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Yanık Yarası Tedavisinde Biyolojik Pansuman Olarak Kullanılmak Üzere Hazırlanan Amniyotik Membranın Gliserol ile Prezervasyonu

Yıl 2021, , 84 - 90, 25.06.2021


Amaç: Yanık hastalarında, hasara uğrayan deri bölümünün tedavi edilmesi için, 2.derece yüzeyel ve bazı derin yanıklarda sadece pansuman yapılması, daha derin yanık alanlarının ise greftlenmesi gereklidir. Derin alanların greftlenmesi için hastanın operasyona alınmasına dek yara yüzeyini koruyabilmek için de pansuman yapılması gereklidir. İdeal yanık malzemesine en yakın materyal olan amniotik membranın saklanmasında yeni bir yöntem geliştirmek amaçlanmıştır. Gereç ve Yöntemler: Dünyada kullanımda olan pansuman yöntemleri; amniotik membran, allo ve xenogreft gibi biolojik pansumanlar ve sentetik pansumanlardır. Allo ve xenogreft kullanımı deri bankası kurulması gerektiği için, sentetik pansumanlar ise fonksiyonlarının yetersiz olması ve maliyetlerinin yüksek olması nedeniyle geniş kullanım alanı bulamamışlardır. Yapılan çalışmada, amniotik membran raf ömrünün uzatılabilmesi için, Hollanda Deri Bankası tarafından deri greftlerini korumak amacıyla geliştirilmiş olan, %99 gliserol içinde prezervasyon yöntemi,antibiotik (Penisilin) ilaveli serum fizyolojikte koruma yöntemi ile karşılaştırılmıştır.Bulgular: Amniotik membranın %99 Gliserol içinde hem mikrobiolojik hem de bakteriolojik açıdan, uzun süre saklanabildiği saptanmıştır. Klasik yöntem ile gliserol içinde saklama arasındaki bulgular istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bulunmuştur. Sonuç: Yanık yarası bakımında ucuz ve ideale en yakın materyal olan amniotik membran %99 Gliserol içinde uzun süre güvenle saklanabilir.

Destekleyen Kurum



  • Artz CP, Moncrief JA: The treatment of burns. 2nded. Saunders,1969
  • Crews ER: A practical manual for the treatment of burns. Springfield, Illinois, Charles C Thomas,1964
  • Herndon DN, Thompson PB, Desai MH, üsten T N: Treatment of burns in children. Ped Clin North Am 32(5): 1311, 1985
  • Vitam and Health Statistics, Ser. 10, No:8. National Center for Health Statistics Public health service. US Dept of Health, Education and Wellfare, April1964
  • Arturson G: Burns: Their causes, mortality and preventability. Acta Chir Scandinav. 124:483, 1962
  • Holter J, Priedman S: Etiology and management of severely burned children. Am J Dis Child 118: 680, 1969
  • Monafo WW: The treatment of burns, principles and practice. Stlouis WH Green ine1971
  • Zawacki BE: The natural history of reversibl burn injury. Surg Gynecol Obstet. 139: 867,1974
  • Bur PS: The healing burn wounds. Clin Plast Surg 4: 389,1977
  • Demling RH: Effect of heparin on edema after second and third degree burns. J Surg Res 26: 27,1979
  • Gerow FJ: Immersion treatment for burns: An experimental study. S Forum 14: 32, 1963
  • Gump FE: Energy balance and weight loss in burned patients. ArchSurg103: 442,1971
  • Sparkers BG: Immunological responses to thermal injury. Burns Vol 23, No:2, 106-11,1997
  • Allgöwer M, Schoenenberger GA, Sparkers BG: Burning the largest immunorgan. Burns Vol 21 Suppl 1 pp. s7-s47, 1995
  • Rose JK, Herndon DN: Advances in the treatment of burn patients. Burns Vol 23, suppl no 1, pp s19-s26,1997
  • Batcup G, Kohler HG: Pathology of the fetal membranes. Haines and Taylor obstetrical and gynaecological pathology, 4th ed. Vol 2, pp 1581-95,1995
  • Herndon DN: Total Burn Care. WB Saunders Company 1996 pp5-7
  • Dino BR, Eufemio GG, DeVilla MS. Human amnion: the establishment of an amnion bank and its practical applications in surgery. J Philipp Med As 42:357,1966
  • M Haberal, Z Öner, U Bayraktar, N Bilgin. The use of silvernitrate-incorporated amniotic membrane as a temporary dressing. Burns 13, (2), 159-163,1987

