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Yıl 2017, Cilt: 11 Sayı: 1, 1 - 8, 01.04.2017


Bu çalışma ile 12-14 yaş grubu voleybol oynayan ve herhangi bir branşla ilgilenmeyen kız çocuklarda dinamik ve statik denge yeteneğinin incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Çalışma gruplarını, en az 2 yıl voleybol geçmişine sahip, okul takımı olarak haftada 4 gün voleybol antrenmanı yapan ve okul takımında yer alan n=12 ve herhangi bir spor branşı ile ilgilenmeyen gönüllü kız öğrenciler n=12 oluşturmuştur. Katılımcıların yaş, boy, kilo ölçümleri ile dinamik ve statik denge performansları ölçüldü. Dinamik denge performansı, anterior ANT , posterolateral PL ve posteromedial PM olmak üzere 3 yönde modifiye Yıldız Gezi Denge Testi YGDT ile statik denge performansı ise, Tek Bacak Üstünde Durma Denge Testi ile değerlendirildi. Tüm katılımcıların yaş, boy, vücut ağırlık değerleri, ANT, PL ve PM ve 3 değerin ortalaması alınarak hesaplanan karma puan COMP değerleri ve statik denge değerlerinin ortalamaları ve standart sapma değerleri hesaplanarak yorumlandı. Gruplar arası ANT, PL, PM, COMP ve statik denge skorları arasındaki farklılıkların karşılaştırılmasında Mann-Whitney U testi kullanıldı. Çalışma sonunda voleybol oynayan grupta her iki bacak PL ve COMP denge performansı skorları ve baskın olmayan bacak statik denge performans skoru herhangi bir sporla ilgilenmeyen sedanter gruba göre daha yüksek bulunmuştur. Sonuç olarak, çocukluk döneminde yapılan düzenli egzersizlerin çocukların denge gelişimine olumlu etkileri olduğu söylenebilir.


