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Gamification in Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)

Yıl 2021, , 136 - 157, 24.12.2021


Although there has been a great increase in the number of learners enrolling in massive online open courses (MOOC), the transition to an educational environment other than the traditional understanding has started to pose new generation learning management problems for instructional designers. At the beginning of these problems is the high rate of withdrawal from the course. Gamification, which contributes positively to the participation and contribution of the learner in traditional learning environments, stands out as a method integrated into MOOCs. Within the scope of this study, thematic analysis was conducted to reveal the effect of gamification on students' attendance, learning retention and motivation in MOOCs. For this purpose, with the keywords "Massive Open Online Course", "MOOC" and "gamification", SCI-Expanded, SSCI, AHCI, ERIC, Australian Education Index, British Education Index, H.W. A total of 9 research articles, which were scanned in Wilson Index and TR Index and matched with the aim of the research, were included in the sample of the study. Within the framework of these studies, it has been determined that gamification is frequently used for feedback to learners such as rewards, badges and points in studies aiming to examine the effect of gamification on withdrawal from the course in MOOCs. With the gamification design, it has been determined that gamification stands out as an effective method at the point of ensuring the continuity of the students in the lesson. However, it has been demonstrated that there is a need for more radical changes in instructional design, especially in the assessment-evaluation process, in order to reduce the withdrawal rate of students in MOOCs.


