchi, in WRIGHT, R. (1996), “Islam and Liberal Democracy: Two Visions of Reformation”, Journal of Democracy, 7 (2): 64-75.
  • HAMDI, M. E. (1996), “Islam and Liberal Democracy: The Limits of the Western Model”, Journal of Democracy, 7 (2): 81-85.
  • HUNTINGTON, S. P. (1993), The Third Wave, Norman: University of Oklahoma Press.
  • KARATNYCKY, A. (2002), “The 2001 Freedom House Survey: Muslim Countries and the Democracy Gap”, Journal of Democracy, 13 (1): 99-112.
  • KOTB (QUTB), S. (1953), Social Justice in Islam, translated from Arabic by John B. Hardie, Washington, D.C.: American Council of Learned Societies.
  • KUBBA, L. (2000), “Arabs and Democracy: The Awakening of Civil Society”, Journal of Democracy, 11 (3): 84-90.
  • ______ (2003), “What is Liberal Islam? Faith and Modernity”, Journal of Democracy, 14 (2): 45-49.
  • LAKOFF, S. (2004), “The Reality of Muslim Exceptionalism”, Journal of Democracy, 15 (4): 131-139.
  • LEWIS, B. (1996), “Islam and Liberal Democracy: A Historical Overview”, Journal of Democracy, 7 (2): 52-63.
  • LIPSET, S. M. (1959), “Some Social Requisites of Democracy: Economic Development and Political Legitimacy”, American Political Science Review, 53 (1): 69-105, reprinted in CNUDDE, C. F. and D. NEUBAUER (Eds.) (1969), Empirical Democratic Theory, Chicago: Markham Publishing Company.
  • MASMOUDI, R. A. (2003), “What is Liberal Islam? The Silenced Majority”, Journal of Democracy, 14 (2): 40-44.
  • MAUDUDI, S. ABUL A′LA (1985), Political Theory of Islam, Lahore: Islamic Publications Ltd.
  • MOORE, B. Jr. (1993), Social Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy, Boston: Beacon Press.
  • NASR, V. (2005), “The Rise of ‘Muslim Democracy’”, Journal of Democracy, 16 (2): 13-27.
  • QUTB, S. (1988), Ma′alim fi al-Tariq, Cairo, Dar al-Shuruq, in TRIPP, C. (1994) “Sayyid Qutb: The Political Vision”, (ed. Ali Rahnema), Pioneers of Islamic Revival, London: Zed Books Ltd, 154-183.
  • ROY, O. (1996), The Failure of Political Islam, (Translated by C. Volk), Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
  • RUESCHEMEYER, D., E. H. STEPHENS, J. D. STEPHENS. (1992), Capitalist Development & Democracy, Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
  • SOROUSH, A. K. (1995), Interviewed by Robin Wright, in WRIGHT, R. (1996), “Islam and Liberal Democracy: Two Visions of Reformation”, Journal of Democracy, 7 (2): 64-75.
  • ______. (2000), Reason, Freedom, & Democracy in Islam, Translated, Edited, and with a Critical Introduction by Mahmoud Sadri, Ahmad Sadri, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • STEPAN, A., G. B. ROBERTSON. (2003) “An ‘Arab’ More Than ‘Muslim’ Electoral Gap”, Journal of Democracy, 14 (3).
  • _______. (2004), “Arab, Not Muslim, Exceptionalism”, Journal of Democracy, 15 (4): 140-146.
  • TRIPP, C. (1994) “Sayyid Qutb: The Political Vision”, (ed. Ali Rahnema), Pioneers of Islamic Revival, London: Zed Books Ltd, 154-183.
  • WRIGHT, R. (1996), “Islam and Liberal Democracy: Two Visions of Reformation”, Journal of Democracy, 7 (2): 64-75.
  • ZURCHER, E. J. (1998), Turkey A Modern History, (2nd Edition), London: I.B. Tauris & Co. Ltd.
  • bilig Ê Bahar / 2006 Ê sayı 37: 189-206
  • © Ahmet Yesevi Üniversitesi Mütevelli Heyet Başkanlığı bilig Ê Zima 2006 Ê výpusk: 37: 189-206
  • © Popeçitel#skiy Sovet Universiteta Axmeta Wsavi

Is Islam an Obstacle to Democratization in the Muslim World? The Debate of the Compatibility of Islam and Democracy Revisited

