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Investigations on effects on plant growth and determination of plant parasitic nematodes found in wheat fields in the Aegean and Marmara Regions.

Yıl 2007, Cilt: 47 Sayı: 1, 13 - 29, 05.02.2007


In this study, important plant parasitic nematode species found in wheat growing areas in the Aegean and Marmara Regions were determined and their effects on plant growth were investigated between the years of 2002-2005. Sürvey studies were carried out in Aydın, Balıkesir, Çanakkale, Denizli, İzmir, Kütahya, Manisa, Muğla, and Uşak provinces and totally 213 soil samples were collected. 84.97%, 73.23%, and 7.04% of the total samples were infested by Geocenamus spp., Pratylenchus spp., and Heterodera spp., respectively. In addition, H. avenae Wollenweber, P. thornei Sher and Allen, P. neglectus Filipjev and Shuurmans-Stekhoven, and G. brevidens (Allen) Siddiqi, known to cause severly damage on wheat, were identified in wheat growing areas. The population densities of P. thornei was found higher than economic threshold. It was concluded that this species could have economic damage potential on wheat in the Aegean and Marmara Regions. The field experiments were conducted in the plots naturally infested with plant parasitic nematode species in Gönen (Tahirova). The experiments were arranged according to randomized block design with 6 characters and 5 replications. The population dynamics and the effects on plant growth of the nematodes were observed during growing seasons on Basribey 95, Cumhuriyet 75 and Golia 99 varieties. The population densities of the nematode species in treated plots were usually found lower than that in untreated plots. As a result of this study, it was concluded that Basribey 95 and Golia 99 varieties could planted the fields infested by the nematode species under the Aegean Region conditions. However it was not found significant differences in investigated traits statistically between the varieties, it was determined that using of nematicide affected the yield increase of wheat.


  • Ağdacı, M. ve Efe, E. 1986. Marmara Bölgesi’nde hububat yetiĢtirilen alanlarda Buğday gal nematodu (Anguina tritici Filipjev, 1936)’nun yayılıĢı ve bulaĢma oranlarının saptanması, Bitki Koruma Bülteni, 26 (1-2), Ayrı Baskı.
  • Alby, T. 1975. The incidence and host parasite relationships of selected nematode and forage grasses, MSc. Thesis, Department of Plant Pathology, Oklahoma University, USA, 42 p (unpublished).
  • Anonymous, 2001. Tarımsal Yapı (Üretim, Fiyat, Değer) 1999, T.C. BaĢbakanlık DĠE Matbaası, Ankara, Yayın No. 2457, 588s.
  • Anwar, S.A., Khan, M.S.A. and Khan, S.H. 1992. Host status of thirteen wheat cultivars to Anguina tritici and its influence on plant growth of Chakwal-86 wheat cultivar, Sarhad Journal of Agriculture, 8:1, 107-111.
  • Doyle, A.D., Mcleod, R.W., Wong, P.T.W., Hetherington, S.E. and Southwell, R.J. 1987. Evidence for the involvement of the root lesion nematode Pratylenchus thornei in wheat yield decline in Northern New South Wales, Australian Journal Experimental Agriculture, 27:4, 563-570.
  • Elekçioğlu, Ġ.H. 1996. Türkiye ve Doğu Akdeniz Bölgesi için yeni bitki paraziti nematod türleri, Türkiye III. Entomol. Kong. Bildirileri, 24-28 Eylül 1996, Ankara: 502509.
  • Elekçioğlu, Ġ. H. and Gözel, U. 1998. Effect of plant parasitic nematodes at various initial inoculum densities on yield parameters of wheat in Turkey. International Journal of Nematology, 8, 85-88.
  • Fenwick, D.W. 1940. Methods fort he recovery and counting of cysts of Heterodera schachtii from soil, Journal of Helminthology, 18: 155-172.
  • Gözel, U. 1996. Balcalı (Adana)’da buğdayda bulunan nematod türleri, bunların populasyon dalgalanmaları ve verime olan etkilerinin araĢtırılması, Y. Lisans Tezi, 48 s.
