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Gıda Takviyesi Olarak Astaksantin ve Sağlık Üzerine Etkileri

Yıl 2024, , 33 - 45, 15.01.2024


Bu çalışma son 25 yılda özellikle son 5 yılda PubMed ve Web of Science veri tabanlarında "astaksantin", "sağlık etkisi" ve "diyet takviyeleri" anahtar kelimeleriyle taranan makaleler aracılığıyla astaksantin kaynakları, üretimi, gıda endüstrisindeki kullanımı ve sağlık üzerindeki potansiyel etkilerini incelemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Astaksantin üzerine yapılan bu kapsamlı derleme, bu doğal antioksidanın biyolojik etkilerini ve insan sağlığına olan potansiyel faydalarını ele almaktadır. Çalışma, astaksantinin oksidatif stres, inflamasyon, bağırsak mikrobiyotası, nörolojik hastalıklar, terapötik kullanımları ve yaşlanma karşıtı stratejilerdeki rolünü çeşitli yönlerden değerlendirmektedir. Bu çalışma astaksantinin gelecekteki klinik araştırmalarda ve sağlık uygulamalarında nasıl değerlendirilebileceğine dair önemli bir temel sunar. Özellikle yaşlanan nüfusun arttığı bir dönemde, astaksantin gibi doğal bir antioksidanın hastalıkların önlenmesi ve tedavisindeki potansiyeli üzerinde durulmaktadır.


