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Yıl 2012, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 3, 244 - 250, 01.12.2012


Bu çalışmanın amacı elit ve amatör Badmintoncuların bazı fiziksel ve fizyolojik özelliklerinin karşılaştırılmasıdır. Araştırmaya, 2010-2011 yılında Türkiye Badminton Federasyonu’na bağlı lisanslı genç milli erkek n=16,yaş:16.8±1.5 badmintoncular ile Spor Lisesinde badminton sporu yapan amatör düzey erkek n=15,yaş:16.3±0.8 olmak üzere toplam 31 badminton sporcusu katılmıştır. Sporculara vücut kompozisyonunun belirlenmesinin yanı sıra fiziksel ve fizyolojik testlerden;çeviklik testi,otur-eriş testi, çoklu multiple reaksiyon test, el kavrama kuvvet testi ve wingate anaerobik güç testi uygulanmıştır. İstatistiksel analizler için bağımsız gruplar arası karşılaştırmalarda “ Indepentend T- test “ istatistiği uygulanmıştır. Yapılan karşılaştırmalar sonucunda elit sporcuların amatör sporculara göre boy cm , çeviklik sn ve sağ el kavrama kuvveti kg değerlerinde p =0.01 düzeyinde; yağ %, ve yağsız beden kütlesi kg değerlerinde ise p =0.05 düzeyinde anlamlı farklılıklar tespit edilmiştir. Sonuç olarak, benzer yaş grubunda, elit ve amatör düzey yapılan badminton sporunun, bireylerin boy, çeviklik, el kavrama kuvveti ve vücut kompozisyonu düşük yağ % ve fazla yağsız beden kütle miktarı değişimi üzerinde sporcunun gereksinimleri doğrultusunda değişim sağladığı düşünülmektedir.


  • Abellán, A. M., Pallarés, J.G., Gullón, J.M.L., Otegui, X.M., Baños, V. M., Moreno, A.M. ( 2010 ). Anaerobic Performance, Cuadernos de Psicología del Deporte 2010. Vol.10, nşm. Suple. pp. 17-23. Wrestling
  • Andersen, L. L., Larsson, B., Overgaard, H., & Aagaard, P. (2007). Torque–velocity characteristics and contractile rate of force development in elite badminton players. European Journal of Sport Science, 7, 127–134.
  • Atacan, B. (2010). “Effect of an 8-Week Specially Arranged Plyometric Training on the Power and Agility of Young Male Soccer Players. [“Özel Düzenlenmiş 8 Haftalık Pliometrik Antrenmanın Genç Erkek Futbolcularda Güce ve Çevikliğe Etkisi” ]. (Master of Science Thesis), Kırıkkale University, Graduate School Of Health Sciences
  • Baron, R., Petschnig, R., Bachl, N., Raberger, G., Smekal, G., & Kastner, P. (1992). Catecholamine Excretion Psychophysical Stress in Table Tennis. International Journal Of Sports Medicine, 13(7), 501–505. of
  • Bradley, C., Matthew, T., & Everett, A. (1995). Lower And Upper Body Anaerobic Performance in Male And Female Adolescent Athletes. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 241. 27(2), 235–
  • Cabello, D., Padial, P., Lees, A., & Rivas, F. (2004). Temporal and physiological characteristics of elite women’s International Journal of Applied Sports Sciences, 16 (2), 1–12. singles badminton.
  • Cabello-Manrique, D., & Gonzalez-Badillo, J. J. (2003). Analysis of the characteristics of competitive badminton. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 37, 62–66.
  • Carrasco, L., Pradas, F., Floría, P., Martínez, A., Herrero, R., & Jurado, J. (2010). Grip Strength in Young Top-level Table Tennis Players. International Table Tennis Federation Sports Science Congress Conference Proceedings, (6), 64-66.
  • Chang, Y., Zhang, Z., & Chen, J. (2006). Zhong Guo Yun Dong Yuan Sheng Li Xin Li Chang Shu He Ying Yang Zhuang Kuang Diao Cha [A study on physiological/psychological profiles and nutritional status of Chinese athletes]. Beijing: Renmin Tiyu Publisher.
  • Chin, M.,Wong, A. S. K., So, R. C. H., Siu,O. T., Steininger, K.,& Lo, D. T. L. (1995). Sport specific fitness testing of elite badminton players. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 29, 153–157.
  • Cohen, D., Voss, C., Taylor, M., Stasinopoulos, D., Delextrat, A., & Sandercock, G. (2010). Handgrip Strength in English Schoolchildren. Acta Paediatrica (Oslo, Norway: 1992), 99(7), 1065–1072.
