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Determination of alteration zones applying fractal modeling and Spectral Feature Fitting (SFF) method in Saryazd porphyry copper system, central Iran

Yıl 2023, , 1 - 14, 19.12.2023


The target of this research is recognition of the alteration zones utilizing concentration-area fractal methodology according to the reflection of the main minerals of each alteration zone that enhanced by Spectral Feature Fitting (SFF) Method due to Advanced Space-borne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) satellite images in Saryazd porphyry system, central Iran. The
alterations and mineralization are developed in Eocene volcanics. Remote sensing results achieved by the SFF method and Concentration-Area (C-A) fractal modeling represent different parts of
propylitic, argillic and phyllic alteration zones due to their intensity and pixel values. In addition, the results reveal that there is a ring-shaped structure in the alteration zones, which are correlated
with results, derived from X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) analyses and field observations.


  • Abrams, M. J., Brown, D., Lepley, L., Sadowski, R. 1983. Remote sensing for porphyry copper deposits in southern Arizona. Economic Geology 78(4), 591- 604.
  • Afzal, P., Fadakar Alghalandis, Y., Moarefvand, P., Rashidnejad Omran, N., Asadi, H. 2012. Application of power -spectrum – volume fractal method for detecting hypogene, supergene enrichment, leached and barren zones in Kahang porphyry Cu deposit, Central Iran. Journal of Geochemical Exploration 112, 131-138.
  • Agard, P., Omrani, J., Jolivet, L., Whitechurch, H., Vrielynck, B., Spak-man, W., Monié, P., Meyer, B., Wortel, R., 2011. Zagros orogeny: a subduction- dominated process. Geological Magazine 148, 692–725.
  • Aghazadeh, M., Houb, Z.G., Badrzadeh, Z., Zhou, L. 2015. Temporal – spatial distribution and tectonic setting of porphyry copper deposits in Iran: constraints from zircon U–Pb and molybdenite Re–Os geochronology. Ore Geology Reviews.
  • Ahmadian, J., Haschke, M., McDonald, I., Regelous, M., Ghorbani, M. R., Emami, M., Murata, M., 2008. High magmatic flux during Alpine–Himalayan collision: constraints from the Kal-e-Kafi complex, central Iran. Geological Society of America Bulletin.
  • Ahmadfaraj, M., Mirmohammadi, M., Afzal, P., Yasrebi, A. B., Carranza, E. J., 2019. Fractal modeling and fry analysis of the relationship between structures and Cu mineralization in Saveh region, Central Iran. Ore Geology Reviews 107, 172-185.
  • Alavi M. 2004. Regional stratigraphy of the Zagros fold - thrust belt of Iran and its proforeland evolution. American Journal of Science 304, 1–20.
  • Aliyari, F., Afzal, P., Lotfi, M., Shokri, S., Feizi, H. 2020. Delineation of geochemical haloes using the developed zonality index model by multivariate and fractal analysis in the Cu – Mo porphyry deposits. Applied Geochemistry 121, 104694.
  • Aramesh Asl, R., Afzal, P., Adib, A., Yasrebi, A. 2015. Application of multifractal modeling for the identification of alteration zones and major faults based on ETM+ multispectral data. Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing 43(1), 121-132.
  • Asadi, S., Moore, F., Zarasvandi, A. 2014. Discriminating productive and barren porphyry copper deposits in the southeastern part of the central Iranian volcano-plutonic belt, Kerman region, Iran: a review. Earth Science Reviews 138, 25-46.
  • Asadi Haroni, H., Sansoleimani, A. 2012. Prospecting activities at Dalli Cu - Au porphyry deposit, central province of Iran, Iran. Lahijan Research Journal, University of Lahijan 15(6), 34-46 (in Persian with English abstract).
  • Ayati, F., Yavuz, F., Asadi, H. H., Richards, J. P., & Jourdan, F. 2013. Petrology and geochemistry of calc- alkaline volcanic and subvolcanic rocks, Dalli porphyry copper–gold deposit, Markazi Province, Iran. International Geology Review, 55(2), 158- 184.
  • Behbahani, B. 2017. Presentation a genetic and exploratory model in Saryazd copper deposit (central Iran) based on geology, geochemical, geophysical and fluid inclusion data. PhD Thesis, Islamic Azad University North Tehran branch, 185.