  • Adams, C., Yin, Y., Vargas Madriz, L. F., & Mullen, C. S. (2014). A phenomenology of learning large: The tutorial sphere of xMOOC video lectures. Distance Education, 35(2), 202-216.
  • Admiraal, W., Huisman, B., & Pilli, O. (2015). Assessment in massive open online courses. Electronic Journal of E-learning, 13(4), 207-216.
  • AlDahdouh, A., Osorio, A., & Caires, S. (2015). Understanding knowledge network, learning and connectivism. International journal of instructional technology and distance learning, 12(10), 3-21.
  • Alraimi, K. M., Zo, H., & Ciganek, A. P. (2015). Understanding the MOOCs continuance: The role of openness and reputation. Computers & Education, 80, 28-38.
  • Anderson, A., Huttenlocher, D., Kleinberg, J., & Leskovec, J. (2014, Mart). Engaging with massive online courses. 23rd International
  • Conference on World Wide Web sunulan bildiri (ss. 687-698).
  • Antonaci, A., Klemke, R., Kreijns, K., & Specht, M. (2018). Get gamification of MOOC right! International Journal of Serious Games, 5(3), 61-78. Aparicio, M., Oliveira, T., Baco, F. & Painho, M. (2019). Gamification: A key determinant of massive open online course (MOOC). Information & Management, 56(2019), 39- 54.
  • Borrás-Gené, O., Martínez-Núñez, M. & Martín-Fernández, L. (2019). Enhancing fun through gamification to improve engagement in MOOC. Informatics, 6(28), 1-19.
  • Breslow, L., Pritchard, D. E., DeBoer, J., Stump, G. S., Ho, A. D., & Seaton, D. T. (2013). Studying learning in the worldwide classroom research into edX's first MOOC. Research & Practice in Assessment, 8, 13-25.
  • Braun, V., & Clarke, V. (2006). Using thematic analysis in psychology. Qualitative Research in Psychology, 3(2), 77-101.
  • Buchem, H., Merceroni A., & Kreutel, J. (2015). werable enhanced learning for healthy ageing: Conceptual framework and architecture of “Fitness MOOC”. Interaction Design and Architecture(s) Journal, 24(2015). 111- 124.
  • Butler, A. C., Marsh, E. J., Slavinsky, J. P., & Baraniuk, R. G. (2014). Integrating cognitive science and technology improves learning in a stem classroom. Educational Psychology Review, 26(2), 331-340.
  • Büyüköztürk, Ş., Akgün, Ö. E., Demirel, F., Karadeniz, Ş., & Çakmak, E. K. (2015). Bilimsel araştırma yöntemleri. Ankara: Pegem Akademi.
  • Chang, J., & Wei, H. (2016). Exploring engaging gamification mechanics in massive online courses. Educational Technology & Society, 19(1), 177-203.
  • Cheong, C., Filippou, J., & Cheong, F. (2014). Towards the gamification of learning: Investigating student perceptions of game elements. Journal of Information Systems Education, 25(3), 233-244.
  • Clark, R. E., & Mayer, R. E. (2016). e-Learning and the sciednce of instruction. New Jersey: Wilson
  • Cross, S., Whitelock, D., & Galley, R. (2014). The use, role and reception of open badges as a method for formative and summative reward in two Massive Open Online Courses. International Journal of e-Assessment, 4(1), 1-16.
  • Cruaud, C. (2018). The playful frame: gamification in a French-as-a-foreign-language class. Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching, 12(4), 330-343.
  • Cruz-Benito, J., Borras-Gene, O., Garcia-Penalvo, F. J., Blanco, Á. F., & Theron, R. (2017). Learning communities in social networks and their relationship with the MOOCs. IEEE Revista Iberoaericana de Tecnologias del Aprendizaje, 12(1), 24- 36.
  • De-Marcos, L., Domínguez, A., Saenz-de-Navarrete, J., & Pagés, C. (2014). An empirical study comparing gamification and social networking on e-learning. Computers & Education, 75, 82-91.
  • Denny, P. (2013, Nisan). The effect of virtual achievements on student engagement. SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems sunulan bildiri (ss. 763-772).
  • Deterding, S., Dixon, D., Khaled, R., & Nacke, L. (2011, Eylül). From game design elements to gamefulness: defining gamification. 15th International Academic Mindtrek Conference: Envisioning Future Media Environments sunulan bildiri (ss. 9-15).