  • Draper, J. A., & Lancaster, M. G. (1985). The 505 test: A test for agility in the horizontal plane. Australian Journal for Science and Medicine in Sport, 17(1), 15 – 18.
  • Faude, O., Meyer, T., Rosenberger, F., Fries, M., Huber, G., & Kindermann, W. (2007). Physiological characteristics of badminton match play. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 100, 479–485.
  • Franchını, E., DelVecchıo, F. B., Matsushıgue, K. A., Artıolı, G. G. ( 2011 ).Physiological profiles of elite judo athletes, Sports Med. 1;41(2):147-66. 15. Franchını, E. Sterkowicz S. (2005) Anthropometrıcal Differences Between Elite and Non-Elite Judo Players, Biology of Sport, Vol. 22 No4, 2005. M.Y. Kıss M.A.P.D.M.
  • Physıcal Fıtness and
  • Hazar, F., & Taşmektepligil, Y. (2008). “The Effects of Balance and Flexibility on Agility in Prepuberte Period Esnekliğin Çeviklik Üzerine Etkilerinin İncelenmesi’’]. Spormetre Journal of Physical Education and Sport Sciences VI(1),9–12. 17. Horswill, C.A., Scott, J.R., Comparison of maximum aerobic power, maximum anaerobic power, and skinfold thickness of elite and nonelite junior wrestlers. Int J Sports Med. 10(3) 165- 8. Galea P.(1989).
  • Hughes, M. G., & Fullerton, F. M. (1995). Development of an on-court aerobic test for elite badminton players. In T. Reilly, M. G. Hughes, A. Lees (Eds.), Science and racket sports (pp. 51–54). London: E & FN Spon.
  • Kafkas, M., Taşkıran, C., Arslan, C., & Açak, M. (2009). Physiologic and Anthropometric Parameters of Junior Male National Players. Badmintoncuların Antropometrik Parametrelerinin Karşılaştırılmas’’]. Niğde University, Journal of Physical Education and Sport Sciences. 3(1), 13.
  • and Amateur Badminton [‘’Yıldız Erkek Milli ve Fizyolojik Bazı Fiziksel, ve
  • Koley, S., & Singh, A. (n.d). Effect of Hand Dominance in Grip Strength in Collegiate Population of Amritsar, Punjab, India. Anthropologist, 12(1), 13- 16.
  • Kounalakıs, S. N, Bayıos, I. A, Koskolou,M. D, Geladas, N. D. (2008). Anaerobic capacity of the upper arms in top-level team handball players. Int J Sports Physiol Perform. Sep;3(3):251-61.
  • Lieshout, K A V. (2002). “Physiological Profile Of Elite Junıor Badminton Players In South Afrıca” A Dissertatıon Submitted To The Department Of Sport And Movement Studies, Rand Afrikaans Unıversty, Johannesburg For The Degree Of Mphil(Sport Science)
  • Lieshout KA ve Lombard AAJ., Fitness Profile of Elite Junior South African Badminton Players, Af J Physical Health Education Recreation and Dance, Special Edition: 114-120, 2003.
  • Majumdar, P., Khanna, G. L., Malik, V., Sachdeva, S., Arif, Md., & Mandal, M. (1997). Physiological analysis to quantify training load in badminton. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 31, 342–345.
  • Meckel, Y., Machnai, O., & Ellakim, A. (2009). Relatıonshıp Among Repeated Sprınt Tests, Aerobıc Fıtness, and Anaerobıc Fıtness In Elıte Adolescent Soccer Players. Journal Of Strength & Conditioning Research (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins), 23(1), 163- 169.
  • Naughton, G. A., Carlson, J. S., Buttifant, D. C., Selig, S. E., Meldrum, K., McKenna, M. J. et al. (1997). Accumulated oxygen deficit measurements during and after high-intensity exercise in trained male and female adolescents. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 76, 525–531.
  • Okudur, A. (2010).
  • “The Relationship Between
  • Balance and Agility Performance in Tennis Players
  • Aged 12 [‘’12 Yaş Tenisçilerde Denge ile Çeviklik
  • İlişkisinin İncelenmesi’’]. (Master of Science Thesis)
  • Selçuk University, Graduate School Of Health Sciences,Konya.
  • Ooi, C., Tan, A., Ahmad, A., Kwong, K., Sompong, R., Mohd Ghazali, K., & ... Thompson, M. (2009). Physiological characteristics of elite and sub-elite badminton players. Journal Of Sports Sciences, 27(14), 1591-1599.