  • Behbahani, B., Afzal, P., Jafari, M. R., Asadi harooni, H., Ajayebi, K. S., Noori, R. 2013a. Remote sensing studies in Zafarghand porphyry system for reconnaissance of prospects. Lahijan Research Journal, University of Lahijan 2(6), 1-10 (in Persian).
  • Behbahani B.,Afzal P., Jafari M. R.,Asadi harooni H.,Ajayebi K. S. 2013b. Geophysical and Geochemical anomaly separation by concentration-area fractal model in Zafarghand Cu-Mo porphyry deposit, Isfahan province. Journal of the Earth, Islamic Azad University North Tehran 8(30), 25-37 (in Persian with English abstract).
  • Berberian, M., King, G. C. 1981. Towards a paleogeography and tectonic evolution of Iran.Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 18, 210–265.
  • Cheng, Q., Agterberg, F. P., Ballantyne, S. B. 1994. The separation of geochemical anomalies from background by fractal methods, Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 51, 109-130
  • Cheng, Q., Li, Q. 2002. Fractal concentration - area method for assigning a color palette for image representation. Computers and Geosciences 28, 567-575.
  • Clark, R. N., and Roush,T. L. 1984. Reflectance spectroscopy: quantitative analyses techniques for remote sensing applications, Journal of Geophysical Research 89(7), 6329-6340.
  • Clark, R. N., King, T.V., Gorelick, N. S. 1987. Automatic continuum analyses of reflectance spectra: in Proceedings, Third AIS workshop, 2- 4 June 1987, JPL Publication, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California, 138-142.
  • Clark, R. N., Swayze, G. A., Gallagher, A. 1992. Mapping the mineralogy and lithology of Canyonlands, Utah with imaging spectrometer data and the multiple spectral feature-mapping algorithm. In: Summaries of the Third Annual JPL Airborne Geoscience Workshop, JPL Publication 92-14, 1,11–13.
  • Clark, R. N., Swayze, G. A. 1995. Mapping minerals, amorphous materials, environmental materials, vegetation, water, ice, and snow, and other materials: the USGS tricorder Algorithm. In: Summaries of the Fifth Annual JPL Airborne Earth Science Workshop, JPL Publication 95(1), 39–40.
  • Çorumluoğlu, O., Vural, A., Asri, I. 2015 Determination of Kula basalts (geosite) in Turkey using remote sensing techniques Journal of Arabian Geosciences 8, 10105–10117.
  • Faheem, M., Giridharan, R., Liang, Y., Van Der, P. 2015. Micro - XRD characterization of a Single Copper filled through Silicon. Journal of Materials Letters.
  • Fakhari, S., Jafarirad, A., Afzal, P., Lotfi, M. 2019. Delineation of hydrothermal alteration zones for porphyry systems utilizing ASTER data in Jebal - Barez area, SE Iran. Iranian Journal of Earth Sciences 11 (1), 80-92.
  • Ghorbani, M. R., Bezanjani, R. N. 2011. Slab partial melts from the metasomatizing agent to adakite, Tafresh Eocene volcanic rocks, Iran. Island Arc 20, 188– 202.
  • Gold C. M., Cavell P. A., Smith D. G. W. 1983. Clay minerals in mixtures: samples preparation, analyses, and statistical interpretation. Clays and Clay Minerals 31(3), 191-199.
  • Goncalves, M. A., Mateus, A., Oliveira, V. 2001. Geochemical anomaly separation by multifractal modeling. Journal of Geochemical Exploration 72, 91–114.
  • Hassanzadeh J. 1993. Metallogenic and tectonomagmatic events in the SE sector of the Cenozoic active continental margin of central Iran (Shahr e Babak area, Kerman Province). PhD Thesis, University of California, Los Angeles (unpublished).
  • Hewson, R. D., Cudahy, T. J., Hunting, J. F. 2001. Geologic and alteration mapping at Mt Fitton, South Australia, using ASTER satellite - borne data. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 2, 724-726.
  • Jahangiri, A. 2007. Post-collisional Miocene adakitic volcanism in NW Iran: Geochemical and geodynamic implications. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences (30), 433–447.
