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The Effect of Job Insecurity on Task Performance: The Moderator Role of Innovative Behaviour

Yıl 2020, , 214 - 233, 30.06.2020


Some factors, like downsizing, restructuring of the organization and e-commerce, increase job insecurity. However, the measure of task performance may change the employee's perception of job insecurity. Task performance is the employee’s contribution to the business as a result of fulfilling the work responsibility. However, the perception of job insecurity can also decrease the employee's job performance. In this context, the perception of job insecurity can lead to different results in task performance with innovative behavior. Innovative behavior is to develop a radical or incremental product or service for the solution of a common problem that can meet consumers’ needs or expectations. Therefore, instead of being a problem, negative perceptions and situations can be solved from an innovative perspective and productivity can be restored. For that reason, this research aims to examine the moderator role of innovative behavior in the effect of job insecurity on task performance. To that end, an online survey was conducted with 125 participants working in a large-scale automobile factory in Kocaeli. The convenience sampling method was used in collecting research data. In the research, correlation and hierarchical regression analyzes were used. As a result of the research, it was determined that innovative behavior has a moderator role in the relationship between job insecurity and task performance. This result shows that employees gain awareness by replacing their perceptions of job insecurity with innovative behaviors and reflect this on their job performance.


  • Armstrong, Michael (2010) Armstrong’s Essential Human Resource Management Practice: A Guide to People Management, Kogan Page Publishers, Philadelpia.
  • Aryee, Samuel, Walumbwa Ochieng Fred, Zhou Qin ve Hartnell Chad (2012) “Transformational Leadership, Innovative Behavior and Task Performance: Test of Mediation and Moderation Processes”, Human Performance, 25.1, ss.1-25.
  • Ashford, Susan, Lee Cynthia ve Bobko Philip (1989) “Content, Causes and Consequences of Job Insecurity: A Theory-Based Measure and Substantive Test”. Academy of Management Journal, C:32, ss. 803–829.
  • Bystrom, Katriina (1999) “Task Complexity, Information Types and Information Sources: Examination of Relationships” (Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation). Acta Universitatis Tamperensis, Department of Information Studies, Tampere, Finland.
  • Borg, Ingwer ve Elizur Dov (1992) “Job Insecurity: Correlates, Moderators and Measurement”. International Journal of Manpower, C:13, ss.13-26.
  • Cascıo, Wayne F. (1993) “Downsizing: What Do We Know? What Have We Learned?”, The Academy of Management Executive, C:7, ss. 95–104.
  • Chan, David (2006) “Interactive Effects of Situational Judgment Effectiveness and Proactive Personality on Work Perceptions and Work Outcomes”. Journal of Applied Psychology, 91.2, s.475.
  • Cohen, J. ve Cohen, P. (1983). “Applied Multiple Regression/Correlation Analysis for The Behavioral Sciences”. Erlbaum, Hillsdale, NJ.
  • Conway, James M. (1999) “Distinguishing Contextual Performance From Task Performance For Managerial Jobs”. Journal of Applied Psychology, C:84, ss. 3-13.
  • Dökmen, Üstün (2009). Var Olmak, Gelişmek, Uzlaşmak, 17. Basım, Remzi Kitapevi, Ankara.
  • Durbin, James ve Watson, G. (1971). “Testing for Serial Correlation in Least Squares Regression”. Biometrika, 58.1, ss 1-19.
  • Ferrie, Jane E. (2001) “Is Job Insecurity Harmful To Health?”, Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, University College London, C:94, ss. 71-76.
  • Field, Andy P. (2000). “Discovering Statistics Using Spss For Windows”. Sage Publications, London.
  • Greenhalgh, Leonard ve Rosenbaltt, Zehava (1984) “Job Insecurity: Toward Conceptual Clarity”, Academy of Management Review, 9.3, ss. 438-448.
  • Hellgren, Johanny, Sverke, Magnus ve Isaksson, Kerstin (1999) “A Two-Dimensional Approach to Job Insecurity: Consequences For Employee Attitudes and Well-Being”, European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 8.2, ss. 179-195.
  • Hulın, Charles (1991) “Adaptation, Persistence and Commitmentin Organizations”. In Dunnette, M.D. and Hough, L.M. (Eds.), Handbook of Industrial and Organizational Psychology. ss.445–505. Consulting Psychologists Press, Palo Alto, CA, USA.
  • Jamal, Muhammad Jawad (2017) “Job Stress and Job Performance Controversy Revisited: An Empirical Examination in Two Countries”. Concordia University International Journal of Stress Management, 14.2, ss. 175–187.
