Denge Eğitiminde Çift Görev Odaklı Stroboskopik Görsel Eğitim
Yıl 2025,
Cilt: 8 Sayı: 1, 34 - 41, 15.01.2025
Hafiza Gözen
Serkan Usgu
Yavuz Yakut
Denge birden fazla sistemin aynı anda koordineli çalışmasını gerektirir. Göreve özel gereksinimler ile her görev sırasında farklı sistemlere olan ihtiyacın ağırlığı da değişmektedir. Denge eğitiminde günlük yaşam aktivitelerini düşünerek daha gerçekçi bir yaklaşımın olması gerektiğini düşünmekteyiz. Bu çalışmada günlük yaşam aktiviteleri sırasında dengeyi bozabilecek durumlarda, ihtiyaca göre hangi değerlendirme ve eğitimlerin yararlı olabileceğine dikkat çekmek istedik. Günlük yaşam aktivitelerinin hemen hemen tamamına yakını aynı anda birden fazla aktiviteyi yapmamızı gerektirir ve aktiviteler sırasında çeşitli nedenlerle görsel bilgi kesintiye uğrar. Denge eğitiminde çift görev odaklı ve stroboskopik görsel eğitimi inceleyerek; denge eğitiminde bu yenilikçi yaklaşımları tedavi programlarına eklerken kullanabileceğimiz yöntemleri ve sonuçlarını literatür ışığında özetlemeye çalıştık.
- Aksoy S, Aydoğan Z, Kabis B, Onursal Kılınç Ö, Türkmen C. 2020. Temel vestibüler rehabilitasyon. Hipokrat Kitabevi, Ankara, Türkiye, ss: 160.
- Appelbaum LG, Erickson G. 2018. Sports vision training: A review of the state-of-the-art in digital training techniques. Int Rev Sport Exerc Psychol, 11: 160-189.
- Appelbaum LG, Lu Y, Khanna R, Detwiler KR. 2016. The effects of sports vision training on sensorimotor abilities in collegiate softball athletes. Athletic Train Sports Health Care, 8: 154-163.
- Appelbaum LG, Schroeder JE, Cain MS, Mitroff SR. 2011. Improved visual cognition through stroboscopic training. Front Psychol, 2: 276.
- Baloh RW, Honrubia V, Kerber KA. 2010. Baloh and Honrubia's clinical neurophysiology of the vestibular system. Oxford University Press, New York, US, pp: 435.
- Basner M, Brink M, Bristow A, De Kluizenaar Y, Finegold L. 2015. ICBEN review of research on the biological effects of noise 2011-2014. Noise Health, 17: 57.
- Bennett S, Ashford D, Rioja N, Coull J, Elliott D. 2006. Integration of intermittent visual samples over time and between the eyes. J Motor Behav, 38: 439-450.
- Cherng R-J, Liang L-Y, Chen Y-J, Chen J-Y. 2009. The effects of a motor and a cognitive concurrent task on walking in children with developmental coordination disorder. Gait Posture, 29: 204-207.
- Choi JH, Kim BR, Han EY, Kim SM. 2015. The effect of dual-task training on balance and cognition in patients with subacute post-stroke. Annals Rehabilit Medic, 39: 81-90.
- Clark JF, Ellis JK, Bench J, Khoury J, Graman P. 2012. High-performance vision training improves batting statistics for University of Cincinnati baseball players. PloS One, 7: e29109.
- Elble R. 2007. Gait and dementia: moving beyond the notion of gait apraxia. J Neural Transmis, 114: 1253-1258.
- Elble RJ. 2000. Motion analysis to the rescue?. Movem Disord, 15(4): 595-597.
- Elliott D, Bennett SJ. 2021. Intermittent vision and goal-directed movement: A review. J Mot Behav, 53: 523-543.
- Ellison P, Jones C, Sparks SA, Murphy PN, Page RM. 2020. The effect of stroboscopic visual training on eye–hand coordination. Sport Sci Health, 16: 401-410.
- Fernandes Â, Rocha N, Santos R, Tavares JMR. 2015. Effects of dual-task training on balance and executive functions in Parkinson's disease: A pilot study. Somatosens Motor Res, 32: 122-127.
- Hoffman LG, Polan G, Powell J. 1984. The relationship of contrast sensitivity functions to sports vision. J Amer Optomet Assoc, 55: 747-752.
- Jahanbakhsh H, Sohrabi M, Saberi Kakhki A, Khodashenas E. 2020. The effect of task-specific balance training program in dual-task and single-task conditions on balance performance in children with developmental coordination disorder. Acta Gymnica, 50: 28-37.
- Laby DM, Davidson JL, Rosenbaum LJ, Strasser C, Mellman MF. 1996. The visual function of professional baseball players. Amer J Ophthalmol, 122: 476-485.
- Lyons J, Fontaine R, Elliott D. 1997. I lost it in the lights: The effects of predictable and variable intermittent vision on unimanual catching. J Motor Behav, 29: 113-118.
