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Origin of the mineralizing fluids involved in the formation of the scheelite skarn in the Beleleita area (Edough NE, Algeria): Fluid inclusion and stable S, O and C isotope study

Yıl 2024, , 41 - 63, 05.12.2024


This study investigates the first stable S-, O- and C-isotopes data on the Beleleita scheelite skarn deposit to assess the origin of the mineralising fluids involved in the formation of the skarn and
related W-As-Bi-(Au) mineralisation. Two skarn bodies are embedded within the Neoproterozoic gneisses, south of the Edough metamorphic complex, NE Algeria. They show subparallel,
discontinuous slabs (F1 and F2) approximately 700 m long and 10 m wide, striking NE–SW. The slabs were cross-cut by bore-hole drilling at a depth of 130 m during ORGM (Office de Recherche
Géologique et Minière) mining exploration in the 1980s. Textural observations reveal two main cycles. Cycle I displays early classical zoned skarn assemblage, including clinopyroxene, garnet,
plagioclase, pyrite, pyrrhotite, and chalcopyrite. Cycle II shows late lithiniferous and fluorinated skarn assemblage that corresponds to greisenised secant skarns, with fluorite, scheelite, lollingite,
allanite, zinnwaldite series, sphene, wolframite, arsenopyrite, native bismuth, and quartz. Stable O-isotope analyses were carried out on both whole-rock samples and clinopyroxene, quartz, and
garnet mineral separates, whereas C- and O-isotope analyses were conducted on gangue calcite. S-isotopes were carried out on sulphides (pyrite, chalcopyrite, lollingite and pyrrhotite). All the
results display relatively narrow ranges (δ18OSMOW varying from +8.4 to +9.9‰; δ13CPDB ranging between -6.9 to -4.2‰ and δ34SCDT between -0.3 to +5.3‰), indicating a homogeneous source of fluids with significant magmatic signatures that contribute to skarn formation and ore deposition. Accordingly, the involved mineralising fluids most likely originated from the I-type magmatic event that prevailed during Burdigalian times in the Edough massif, similar to many other ore deposits in the area. Moreover, previous fluid inclusion studies carried out on fluorite, scheelite, and quartz of Cycle II show that the ores were deposited from hot (Th = 500°-520°C), highly saline magmatic fluids under low pressure (0.5–0.6 kb), and this complies well with the present stable isotope data.

Etik Beyan

Abdelmalek LEKOUI and co-authors are grateful for the anonymous reviewers, including editors, whose comments contributed to the improvement of the manuscript.


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Yıl 2024, , 41 - 63, 05.12.2024



  • Abbassene, F., Chazot, G., Bellon, H., Bruguier, O., Ouabadi, A., Maury, R. C., Déverchère, J., Bosch, D., Monié, P. 2016. A 17 Ma onset for the postcollisional K-rich calc-alkaline magmatism in the Maghrebides, evidence from Bougaroun (northeastern Algeria) and geodynamic implications. Tectonophysics 674, 114–134.
  • Abbassene, F., Chazot, G., Bellon, H., Maury, R. C., Courme, M., Ouabadi, A., Coutelle, A. 2019. New chronostratigraphic constraints on the emplacement of Miocene high-K calc-alkaline igneous rocks from West Edough-Cap de Fer, NE Algeria. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 12 (2), 1-19.
  • Ahmed-Said, Y., Leake, B. E., Rogers, G. 1993. The petrology, geochemistry and petrogenesis of the Edough igneous rocks, Annaba, NE Algeria. Journal of African Earth Sciences (and the Middle East), 17(1), 111–123.
  • Aissa, D. E. 1996. Etude géologique, géochimique et métallogénique du massif de l’Edough (Annaba, NE Algérie). Thèse Doctorat Etat, 500. USTHB, Alger, Algeria (unpublished).
  • Aissa, D. E. 1997. Les minéralisations tertiaires de l’Edough (NE, Algérie) : métallogénie d’un ‘metamorphic core complex’ miocène. Doctorat thesis. Institute polytechnic of Lorraine 283, France. (unpublished).
  • Aissa, D. E., Cheilletz, A., Gasquet, D., Marignac, Ch. 1995. Alpine metamorphic core complexes and metallogenesis: The Edough case (NE Algeria). In: Pasava, J., Kribek, B., Zak, K. (Eds.), Mineral deposits: from their origin to their environmental impacts. Balkema, Rotterdam, 23–26.
  • Aissa, D. E, Marignac, Ch, Cheilletz A, Gasquet, D. 1998. Géologie et métallogénie sommaire du massif de l’Edough (NE Algérie). Mémoires Du Service Géologique d’Algérie, 9,7–55.
  • Aissa, D. E., Marignac Ch., Cheilletz, A., Gasquet, D. 1999. Le skarn à scheelite de Karezas (Annaba, Nord-Est Algérie): un skarn polycyclique d’âge burdigalien. Bulletin de Service Géologique d’Algérie, 10 (1), 3–53.
  • Aissa, D. E., Cheilletz, A., Marignac, Ch. 2001. Magmatic fluids and skarn mineralization: the Burdigalian W-As skarn at Karézas (Edough massif, NE Algeria). In: Piestrzyñski et al (Ed.) Mineral deposits at the beginning of the 21st Century. In: Proceedings of 6th Biennial SGA Meeting, Krakow, A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam, 877–880.
  • Audétat, A. 2019. The metal content of magmatic- hydrothermal fluids and its relationship to mineralization potential. Economic Geology, 114(6), 1033-1056.
  • Auzende, J. M., Bonnin, J., Olivet, J. L. 1975. La marge nordafricaine considérée comme marge active. Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France, 7(4), 486–495.
  • Baker, T., Lang, J. R. 2003. Reconciling fluid inclusion types, fluid processes, and fluid sources in skarns: an example from the Bismark Deposit, Mexico. Mineralium Deposita 38 (4), 474–495.
  • Berger, W. H., Vincent, E. 1986. Deep-sea carbonates: reading the carbon-isotope signal. Geologische Rundschau, 75 (1), 249-269.
  • Bodnar, R. J., Reynolds, T. J., Kuehn, C. A. 1985. Fluid- inclusion systematics in epithermal systems. Berger, B.R., and Bethker, P.m. (Eds.), Geology and Geochemistry of Epithermal Systems, Society of Economic Geologists. Littleton, USA, 73–97.
  • Bolfa, J. 1948. Contribution à l’étude des gites métallifères de la Kabylie de Collo et de la région de Bône. Bulletin du Service de la Carte Géologique de l’Algérie 6, 216.
  • Borthwick, J., Harmon, R. S. 1982. A note regarding CIF3 as an alternative to BrF5 for oxygen isotope analysis. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 46(9), 1665-1668.
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Toplam 85 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Genel Jeoloji
Bölüm Makaleler

