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The Effect Of The Covid-19 Pandemic On Health Services

Yıl 2021, , 218 - 229, 31.12.2021


In this study, it is aimed to compare the health statistics of OECD countries in terms of Covid-19 and general health statistics. Quantitative screening method was used in the study and health statistics of OECD 2020, 2021, World Health Organization Covid-19 statistics and Ministry of Health 2019 health statistics were used. According to the number of Covid-19 cases reported among OECD countries, the high death rate is in Hungary with 3.083 per hundred thousand, Italy with 2.610 per hundred thousand, Colombia with 2,533 per hundred thousand, Chile with 2.170 per hundred thousand and 1.920 per hundred thousand. It is in Greece. The lowest death rates are in Norway with 378 per hundred thousand, Denmark (558), Israel (609), Finland (706), Netherlands (711) and Turkey with 873 per hundred thousand. The lowest deaths by population occurred in South Korea (‰ 0.08), Australia (‰ 0.08) and Japan (‰ 0.15). Turkey is among the countries where the number of deaths from Covid-19 is low (‰ 0.94) according to the population. The countries with the highest rate of intensive care beds are Czechia, Turkey and Estonia. The average length of stay in hospital was highest in South Korea (18 days), Japan (16 days), and Hungary (9.6 days). The minimum length of
stay in hospital is in Turkey (4.2 days), Mexico (4.4 days) and the Netherlands (5.2 days). In general, when we look at the health statistics of our country, we can say that it is in better condition than other OECD countries. However, the number of health personnel needs to be increased. When compared with the Covid-19 data (death rates, bed occupancy rates, etc.), it is seen that our country is successful in the fight against Covid19. It is thought that this result depends on the strength of the health infrastructure. With the increase in vaccination, it is expected that deaths due to Covid-19 will decrease even more all over the world.