  • Bohannon R.W., Larkin P.A., Cook A.C., Gear J.& Singer J. “Decrease in Timed Balance Test Scores with Aging” Physical Therapy. 64(7), 1067-1070, 1984.
  • Bressel E., Yonker J.C., Kras J., & Heath E.M. “Comparison of static and dynamic balance in female gymnastics athletes” Journal of athletic training, 42(1), 42-46, 2007. basketball, and
  • Calatayud, J., Borreani S., Colado J.C., Martin, F., & Flandez, J. “Test-retest reliability of the star excursion balance test in primary school children” The Physician and Sports Medicine, 42(4), 120- 124, 2014.
  • Claxton D.B., Troy M., & Dupree S. “A Question of Balance” Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, 77:3, 32-37, 2009.
  • Filipa A., Byrnes R., Paterno M.V., Myer G.D., & Hewett T.E. “Neuromuscular training improves performance on the star excursion balance test in young female athletes” Journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy,40(9), 551-558, 2010.
  • Gallahue D.L., & Ozmun J.C., “Understanding Motor Adolescents, Adults, 6th ed. McGraw-Hill, New York, NY, USA, 2006. Infants, Children
  • Giagazoglou P., Amiridis I.G, Zafeiridis A., Thimara M., Kouvelioti V., & Kellis E. “Static balance control and lower limb strength in blind and sighted women” European Journal of Applied Physiology, 107(5), 571-579, 2009.
  • Golshaei B. “Dynamic and Static Balance Differences Participation” (Doctoral dissertation, MIDDLE EAST TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY), 2013. Sport
  • Gray G.W. “Lower Extremity Functional ProŞle”
  • Adrian, MI: Wynn Marketing, Inc., 1995.
  • Gribble P.A., Hertel J., & Plisky P. “Using the Star
  • Excursion Balance Test to assess dynamic postural-control deficits and outcomes in lower extremity injury: a literature and systematic review” J Athl Training. 47(3), 339–357, 2012.
  • Gribble P.A., Kelly S.E., Refshauge K.M., & Hiller C.E. “Interrater reliability of the star excursion balance test” J Athl Train 48: 621–626, 2013.
  • Gribble, P.A. & Hertel J. “Changes in postural
  • control during a 48
  • hr. sleep deprivation period”
  • Perceptual And Motor Skills, 99(3), 1035-1045, 2004.
  • Hrysomallis C., McLaughlin P., & Goodman C. “Relationship between static and dynamic balance tests among elite Australian Footballers” Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 9(4): 288-291, 2006.
  • Lopes V.P., Rodrigues L.P., Maia, J.A., & Malina
  • R.M., “Motor coordination as predictor of physical activity in childhood” Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, 21(5), 663-669, 2011.
  • Mahieu N.N., Witvrouw E., Van de Voorde D., & Michilsens D. “Improving strength and postural control in young skiers: whole-body vibration versus equivalent resistance training” Journal of athletic training, 41(3), 286, 2006.
  • Massion J. “Postural control system” Current
  • Opinion in Neurobiology, 4(6), 877-887, 1994.
  • McCann R.S., Kosik K.B., Beard M.Q., Terada M., Pietrosimone B.G., & Gribble P.A. “Variations in Star Excursion Balance Test performance between high school and collegiate football players” The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 29(10): 2765-2770, 2015.
  • Meng H.C., & Lee J.L.F. “Effects of Agility Ladder
  • Drills on Dynamic Balance of Children” Journal of Sports Science and Physical Education. ISSN: 2232- 1926 68-75.
  • Myer G.D., Faigenbaum, A.D., Chu D.A., Falkel J., Ford K.R., Best T.M., & Hewett T.E. “Integrative training for children and adolescents: techniques and practices for reducing sports-related injuries and enhancing athletic performance” The Physician and Sports Medicine, 39(1), 74-84, 2011.
  • Ortega F.B., Ruız J.R., Castıllo M.J.,, Sjöström M.
  • “Physical fitness in childhood and adolescence: a powerful marker of health” International Journal of Obesity, 32:1-11, 2008.
  • Paillard T., Noe F., Riviere T., Marion V., Montoya R., Dupui P. “Postural Performance and Strategy in the Unipedal Stance of Soccer Players at Different Levels of Competition” Journal of Athletic Training. 41(2):172–176, 2006.
  • Paterno M.V., Myer G.D., Ford K.R., & Hewett T.E. “Neuromuscular training improves single-limb stability in young female athletes” Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy, 34(6): 305-316, 2004.
  • Perrin P., Deviterne D., Hugel F., Perrot C. “Judo
  • better than dance, develops sensorimotors adaptabilities involved in balance control” Gait & Posture, 15: 187-194, 2002.
  • Robinson R.H., & Gribble P.A. “Support for a
  • reduction in the number of trials needed for the star excursion balance test” Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 89, 364–370, 2008.
  • Stepinski M., Zwierko T., Florkiewicz B., & Debicka J. “The level of chosen motor abilities of 13 years old soccer players” Journal of Human Kinetics, 9, 99-106, 2003.
  • Strong W.B., Malina R.M., Blimkie C.J., Daniels S.R., Dishman RK., et al., “Evidence based physical activity for school-age youth” The Journal of pediatrics, 146(6), 732-737, 2005.
  • Szczepanik M., Szopa J. “The influence of the
  • directed training on the development of the co- ordination abilities and the speed of learning of the technique of the young volleyball players” A.Ph.E. Cracow (in Polish), 1993.
  • Tabrizi H.B., Ali A., & Hajar J.S. “Comparing the Static and Dynamic with the
  • Anthropometrical Relationship
  • Characteristics in the Athletes of Selected Sports”
  • Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research, 15(2): 216-221, 2013.
  • Violan M.A., Small E.W., Zetariuk M.N., & Micheli L.J. “The effect of karate training on flexibility, muscle strength, and balance in 8-to 13-year-old boys” Pediatric Exercise Science, 9, 55-64, 1997.
  • Weineck J. “Optimales training” Verlag: GmbH; 2001.
  • Westcott S.L., Lowes L.P., Richardson P.K. “Evaluation of postural stability in children: current theories and assessment tools” Phys Ther, 77: 629- 45, 1997.
  • Yaggie J.A., & Brian M.C. “Effects of balance
  • training on selected skills” The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 20(2): 422-428, 2006.