Abdelmalek Lekoui Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-3861-6615

Rabah Laouar Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-2470-6863

Djamel Eddine Aissa Bu kişi benim 0009-0001-9036-6393

Adrian Joseph Boyce Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-9680-0787

Yayımlanma Tarihi 5 Aralık 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 21 Kasım 2023
Kabul Tarihi 4 Eylül 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Lekoui, A., Laouar, R., Aissa, D. E., Boyce, A. J. (2024). Origin of the mineralizing fluids involved in the formation of the scheelite skarn in the Beleleita area (Edough NE, Algeria): Fluid inclusion and stable S, O and C isotope study. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration, 175(175), 41-63.
AMA Lekoui A, Laouar R, Aissa DE, Boyce AJ. Origin of the mineralizing fluids involved in the formation of the scheelite skarn in the Beleleita area (Edough NE, Algeria): Fluid inclusion and stable S, O and C isotope study. Bull.Min.Res.Exp. Aralık 2024;175(175):41-63. doi:10.19111/bulletinofmre.1543523
Chicago Lekoui, Abdelmalek, Rabah Laouar, Djamel Eddine Aissa, ve Adrian Joseph Boyce. “Origin of the Mineralizing Fluids Involved in the Formation of the Scheelite Skarn in the Beleleita Area (Edough NE, Algeria): Fluid Inclusion and Stable S, O and C Isotope Study”. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 175, sy. 175 (Aralık 2024): 41-63.
EndNote Lekoui A, Laouar R, Aissa DE, Boyce AJ (01 Aralık 2024) Origin of the mineralizing fluids involved in the formation of the scheelite skarn in the Beleleita area (Edough NE, Algeria): Fluid inclusion and stable S, O and C isotope study. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 175 175 41–63.
IEEE A. Lekoui, R. Laouar, D. E. Aissa, ve A. J. Boyce, “Origin of the mineralizing fluids involved in the formation of the scheelite skarn in the Beleleita area (Edough NE, Algeria): Fluid inclusion and stable S, O and C isotope study”, Bull.Min.Res.Exp., c. 175, sy. 175, ss. 41–63, 2024, doi: 10.19111/bulletinofmre.1543523.
ISNAD Lekoui, Abdelmalek vd. “Origin of the Mineralizing Fluids Involved in the Formation of the Scheelite Skarn in the Beleleita Area (Edough NE, Algeria): Fluid Inclusion and Stable S, O and C Isotope Study”. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 175/175 (Aralık 2024), 41-63.
JAMA Lekoui A, Laouar R, Aissa DE, Boyce AJ. Origin of the mineralizing fluids involved in the formation of the scheelite skarn in the Beleleita area (Edough NE, Algeria): Fluid inclusion and stable S, O and C isotope study. Bull.Min.Res.Exp. 2024;175:41–63.
MLA Lekoui, Abdelmalek vd. “Origin of the Mineralizing Fluids Involved in the Formation of the Scheelite Skarn in the Beleleita Area (Edough NE, Algeria): Fluid Inclusion and Stable S, O and C Isotope Study”. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration, c. 175, sy. 175, 2024, ss. 41-63, doi:10.19111/bulletinofmre.1543523.
Vancouver Lekoui A, Laouar R, Aissa DE, Boyce AJ. Origin of the mineralizing fluids involved in the formation of the scheelite skarn in the Beleleita area (Edough NE, Algeria): Fluid inclusion and stable S, O and C isotope study. Bull.Min.Res.Exp. 2024;175(175):41-63.

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