Yıl 2024,
, 125 - 148, 05.12.2024
Çetin Şenkul
Şule Gürboğa
Turhan Doğan
Mustafa Doğan
Yasemin Ünlü
Yunus Bozkurt
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Problems in dating results on lake sediments: Türkiye
Yıl 2024,
, 125 - 148, 05.12.2024
Çetin Şenkul
Şule Gürboğa
Turhan Doğan
Mustafa Doğan
Yasemin Ünlü
Yunus Bozkurt
In the dating process on the study of earth sciences, one of the basic assumptions is the equilibrium in the amount of carbon between terrestrial samples and the atmosphere. Most radiocarbon dating results are prepared regarding to this assumption. Although it is frequently used, some invalid situations can be encountered during the subaquatic studies. Recent water samples, aquatic plants, and remnant of animals may present different ages than the actual age. Another problem using the age-depth model is how many dating results should we be used to ensure high accuracy of the model. We also present our field study results about the number of dating points. The aim of this study is to explain how we could solve the problem in dating the freshwater reservoir effect over for short and longtime durations. In order to eliminate the freshwater reservoir effect, the terrestrial material must be dated. Thus, the carbon in the organic material is not affected by the dissolved carbon in the water. The circumstances significantly improve the age-depth model's accuracy.
Etik Beyan
We express our sincere gratitude to the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Türkiye (TÜBİTAK) for their generous funding and invaluable logistic support, made possible through grant number 119Y053. Their commitment to advancing scientific research has played a crucial role in the success of our project.
Destekleyen Kurum
We express our sincere gratitude to the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Türkiye (TÜBİTAK) for their generous funding and invaluable logistic support, made possible through grant number 119Y053.
We express our sincere gratitude to the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Türkiye (TÜBİTAK) for their generous funding and invaluable logistic support, made possible through grant number 119Y053. Their commitment to advancing scientific research has played a crucial role in the success of our project.
- Allcock, S. L. 2013. Living with a changing landscape: Holocene climate variability and socio- evolutionary trajectories, central Turkey. School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences Ph.D., 375.
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- Bakker, J., Kaniewski, D., Verstraeten, G., Laet, V. de, Waelkens, M. 2012. Numerically derived evidence for late-Holocene climate change and its impact on human presence in the southwest Taurus Mountains, Turkey. Holocene 22, 425–
- Baruch, U., Bottema, S. 1991. Palynological evidence for climatic changes in the Levant ca. 17,000-9,000 BP.Beug, J. B. 1967. Contributions to the Postglacial Vegetational History of Northern Turkey. In: Cushing, E.J., Wrigth, E. (Eds.), Quaternary Paleoecology. New Haven and London, Yale University Press, Germany.
- Biltekin, D., Eriş, K. K., Çağatay, M. N., Ön, S. A., Akkoca, Dı̇ . B. 2018. Late Pleistocene–Holocene environmental change in eastern Turkey: multi- proxy palaeoecological data of vegetation and lake-catchment changes. Journal of Quaternary Science 33, 575–585.
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