Public Health Issues of Global Population Ageing
Yıl 2020,
Cilt: 3 Sayı: 3, 88 - 93, 01.09.2020
Dejan živanović
Jovan Javorac
Svetlana Stojkov
Nataša čamprag Szabo
Population ageing is a global phenomenon of modern society, especially pronounced in Europe, where those aged 65 or over made up almost a fifth of the total population. Multiple geriatric morbidities eventually lead to the functional disability of the older people and that represent not only clinical but also very important public health problem. The existence of cognitive and other mental disorders, which happens usually in the elderly population, can also significantly affect the potential for self-care activities and may be an indication for the institutional care of the elderly. Contrary to the image of ageing marked by illness and disability, modern society is developing a concept of active ageing. The goals of that concept are reducing the risk of disease and disability, preserving functional and cognitive potentials, as well as actively involving the elderly in everyday social activities. To assist this concept, forming an adequate state policy that can meet the demands of a demographically altered social structure and supports active, healthy ageing, is one of the biggest public health challenges in the 21st century.
- Ač Nikolić E, Šušnjević S. 2009. Zdravo starenje – cilj zdravstvene politike (in Serbian). Monografije naučnih skupova AMN SLD, serija B, 3(4): 15-34.
- Bloom DE, Boersch-Supan A, McGee P, Seike A. 2011. Population aging: facts, challenges, and responses (PGDA Working Paper No.71). Harvard Initiative for Global Health: Program on the Global Demography of aging. Available from:
- Booth FW, Laye MJ, Roberts MD. 2011. Lifetime sedentary living accelerates some aspects of secondary aging. J Appl Physiol, 111(5): 1497-1504.
- Brajković L. 2010. Pokazatelji zadovoljstva u trećoj životnoj dobi [dissertation, in Croatian]. Sveučilište u Zagrebu: Medicinski fakultet.
- Čanković S. 2017. Determinante zdravlja i korišćenja zdravstvene zaštite starih osoba na teritoriji Vojvodine [dissertation, in Serbian]. Univerzitet u Novom Sadu: Medicinski fakultet.
- Drag LL, Bieliauskas LA. 2010. Contemporary review 2009: Cognitive aging. J Geriatr Psych Neur, 23(2): 75-93.
- Eurostat statistics explained [homepage on the Internet]. Strasbourg: Eurostat [cited 2020 Apr 3]. Population structure and ageing [about 2 screens]. Available from:
- Domazet I, Lazić M, Filimonović D. 2017. Koncept aktivnog starenja i smanjenje marginalizacije starije populacije (in Serbian). FBIM transactions, 5(1): 45-58.
- Kowal P, Dowd JE. 2001. Definition of an older person – proposed working definition of an older person in Africa for the MDS Project. Geneva (Switzerland): WHO.
- Nunes BP, Flores TR, Mielke GI, Thumé E, Facchini LA. 2016. Multimorbidity and mortality in older adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Arch Gerontol Geriatr, 67: 130-138.
- Puljiz V. 2000. Starenje stanovništva Europe. Rev Soc Polit, 7(1): 109-112.
- Perko G, Tomek Roksandić S, Mihok D, Puljak A, Radašević H, Tomić B, Culig J. 2005. Četiri javnozdravstvena problema u zaštiti zdravlja starijih osoba u Hrvatskoj (in Croatian). Medicus, 14(2): 205-217.
- Political Declaration and Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing [database on the Internet]. NY (USA): UN; 2002 [cited 2020 Apr 5]. Available from:
- Raduški N. 2016. Srbija u 21. veku i problem demografskog starenja stanovništva (in Serbian). Kultura polisa, 12(27): 381-392.
- Satariano WA, Guralnik JM, Jackson RJ, Marottoli RA, Phelan EA, Prohaska TR. 2012. Mobility and aging: new directions for public health action. Am J Public Health, 102(8): 1508-1515.
- Tomek Roksandić S, Perko G, Mihok D, Puljak A, Radašević H, Ljubičić M. 2005. Nepokretnost, nesamostalnost, nestabilnost i nekontrolirano mokrenje – “4N” u gerijatriji (in Croatian). Medix, 11(58): 108-113.
- United Nations Principles for Older Persons [database on the Internet]. NY (USA): UN; 1991 [cited 2020 Apr 5]. Available from:
- Vlada Republike Srbije. Zakon o zdravstvenoj zaštiti [database on the Internet]. Beograd (Serbia): Službeni glasnik RS; 2014 [cited 2020 Apr 6]. Available from:
- Vlada Republike Srbije. Nacionalna strategija o starenju 2006-2015. [database on the Internet]. Beograd: Vlada RS; 2006 [cited 2020 Apr 6]. Available from:
- Vlada Republike Srbije. Uredba o nacionalnom programu za očuvanje i unapređenje zdravlja starih [database on the Internet]. Beograd (Serbia): Službeni glasnik RS; 2017 [cited 2020 Apr 8]. Available from:
- Vodič: 15 uputa za aktivno zdravo starenje [database on the Internet]. Zagreb: Nastavni zavod za javno zdravstvo “Dr Andrija Štampar”; 2018 [cited 2020 Apr 11]. Available from:
- World Health Organization. Global strategy and action plan of ageing and health [database on the Internet]. Geneva (Switzerland): WHO; 2017 [cited 2020 Apr 3]. Available from:
- WHO Regional Office for South-East Asia [homepage on the Internet]. Geneva: WHO; [cited 2020 Apr 3]. Elderly population [about 1 screen]. Available from:
- World Health Organization. Active ageing: a policy framework [database on the Internet]. Geneva (Switzerland): WHO; 2002 [cited 2020 Apr 5]. Available from:
- World Health Organization. Health21: the health for all policy framework for the WHO European Region. Copenhagen: WHO; 1999.
