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An Investigation of The Relationship Between Perceived Social Support And Care Dependency In Patients Who Underwent Cardiovascular Surgery Intervention

Yıl 2024, , 611 - 620, 07.12.2024


This study aims to investigate the relationship between perceived social support and care dependency in patients who underwent cardiovascular surgery intervention. The study sample consisted of 165 patients who were hospitalized and underwent cardiovascular surgery intervention between 01.06.2021 and 01.09.2021. Data were collected using a questionnaire form, the Care Dependency Scale and the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support. The data obtained from the study were analyzed using descriptive statistics and correlation analysis. The average age of the participating patients was 60.81±1.46 years. Of all the patients, 60% were male, 77% were married. While 58.8% of the participants had another chronic disease, 53.3% could take care of themselves. Patients’ level of care dependency was found to be low (59.80±16.88), and their level of perceived social support was found to be high (74.15±11.41). A weak and negative correlation (r=-0.262) was detected between the Care Dependency Scale and the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support. Increasing the perceived social support in hospitalized patients who underwent surgical intervention is considered to decrease their level of care dependency. It is important to determine these patients’ perceived social support and care dependency levels and to plan necessary nursing interventions accordingly.


  • Abay Alyüz SB. The importance of social support in individual life and social service. Talim. 2020;4(1):115-134.
  • Korkmaz FD, Alcan AO, Aslan FE, Çakmakçı H. An evaluation of quality of life following coronary artery bypass graft surgery. Turkish Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. 2015;23(2):285-294.
  • World Health Organization (WHO). The Top 10 Causes of Death. Available at: s-of-death. (Date of Acces: 20.08.2023).
  • (Date of Acces: 20.08.2023)
  • Kupper N, De Ann F. Inflammatory and structural heart disorders. In Lewis, Bucher, Heitkemper, Harding, Kwong Roberts (Eds). Medical-Surgical Nursing Assessment and Management of Clinical Problems. Elsevier. 2017.
  • Akbari M, Celik SS. The effects of discharge training and counseling on post-discharge problems in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass graft surgery. Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research. 2015;20(4):442.
  • Meraz R, Mcgee J, Perry Caldwell E, Ke W, Osteem K. The impact of resilience, health literacy, and social support on medication adherence and self-care among adults with heart failure. Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing. 2022;1-10.
  • Aliyev R, Tunç E. Examining the perceived social support level and self-perception of secondary school students. Atatürk University Social Sciences Institute Journal. 2017;21(2):401-418.
  • Doğru BV, Karadakovan A. Evaluation of the relationship between psychosocial adaptation and quality of life in elderly patients with heart failure. Journal of Cardiovasc Nursing. 2016;7(13): 88-104.
  • Juárez Vela R, Durante A, Pellicer García B, Cardoso Muñoz A, Criado Gutiérrez JM, Antón Solanas I, Gea Caballero V. Care dependency in patients with heart failure: A cross-sectional study in Spain. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2020;17:7042.
  • Naeini D, Razavi NS, Taheri M, Ehsani AR, Bakhshandeh H, Ansari Far A, Amin A, Taghavi S. Naderi N. The association between self efficacy, perceived social support and adherence to treatment in patients with heart failure. Published Online. 2014;24:12
  • Li G. Wang X, Liu L, Tong W. The care dependency of patients after laparoscopic abdominal surgery and associated factors in China. Applied Nursing Research. 2017;38:95-98.
  • Piredda M, Matarese M, Mastroianni C, D'angelo D, Hammer MJ, Marinis MG. Adult patients’ experiences of nursing care dependence. Journal of Nursing Scholarship. 2015;47(5):397-406.
  • Durgun H, Duman S, Şahin K. Examination of dependency levels and nursing care perceptions of patients hospitalized in surgical and ınternal medicine services. Journal of Nursology. 2022;25(1):31-35.