  • Gözel, U. ve Elekçioğlu, Ġ.H. 1996. Balcalı (Adana)’da buğdayda bulunan bitki paraziti nematod türlerinin populasyon dalgalanmalarının araĢtırılması, Türkiye III. Entomol. Kong. Bildirileri, 24-28 Eylül 1996, Ankara: 388-395.
  • Gözel, U. 2001. Doğu Akdeniz Bölgesi buğday alanlarında bulunan bitki paraziti nematod türleri üzerinde araĢtırmalar, Ç.Ü. Ziraat Fakültesi, Bitki Koruma Anabilim Dalı, Doktora Tezi, 129 s.
  • Grabert, D. 1988. Analysis of the occurence of Heterodera avenae in the German Democratic Republic, Nachrichtenblatt für den Pfanzenschutz in der DDR, 42:6, 113-116.
  • Griffin, G.D. and Nickle, W.R.. 1984. Nematode parasites of alfalfa, cereals and grasses, Plant and Insect Nematodes, 243-321.
  • Hooper, D.J. and Southey, J.F. 1986. Handling, fixing, staining and mounting nematodes, Laboratory Methodes for Work with Plant and Soil Nematodes, MAFF Reference Book 402 (Replacing Technical Bulletin, 2: 59-80.
  • Kaushal, K.K. and Singh, K. 1990. Pathogenetic and histopathological changes in wheat inoculated with two populations of Heterodera avenae, Indian Journal of Nemat., 20:1, 101-107.
  • Khan, E., Gaur, H.S. and Lalitha, Y. 1990. Occurence of the cereal cyst nematode, Heterodera avenae, at high altitude in Leh, India, Internat. Nematol. Network Newsletter, 7:1, 3.
  • Khan, M.R. and Athar, M. 1996. Response of wheat cultivars to different inokulum levels of Anguina tritici, Nematologia Mediterranea, 24:2, 269-272.
  • Kleynhans, D., Van den Berg, E., Swart, A., Marias, M., and Buckley, N. 1996. Plant nematodes in South Africa. Agricultural Research Council, South Africa.
  • Lawn, D.A. and Sayre, K.D. 1992. Soil borne pathogens on cereals in a highland location of Mexico, Plant Disease, 76:2: 149-154.
  • Mathur, B.N. Swarup, G., Sharma, G.L. and Handa, D.K. 1991. Effect of summer ploughings and nitrogenous fertilizers on the cereal cyst nematode Heterodera avenae and yield of wheat, Agro Asian Journal of Nem., 1: 1, 108-111.
  • Mc Leod, R.W. and Doyle, A.D. 1987. Numbers of root lesion nematode (Pratylenchus thornei) in wheat yield decline areas, Plant Disease Sürvey New South Wales, 55:19-22.
  • Meskine, M. and Abbad, F.A. 1993. Importance of plant parasitic nematodes associated with wheat and barley crops in Morocco, Al-Awamia, No. 80, 123-134.
  • Mojtahedi, H., Santo, G.S. and Kraft, J.M. 1988. First report of Pratylenchus thornei on dry land wheat in Washington State, Plant Disease, 72: 2, 175.
  • Mojtahedi, H., Santo, G.S. and Kraft, J.M. 1992. Pratylenchus neglectus on dryland wheat in Washington, Plant Disease, 76:3, 323.
  • Nicol, J.M. 1996. The distribution, pathogenicity and population dynamics of Pratylenchus thornei (Sher and Allen, 1954) on wheat in south Australia, PhD. Thesis, Adelaide, The University of Adelaide.
  • Nicol, J.M., Davies, K.A., Hancock, T.W. and Fisher, J.M. 1999. Yield loss caused by Pratylenchus thornei on wheat in South Australia, Journal of Nematology, 31:4, 367-376.
  • Orion, D., Amir, J. and Krikun, J. 1984. Field observation on Pratylenchus thornei and its effects on wheat under arid conditions, Revue Nematol., 7, 341-345.
