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Göç ve Suç Arasında Bir İlişki Var Mı?: Bütüncül Bir Bakış

Yıl 2018, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 2, 562 - 599, 21.12.2018


Bu çalışma, göç ve suç ilişkisini kuramsal açıdan irdelemeyi amaçlamaktadır.
Göç ve suç ilişkisi, özellikle gelişmiş batı ülkelerinde akademik alanda uzun
bir zamandan beri tartışılmaktadır. Ülkemizde genel olarak suç alanındaki
araştırmalar son derece yetersizdir. Bu yetersizlik aynı şekilde, göç ve suç
ilişkisinin araştırılmasında da söz konusudur. Bu çalışmada ilgili alanda
yapılmış araştırma literatürü gözden geçirilecek, göç ve suç arasındaki ilişki ortaya
konulmaya çalışılacaktır.  Bu kapsamda, makalede
göç ve suç ilişkisini irdeleyen kuramsal yaklaşımlar, göç - suç ilişkisinin
belirlenmesinde öne çıkan değişkenler ve göç-suç ilişkisine odaklanan farklı
araştırma sonuçlarının nasıl yorumlanabileceği konuları ele alınıp genel bir
çıkarsamada bulunulacaktır.


  • KAYNAKÇAAdelman, R.M., Tolnay, S.E., (2003). “Occupational Status of Immigrants and African Americans at the Beginning and End of the Great Migration”. Sociological Perspectives 46, 179–206.Adelman, R., Reid, L. W., Markle, G., Weiss, S. and Jaret,C. (2017), “Urban crime Rates And The Changing Face Of Immigration: Evidence Across Four Decades”, Journal of Ethnicity in Criminal Justice, 15 ( 1): 52Agnew, R., (1992). “Foundation for A General Strain Theory Of Crime And Delinquency”. Criminology 30: 47–87.Alaniz, M.L., Cartmill, R.S., Parker, R.N., (1998). “Immigrants and Violence: The Importance Of Neighborhood Context”. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences 20: 155–174.Bankston III, C.L., (1998). “Youth Gangs And The New Second Generation: A Review Essay”. Aggression and Violent Behavior 3: 35–45.Beck, R., (1996). The Case Against Immigration. Norton and Company, New York.Becker, G. (1968), “Crime and Punishment: An Economic Approach”, Journal of Political Economoy, 76: 169-217 Bell, B., Fasani, F., and Machin, S. (2013), “Crime and Immigration: Evidence From Large Immigrant Waves”. Review of Economics and Statistics, 95: 1278-1290Bell, B., and Machin, S. (2013). “Immigrant enclaves and crime”. Journal of Regional Science, 53, 118-141.Blau, J., Blau, P., (1982). “The Cost Of Inequality: Metropolitan Structure And Violent Crime”. American Sociological Review 47: 114–129.Bohm, R. M. (1997), A Perimer on Crime And Delinquency, USA: Wadsworth Pub. Bowling, B. and Phillips, C. (2002). Racism, crime and justice. Britain: Pearson Education.Bui, H. N. (2009), “Immigration And Crime”, 21st Century Criminology: A Reference Handbook (21st Century Reference) içinde, ( Editör J. Mitchell Miller), SAGE Publications Butcher, K. and Piehl, A. M. (1998). “Recent Immigrants: Unexpected Implications for Crime and Incarceration”. Industrial and Labor Relations Review , 51(4):654–679.Butcher, K. and Piehl, A. M. (2007). “Why are Immigrants’ Incarceration Rates so Low? Evidence on Selective Immigration, Deterrence, and Deportation”. NBER WorkingPaper No. 13229Chalfin, A. (2013). “What is the Contribution of Mexican Immigration to U.S. CrimeRates? Evidence from Rainfall Shocks in Mexico”. American Law and Economics Review, 16(1): 220–268.Clark, W., (1998). “Mass Migration And Local Outcomes: İs İnternational Migration To The United States Creating A New Urban Underclass?”