  • Janssen, Onne (2000) “Job Demands, Perceptions of Effort‐Reward Fairness and Innovative Work Behavior”, Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, C:73, ss. 287-302.
  • Janssen, Onne, Van De Vliert Evert ve West Michael (2004) “The Bright and Dark Sides of Individual and Group Innovation: A Special Issue Introduction”, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 25.2, ss. 129-145.
  • Jehangır, Muhammad, Kareem Nasir, Khan Ayaz, Jan Tahir Muhammad ve Soherwardi Shaheed (2011) “Effects of Job Stress on Job Performance and Job Satisfaction”, Institute of Interdisciplinary Business Research, 3.7, ss.453-465.
  • Kalaycı, Şeref (2008). “Spss Uygulamalı Çok Değişkenli İstatistik Teknikleri”. Asil Yayın Dağıtım, Ankara.
  • Kanter, Rosabeth Moss (1988) “When a Thousand Flowers Bloom: Structural, Collective and Social Conditions for Innovation in Organizations”, Research in Organizational Behavior, C:10, ss. 169-211.
  • Kheng, Yeoh Khar, June Sethela ve Mahmood, Rosli (2013) “The Determinants of Innovative Work Behavior in the Knowledge Intensive Business Services Sector In Malaysia”, Asian Social Science, 9.15, ss. 47-59.
  • Kleysen, Robert F. ve Street, Christopher T. (2001) “Toward a Multi-Dimensional Measure of Individual Innovative Work Behavior”, Journal of Intellectual Capital, 2.3, ss. 284-296.
  • Kınnuen, Ulla, Mauno Saija, Natti Jouko ve Happonen Mika (1999) “Perceived Job Insecurity: A Longitudinal Study Among Finish Employees”, Europen Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, ss.243-260.
  • Li, Ning, Liang Jian ve Crant J. Michael (2010) “The Role of Proactive Personality in Job Satisfaction and Organizational Citizenship Behavior: A Relational Perspective”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 95.2, ss. 395–404.
  • Merrill, M. David (2006) “Hypothesized Performance on Complex Tasks As A Function of Scaled Instructional Strategies”, In J. Enen and R. E. Clark (Eds.), Handling Complexity in Learning Environments: Theory and Research, ss.265-281. Elsevier, Amsterdam.
  • Mıgnonac, Karim ve Herrbach Olivier (2004) “Linking Work Events, Affective States and Attitudes: An Empirical Study of Managers’ Emotions”, Journal of Business and Psychology, C:19, ss. 221–240.
  • Poyraz, Kemal ve Kama Bülent (2008) “Algılanan İş Güvencesinin, İş Tatmini, Örgütsel Bağlılık ve İşten Ayrılma Niyeti Üzerindeki Etkilerinin İncelenmesi”, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakülte Dergisi, 13.2, ss.143-164.
  • Reisel, William D., Chia, S.L., Maloles, C. M. ve Slocum, John W. (2007). “The Effects of Job Insecurity on Satisfaction and Perceived Organizational Performance”. Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, 14.2, ss. 106-116.
  • Reuvers, Mark, Van Engen Marloes L., Vinkenburg Claartje J. ve Wilson-Evered Elisabeth (2008) “Transformational Leadership and Innovative Work Behaviour: Exploring The Relevance of Gender Differences”, Creativity and Innovation Management, 17.3, ss. 227-244.
  • Rosenblatt, Zehava ve Ruvıo, Ayalla A. (1996) “A Test of Multidimensional Model of Job Insecurity: The Case of Israeli Teachers”, Journal of Organizational Behavior, C:17, ss. 587-605.
  • Scott, Susanne G. ve Bruce Reginald A. (1994) “Determinants of Innovative Behavior: A Path Model of Individual Innovation in the Workplace”, Academy of Management Journal, 37.3, ss.580-607.
  • Sverke, Magnus, Hellgren Johanny ve Naswall Katharina (2002) “No Security: A Meta-Analysis and Review of Job Insecurity and Its Consequences”, Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 7.3
  • Tarhan, Nevzat (2013) Güzel İnsan Modeli, 6. Baskı, Timaş Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • Vander Elst, Tinne, Cuyper Nele De ve De Witte Hans (2011) “The Role of Perceived Control in the Relationship between Job Insecurity and Psychosocial Outcomes: Moderator or Mediator?”, Stress and Health, 27.3, ss.215-227.
  • Van Scotter, James Robert ve Motowıdlo Stephan J. (1996) “Interpersonal Facilitation and Job Dedication as Separate Facets of Contextual Performance”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 81.5, ss. 525–531.
  • Wawoe, Kilian W. (2010) “Proactive Personality: The Advantages and Disadvantages of An Entrepreneurial Disposition In The Financial Industry”, Doctoral Dissertation, Vrue University, Amsterdam.
  • West, Michael ve Farr James L. (1989) “Innovation at Work: Psychological Perspectives”, Social Behavior, 4.1, ss. 15-30.
  • Wıllıams, Kipling D. ve Karau Steven J. (1991) “Social Loafing and Social Compensation: The Effects of Expectations of Co-Worker Performance”, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 61.4, ss. 570-581.
  • Zhao, Hao, Wayne, S.J., Glibkowski Brian C., Wayne Sandy ve Bravo Jesus (2007) “The Impact of Psychological Contract Breach in Work-Related Outcomes: A Meta-Analysis”, Personnel Psychology, 60.3, ss. 647–680.