  • Öztürk, G. ve Enneli, S. 1992. Konya ve çevre illerde saptanan hububat zararlısı nematodlar, 1. Konya’da Hububat Tarımının Sorunları ve Çözüm Yolları Sempozyumu, 12-14 Mayıs 1993, Konya, 203-213.
  • Öztürk, G., Yıldırım, A.F., Kepenekçi, Ġ. and Hekimhan, H. 2000. Konya ili hububat ekim alanlarında nadas ve ekim nöbeti uygulamalarının Hububat Kist Nematodlarından Heterodera filipjevi Madzhidov (Nemata: Heteroderidae)’ye etkilerinin belirlenmesi, Türkiye 4. Entomoloji Kongresi, Aydın, 247-255.
  • Palmisano, A.M. 1992. Plant parasitic nematodes associated with durum wheat in central and southern Italy, Redia, 75: 2, 501-515.
  • Perez, J.B., Vun Gundy, L.H., Stolzy, I.J., Thomason, R. and Laird, J. 1970. Pratylenchus thornei, a nematode pest of wheat in Sonora, Mexico, Phytopathology, 60, 1307 (abstr.).
  • Ralph, W. 1980. Controlling cereal cyst nematode, Rural Research, No 109, 23-27. Rashid, A.Q.M.B., Ahmad, M.V. and Rahman, M.S. 1987. Plant parasitic nematodes associated with wheat in the Bau and Bina farms, Mymensingh, Bangladesh, In: Helminthological Abs. Series-B, No: 22, 1989. Indian Journal of Nematology, 103-107.
  • Romero, M.D., Valdeolivas, A., Lacasta, C. Duce, A. and Llobet, L.G. 1988. Effects of attack by Heterodera avenae, a parasitic nematode of cereals, and its repercussions on yields of wheat cv. Anza, Communicaciones del III. Congreso Nacional de Fitopatologia, Puerto de la Cruz (Tenerife-Islas Canarias), Spain, 29 Oct-2 Nov, 1984, 232-238.
  • Sasser, J. N. 1987. A perspective on nematode problems worldwide. In: Saxena, M.C., Sikora, R.A. and Srivastava, J.P (Eds.). Nematode Parasitic to Cereals and Legumes in Temperate Semi-Arid Regions. Proceedings of a wokshop held at Larnaca, Cyprus, 1-5 March 1987: 1-12.
  • Seinhorst, J.W. 1959. A rapid method for the transfer of nematodes from fixative to anhydrous glycerin. Nematologica, 4: 67-69.
  • Siddiqi, M.R. and Siddiqui, Z.A. 1983. Paratrophurus acristylus sp. n. and Tylenchorhynchus graciliformis sp. n. (Nematoda: Tylenchida) from wheat fields in Libya. Proc. Helminthological Society of Washington, 50: 301-304.
  • Skwiercz, A.T. and Wolny, S., 1988. Parasitic nematodes in the soil and roots of winter wheat and spring barley grown in long term monocultures and crop rotation, Acta Universitatis Agricul. Facultas Agronomica, 36:2-4, 253-257.
  • Smiley, R.W., Biddle, J.A., Ott, S. and Cook, G.H. 1991. Control of cereal cyst nematode with Temik, Fungicide and Nematicide Tests, 47: 168.
  • Smiley, R.W., Ingham, R.E., Uddin, W. and Cook, G.H. 1994. Crop sequences for managing cereal cyst nematode and fungal pathogens of winter wheat, Plant Disease, 78:12, 1142-1149.
  • Stone, L.E.W. 1960. Field experiments on cereal root eelworm. Annual Appl. Biol., 48, 681-686.
  • Talavera, M. and Jimenez, A.T. 1997. Plant parasitic nematodes from unirrigated fields in Alhama, Southeastern Spain, Nematologia Mediterranea, 25: 1, 73-81.
