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Comparative analysis of water and carbon dioxide injection for the thermohydraulics of an EGS project in Dikili Geothermal Field, Türkiye

Yıl 2023, , 91 - 105, 25.08.2023


A comparative numerical analysis of the thermohydraulics of an enhanced geothermal system (EGS) project in Türkiye in Dikili area is presented. The fractured granodiorite is modelled as porous media, utilizing the numerically suggested data of other authors for the corresponding hydraulic characteristics. As the heat transmission fluid, two different mediums are alternatively considered. These are the more classical medium, water and the supercritical Carbon Dioxide (sCO2). Transient calculations are performed for a time period of twenty years, comparing the temporally developing results obtained for water and sCO2 with each other. Based on modeling parameters and assumptions, higher production temperatures are observed with sCO2, in comparison to water, implying an advantage for sCO2 usage as a working fluid in EGS. This is accompanied by the further advantage of a lower pressure drop for sCO2. On the other hand, the temperature advantage is relativized by the lower specific heat capacity of sCO2 causing a decrease in the production thermal power. In general, the present re found to be encouraging for a further and more detailed analysis of the employment of sCO2 as working fluid in EGS.


  • Altunkaynak, Ş., Yılmaz, Y. 1998. The Mount Kozak magmatic complex, Western Anatolia. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 85, 211231.
  • ANSYS Fluent, 2018. Release 18.0, Theory Guide. https://
  • Baba, A., Sözbilir, H., Demir, M. M., Akkurt, G. G., Özşen, A. Y., Şener, M. F., Hancıoğlu, E., Uzelli, T., 2022. İzmir ilindeki jeotermal kaynakların potansiyeli, kullanım alanları, ekonomik ve çevresel etkilerinin belirlenmesi araştırması. Project Report, 194, İzmir.
  • Baehr, H. D. 2005. Thermodynamik. 12th Edition Springer Verlag, 651.
  • Benim, A. C. 1990. Finite element analysis of confined turbulent swirling flows. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 11(6), 697-717.
  • Benim, A. C., Çiçek, A. 2022. Investigation of the thermohydraulics of an EGS project in Turkey: comparative assessment of water and CO2 as heat transfer fluid. The International Symposium on Convective Heat and Mass Transfer 5-10 June 2022, İzmir, Turkey.
  • Benim, A. C., Çiçek, A., Eker, A. M. 2018a. A computational investigation of the thermohydraulics of an EGS project. Journal of Thermal Science 27(5), 405412.
  • Benim, A. C., Çiçek, A., Eker, A. M. 2018b. A Preliminary numerical study of the thermohydraulics of an EGS project in Turkey. MATEC Web of Conferences 240 (1).
  • Bhattacharyya, S., Chattopadhyay, H., Benim, A. C. 2016. Heat transfer enhancement of laminar flow of ethylene glycol through a square channel fitted with angular cut wavy strip. Procedia Engineering 157, 19-28.
  • Bit, A., Alblawi, A., Chattopadhyay, H., Quais, Q. A., Benim, A. C., Rahimi-Gorji, M., Do, H. T. 2020. Threedimensional numerical analysis of hemodynamic of stenosed artery considering realistic outlet boundary conditions. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 185, 105163.
  • Bird, R. B., Stewart, W. E., Lightfoot, E. N. 2006. Transport Phenomena. 2nd edition, Wiley, 780.
  • Borgia, A., Pruess K., Kneafsey, T. J., Oldenburg, C. M., Pan, L. 2012. Numerical simulation of salt precipitation in the fractures of a CO2 enhanced geothermal system. Geothermics 44(67), 13-22.
  • Brown, D. 2000. A hot dry rock geothermal energy concept utilizing supercritical CO2 instead of water, Twenty-Fifth Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering 24-26 January 2000, Stanford University, 233-238.
  • Civan, F. 2011. Porous Media Transport Phenomena. Wiley, 488.
  • Çiçek, A. 2020. The electric power production targeted Unconventional Geothermal Systems (UGS), some conceptual designs and their thermodynamics classification. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 163, 211-228.
