Analysis of the stress distribution of North Anatolian Fault Zone for the part between Amasya-Tokat cities
Yıl 2022,
, 121 - 133, 05.12.2022
Ayça Çırmık
Ufuk Aydın
Oya Pamukçu
Fikret Doğru
Tectonic forces formed in the continental crust, cause permanent changes in stress, compression and deformation. The amplitudes of earthquake waves vary with the stress/strain distribution in the crust. In this study, the change of stress/strain and regional absorption coefficient, which is effective in tectonic forces caused by elastic deformation energy accumulating in the brittle crust over time, was investigated. The study area is the middle part of the North Anatolian Fault Zone and the area formed by Ezinepazarı fault zone and Merzifon fault zone. In this area, Coulomb stress analysis was carried out by using the focal mechanism solution values of the earthquake that occurred in Yoldere - Erbaa, Tokat on October 9, 2015 (ML=5.1). In order to examine the deformation caused by this earthquake in and around the study area, Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) data were evaluated and the velocities of these stations were calculated using GNSS data of these stations for the years 2013-2014-2015-2016. Also, regional absorption coefficients were determined by using earthquake data. As a result, Coulomb stress analysis results, velocity values distribution obtained from GNSS data and absorption findings obtained from seismological study were evaluated together.
Destekleyen Kurum
Atatürk University and Dokuz Eylül University.
Proje Numarası
Project No: 8443
This research was conducted as part of the Atatürk University Scientific Research Projects Project No: 8443), which was a collaborative effort between Atatürk University and Dokuz Eylül University. GNSS data used in the study were provided from the CORS-TR system is operated by the General Directorate of Maps and the General Directorate of Land Registry and Cadastre. Generic Mapping Tools (GMT) were used to create some figures (Wessel et al., 2019). We'd like to express our gratitude to the three referees for their time and participation in the article's development.
- Affandi, A. K., Sailah, S., Ardiansyah, S., Wafiazizi, M. 2019. An analysis of Coulomb stress change and triggering interaction toward seismic activities in the area West Sumatera within January 2000 - June 2018. Journal of Physics, Conference Series, 1282.
- Aki, K. 1969. Analysis of the seismic coda of local earthquakes as scattered waves. Journal of Geophysical Research 74(2), 615-631.
- Aki, K., Chouet, B. 1975. Origin of coda waves: source, attenuation, and scattering effects. Journal of Geophysical Research 80(23), 3322-3342.
- Aki, K., Richards, P. G. 1980. Quantative Seismology: Theory and Methods. Freeman, San Francisco.
- Arpat, E., Şaroğlu, F. 1975. Türkiye’deki bazı önemli genç tektonik olaylar. Türkiye Jeoloji Kurumu Bülteni 18(1), 91-101.
- Aydın, U., Kadirov, A. 2008. Erzincan ve çevresinde P dalgası soğurulması. Sakarya Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 12(1), 1-8.
- Aydın, U. 2011. Erzincan - Muş - Oltu (Erzurum) arasındaki yüzey kayaçlarının soğurma özelliklerinin incelenmesi. Doktora Tezi, Çukurova Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 136, Adana.
- Aydın, U. 2014. Crustal stresses and seismodynamic characteristics in the upper crust. Open Journal of Earthquake Research 3(04), 143.
- Aydın, U. 2016. Relationships between geotectonic and seismodynamic characteristics of the crust in the Eastern Anatolia. Acta Geodaetica et Geophysica 51(1), 69-79.
- Chinnery, M. 1963. The stress changes that accompany strike - slip faulting. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 53(5), 921-932.
- Chopra, S., Alexeev, V. 2004. A new approach to enhancement of frequency bandwidth of surface seismic data. First Break 22(8).
- Cirmik, A., Ozdag, O. C., Dogru, F., Pamuk, E., Gonenc, T., Pamukcu, O., Akgun, M., Arslan, A. T. 2016. The soil behaviours of the GNSS station. Earth Sciences 5(5), 70.
- Çırmık, A. 2014. Determining the deformations in Western Anatolia with GPS and gravity measurements. Doktora Tezi, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi, Fen Bilmleri Enstitüsü, 196, İzmir.
- Çırmık, A., Pamukçu, O. 2017. Clarifying the interplate main tectonic elements of Western Anatolia, Turkey by using GNSS velocities and Bouguer gravity anomalies. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 148, 294-304.
- Çırmık, A., Doğru, F., Gönenç, T., Pamukçu, O. 2017. The stress / strain analysis of kinematic structure at Gülbahçe Fault and Uzunkuyu Intrusive (İzmir, Turkey). Pure and Applied Geophysics 174(3), 1425-1440.
- Herring, T. A., King, R. W., Floyd, M. A., McClusky, S. C. 2015. Introduction to GAMIT/GLOBK, Release 10.6., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge.