  • Akarsu vd., B. (2021). While Studies on Covid-19 Vaccine is Ongoing, the Public's Thoughts and Attitudes to the Future Covid-19 Vaccine. The International Journal of Clinical Practice, 1-10.
  • Chakravorty vd., I. (2020). An Online Survey of Healthcare Professionals in the COVID-19 Pandemic in the UK: Perceptions of Risk Factors. Journal of Health Policy & Opinions, 1-16.
  • Cheng, K., Hing Lam, T., & Leung, C. (2020). Wearing Face Masks in the Community During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Altruism and Solidarity. The Lancet, 1-2.
  • Coustasse vd., A. (2020). Letter to the Editor: COVID-19 and Vaccine Hesitancy. Journal of Ambulatory Care Management, 71-75.
  • Du, Q., Zhang, D., Hu, W., Li, X., Xia, Q., Wen, T., & Jia, H. (2021). Nosocomial infection of COVID 19: A new challenge for healthcare professionals. International Journal of Molecular Medicine, 47(4), 1-1.
  • Elgar, K., Lopert, L., Carey, E., & Wenzl, M. (2021). Coronavirus (COVID-19)vaccines for developing countries: An equal shot at recovery. Tackling Coronavirus(Covid-19)- Browse OECD Contrıbutions, 1-22.
  • Erkekoğlu, P., Erdemli-Köse, S. B., Balcı, A., & Yirün, A. (2020). Aşı Kararsızlığı ve COVID-19’un Etkileri. Literatür Eczacılık Bilimleri Dergisi , 208-220.
  • Eroğlu, G. (2020). Covid-19’la Mücadele Sürecinde Türkiye’deki Yardım Hizmetleri ve Uygulamalarına Genel Bir Bakış. Şehir ve Medeniyet, 527-703.
  • Erol, S. I. (2020). Basic Provisions of International Labor Norms Intended for the Covid-19 Outbreak: Japan, China, USA & Turkey Samples. Journal of Economics, Business & Political Studies, 142-159.
  • Eser, B., Özer, M., & Çiçek, T. E. (2021). Türkiye’deki COVID-19 Salgını Yönetimi ve Sonuçları. Şehir Sağlığı Dergisi, 26-34.
  • Farboodi, M., Jarosch, G., & Shimer, R. (2020). Internal and External Effects of Social Distancing in a Pandemic. NBER Working Paper Series, 1-65.
  • Galván-Tejada, C. (2020). Persistence of COVID-19 Symptoms after Recovery in Mexican Population. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 1-12.
  • Gooch, A. (2020). Co-operating on Vaccines: What We Must Do Next. Covid-19 ile Mücadele. OECD: The Forum Network.
  • Gölbaşı, S. D., & Metintaş, S. (2020). Dünya Sağlık Örgütü'nün Covid-19 Pandemisinde Küresel Sürveyans Çalışmaları. ESTÜDAM Halk Sağlığı Dergisi, 184-213.
  • Halpin vd., S. (2021). Postdischarge Symptoms and Rehabilitation Needs in Survivors of COVID 19 Infection: A Cross Sectional Evaluation. Journal of Medical Virology,93, 1013-1022.
  • Iserson, K. (2020). Healthcare Ethics During a Pandemic. Western Journal of Emergency Medicine, 1-7.
  • İmga, O., & Ayhan, U. (2020). Covid-19 Salgını ve Sonrası: Toplum, Devlet ve Küresel Sistem. Polis Akademisi Yayınları, 1-171.
  • Karmakar, M., Lantz, P., & Tipirneni, R. (2021). Association of Social and Demographic Factors With COVID-19 Incidence and Death Rates in the US. JAMA Network Open, Vol.4, No.1, 1-12.
  • Keskin, B. Y. (2020). Almanya Corona virüsü salgınıyla nasıl mücadele ediyor? Erişim Adresi:
  • Kozlovskaya vd., L. (2021). Long-term Humoral Immunogenicity, Safety and protective Efficacy of Inactivated Vaccine Against COVID-19 (CoviVac) in Preclinical Studies. Emerging Microbes & Infections, 1790-1806.
  • Kumar, R., Singh, V., Mohanty, A., Bahurupi, Y., & Kumar-Gupta, P. (2021). Corona Health Care Warriors in India: Knowledge, Attitude, and Practices During COVID 19 oOutbreak. Journal of Education and Health Promotion,Vol.10, DOI:10.4103/jehp.jehp_524_20, 1-10.
  • Machingaidze, S., & Wiysonge, C. (2021). Understanding COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy. news & views, 1338-1344.
  • Munis, R., & Aydın, M. S. (2021). Pandemi ile Mücadelede Maliye Politikası Uygulamaları: Türkiye ve G7 Ülkeleri Karşılaştırılması. Anadolu Univercity Journal of Faculty og Economics, 55-81.
  • OECD, & AB. (2020). State of Health in the EU Cycle. Health At A Glance: Europe 2020 © OECD/European Union, 1-233.
  • OECD, (2021). OECD health Glance, Erişim Adresi:
  • Özer, A., & Çetinkaya, F. (2020). Sağlık Hizmetleri ve Postpandemik Dönemde Sağlık Hizmetlerinin Dönüşümü. Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi, 113-130.
  • Quer, G. (2021). Wearable Sensor Data and Self-Reported Symptoms for COVID-19 Detection. Nature Medicine, vol.27, 73-77.
  • Rab vd., S. (2020). Face Masks are New Normal After COVID-19 Pandemic. Diabetes & Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Research & Reviews, 1617-1619.
  • Shepard vd., J. (2021). The Prevalence of Covid-19 in Healthcare Personnel in an Adult and Pediatric Academic Medical Center. American Journal of Infection Control, 49, 542-546.
  • T.C. Sağlık Bakanlığı (2021) Covid-19 ile Mücadele ve Covıd-19 Aşısı Bilgilendirme Platformu Erişim Adresi:
  • Timmis, K., & Brüssow, H. (2020). The COVID-19 Pandemic: Some Lessons Learned about Crisis Preparedness and Management, and the Need for International Benchmarking to Reduce Deficits. Environmental Microbiology, 1986-1996.
  • Troiano, G., & Nardi, A. (2021). Vaccine Hesitancy in the Era of COVID-19. Public Health, 245-251.
  • Watkins, J. (2020). Preventing a Covid-19 Pandemic - We need to think beyond containment. thebmj, BMJ 2020;368:m810 doi: 10.1136/bmj.m810 (Published 28 February 2020) 1-2.
  • Yalçın-Balçık, P., & Demir, H. (2021). Aşı Karşıtlığı ve Ekonomisi. Hacettepe Sağlık İdaresi Dergisi, Vol.24, No.2, 375-398.
  • Yan vd., Y. (2021). Risk Compensation and Face Mask Mandates During the COVID 19 Pandemic. Scientific Reports, 1-11.
  • Yıldızoğlu, E. (2020). Koronavirüs: ABD'de salgın krizi nasıl büyüdü? Erişim Adresi:
  • Yiğit, A. (2020). OECD Ülkelerinin Covid 19 Pandemisi ile Mücadele Performansı: Kesitsel Bir Araştırma. Journal of Current Researches on Social Sciences, 400-416.
  • Yorulmaz, M., Kıraç, R., & Aydoğdu, A. (2021). Covid-19'a Karşı Alınan Ekonomik Önlemlerin Büyüklüklerinin Belirlenmesi: Amerika, Almanya, İngiltere, İtalya ve Türkiye Örneği. International Anatolia Academic Online Journal, 161-175.