Yıl 2017, Cilt: 11 Sayı: 1, 1 - 8, 01.04.2017


The aim of this study is to evaluate the static and dynamic balance performance of female students aged between 12-14 years who regularly play volleyball and who do not play any sports. Total of 24 female students voluntarily participated in this study. Twelve subjects have been practicing regularly for at least 2 years four days a week , while the others have never participated in any physical activities. The height and weight of the subjects were measured and static and dynamic balances were determined bilaterally by Single Leg Stance Balance Test and Star Excursion Balance Tests SEBT , respectively. SEBT scores were obtained for anterior ANT , posterolateral PL , and posteromedial PM directions, and for an overall composite COMP score. Right limb, left limb, both limbs static balance and dynamic balance limb average scores were compared between groups using Mann-Whitney U. According to the findings, right leg, left leg, both legs PL and COMP scores and left leg static balance score were found to be higher in the group that have been playing volleyball on a regular basis. Consequently, it can be said that exercising on a regular basis has positive effects on the static and dynamic balance of young female children


  • Bohannon R.W., Larkin P.A., Cook A.C., Gear J.& Singer J. “Decrease in Timed Balance Test Scores with Aging” Physical Therapy. 64(7), 1067-1070, 1984.
  • Bressel E., Yonker J.C., Kras J., & Heath E.M. “Comparison of static and dynamic balance in female gymnastics athletes” Journal of athletic training, 42(1), 42-46, 2007. basketball, and
  • Calatayud, J., Borreani S., Colado J.C., Martin, F., & Flandez, J. “Test-retest reliability of the star excursion balance test in primary school children” The Physician and Sports Medicine, 42(4), 120- 124, 2014.
  • Claxton D.B., Troy M., & Dupree S. “A Question of Balance” Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, 77:3, 32-37, 2009.
  • Filipa A., Byrnes R., Paterno M.V., Myer G.D., & Hewett T.E. “Neuromuscular training improves performance on the star excursion balance test in young female athletes” Journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy,40(9), 551-558, 2010.
  • Gallahue D.L., & Ozmun J.C., “Understanding Motor Adolescents, Adults, 6th ed. McGraw-Hill, New York, NY, USA, 2006. Infants, Children
  • Giagazoglou P., Amiridis I.G, Zafeiridis A., Thimara M., Kouvelioti V., & Kellis E. “Static balance control and lower limb strength in blind and sighted women” European Journal of Applied Physiology, 107(5), 571-579, 2009.
  • Golshaei B. “Dynamic and Static Balance Differences Participation” (Doctoral dissertation, MIDDLE EAST TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY), 2013. Sport
  • Gray G.W. “Lower Extremity Functional ProŞle”
  • Adrian, MI: Wynn Marketing, Inc., 1995.
  • Gribble P.A., Hertel J., & Plisky P. “Using the Star
  • Excursion Balance Test to assess dynamic postural-control deficits and outcomes in lower extremity injury: a literature and systematic review” J Athl Training. 47(3), 339–357, 2012.
  • Gribble P.A., Kelly S.E., Refshauge K.M., & Hiller C.E. “Interrater reliability of the star excursion balance test” J Athl Train 48: 621–626, 2013.
  • Gribble, P.A. & Hertel J. “Changes in postural
  • control during a 48
  • hr. sleep deprivation period”
  • Perceptual And Motor Skills, 99(3), 1035-1045, 2004.
  • Hrysomallis C., McLaughlin P., & Goodman C. “Relationship between static and dynamic balance tests among elite Australian Footballers” Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 9(4): 288-291, 2006.
  • Lopes V.P., Rodrigues L.P., Maia, J.A., & Malina
  • R.M., “Motor coordination as predictor of physical activity in childhood” Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, 21(5), 663-669, 2011.