- Harris, R. A., Simpson, R. W. 1992. Changes in static stress on southern California faults after the 1992 Landers earthquake. Nature 360(6401), 251-254.
KRDAE (Kandilli Rasathanesi Deprem Araştırma Enstitüsü). 09 Ekim 2015 Yoldere - Erbaa (Tokat) Depremi. 1 Mart 2021.
- Toksöz, M. N., Johnston, D. H. 1981. Seismic Wave Attenuation. Society of Exploration Geophysicists. Tulsa, Okla, 2.
- Ketin, I. 1948. Über die tektonisch - mechanischen Folgerungen aus den grossen anatolischen Erdbeben des letzten Dezenniums. Geologische Rundschau 36(1), 77-83.
- Koçyiğit, A., Yilmaz, A., Adamia, S., Kuloshvili, S. 2001. Neotectonics of East Anatolian Plateau (Turkey) and Lesser Caucasus: implication for transition from thrusting to strike - slip faulting. Geodinamica Acta 14(1-3), 177-195.
- Okada, Y. 1992. Internal deformation due to shear and tensile faults in a half - space. Bulletin of Volcanology 47, 239-246.
- Pamukçu, O., Gönenç, T., Çırmık, A., Sındırgı, P., Kaftan, I., Akdemir, Ö. 2015. Investigation of vertical mass changes in the south of Izmir (Turkey) by monitoring microgravity and GPS / GNSS methods. Journal of Earth System Science 124(1), 137-148.
- Stein, R. S., King, G. C., Lin, J. 1992. Change in failure stress on the southern San Andreas fault system caused by the 1992 magnitude= 7.4 Landers earthquake. Science 258(5086), 1328-1332.
- Şaroğlu, F., Emre, Ö., Boray, A. 1987. Türkiye’nin diri fayları ve depremsellikleri. Maden Tetkik ve Arama Genel Müdürlüğü, Rapor No: 394, Ankara.
- Şengör, A. 1979. The North Anatolian transform fault: its age, offset and tectonic significance. Journal of the Geological Society 136(3), 269-282.
- Şengör, A. C., Natal'In, B. A. 1996. Turkic - type orogeny and its role in the making of the continental crust. Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences 24(1), 263-337.
- Şengör, A., Tüysüz, O., Imren, C., Sakınç, M., Eyidoğan, H., Görür, N., Le Pichon X., Rangin, C. 2005. The North Anatolian fault: a new look. Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences 33, 37-112.
- Taymaz, T., Jackson, J., McKenzie, D. 1991. Active tectonics of the north and central Aegean Sea. Geophysical Journal International 106(2), 433-490.
- Toda, S., Stein, R. S., Sevilgen, V., Lin, J. 2011. Coulomb 3.3 graphic - rich deformation and stress - change software for earthquake, tectonic, and volcano research and teaching - user guide. US Geological Survey Open - file report: 1060(2011), 63.
- Ugalde, A., Carcolé, E., Vargas, C. A. 2010. S - wave attenuation characteristics in the Galeras volcanic complex (southwestern Colombia). Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 181(3-4), 73-81.
- Wessel, P., Luis, J. F., Uieda, L., Scharroo, R., Wobbe, F., Smith, W. H. F., Tian, D. 2019. The generic mapping tools version 6. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 20, 5556-5564.
Yıl 2022,
, 121 - 133, 05.12.2022
Ayça Çırmık
Ufuk Aydın
Oya Pamukçu
Fikret Doğru
Proje Numarası
Project No: 8443
- Affandi, A. K., Sailah, S., Ardiansyah, S., Wafiazizi, M. 2019. An analysis of Coulomb stress change and triggering interaction toward seismic activities in the area West Sumatera within January 2000 - June 2018. Journal of Physics, Conference Series, 1282.
- Aki, K. 1969. Analysis of the seismic coda of local earthquakes as scattered waves. Journal of Geophysical Research 74(2), 615-631.
- Aki, K., Chouet, B. 1975. Origin of coda waves: source, attenuation, and scattering effects. Journal of Geophysical Research 80(23), 3322-3342.
- Aki, K., Richards, P. G. 1980. Quantative Seismology: Theory and Methods. Freeman, San Francisco.
- Arpat, E., Şaroğlu, F. 1975. Türkiye’deki bazı önemli genç tektonik olaylar. Türkiye Jeoloji Kurumu Bülteni 18(1), 91-101.
- Aydın, U., Kadirov, A. 2008. Erzincan ve çevresinde P dalgası soğurulması. Sakarya Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 12(1), 1-8.
- Aydın, U. 2011. Erzincan - Muş - Oltu (Erzurum) arasındaki yüzey kayaçlarının soğurma özelliklerinin incelenmesi. Doktora Tezi, Çukurova Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 136, Adana.
- Aydın, U. 2014. Crustal stresses and seismodynamic characteristics in the upper crust. Open Journal of Earthquake Research 3(04), 143.