  • Taylor, S.P., Vanstone, V.A., Wore, A.H., Mc Kay, A.C. Szot, D. and Russ, M.H. 1999. Measuring yield loss in cereals caused by root lesion nematodes (Pratylenchus neglectus and P. thornei) with and without nematicide, Austral. Journ. of Agricult. Research, 50:4, 617-622.
  • Thompson, J.P. and Haak, M.I. 1997. Resistance to root lesion nematode (Pratylenchus thornei) in Aegilops tauschii Coss., the D-genome donor to wheat, Austral. Journ. Of Agricul. Research, 48: 5.
  • Thompson, J.P., Greco, N., Eastwood, R., Sharma, S.B., Scurrah, M. and Knight, R. 2000. Integrated control of nematodes of cool season food legumes, Linking research and marketing opportunities for pulses in the 21st Century; Proceedings of the Third International Food Legumes Research Conference, Adelaide, Australia, 491506.
  • Upadhyay, K.D. and Swarup, G. 1981. Growth of wheat in the presence of Merlinius brevidens singly and in combination with Tylenchorhynchus vulgaris, Indian Journal of Nematology, 11:1, 42-46.
  • Van Gundy, S.D., Perez, B.J.J.G., Stolzy, L.H. and Thomason, I. 1974. A pest management approach to the control of Pratylenchus thornei on wheat in Mexico. Journal of Nematology, 6: 107-116.
  • Vanstone, V.A., Rathjen A.J., Ware A.H. and Wheeler, R.D. 1998. Relationship between root lesion nematodes (Pratylenchus neglectus and P. thornei) and performance of wheat varieties. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 38: 181-188.
  • Yu, Q. 1997. First report of Pratylenchus thornei from spring wheat in southern Ontario, Canadian Journ. of Plant Pathology, 19: 3, 289-292.
  • Yüksel, H., Güncan, A. and Döken, M.T. 1980. The distribution and damage of bunts (Tilletia spp.) and wheat gal nematode (Anguina tritici (Filipjev)) on wheat in the Eastern Anatolia. J. Turkish Phytopathology, 9: 77-88.
  • Zancada, M.C. and Althofer, M.V. 1994. Effect of Heterodera avenae on the yield of winter wheat, Nematologica, 40: 244-248.
  • Zhang, D.S., Peng, D.L., Lu, Z.Q., Lu, Z.W. and Wang, Y.X. 1994. Reproduction characteristics of Heterodera avenae and its effects on the development of winter wheat, Plant Protection, 20:3, 4-6.

Ege ve Marmara Bölgeleri buğday ekiliş alanlarında bulunan önemli bitki paraziti nematodların belirlenmesi ve bitki gelişimine etkileri üzerinde araştırmalar.

Yıl 2007, Cilt: 47 Sayı: 1, 13 - 29, 05.02.2007


Bu çalışmada, 2002-2005 yıllarında, Ege ve Marmara Bölgelerinde, buğday ekiliş alanlarında bulunan önemli bitki paraziti nematod türleri belirlenmiş ve bitki gelişimine etkileri araştırılmıştır. Bu amaçla Aydın, Balıkesir, Çanakkale, Denizli, İzmir, Kütahya, Manisa, Muğla ve Uşak illerinde sürvey çalışmaları yürütülmüş ve toplam 213 adet toprak örneği alınmıştır. İncelenen örneklerin %84.97'si Geacenamus spp. ile, %73.23'ü Pratylenchus spp. ile, %7.04'ü ise Heterodera spp. ile bulaşık bulunmuştur. Ayrıca elde edilen örneklerden buğdayda zararlı olduğu bilinen H. avenae Wollenweber, P. thornei Sher and Allen, P. neglectus Filipjev and Shuurmans-Stekhoven ve G. brevidens (Allen) Siddiqi türleri saptanmıştır. P. thornei'ninpopulasyon yoğunluğu literatürde bildirilen ekonomik zarar eşiğinin üzerinde olup, bu türün Ege ve Marmara Bölgeleri için buğdayda potansiyel bir zararlı olabileceği düşünülmektedir. Tarla denemeleri, Gönen (Tahirova)'de bitki paraziti nematodlarla doğal olarak bulaşık parsellerde yürütülmüş olup, tesadüf blokları deneme desenine göre 6 karakter ve 5 tekerrürlü olarak kurulmuştur. Üretim dönemi boyunca Basribey 95, Cumhuriyet 75 ve Golia 99 çeşitlerinde bitki paraziti nematod türlerinin populasyon takibi yapılmış ve bitki gelişimi üzerine etkileri araştırılmıştır. Genellikle ilaçlı parsellerdeki nematod popülasyon yoğunluğu ilaçsız parsellerdeki yoğunluğa oranla daha az bulunmuştur. Sonuç olarak Basribey 95 ve Golia 99 çeşitlerinin, Ege Bölgesi koşullarında, bitki paraziti nematod türleriyle bulaşık buğday tarlalarında önerilebileceği kanısına varılmıştır. Ayrıca, çeşitler arasında istatistiki anlamda önemli bir fark bulunmamakla birlikte, nematisit uygulamasının verimi etkilediği saptanmıştır.