The Effect Of The Covid-19 Pandemic On Health Services

Yıl 2021, , 218 - 229, 31.12.2021


In this study, it is aimed to compare the health statistics of OECD countries in terms of Covid-19 and general health statistics. Quantitative screening method was used in the study and health statistics of OECD 2020, 2021, World Health Organization Covid-19 statistics and Ministry of Health 2019 health statistics were used. According to the number of Covid-19 cases reported among OECD countries, the high death rate is in Hungary with 3.083 per hundred thousand, Italy with 2.610 per hundred thousand, Colombia with 2,533 per hundred thousand, Chile with 2.170 per hundred thousand and 1.920 per hundred thousand. It is in Greece. The lowest death rates are in Norway with 378 per hundred thousand, Denmark (558), Israel (609), Finland (706), Netherlands (711) and Turkey with 873 per hundred thousand. The lowest deaths by population occurred in South Korea (‰ 0.08), Australia (‰ 0.08) and Japan (‰ 0.15). Turkey is among the countries where the number of deaths from Covid-19 is low (‰ 0.94) according to the population. The countries with the highest rate of intensive care beds are Czechia, Turkey and Estonia. The average length of stay in hospital was highest in South Korea (18 days), Japan (16 days), and Hungary (9.6 days). The minimum length of stay in hospital is in Turkey (4.2 days), Mexico (4.4 days) and the Netherlands (5.2 days). In general, when we look at the health statistics of our country, we can say that it is in better condition than other OECD countries. However, the number of health personnel needs to be increased. When compared with the Covid-19 data (death rates, bed occupancy rates, etc.), it is seen that our country is successful in the fight against Covid19. It is thought that this result depends on the strength of the health infrastructure. With the increase in vaccination, it is expected that deaths due to Covid-19 will decrease even more all over the world.