  • Ambati RR, Phang SM, Ravi S, Aswathanarayana RG. 2014. Astaxanthin: sources, extraction, stability, biological activities and its commercial applications--a review. Mar Drugs, 12(1): 128-152.
  • Anarjan N, Tan CP. 2013. Chemical stability of astaxanthin nanodispersions in orange juice and skimmed milk as model food systems. Food Chem, 139(1-4): 527-531.
  • Andersen LP, Holck S, Kupcinskas L, Kiudelis G, Jonaitis L, Janciauskas D, Permin H, Wadström T. 2007. Gastric inflammatory markers and interleukins in patients with functional dyspepsia treated with astaxanthin. FEMS Immunol Med Microbiol, 50(2): 244-248.
  • Aneesh PA, Ajeeshkumar KK, Lekshmi RGK, Anandan R, Ravishankar CN, Mathew S. 2022. Bioactivities of astaxanthin from natural sources, augmenting its biomedical potential: A review. Trends Food Sci Technol, 125: 81-90.
  • Alzheimer's Association. 2018. 2018 Alzheimer's disease facts and figures. Alzheimers Dementia, 14(3): 367-425.
  • Atalay PB, Kuku G, Tuna BG. 2019. Effects of carbendazim and astaxanthin co-treatment on the proliferation of MCF-7 breast cancer cells. In Vitro Cell Devel Biol Anim, 55(2): 113-119.
  • Bennedsen M, Wang X, Willen R, Wadstrom T, Andersen LP. 1999. Treatment of H-pylori infected mice with antioxidant astaxanthin reduces gastric inflammation, bacterial load and modulates cytokine release by splenocytes. Immunol Lett, 70(3): 185-189.
  • Bjorklund G, Gasmi A, Lenchyk L, Shanaida M, Zafar S, Mujawdiya PK, Lysiuk R, Antonyak H, Noor S, Akram M, Smetanina K, Piscopo S, Upyr T, Peana M. 2022. The role of astaxanthin as a nutraceutical in health and age-related conditions. Molecules, 27(21): 7167.
  • Bohn T, Desmarchelier C, Dragsted LO, Nielsen CS, Stahl W, Ruhl R, Keijer J, Borel P. 2017. Host-related factors explaining interindividual variability of carotenoid bioavailability and tissue concentrations in humans. Molec Nutrit Food Res, 61(6): 1600685. 160068510.1002/mnfr.201600685.
  • Brasil FB, Gobbo RCB, de Almeida FJS, Luckachaki MD, Dall'Oglio EL, de Oliveira MR. 2021. The signaling pathway PI3K/Akt/Nrf2/HO-1 plays a role in the mitochondrial protection promoted by astaxanthin in the SH-SY5Y cells exposed to hydrogen peroxide. Neurochem Int, 146. 105024.
  • Brendler T, Williamson EM. 2019. Astaxanthin: How much is too much? A safety review. Phytotherapy Res, 33(12): 3090-3111.
  • Cao YR, Yang L, Qiao X, Xue CH, Xu J. 2021. Dietary astaxanthin: an excellent carotenoid with multiple health benefits. Crit Rev Food Sci Nutrit, 2021: 1-27
  • Capelli B, Talbott S, Ding, L. 2019. Astaxanthin sources: Suitability for human health and nutrition. Funct Foods Health Disease, 9(6): 430-445.
  • Chalyk NE, Klochkov VA, Bandaletova TY, Kyle NH, Petyaev IM. 2017. Continuous astaxanthin intake reduces oxidative stress and reverses age-related morphological changes of residual skin surface components in middle-aged volunteers. Nutrit Res, 48: 40-48.
  • Chan KC, Chen SC, Chen PC. 2019. Astaxanthin attenuated thrombotic risk factors in type 2 diabetic patients. Journal of Funct Foods, 53: 22-27.
  • Chang Y, Lu CW, Chen YJ, Lin TY, Huang SK, Wang SJ. 2018. Astaxanthin protects against kainic acid-induced seizures and pathological consequences. Neurochem Int, 116: 85-94.
  • Choi HD, Youn YK, Shin WG. 2011. Positive effects of astaxanthin on lipid profiles and oxidative stress in overweight subjects. Plant Foods Human Nutrit, 66(4): 363-369.
  • Cui GY, Li L, Xu WX, Wang MY, Jiao DY, Yao BB, Xu KT, Chen YL, Yang SH, Long M, Li P, Guo Y. 2020. Astaxanthin protects ochratoxin a-ınduced oxidative stress and apoptosis in the heart via the Nrf2 pathway. Oxidative Medic Cell Longevity. 2020: 7639109.
  • Davinelli S, Melvang HM, Andersen LP, Scapagnini G, Nielsen ME. 2019. Astaxanthin from shrimp cephalothorax stimulates the ımmune response by enhancing IFN-gamma, IL-10, and IL-2 secretion in splenocytes of helicobacter pylori-ınfected mice. Mar Drugs, 17(7): 382.
  • Diao WL, Chen WA, Cao WM, Yuan H, Ji H, Wang TW, Zhu XX, Zhou H, Guo HQ, Zhao XZ. 2019. Astaxanthin protects against renal fibrosis through inhibiting myofibroblast activation and promoting CD8(+) T cell recruitment. Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta-General Subjects, 1863(9): 1360-1370.
  • Donoso A, Gonzalez-Duran J, Munoz AA, Gonzalez PA, Agurto-Munoz C. 2021. Therapeutic uses of natural astaxanthin: An evidence-based review focused on human clinical trials. Pharmacol Res, 166: 105479.
  • Du X, Wang X, Yan X, Yang Y, Li Z, Jiang Z, Ni H. 2020. Hypoglycaemic effect of all-trans astaxanthin through inhibiting α-glucosidase. J Funct Foods, 74: 104168.
  • EFSA Panel on Additives and Products or Substances used in Animal Feed (FEEDAP). 2014. Scientific opinion on the safety and efficacy of synthetic astaxanthin as feed additive for salmon and trout, other fish, ornamental fish, crustaceans and ornamental birds. EFSA J, 12(6): 3724.
  • EFSA Panel on Nutrition, Novel Foods and Food Allergens (NDA), Turck D, Castenmiller J, de Henauw S, Hirsch‐Ernst KI, Kearney J, Knutsen HK. 2020. Safety of astaxanthin for its use as a novel food in food supplements. EFSA J, 18(2): e05993.
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  • Gao Y, Yang L, Chin YX, Liu F, Li RW, Yuan SH, Xue CH, Xu J, Tang QJ. 2020. Astaxanthin n-Octanoic acid diester ameliorates ınsulin resistance and modulates gut microbiota in high-fat and high-sucrose diet-fed mice. Int J Molec Sci, 21(6): 2149. 214910.3390/ijms21062149.
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  • Hashimoto H, Arai K, Hayashi S, Okamoto H, Takahashi J, Chikuda M. 2016. The effect of astaxanthin on vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) levels and peroxidation reactions in the aqueous humor. J Clin Biochem Nutrit, 59(1): 10-15.
  • Higuera-Ciapara I, Felix-Valenzuela L, Goycoolea FM. 2006. Astaxanthin: A review of its chemistry and applications. Crit Rev Food Sci Nutrit, 46(2): 185-196.
  • Hossain AM, Brennan MA, Mason SL, Guo X, Zeng XA, Brennan CS. 2017. The effect of astaxanthin-rich microalgae “Haematococcus pluvialis” and wholemeal flours incorporation in improving the physical and functional properties of cookies. Foods, 6(8): 57.
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  • Ishiwata S, Kato T, Kasai T, Sato A, Yatsu S, Matsumoto H, Shitara J, Murata A, Shimizu M, Suda S, Matsue Y, Naito R, Hiki M, Daida H. 2021. Changes in self-reported physical activity and health-related quality of life following 3-month astaxanthin supplementation in patients with heart failure: results from a pilot study. Annals Palliative Medic, 10(2): 1396-1403.
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  • Ito N, Saito H, Seki S, Ueda F, Asada T. 2019. Effects of composite supplement containing astaxanthin and sesamin on cognitive functions in people with mild cognitive ımpairment: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. J Alzheimer's Disease, 68(2): 839-839.
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  • Kohandel Z, Farkhondeh T, Aschner M, Pourbagher-Shahri AM, Samarghandian S. 2022. Anti-inflammatory action of astaxanthin and its use in the treatment of various diseases. Biomed Pharmacother, 145: 112179.
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  • Liu YJ, Yang L, Guo YL, Zhang T, Qiao X, Wang JF, Xu J, Xue CH. 2020. Hydrophilic astaxanthin: pegylated astaxanthin fights diabetes by enhancing the solubility and oral absorbability. J Agri Food Chem, 68(11): 3649-3655.
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Astaxanthin as a Food Supplement and Its Effects on Health