- Nutt JG, Horak FB, Bloem BR. 2011. Milestones in gait, balance, and falling. Movem Disord, 26: 1166-1174.
- Pichierri G, Coppe A, Lorenzetti S, Murer K, de Bruin ED. 2012. The effect of a cognitive-motor intervention on voluntary step execution under single and dual task conditions in older adults: a randomized controlled pilot study. Clin Interven Aging, 2012: 175-184.
- Plummer P, Zukowski LA, Giuliani C, Hall AM, Zurakowski D. 2015. Effects of physical exercise ınterventions on gait-related dual-task ınterference in older adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Gerontology, 62: 94-117.
- Reschke M, Somers J, Ford G, Krnavek J, Hwang E. 2007. Stroboscopic vision as a treatment for retinal slip ınduced motion sickness. First International Symposium Induced Motion Sickness, Fatigue, and Photosensitive Epileptic Seizures, December 10-11, Hong Kong.
- Sethi V, Raja R. 2012. Effects of Dual task training on balance and activities of Daily Livings (ADLs) in patients with Parkinsonism. Int J Biol Medic Res, 3: 1359-1364.
- Soylemez E, Mujdeci B. 2020. Dual-task performance and vestibular functions in individuals with noise induced hearing loss. Amer J Otolaryngol, 41: 102665.
- Starkes JL, Ericsson KA. 2003. Expert performance in sports: Advances in research on sport expertise. Human Kinetics, Champaingn, US, pp: 403.
- Suzuki T, Shimada H, Makizako H, Doi T, Yoshida D. 2012. Effects of multicomponent exercise on cognitive function in older adults with amnestic mild cognitive impairment: a randomized controlled trial. BMC Neurol, 12: 1-9.
- Tsimhoni O. 1999. Effects of visual demand and in-vehicle task complexity on driving and task performance as assessed by visual occlusion. University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute, Michigan, US, pp: 67.
- Tüfekçioğlu Z, Hüseyinsinoğlu BE, Zirek E, Bilgiç B, Gürvit H, Hanağası H. 2020. Parkinson hastalığında düşmeyi öngördüren faktörler: Motor ve Non-motor bulgular ile farklı çift görev aktivitelerinin birlikte incelenmesi. Turk J Neurol, 26: 126-132.
- Wilkins L, Gray R. 2015. Effects of stroboscopic visual training on visual attention, motion perception, and catching performance. Perceptual Motor Skills, 121: 57-79.
- Williams AM, Davids K, Williams JGP. 1999. Visual perception and action in sport. Taylor & Francis, New York, US, pp: 68.
- Wollesen B, Scrivener K, Soles K, Billy Y, Leung A. 2018. Dual-task walking performance in older persons with hearing impairment: Implications for interventions from a preliminary observational study. Ear Hearing, 39: 337-343.
Dual-Task Focused Stroboscopic Visual Training in Balance Training
Yıl 2025,
Cilt: 8 Sayı: 1, 34 - 41, 15.01.2025
Hafiza Gözen
Serkan Usgu
Yavuz Yakut
Balance requires the coordinated operation of more than one system at the same time. Task-specific requirements and the need for different systems during each mission also vary. We think that there should be a more realistic approach in balance training, considering daily life activities. In this study, we wanted to draw attention to which evaluations and trainings can be useful according to need in situations that may disrupt balance during daily life activities. Almost all daily life activities require us to do more than one activity at the same time, and visual information is interrupted for various reasons during the activities. By examining dual-task focused and stroboscopic visual training in balance training; We tried to summarize the methods and results we can use when adding these innovative approaches to balance training to treatment programs in the light of the literature.
- Aksoy S, Aydoğan Z, Kabis B, Onursal Kılınç Ö, Türkmen C. 2020. Temel vestibüler rehabilitasyon. Hipokrat Kitabevi, Ankara, Türkiye, ss: 160.
- Appelbaum LG, Erickson G. 2018. Sports vision training: A review of the state-of-the-art in digital training techniques. Int Rev Sport Exerc Psychol, 11: 160-189.
- Appelbaum LG, Lu Y, Khanna R, Detwiler KR. 2016. The effects of sports vision training on sensorimotor abilities in collegiate softball athletes. Athletic Train Sports Health Care, 8: 154-163.
- Appelbaum LG, Schroeder JE, Cain MS, Mitroff SR. 2011. Improved visual cognition through stroboscopic training. Front Psychol, 2: 276.
- Baloh RW, Honrubia V, Kerber KA. 2010. Baloh and Honrubia's clinical neurophysiology of the vestibular system. Oxford University Press, New York, US, pp: 435.
- Basner M, Brink M, Bristow A, De Kluizenaar Y, Finegold L. 2015. ICBEN review of research on the biological effects of noise 2011-2014. Noise Health, 17: 57.
- Bennett S, Ashford D, Rioja N, Coull J, Elliott D. 2006. Integration of intermittent visual samples over time and between the eyes. J Motor Behav, 38: 439-450.