  • Akarsu vd., B. (2021). While Studies on Covid-19 Vaccine is Ongoing, the Public's Thoughts and Attitudes to the Future Covid-19 Vaccine. The International Journal of Clinical Practice, 1-10.
  • Chakravorty vd., I. (2020). An Online Survey of Healthcare Professionals in the COVID-19 Pandemic in the UK: Perceptions of Risk Factors. Journal of Health Policy & Opinions, 1-16.
  • Cheng, K., Hing Lam, T., & Leung, C. (2020). Wearing Face Masks in the Community During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Altruism and Solidarity. The Lancet, 1-2.
  • Coustasse vd., A. (2020). Letter to the Editor: COVID-19 and Vaccine Hesitancy. Journal of Ambulatory Care Management, 71-75.
  • Du, Q., Zhang, D., Hu, W., Li, X., Xia, Q., Wen, T., & Jia, H. (2021). Nosocomial infection of COVID 19: A new challenge for healthcare professionals. International Journal of Molecular Medicine, 47(4), 1-1.
  • Elgar, K., Lopert, L., Carey, E., & Wenzl, M. (2021). Coronavirus (COVID-19)vaccines for developing countries: An equal shot at recovery. Tackling Coronavirus(Covid-19)- Browse OECD Contrıbutions, 1-22.
  • Erkekoğlu, P., Erdemli-Köse, S. B., Balcı, A., & Yirün, A. (2020). Aşı Kararsızlığı ve COVID-19’un Etkileri. Literatür Eczacılık Bilimleri Dergisi , 208-220.
  • Eroğlu, G. (2020). Covid-19’la Mücadele Sürecinde Türkiye’deki Yardım Hizmetleri ve Uygulamalarına Genel Bir Bakış. Şehir ve Medeniyet, 527-703.
  • Erol, S. I. (2020). Basic Provisions of International Labor Norms Intended for the Covid-19 Outbreak: Japan, China, USA & Turkey Samples. Journal of Economics, Business & Political Studies, 142-159.
  • Eser, B., Özer, M., & Çiçek, T. E. (2021). Türkiye’deki COVID-19 Salgını Yönetimi ve Sonuçları. Şehir Sağlığı Dergisi, 26-34.
  • Farboodi, M., Jarosch, G., & Shimer, R. (2020). Internal and External Effects of Social Distancing in a Pandemic. NBER Working Paper Series, 1-65.
  • Galván-Tejada, C. (2020). Persistence of COVID-19 Symptoms after Recovery in Mexican Population. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 1-12.
  • Gooch, A. (2020). Co-operating on Vaccines: What We Must Do Next. Covid-19 ile Mücadele. OECD: The Forum Network.
  • Gölbaşı, S. D., & Metintaş, S. (2020). Dünya Sağlık Örgütü'nün Covid-19 Pandemisinde Küresel Sürveyans Çalışmaları. ESTÜDAM Halk Sağlığı Dergisi, 184-213.
  • Halpin vd., S. (2021). Postdischarge Symptoms and Rehabilitation Needs in Survivors of COVID 19 Infection: A Cross Sectional Evaluation. Journal of Medical Virology,93, 1013-1022.
  • Iserson, K. (2020). Healthcare Ethics During a Pandemic. Western Journal of Emergency Medicine, 1-7.
  • İmga, O., & Ayhan, U. (2020). Covid-19 Salgını ve Sonrası: Toplum, Devlet ve Küresel Sistem. Polis Akademisi Yayınları, 1-171.
  • Karmakar, M., Lantz, P., & Tipirneni, R. (2021). Association of Social and Demographic Factors With COVID-19 Incidence and Death Rates in the US. JAMA Network Open, Vol.4, No.1, 1-12.
  • Keskin, B. Y. (2020). Almanya Corona virüsü salgınıyla nasıl mücadele ediyor? Erişim Adresi:
  • Kozlovskaya vd., L. (2021). Long-term Humoral Immunogenicity, Safety and protective Efficacy of Inactivated Vaccine Against COVID-19 (CoviVac) in Preclinical Studies. Emerging Microbes & Infections, 1790-1806.
  • Kumar, R., Singh, V., Mohanty, A., Bahurupi, Y., & Kumar-Gupta, P. (2021). Corona Health Care Warriors in India: Knowledge, Attitude, and Practices During COVID 19 oOutbreak. Journal of Education and Health Promotion,Vol.10, DOI:10.4103/jehp.jehp_524_20, 1-10.
  • Machingaidze, S., & Wiysonge, C. (2021). Understanding COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy. news & views, 1338-1344.
  • Munis, R., & Aydın, M. S. (2021). Pandemi ile Mücadelede Maliye Politikası Uygulamaları: Türkiye ve G7 Ülkeleri Karşılaştırılması. Anadolu Univercity Journal of Faculty og Economics, 55-81.
  • OECD, & AB. (2020). State of Health in the EU Cycle. Health At A Glance: Europe 2020 © OECD/European Union, 1-233.
  • OECD, (2021). OECD health Glance, Erişim Adresi:
  • Özer, A., & Çetinkaya, F. (2020). Sağlık Hizmetleri ve Postpandemik Dönemde Sağlık Hizmetlerinin Dönüşümü. Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi, 113-130.
  • Quer, G. (2021). Wearable Sensor Data and Self-Reported Symptoms for COVID-19 Detection. Nature Medicine, vol.27, 73-77.
  • Rab vd., S. (2020). Face Masks are New Normal After COVID-19 Pandemic. Diabetes & Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Research & Reviews, 1617-1619.
  • Shepard vd., J. (2021). The Prevalence of Covid-19 in Healthcare Personnel in an Adult and Pediatric Academic Medical Center. American Journal of Infection Control, 49, 542-546.
  • T.C. Sağlık Bakanlığı (2021) Covid-19 ile Mücadele ve Covıd-19 Aşısı Bilgilendirme Platformu Erişim Adresi:
  • Timmis, K., & Brüssow, H. (2020). The COVID-19 Pandemic: Some Lessons Learned about Crisis Preparedness and Management, and the Need for International Benchmarking to Reduce Deficits. Environmental Microbiology, 1986-1996.
  • Troiano, G., & Nardi, A. (2021). Vaccine Hesitancy in the Era of COVID-19. Public Health, 245-251.
  • Watkins, J. (2020). Preventing a Covid-19 Pandemic - We need to think beyond containment. thebmj, BMJ 2020;368:m810 doi: 10.1136/bmj.m810 (Published 28 February 2020) 1-2.
  • Yalçın-Balçık, P., & Demir, H. (2021). Aşı Karşıtlığı ve Ekonomisi. Hacettepe Sağlık İdaresi Dergisi, Vol.24, No.2, 375-398.
  • Yan vd., Y. (2021). Risk Compensation and Face Mask Mandates During the COVID 19 Pandemic. Scientific Reports, 1-11.
  • Yıldızoğlu, E. (2020). Koronavirüs: ABD'de salgın krizi nasıl büyüdü? Erişim Adresi:
  • Yiğit, A. (2020). OECD Ülkelerinin Covid 19 Pandemisi ile Mücadele Performansı: Kesitsel Bir Araştırma. Journal of Current Researches on Social Sciences, 400-416.
  • Yorulmaz, M., Kıraç, R., & Aydoğdu, A. (2021). Covid-19'a Karşı Alınan Ekonomik Önlemlerin Büyüklüklerinin Belirlenmesi: Amerika, Almanya, İngiltere, İtalya ve Türkiye Örneği. International Anatolia Academic Online Journal, 161-175.
Toplam 38 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Makaleler

