With the development of industrialization, steel structures in our country, especially industrial structures, light housing structures, bazaar, car parks etc. have been widely used in the fields. In the use of lightweight and easily available box sections, undesirable local buckling problems occur especially in the joint areas. Especially when the dimensions of the joined box sections are different, the narrow section causes local buckling on the large section surface. In the study, the results of the box-section column-beam joint, which were experimentally analyzed in the literature, were verified using the ABAQUS program. Using verified numerical models; the number of models has been increased by using details with joint zone plate, side wrap plate and stiffening plate. By using the ABAQUS program, models with different joint details were analyzed under bending moment and the system behavior was tried to be determined. In the analyses made, it was seen that the most effective result was the case with the stiffening plate.
Design Guide 3. (2009). For Rectangular Hollow Section (Rhs) Joints Under Predominantly Static Loading. Comité International Pour Ie Développement Et L’étudeDe La Construction Tubulaire.
Matosa R.M.M.P, Costa-Nevesb L.F, Limac L.R.O, Vellascod P.C.G.S, Silvaeet J.G.S. (2015). Resistance and elastic stiffness of RHS “T” joints: part I - axial brace loading. Latin American Journel of Solids and Structures, https://doi.org/10.1590/1679-78251790.
Xiao-Ding Bu, Jeffrey A. Packer. (2020). Chord end distance effect on RI-IS connections. Journal of Constructional Steel Research.
Lima L.R.O, Vellasco P.C.G, Andradeet S.A.L. (2008). Structural response of K and T tubular joints under static loading. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Connections in Steel Structures.
Eurocode 3 (2003). Design of steel structures - Part 1-8: Design of joints. European Committee For Standardization.
Kalmykova, S. (2021). Sımulatıon of T-Joints Between RHS Steel Members with Offset in ABAQUS CAE. Acta Polytechnica CTU Proceedings,30, 36-40.
Yaghoubshahi, M., Sun, M., & Tousignant, K. (2019). Design of fillet welds in RHS-to-RHS moment T-connections under branch in-plane bending. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 159, 122-133.
Fenkli M, Çelik İ.D, Kımıllı N.A, Sivri M. (2017). Investigation of Capacity on the Hollow Sections Connections with Stiffening Plate. Advanced Steel Construction, 13(1), 45-61.
Packer, J. A., Mashiri, F. R., Zhao, X. L., & Willibald, S. (2007). Static and fatigue design of CHS-to-RHS welded connections using a branch conversion method. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 63(1), 82-95.
Mc Fadden M.T. (2012). Effective Weld Properties for RHS-to-RHS Moment T-Connections. (Master Thesis), Graduate Department of Civil Engineering, University of Toronto.
AISC. (2010). Code of Standard Practice for Steel Buildings and Bridges. Prepared by the American Institute of Steel Construction under the direction of the AISC Committee on the Code of Standard Practice. American Institute of Steel Construction.
Kumar, S.R.S., Rao, P. (2005). RHS Beam-To-Column Connection with Web Opening-Experimental Study And Finite Element Modelling. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 62, 739–746.
Kim, T., Stojadinović, B., ASCE2, M., Whittaker, A.S. (2008). Seismic Performance of Pre-Northridge Welded Steel Moment Connections to Built-Up Box Columns. Journal of Structural Engineering, February 2008, 289-299.
Korol, R.M., El-Zanaty, M., Brady, F.J. (1977). Unequal Width Connections of Square Hollow Sections İn Vierendeel Trusses. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 4, 190-201.
Mang, F., Bucak, Ö., Wolfmuller, F. (1983). The Development of Recommendations for the Design of Welded Joints Between Steel Structural Hollow Sections (T- And X-Type Joints). University of Karlsruhe, Germany, Final Report on ECSC Agreement 7210 SA/l 09 and CIDECT Program 5AD.
Mashiri, F.R., Zhao, X. L. (2004). Plastic Mechanism Analysis Of Welded Thin- Walled T-Joints Made Up Of Circular Braces And Square Chords Under İn- Plane Bending. Thin-Walled Structures, 42, 759–783.