Yıl 2006, Sayı: 37, 189 - 206, 01.12.2006


The purpose of this article is to make a critical presentation of the arguments about the compatibility of Islam and democracy, and discuss whether or not Islam is an obstacle to reach institutionalized democracies in the Muslim world. Firstly, the arguments of those who think that Islam and democracy are incompatible are presented. Then, the empirical and theoretical arguments that indicate that Islam and democracy are compatible are put forward. In the Conclusion, as pointed out by the empirical and theoretical arguments, it is emphasized that Islam is not an obstacle in establishing democracy in the Muslim world. However, the attention is also drawn to the fact that this compatibility alone is not enough for democracy to emerge and institutionalize. In this regard, it is argued that what must be done is both to strengthen the interpretation of Islam, which argues for the compatibility of Islam and democracy, and to make an effort in the direction of eliminating the obstacles to democracy in socio-economic, institutional and international realms.


  • ALMOND, G., S. VERBA. (1963), The Civic Culture: Political Attitudes and Democracy in Five Nations, Boston: Little Brown.
  • BINDER, L. (1988), Islamic Liberalism: A Critique of Development Ideologies, Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
  • CUTRIGHT, P., J. WILEY (1969), “Modernization and Political Representation: 1927-1967”, Studies in Comparative International Development 5: 23-44.
  • ÇAHA, Ö. (2003), “Islam and Democracy: A Theoretical Discussion on the Compatibility of Islam and Democracy,” Alternatives: Turkish Journal of International Relations, 2, (3-4): 106-134.
  • EL-AFFENDI, A. (2003), “What is Liberal Islam? The Elusive Reformation”, Journal of Democracy, 14 (2): 34-39.
  • ERDOĞAN, M. (1999a), “Islam in Turkish Politics: Turkey’s Quest for Democracy without Islam” Critique, 15: 25-49.
  • _______ (1999b), İslam ve Liberalizm (Islam and Liberalism), Ankara: Liberte.
  • ESPOSITO, J. L. (1998), Islam and Politics, 4th Edition, Syracuse: Syracuse University Press.
  • GHANNOUCHI, R. (1995), Excerpts from a Lecture by Sheikh Rachid al- Ghannouchi, in WRIGHT, R. (1996), “Islam and Liberal Democracy: Two Visions of Reformation”, Journal of Democracy, 7 (2): 64-75.
  • HAMDI, M. E. (1996), “Islam and Liberal Democracy: The Limits of the Western Model”, Journal of Democracy, 7 (2): 81-85.
  • HUNTINGTON, S. P. (1993), The Third Wave, Norman: University of Oklahoma Press.
  • KARATNYCKY, A. (2002), “The 2001 Freedom House Survey: Muslim Countries and the Democracy Gap”, Journal of Democracy, 13 (1): 99-112.
  • KOTB (QUTB), S. (1953), Social Justice in Islam, translated from Arabic by John B. Hardie, Washington, D.C.: American Council of Learned Societies.
  • KUBBA, L. (2000), “Arabs and Democracy: The Awakening of Civil Society”, Journal of Democracy, 11 (3): 84-90.
  • ______ (2003), “What is Liberal Islam? Faith and Modernity”, Journal of Democracy, 14 (2): 45-49.
  • LAKOFF, S. (2004), “The Reality of Muslim Exceptionalism”, Journal of Democracy, 15 (4): 131-139.
  • LEWIS, B. (1996), “Islam and Liberal Democracy: A Historical Overview”, Journal of Democracy, 7 (2): 52-63.
  • LIPSET, S. M. (1959), “Some Social Requisites of Democracy: Economic Development and Political Legitimacy”, American Political Science Review, 53 (1): 69-105, reprinted in CNUDDE, C. F. and D. NEUBAUER (Eds.) (1969), Empirical Democratic Theory, Chicago: Markham Publishing Company.
  • MASMOUDI, R. A. (2003), “What is Liberal Islam? The Silenced Majority”, Journal of Democracy, 14 (2): 40-44.
  • MAUDUDI, S. ABUL A′LA (1985), Political Theory of Islam, Lahore: Islamic Publications Ltd.
  • MOORE, B. Jr. (1993), Social Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy, Boston: Beacon Press.
  • NASR, V. (2005), “The Rise of ‘Muslim Democracy’”, Journal of Democracy, 16 (2): 13-27.
  • QUTB, S. (1988), Ma′alim fi al-Tariq, Cairo, Dar al-Shuruq, in TRIPP, C. (1994) “Sayyid Qutb: The Political Vision”, (ed. Ali Rahnema), Pioneers of Islamic Revival, London: Zed Books Ltd, 154-183.
  • ROY, O. (1996), The Failure of Political Islam, (Translated by C. Volk), Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
  • RUESCHEMEYER, D., E. H. STEPHENS, J. D. STEPHENS. (1992), Capitalist Development & Democracy, Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
  • SOROUSH, A. K. (1995), Interviewed by Robin Wright, in WRIGHT, R. (1996), “Islam and Liberal Democracy: Two Visions of Reformation”, Journal of Democracy, 7 (2): 64-75.
  • ______. (2000), Reason, Freedom, & Democracy in Islam, Translated, Edited, and with a Critical Introduction by Mahmoud Sadri, Ahmad Sadri, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • STEPAN, A., G. B. ROBERTSON. (2003) “An ‘Arab’ More Than ‘Muslim’ Electoral Gap”, Journal of Democracy, 14 (3).
  • _______. (2004), “Arab, Not Muslim, Exceptionalism”, Journal of Democracy, 15 (4): 140-146.
  • TRIPP, C. (1994) “Sayyid Qutb: The Political Vision”, (ed. Ali Rahnema), Pioneers of Islamic Revival, London: Zed Books Ltd, 154-183.
  • WRIGHT, R. (1996), “Islam and Liberal Democracy: Two Visions of Reformation”, Journal of Democracy, 7 (2): 64-75.
  • ZURCHER, E. J. (1998), Turkey A Modern History, (2nd Edition), London: I.B. Tauris & Co. Ltd.
  • bilig Ê Bahar / 2006 Ê sayı 37: 189-206
  • © Ahmet Yesevi Üniversitesi Mütevelli Heyet Başkanlığı bilig Ê Zima 2006 Ê výpusk: 37: 189-206
  • © Popeçitel#skiy Sovet Universiteta Axmeta Wsavi
Toplam 36 adet kaynakça vardır.