  • Jebeli, M., Afzal, P., Pourkermani, M., Jafarirad, A. 2020. Characteristics of fluid inclusions in the Cenozoic volcanic - hosted Kushk-e-Bahram Manto - type Cu deposit of central Iran. Geologos 26 (2), 127-137.
  • Kirkham, R. V., Dunne, K. P. 2000. World distribution of porphyry, porphyry-associated skarn, and bulk- tonnage epithermal deposits and occurrences. Geological Survey of Canada 3792, 26.
  • Kruse, F. A. 1988. Use of Airborne Imaging Spectrometer data to map minerals associated with hydrothermally altered rocks in the northern Grapevine Mountains, Nevada and California. Remote Sensing of Environment 24(1), 31-51.
  • Kruse, F. A. 1990. Artificial intelligence for nalyses of imaging spectrometer Data: Proceedings, ISPRS Commission VII, Working Group 2 analyses of high spectral resolution imaging data. 17 - 21 September 1990, Canada, 59 -68.
  • Kruse, F. A., Lefkoff, A. B. 1993. Knowledge - based geologic mapping with imaging spectrometers. Remote Sensing Reviews, Special Issue on NASA Innovative Research Program (IRP) results, 8, 3-28.
  • Kruse, F. A., Raines, G. L., Watson, K. 1985. Analytical techniques for extracting geologic information from multichannel airborne spectroradiometer and airborne imaging spectrometer data: in Proceedings, International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment, Thematic Conference on Remote Sensing for Exploration Geology, 4th Thematic Conference, Environmental Research Institute of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 309-324.
  • Kruse, F. A., Lefkoff, A. B., Boardman, J. W., Heidebrecht, K. B., Shapiro, A. T., Barloon, J. P., Goetz, A. F. H. 1993a. The spectral image processing system (SIPS) - interactive visualization and analyses of imaging spectrometer data. Remote Sensing of Environment 44, 145-163.
  • Kruse, F. A., Lefkoff, A. B., Dietz, J. B. 1993b. Expert System-Based Mineral Mapping in northern Death Valley, California/Nevada using the Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS). Remote Sensing of Environment, Special issue on AVIRIS 44, 309-336.
  • Lima, A., De Vivo, B., Cicchella, D., Cortini, M., Albanese, S. 2003. Multifractal inverse distance weighting interpolation and fractal filtering method in environmental studies: an application on regional stream sediments of (Italy), Campania region. Applied Geochemistry 18, 1853-1865.
  • McInnes, B. I. A., Evans, N. J., Fu, F. Q., Garwin, S. 2005. Application of thermochronology to hydrothermal ore deposits. Reviews in Mineral Geochemistry 58, 467-498.
  • Mohajjel, M., Fergusson, C.L., Sahandi, M.R. 2003. Cretaceous – Tertiary convergence and continental collision, Sanandaj - Sirjan Zone, Western Iran. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 21, 397–412.
  • Moradian, A. 1997. Geochemistry, geochronology and petrography of feldspathoid bearing rocks in Urumieh-Dokhtar Volcanic Belt, Iran. PhD Thesis, University of Wollongong, 412, Australia.
  • Nabavi, M. H. 1976. An introduction to geology of Iran (in Persian). Geological Survey of Iran, Tehran.
  • Omrani, J., Agard, P., Whitechurch, H., Benoit, M., Prouteau, G., Jolivet, L. 2008. Arcmagmatism and subduction history beneath the Zagros Mountains, Iran: a new report of adakites and geodynamic consequences. Lithos 106, 380–398.
  • Pirajno, F. 2009. Hydrothermal Processes and Mineral Systems. Geological Survey of Western Australia, Springer, 111-114
  • Razique, A., Lo Grasso, G., Livesey, T. 2007. Porphyry copper – gold deposits at Reko Diq complex, Chagai Hills Pakistan. Proceedings of Ninth Biennial Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits Meeting, Dublin.
  • Ricou, L. E. 1994. Tethys reconstruction: plates, continental fragments and their boundaries since 260 Ma from Central America to SoutheASTERn Asia. Geodinamica Acta (Paris) 7, 169–218.