. Urban Studies 35: 371–383.Cohen, A.K., (1955). Delinquent Boys: The Culture of the Gang. Free Press, Glencoe.DeJong, G.F., Madamba, A.B., (2001). “A Double Disadvantage? Minority Group, Immigrant Status, And Underemployment in The United States”. Social Science Quarterly 82: 117–130.Desroches, F. (2007). “Research On Upper-Level Drug Traffickers: A Review.” Journal of Drug Issues, 37(4): 827–844.Dodd, V. (2008). “Migrant Crime Wave a Myth-Police Study”. The Guardian, 2008, 16th April.Available at: immigration [accessed 25th Doyle J., and Wright, S. (2012) “Immigrant Crime Wave Warning: Foreign Nationals Were Accused Of A Quarter Of All Crimes In London”, Daily Mail, 2012, 18th February. Available at: [accessed 4th October 2015]Ehrlich, I. (1973). “Particapition in Illegitimate Activities: A Theoretical and Empirical Investigation”, Journal of Political Economoy, 81: 521: 565Freeman, R., (1996). The Supply Of Youths To Crime. In: Pozo, S. (Ed.), Exploring the Underground Economy. W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research, Kalamazoo, pp. 81–102.Gould, D., Mustard, D. and Weinberg, B. (2002) “Crime Rates and Local Labor Market Opportunities in the United States: 1979-1997”. Review of Economics and Statistics, 84: 45-61. Hagan, J. and Palloni, A. (1999). “Sociological Criminology and the Mythology of Hispanic Immigration and Crime.” Social Problems, 46(4): 617-632.Jaitman, L., and Machin, S. (2013). Crime and Immigration: New Evidence from England and Wales (Discussion Paper 1238). Center for Economic Performance, London School of Economics. Retrieved from dp1238.pdfJones, M. (2007). Policy Paradox: Implications of U.S. Drug Control Policy for Jamaica. In J. Freilich & G. Newman (Eds.), Crime and immigration (pp. 53–70). Burlington: Ashgate.Immigration Commission. (1911). Report of the Immigration Commission (U.S. Congress, Senate, 61st Congress, S. Doc. 750, Vol. 36). Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.Industrial Commission. (1901). Special Report Of General Statistics Of Immigration And The Foreign-Born Population. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.Kasinitz, P., Mollenkopf, J. H., Waters, M. C., and Holdaway, J. (2008). Inheriting the City: The Children Of İmmigrants Come Of Age. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.Lee, M.T. Martinez, R., Jr.,and Rosenfield, R. (2001) “Does Immigrations Increase Homicide Rates? Negative Evidence From Three Border Cities”, The Sociological Quarterly, 42: 559-580. Logan, J.R., Alba, R.D., McNulty, T.L., (1994). “Ethnic Economies in Metropolitan Regions: Miami And Beyond”. Social Forces 72: 691–724.MacDonald, J., and Sampson, R. J. (2012). “The World in A City: Immigration anda America’s Changing Social Fabric”. ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 641: 6-15.Martinez R., Jr. (2000). “Immigration and Urban Violence: The Link Between Immigrant Latinos And Types of Homicide”. Social Science Quarterly 81: 363–374.Martinez, R., Jr. (2008). “Immigration, Crime And Recidivism: Editorial Introduction”. Criminology and Public Policy, 7(1): 53–58.Martinez, R. Jr., Lee, M.T., (2000). “Comparing the Context of Immigrant Homicides in Miami: Haitians, Jamaicans and Mariels”. International Migration Review 34, 794–812.Martinez, R., Jr. and Valenzuela, A. (2006). Coming to America: Immigration, Ethnicity And Crime. New York: New York University Press.Martinez, R., Jr., and Lee, M. T. (2000). “On Immigration And Crime”. In G. LaFree (ed.), The Nature of Crime: Continuity and Change, vol. 1: Criminal Justice 2000 (pp. 485-524). Washington, DC: National Institute of Justice.Martinez, R., Jr., & Stowell, J. (2012). “Extending Immigration And Crime Studies: National Implications and Local Settings”. ANNALS of the American Academy ofPolitical and Social Science, 641, 174-191.McCall, P.L., Land, K., Dollar, B. ve