  • Ağdacı, M. ve Efe, E. 1986. Marmara Bölgesi’nde hububat yetiĢtirilen alanlarda Buğday gal nematodu (Anguina tritici Filipjev, 1936)’nun yayılıĢı ve bulaĢma oranlarının saptanması, Bitki Koruma Bülteni, 26 (1-2), Ayrı Baskı.
  • Alby, T. 1975. The incidence and host parasite relationships of selected nematode and forage grasses, MSc. Thesis, Department of Plant Pathology, Oklahoma University, USA, 42 p (unpublished).
  • Anonymous, 2001. Tarımsal Yapı (Üretim, Fiyat, Değer) 1999, T.C. BaĢbakanlık DĠE Matbaası, Ankara, Yayın No. 2457, 588s.
  • Anwar, S.A., Khan, M.S.A. and Khan, S.H. 1992. Host status of thirteen wheat cultivars to Anguina tritici and its influence on plant growth of Chakwal-86 wheat cultivar, Sarhad Journal of Agriculture, 8:1, 107-111.
  • Doyle, A.D., Mcleod, R.W., Wong, P.T.W., Hetherington, S.E. and Southwell, R.J. 1987. Evidence for the involvement of the root lesion nematode Pratylenchus thornei in wheat yield decline in Northern New South Wales, Australian Journal Experimental Agriculture, 27:4, 563-570.
  • Elekçioğlu, Ġ.H. 1996. Türkiye ve Doğu Akdeniz Bölgesi için yeni bitki paraziti nematod türleri, Türkiye III. Entomol. Kong. Bildirileri, 24-28 Eylül 1996, Ankara: 502509.
  • Elekçioğlu, Ġ. H. and Gözel, U. 1998. Effect of plant parasitic nematodes at various initial inoculum densities on yield parameters of wheat in Turkey. International Journal of Nematology, 8, 85-88.
  • Fenwick, D.W. 1940. Methods fort he recovery and counting of cysts of Heterodera schachtii from soil, Journal of Helminthology, 18: 155-172.
  • Gözel, U. 1996. Balcalı (Adana)’da buğdayda bulunan nematod türleri, bunların populasyon dalgalanmaları ve verime olan etkilerinin araĢtırılması, Y. Lisans Tezi, 48 s.
  • Gözel, U. ve Elekçioğlu, Ġ.H. 1996. Balcalı (Adana)’da buğdayda bulunan bitki paraziti nematod türlerinin populasyon dalgalanmalarının araĢtırılması, Türkiye III. Entomol. Kong. Bildirileri, 24-28 Eylül 1996, Ankara: 388-395.
  • Gözel, U. 2001. Doğu Akdeniz Bölgesi buğday alanlarında bulunan bitki paraziti nematod türleri üzerinde araĢtırmalar, Ç.Ü. Ziraat Fakültesi, Bitki Koruma Anabilim Dalı, Doktora Tezi, 129 s.