Diğer ID JA78RD72MG
Bölüm Makaleler

Bican Şahin Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 2006
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2006 Sayı: 37

Kaynak Göster

APA Şahin, B. (2006). Is Islam an Obstacle to Democratization in the Muslim World? The Debate of the Compatibility of Islam and Democracy Revisited. Bilig(37), 189-206.
AMA Şahin B. Is Islam an Obstacle to Democratization in the Muslim World? The Debate of the Compatibility of Islam and Democracy Revisited. Bilig. Aralık 2006;(37):189-206.
Chicago Şahin, Bican. “Is Islam an Obstacle to Democratization in the Muslim World? The Debate of the Compatibility of Islam and Democracy Revisited”. Bilig, sy. 37 (Aralık 2006): 189-206.
EndNote Şahin B (01 Aralık 2006) Is Islam an Obstacle to Democratization in the Muslim World? The Debate of the Compatibility of Islam and Democracy Revisited. Bilig 37 189–206.
IEEE B. Şahin, “Is Islam an Obstacle to Democratization in the Muslim World? The Debate of the Compatibility of Islam and Democracy Revisited”, Bilig, sy. 37, ss. 189–206, Aralık 2006.
ISNAD Şahin, Bican. “Is Islam an Obstacle to Democratization in the Muslim World? The Debate of the Compatibility of Islam and Democracy Revisited”. Bilig 37 (Aralık 2006), 189-206.
JAMA Şahin B. Is Islam an Obstacle to Democratization in the Muslim World? The Debate of the Compatibility of Islam and Democracy Revisited. Bilig. 2006;:189–206.
MLA Şahin, Bican. “Is Islam an Obstacle to Democratization in the Muslim World? The Debate of the Compatibility of Islam and Democracy Revisited”. Bilig, sy. 37, 2006, ss. 189-06.
Vancouver Şahin B. Is Islam an Obstacle to Democratization in the Muslim World? The Debate of the Compatibility of Islam and Democracy Revisited. Bilig. 2006(37):189-206.

Ahmet Yesevi Üniversitesi Mütevelli Heyet Başkanlığı