  • Rutz-Armenta, J. R., Prol-Ledesma, R. M. 1998. Techniques for enhancing the spectral response of hydrothermal alteration minerals in thematic mapper images of central Mexico. International Journal of Remote Sensing 19, 1981–2000.
  • Sabahi, F., Afzal, P., Lotfi, M., Nezafati, N. 2019. Geological, fluid inclusion and isotopic characteristics of the Gardaneshir Zn – Pb deposit, central Iran. Geopersia 9 (2), 221-232.
  • Sabins, F. F. 1999. Remote sensing for mineral exploration. Ore geology reviews, 14(3-4), 157-183.
  • Sadeghi, B., Khalajmasoumi, M., Afzal, P., Moarefvand, P., Yasrebi, A. B., Wetherelt, A., Foster, P., Ziazarifi, A. 2013. Using ETM+ and ASTER sensors to identify iron occurrences in the Esfordi 1:100.000 mapping sheet of central Iran. Journal of African Earth Sciences 103–114.
  • Shahabpour, J., Kramers, J. D. 1987. Lead isotope data from the Sar Cheshmeh porphyry copper deposit, Kerman, Iranian Mineral Deposit 22, 278-281.
  • Stöcklin, J. 1968. Structural history and tectonics of Iran: a review. American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin 52(7), 1229-1258.
  • Stöcklin, J. 1977. Structural correlation of the Alpine ranges between Iran and central Asia.
  • Swayze, G. A., and Roger N. C. 1995. Spectral identification of minerals using imaging spectrometry data: evaluating the effects of signal to noise and spectral resolution using the Tricorder Algorithm.” Summaries of the 5th Annual JPL Airborne Earth Science Workshop.
  • Tangestani, M. H., Moore, F. 2001. Comparison of three principal component analyses techniques to porphyry copper alteration mapping: a case study in Meiduk area, Kerman, Iran. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing 27,176–182.
  • Vural, A., Corumluoglu, O., Asri, I. 2015. Exploring Gördes zeolite sites by feature oriented principle component analysis of LANDSAT images. Caspian Journal of Environmental Sciences, 14(14), 285-298.
  • Vural, A., Aydal, D. 2020. Determination of Lithological Differences and Hydrothermal Alteration Areas by Remote Sensing Studies: Kısacık (Ayvacık- Çanakkale, Biga Peninsula, Turkey). Journal of Engineering Research and Applied Science Journal of Engineering Research and Applied Science
  • Yamaguchi, Y., Lyon, R. J. P. 1986. Identification of clay minerals by feature coding of near - infrared spectra, Reno, Nevada, America.
  • Yazdi, Z., Jafarirad, A., Aghazadeh, M., Afzal, P., 2018. Alteration mapping for Porphyry copper exploration using ASTER and QuickBird multispectral images, Sonajeel Prospect, NW Iran. Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing 46(10), 1581-1593.
  • Zamyad, M., Afzal, P., Pourkermani, M., Nouri, R., Jafari, M. R. 2019. Determination of hydrothermal alteration zones using remote sensing methods in Tirka area, Toroud, NE Iran. Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing 47(11), 1817-1830.
  • Zarasvandi, A., Rezaci, M., Sadeghi, M., Lentz, D., Adelpour, M., Pourkaseb, H. 2015. Rare earth element signatures of economic and sub-economic porphyry copper systems in Urumieh-Dokhtar Magmatic Arc (UDMA), Iran. Ore Geology Reviews, 1428.
Yıl 2023, , 1 - 14, 19.12.2023



  • Abrams, M. J., Brown, D., Lepley, L., Sadowski, R. 1983. Remote sensing for porphyry copper deposits in southern Arizona. Economic Geology 78(4), 591- 604.
  • Afzal, P., Fadakar Alghalandis, Y., Moarefvand, P., Rashidnejad Omran, N., Asadi, H. 2012. Application of power -spectrum – volume fractal method for detecting hypogene, supergene enrichment, leached and barren zones in Kahang porphyry Cu deposit, Central Iran. Journal of Geochemical Exploration 112, 131-138.
  • Agard, P., Omrani, J., Jolivet, L., Whitechurch, H., Vrielynck, B., Spak-man, W., Monié, P., Meyer, B., Wortel, R., 2011. Zagros orogeny: a subduction- dominated process. Geological Magazine 148, 692–725.