Altuğ Çağatay 0000-0001-7067-5570

Ümit Arslan 0000-0002-9781-3723

Seda Yılmaz

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2021
Kabul Tarihi 20 Aralık 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021

Kaynak Göster

APA Çağatay, A., Arslan, Ü., & Yılmaz, S. (2021). The Effect Of The Covid-19 Pandemic On Health Services. International Scientific and Vocational Studies Journal, 5(2), 218-229.
AMA Çağatay A, Arslan Ü, Yılmaz S. The Effect Of The Covid-19 Pandemic On Health Services. ISVOS. Aralık 2021;5(2):218-229. doi:10.47897/bilmes.1035948
Chicago Çağatay, Altuğ, Ümit Arslan, ve Seda Yılmaz. “The Effect Of The Covid-19 Pandemic On Health Services”. International Scientific and Vocational Studies Journal 5, sy. 2 (Aralık 2021): 218-29.
EndNote Çağatay A, Arslan Ü, Yılmaz S (01 Aralık 2021) The Effect Of The Covid-19 Pandemic On Health Services. International Scientific and Vocational Studies Journal 5 2 218–229.
IEEE A. Çağatay, Ü. Arslan, ve S. Yılmaz, “The Effect Of The Covid-19 Pandemic On Health Services”, ISVOS, c. 5, sy. 2, ss. 218–229, 2021, doi: 10.47897/bilmes.1035948.
ISNAD Çağatay, Altuğ vd. “The Effect Of The Covid-19 Pandemic On Health Services”. International Scientific and Vocational Studies Journal 5/2 (Aralık 2021), 218-229.
JAMA Çağatay A, Arslan Ü, Yılmaz S. The Effect Of The Covid-19 Pandemic On Health Services. ISVOS. 2021;5:218–229.
MLA Çağatay, Altuğ vd. “The Effect Of The Covid-19 Pandemic On Health Services”. International Scientific and Vocational Studies Journal, c. 5, sy. 2, 2021, ss. 218-29, doi:10.47897/bilmes.1035948.
Vancouver Çağatay A, Arslan Ü, Yılmaz S. The Effect Of The Covid-19 Pandemic On Health Services. ISVOS. 2021;5(2):218-29.

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Creative Commons Atıf 4.0 It is licensed under an International License