- Aydın, U. 2016. Relationships between geotectonic and seismodynamic characteristics of the crust in the Eastern Anatolia. Acta Geodaetica et Geophysica 51(1), 69-79.
- Chinnery, M. 1963. The stress changes that accompany strike - slip faulting. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 53(5), 921-932.
- Chopra, S., Alexeev, V. 2004. A new approach to enhancement of frequency bandwidth of surface seismic data. First Break 22(8).
- Cirmik, A., Ozdag, O. C., Dogru, F., Pamuk, E., Gonenc, T., Pamukcu, O., Akgun, M., Arslan, A. T. 2016. The soil behaviours of the GNSS station. Earth Sciences 5(5), 70.
- Çırmık, A. 2014. Determining the deformations in Western Anatolia with GPS and gravity measurements. Doktora Tezi, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi, Fen Bilmleri Enstitüsü, 196, İzmir.
- Çırmık, A., Pamukçu, O. 2017. Clarifying the interplate main tectonic elements of Western Anatolia, Turkey by using GNSS velocities and Bouguer gravity anomalies. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 148, 294-304.
- Çırmık, A., Doğru, F., Gönenç, T., Pamukçu, O. 2017. The stress / strain analysis of kinematic structure at Gülbahçe Fault and Uzunkuyu Intrusive (İzmir, Turkey). Pure and Applied Geophysics 174(3), 1425-1440.
- Herring, T. A., King, R. W., Floyd, M. A., McClusky, S. C. 2015. Introduction to GAMIT/GLOBK, Release 10.6., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge.
- Harris, R. A., Simpson, R. W. 1992. Changes in static stress on southern California faults after the 1992 Landers earthquake. Nature 360(6401), 251-254.
KRDAE (Kandilli Rasathanesi Deprem Araştırma Enstitüsü). 09 Ekim 2015 Yoldere - Erbaa (Tokat) Depremi. 1 Mart 2021.
- Toksöz, M. N., Johnston, D. H. 1981. Seismic Wave Attenuation. Society of Exploration Geophysicists. Tulsa, Okla, 2.
- Ketin, I. 1948. Über die tektonisch - mechanischen Folgerungen aus den grossen anatolischen Erdbeben des letzten Dezenniums. Geologische Rundschau 36(1), 77-83.
- Koçyiğit, A., Yilmaz, A., Adamia, S., Kuloshvili, S. 2001. Neotectonics of East Anatolian Plateau (Turkey) and Lesser Caucasus: implication for transition from thrusting to strike - slip faulting. Geodinamica Acta 14(1-3), 177-195.
- Okada, Y. 1992. Internal deformation due to shear and tensile faults in a half - space. Bulletin of Volcanology 47, 239-246.
- Pamukçu, O., Gönenç, T., Çırmık, A., Sındırgı, P., Kaftan, I., Akdemir, Ö. 2015. Investigation of vertical mass changes in the south of Izmir (Turkey) by monitoring microgravity and GPS / GNSS methods. Journal of Earth System Science 124(1), 137-148.
- Stein, R. S., King, G. C., Lin, J. 1992. Change in failure stress on the southern San Andreas fault system caused by the 1992 magnitude= 7.4 Landers earthquake. Science 258(5086), 1328-1332.
- Şaroğlu, F., Emre, Ö., Boray, A. 1987. Türkiye’nin diri fayları ve depremsellikleri. Maden Tetkik ve Arama Genel Müdürlüğü, Rapor No: 394, Ankara.
- Şengör, A. 1979. The North Anatolian transform fault: its age, offset and tectonic significance. Journal of the Geological Society 136(3), 269-282.
- Şengör, A. C., Natal'In, B. A. 1996. Turkic - type orogeny and its role in the making of the continental crust. Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences 24(1), 263-337.
- Şengör, A., Tüysüz, O., Imren, C., Sakınç, M., Eyidoğan, H., Görür, N., Le Pichon X., Rangin, C. 2005. The North Anatolian fault: a new look. Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences 33, 37-112.
- Taymaz, T., Jackson, J., McKenzie, D. 1991. Active tectonics of the north and central Aegean Sea. Geophysical Journal International 106(2), 433-490.
- Toda, S., Stein, R. S., Sevilgen, V., Lin, J. 2011. Coulomb 3.3 graphic - rich deformation and stress - change software for earthquake, tectonic, and volcano research and teaching - user guide. US Geological Survey Open - file report: 1060(2011), 63.
- Ugalde, A., Carcolé, E., Vargas, C. A. 2010. S - wave attenuation characteristics in the Galeras volcanic complex (southwestern Colombia). Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 181(3-4), 73-81.
- Wessel, P., Luis, J. F., Uieda, L., Scharroo, R., Wobbe, F., Smith, W. H. F., Tian, D. 2019. The generic mapping tools version 6. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 20, 5556-5564.