  • Emre, Ö., Duman, T. Y., Özalp, S., Elmacı, H., Olgun, Ş., Şaroğlu, F. 2013. 1/250.000 ölçekli Türkiye diri fay haritası. The General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration of Türkiye, Special Publications Series, 30, Ankara, Türkiye.
  • FLAC3D, 2019. Fast Lagrangian Analysis of Continua in Three-Dimensions, Ver. 7.0, Itasca Consulting Group, Minneapolis.
  • Gürer, F. Ö. 2023. A new look at the origin of N-S trending young basins of western Anatolia. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 170, 117-146.
  • Glaister, P. 1993. Second order accurate upwind difference schemes for scalar conservation laws with source terms. Computers and Mathematics with Applications 25(4), 65-73.
  • Hou, Z., Şen, O., Gou, Y., Eker, A. M., Li, M., Yal, G. P., Cambazoğlu, S., Were, P. 2015. Preliminary geological, geochemical and numerical study on the first EGS project in Turkey. Environmental Earth Sciences 73, 6747-6767.
  • Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) (1987). Pre-feasibility study on the Dikili Bergama geothermal development project in The Republic of Turkey, Ankara. MTA, Progress Report II, Final Report, 229 .
  • Lemmon, E. W., Bell, I. H., Huber, M. L., McLinden, M. O. 2018. NIST Standard Reference Database 23: Reference Fluid Thermodynamic and Transport Properties-REFPROP, Version 10.0, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Standard Reference Data Program, Gaithersburg.
  • Liu, Y., Wang, G., Yue, G., Zhang, W., Zhu, X., Zhang, Q. 2019. Comparison of enhanced geothermal system with water and CO2 as working fluid: a case study in Zhancanggou, Northeastern Tibet, China. Energy Exploration and Exploitation 37(2), 736-755.
  • Pan, L., Oldenburg, C. M. 2014. T2 Well -an integrated wellbore-reservoir simulator. Computers and Geosciences 65, 46-55.
  • Parlaktuna, M., Avşar, U. 2014. Dikili jeotermal sahası kaynak koruma alanları etüt raporu. Middle East Technical University, 163 p., Ankara (unpublished).
  • Peyret, R,. 1996. Handbook of Computational Fluid Mechanics. Academic Press, 480.
  • Pruess, K. 1991. TOUGH2: A general-purpose numerical simulator for multiphase fluid flow and heat flow, Lawrence Berkeley Lab., California, USA.
  • Pruess, K. 2006. Enhanced geothermal systems (EGS) using CO2 as working fluid – a novel approach for generating renewable energy with simultaneous sequestration of carbon. Geothermics 35, 351367.
  • Pruess, K. 2010. Enhanced geothermal systems (EGS) with CO2 as heat transmission fluid – a scheme for combining recovery of renewable energy with geologic storage of CO2.World Geothermal Congress 25-29 April 2010, Bali, Indonesia.
  • Streeter, V. L., Wylie, E. B. 1975. Fluid Mechanics, 6th edition, McGraw-Hill, 752.
  • Turan, A., Artun, E., Saner, S. 2021. Probabilistic assessment of geothermal resources and their development in Dikili-İzmir region. Earth and Environmental Sciences: Green Energy for Environmental Sustainability, 3, 634.
  • Uzel, B. 2013. Geological Evolution of İzmir-Balıkesir Transfer Zone: A crustal-scale structure reorganizing extensional tectonics in western Anatolia. Dokuz Eylül University, PhD Thesis, 236.
  • Versteeg, J. K., Malalasekera, W. 2007. An Introduction Computational Fluid Dynamics – The Finite Volume Method, 2nd edition Pearson, 503.
  • Whitaker, S. 1986. Flow in porous media I: a theoretical derivation of Darcy’s law. Transport in Porous Media 1(1), 3-2.
  • Wood, B D., He, X., Apte, S. V. 2020. Modeling turbulent flows in porous media, Annular Review of Fluid Mechanics 52, 171-203.
  • Xia, J. L., Smith, B. L., Benim, A. C., Schmidli, J., Yadigaroğlu, G. 1997. Effect of inlet and outlet boundary conditions on swirling flows. Computers and Fluids 26(8), 881-823.
  • Yarar, Y. Günaydı, T., Çelebi, N., 2005. Determination of Radon Concentrations of The Dikili Geothermal Area in Western Turkey. Radiation Protection Dosimetry (2006), 118(1), 78-81
  • Yılmazer, S., Gevrek, A. İ., Sünger, Z., Üstün, Z., Çetiner, L., 1990. İzmir-Dikili-Kaynarca Jeotermal Sahası Kaynarca-1 Derin Jeotermal Sondajı Kuyu Jeolojisi Bitirme ve Değerlendirme Raporu, Maden Tetkik ve Arama Genel Müdürlüğü Report No: 9466, Ankara (unpublished).
Yıl 2023, , 91 - 105, 25.08.2023