Berman, J. W., & Bruneau, M. (2008). Tubular links for eccentrically braced frames. I: Finite element parametric study. Journal of structural engineering, 134(5), 692-701.
Koning, C.H.M. de, Wardenier, J. (1984). The Static Strength Of Welded Joints Between Structural Hollow Sections Or Between Structural Hollow Sections And H-Sections. Delft University of Technology, Delft, Part 2: Joints between rectangular hollow sections, Stevin Report 6-84-19.
Fincanoğlu A. (2015). Eğilme Etkisi Altında C Tipi Başlık Levhalı Kutu Kesitli Birleşimlerin Dönme Kapasitelerinin İncelenmesi. Doktora Lisans Tezi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü İnşaat Mühendisliği Anabilim Dalı, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi, 80.
Kök E. (2014).Kutu Kesitli Birleşimlerde Ek Kaynaklı Başlık Levhasının Moment Kapasitesine Etkisi. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü İnşaat Mühendisliği Anabilim Dalı, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi. 71
ABAQUS Users Manual, ABAQUS Release V21 Documentation, Abaqus Inc. http://www.ichec.ie/infrastructure/software/ABAQUS/.
TS EN ISO 6892-1. (2010). Metalik Malzemeler- Çekme Deneyi- Bölüm 1: Ortam Sıcaklığında Deney Metodu. Türk Standartları Enstitüsü, Ankara.
Kutu Kesitli Birleşimlerde Ek Levhası Şeklinin Moment Taşıma Kapasitesine Etkisi
Sanayileşmenin gelişmesiyle ülkemizde çelik yapılar özellikle sanayi yapıları, hafif konut yapıları, pazar yeri, otopark alanı vb. alanlarda yaygın kullanılmaya başlamıştır. Hafif ve kolay bulunabilen kutu kesitlerin kullanımında özellikle birleşim bölgelerinde istenmeyen lokal burkulma problemleri oluşmaktadır. Birleştirilen kutu kesitlerin özellikle boyutlarının farklı olması durumunda dar kesit geniş kesitli yüzeyde lokal burkulmaya neden olmaktadır. Çalışmada literatürde deneysel analizi yapılan kutu kesitli kolon-kiriş birleşiminin sonuçları ABAQUS programı kullanılarak doğrulanmıştır. Doğrulanan sayısal modeller kullanılarak; birleşim bölgesi levhalı, yan sargılı levhalı ve rijitleştirme levhalı detaylar kullanılarak model sayısı artırılmıştır. ABAQUS programı kullanılarak farklı birleşim detayına sahip modeller eğilme momenti altında analiz edilmiş ve sistem davranışı belirlenmeye çalışılmıştır. Yapılan analizlerde en etkili sonucun rijitleştirme levhalı durum olduğu görülmüştür.
Design Guide 3. (2009). For Rectangular Hollow Section (Rhs) Joints Under Predominantly Static Loading. Comité International Pour Ie Développement Et L’étudeDe La Construction Tubulaire.
Matosa R.M.M.P, Costa-Nevesb L.F, Limac L.R.O, Vellascod P.C.G.S, Silvaeet J.G.S. (2015). Resistance and elastic stiffness of RHS “T” joints: part I - axial brace loading. Latin American Journel of Solids and Structures, https://doi.org/10.1590/1679-78251790.
Xiao-Ding Bu, Jeffrey A. Packer. (2020). Chord end distance effect on RI-IS connections. Journal of Constructional Steel Research.
Lima L.R.O, Vellasco P.C.G, Andradeet S.A.L. (2008). Structural response of K and T tubular joints under static loading. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Connections in Steel Structures.
Eurocode 3 (2003). Design of steel structures - Part 1-8: Design of joints. European Committee For Standardization.
Kalmykova, S. (2021). Sımulatıon of T-Joints Between RHS Steel Members with Offset in ABAQUS CAE. Acta Polytechnica CTU Proceedings,30, 36-40.