- Cherng R-J, Liang L-Y, Chen Y-J, Chen J-Y. 2009. The effects of a motor and a cognitive concurrent task on walking in children with developmental coordination disorder. Gait Posture, 29: 204-207.
- Choi JH, Kim BR, Han EY, Kim SM. 2015. The effect of dual-task training on balance and cognition in patients with subacute post-stroke. Annals Rehabilit Medic, 39: 81-90.
- Clark JF, Ellis JK, Bench J, Khoury J, Graman P. 2012. High-performance vision training improves batting statistics for University of Cincinnati baseball players. PloS One, 7: e29109.
- Elble R. 2007. Gait and dementia: moving beyond the notion of gait apraxia. J Neural Transmis, 114: 1253-1258.
- Elble RJ. 2000. Motion analysis to the rescue?. Movem Disord, 15(4): 595-597.
- Elliott D, Bennett SJ. 2021. Intermittent vision and goal-directed movement: A review. J Mot Behav, 53: 523-543.
- Ellison P, Jones C, Sparks SA, Murphy PN, Page RM. 2020. The effect of stroboscopic visual training on eye–hand coordination. Sport Sci Health, 16: 401-410.
- Fernandes Â, Rocha N, Santos R, Tavares JMR. 2015. Effects of dual-task training on balance and executive functions in Parkinson's disease: A pilot study. Somatosens Motor Res, 32: 122-127.
- Hoffman LG, Polan G, Powell J. 1984. The relationship of contrast sensitivity functions to sports vision. J Amer Optomet Assoc, 55: 747-752.
- Jahanbakhsh H, Sohrabi M, Saberi Kakhki A, Khodashenas E. 2020. The effect of task-specific balance training program in dual-task and single-task conditions on balance performance in children with developmental coordination disorder. Acta Gymnica, 50: 28-37.
- Laby DM, Davidson JL, Rosenbaum LJ, Strasser C, Mellman MF. 1996. The visual function of professional baseball players. Amer J Ophthalmol, 122: 476-485.
- Lyons J, Fontaine R, Elliott D. 1997. I lost it in the lights: The effects of predictable and variable intermittent vision on unimanual catching. J Motor Behav, 29: 113-118.
- Nutt JG, Horak FB, Bloem BR. 2011. Milestones in gait, balance, and falling. Movem Disord, 26: 1166-1174.
- Pichierri G, Coppe A, Lorenzetti S, Murer K, de Bruin ED. 2012. The effect of a cognitive-motor intervention on voluntary step execution under single and dual task conditions in older adults: a randomized controlled pilot study. Clin Interven Aging, 2012: 175-184.
- Plummer P, Zukowski LA, Giuliani C, Hall AM, Zurakowski D. 2015. Effects of physical exercise ınterventions on gait-related dual-task ınterference in older adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Gerontology, 62: 94-117.
- Reschke M, Somers J, Ford G, Krnavek J, Hwang E. 2007. Stroboscopic vision as a treatment for retinal slip ınduced motion sickness. First International Symposium Induced Motion Sickness, Fatigue, and Photosensitive Epileptic Seizures, December 10-11, Hong Kong.
- Sethi V, Raja R. 2012. Effects of Dual task training on balance and activities of Daily Livings (ADLs) in patients with Parkinsonism. Int J Biol Medic Res, 3: 1359-1364.
- Soylemez E, Mujdeci B. 2020. Dual-task performance and vestibular functions in individuals with noise induced hearing loss. Amer J Otolaryngol, 41: 102665.
- Starkes JL, Ericsson KA. 2003. Expert performance in sports: Advances in research on sport expertise. Human Kinetics, Champaingn, US, pp: 403.
- Suzuki T, Shimada H, Makizako H, Doi T, Yoshida D. 2012. Effects of multicomponent exercise on cognitive function in older adults with amnestic mild cognitive impairment: a randomized controlled trial. BMC Neurol, 12: 1-9.
- Tsimhoni O. 1999. Effects of visual demand and in-vehicle task complexity on driving and task performance as assessed by visual occlusion. University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute, Michigan, US, pp: 67.
- Tüfekçioğlu Z, Hüseyinsinoğlu BE, Zirek E, Bilgiç B, Gürvit H, Hanağası H. 2020. Parkinson hastalığında düşmeyi öngördüren faktörler: Motor ve Non-motor bulgular ile farklı çift görev aktivitelerinin birlikte incelenmesi. Turk J Neurol, 26: 126-132.
- Wilkins L, Gray R. 2015. Effects of stroboscopic visual training on visual attention, motion perception, and catching performance. Perceptual Motor Skills, 121: 57-79.
- Williams AM, Davids K, Williams JGP. 1999. Visual perception and action in sport. Taylor & Francis, New York, US, pp: 68.
- Wollesen B, Scrivener K, Soles K, Billy Y, Leung A. 2018. Dual-task walking performance in older persons with hearing impairment: Implications for interventions from a preliminary observational study. Ear Hearing, 39: 337-343.