  • Fırat Kılıç, H, Cevheroğlu S, Görgülü S. Determination of care dependency levels of patients hospitalized in internal medicine and surgery clinics. Dokuz Eylül University Faculty of Nursing Electronic Journal. 2017;1:22-28.
  • Özkan Tuncay F, Kars Fertelli T. Care dependency and related factors in ındividuals with chronic renal failure. Kocaeli Medical Journal. 2020;(9)1:32-40.
  • Köberich S, Lohrmann C, Dassen T. Care dependency in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and heart failure- a secondary data analysis of German prevalence studies. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences. 2014;28:665–674.
  • Erşan EE, Kelleci M, Baysal BA. Look at psychosocial adjustment, depression, anxiety and stress levels in heart patients. Clinical Psychiatry. 2013;16:214-224.
  • Dijkstra A, Buist G, Dassen T. Nursing-care dependency. Develop- ment of an assessment scale for demented and mentally handicap- ped patients. Scand Journal of Caring Sciences. 1996;10(3):137-143.
  • Yönt GH, Akın Korhan E, Khorshid L, Eşer İ, Dijkstra A. Examination of the validity and reliability of the care dependency scale in older ındividuals. Turkish Journal of Geriatrics. 2010; Special Issue,13:12.
  • Eker D, Arkar H. Factor structure, validity and reliability of the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support [Factorial Structure, Validity, and Reliability of the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support]. Turkish Journal of Psychology. 1995;10(34):17-25.
  • Brito FM, Fernandes MGM. Nursing care dependency of the hospitalized elderly: a cross sectional study. Online Brazilian Journal of Nursing. 2016;15:591-593.
  • Özbek YS, Işıl Kalaycı I. Evaluation of daily living activities of elderly patients. Süleyman Demirel University Journal of Engineering Sciences and Design. 2015;3(3):385-390.
  • Özmete E, Varlı M. Common conditions in old age-2 chronic diseases. Ankara: Hedef CS Yayıncılık ve Mühendislik. 2018.
  • Janssen DJA, Franssen FME, Wouters EFM, Schols JM. G, Spruit A. Impaired health status and care dependency in patients with COPD and chronic heart failure. Quality of Life Research. 2011;20(10):1679-1688.
  • Muszalik M, Kornatowski T, Zielińska Więczkowska H, Kędziora Kornatowska K, Dijkstra A. Functional assessment of geriatric patients in regard to health-related quality of life (HRQoL). Clinical Intervention Aging. 2015;10:61.
  • Türk G, Üstün R. Determination of care dependency of individuals with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Dokuz Eylül University Faculty of Nursing Electronic Journal. 2018;11(1):19-25.
  • Yılmaz EB, Ergun A. The relationship between perceived social support and hopelessness and death anxiety levels of patients with heart failure. Journal of Ege University School of Nursing. 2010;26(3):1–10.
  • Blikman MJC, Jacobsen HR, Eide GE, Meland E. How important are social support, expectations and coping patterns during cardiac rehabilitation. Rehabilitation Research and Practice. 2014;1–7.
  • Lee DT, Choi KC, Chair SY, Yu DS, Lau ST. Psychological distress mediates the effects of socio‐demographic and clinical characteristics on the physical health component of health‐related quality of life in patients with coronary heart disease. European Journal of Preventive Cardiology. 2014;21:107–116.
  • Lurie I, Myers V, Goldbourt U, Gerber Y. Perceived social support following myocardial infarction and long‐term development of frailty. European Journal of Preventive Cardiology. 2015;22:1346–1353.
  • Pryor T, Page K, Patsamanis H, Jolly KA.Investigating support needs for people living with heart disease. Journal of Clinical Nursing. 2014;23:166–172.
  • Wang W, Lau Y, Chow A, Thompson DR, He HG. Health‐related quality of life and social support among Chinese patients with coronary heart disease in mainland China. European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing. 2014;13:48–54.
  • Aluş Y. Evaluation of family understandings and the Turkish family in terms of our cultural and social reality. International Journal of Social Research. 2015;1(1):15-24.

Kalp Damar Cerrahi Girişimi Geçiren Hastaların Algıladıkları Sosyal Destek ile Bakım Bağımlılığı Arasındaki İlişkinin İncelenmesi