İş Güvencesizliğinin Görev Performansına Etkisi: Yenilikçi Davranışın Düzenleyici Rolü

Yıl 2020, , 214 - 233, 30.06.2020


Örgütün küçülmesi, yeniden yapılandırılması ve e-ticaret gibi bazı faktörler, iş güvencesizliğini arttırmaktadır. Ancak çalışanın iş güvencesizliği algısı, görev performansı ölçüsü ile değişebilir. Görev performansı, çalışanın iş sorumluluğunu yerine getirmesi sonucu, işletmeye olan katkısıdır. Ancak, iş güvencesizliği algısı, çalışanın görev performansını düşürebilir. Bu bağlamda iş güvencesizliği algısı, yenilikçi davranış ile farklı görev performansı sonuçlarına neden olabilir. Yenilikçi davranış; ortak bir sorunun çözümüne yönelik, tüketici ihtiyaç ya da beklentisine cevap verebilen radikal ya da kademeli bir ürün ya da hizmet geliştirmektir. Böylelikle olumsuz algı ve durumlar, bir sorun olarak görülmek yerine yenilikçi bir perspektiften çözülebilir ve verimlilik tekrar sağlanabilir. Araştırmanın amacı, iş güvencesizliğinin görev performansına etkisinde yenilikçi davranışın düzenleyici rolünü incelemektir. Bu amaç ile Kocaeli’nde büyük ölçekli bir otomobil fabrikasında çalışan 125 kişi ile çevrimiçi anket yapılmıştır. Araştırma verisinin toplanmasında, kolayda örnekleme yönteminden yararlanılmıştır. Araştırmada, korelasyon ve hiyerarşik regresyon analizlerinden yararlanılmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda iş güvencesizliği ve görev performansı ilişkisinde yenilikçi davranışın düzenleyici rolü olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Bu sonuç, çalışanların iş güvencesizliği algılarını yenilikçi davranışlar ile değiştirerek, bir farkındalık kazandıklarını ve bunu görev performansına yansıttıklarını göstermektedir.