  • Aghazadeh, M., Houb, Z.G., Badrzadeh, Z., Zhou, L. 2015. Temporal – spatial distribution and tectonic setting of porphyry copper deposits in Iran: constraints from zircon U–Pb and molybdenite Re–Os geochronology. Ore Geology Reviews.
  • Ahmadian, J., Haschke, M., McDonald, I., Regelous, M., Ghorbani, M. R., Emami, M., Murata, M., 2008. High magmatic flux during Alpine–Himalayan collision: constraints from the Kal-e-Kafi complex, central Iran. Geological Society of America Bulletin.
  • Ahmadfaraj, M., Mirmohammadi, M., Afzal, P., Yasrebi, A. B., Carranza, E. J., 2019. Fractal modeling and fry analysis of the relationship between structures and Cu mineralization in Saveh region, Central Iran. Ore Geology Reviews 107, 172-185.
  • Alavi M. 2004. Regional stratigraphy of the Zagros fold - thrust belt of Iran and its proforeland evolution. American Journal of Science 304, 1–20.
  • Aliyari, F., Afzal, P., Lotfi, M., Shokri, S., Feizi, H. 2020. Delineation of geochemical haloes using the developed zonality index model by multivariate and fractal analysis in the Cu – Mo porphyry deposits. Applied Geochemistry 121, 104694.
  • Aramesh Asl, R., Afzal, P., Adib, A., Yasrebi, A. 2015. Application of multifractal modeling for the identification of alteration zones and major faults based on ETM+ multispectral data. Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing 43(1), 121-132.
  • Asadi, S., Moore, F., Zarasvandi, A. 2014. Discriminating productive and barren porphyry copper deposits in the southeastern part of the central Iranian volcano-plutonic belt, Kerman region, Iran: a review. Earth Science Reviews 138, 25-46.
  • Asadi Haroni, H., Sansoleimani, A. 2012. Prospecting activities at Dalli Cu - Au porphyry deposit, central province of Iran, Iran. Lahijan Research Journal, University of Lahijan 15(6), 34-46 (in Persian with English abstract).
  • Ayati, F., Yavuz, F., Asadi, H. H., Richards, J. P., & Jourdan, F. 2013. Petrology and geochemistry of calc- alkaline volcanic and subvolcanic rocks, Dalli porphyry copper–gold deposit, Markazi Province, Iran. International Geology Review, 55(2), 158- 184.
  • Behbahani, B. 2017. Presentation a genetic and exploratory model in Saryazd copper deposit (central Iran) based on geology, geochemical, geophysical and fluid inclusion data. PhD Thesis, Islamic Azad University North Tehran branch, 185.
  • Behbahani, B., Afzal, P., Jafari, M. R., Asadi harooni, H., Ajayebi, K. S., Noori, R. 2013a. Remote sensing studies in Zafarghand porphyry system for reconnaissance of prospects. Lahijan Research Journal, University of Lahijan 2(6), 1-10 (in Persian).
  • Behbahani B.,Afzal P., Jafari M. R.,Asadi harooni H.,Ajayebi K. S. 2013b. Geophysical and Geochemical anomaly separation by concentration-area fractal model in Zafarghand Cu-Mo porphyry deposit, Isfahan province. Journal of the Earth, Islamic Azad University North Tehran 8(30), 25-37 (in Persian with English abstract).
  • Berberian, M., King, G. C. 1981. Towards a paleogeography and tectonic evolution of Iran.Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 18, 210–265.
  • Cheng, Q., Agterberg, F. P., Ballantyne, S. B. 1994. The separation of geochemical anomalies from background by fractal methods, Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 51, 109-130
  • Cheng, Q., Li, Q. 2002. Fractal concentration - area method for assigning a color palette for image representation. Computers and Geosciences 28, 567-575.
  • Clark, R. N., and Roush,T. L. 1984. Reflectance spectroscopy: quantitative analyses techniques for remote sensing applications, Journal of Geophysical Research 89(7), 6329-6340.
  • Clark, R. N., King, T.V., Gorelick, N. S. 1987. Automatic continuum analyses of reflectance spectra: in Proceedings, Third AIS workshop, 2- 4 June 1987, JPL Publication, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California, 138-142.
