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Yıl 2015, Cilt: 9 Sayı: 2, 186 - 193, 01.08.2015


Bu çalışmanın amacı, akut sauna ve yüksek yoğunluklu güreş egzersizinin TSH Tiroid Stimulan Hormon ve FT4 Free Thyroxin hormonları üzerine etkisini belirlemektir. Çalışmaya hiçbir hormonal bozukluğu olmayan ve herhangi bir ilaç kullanmayan on dört sağlıklı gönüllü erkek güreşçi katıldı. Dinlenik, egzersiz sonrası ve iki günlük dinlenme sonrası gerçekleştirilen sauna uygulaması sonrası olmak üzere, antekübital venden üç defa 10 ml kan alındı. Hormon analizleri IMMULITE 2000 oto analizörle yapıldı. İstatistiksel analiz için Wilcoxon ve Friedman testleri yapıldı. Akut egzersiz sonrası TSH seviyelerinde gruplar arasında anlamlı fark bulundu. Sauna sonrası TSH seviyelerinde önemli bir fark görülmezken FT4 seviyeleri önemli derecede arttı. Akut güreş egzersizi ve sauna sonrası TSH değerleri karşılaştırıldığında gruplar arasında bir fark tespit edildi ancak FT4 seviyelerinde bir fark görülmedi. Güreşçiler uygulanan akut güreş egzersizi TSH ve FT4 değerlerini artırdı ancak sauna sadece FT4 değerlerini artırdı. Sonuç olarak anaerobik enerji metabolizmasının güreş egzersizlerinde baskın olduğu ve akut güreş egzersizinin TSH ve FT4 seviyelerinin artmasında saunadan daha fazla etkili olduğu tespit edildi.


  • Alvero-Cruz J.R, Ronconi M., Carrillo de Albornoz
  • M., García-Romero J.C, Rosado Velázquez D., de
  • Diego Acosta A.M., “Thyroid hormones response in
  • simulated laboratory sprint duathlon”. Journal of Human
  • Sport and Exerise, 6(2):323-327, 2011. 2.
  • Astrand P., Rodahl K., Text Book of Work
  • Physiology. Mc Graw-Hill Co, Newyork, USA. 1977. 3.
  • Berne M.R, Levy N.M, Koeppen MB, Stanton B,A.
  • Fizyoloji.(Çev. Türk Fizyolojik Bilimler Derneği) Güneş
  • Tıp Kitabevleri, 5.baskı. İstanbul, 2008. [In Turkish] 4.
  • Boostani M.H, Kohanpour M.A, Boostani M.A.
  • Bashafaat H., Hosseini S.E., “The effects of one
  • session taekwondo exercise the T3, T4 and TSH
  • hormones in young taekwondo athletes”. Annals of
  • Biological Research, 3(12):5552-5555, 2012. 5.
  • Chan V., Jones A., Liendo-Ch P., McNeilly A.
  • Landon J., Besser, G.M., “The relationship between
  • circadian variations in circulating thyrotropin, thyroid
  • hormones and prolactin.” Clinical Endocrinology, 9:337- 349, 1986. 6.
  • Ciloğlu F., Peker I., Pehlivan A., Karacabey K.
  • İlhan N., Saygın O., Özmerdivenli R., “Exercise intensity and
  • Neuroendocrinology Letters, 26(6): 830-834, 2005. on its effects thyroid hormones”. 7.
  • Deligiannis A., Karamouzis M., Kouidi E., Mougios
  • V., Kallaras C., “Plasma TSH, T3, T4 and cortisol
  • responses to swimming at varying water temperatures”.
  • British Journal of Medicine, 27(4):247-250, 1993. 8.
  • Edwards J.G., Bahl J.J., Flink I.L., Cheng Y.S.
  • Morkin E., Thyroid hormone influences beta myosin
  • heavy chain (beta MHC) expression. Biochem Biophys
  • Res Commun, 99:1482–1488, 1994. 9.
  • Fortunato R.S., Ignacio D.L., Padron A.S., Peçanha
  • R., Marrasi M.P., Rosenthal D., Werneck-de-Castro
  • J.P.S., Carvalho D.P., “The effect of acute exercise
  • session on thyroid hormone economy in rats.” Journal
  • of Endocrinology, 198:347-353, 2008.