  • Polat, G. (2009). “The Effects of the 12-Week-Period Basic Badminton Education Trainings on 9 to 12 year-old Kids’ Motoric Features and the Reaction Time” [“9–12 Yaş Grubu Çocuklarda 12 Haftalık Temel Badminton Eğitimi Antrenmanlarının Motorik Fonksiyonları ve Reaksiyon Zamanları Üzerine Etkileri” ].(Master of Science Thesis).Çukurova University,Phsical Education and Sports
  • Revan, S., Aydoğmuş, M., Pepe, H., & Eroğlu, H. (2007). “The Evaluation of Some Physical and Physiological Characteristics of Turkish Foreign National Badminton Team Players Yabancı Ülke Milli Takım Badmintoncularının Bazı Fiziksel Değerlendirilmesi’’]. Niğde University, Journal of Physical Education and Sport Sciences. 1(2), 63.
  • Tsai, C. L., Yang, C. C., Lin, M. S., Huang, K. S., & Chang, S. S. (2006). The EMG activity of the lower extremities in badminton smash stroke. Journal of Biomechanics, 39 (suppl. 1), S562.
  • Sakurai, S., & Ohtsuki, T. (2000). Muscle activity and accuracy of performance of the smash stroke in badminton with reference to skill and practice. Journal of Sports Sciences, 18, 901–914.
  • Singh, j., raza, s., & mohammad, a. (2011). Physical Characteristics and Level of Performance in Badminton: A Relationship Study. Education and Practice, Vol 2, No 5, 2011 Journal of
  • Yıldız, S. (2002).
  • “The Physical and Motoric
  • Characteristic of 11-15 Ages National Badminton
  • Players. [‘’11–15 Yaş Milli Badminton Oyuncularının
  • Motorik ve Fiziksel Özellikleri‘’].(Master of Science
  • Thesis).Kocaeli University
  • Health Sciences,Kocaeli. Graduate School Of
  • Zagatto, A. M., Papoti, M., & Gobatto, C. A. (2008). Anaerobic Capacity May Not Be Determined By Critical Power Model in Elite Table Tennis Players. Journal of Sports Science & Medicine, 7(1), 54-59.
  • Walklate, B., O'brien, B., Paton, C., & Young, W. (N.D). Supplementıng Regular Traınıng Wıth Short- Duratıon Sprınt-Agılıty Traınıng Leads To A Substantıal Increase In Repeated Sprınt-Agılıty Performance Wıth Players. Research, Level Badmınton
  • ournal Of Strength And Conditioning
  • Wonisch, M., Hofmann, P., Schwaberger, G., von Duvillard, S. P., & Klein, W. (2003). Validation of a field test for the noninvasive determination of badminton specific aerobic performance. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 37, 115–118


Yıl 2012, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 3, 244 - 250, 01.12.2012


The aim of this study was to compare some physical and physiological features of elite and amateurbadminton players. The sample of the study were totally 31 Turkish badminton players in 2010-2011 season;consisting of Youth National male players n=16, age: 16.8±1.5 and amateur level male players n=15, age:16.3±0.8 from Sport High School. After the body composition of players were determined, agility test, sit andreach test, multiple reaction test, hand grip strength test and wingate anaerobic power test were applied to them.“Independent T-test” was applied for comparisons among independent groups. After statistical analyses, it wasdetermined that elite players had higher values in height cm , agility second , right hand grip strength kg p


  • Abellán, A. M., Pallarés, J.G., Gullón, J.M.L., Otegui, X.M., Baños, V. M., Moreno, A.M. ( 2010 ). Anaerobic Performance, Cuadernos de Psicología del Deporte 2010. Vol.10, nşm. Suple. pp. 17-23. Wrestling
  • Andersen, L. L., Larsson, B., Overgaard, H., & Aagaard, P. (2007). Torque–velocity characteristics and contractile rate of force development in elite badminton players. European Journal of Sport Science, 7, 127–134.
  • Atacan, B. (2010). “Effect of an 8-Week Specially Arranged Plyometric Training on the Power and Agility of Young Male Soccer Players. [“Özel Düzenlenmiş 8 Haftalık Pliometrik Antrenmanın Genç Erkek Futbolcularda Güce ve Çevikliğe Etkisi” ]. (Master of Science Thesis), Kırıkkale University, Graduate School Of Health Sciences
  • Baron, R., Petschnig, R., Bachl, N., Raberger, G., Smekal, G., & Kastner, P. (1992). Catecholamine Excretion Psychophysical Stress in Table Tennis. International Journal Of Sports Medicine, 13(7), 501–505. of
  • Bradley, C., Matthew, T., & Everett, A. (1995). Lower And Upper Body Anaerobic Performance in Male And Female Adolescent Athletes. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 241. 27(2), 235–
  • Cabello, D., Padial, P., Lees, A., & Rivas, F. (2004). Temporal and physiological characteristics of elite women’s International Journal of Applied Sports Sciences, 16 (2), 1–12. singles badminton.