  • Altunkaynak, Ş., Yılmaz, Y. 1998. The Mount Kozak magmatic complex, Western Anatolia. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 85, 211231.
  • ANSYS Fluent, 2018. Release 18.0, Theory Guide. https://
  • Baba, A., Sözbilir, H., Demir, M. M., Akkurt, G. G., Özşen, A. Y., Şener, M. F., Hancıoğlu, E., Uzelli, T., 2022. İzmir ilindeki jeotermal kaynakların potansiyeli, kullanım alanları, ekonomik ve çevresel etkilerinin belirlenmesi araştırması. Project Report, 194, İzmir.
  • Baehr, H. D. 2005. Thermodynamik. 12th Edition Springer Verlag, 651.
  • Benim, A. C. 1990. Finite element analysis of confined turbulent swirling flows. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 11(6), 697-717.
  • Benim, A. C., Çiçek, A. 2022. Investigation of the thermohydraulics of an EGS project in Turkey: comparative assessment of water and CO2 as heat transfer fluid. The International Symposium on Convective Heat and Mass Transfer 5-10 June 2022, İzmir, Turkey.
  • Benim, A. C., Çiçek, A., Eker, A. M. 2018a. A computational investigation of the thermohydraulics of an EGS project. Journal of Thermal Science 27(5), 405412.
  • Benim, A. C., Çiçek, A., Eker, A. M. 2018b. A Preliminary numerical study of the thermohydraulics of an EGS project in Turkey. MATEC Web of Conferences 240 (1).
  • Bhattacharyya, S., Chattopadhyay, H., Benim, A. C. 2016. Heat transfer enhancement of laminar flow of ethylene glycol through a square channel fitted with angular cut wavy strip. Procedia Engineering 157, 19-28.
  • Bit, A., Alblawi, A., Chattopadhyay, H., Quais, Q. A., Benim, A. C., Rahimi-Gorji, M., Do, H. T. 2020. Threedimensional numerical analysis of hemodynamic of stenosed artery considering realistic outlet boundary conditions. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 185, 105163.
  • Bird, R. B., Stewart, W. E., Lightfoot, E. N. 2006. Transport Phenomena. 2nd edition, Wiley, 780.
  • Borgia, A., Pruess K., Kneafsey, T. J., Oldenburg, C. M., Pan, L. 2012. Numerical simulation of salt precipitation in the fractures of a CO2 enhanced geothermal system. Geothermics 44(67), 13-22.
  • Brown, D. 2000. A hot dry rock geothermal energy concept utilizing supercritical CO2 instead of water, Twenty-Fifth Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering 24-26 January 2000, Stanford University, 233-238.
  • Civan, F. 2011. Porous Media Transport Phenomena. Wiley, 488.
  • Çiçek, A. 2020. The electric power production targeted Unconventional Geothermal Systems (UGS), some conceptual designs and their thermodynamics classification. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 163, 211-228.
  • Emre, Ö., Duman, T. Y., Özalp, S., Elmacı, H., Olgun, Ş., Şaroğlu, F. 2013. 1/250.000 ölçekli Türkiye diri fay haritası. The General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration of Türkiye, Special Publications Series, 30, Ankara, Türkiye.
  • FLAC3D, 2019. Fast Lagrangian Analysis of Continua in Three-Dimensions, Ver. 7.0, Itasca Consulting Group, Minneapolis.
  • Gürer, F. Ö. 2023. A new look at the origin of N-S trending young basins of western Anatolia. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 170, 117-146.
  • Glaister, P. 1993. Second order accurate upwind difference schemes for scalar conservation laws with source terms. Computers and Mathematics with Applications 25(4), 65-73.