Yıl 2024, , 33 - 45, 15.01.2024


This study aims to examine astaxanthin sources, production, use in the food industry, and potential effects on health through articles scanned in the PubMed and Web of Science databases with the keywords "astaxanthin", "health effect" and "dietary supplements" in the last 25 years, especially in the previous five years. This comprehensive review on astaxanthin addresses the biological effects of this natural antioxidant and its potential benefits to human health. The study evaluates various aspects of astaxanthin's role in oxidative stress, inflammation, gut microbiota, neurological diseases, therapeutic uses, and anti-aging strategies. This study provides an essential basis for how astaxanthin can be evaluated in future clinical research and healthcare applications. Significantly, when the aging population is increasing, the potential of a natural antioxidant such as astaxanthin in preventing and treating diseases is emphasized.


  • Ambati RR, Phang SM, Ravi S, Aswathanarayana RG. 2014. Astaxanthin: sources, extraction, stability, biological activities and its commercial applications--a review. Mar Drugs, 12(1): 128-152.
  • Anarjan N, Tan CP. 2013. Chemical stability of astaxanthin nanodispersions in orange juice and skimmed milk as model food systems. Food Chem, 139(1-4): 527-531.
  • Andersen LP, Holck S, Kupcinskas L, Kiudelis G, Jonaitis L, Janciauskas D, Permin H, Wadström T. 2007. Gastric inflammatory markers and interleukins in patients with functional dyspepsia treated with astaxanthin. FEMS Immunol Med Microbiol, 50(2): 244-248.
  • Aneesh PA, Ajeeshkumar KK, Lekshmi RGK, Anandan R, Ravishankar CN, Mathew S. 2022. Bioactivities of astaxanthin from natural sources, augmenting its biomedical potential: A review. Trends Food Sci Technol, 125: 81-90.
  • Alzheimer's Association. 2018. 2018 Alzheimer's disease facts and figures. Alzheimers Dementia, 14(3): 367-425.
  • Atalay PB, Kuku G, Tuna BG. 2019. Effects of carbendazim and astaxanthin co-treatment on the proliferation of MCF-7 breast cancer cells. In Vitro Cell Devel Biol Anim, 55(2): 113-119.
  • Bennedsen M, Wang X, Willen R, Wadstrom T, Andersen LP. 1999. Treatment of H-pylori infected mice with antioxidant astaxanthin reduces gastric inflammation, bacterial load and modulates cytokine release by splenocytes. Immunol Lett, 70(3): 185-189.
  • Bjorklund G, Gasmi A, Lenchyk L, Shanaida M, Zafar S, Mujawdiya PK, Lysiuk R, Antonyak H, Noor S, Akram M, Smetanina K, Piscopo S, Upyr T, Peana M. 2022. The role of astaxanthin as a nutraceutical in health and age-related conditions. Molecules, 27(21): 7167.
  • Bohn T, Desmarchelier C, Dragsted LO, Nielsen CS, Stahl W, Ruhl R, Keijer J, Borel P. 2017. Host-related factors explaining interindividual variability of carotenoid bioavailability and tissue concentrations in humans. Molec Nutrit Food Res, 61(6): 1600685. 160068510.1002/mnfr.201600685.
  • Brasil FB, Gobbo RCB, de Almeida FJS, Luckachaki MD, Dall'Oglio EL, de Oliveira MR. 2021. The signaling pathway PI3K/Akt/Nrf2/HO-1 plays a role in the mitochondrial protection promoted by astaxanthin in the SH-SY5Y cells exposed to hydrogen peroxide. Neurochem Int, 146. 105024.
  • Brendler T, Williamson EM. 2019. Astaxanthin: How much is too much? A safety review. Phytotherapy Res, 33(12): 3090-3111.
  • Cao YR, Yang L, Qiao X, Xue CH, Xu J. 2021. Dietary astaxanthin: an excellent carotenoid with multiple health benefits. Crit Rev Food Sci Nutrit, 2021: 1-27
  • Capelli B, Talbott S, Ding, L. 2019. Astaxanthin sources: Suitability for human health and nutrition. Funct Foods Health Disease, 9(6): 430-445.
  • Chalyk NE, Klochkov VA, Bandaletova TY, Kyle NH, Petyaev IM. 2017. Continuous astaxanthin intake reduces oxidative stress and reverses age-related morphological changes of residual skin surface components in middle-aged volunteers. Nutrit Res, 48: 40-48.
  • Chan KC, Chen SC, Chen PC. 2019. Astaxanthin attenuated thrombotic risk factors in type 2 diabetic patients. Journal of Funct Foods, 53: 22-27.
  • Chang Y, Lu CW, Chen YJ, Lin TY, Huang SK, Wang SJ. 2018. Astaxanthin protects against kainic acid-induced seizures and pathological consequences. Neurochem Int, 116: 85-94.
  • Choi HD, Youn YK, Shin WG. 2011. Positive effects of astaxanthin on lipid profiles and oxidative stress in overweight subjects. Plant Foods Human Nutrit, 66(4): 363-369.
  • Cui GY, Li L, Xu WX, Wang MY, Jiao DY, Yao BB, Xu KT, Chen YL, Yang SH, Long M, Li P, Guo Y. 2020. Astaxanthin protects ochratoxin a-ınduced oxidative stress and apoptosis in the heart via the Nrf2 pathway. Oxidative Medic Cell Longevity. 2020: 7639109.
  • Davinelli S, Melvang HM, Andersen LP, Scapagnini G, Nielsen ME. 2019. Astaxanthin from shrimp cephalothorax stimulates the ımmune response by enhancing IFN-gamma, IL-10, and IL-2 secretion in splenocytes of helicobacter pylori-ınfected mice. Mar Drugs, 17(7): 382.
  • Diao WL, Chen WA, Cao WM, Yuan H, Ji H, Wang TW, Zhu XX, Zhou H, Guo HQ, Zhao XZ. 2019. Astaxanthin protects against renal fibrosis through inhibiting myofibroblast activation and promoting CD8(+) T cell recruitment. Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta-General Subjects, 1863(9): 1360-1370.
  • Donoso A, Gonzalez-Duran J, Munoz AA, Gonzalez PA, Agurto-Munoz C. 2021. Therapeutic uses of natural astaxanthin: An evidence-based review focused on human clinical trials. Pharmacol Res, 166: 105479.
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Toplam 90 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Sağlık Kurumları Yönetimi
Bölüm Derleme

