Ibn Rajab Al-Hanbali (d.795/1393) is known as one of the important figüres of Muslims and Al-Hanbali School. He lived in the 8th century AH. He pioneered the Hanbali sect, espacially in Damascus and Jerusalem. He is considered a specialist in the field of Hadith science and a person who has an opinion on İslamic sciences. He is a writer has many books in fields such as al-Fıqh, Ilmu al-Kalam, Ilmu al-Usul and history. Ibn Rajab Al-Hanbali had discussed in his works the issues of belief in line with the Salafist doctrine, the al-Fıqh issues in line with the Hanbali sect in which he is a member. He did not deal positively with new opinions in the field of Ilm al-Kalam,Ilm al-Tasawwuf and philosophy even up to his time and he had described these views as “bid’ah”. One of the fields in which Ibn Rajab al-Hanbali gave a speech and wrote a book, that is the science of al-Fıqh. His independent books on Ilm al-Tafsir are small texts in which he explains some short surahs. He did not interpret all the surahs of the Quran. We have been finding that his explanations on the science of al-Tafsir in his other books, that these books about fifty books. The explanations of Ibn Rajab Al-Hanbali on al-Tafsir in these mentioned books have been complied from by Abu Muadh Tarıq Ibn Awad Allah Ibn Muhammad. He wrote down these compilations of tafsir in his book Rawa-i ‘ Al-Tafsir Al-Jami’ Li Tafsir Al-Imam Rajab al-Hanbali. The researches on the Al-Tafsir processes of Ibn Rajab Al-Hanbali has not been sufficiently presented in scholarly articles. Especially in our country, these aspects of the interpreter are not disclosed. In this article, it is aimed to introduce the life of Ibn Rajab Al-Hanbali, his scientifistic personality and the book Rawa-i ‘ Al-Tafsir that contains the his opinions about Ilm-al-Tafsir and in addition to this, the general characteristics of the book will be revealed. Also, the ınterpreter’s approach to the Qur’anic sciences and the method of al-Tafsir will be discussed to reveal his side in Ilm al-Tafsir. Based on the findings, the method of examining of the Qur’anic sciences will be presented and also, the place and importance of the book in the history of Ilm al-Tafsir will be revealed. In this way, unknown aspects of Ibn Rajab Al-Hanbali will be discovered.
The studies on Ibn Rajab al-Hanbali focused on his work with the science of hadith, but his work with the science of interpretation will be distinguished in this study. We will define his preoccupation with the science of interpretation, his methodology of interpretation, his view of the Quranic sciences, and his place in the history of interpretation.
Nevertheless, the general chacteristics of his book Rawa-i ‘ Al-Tafsir, its sources, and its place in the tradition of traditional interpretation and issues of Quranic sciences will be specified. However, this study will have a place in the corpus of Qur’anic sciences and Works. We can say that the relationship between the sciences of the Qur’an and the principles of interpretation we studied in this study and the investigations of sciences of the Qur’an are very important according to the results of the science of interpretation. Because the essence of the sciences of the Qur’an and its framework has been identified. This study also provides an opinion on the essence of traditional interpretation and its methods. Because Ibn Rajab Al-Hanbali lived in the era of the eight, and he studied belief issues according to the opinions of the Salafish, and he also studied Islamic jurisprudential issues according to the Hanbali school. He preferred the tafsir bi’r-ra’y and applied a little bit of tafsir bi’d-dirayah. This indicates that the Rawa-i ‘ Al-Tafsir contains traditional methods of interpretation. And also it is expected that it will be presented thought about the thought system of the interpreter and his intellectual movements. Firstly, the Rawa-i ‘ Al-Tafsir will be analyzed, and later on, other studies will be related to the topic, using the pictorial approach, which depends on scanning sources and references. The information that we obtained from these sources will be collected using the induction method, and later will be entered into the study sections that are related to the topic. In this study, the imaging method was used in sections that were given absolute information. Personel evaluations were included in the sections where criticism and opinions were examined.
Tefsir İbn Receb Ravâiu’t-tefsîr Tefsir Metodu Kur’ân İlimleri.
İbn Receb el-Hanbelî (ö. 795/1393), İslâm dünyasının ve Hanbelî mezhebinin önemli simalarından birisi olarak bilinmektedir. O, hicrî VIII. asırda yaşamış olup özellikle Dımaşk ve Kudüs'te Hanbelî mezhebinin bayraktarlığını yapmıştır. Hadis alanında zamanının otoritesi olarak kabul edilen İbn Receb, İslâmî ilimlerin birçok alanında söz sahibi olan çok yönlü bir ilim adamıdır. O, hadis başta olmak üzere fıkıh, kelâm, usûl ve tarih gibi çeşitli alanlarda eser yazan velûd bir müelliftir.
İbn Receb el-Hanbelî’nin, söz sahibi olduğu ve kalem oynattığı alanlardan birisi de tefsirdir. Onun tefsirle ilgili kaleme aldığı müstakil eserleri birkaç kısa sûrenin açıklandığı küçük risâlelerden ibarettir. O, Kur’ân'daki âyetlerin hepsinin tefsirini de yapmamıştır. Biz onun tefsir konusundaki açıklamalarını ağırlıklı olarak elliye yakın diğer eserlerinde görmekteyiz. Ebû Muaz Târık b. Ivazillâh b. Muhammed tarafından İbn Receb’in elliye yakın eserinden tefsire dair açıklamaları bir araya getirilerek Ravâiu't-tefsîr el-Câmi' li't-Tefsîri'l- İmam İbn Receb el-Hanbelî isimli bir tefsir oluşturulmuştur. İbn Receb’in söz konusu tefsircilik yönü ve tefsiri gerektiği kadar akademik çalışmalara konu olmamış ve özellikle ülkemizde müfessirin bu yönleri gün yüzüne çıkarılmamıştır. Bu nedenle çalışmamızda kısaca İbn Receb’in hayatı, ilmî kişiliği ve tefsire dair görüşlerinin derlendiği Ravâiu’t-tefsîr isimli eserin tanıtımına yer verilerek, Ravâiu’t-tefsîr’in genel karakteristik özelliklerinin ortaya konulması hedeflenmektedir. Ayrıca müfessirin tefsircilik yönünü ortaya koyabilmek için onun Kur’ân ilimlerine olan yaklaşımı ve tefsir metodu da ele alınacaktır. Böylelikle elde edilen bulgulardan hareketle Ravâiu't-tefsîr’de Kur’ân ilimlerinin işleniş tarzı ve eserin tefsir tarihindeki yeri ve önemi ortaya çıkarılmaya çalışılacaktır. Böylece İbn Receb el-Hanbelî’nin tefsir alanındaki bilinmeyen yönleri ortaya çıkmış olacaktır.
Tefsir İbn Receb Ravâiu’t-tefsîr Tefsir Metodu Kur’ân İlimleri.
Birincil Dil | Türkçe |
Bölüm | Makaleler |
Yazarlar | |
Yayımlanma Tarihi | 30 Nisan 2023 |
Gönderilme Tarihi | 4 Ocak 2023 |
Kabul Tarihi | 10 Mart 2023 |
Yayımlandığı Sayı | Yıl 2023 |