  • Hou, Z., Şen, O., Gou, Y., Eker, A. M., Li, M., Yal, G. P., Cambazoğlu, S., Were, P. 2015. Preliminary geological, geochemical and numerical study on the first EGS project in Turkey. Environmental Earth Sciences 73, 6747-6767.
  • Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) (1987). Pre-feasibility study on the Dikili Bergama geothermal development project in The Republic of Turkey, Ankara. MTA, Progress Report II, Final Report, 229 .
  • Lemmon, E. W., Bell, I. H., Huber, M. L., McLinden, M. O. 2018. NIST Standard Reference Database 23: Reference Fluid Thermodynamic and Transport Properties-REFPROP, Version 10.0, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Standard Reference Data Program, Gaithersburg.
  • Liu, Y., Wang, G., Yue, G., Zhang, W., Zhu, X., Zhang, Q. 2019. Comparison of enhanced geothermal system with water and CO2 as working fluid: a case study in Zhancanggou, Northeastern Tibet, China. Energy Exploration and Exploitation 37(2), 736-755.
  • Pan, L., Oldenburg, C. M. 2014. T2 Well -an integrated wellbore-reservoir simulator. Computers and Geosciences 65, 46-55.
  • Parlaktuna, M., Avşar, U. 2014. Dikili jeotermal sahası kaynak koruma alanları etüt raporu. Middle East Technical University, 163 p., Ankara (unpublished).
  • Peyret, R,. 1996. Handbook of Computational Fluid Mechanics. Academic Press, 480.
  • Pruess, K. 1991. TOUGH2: A general-purpose numerical simulator for multiphase fluid flow and heat flow, Lawrence Berkeley Lab., California, USA.
  • Pruess, K. 2006. Enhanced geothermal systems (EGS) using CO2 as working fluid – a novel approach for generating renewable energy with simultaneous sequestration of carbon. Geothermics 35, 351367.
  • Pruess, K. 2010. Enhanced geothermal systems (EGS) with CO2 as heat transmission fluid – a scheme for combining recovery of renewable energy with geologic storage of CO2.World Geothermal Congress 25-29 April 2010, Bali, Indonesia.
  • Streeter, V. L., Wylie, E. B. 1975. Fluid Mechanics, 6th edition, McGraw-Hill, 752.
  • Turan, A., Artun, E., Saner, S. 2021. Probabilistic assessment of geothermal resources and their development in Dikili-İzmir region. Earth and Environmental Sciences: Green Energy for Environmental Sustainability, 3, 634.
  • Uzel, B. 2013. Geological Evolution of İzmir-Balıkesir Transfer Zone: A crustal-scale structure reorganizing extensional tectonics in western Anatolia. Dokuz Eylül University, PhD Thesis, 236.
  • Versteeg, J. K., Malalasekera, W. 2007. An Introduction Computational Fluid Dynamics – The Finite Volume Method, 2nd edition Pearson, 503.
  • Whitaker, S. 1986. Flow in porous media I: a theoretical derivation of Darcy’s law. Transport in Porous Media 1(1), 3-2.
  • Wood, B D., He, X., Apte, S. V. 2020. Modeling turbulent flows in porous media, Annular Review of Fluid Mechanics 52, 171-203.
  • Xia, J. L., Smith, B. L., Benim, A. C., Schmidli, J., Yadigaroğlu, G. 1997. Effect of inlet and outlet boundary conditions on swirling flows. Computers and Fluids 26(8), 881-823.
  • Yarar, Y. Günaydı, T., Çelebi, N., 2005. Determination of Radon Concentrations of The Dikili Geothermal Area in Western Turkey. Radiation Protection Dosimetry (2006), 118(1), 78-81
  • Yılmazer, S., Gevrek, A. İ., Sünger, Z., Üstün, Z., Çetiner, L., 1990. İzmir-Dikili-Kaynarca Jeotermal Sahası Kaynarca-1 Derin Jeotermal Sondajı Kuyu Jeolojisi Bitirme ve Değerlendirme Raporu, Maden Tetkik ve Arama Genel Müdürlüğü Report No: 9466, Ankara (unpublished).
Toplam 38 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Mühendislik
Bölüm Makaleler