  • Mahieu N.N., Witvrouw E., Van de Voorde D., & Michilsens D. “Improving strength and postural control in young skiers: whole-body vibration versus equivalent resistance training” Journal of athletic training, 41(3), 286, 2006.
  • Massion J. “Postural control system” Current
  • Opinion in Neurobiology, 4(6), 877-887, 1994.
  • McCann R.S., Kosik K.B., Beard M.Q., Terada M., Pietrosimone B.G., & Gribble P.A. “Variations in Star Excursion Balance Test performance between high school and collegiate football players” The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 29(10): 2765-2770, 2015.
  • Meng H.C., & Lee J.L.F. “Effects of Agility Ladder
  • Drills on Dynamic Balance of Children” Journal of Sports Science and Physical Education. ISSN: 2232- 1926 68-75.
  • Myer G.D., Faigenbaum, A.D., Chu D.A., Falkel J., Ford K.R., Best T.M., & Hewett T.E. “Integrative training for children and adolescents: techniques and practices for reducing sports-related injuries and enhancing athletic performance” The Physician and Sports Medicine, 39(1), 74-84, 2011.
  • Ortega F.B., Ruız J.R., Castıllo M.J.,, Sjöström M.
  • “Physical fitness in childhood and adolescence: a powerful marker of health” International Journal of Obesity, 32:1-11, 2008.
  • Paillard T., Noe F., Riviere T., Marion V., Montoya R., Dupui P. “Postural Performance and Strategy in the Unipedal Stance of Soccer Players at Different Levels of Competition” Journal of Athletic Training. 41(2):172–176, 2006.
  • Paterno M.V., Myer G.D., Ford K.R., & Hewett T.E. “Neuromuscular training improves single-limb stability in young female athletes” Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy, 34(6): 305-316, 2004.
  • Perrin P., Deviterne D., Hugel F., Perrot C. “Judo
  • better than dance, develops sensorimotors adaptabilities involved in balance control” Gait & Posture, 15: 187-194, 2002.
  • Robinson R.H., & Gribble P.A. “Support for a
  • reduction in the number of trials needed for the star excursion balance test” Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 89, 364–370, 2008.
  • Stepinski M., Zwierko T., Florkiewicz B., & Debicka J. “The level of chosen motor abilities of 13 years old soccer players” Journal of Human Kinetics, 9, 99-106, 2003.
  • Strong W.B., Malina R.M., Blimkie C.J., Daniels S.R., Dishman RK., et al., “Evidence based physical activity for school-age youth” The Journal of pediatrics, 146(6), 732-737, 2005.
  • Szczepanik M., Szopa J. “The influence of the
  • directed training on the development of the co- ordination abilities and the speed of learning of the technique of the young volleyball players” A.Ph.E. Cracow (in Polish), 1993.
  • Tabrizi H.B., Ali A., & Hajar J.S. “Comparing the Static and Dynamic with the
  • Anthropometrical Relationship
  • Characteristics in the Athletes of Selected Sports”
  • Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research, 15(2): 216-221, 2013.
  • Violan M.A., Small E.W., Zetariuk M.N., & Micheli L.J. “The effect of karate training on flexibility, muscle strength, and balance in 8-to 13-year-old boys” Pediatric Exercise Science, 9, 55-64, 1997.
  • Weineck J. “Optimales training” Verlag: GmbH; 2001.
  • Westcott S.L., Lowes L.P., Richardson P.K. “Evaluation of postural stability in children: current theories and assessment tools” Phys Ther, 77: 629- 45, 1997.
  • Yaggie J.A., & Brian M.C. “Effects of balance
  • training on selected skills” The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 20(2): 422-428, 2006.
Toplam 48 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Bölüm Research Article

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Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Nisan 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2017 Cilt: 11 Sayı: 1

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