  • Grabert, D. 1988. Analysis of the occurence of Heterodera avenae in the German Democratic Republic, Nachrichtenblatt für den Pfanzenschutz in der DDR, 42:6, 113-116.
  • Griffin, G.D. and Nickle, W.R.. 1984. Nematode parasites of alfalfa, cereals and grasses, Plant and Insect Nematodes, 243-321.
  • Hooper, D.J. and Southey, J.F. 1986. Handling, fixing, staining and mounting nematodes, Laboratory Methodes for Work with Plant and Soil Nematodes, MAFF Reference Book 402 (Replacing Technical Bulletin, 2: 59-80.
  • Kaushal, K.K. and Singh, K. 1990. Pathogenetic and histopathological changes in wheat inoculated with two populations of Heterodera avenae, Indian Journal of Nemat., 20:1, 101-107.
  • Khan, E., Gaur, H.S. and Lalitha, Y. 1990. Occurence of the cereal cyst nematode, Heterodera avenae, at high altitude in Leh, India, Internat. Nematol. Network Newsletter, 7:1, 3.
  • Khan, M.R. and Athar, M. 1996. Response of wheat cultivars to different inokulum levels of Anguina tritici, Nematologia Mediterranea, 24:2, 269-272.
  • Kleynhans, D., Van den Berg, E., Swart, A., Marias, M., and Buckley, N. 1996. Plant nematodes in South Africa. Agricultural Research Council, South Africa.
  • Lawn, D.A. and Sayre, K.D. 1992. Soil borne pathogens on cereals in a highland location of Mexico, Plant Disease, 76:2: 149-154.
  • Mathur, B.N. Swarup, G., Sharma, G.L. and Handa, D.K. 1991. Effect of summer ploughings and nitrogenous fertilizers on the cereal cyst nematode Heterodera avenae and yield of wheat, Agro Asian Journal of Nem., 1: 1, 108-111.
  • Mc Leod, R.W. and Doyle, A.D. 1987. Numbers of root lesion nematode (Pratylenchus thornei) in wheat yield decline areas, Plant Disease Sürvey New South Wales, 55:19-22.
  • Meskine, M. and Abbad, F.A. 1993. Importance of plant parasitic nematodes associated with wheat and barley crops in Morocco, Al-Awamia, No. 80, 123-134.
  • Mojtahedi, H., Santo, G.S. and Kraft, J.M. 1988. First report of Pratylenchus thornei on dry land wheat in Washington State, Plant Disease, 72: 2, 175.
  • Mojtahedi, H., Santo, G.S. and Kraft, J.M. 1992. Pratylenchus neglectus on dryland wheat in Washington, Plant Disease, 76:3, 323.
  • Nicol, J.M. 1996. The distribution, pathogenicity and population dynamics of Pratylenchus thornei (Sher and Allen, 1954) on wheat in south Australia, PhD. Thesis, Adelaide, The University of Adelaide.
  • Nicol, J.M., Davies, K.A., Hancock, T.W. and Fisher, J.M. 1999. Yield loss caused by Pratylenchus thornei on wheat in South Australia, Journal of Nematology, 31:4, 367-376.
  • Orion, D., Amir, J. and Krikun, J. 1984. Field observation on Pratylenchus thornei and its effects on wheat under arid conditions, Revue Nematol., 7, 341-345.
  • Öztürk, G. ve Enneli, S. 1992. Konya ve çevre illerde saptanan hububat zararlısı nematodlar, 1. Konya’da Hububat Tarımının Sorunları ve Çözüm Yolları Sempozyumu, 12-14 Mayıs 1993, Konya, 203-213.
  • Öztürk, G., Yıldırım, A.F., Kepenekçi, Ġ. and Hekimhan, H. 2000. Konya ili hububat ekim alanlarında nadas ve ekim nöbeti uygulamalarının Hububat Kist Nematodlarından Heterodera filipjevi Madzhidov (Nemata: Heteroderidae)’ye etkilerinin belirlenmesi, Türkiye 4. Entomoloji Kongresi, Aydın, 247-255.