  • Dikshit, J., Garg, S., & Panda, S. (2013). Pedagogic Effectiveness of Print, Interactive Multimedia, and Online Resources: A Case Study of IGNOU. International Journal of Instruction, 6(2), 193-210.
  • Domínguez, A., Saenz-De-Navarrete, J., De-Marcos, L., FernáNdez-Sanz, L., PagéS, C., & MartíNez-HerráIz, J. J. (2013). Gamifying learning experiences: Practical implications and outcomes. Computers & Education, 63, 380-392.
  • Dong, T., Dontcheva, M., Joseph, D., Karahalios, K., Newman, M., & Ackerman, M. (2012, Mayıs). Discovery-based games for learning software. SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems sunulan bildiri (ss. 2083 -2086).
  • Ferro, L. S. (2021). The Game Element and Mechanic (GEM) framework: A structural approach for implementing game elements and mechanics into game experiences. Entertainment Computing, 36, 100375.
  • Fitz-Walter, Z., Tjondronegoro, D. W., ve Wyeth, P. (2011, Aralık). Orientation passport: using gamification to engage university students. 23rd Australian Computer-Human Interaction Conference sunulan bildiri.
  • Flores, E. G. R., Mena, J., Montoya, M. S. R., & Velarde, R. R. (2020). The use of gamification in xMOOCs about energy: Effects and predictive models for participants’ learning. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 36(2), 43-59.
  • Glover, I. (2013, Ocak). Play as you learn: Gamification as a technique for motivating learners. World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications sunulan bildiri. play_as_you_learn_-
  • Graham, C. R. (2006). Blended learning systems. C.J. Bonk ve C.R. Graham (Ed.) The Handbook of Blended Learning, 3-21.
  • Greene, J. A., Oswald, C. A., & Pomerantz, J. (2015). Predictors of retention and achievement in a massive open online course. American Educational Research Journal, 52(5), 925-955.
  • Guo, P. J., Kim, J., & Rubin, R. (2014, Mart). How video production affects student engagement: An empirical study of MOOC videos. ACM conference on Learning@ Scale Conference sunulan bildiri. (ss. 41-50).
  • Gül, Ş., & Sözbilir, M. (2015). Fen ve matematik eğitimi alanında gerçekleştirilen ölçek geliştirme araştırmalarına yönelik tematik içerik analizi. Eğitim ve Bilim, 40(178), 85- 102.
  • Gülbahar, Y. (2009). E-öğrenme. Ankara: Pegem Akademi.
  • Gündüz, A. Y., & Akkoyunlu, B. (2020). Effectiveness of gamification in flipped learning. SAGE Open, 10(4), 1-16.
  • Hakulinen, L., Auvinen, T., & Korhonen, A. (2015). The effect of achievement badges on students’ behavior: An empirical study in a university-level computer science course. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), 10(1), 18-29.
  • Hanus, M. D., & Fox, J. (2015). Assessing the effects of gamification in the classroom: A longitudinal study on intrinsic motivation, social comparison, satisfaction, effort, and academic performance. Computers & Education, 80, 152-161.
  • Horzum, M. (2010). Uzaktan eğitimde uzaklığın boyutları ve tasarımı: coğrafi uzaklığa karşıntransaksiyonel (psikolojik ve iletişimsel) uzaklığın azaltılması. Sakarya Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, (20), 95-118.
  • Huang, B., Hwang, G. J., Hew, K. F., & Warning, P. (2019). Effects of gamification on students’onlineinteractive patterns and peer-feedback. Distance Education, 40(3), 350-379.
  • Hutton, B., Catala-Lopez, F., & Moher, D. (2016). The PRISMA statement extension for systematic reviews incorporating network meta-analysis: PRISMA-NMA. Med Clin (Barc), 147(6), 262-266.
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  • Jordan, K. (2014). Initial trends in enrolment and completion of massive open online courses. The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 15(1), 133-159.
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  • Khalil, M., Ebner, M., & Admiraal, W. F. (2017, Ekim). How can gamification improve MOOC student engagement? The European Conference on Game Based Learning sunulan bildiri (ss. 819-828).
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Kitlesel Açık Çevrimiçi Derslerde (KAÇD) Oyunlaştırma