  • Clark, R. N., Swayze, G. A., Gallagher, A. 1992. Mapping the mineralogy and lithology of Canyonlands, Utah with imaging spectrometer data and the multiple spectral feature-mapping algorithm. In: Summaries of the Third Annual JPL Airborne Geoscience Workshop, JPL Publication 92-14, 1,11–13.
  • Clark, R. N., Swayze, G. A. 1995. Mapping minerals, amorphous materials, environmental materials, vegetation, water, ice, and snow, and other materials: the USGS tricorder Algorithm. In: Summaries of the Fifth Annual JPL Airborne Earth Science Workshop, JPL Publication 95(1), 39–40.
  • Çorumluoğlu, O., Vural, A., Asri, I. 2015 Determination of Kula basalts (geosite) in Turkey using remote sensing techniques Journal of Arabian Geosciences 8, 10105–10117.
  • Faheem, M., Giridharan, R., Liang, Y., Van Der, P. 2015. Micro - XRD characterization of a Single Copper filled through Silicon. Journal of Materials Letters.
  • Fakhari, S., Jafarirad, A., Afzal, P., Lotfi, M. 2019. Delineation of hydrothermal alteration zones for porphyry systems utilizing ASTER data in Jebal - Barez area, SE Iran. Iranian Journal of Earth Sciences 11 (1), 80-92.
  • Ghorbani, M. R., Bezanjani, R. N. 2011. Slab partial melts from the metasomatizing agent to adakite, Tafresh Eocene volcanic rocks, Iran. Island Arc 20, 188– 202.
  • Gold C. M., Cavell P. A., Smith D. G. W. 1983. Clay minerals in mixtures: samples preparation, analyses, and statistical interpretation. Clays and Clay Minerals 31(3), 191-199.
  • Goncalves, M. A., Mateus, A., Oliveira, V. 2001. Geochemical anomaly separation by multifractal modeling. Journal of Geochemical Exploration 72, 91–114.
  • Hassanzadeh J. 1993. Metallogenic and tectonomagmatic events in the SE sector of the Cenozoic active continental margin of central Iran (Shahr e Babak area, Kerman Province). PhD Thesis, University of California, Los Angeles (unpublished).
  • Hewson, R. D., Cudahy, T. J., Hunting, J. F. 2001. Geologic and alteration mapping at Mt Fitton, South Australia, using ASTER satellite - borne data. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 2, 724-726.
  • Jahangiri, A. 2007. Post-collisional Miocene adakitic volcanism in NW Iran: Geochemical and geodynamic implications. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences (30), 433–447.
  • Jebeli, M., Afzal, P., Pourkermani, M., Jafarirad, A. 2020. Characteristics of fluid inclusions in the Cenozoic volcanic - hosted Kushk-e-Bahram Manto - type Cu deposit of central Iran. Geologos 26 (2), 127-137.
  • Kirkham, R. V., Dunne, K. P. 2000. World distribution of porphyry, porphyry-associated skarn, and bulk- tonnage epithermal deposits and occurrences. Geological Survey of Canada 3792, 26.
  • Kruse, F. A. 1988. Use of Airborne Imaging Spectrometer data to map minerals associated with hydrothermally altered rocks in the northern Grapevine Mountains, Nevada and California. Remote Sensing of Environment 24(1), 31-51.
  • Kruse, F. A. 1990. Artificial intelligence for nalyses of imaging spectrometer Data: Proceedings, ISPRS Commission VII, Working Group 2 analyses of high spectral resolution imaging data. 17 - 21 September 1990, Canada, 59 -68.
  • Kruse, F. A., Lefkoff, A. B. 1993. Knowledge - based geologic mapping with imaging spectrometers. Remote Sensing Reviews, Special Issue on NASA Innovative Research Program (IRP) results, 8, 3-28.
  • Kruse, F. A., Raines, G. L., Watson, K. 1985. Analytical techniques for extracting geologic information from multichannel airborne spectroradiometer and airborne imaging spectrometer data: in Proceedings, International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment, Thematic Conference on Remote Sensing for Exploration Geology, 4th Thematic Conference, Environmental Research Institute of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 309-324.