Preservation of Amniotic Membrane Prepared to be Used as Biological Dressing in Burn Wound reatment with Glycerol

Yıl 2021, , 84 - 90, 25.06.2021


Aim: In burn patients, only dressing is required for 2nd degree superficial and some deep burns,and grafting of deeper burn areas is required to treat the damaged skin. For the grafting of deep areas, dressing is required to protect the wound surface until the patient is taken into operation. It is aimed to develop a new method for the preservation of the amniotic membrane, which is the closest material to the ideal burn material.Material and Method: Dressing methods used in the world; biological dressings such as amniotic membrane, allo and xenograft, and synthetic dressings. Allo and xenograft use has not found a wide area of use because of the need to establish a skin bank, and synthetic dressings due to their insufficient functions and high costs. In the study, the preservation method in 99% glycerol,developed by the Dutch Skin Bank to protect skin grafts, was compared with the preservation method in saline with the addition of antibiotics (Penicillin) in order to extend the shelf life of the amniotic membrane. Result: It has been determined that the amniotic membrane can be stored in 99% Glycerol for a long time, both microbiologically and bacteriologically. Findings between the classical method and storage in glycerol were statistically significant. Conclusion: Amniotic membrane, which is the cheapest and most ideal material in burn wound care, can be safely stored in 99% Glycerol for a long time.


  • Artz CP, Moncrief JA: The treatment of burns. 2nded. Saunders,1969
  • Crews ER: A practical manual for the treatment of burns. Springfield, Illinois, Charles C Thomas,1964
  • Herndon DN, Thompson PB, Desai MH, üsten T N: Treatment of burns in children. Ped Clin North Am 32(5): 1311, 1985
  • Vitam and Health Statistics, Ser. 10, No:8. National Center for Health Statistics Public health service. US Dept of Health, Education and Wellfare, April1964
  • Arturson G: Burns: Their causes, mortality and preventability. Acta Chir Scandinav. 124:483, 1962
  • Holter J, Priedman S: Etiology and management of severely burned children. Am J Dis Child 118: 680, 1969
  • Monafo WW: The treatment of burns, principles and practice. Stlouis WH Green ine1971
  • Zawacki BE: The natural history of reversibl burn injury. Surg Gynecol Obstet. 139: 867,1974
  • Bur PS: The healing burn wounds. Clin Plast Surg 4: 389,1977
  • Demling RH: Effect of heparin on edema after second and third degree burns. J Surg Res 26: 27,1979
  • Gerow FJ: Immersion treatment for burns: An experimental study. S Forum 14: 32, 1963
  • Gump FE: Energy balance and weight loss in burned patients. ArchSurg103: 442,1971
  • Sparkers BG: Immunological responses to thermal injury. Burns Vol 23, No:2, 106-11,1997
  • Allgöwer M, Schoenenberger GA, Sparkers BG: Burning the largest immunorgan. Burns Vol 21 Suppl 1 pp. s7-s47, 1995
  • Rose JK, Herndon DN: Advances in the treatment of burn patients. Burns Vol 23, suppl no 1, pp s19-s26,1997
  • Batcup G, Kohler HG: Pathology of the fetal membranes. Haines and Taylor obstetrical and gynaecological pathology, 4th ed. Vol 2, pp 1581-95,1995
  • Herndon DN: Total Burn Care. WB Saunders Company 1996 pp5-7
  • Dino BR, Eufemio GG, DeVilla MS. Human amnion: the establishment of an amnion bank and its practical applications in surgery. J Philipp Med As 42:357,1966
  • M Haberal, Z Öner, U Bayraktar, N Bilgin. The use of silvernitrate-incorporated amniotic membrane as a temporary dressing. Burns 13, (2), 159-163,1987
Toplam 19 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Klinik Tıp Bilimleri

Ahmet Hikmet Şahin 0000-0002-9134-9800

Yayımlanma Tarihi 25 Haziran 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021

Kaynak Göster

APA Şahin, A. H. (2021). Yanık Yarası Tedavisinde Biyolojik Pansuman Olarak Kullanılmak Üzere Hazırlanan Amniyotik Membranın Gliserol ile Prezervasyonu. Balıkesir Medical Journal, 5(2), 84-90.