Yıl 2020,
Cilt: 3 Sayı: 3, 88 - 93, 01.09.2020
Dejan živanović
Jovan Javorac
Svetlana Stojkov
Nataša čamprag Szabo
- Ač Nikolić E, Šušnjević S. 2009. Zdravo starenje – cilj zdravstvene politike (in Serbian). Monografije naučnih skupova AMN SLD, serija B, 3(4): 15-34.
- Bloom DE, Boersch-Supan A, McGee P, Seike A. 2011. Population aging: facts, challenges, and responses (PGDA Working Paper No.71). Harvard Initiative for Global Health: Program on the Global Demography of aging. Available from:
- Booth FW, Laye MJ, Roberts MD. 2011. Lifetime sedentary living accelerates some aspects of secondary aging. J Appl Physiol, 111(5): 1497-1504.
- Brajković L. 2010. Pokazatelji zadovoljstva u trećoj životnoj dobi [dissertation, in Croatian]. Sveučilište u Zagrebu: Medicinski fakultet.
- Čanković S. 2017. Determinante zdravlja i korišćenja zdravstvene zaštite starih osoba na teritoriji Vojvodine [dissertation, in Serbian]. Univerzitet u Novom Sadu: Medicinski fakultet.
- Drag LL, Bieliauskas LA. 2010. Contemporary review 2009: Cognitive aging. J Geriatr Psych Neur, 23(2): 75-93.
- Eurostat statistics explained [homepage on the Internet]. Strasbourg: Eurostat [cited 2020 Apr 3]. Population structure and ageing [about 2 screens]. Available from:
- Domazet I, Lazić M, Filimonović D. 2017. Koncept aktivnog starenja i smanjenje marginalizacije starije populacije (in Serbian). FBIM transactions, 5(1): 45-58.
- Kowal P, Dowd JE. 2001. Definition of an older person – proposed working definition of an older person in Africa for the MDS Project. Geneva (Switzerland): WHO.
- Nunes BP, Flores TR, Mielke GI, Thumé E, Facchini LA. 2016. Multimorbidity and mortality in older adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Arch Gerontol Geriatr, 67: 130-138.
- Puljiz V. 2000. Starenje stanovništva Europe. Rev Soc Polit, 7(1): 109-112.
- Perko G, Tomek Roksandić S, Mihok D, Puljak A, Radašević H, Tomić B, Culig J. 2005. Četiri javnozdravstvena problema u zaštiti zdravlja starijih osoba u Hrvatskoj (in Croatian). Medicus, 14(2): 205-217.
- Political Declaration and Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing [database on the Internet]. NY (USA): UN; 2002 [cited 2020 Apr 5]. Available from:
- Raduški N. 2016. Srbija u 21. veku i problem demografskog starenja stanovništva (in Serbian). Kultura polisa, 12(27): 381-392.
- Satariano WA, Guralnik JM, Jackson RJ, Marottoli RA, Phelan EA, Prohaska TR. 2012. Mobility and aging: new directions for public health action. Am J Public Health, 102(8): 1508-1515.
- Tomek Roksandić S, Perko G, Mihok D, Puljak A, Radašević H, Ljubičić M. 2005. Nepokretnost, nesamostalnost, nestabilnost i nekontrolirano mokrenje – “4N” u gerijatriji (in Croatian). Medix, 11(58): 108-113.
- United Nations Principles for Older Persons [database on the Internet]. NY (USA): UN; 1991 [cited 2020 Apr 5]. Available from:
- Vlada Republike Srbije. Zakon o zdravstvenoj zaštiti [database on the Internet]. Beograd (Serbia): Službeni glasnik RS; 2014 [cited 2020 Apr 6]. Available from:
- Vlada Republike Srbije. Nacionalna strategija o starenju 2006-2015. [database on the Internet]. Beograd: Vlada RS; 2006 [cited 2020 Apr 6]. Available from:
- Vlada Republike Srbije. Uredba o nacionalnom programu za očuvanje i unapređenje zdravlja starih [database on the Internet]. Beograd (Serbia): Službeni glasnik RS; 2017 [cited 2020 Apr 8]. Available from:
- Vodič: 15 uputa za aktivno zdravo starenje [database on the Internet]. Zagreb: Nastavni zavod za javno zdravstvo “Dr Andrija Štampar”; 2018 [cited 2020 Apr 11]. Available from:
- World Health Organization. Global strategy and action plan of ageing and health [database on the Internet]. Geneva (Switzerland): WHO; 2017 [cited 2020 Apr 3]. Available from:
- WHO Regional Office for South-East Asia [homepage on the Internet]. Geneva: WHO; [cited 2020 Apr 3]. Elderly population [about 1 screen]. Available from:
- World Health Organization. Active ageing: a policy framework [database on the Internet]. Geneva (Switzerland): WHO; 2002 [cited 2020 Apr 5]. Available from:
- World Health Organization. Health21: the health for all policy framework for the WHO European Region. Copenhagen: WHO; 1999.