  • Armstrong, Michael (2010) Armstrong’s Essential Human Resource Management Practice: A Guide to People Management, Kogan Page Publishers, Philadelpia.
  • Aryee, Samuel, Walumbwa Ochieng Fred, Zhou Qin ve Hartnell Chad (2012) “Transformational Leadership, Innovative Behavior and Task Performance: Test of Mediation and Moderation Processes”, Human Performance, 25.1, ss.1-25.
  • Ashford, Susan, Lee Cynthia ve Bobko Philip (1989) “Content, Causes and Consequences of Job Insecurity: A Theory-Based Measure and Substantive Test”. Academy of Management Journal, C:32, ss. 803–829.
  • Bystrom, Katriina (1999) “Task Complexity, Information Types and Information Sources: Examination of Relationships” (Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation). Acta Universitatis Tamperensis, Department of Information Studies, Tampere, Finland.
  • Borg, Ingwer ve Elizur Dov (1992) “Job Insecurity: Correlates, Moderators and Measurement”. International Journal of Manpower, C:13, ss.13-26.
  • Cascıo, Wayne F. (1993) “Downsizing: What Do We Know? What Have We Learned?”, The Academy of Management Executive, C:7, ss. 95–104.
  • Chan, David (2006) “Interactive Effects of Situational Judgment Effectiveness and Proactive Personality on Work Perceptions and Work Outcomes”. Journal of Applied Psychology, 91.2, s.475.
  • Cohen, J. ve Cohen, P. (1983). “Applied Multiple Regression/Correlation Analysis for The Behavioral Sciences”. Erlbaum, Hillsdale, NJ.
  • Conway, James M. (1999) “Distinguishing Contextual Performance From Task Performance For Managerial Jobs”. Journal of Applied Psychology, C:84, ss. 3-13.
  • Dökmen, Üstün (2009). Var Olmak, Gelişmek, Uzlaşmak, 17. Basım, Remzi Kitapevi, Ankara.
  • Durbin, James ve Watson, G. (1971). “Testing for Serial Correlation in Least Squares Regression”. Biometrika, 58.1, ss 1-19.
  • Ferrie, Jane E. (2001) “Is Job Insecurity Harmful To Health?”, Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, University College London, C:94, ss. 71-76.
  • Field, Andy P. (2000). “Discovering Statistics Using Spss For Windows”. Sage Publications, London.
  • Greenhalgh, Leonard ve Rosenbaltt, Zehava (1984) “Job Insecurity: Toward Conceptual Clarity”, Academy of Management Review, 9.3, ss. 438-448.
  • Hellgren, Johanny, Sverke, Magnus ve Isaksson, Kerstin (1999) “A Two-Dimensional Approach to Job Insecurity: Consequences For Employee Attitudes and Well-Being”, European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 8.2, ss. 179-195.
  • Hulın, Charles (1991) “Adaptation, Persistence and Commitmentin Organizations”. In Dunnette, M.D. and Hough, L.M. (Eds.), Handbook of Industrial and Organizational Psychology. ss.445–505. Consulting Psychologists Press, Palo Alto, CA, USA.
  • Jamal, Muhammad Jawad (2017) “Job Stress and Job Performance Controversy Revisited: An Empirical Examination in Two Countries”. Concordia University International Journal of Stress Management, 14.2, ss. 175–187.
  • Janssen, Onne (2000) “Job Demands, Perceptions of Effort‐Reward Fairness and Innovative Work Behavior”, Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, C:73, ss. 287-302.
  • Janssen, Onne, Van De Vliert Evert ve West Michael (2004) “The Bright and Dark Sides of Individual and Group Innovation: A Special Issue Introduction”, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 25.2, ss. 129-145.
  • Jehangır, Muhammad, Kareem Nasir, Khan Ayaz, Jan Tahir Muhammad ve Soherwardi Shaheed (2011) “Effects of Job Stress on Job Performance and Job Satisfaction”, Institute of Interdisciplinary Business Research, 3.7, ss.453-465.
  • Kalaycı, Şeref (2008). “Spss Uygulamalı Çok Değişkenli İstatistik Teknikleri”. Asil Yayın Dağıtım, Ankara.
  • Kanter, Rosabeth Moss (1988) “When a Thousand Flowers Bloom: Structural, Collective and Social Conditions for Innovation in Organizations”, Research in Organizational Behavior, C:10, ss. 169-211.
  • Kheng, Yeoh Khar, June Sethela ve Mahmood, Rosli (2013) “The Determinants of Innovative Work Behavior in the Knowledge Intensive Business Services Sector In Malaysia”, Asian Social Science, 9.15, ss. 47-59.