  • Palmisano, A.M. 1992. Plant parasitic nematodes associated with durum wheat in central and southern Italy, Redia, 75: 2, 501-515.
  • Perez, J.B., Vun Gundy, L.H., Stolzy, I.J., Thomason, R. and Laird, J. 1970. Pratylenchus thornei, a nematode pest of wheat in Sonora, Mexico, Phytopathology, 60, 1307 (abstr.).
  • Ralph, W. 1980. Controlling cereal cyst nematode, Rural Research, No 109, 23-27. Rashid, A.Q.M.B., Ahmad, M.V. and Rahman, M.S. 1987. Plant parasitic nematodes associated with wheat in the Bau and Bina farms, Mymensingh, Bangladesh, In: Helminthological Abs. Series-B, No: 22, 1989. Indian Journal of Nematology, 103-107.
  • Romero, M.D., Valdeolivas, A., Lacasta, C. Duce, A. and Llobet, L.G. 1988. Effects of attack by Heterodera avenae, a parasitic nematode of cereals, and its repercussions on yields of wheat cv. Anza, Communicaciones del III. Congreso Nacional de Fitopatologia, Puerto de la Cruz (Tenerife-Islas Canarias), Spain, 29 Oct-2 Nov, 1984, 232-238.
  • Sasser, J. N. 1987. A perspective on nematode problems worldwide. In: Saxena, M.C., Sikora, R.A. and Srivastava, J.P (Eds.). Nematode Parasitic to Cereals and Legumes in Temperate Semi-Arid Regions. Proceedings of a wokshop held at Larnaca, Cyprus, 1-5 March 1987: 1-12.
  • Seinhorst, J.W. 1959. A rapid method for the transfer of nematodes from fixative to anhydrous glycerin. Nematologica, 4: 67-69.
  • Siddiqi, M.R. and Siddiqui, Z.A. 1983. Paratrophurus acristylus sp. n. and Tylenchorhynchus graciliformis sp. n. (Nematoda: Tylenchida) from wheat fields in Libya. Proc. Helminthological Society of Washington, 50: 301-304.
  • Skwiercz, A.T. and Wolny, S., 1988. Parasitic nematodes in the soil and roots of winter wheat and spring barley grown in long term monocultures and crop rotation, Acta Universitatis Agricul. Facultas Agronomica, 36:2-4, 253-257.
  • Smiley, R.W., Biddle, J.A., Ott, S. and Cook, G.H. 1991. Control of cereal cyst nematode with Temik, Fungicide and Nematicide Tests, 47: 168.
  • Smiley, R.W., Ingham, R.E., Uddin, W. and Cook, G.H. 1994. Crop sequences for managing cereal cyst nematode and fungal pathogens of winter wheat, Plant Disease, 78:12, 1142-1149.
  • Stone, L.E.W. 1960. Field experiments on cereal root eelworm. Annual Appl. Biol., 48, 681-686.
  • Talavera, M. and Jimenez, A.T. 1997. Plant parasitic nematodes from unirrigated fields in Alhama, Southeastern Spain, Nematologia Mediterranea, 25: 1, 73-81.
  • Taylor, S.P., Vanstone, V.A., Wore, A.H., Mc Kay, A.C. Szot, D. and Russ, M.H. 1999. Measuring yield loss in cereals caused by root lesion nematodes (Pratylenchus neglectus and P. thornei) with and without nematicide, Austral. Journ. of Agricult. Research, 50:4, 617-622.
  • Thompson, J.P. and Haak, M.I. 1997. Resistance to root lesion nematode (Pratylenchus thornei) in Aegilops tauschii Coss., the D-genome donor to wheat, Austral. Journ. Of Agricul. Research, 48: 5.
  • Thompson, J.P., Greco, N., Eastwood, R., Sharma, S.B., Scurrah, M. and Knight, R. 2000. Integrated control of nematodes of cool season food legumes, Linking research and marketing opportunities for pulses in the 21st Century; Proceedings of the Third International Food Legumes Research Conference, Adelaide, Australia, 491506.