  • Cabello-Manrique, D., & Gonzalez-Badillo, J. J. (2003). Analysis of the characteristics of competitive badminton. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 37, 62–66.
  • Carrasco, L., Pradas, F., Floría, P., Martínez, A., Herrero, R., & Jurado, J. (2010). Grip Strength in Young Top-level Table Tennis Players. International Table Tennis Federation Sports Science Congress Conference Proceedings, (6), 64-66.
  • Chang, Y., Zhang, Z., & Chen, J. (2006). Zhong Guo Yun Dong Yuan Sheng Li Xin Li Chang Shu He Ying Yang Zhuang Kuang Diao Cha [A study on physiological/psychological profiles and nutritional status of Chinese athletes]. Beijing: Renmin Tiyu Publisher.
  • Chin, M.,Wong, A. S. K., So, R. C. H., Siu,O. T., Steininger, K.,& Lo, D. T. L. (1995). Sport specific fitness testing of elite badminton players. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 29, 153–157.
  • Cohen, D., Voss, C., Taylor, M., Stasinopoulos, D., Delextrat, A., & Sandercock, G. (2010). Handgrip Strength in English Schoolchildren. Acta Paediatrica (Oslo, Norway: 1992), 99(7), 1065–1072.
  • Draper, J. A., & Lancaster, M. G. (1985). The 505 test: A test for agility in the horizontal plane. Australian Journal for Science and Medicine in Sport, 17(1), 15 – 18.
  • Faude, O., Meyer, T., Rosenberger, F., Fries, M., Huber, G., & Kindermann, W. (2007). Physiological characteristics of badminton match play. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 100, 479–485.
  • Franchını, E., DelVecchıo, F. B., Matsushıgue, K. A., Artıolı, G. G. ( 2011 ).Physiological profiles of elite judo athletes, Sports Med. 1;41(2):147-66. 15. Franchını, E. Sterkowicz S. (2005) Anthropometrıcal Differences Between Elite and Non-Elite Judo Players, Biology of Sport, Vol. 22 No4, 2005. M.Y. Kıss M.A.P.D.M.
  • Physıcal Fıtness and
  • Hazar, F., & Taşmektepligil, Y. (2008). “The Effects of Balance and Flexibility on Agility in Prepuberte Period Esnekliğin Çeviklik Üzerine Etkilerinin İncelenmesi’’]. Spormetre Journal of Physical Education and Sport Sciences VI(1),9–12. 17. Horswill, C.A., Scott, J.R., Comparison of maximum aerobic power, maximum anaerobic power, and skinfold thickness of elite and nonelite junior wrestlers. Int J Sports Med. 10(3) 165- 8. Galea P.(1989).
  • Hughes, M. G., & Fullerton, F. M. (1995). Development of an on-court aerobic test for elite badminton players. In T. Reilly, M. G. Hughes, A. Lees (Eds.), Science and racket sports (pp. 51–54). London: E & FN Spon.
  • Kafkas, M., Taşkıran, C., Arslan, C., & Açak, M. (2009). Physiologic and Anthropometric Parameters of Junior Male National Players. Badmintoncuların Antropometrik Parametrelerinin Karşılaştırılmas’’]. Niğde University, Journal of Physical Education and Sport Sciences. 3(1), 13.
  • and Amateur Badminton [‘’Yıldız Erkek Milli ve Fizyolojik Bazı Fiziksel, ve
  • Koley, S., & Singh, A. (n.d). Effect of Hand Dominance in Grip Strength in Collegiate Population of Amritsar, Punjab, India. Anthropologist, 12(1), 13- 16.
  • Kounalakıs, S. N, Bayıos, I. A, Koskolou,M. D, Geladas, N. D. (2008). Anaerobic capacity of the upper arms in top-level team handball players. Int J Sports Physiol Perform. Sep;3(3):251-61.
  • Lieshout, K A V. (2002). “Physiological Profile Of Elite Junıor Badminton Players In South Afrıca” A Dissertatıon Submitted To The Department Of Sport And Movement Studies, Rand Afrikaans Unıversty, Johannesburg For The Degree Of Mphil(Sport Science)
  • Lieshout KA ve Lombard AAJ., Fitness Profile of Elite Junior South African Badminton Players, Af J Physical Health Education Recreation and Dance, Special Edition: 114-120, 2003.