Ali Cemal Benim Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-8642-2225

Aydın Çiçek Bu kişi benim 0000-0001-7111-6295

Yayımlanma Tarihi 25 Ağustos 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023

Kaynak Göster

APA Benim, A. C., & Çiçek, A. (2023). Comparative analysis of water and carbon dioxide injection for the thermohydraulics of an EGS project in Dikili Geothermal Field, Türkiye. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration, 171(171), 91-105.
AMA Benim AC, Çiçek A. Comparative analysis of water and carbon dioxide injection for the thermohydraulics of an EGS project in Dikili Geothermal Field, Türkiye. Bull.Min.Res.Exp. Ağustos 2023;171(171):91-105. doi:10.19111/bulletinofmre.1288731
Chicago Benim, Ali Cemal, ve Aydın Çiçek. “Comparative Analysis of Water and Carbon Dioxide Injection for the Thermohydraulics of an EGS Project in Dikili Geothermal Field, Türkiye”. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 171, sy. 171 (Ağustos 2023): 91-105.
EndNote Benim AC, Çiçek A (01 Ağustos 2023) Comparative analysis of water and carbon dioxide injection for the thermohydraulics of an EGS project in Dikili Geothermal Field, Türkiye. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 171 171 91–105.
IEEE A. C. Benim ve A. Çiçek, “Comparative analysis of water and carbon dioxide injection for the thermohydraulics of an EGS project in Dikili Geothermal Field, Türkiye”, Bull.Min.Res.Exp., c. 171, sy. 171, ss. 91–105, 2023, doi: 10.19111/bulletinofmre.1288731.
ISNAD Benim, Ali Cemal - Çiçek, Aydın. “Comparative Analysis of Water and Carbon Dioxide Injection for the Thermohydraulics of an EGS Project in Dikili Geothermal Field, Türkiye”. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 171/171 (Ağustos 2023), 91-105.
JAMA Benim AC, Çiçek A. Comparative analysis of water and carbon dioxide injection for the thermohydraulics of an EGS project in Dikili Geothermal Field, Türkiye. Bull.Min.Res.Exp. 2023;171:91–105.
MLA Benim, Ali Cemal ve Aydın Çiçek. “Comparative Analysis of Water and Carbon Dioxide Injection for the Thermohydraulics of an EGS Project in Dikili Geothermal Field, Türkiye”. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration, c. 171, sy. 171, 2023, ss. 91-105, doi:10.19111/bulletinofmre.1288731.
Vancouver Benim AC, Çiçek A. Comparative analysis of water and carbon dioxide injection for the thermohydraulics of an EGS project in Dikili Geothermal Field, Türkiye. Bull.Min.Res.Exp. 2023;171(171):91-105.

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