  • Kruse, F. A., Lefkoff, A. B., Boardman, J. W., Heidebrecht, K. B., Shapiro, A. T., Barloon, J. P., Goetz, A. F. H. 1993a. The spectral image processing system (SIPS) - interactive visualization and analyses of imaging spectrometer data. Remote Sensing of Environment 44, 145-163.
  • Kruse, F. A., Lefkoff, A. B., Dietz, J. B. 1993b. Expert System-Based Mineral Mapping in northern Death Valley, California/Nevada using the Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS). Remote Sensing of Environment, Special issue on AVIRIS 44, 309-336.
  • Lima, A., De Vivo, B., Cicchella, D., Cortini, M., Albanese, S. 2003. Multifractal inverse distance weighting interpolation and fractal filtering method in environmental studies: an application on regional stream sediments of (Italy), Campania region. Applied Geochemistry 18, 1853-1865.
  • McInnes, B. I. A., Evans, N. J., Fu, F. Q., Garwin, S. 2005. Application of thermochronology to hydrothermal ore deposits. Reviews in Mineral Geochemistry 58, 467-498.
  • Mohajjel, M., Fergusson, C.L., Sahandi, M.R. 2003. Cretaceous – Tertiary convergence and continental collision, Sanandaj - Sirjan Zone, Western Iran. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 21, 397–412.
  • Moradian, A. 1997. Geochemistry, geochronology and petrography of feldspathoid bearing rocks in Urumieh-Dokhtar Volcanic Belt, Iran. PhD Thesis, University of Wollongong, 412, Australia.
  • Nabavi, M. H. 1976. An introduction to geology of Iran (in Persian). Geological Survey of Iran, Tehran.
  • Omrani, J., Agard, P., Whitechurch, H., Benoit, M., Prouteau, G., Jolivet, L. 2008. Arcmagmatism and subduction history beneath the Zagros Mountains, Iran: a new report of adakites and geodynamic consequences. Lithos 106, 380–398.
  • Pirajno, F. 2009. Hydrothermal Processes and Mineral Systems. Geological Survey of Western Australia, Springer, 111-114
  • Razique, A., Lo Grasso, G., Livesey, T. 2007. Porphyry copper – gold deposits at Reko Diq complex, Chagai Hills Pakistan. Proceedings of Ninth Biennial Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits Meeting, Dublin.
  • Ricou, L. E. 1994. Tethys reconstruction: plates, continental fragments and their boundaries since 260 Ma from Central America to SoutheASTERn Asia. Geodinamica Acta (Paris) 7, 169–218.
  • Rutz-Armenta, J. R., Prol-Ledesma, R. M. 1998. Techniques for enhancing the spectral response of hydrothermal alteration minerals in thematic mapper images of central Mexico. International Journal of Remote Sensing 19, 1981–2000.
  • Sabahi, F., Afzal, P., Lotfi, M., Nezafati, N. 2019. Geological, fluid inclusion and isotopic characteristics of the Gardaneshir Zn – Pb deposit, central Iran. Geopersia 9 (2), 221-232.
  • Sabins, F. F. 1999. Remote sensing for mineral exploration. Ore geology reviews, 14(3-4), 157-183.
  • Sadeghi, B., Khalajmasoumi, M., Afzal, P., Moarefvand, P., Yasrebi, A. B., Wetherelt, A., Foster, P., Ziazarifi, A. 2013. Using ETM+ and ASTER sensors to identify iron occurrences in the Esfordi 1:100.000 mapping sheet of central Iran. Journal of African Earth Sciences 103–114.
  • Shahabpour, J., Kramers, J. D. 1987. Lead isotope data from the Sar Cheshmeh porphyry copper deposit, Kerman, Iranian Mineral Deposit 22, 278-281.
  • Stöcklin, J. 1968. Structural history and tectonics of Iran: a review. American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin 52(7), 1229-1258.
  • Stöcklin, J. 1977. Structural correlation of the Alpine ranges between Iran and central Asia.
  • Swayze, G. A., and Roger N. C. 1995. Spectral identification of minerals using imaging spectrometry data: evaluating the effects of signal to noise and spectral resolution using the Tricorder Algorithm.” Summaries of the 5th Annual JPL Airborne Earth Science Workshop.