Yaghoubshahi, M., Sun, M., & Tousignant, K. (2019). Design of fillet welds in RHS-to-RHS moment T-connections under branch in-plane bending. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 159, 122-133.
Fenkli M, Çelik İ.D, Kımıllı N.A, Sivri M. (2017). Investigation of Capacity on the Hollow Sections Connections with Stiffening Plate. Advanced Steel Construction, 13(1), 45-61.
Packer, J. A., Mashiri, F. R., Zhao, X. L., & Willibald, S. (2007). Static and fatigue design of CHS-to-RHS welded connections using a branch conversion method. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 63(1), 82-95.
Mc Fadden M.T. (2012). Effective Weld Properties for RHS-to-RHS Moment T-Connections. (Master Thesis), Graduate Department of Civil Engineering, University of Toronto.
AISC. (2010). Code of Standard Practice for Steel Buildings and Bridges. Prepared by the American Institute of Steel Construction under the direction of the AISC Committee on the Code of Standard Practice. American Institute of Steel Construction.
Kumar, S.R.S., Rao, P. (2005). RHS Beam-To-Column Connection with Web Opening-Experimental Study And Finite Element Modelling. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 62, 739–746.
Kim, T., Stojadinović, B., ASCE2, M., Whittaker, A.S. (2008). Seismic Performance of Pre-Northridge Welded Steel Moment Connections to Built-Up Box Columns. Journal of Structural Engineering, February 2008, 289-299.
Korol, R.M., El-Zanaty, M., Brady, F.J. (1977). Unequal Width Connections of Square Hollow Sections İn Vierendeel Trusses. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 4, 190-201.
Mang, F., Bucak, Ö., Wolfmuller, F. (1983). The Development of Recommendations for the Design of Welded Joints Between Steel Structural Hollow Sections (T- And X-Type Joints). University of Karlsruhe, Germany, Final Report on ECSC Agreement 7210 SA/l 09 and CIDECT Program 5AD.
Mashiri, F.R., Zhao, X. L. (2004). Plastic Mechanism Analysis Of Welded Thin- Walled T-Joints Made Up Of Circular Braces And Square Chords Under İn- Plane Bending. Thin-Walled Structures, 42, 759–783.
Berman, J. W., & Bruneau, M. (2008). Tubular links for eccentrically braced frames. I: Finite element parametric study. Journal of structural engineering, 134(5), 692-701.
Koning, C.H.M. de, Wardenier, J. (1984). The Static Strength Of Welded Joints Between Structural Hollow Sections Or Between Structural Hollow Sections And H-Sections. Delft University of Technology, Delft, Part 2: Joints between rectangular hollow sections, Stevin Report 6-84-19.
Fincanoğlu A. (2015). Eğilme Etkisi Altında C Tipi Başlık Levhalı Kutu Kesitli Birleşimlerin Dönme Kapasitelerinin İncelenmesi. Doktora Lisans Tezi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü İnşaat Mühendisliği Anabilim Dalı, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi, 80.
Kök E. (2014).Kutu Kesitli Birleşimlerde Ek Kaynaklı Başlık Levhasının Moment Kapasitesine Etkisi. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü İnşaat Mühendisliği Anabilim Dalı, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi. 71
ABAQUS Users Manual, ABAQUS Release V21 Documentation, Abaqus Inc. http://www.ichec.ie/infrastructure/software/ABAQUS/.
TS EN ISO 6892-1. (2010). Metalik Malzemeler- Çekme Deneyi- Bölüm 1: Ortam Sıcaklığında Deney Metodu. Türk Standartları Enstitüsü, Ankara.
Sivri, M. (2022). Kutu Kesitli Birleşimlerde Ek Levhası Şeklinin Moment Taşıma Kapasitesine Etkisi. Bilecik Şeyh Edebali Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 9(2), 837-846. https://doi.org/10.35193/bseufbd.1085126