Yıl 2024, , 611 - 620, 07.12.2024


Bu çalışma, kalp-damar cerrahisi ameliyatı geçiren hastalarda algılanan sosyal destek ile bakım bağımlılığı arasındaki ilişkiyi araştırmayı amaçlamaktadır. Araştırmanın örneklemini 01.06.2021 ile 01.09.2021 tarihleri arasında hastaneye yatarak kalp ve damar cerrahisi ameliyatı geçiren 165 hasta oluşturdu. Veriler anket formu, Bakım Bağımlılığı Ölçeği ve Çok Boyutlu Algılanan Sosyal Destek Ölçeği kullanılarak toplanmıştır. Araştırmadan elde edilen veriler betimsel istatistikler ve korelasyon analizi kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Araştırmaya katılan hastaların yaş ortalaması 60,81±1,46 yıldır. Hastaların %60'ı erkek, %77'si evlidir. Katılımcıların %58,8'inin başka bir kronik hastalığı bulunurken, %53,3'ü kendi bakımını gerçekleştirebilmektedir. Hastaların bakıma bağımlılık düzeyleri düşük (59,80±16,88), algıladıkları sosyal destek düzeyleri ise yüksek (74,15±11,41) olarak belirlenmiştir. Bakım Bağımlılığı Ölçeği ve Çok Boyutlu Algılanan Sosyal Destek Ölçeği arasında zayıf ve negatif yönlü bir korelasyon (r=-0,262) tespit edildi. Hastanede yatan ve cerrahi müdahale uygulanan hastalarda algılanan sosyal desteğin artırılmasının bakıma bağımlılık düzeyini azaltacağı düşünülmektedir. Bu hastaların algıladıkları sosyal destek ve bakıma bağımlılık düzeylerinin belirlenerek gerekli hemşirelik girişimlerinin buna göre planlanması önemlidir.