  • Güneş Z., Spor ve Beslenme, Antrenör ve Sporcu El Kitabı. Nobel Yayın Dağıtım, 3. Baskı, S. 60. Ankara, 2003. [In Turkish]
  • Guyton A.C., Hall J.E., Textbook of medical physiology (Tıbbi fizyoloji) (Çev. H. Çavuşoğlu) Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri Ltd. Şti., 9th ed. İstanbul, 1996.
  • Hashimoto T., Migita S., Matsubara F., “Response of thyrotropin and free thyroid hormones to gated exercise in normal subjects.” Endocrine Journal, 33: 735–741, 1986.
  • Hawamdeh Z., Baniata A., Mansi K., Nasr H., Aburjai T., “Thyroid hormones levels in Jordanian athletes participating in aerobic and anaerobic activities.” Scientific Research and Essays, 7(19):1840- 1845, 2012.
  • Huang W.S., Yu M.D., Lee M.S., Cheng C.Y., Yang S.P., Chin H.M.L., Wu S.Y., “Effect of treadmill exercise on circulating thyroid hormone measurements.” Medical Principles and Practice, 13:15-19, 2004.
  • Irvine C.H., “Effect of exercise on thyroxine degradation in athletes and non-athletes”. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 28: 942–948, 1968.
  • Krotkiewski M., Sjostrom L., Sullivan L., Lundberg P.A., Lindstedt G., Wetterqvist H., Bjorntorp P., “The effect of acute and chronic exercise in thyroid hormones in obesity.” Acta Medica Scandinavica, 216:269–275, 1984.
  • Lammintausta R., Syvälahti E., Pekkarinen A., “Change in hormones reflecting sympathetic activity in the Finnish Sauna.” Annals of Clinical Research, 8:266- 271, 1976.
  • Larsen P.R., Davies, T.F., Hay I.D., The thyroid gland. In Williams Textbook of Endocrinology, 8 edn, p 409. Eds JDWilson & DW Foster. W.B. Saunders Company, Philadelfia, 1992.
  • Leppäluoto J., Huttunen P., Hirvonen J., Väänänen A., Tuominen M., Vouri J., “Endocrine effects of repeated sauna bathing.” Acta Medica Scandinavica, 128: 467-470, 1986.
  • Leppäluoto J., Ranta T., Laisi U., Partanen J., Virkkunen P., Lybeck H., “Strong heat exposure and adenohypophyseal hormone secretion in man.” Hormone and Metabolic Research, 7:439-440, 1975.
  • Leppäluoto J., Tapanainen P., Knip M., “Heat exposure elevates plasma immunoreactive growth hormone-releasing hormone levels in man.” The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 65:1035-1038, 1987.
  • Limanova Z., Sonka J., Kratochvil O., Sonka K., Kanka J., Sprynarova S., “Effect of exercise on serum cortisol and thyroid hormones”. Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology, 81:308-314, 1983.
  • Maia A.L., Berry M.J., Sabbag R., Harney J.W., Larsen P.R., “Structural and functional differences in the dio1 gene in mice with inherited type 1 deiodinase deficiency”. Molecular Endocrinology, 9:969-980, 1995.
  • Mastorakos G., Pavlatou M., “Exercise as a stress model and the interplay between the hypothalamus– pituitary–adrenal and the hypothalamus–pituitary– thyroid axes.” Hormone and Metabolic Research, 37:577–584, 2005.
  • Opstad P.K., Falch D., Okedalen O., Fonnum F., Wergeland R., “The thyroid function in young men during prolonged exercise and the effect of energy and sleep deprivation.” Clinical Endocrinology, 20:657–659, 1984.
  • Patel Y.C., Alford F.P., Burger H.G., “The 24-hour plasma thyrotrophin profile”. Clinical Science, 43:71-77, 1972.
  • Pilch W., Szygula Z., Torii M., “Effect of the Sauna- Induced Thermal Stimuli of Various Intensity on the Thermal and Hormonal Metabolism in Women”. Biology of Sport, 24(4): 357-373, 2007.