  • Upadhyay, K.D. and Swarup, G. 1981. Growth of wheat in the presence of Merlinius brevidens singly and in combination with Tylenchorhynchus vulgaris, Indian Journal of Nematology, 11:1, 42-46.
  • Van Gundy, S.D., Perez, B.J.J.G., Stolzy, L.H. and Thomason, I. 1974. A pest management approach to the control of Pratylenchus thornei on wheat in Mexico. Journal of Nematology, 6: 107-116.
  • Vanstone, V.A., Rathjen A.J., Ware A.H. and Wheeler, R.D. 1998. Relationship between root lesion nematodes (Pratylenchus neglectus and P. thornei) and performance of wheat varieties. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 38: 181-188.
  • Yu, Q. 1997. First report of Pratylenchus thornei from spring wheat in southern Ontario, Canadian Journ. of Plant Pathology, 19: 3, 289-292.
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Toplam 51 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Makaleler

Bilge Mısırlıoğlu Bu kişi benim

Esat Pehlivan Bu kişi benim

B. Mısırlıoğlu Bu kişi benim

E. Pehlivan Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 5 Şubat 2007
Gönderilme Tarihi 16 Şubat 2009
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2007 Cilt: 47 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Mısırlıoğlu, B., Pehlivan, E., Mısırlıoğlu, B., Pehlivan, E. (2007). Investigations on effects on plant growth and determination of plant parasitic nematodes found in wheat fields in the Aegean and Marmara Regions. Plant Protection Bulletin, 47(1), 13-29.
AMA Mısırlıoğlu B, Pehlivan E, Mısırlıoğlu B, Pehlivan E. Investigations on effects on plant growth and determination of plant parasitic nematodes found in wheat fields in the Aegean and Marmara Regions. Plant Protection Bulletin. Şubat 2007;47(1):13-29.
Chicago Mısırlıoğlu, Bilge, Esat Pehlivan, B. Mısırlıoğlu, ve E. Pehlivan. “Investigations on Effects on Plant Growth and Determination of Plant Parasitic Nematodes Found in Wheat Fields in the Aegean and Marmara Regions”. Plant Protection Bulletin 47, sy. 1 (Şubat 2007): 13-29.
EndNote Mısırlıoğlu B, Pehlivan E, Mısırlıoğlu B, Pehlivan E (01 Şubat 2007) Investigations on effects on plant growth and determination of plant parasitic nematodes found in wheat fields in the Aegean and Marmara Regions. Plant Protection Bulletin 47 1 13–29.
IEEE B. Mısırlıoğlu, E. Pehlivan, B. Mısırlıoğlu, ve E. Pehlivan, “Investigations on effects on plant growth and determination of plant parasitic nematodes found in wheat fields in the Aegean and Marmara Regions”., Plant Protection Bulletin, c. 47, sy. 1, ss. 13–29, 2007.
ISNAD Mısırlıoğlu, Bilge vd. “Investigations on Effects on Plant Growth and Determination of Plant Parasitic Nematodes Found in Wheat Fields in the Aegean and Marmara Regions”. Plant Protection Bulletin 47/1 (Şubat 2007), 13-29.
JAMA Mısırlıoğlu B, Pehlivan E, Mısırlıoğlu B, Pehlivan E. Investigations on effects on plant growth and determination of plant parasitic nematodes found in wheat fields in the Aegean and Marmara Regions. Plant Protection Bulletin. 2007;47:13–29.
MLA Mısırlıoğlu, Bilge vd. “Investigations on Effects on Plant Growth and Determination of Plant Parasitic Nematodes Found in Wheat Fields in the Aegean and Marmara Regions”. Plant Protection Bulletin, c. 47, sy. 1, 2007, ss. 13-29.
Vancouver Mısırlıoğlu B, Pehlivan E, Mısırlıoğlu B, Pehlivan E. Investigations on effects on plant growth and determination of plant parasitic nematodes found in wheat fields in the Aegean and Marmara Regions. Plant Protection Bulletin. 2007;47(1):13-29.