  • Abay Alyüz SB. The importance of social support in individual life and social service. Talim. 2020;4(1):115-134.
  • Korkmaz FD, Alcan AO, Aslan FE, Çakmakçı H. An evaluation of quality of life following coronary artery bypass graft surgery. Turkish Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. 2015;23(2):285-294.
  • World Health Organization (WHO). The Top 10 Causes of Death. Available at: s-of-death. (Date of Acces: 20.08.2023).
  • (Date of Acces: 20.08.2023)
  • Kupper N, De Ann F. Inflammatory and structural heart disorders. In Lewis, Bucher, Heitkemper, Harding, Kwong Roberts (Eds). Medical-Surgical Nursing Assessment and Management of Clinical Problems. Elsevier. 2017.
  • Akbari M, Celik SS. The effects of discharge training and counseling on post-discharge problems in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass graft surgery. Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research. 2015;20(4):442.
  • Meraz R, Mcgee J, Perry Caldwell E, Ke W, Osteem K. The impact of resilience, health literacy, and social support on medication adherence and self-care among adults with heart failure. Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing. 2022;1-10.
  • Aliyev R, Tunç E. Examining the perceived social support level and self-perception of secondary school students. Atatürk University Social Sciences Institute Journal. 2017;21(2):401-418.
  • Doğru BV, Karadakovan A. Evaluation of the relationship between psychosocial adaptation and quality of life in elderly patients with heart failure. Journal of Cardiovasc Nursing. 2016;7(13): 88-104.
  • Juárez Vela R, Durante A, Pellicer García B, Cardoso Muñoz A, Criado Gutiérrez JM, Antón Solanas I, Gea Caballero V. Care dependency in patients with heart failure: A cross-sectional study in Spain. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2020;17:7042.
  • Naeini D, Razavi NS, Taheri M, Ehsani AR, Bakhshandeh H, Ansari Far A, Amin A, Taghavi S. Naderi N. The association between self efficacy, perceived social support and adherence to treatment in patients with heart failure. Published Online. 2014;24:12
  • Li G. Wang X, Liu L, Tong W. The care dependency of patients after laparoscopic abdominal surgery and associated factors in China. Applied Nursing Research. 2017;38:95-98.
  • Piredda M, Matarese M, Mastroianni C, D'angelo D, Hammer MJ, Marinis MG. Adult patients’ experiences of nursing care dependence. Journal of Nursing Scholarship. 2015;47(5):397-406.
  • Durgun H, Duman S, Şahin K. Examination of dependency levels and nursing care perceptions of patients hospitalized in surgical and ınternal medicine services. Journal of Nursology. 2022;25(1):31-35.
  • Fırat Kılıç, H, Cevheroğlu S, Görgülü S. Determination of care dependency levels of patients hospitalized in internal medicine and surgery clinics. Dokuz Eylül University Faculty of Nursing Electronic Journal. 2017;1:22-28.
  • Özkan Tuncay F, Kars Fertelli T. Care dependency and related factors in ındividuals with chronic renal failure. Kocaeli Medical Journal. 2020;(9)1:32-40.
  • Köberich S, Lohrmann C, Dassen T. Care dependency in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and heart failure- a secondary data analysis of German prevalence studies. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences. 2014;28:665–674.
  • Erşan EE, Kelleci M, Baysal BA. Look at psychosocial adjustment, depression, anxiety and stress levels in heart patients. Clinical Psychiatry. 2013;16:214-224.
  • Dijkstra A, Buist G, Dassen T. Nursing-care dependency. Develop- ment of an assessment scale for demented and mentally handicap- ped patients. Scand Journal of Caring Sciences. 1996;10(3):137-143.
  • Yönt GH, Akın Korhan E, Khorshid L, Eşer İ, Dijkstra A. Examination of the validity and reliability of the care dependency scale in older ındividuals. Turkish Journal of Geriatrics. 2010; Special Issue,13:12.
  • Eker D, Arkar H. Factor structure, validity and reliability of the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support [Factorial Structure, Validity, and Reliability of the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support]. Turkish Journal of Psychology. 1995;10(34):17-25.
  • Brito FM, Fernandes MGM. Nursing care dependency of the hospitalized elderly: a cross sectional study. Online Brazilian Journal of Nursing. 2016;15:591-593.
  • Özbek YS, Işıl Kalaycı I. Evaluation of daily living activities of elderly patients. Süleyman Demirel University Journal of Engineering Sciences and Design. 2015;3(3):385-390.
  • Özmete E, Varlı M. Common conditions in old age-2 chronic diseases. Ankara: Hedef CS Yayıncılık ve Mühendislik. 2018.
  • Janssen DJA, Franssen FME, Wouters EFM, Schols JM. G, Spruit A. Impaired health status and care dependency in patients with COPD and chronic heart failure. Quality of Life Research. 2011;20(10):1679-1688.
  • Muszalik M, Kornatowski T, Zielińska Więczkowska H, Kędziora Kornatowska K, Dijkstra A. Functional assessment of geriatric patients in regard to health-related quality of life (HRQoL). Clinical Intervention Aging. 2015;10:61.
  • Türk G, Üstün R. Determination of care dependency of individuals with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Dokuz Eylül University Faculty of Nursing Electronic Journal. 2018;11(1):19-25.
  • Yılmaz EB, Ergun A. The relationship between perceived social support and hopelessness and death anxiety levels of patients with heart failure. Journal of Ege University School of Nursing. 2010;26(3):1–10.
  • Blikman MJC, Jacobsen HR, Eide GE, Meland E. How important are social support, expectations and coping patterns during cardiac rehabilitation. Rehabilitation Research and Practice. 2014;1–7.
  • Lee DT, Choi KC, Chair SY, Yu DS, Lau ST. Psychological distress mediates the effects of socio‐demographic and clinical characteristics on the physical health component of health‐related quality of life in patients with coronary heart disease. European Journal of Preventive Cardiology. 2014;21:107–116.
  • Lurie I, Myers V, Goldbourt U, Gerber Y. Perceived social support following myocardial infarction and long‐term development of frailty. European Journal of Preventive Cardiology. 2015;22:1346–1353.
  • Pryor T, Page K, Patsamanis H, Jolly KA.Investigating support needs for people living with heart disease. Journal of Clinical Nursing. 2014;23:166–172.
  • Wang W, Lau Y, Chow A, Thompson DR, He HG. Health‐related quality of life and social support among Chinese patients with coronary heart disease in mainland China. European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing. 2014;13:48–54.
  • Aluş Y. Evaluation of family understandings and the Turkish family in terms of our cultural and social reality. International Journal of Social Research. 2015;1(1):15-24.
Toplam 34 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Cerrahi Hastalıklar Hemşireliği
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Belgin Şen Atasayar 0000-0001-9680-7439

Şenay Karadağ Arlı 0000-0002-8231-3857

Özge İşeri 0000-0002-6623-8973

Yayımlanma Tarihi 7 Aralık 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 16 Eylül 2024
Kabul Tarihi 9 Ekim 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

Vancouver Şen Atasayar B, Karadağ Arlı Ş, İşeri Ö. An Investigation of The Relationship Between Perceived Social Support And Care Dependency In Patients Who Underwent Cardiovascular Surgery Intervention. BÜSAD. 2024;5(3):611-20.