  • Rone J.K., Don R., Reed H.L., “The effect of endurance training on serum triiodothyronine kinetics in man: physical conditioning marked by enhanced thyroid hormone metabolism.” Clinical Endocrinology, 37:325– 330, 1992. 32. Sirviö J., Jolkkonen J., Pitkänen A., “Adenohypophyseal hyperthermia”. R Endocrinologie, 25:21–23, 1987. hormone levels during
  • Smallridge R.C., Whorton N.E., Burman K.D., Ferguson E.W., “Effects of exercise and physical fitness on the pituitary-thyroid axis and on prolactin secretion in male runners.” Metabolism, 34: 949–954, 1985.
  • Štrbák V., Tatar P., Angyal R., Štrec V., Aksamitová K., Vigaš M., Jánošová H., “Effects of sauna and glucose intake on TSH and thyroid hormone levels in plasma of euthyroid subjects.” Metabolism, 36:426-431, 1987.
  • Sullo A., Brizzi G., Maffulli N., “Deiodinating activity in the brown adipose tissue of rats following short cold exposure after strenuous exercise.” Physiology and Behavior, 80:399-403, 2003.
  • Szyguła Z., Podolec Z., Moskala J., Żuchowicz A., “Some metabolic and hormonal changes as an effect of repeated sauna bathing.” Acta physiologica Polonica, 41(34):233-234, 1990.
  • William J.K.W., Vescovi J.D., Dixon P., “The Physiological basis of wrestling: implications for conditioning programs.” Strength and Conditioning Journal, 26:10-15, 2004.
  • Yen P.M., “Physiological and molecular basis of thyroid hormone action”. Physiological Reviews, 81:1097–1126, 2001.
  • Yoon J., “Physiological Profiles of Elite Senior Wrestlers.” Sports Medicine, 32(4):225-233, 2002.
  • Zarzeczny R., Pilis W., Langfort J., Kaciuba-Uscilko H., Nazar K., Influence of thyroid hormones on exercise tolerance and lactate threshold in rats. Journal of Physiol Pharmacology, 47:503-513, 1996.


Yıl 2015, Cilt: 9 Sayı: 2, 186 - 193, 01.08.2015


The aim of this study is to determine the effects of acute sauna and highly intense wrestling exercise on TSH Thyroid Stimulating Hormone and FT4 Free Thyroxin hormones. Fourteen healthy voluntary male wrestlers who had no hormonal disorder and were not using any drug participated in this study. Blood measurement was taken three times from wrestlers’ antecubital vein –10 ml at a time- when they rested before exercise, after wrestling exercise and after the sauna program which took place after a two-day rest. Hormone analyses were done via IMMULITE 2000 auto analyzer. For statistical analysis, in comparing groups, Friedman test was conducted while Wilcoxon test was administered in order to determine the differences between the groups. Within the group, significant increase was found in TSH P=0.003 and FT4 P=0.016 levels after the acute wrestling exercise. While it was observed that TSH levels have no important differences after sauna practice and FT4 levels have important increase P=0.03 . When TSH values were compared after the wrestling exercise and sauna, it was determined that the values of exercise group were significantly high P=0.041 but FT4 values did not have a significant difference. Acute wrestling training applied to the wrestlers caused significant increase in TSH and FT4 values, however, sauna application just enhanced FT4 values significantly. Consequently; it can be deduced that in wrestling in which anaerobic energy metabolism is dominant, acute wrestling training is more effective in increasing TSH and FT4 values than sauna application.


  • Alvero-Cruz J.R, Ronconi M., Carrillo de Albornoz
  • M., García-Romero J.C, Rosado Velázquez D., de
  • Diego Acosta A.M., “Thyroid hormones response in
  • simulated laboratory sprint duathlon”. Journal of Human
  • Sport and Exerise, 6(2):323-327, 2011. 2.
  • Astrand P., Rodahl K., Text Book of Work
  • Physiology. Mc Graw-Hill Co, Newyork, USA. 1977. 3.
  • Berne M.R, Levy N.M, Koeppen MB, Stanton B,A.
  • Fizyoloji.(Çev. Türk Fizyolojik Bilimler Derneği) Güneş
  • Tıp Kitabevleri, 5.baskı. İstanbul, 2008. [In Turkish] 4.