Yıl 2021, , 136 - 157, 24.12.2021


Kitlesel açık çevrim içi dersler (KAÇD) gün geçtikçe kaydolan öğrenenlerin sayısında büyük bir artış yaşanmakla birlikte, geleneksel anlayışında dışında bir eğitim-öğretim ortamına geçiş, öğretim tasarımcılarının karşısına yeni nesil öğrenme yönetim problemleri ortaya çıkarmaya başlamıştır. Bu problemlerin başında da dersten çekilme oranlarının yüksek oluşu gelmektedir. Geleneksel öğrenme ortamlarında öğrenenin derse katılımına ve katkısına olumlu yönde katkı sağlayan oyunlaştırma, KAÇD’lere de entegre edilen bir yöntem olarak öne çıkmaktadır. Bu çalışma kapsamında KAÇD’lerde oyunlaştırmanın öğrencilerin devam durumu, öğrenme kalıcılığı ve motivasyonunu üzerindeki etkisini ortaya koymak amacıyla tematik analiz yapılmıştır. Bu amaç doğrultusunda “Massive Open Online Course”, “MOOC” ve “gamification” anahtar kelimeleri ile, SCI-Expanded, SSCI, AHCI, ERIC, Australian Education Index, British Education Index, H.W. Wilson Index ve TR Dizin'de taranan ve araştırmanın amacı ile örtüşen toplam 9 araştırma makalesi araştırmanın örneklemine dahil edilmiştir. Gerçekleştirilen bu incelemeler çerçevesinde KAÇD’lerde oyunlaştırmanın dersten çekilme üzerindeki etkisini incelemeyi amaçlayan çalışmalarda ödül, rozet ve puan gibi öğrenenlere geri bildirim amacıyla sıklıkla kullanıldığı tespit edilmiştir. Yapılan oyunlaştırma tasarımı ile öğrencilerin derse devamlılığının sağlanması noktasında oyunlaştırmanın etkili bir yöntem olarak öne çıktığı belirlenmiştir. Ancak KAÇD’lerde öğrencilerin dersten çekilme oranlarının düşürülmesi için başta ölçme-değerlendirme süreci olmak üzere öğretim tasarımına yönelik daha köklü değişimlere ihtiyaç olduğu ortaya konulmuştur.