Funda Işık 0000-0002-9077-0636

Kadriye Elif İmre 0000-0001-6272-8791

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 6 Aralık 2023
Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Ocak 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 16 Mayıs 2023
Kabul Tarihi 2 Kasım 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Işık, F., & İmre, K. E. (2024). Gıda Takviyesi Olarak Astaksantin ve Sağlık Üzerine Etkileri. Black Sea Journal of Health Science, 7(1), 33-45.
AMA Işık F, İmre KE. Gıda Takviyesi Olarak Astaksantin ve Sağlık Üzerine Etkileri. BSJ Health Sci. Ocak 2024;7(1):33-45. doi:10.19127/bshealthscience.1297807
Chicago Işık, Funda, ve Kadriye Elif İmre. “Gıda Takviyesi Olarak Astaksantin Ve Sağlık Üzerine Etkileri”. Black Sea Journal of Health Science 7, sy. 1 (Ocak 2024): 33-45.
EndNote Işık F, İmre KE (01 Ocak 2024) Gıda Takviyesi Olarak Astaksantin ve Sağlık Üzerine Etkileri. Black Sea Journal of Health Science 7 1 33–45.
IEEE F. Işık ve K. E. İmre, “Gıda Takviyesi Olarak Astaksantin ve Sağlık Üzerine Etkileri”, BSJ Health Sci., c. 7, sy. 1, ss. 33–45, 2024, doi: 10.19127/bshealthscience.1297807.
ISNAD Işık, Funda - İmre, Kadriye Elif. “Gıda Takviyesi Olarak Astaksantin Ve Sağlık Üzerine Etkileri”. Black Sea Journal of Health Science 7/1 (Ocak 2024), 33-45.
JAMA Işık F, İmre KE. Gıda Takviyesi Olarak Astaksantin ve Sağlık Üzerine Etkileri. BSJ Health Sci. 2024;7:33–45.
MLA Işık, Funda ve Kadriye Elif İmre. “Gıda Takviyesi Olarak Astaksantin Ve Sağlık Üzerine Etkileri”. Black Sea Journal of Health Science, c. 7, sy. 1, 2024, ss. 33-45, doi:10.19127/bshealthscience.1297807.
Vancouver Işık F, İmre KE. Gıda Takviyesi Olarak Astaksantin ve Sağlık Üzerine Etkileri. BSJ Health Sci. 2024;7(1):33-45.