  • Boostani M.H, Kohanpour M.A, Boostani M.A.
  • Bashafaat H., Hosseini S.E., “The effects of one
  • session taekwondo exercise the T3, T4 and TSH
  • hormones in young taekwondo athletes”. Annals of
  • Biological Research, 3(12):5552-5555, 2012. 5.
  • Chan V., Jones A., Liendo-Ch P., McNeilly A.
  • Landon J., Besser, G.M., “The relationship between
  • circadian variations in circulating thyrotropin, thyroid
  • hormones and prolactin.” Clinical Endocrinology, 9:337- 349, 1986. 6.
  • Ciloğlu F., Peker I., Pehlivan A., Karacabey K.
  • İlhan N., Saygın O., Özmerdivenli R., “Exercise intensity and
  • Neuroendocrinology Letters, 26(6): 830-834, 2005. on its effects thyroid hormones”. 7.
  • Deligiannis A., Karamouzis M., Kouidi E., Mougios
  • V., Kallaras C., “Plasma TSH, T3, T4 and cortisol
  • responses to swimming at varying water temperatures”.
  • British Journal of Medicine, 27(4):247-250, 1993. 8.
  • Edwards J.G., Bahl J.J., Flink I.L., Cheng Y.S.
  • Morkin E., Thyroid hormone influences beta myosin
  • heavy chain (beta MHC) expression. Biochem Biophys
  • Res Commun, 99:1482–1488, 1994. 9.
  • Fortunato R.S., Ignacio D.L., Padron A.S., Peçanha
  • R., Marrasi M.P., Rosenthal D., Werneck-de-Castro
  • J.P.S., Carvalho D.P., “The effect of acute exercise
  • session on thyroid hormone economy in rats.” Journal
  • of Endocrinology, 198:347-353, 2008.
  • Güneş Z., Spor ve Beslenme, Antrenör ve Sporcu El Kitabı. Nobel Yayın Dağıtım, 3. Baskı, S. 60. Ankara, 2003. [In Turkish]
  • Guyton A.C., Hall J.E., Textbook of medical physiology (Tıbbi fizyoloji) (Çev. H. Çavuşoğlu) Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri Ltd. Şti., 9th ed. İstanbul, 1996.
  • Hashimoto T., Migita S., Matsubara F., “Response of thyrotropin and free thyroid hormones to gated exercise in normal subjects.” Endocrine Journal, 33: 735–741, 1986.
  • Hawamdeh Z., Baniata A., Mansi K., Nasr H., Aburjai T., “Thyroid hormones levels in Jordanian athletes participating in aerobic and anaerobic activities.” Scientific Research and Essays, 7(19):1840- 1845, 2012.
  • Huang W.S., Yu M.D., Lee M.S., Cheng C.Y., Yang S.P., Chin H.M.L., Wu S.Y., “Effect of treadmill exercise on circulating thyroid hormone measurements.” Medical Principles and Practice, 13:15-19, 2004.
  • Irvine C.H., “Effect of exercise on thyroxine degradation in athletes and non-athletes”. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 28: 942–948, 1968.
  • Krotkiewski M., Sjostrom L., Sullivan L., Lundberg P.A., Lindstedt G., Wetterqvist H., Bjorntorp P., “The effect of acute and chronic exercise in thyroid hormones in obesity.” Acta Medica Scandinavica, 216:269–275, 1984.
  • Lammintausta R., Syvälahti E., Pekkarinen A., “Change in hormones reflecting sympathetic activity in the Finnish Sauna.” Annals of Clinical Research, 8:266- 271, 1976.
  • Larsen P.R., Davies, T.F., Hay I.D., The thyroid gland. In Williams Textbook of Endocrinology, 8 edn, p 409. Eds JDWilson & DW Foster. W.B. Saunders Company, Philadelfia, 1992.
  • Leppäluoto J., Huttunen P., Hirvonen J., Väänänen A., Tuominen M., Vouri J., “Endocrine effects of repeated sauna bathing.” Acta Medica Scandinavica, 128: 467-470, 1986.