  • Adams, C., Yin, Y., Vargas Madriz, L. F., & Mullen, C. S. (2014). A phenomenology of learning large: The tutorial sphere of xMOOC video lectures. Distance Education, 35(2), 202-216.
  • Admiraal, W., Huisman, B., & Pilli, O. (2015). Assessment in massive open online courses. Electronic Journal of E-learning, 13(4), 207-216.
  • AlDahdouh, A., Osorio, A., & Caires, S. (2015). Understanding knowledge network, learning and connectivism. International journal of instructional technology and distance learning, 12(10), 3-21.
  • Alraimi, K. M., Zo, H., & Ciganek, A. P. (2015). Understanding the MOOCs continuance: The role of openness and reputation. Computers & Education, 80, 28-38.
  • Anderson, A., Huttenlocher, D., Kleinberg, J., & Leskovec, J. (2014, Mart). Engaging with massive online courses. 23rd International
  • Conference on World Wide Web sunulan bildiri (ss. 687-698).
  • Antonaci, A., Klemke, R., Kreijns, K., & Specht, M. (2018). Get gamification of MOOC right! International Journal of Serious Games, 5(3), 61-78. Aparicio, M., Oliveira, T., Baco, F. & Painho, M. (2019). Gamification: A key determinant of massive open online course (MOOC). Information & Management, 56(2019), 39- 54.
  • Borrás-Gené, O., Martínez-Núñez, M. & Martín-Fernández, L. (2019). Enhancing fun through gamification to improve engagement in MOOC. Informatics, 6(28), 1-19.
  • Breslow, L., Pritchard, D. E., DeBoer, J., Stump, G. S., Ho, A. D., & Seaton, D. T. (2013). Studying learning in the worldwide classroom research into edX's first MOOC. Research & Practice in Assessment, 8, 13-25.
  • Braun, V., & Clarke, V. (2006). Using thematic analysis in psychology. Qualitative Research in Psychology, 3(2), 77-101.
  • Buchem, H., Merceroni A., & Kreutel, J. (2015). werable enhanced learning for healthy ageing: Conceptual framework and architecture of “Fitness MOOC”. Interaction Design and Architecture(s) Journal, 24(2015). 111- 124.
  • Butler, A. C., Marsh, E. J., Slavinsky, J. P., & Baraniuk, R. G. (2014). Integrating cognitive science and technology improves learning in a stem classroom. Educational Psychology Review, 26(2), 331-340.
  • Büyüköztürk, Ş., Akgün, Ö. E., Demirel, F., Karadeniz, Ş., & Çakmak, E. K. (2015). Bilimsel araştırma yöntemleri. Ankara: Pegem Akademi.
  • Chang, J., & Wei, H. (2016). Exploring engaging gamification mechanics in massive online courses. Educational Technology & Society, 19(1), 177-203.
  • Cheong, C., Filippou, J., & Cheong, F. (2014). Towards the gamification of learning: Investigating student perceptions of game elements. Journal of Information Systems Education, 25(3), 233-244.
  • Clark, R. E., & Mayer, R. E. (2016). e-Learning and the sciednce of instruction. New Jersey: Wilson
  • Cross, S., Whitelock, D., & Galley, R. (2014). The use, role and reception of open badges as a method for formative and summative reward in two Massive Open Online Courses. International Journal of e-Assessment, 4(1), 1-16.
  • Cruaud, C. (2018). The playful frame: gamification in a French-as-a-foreign-language class. Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching, 12(4), 330-343.
  • Cruz-Benito, J., Borras-Gene, O., Garcia-Penalvo, F. J., Blanco, Á. F., & Theron, R. (2017). Learning communities in social networks and their relationship with the MOOCs. IEEE Revista Iberoaericana de Tecnologias del Aprendizaje, 12(1), 24- 36.
  • De-Marcos, L., Domínguez, A., Saenz-de-Navarrete, J., & Pagés, C. (2014). An empirical study comparing gamification and social networking on e-learning. Computers & Education, 75, 82-91.
  • Denny, P. (2013, Nisan). The effect of virtual achievements on student engagement. SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems sunulan bildiri (ss. 763-772).
  • Deterding, S., Dixon, D., Khaled, R., & Nacke, L. (2011, Eylül). From game design elements to gamefulness: defining gamification. 15th International Academic Mindtrek Conference: Envisioning Future Media Environments sunulan bildiri (ss. 9-15).
  • Dikshit, J., Garg, S., & Panda, S. (2013). Pedagogic Effectiveness of Print, Interactive Multimedia, and Online Resources: A Case Study of IGNOU. International Journal of Instruction, 6(2), 193-210.
  • Domínguez, A., Saenz-De-Navarrete, J., De-Marcos, L., FernáNdez-Sanz, L., PagéS, C., & MartíNez-HerráIz, J. J. (2013). Gamifying learning experiences: Practical implications and outcomes. Computers & Education, 63, 380-392.
  • Dong, T., Dontcheva, M., Joseph, D., Karahalios, K., Newman, M., & Ackerman, M. (2012, Mayıs). Discovery-based games for learning software. SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems sunulan bildiri (ss. 2083 -2086).
  • Ferro, L. S. (2021). The Game Element and Mechanic (GEM) framework: A structural approach for implementing game elements and mechanics into game experiences. Entertainment Computing, 36, 100375.
  • Fitz-Walter, Z., Tjondronegoro, D. W., ve Wyeth, P. (2011, Aralık). Orientation passport: using gamification to engage university students. 23rd Australian Computer-Human Interaction Conference sunulan bildiri.
  • Flores, E. G. R., Mena, J., Montoya, M. S. R., & Velarde, R. R. (2020). The use of gamification in xMOOCs about energy: Effects and predictive models for participants’ learning. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 36(2), 43-59.
  • Glover, I. (2013, Ocak). Play as you learn: Gamification as a technique for motivating learners. World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications sunulan bildiri. play_as_you_learn_-
  • Graham, C. R. (2006). Blended learning systems. C.J. Bonk ve C.R. Graham (Ed.) The Handbook of Blended Learning, 3-21.
  • Greene, J. A., Oswald, C. A., & Pomerantz, J. (2015). Predictors of retention and achievement in a massive open online course. American Educational Research Journal, 52(5), 925-955.
  • Guo, P. J., Kim, J., & Rubin, R. (2014, Mart). How video production affects student engagement: An empirical study of MOOC videos. ACM conference on Learning@ Scale Conference sunulan bildiri. (ss. 41-50).
  • Gül, Ş., & Sözbilir, M. (2015). Fen ve matematik eğitimi alanında gerçekleştirilen ölçek geliştirme araştırmalarına yönelik tematik içerik analizi. Eğitim ve Bilim, 40(178), 85- 102.
  • Gülbahar, Y. (2009). E-öğrenme. Ankara: Pegem Akademi.
  • Gündüz, A. Y., & Akkoyunlu, B. (2020). Effectiveness of gamification in flipped learning. SAGE Open, 10(4), 1-16.
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Toplam 86 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Eğitim Üzerine Çalışmalar
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Zeynep Cömert 0000-0002-1841-4194

Ergün Akgün 0000-0002-7271-6900

Yayımlanma Tarihi 24 Aralık 2021
Gönderilme Tarihi 2 Kasım 2021
Kabul Tarihi 14 Aralık 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021

Kaynak Göster

APA Cömert, Z., & Akgün, E. (2021). Kitlesel Açık Çevrimiçi Derslerde (KAÇD) Oyunlaştırma. Bilgi Ve İletişim Teknolojileri Dergisi, 3(2), 136-157.

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Journal of Information and Communication Technologies