Parker, K. F. (2013). “The Age Structure - Crime Rate Relationship: Solving a Long-Standing Puzzle”. Journal Of Quantitative Criminology, 29: 167-190Mears, D.P., (2001), “The Immigration- Crime Nexus: Toward an Analytic Framework For Assessing and Guiding Theory, Research, and Policy”. Sociological perspecties, 44: 1-19Merton, R. K., (1938,1968). “Social Structure And Anomie”. American Sociological Review 3, 672–682.Messner, S. F., Rosenfeld, R., (2000). Crime and the American Dream. Wadsworth, Belmont.National Commission on Law Observance and Enforcement. (1931–1932). Report on crime and the foreign-born. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.Park, R. E.,and Burgess, E. W. (1924). Introduction to the Science of Sociology. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago PressPark, R. E., Burgess, E.W., ve R.D. McKenzie, (1925), The City, Chicago, IL: University of Chicago PressPeterson, R., Krivo, L., and Hagan, J. (2006). The Many Colours Of Crime: Inequalities Of Race, Ethnicity And Crime in America. New York: New York University Press.Piopiunik, M. and Ruhose, J. (2017), “Immigration, Regional Conditions, and Crime: Evidence from an Allocation Policy in Germany”, European Economic Review, 92: 258-282Rattner, A. (2007). “Crime and Russian Immigration: Socialization or importation? The Israeli case”. In J. Freilich & G. Newman (Eds.), Crime and immigration (pp. 165–178). Burlington: Ashgate.Reid, L.,Williams, H. E., Weiss, R. M, Jaret, A. C. (2005), “The Immigration–Crime Relationship: Evidence Across Us Metropolitan Areas”, Social Science Research 34 (2005) 757–78o, internet erişim, M., Tienda, M., (1999). “Mexican Immigration, Occupational Niches, And Labor-Market Competition: Evidence From Los Angeles”, Chicago, and Atlanta, 1970–1990. In: Bean, F., Bell-Rose, S. (Eds.),Immigration and Opportunity: Race, Ethnicity, and Employment in the United States. Russell Sage, New York, pp. 64–105.Rumbaut, R. and Ewing, W. (2007). “The Myth of Immigrant Criminality”. Retrieved from http://borderbattles., R. (2006). “Open Doors Don't İnvite Criminals: Is İncreased İmmigration Behind The Drop in Crime?” The New York Times (March 11), A27.Sampson, R. J. (2008). “Rethinking Crime And Immigration”. Contexts, 7: 28-33.Sellin, T., (1938). “Culture and Conflict”. Social Science Research Council, New York.Shaw, C. R. And McKay, H.D. (1942), Juvenile Delinquency and Urban Areas, Chicago, IL, US: University of Chicago Press.Shaw, C.R., Zorbaugh, F.M., McKay, H.,D., ve Cottrell,L.S. (1929), Delinquency Areas, Chicago IL: university of ChicagoPressSiegel, D., and Bovenkerk, F. (2007). “Crime and Manipulation Of Identity Among Russian-Speaking Immigrants in The Netherlands”. In J. Freilich & G. Newman (Eds.), Crime and immigration (pp. 251–272). Burlington: Ashgate.Stansfield, R. (2016), “Reevaluating the Effect of Recent Immigration on Crime: Estimating the Impact of Change in Discrete Migration Flows to the United Kingdom Following EU Accession”, Crime & Delinquency, 62 (II): 1426-1447Stowell, J.I. and Martinez Jr, R. (2007), “Displaced, Dispossessed, or Lawless? Examining the Link Between Ethnicity, Immigration, and Violence”, Aggression and Violent Behavior, 12 (5): P. 564-581Thomas, P. M. (2011), “Theoretical Articulation on Immigration and Crime”, Homicide Studies, 15:382 SAGE Pub., İnt. erişim:, M.H. (ed.), (1997), Ethnicity, Crime, and Immigration: Comprative and Cross-Natioanl Perspectives. Chicago,IL: Chicago University Press.Vito, G. F and Holmes,R.M. (1994), Criminology, Theory, Research And Policy, Belmont/ California : International Thomson Pub. Waldinger, R., (1993). “The Ethnic Enclave Debate Revisited”. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 17: 444–452.Waldinger, R., (1996). Still the Promised City? African-Americans and New Immigrants in Postindustrial New York. Harvard University Press, Cambridge.780 L.W. Reid et al. / Social Science Research 34 (2005) 757–780Waldinger, R., (1997). “Black/Immigrant Competition Re-Assessed: New Evidence From Los Angeles”. Sociological Perspectives 40, 365–386.Wilson, W.J., (1987). The Truly Disadvantaged: The Inner City, the Underclass, and Public Policy. University of Chicago Press, Chicago.Wilson, W.J., (1996). When Work Disappears: The World of the New Urban Poor. Knopf, New York.Wolfgang, M. E., Ferracuti, F., (1967). The Subculture of Violence. Tavistock, London.Wortley, Scot (2009). “Introduction. The Immigration-Crime Connection: Competing Theoretical Perspectives”, Int. Migration & Integration 10:349–358Yeager, M. (1996). Immigrants and criminality: A Meta Survey. Ottawa: The Metropolis ProjectZhou, M., (1992). Chinatown: The Socioeconomic Potential of an Urban Enclave. Temple University Press, PhiladelphiaZhou, M., (2001). “Contemporary Immigration and the Dynamics of Race and Ethnicity”. In: Smelser, N., Wilson, W., Mitchell, F. (Eds.), America Becoming: Racial Trends and Their Consequences. National Academy Press, Washington, pp. 200–242.
Yıl 2018, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 2, 562 - 599, 21.12.2018



  • KAYNAKÇAAdelman, R.M., Tolnay, S.E., (2003). “Occupational Status of Immigrants and African Americans at the Beginning and End of the Great Migration”. Sociological Perspectives 46, 179–206.Adelman, R., Reid, L. W., Markle, G., Weiss, S. and Jaret,C. (2017), “Urban crime Rates And The Changing Face Of Immigration: Evidence Across Four Decades”, Journal of Ethnicity in Criminal Justice, 15 ( 1): 52Agnew, R., (1992). “Foundation for A General Strain Theory Of Crime And Delinquency”. Criminology 30: 47–87.Alaniz, M.L., Cartmill, R.S., Parker, R.N., (1998). “Immigrants and Violence: The Importance Of Neighborhood Context”. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences 20: 155–174.Bankston III, C.L., (1998). “Youth Gangs And The New Second Generation: A Review Essay”. Aggression and Violent Behavior 3: 35–45.Beck, R., (1996). The Case Against Immigration. Norton and Company, New York.Becker, G. (1968), “Crime and Punishment: An Economic Approach”, Journal of Political Economoy, 76: 169-217 Bell, B., Fasani, F., and Machin, S. (2013), “Crime and Immigration: Evidence From Large Immigrant Waves”. Review of Economics and Statistics, 95: 1278-1290Bell, B., and Machin, S. (2013). “Immigrant enclaves and crime”. Journal of Regional Science, 53, 118-141.Blau, J., Blau, P., (1982). “The Cost Of Inequality: Metropolitan Structure And Violent Crime”. American Sociological Review 47: 114–129.Bohm, R. M. (1997), A Perimer on Crime And Delinquency, USA: Wadsworth Pub. Bowling, B. and Phillips, C. (2002). Racism, crime and justice. Britain: Pearson Education.Bui, H. N. (2009), “Immigration And Crime”, 21st Century Criminology: A Reference Handbook (21st Century Reference) içinde, ( Editör J. Mitchell Miller), SAGE Publications Butcher, K. and Piehl, A. M. (1998). “Recent Immigrants: Unexpected Implications for Crime and Incarceration”. Industrial and Labor Relations Review , 51(4):654–679.Butcher, K. and Piehl, A. M. (2007). “Why are Immigrants’ Incarceration Rates so Low? Evidence on Selective Immigration, Deterrence, and Deportation”. NBER WorkingPaper No. 13229Chalfin, A. (2013). “What is the Contribution of Mexican Immigration to U.S. CrimeRates? Evidence from Rainfall Shocks in Mexico”. American Law and Economics Review, 16(1): 220–268.Clark, W., (1998). “Mass Migration And Local Outcomes: İs İnternational Migration To The United States Creating A New Urban Underclass?”