  • Majumdar, P., Khanna, G. L., Malik, V., Sachdeva, S., Arif, Md., & Mandal, M. (1997). Physiological analysis to quantify training load in badminton. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 31, 342–345.
  • Meckel, Y., Machnai, O., & Ellakim, A. (2009). Relatıonshıp Among Repeated Sprınt Tests, Aerobıc Fıtness, and Anaerobıc Fıtness In Elıte Adolescent Soccer Players. Journal Of Strength & Conditioning Research (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins), 23(1), 163- 169.
  • Naughton, G. A., Carlson, J. S., Buttifant, D. C., Selig, S. E., Meldrum, K., McKenna, M. J. et al. (1997). Accumulated oxygen deficit measurements during and after high-intensity exercise in trained male and female adolescents. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 76, 525–531.
  • Okudur, A. (2010).
  • “The Relationship Between
  • Balance and Agility Performance in Tennis Players
  • Aged 12 [‘’12 Yaş Tenisçilerde Denge ile Çeviklik
  • İlişkisinin İncelenmesi’’]. (Master of Science Thesis)
  • Selçuk University, Graduate School Of Health Sciences,Konya.
  • Ooi, C., Tan, A., Ahmad, A., Kwong, K., Sompong, R., Mohd Ghazali, K., & ... Thompson, M. (2009). Physiological characteristics of elite and sub-elite badminton players. Journal Of Sports Sciences, 27(14), 1591-1599.
  • Polat, G. (2009). “The Effects of the 12-Week-Period Basic Badminton Education Trainings on 9 to 12 year-old Kids’ Motoric Features and the Reaction Time” [“9–12 Yaş Grubu Çocuklarda 12 Haftalık Temel Badminton Eğitimi Antrenmanlarının Motorik Fonksiyonları ve Reaksiyon Zamanları Üzerine Etkileri” ].(Master of Science Thesis).Çukurova University,Phsical Education and Sports
  • Revan, S., Aydoğmuş, M., Pepe, H., & Eroğlu, H. (2007). “The Evaluation of Some Physical and Physiological Characteristics of Turkish Foreign National Badminton Team Players Yabancı Ülke Milli Takım Badmintoncularının Bazı Fiziksel Değerlendirilmesi’’]. Niğde University, Journal of Physical Education and Sport Sciences. 1(2), 63.
  • Tsai, C. L., Yang, C. C., Lin, M. S., Huang, K. S., & Chang, S. S. (2006). The EMG activity of the lower extremities in badminton smash stroke. Journal of Biomechanics, 39 (suppl. 1), S562.
  • Sakurai, S., & Ohtsuki, T. (2000). Muscle activity and accuracy of performance of the smash stroke in badminton with reference to skill and practice. Journal of Sports Sciences, 18, 901–914.
  • Singh, j., raza, s., & mohammad, a. (2011). Physical Characteristics and Level of Performance in Badminton: A Relationship Study. Education and Practice, Vol 2, No 5, 2011 Journal of
  • Yıldız, S. (2002).
  • “The Physical and Motoric
  • Characteristic of 11-15 Ages National Badminton
  • Players. [‘’11–15 Yaş Milli Badminton Oyuncularının
  • Motorik ve Fiziksel Özellikleri‘’].(Master of Science
  • Thesis).Kocaeli University
  • Health Sciences,Kocaeli. Graduate School Of
  • Zagatto, A. M., Papoti, M., & Gobatto, C. A. (2008). Anaerobic Capacity May Not Be Determined By Critical Power Model in Elite Table Tennis Players. Journal of Sports Science & Medicine, 7(1), 54-59.
  • Walklate, B., O'brien, B., Paton, C., & Young, W. (N.D). Supplementıng Regular Traınıng Wıth Short- Duratıon Sprınt-Agılıty Traınıng Leads To A Substantıal Increase In Repeated Sprınt-Agılıty Performance Wıth Players. Research, Level Badmınton
  • ournal Of Strength And Conditioning
  • Wonisch, M., Hofmann, P., Schwaberger, G., von Duvillard, S. P., & Klein, W. (2003). Validation of a field test for the noninvasive determination of badminton specific aerobic performance. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 37, 115–118
Toplam 50 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Bölüm Research Article

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Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 2012
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2012 Cilt: 6 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Güçlüöver, A., Demirkan, E., Kutlu, M., Ciğerci, A. E., vd. (2012). GENÇ ELİT MİLLİ VE AMATÖR BADMİNTONCULARIN BAZI FİZİKSEL VE FİZYOLOJİK ÖZELLİKLERİNİN KARŞILAŞTIRILMASI. Beden Eğitimi Ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 6(3), 244-250.