  • Leppäluoto J., Ranta T., Laisi U., Partanen J., Virkkunen P., Lybeck H., “Strong heat exposure and adenohypophyseal hormone secretion in man.” Hormone and Metabolic Research, 7:439-440, 1975.
  • Leppäluoto J., Tapanainen P., Knip M., “Heat exposure elevates plasma immunoreactive growth hormone-releasing hormone levels in man.” The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 65:1035-1038, 1987.
  • Limanova Z., Sonka J., Kratochvil O., Sonka K., Kanka J., Sprynarova S., “Effect of exercise on serum cortisol and thyroid hormones”. Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology, 81:308-314, 1983.
  • Maia A.L., Berry M.J., Sabbag R., Harney J.W., Larsen P.R., “Structural and functional differences in the dio1 gene in mice with inherited type 1 deiodinase deficiency”. Molecular Endocrinology, 9:969-980, 1995.
  • Mastorakos G., Pavlatou M., “Exercise as a stress model and the interplay between the hypothalamus– pituitary–adrenal and the hypothalamus–pituitary– thyroid axes.” Hormone and Metabolic Research, 37:577–584, 2005.
  • Opstad P.K., Falch D., Okedalen O., Fonnum F., Wergeland R., “The thyroid function in young men during prolonged exercise and the effect of energy and sleep deprivation.” Clinical Endocrinology, 20:657–659, 1984.
  • Patel Y.C., Alford F.P., Burger H.G., “The 24-hour plasma thyrotrophin profile”. Clinical Science, 43:71-77, 1972.
  • Pilch W., Szygula Z., Torii M., “Effect of the Sauna- Induced Thermal Stimuli of Various Intensity on the Thermal and Hormonal Metabolism in Women”. Biology of Sport, 24(4): 357-373, 2007.
  • Rone J.K., Don R., Reed H.L., “The effect of endurance training on serum triiodothyronine kinetics in man: physical conditioning marked by enhanced thyroid hormone metabolism.” Clinical Endocrinology, 37:325– 330, 1992. 32. Sirviö J., Jolkkonen J., Pitkänen A., “Adenohypophyseal hyperthermia”. R Endocrinologie, 25:21–23, 1987. hormone levels during
  • Smallridge R.C., Whorton N.E., Burman K.D., Ferguson E.W., “Effects of exercise and physical fitness on the pituitary-thyroid axis and on prolactin secretion in male runners.” Metabolism, 34: 949–954, 1985.
  • Štrbák V., Tatar P., Angyal R., Štrec V., Aksamitová K., Vigaš M., Jánošová H., “Effects of sauna and glucose intake on TSH and thyroid hormone levels in plasma of euthyroid subjects.” Metabolism, 36:426-431, 1987.
  • Sullo A., Brizzi G., Maffulli N., “Deiodinating activity in the brown adipose tissue of rats following short cold exposure after strenuous exercise.” Physiology and Behavior, 80:399-403, 2003.
  • Szyguła Z., Podolec Z., Moskala J., Żuchowicz A., “Some metabolic and hormonal changes as an effect of repeated sauna bathing.” Acta physiologica Polonica, 41(34):233-234, 1990.
  • William J.K.W., Vescovi J.D., Dixon P., “The Physiological basis of wrestling: implications for conditioning programs.” Strength and Conditioning Journal, 26:10-15, 2004.
  • Yen P.M., “Physiological and molecular basis of thyroid hormone action”. Physiological Reviews, 81:1097–1126, 2001.
  • Yoon J., “Physiological Profiles of Elite Senior Wrestlers.” Sports Medicine, 32(4):225-233, 2002.
  • Zarzeczny R., Pilis W., Langfort J., Kaciuba-Uscilko H., Nazar K., Influence of thyroid hormones on exercise tolerance and lactate threshold in rats. Journal of Physiol Pharmacology, 47:503-513, 1996.
Toplam 62 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ağustos 2015
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2015 Cilt: 9 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Çolak, M., Kıyıcı, F., Eroğlu, H., Ağırbaş, Ö., vd. (2015). SAUNA VE GÜREŞ EGZERSİZİNİN TSH VE FT4 HORMONLARI ÜZERİNE ETKİSİ. Beden Eğitimi Ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 9(2), 186-193.