. Urban Studies 35: 371–383.Cohen, A.K., (1955). Delinquent Boys: The Culture of the Gang. Free Press, Glencoe.DeJong, G.F., Madamba, A.B., (2001). “A Double Disadvantage? Minority Group, Immigrant Status, And Underemployment in The United States”. Social Science Quarterly 82: 117–130.Desroches, F. (2007). “Research On Upper-Level Drug Traffickers: A Review.” Journal of Drug Issues, 37(4): 827–844.Dodd, V. (2008). “Migrant Crime Wave a Myth-Police Study”. The Guardian, 2008, 16th April.Available at: immigration [accessed 25th Doyle J., and Wright, S. (2012) “Immigrant Crime Wave Warning: Foreign Nationals Were Accused Of A Quarter Of All Crimes In London”, Daily Mail, 2012, 18th February. Available at: [accessed 4th October 2015]Ehrlich, I. (1973). “Particapition in Illegitimate Activities: A Theoretical and Empirical Investigation”, Journal of Political Economoy, 81: 521: 565Freeman, R., (1996). The Supply Of Youths To Crime. In: Pozo, S. (Ed.), Exploring the Underground Economy. W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research, Kalamazoo, pp. 81–102.Gould, D., Mustard, D. and Weinberg, B. (2002) “Crime Rates and Local Labor Market Opportunities in the United States: 1979-1997”. Review of Economics and Statistics, 84: 45-61. Hagan, J. and Palloni, A. (1999). “Sociological Criminology and the Mythology of Hispanic Immigration and Crime.” Social Problems, 46(4): 617-632.Jaitman, L., and Machin, S. (2013). Crime and Immigration: New Evidence from England and Wales (Discussion Paper 1238). Center for Economic Performance, London School of Economics. Retrieved from dp1238.pdfJones, M. (2007). Policy Paradox: Implications of U.S. Drug Control Policy for Jamaica. In J. Freilich & G. Newman (Eds.), Crime and immigration (pp. 53–70). Burlington: Ashgate.Immigration Commission. (1911). Report of the Immigration Commission (U.S. Congress, Senate, 61st Congress, S. Doc. 750, Vol. 36). Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.Industrial Commission. (1901). Special Report Of General Statistics Of Immigration And The Foreign-Born Population. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.Kasinitz, P., Mollenkopf, J. H., Waters, M. C., and Holdaway, J. (2008). Inheriting the City: The Children Of İmmigrants Come Of Age. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.Lee, M.T. Martinez, R., Jr.,and Rosenfield, R. (2001) “Does Immigrations Increase Homicide Rates? Negative Evidence From Three Border Cities”, The Sociological Quarterly, 42: 559-580. Logan, J.R., Alba, R.D., McNulty, T.L., (1994). “Ethnic Economies in Metropolitan Regions: Miami And Beyond”. Social Forces 72: 691–724.MacDonald, J., and Sampson, R. J. (2012). “The World in A City: Immigration anda America’s Changing Social Fabric”. ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 641: 6-15.Martinez R., Jr. (2000). “Immigration and Urban Violence: The Link Between Immigrant Latinos And Types of Homicide”. Social Science Quarterly 81: 363–374.Martinez, R., Jr. (2008). “Immigration, Crime And Recidivism: Editorial Introduction”. Criminology and Public Policy, 7(1): 53–58.Martinez, R. Jr., Lee, M.T., (2000). “Comparing the Context of Immigrant Homicides in Miami: Haitians, Jamaicans and Mariels”. International Migration Review 34, 794–812.Martinez, R., Jr. and Valenzuela, A. (2006). Coming to America: Immigration, Ethnicity And Crime. New York: New York University Press.Martinez, R., Jr., and Lee, M. T. (2000). “On Immigration And Crime”. In G. LaFree (ed.), The Nature of Crime: Continuity and Change, vol. 1: Criminal Justice 2000 (pp. 485-524). Washington, DC: National Institute of Justice.Martinez, R., Jr., & Stowell, J. (2012). “Extending Immigration And Crime Studies: National Implications and Local Settings”. ANNALS of the American Academy ofPolitical and Social Science, 641, 174-191.McCall, P.L., Land, K., Dollar, B. ve Parker, K. F. (2013). “The Age Structure - Crime Rate Relationship: Solving a Long-Standing Puzzle”. Journal Of Quantitative Criminology, 29: 167-190Mears, D.P., (2001), “The Immigration- Crime Nexus: Toward an Analytic Framework For Assessing and Guiding Theory, Research, and Policy”. Sociological perspecties, 44: 1-19Merton, R. K., (1938,1968). “Social Structure And Anomie”. American Sociological Review 3, 672–682.Messner, S. F., Rosenfeld, R., (2000). Crime and the American Dream. Wadsworth, Belmont.National Commission on Law Observance and Enforcement. (1931–1932). Report on crime and the foreign-born. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.Park, R. E.,and Burgess, E. W. (1924). Introduction to the Science of Sociology. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago PressPark, R. E., Burgess, E.W., ve R.D. McKenzie, (1925), The City, Chicago, IL: University of Chicago PressPeterson, R., Krivo, L., and Hagan, J. (2006). The Many Colours Of Crime: Inequalities Of Race, Ethnicity And Crime in America. New York: New York University Press.Piopiunik, M. and Ruhose, J. (2017), “Immigration, Regional Conditions, and Crime: Evidence from an Allocation Policy in Germany”, European Economic Review, 92: 258-282Rattner, A. (2007). “Crime and Russian Immigration: Socialization or importation? The Israeli case”. In J. Freilich & G. Newman (Eds.), Crime and immigration (pp. 165–178). Burlington: Ashgate.Reid, L.,Williams, H. E., Weiss, R. M, Jaret, A. C. (2005), “The Immigration–Crime Relationship: Evidence Across Us Metropolitan Areas”, Social Science Research 34 (2005) 757–78o, internet erişim, M., Tienda, M., (1999). “Mexican Immigration, Occupational Niches, And Labor-Market Competition: Evidence From Los Angeles”, Chicago, and Atlanta, 1970–1990. In: Bean, F., Bell-Rose, S. (Eds.),Immigration and Opportunity: Race, Ethnicity, and Employment in the United States. Russell Sage, New York, pp. 64–105.Rumbaut, R. and Ewing, W. (2007). “The Myth of Immigrant Criminality”. Retrieved from http://borderbattles., R. (2006). “Open Doors Don't İnvite Criminals: Is İncreased İmmigration Behind The Drop in Crime?” The New York Times (March 11), A27.Sampson, R. J. (2008). “Rethinking Crime And Immigration”. Contexts, 7: 28-33.Sellin, T., (1938). “Culture and Conflict”. Social Science Research Council, New York.Shaw, C. R. And McKay, H.D. (1942), Juvenile Delinquency and Urban Areas, Chicago, IL, US: University of Chicago Press.Shaw, C.R., Zorbaugh, F.M., McKay, H.,D., ve Cottrell,L.S. (1929), Delinquency Areas, Chicago IL: university of ChicagoPressSiegel, D., and Bovenkerk, F. (2007). “Crime and Manipulation Of Identity Among Russian-Speaking Immigrants in The Netherlands”. In J. Freilich & G. Newman (Eds.), Crime and immigration (pp. 251–272). Burlington: Ashgate.Stansfield, R. (2016), “Reevaluating the Effect of Recent Immigration on Crime: Estimating the Impact of Change in Discrete Migration Flows to the United Kingdom Following EU Accession”, Crime & Delinquency, 62 (II): 1426-1447Stowell, J.I. and Martinez Jr, R. (2007), “Displaced, Dispossessed, or Lawless? Examining the Link Between Ethnicity, Immigration, and Violence”, Aggression and Violent Behavior, 12 (5): P. 564-581Thomas, P. M. (2011), “Theoretical Articulation on Immigration and Crime”, Homicide Studies, 15:382 SAGE Pub., İnt. erişim:, M.H. (ed.), (1997), Ethnicity, Crime, and Immigration: Comprative and Cross-Natioanl Perspectives. Chicago,IL: Chicago University Press.Vito, G. F and Holmes,R.M. (1994), Criminology, Theory, Research And Policy, Belmont/ California : International Thomson Pub. Waldinger, R., (1993). “The Ethnic Enclave Debate Revisited”. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 17: 444–452.Waldinger, R., (1996). Still the Promised City? African-Americans and New Immigrants in Postindustrial New York. Harvard University Press, Cambridge.780 L.W. Reid et al. / Social Science Research 34 (2005) 757–780Waldinger, R., (1997). “Black/Immigrant Competition Re-Assessed: New Evidence From Los Angeles”. Sociological Perspectives 40, 365–386.Wilson, W.J., (1987). The Truly Disadvantaged: The Inner City, the Underclass, and Public Policy. University of Chicago Press, Chicago.Wilson, W.J., (1996). When Work Disappears: The World of the New Urban Poor. Knopf, New York.Wolfgang, M. E., Ferracuti, F., (1967). The Subculture of Violence. Tavistock, London.Wortley, Scot (2009). “Introduction. The Immigration-Crime Connection: Competing Theoretical Perspectives”, Int. Migration & Integration 10:349–358Yeager, M. (1996). Immigrants and criminality: A Meta Survey. Ottawa: The Metropolis ProjectZhou, M., (1992). Chinatown: The Socioeconomic Potential of an Urban Enclave. Temple University Press, PhiladelphiaZhou, M., (2001). “Contemporary Immigration and the Dynamics of Race and Ethnicity”. In: Smelser, N., Wilson, W., Mitchell, F. (Eds.), America Becoming: Racial Trends and Their Consequences. National Academy Press, Washington, pp. 200–242.
Toplam 1 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Zahir Kızmaz 0000-0001-7686-4751

Yayımlanma Tarihi 21 Aralık 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018 Cilt: 7 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Kızmaz, Z. (2018). Göç ve Suç Arasında Bir İlişki Var Mı?: Bütüncül Bir Bakış. Bitlis Eren Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 7(2), 562-599.
AMA Kızmaz Z. Göç ve Suç Arasında Bir İlişki Var Mı?: Bütüncül Bir Bakış. Bitlis Eren Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. Aralık 2018;7(2):562-599.
Chicago Kızmaz, Zahir. “Göç Ve Suç Arasında Bir İlişki Var Mı?: Bütüncül Bir Bakış”. Bitlis Eren Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 7, sy. 2 (Aralık 2018): 562-99.
EndNote Kızmaz Z (01 Aralık 2018) Göç ve Suç Arasında Bir İlişki Var Mı?: Bütüncül Bir Bakış. Bitlis Eren Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 7 2 562–599.
IEEE Z. Kızmaz, “Göç ve Suç Arasında Bir İlişki Var Mı?: Bütüncül Bir Bakış”, Bitlis Eren Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, c. 7, sy. 2, ss. 562–599, 2018.
ISNAD Kızmaz, Zahir. “Göç Ve Suç Arasında Bir İlişki Var Mı?: Bütüncül Bir Bakış”. Bitlis Eren Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 7/2 (Aralık 2018), 562-599.
JAMA Kızmaz Z. Göç ve Suç Arasında Bir İlişki Var Mı?: Bütüncül Bir Bakış. Bitlis Eren Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. 2018;7:562–599.
MLA Kızmaz, Zahir. “Göç Ve Suç Arasında Bir İlişki Var Mı?: Bütüncül Bir Bakış”. Bitlis Eren Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, c. 7, sy. 2, 2018, ss. 562-99.
Vancouver Kızmaz Z. Göç ve Suç Arasında Bir İlişki Var Mı?: Bütüncül Bir Bakış. Bitlis Eren Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. 2018;7(2):562-99.