  • Kleysen, Robert F. ve Street, Christopher T. (2001) “Toward a Multi-Dimensional Measure of Individual Innovative Work Behavior”, Journal of Intellectual Capital, 2.3, ss. 284-296.
  • Kınnuen, Ulla, Mauno Saija, Natti Jouko ve Happonen Mika (1999) “Perceived Job Insecurity: A Longitudinal Study Among Finish Employees”, Europen Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, ss.243-260.
  • Li, Ning, Liang Jian ve Crant J. Michael (2010) “The Role of Proactive Personality in Job Satisfaction and Organizational Citizenship Behavior: A Relational Perspective”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 95.2, ss. 395–404.
  • Merrill, M. David (2006) “Hypothesized Performance on Complex Tasks As A Function of Scaled Instructional Strategies”, In J. Enen and R. E. Clark (Eds.), Handling Complexity in Learning Environments: Theory and Research, ss.265-281. Elsevier, Amsterdam.
  • Mıgnonac, Karim ve Herrbach Olivier (2004) “Linking Work Events, Affective States and Attitudes: An Empirical Study of Managers’ Emotions”, Journal of Business and Psychology, C:19, ss. 221–240.
  • Poyraz, Kemal ve Kama Bülent (2008) “Algılanan İş Güvencesinin, İş Tatmini, Örgütsel Bağlılık ve İşten Ayrılma Niyeti Üzerindeki Etkilerinin İncelenmesi”, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakülte Dergisi, 13.2, ss.143-164.
  • Reisel, William D., Chia, S.L., Maloles, C. M. ve Slocum, John W. (2007). “The Effects of Job Insecurity on Satisfaction and Perceived Organizational Performance”. Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, 14.2, ss. 106-116.
  • Reuvers, Mark, Van Engen Marloes L., Vinkenburg Claartje J. ve Wilson-Evered Elisabeth (2008) “Transformational Leadership and Innovative Work Behaviour: Exploring The Relevance of Gender Differences”, Creativity and Innovation Management, 17.3, ss. 227-244.
  • Rosenblatt, Zehava ve Ruvıo, Ayalla A. (1996) “A Test of Multidimensional Model of Job Insecurity: The Case of Israeli Teachers”, Journal of Organizational Behavior, C:17, ss. 587-605.
  • Scott, Susanne G. ve Bruce Reginald A. (1994) “Determinants of Innovative Behavior: A Path Model of Individual Innovation in the Workplace”, Academy of Management Journal, 37.3, ss.580-607.
  • Sverke, Magnus, Hellgren Johanny ve Naswall Katharina (2002) “No Security: A Meta-Analysis and Review of Job Insecurity and Its Consequences”, Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 7.3
  • Tarhan, Nevzat (2013) Güzel İnsan Modeli, 6. Baskı, Timaş Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • Vander Elst, Tinne, Cuyper Nele De ve De Witte Hans (2011) “The Role of Perceived Control in the Relationship between Job Insecurity and Psychosocial Outcomes: Moderator or Mediator?”, Stress and Health, 27.3, ss.215-227.
  • Van Scotter, James Robert ve Motowıdlo Stephan J. (1996) “Interpersonal Facilitation and Job Dedication as Separate Facets of Contextual Performance”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 81.5, ss. 525–531.
  • Wawoe, Kilian W. (2010) “Proactive Personality: The Advantages and Disadvantages of An Entrepreneurial Disposition In The Financial Industry”, Doctoral Dissertation, Vrue University, Amsterdam.
  • West, Michael ve Farr James L. (1989) “Innovation at Work: Psychological Perspectives”, Social Behavior, 4.1, ss. 15-30.
  • Wıllıams, Kipling D. ve Karau Steven J. (1991) “Social Loafing and Social Compensation: The Effects of Expectations of Co-Worker Performance”, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 61.4, ss. 570-581.
  • Zhao, Hao, Wayne, S.J., Glibkowski Brian C., Wayne Sandy ve Bravo Jesus (2007) “The Impact of Psychological Contract Breach in Work-Related Outcomes: A Meta-Analysis”, Personnel Psychology, 60.3, ss. 647–680.
Toplam 41 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular İşletme
Bölüm Makaleler

Saadet Ela Pelenk 0000-0002-8068-5518

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Haziran 2020
Gönderilme Tarihi 30 Nisan 2020
Kabul Tarihi 14 Haziran 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020

Kaynak Göster

APA Pelenk, S. E. (2020). İş Güvencesizliğinin Görev Performansına Etkisi: Yenilikçi Davranışın Düzenleyici Rolü. Bilecik Şeyh Edebali Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 5(1), 214-233.