  • Tangestani, M. H., Moore, F. 2001. Comparison of three principal component analyses techniques to porphyry copper alteration mapping: a case study in Meiduk area, Kerman, Iran. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing 27,176–182.
  • Vural, A., Corumluoglu, O., Asri, I. 2015. Exploring Gördes zeolite sites by feature oriented principle component analysis of LANDSAT images. Caspian Journal of Environmental Sciences, 14(14), 285-298.
  • Vural, A., Aydal, D. 2020. Determination of Lithological Differences and Hydrothermal Alteration Areas by Remote Sensing Studies: Kısacık (Ayvacık- Çanakkale, Biga Peninsula, Turkey). Journal of Engineering Research and Applied Science Journal of Engineering Research and Applied Science
  • Yamaguchi, Y., Lyon, R. J. P. 1986. Identification of clay minerals by feature coding of near - infrared spectra, Reno, Nevada, America.
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Toplam 63 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Mühendislik, Genel Jeoloji, Mineraloji-Petrografi, Yer Bilimleri ve Jeoloji Mühendisliği (Diğer)
Bölüm Makaleler

Behzad Behbahanı Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-5394-545X

Hamid Haratı Bu kişi benim 0000-0003-0543-5233

Peyman Afzal Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-4833-8778

Mohammad Lotfı Bu kişi benim 0000-0001-7810-0771

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 28 Nisan 2023
Yayımlanma Tarihi 19 Aralık 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023

Kaynak Göster

APA Behbahanı, B., Haratı, H., Afzal, P., Lotfı, M. (2023). Determination of alteration zones applying fractal modeling and Spectral Feature Fitting (SFF) method in Saryazd porphyry copper system, central Iran. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration, 172(172), 1-14.
AMA Behbahanı B, Haratı H, Afzal P, Lotfı M. Determination of alteration zones applying fractal modeling and Spectral Feature Fitting (SFF) method in Saryazd porphyry copper system, central Iran. Bull.Min.Res.Exp. Aralık 2023;172(172):1-14. doi:10.19111/bulletinofmre.1264604
Chicago Behbahanı, Behzad, Hamid Haratı, Peyman Afzal, ve Mohammad Lotfı. “Determination of Alteration Zones Applying Fractal Modeling and Spectral Feature Fitting (SFF) Method in Saryazd Porphyry Copper System, Central Iran”. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 172, sy. 172 (Aralık 2023): 1-14.
EndNote Behbahanı B, Haratı H, Afzal P, Lotfı M (01 Aralık 2023) Determination of alteration zones applying fractal modeling and Spectral Feature Fitting (SFF) method in Saryazd porphyry copper system, central Iran. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 172 172 1–14.
IEEE B. Behbahanı, H. Haratı, P. Afzal, ve M. Lotfı, “Determination of alteration zones applying fractal modeling and Spectral Feature Fitting (SFF) method in Saryazd porphyry copper system, central Iran”, Bull.Min.Res.Exp., c. 172, sy. 172, ss. 1–14, 2023, doi: 10.19111/bulletinofmre.1264604.
ISNAD Behbahanı, Behzad vd. “Determination of Alteration Zones Applying Fractal Modeling and Spectral Feature Fitting (SFF) Method in Saryazd Porphyry Copper System, Central Iran”. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 172/172 (Aralık 2023), 1-14.
JAMA Behbahanı B, Haratı H, Afzal P, Lotfı M. Determination of alteration zones applying fractal modeling and Spectral Feature Fitting (SFF) method in Saryazd porphyry copper system, central Iran. Bull.Min.Res.Exp. 2023;172:1–14.
MLA Behbahanı, Behzad vd. “Determination of Alteration Zones Applying Fractal Modeling and Spectral Feature Fitting (SFF) Method in Saryazd Porphyry Copper System, Central Iran”. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration, c. 172, sy. 172, 2023, ss. 1-14, doi:10.19111/bulletinofmre.1264604.
Vancouver Behbahanı B, Haratı H, Afzal P, Lotfı M. Determination of alteration zones applying fractal modeling and Spectral Feature Fitting (SFF) method in Saryazd porphyry copper system, central Iran. Bull.Min.Res.Exp. 2023;172(172):1-14.

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