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Geochemical characteristics of Gabbroic rocks in Zyarat in North East of Iran

Yıl 2018, , 153 - 164, 15.12.2018


The mafic rocks outcrops exposed in the South of Gorgan, northeastern of Iran. These gabbroic rocks are intruded into the Middle–Upper Paleozoic sedimentary rocks and Gorgan schist units representing a part of the north Gondwana province.  Petrography studies of these rocks show medium to coarse grained sizes and the texture varies from ophitic to intergranular under polarized microscope. The mineralogical composition of mafic dykes is dominated by large crystals of clinopyroxene + orthopyroxene + plagioclase and hornblende. These rocks can be classified as gabbroic rock. Geochemical studies show that these rocks have low to medium K2O contents. The trace element data shows low La/Nb ratios and LREE enrichment (La/Yb 10–21.4). The high LREE/HREE ratios and low Y content corresponding high Ti/Y ratios of the gabbros suggest that they could be derived from melt fractions of a garnet stable source. Considering that the REE plot and tectonic diagrams of the region's gabbro are similar to that of OIB (Ocean island basalt), the former's origin is the same as that of OIB magmas.


  • Abu-Hamatteh, Z.S.H. 2005. Geochemistry and petrogenesis of ma.c magmatic rocks of the Jharol Belt, India: geodynamic implication. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 25, 557-581.
  • Alavi, M. 1991. Sedimentary and structural characteristics of the Paleo–Tethys remnants in northeastern Iran. Geological Society of America Bulletin 103, 983-992. Doi: 10.1130/0016- 7606(1991)103<0983:SASCOT>2.3.CO;2
  • Alavi, M. 1996. Tectonostratigraphic synthesis and structural style of the Alborz mountain system in northern Iran. Journal of Geodynamics 21, 1-33.
  • Ali, K.A., Moghazi, A.M., Moufti, M.R. 2011. Geochemistry and Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic composition of the Harrat Al-Madinah Volcanic Field, Saudi Arabia. Gondwana Research 21(2-3), 670-689. doi:10.1016/
  • Ali, S., Ntaflos, T. 2011. Alkali basalts from Burgenland, Austria: Petrological constraints on the origin of the westernmost magmatism in the Carpathian-Pannonian Region. Lithos 121(1-4), 176-188.
  • Allen, M.B., Ghassemi, M.R., Shahrabi, M., Qorashi, M. 2003. Accommodation of late Cenozoic oblique shortening in the Alborz range, northern Iran. Journal of Structural Geology 25, 659-672. Doi: 10.1016/S0191-8141(02)00064-0
  • Berberian, M., King, G.C. 1981. Towards a palegeography and tectonic evolution of Iran. Cannadian Journal of Earth Sciences 18, 210-265.
  • Brunet, M.F., Ershov, A.V., Korotaev, M.V., Nikishin, A.M. 2003. The South Caspian basin: a review of its evolution from subsidence modelling. Sedimentary Geology 156, 119-148. Doi: 10.1016/S0037-0738(02)00285-3.
  • Coleman, R.G., Donato, M.M. 1979. Oceanic plagiogranite revisited. Barker, F. (Ed.). Trondhjemites, Dacites and Related Rocks. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 149-168.
  • Cornelius, T., NtaAos, Th.V., Akinin, V. 2011. Polybaric petrogenesis of Neogene alkaline magmas in an extensional tectonic environment: Viliga Volcanic Field, northeast Russia. Lithos 122, 13-24.
  • Curtis, M.P., T., Leat, B., Millar, Randall, Riley, I., Storey, D. 1999. Middle Cambrian rift-related volcanism in the Ellsworth Mountains, Antarctica: tectonic implications for the paleo-Pacific margin of Gondwana. Tectonophysics 304, 275-299.
  • Dai, J., Wang, C., Hébert, R., Li, Y., Zhong, H., Guillaume, R., Bezard, R., Wei, Y. 2011. Late Devonian OIB alkaline gabbro in the Yarlung Zangbo Suture Zone: Remnants of the Paleo–Tethys? Gondwana Research 19, 232-243.
  • Davoudzadeh, M., Lensch, G., Weber–Diefenbach, K. 1986. Contribution to the paleogeography, stratigraphy and tectonics of the Infracambrian and Lower Paleozoic of Iran. Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie und Palaontologie Abhandlungen 172, 245-269.
  • Davoudzadeh, M., Weber–Diefenbach, K. 1987. Contribution to the paleogeography, stratigraphy and tectonics of the Upper Paleozoic of Iran. Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie und Palaontologie Abhandlungen 175, 121-146.
  • Delaloye, M., Jenny, J., Stampli, G. 1981. K–Ar dating in the eastern Elburz (Iran). Tectonophysics 79, 27-36.
  • Falloon, T.J., Green, D.H., Hatton, C.J., Harris, K.L. 1988. Anhydrous partial melting of a fertile and depleted peridotite from 2 to 30 kbar and application to basalt petrogenesis. Journal of Petrology 29, 1257-1282. doi:10.1093/petrology/29.6.1257
  • Gansser, A. 1951. Geological reconnaissance in Gorgan and surrounding area. National Iran Oil Company, interal geological report no 10, 37 (unpublished).
  • Geravand, M. 2012. Natural pollution assessment of heavy metals in soils of Gorgan’s schist. Master's thesis, Shahrood University of Technology, 156 p. Shahrood (unpublished).
  • Ghavidel Sivaki, M., Hassanzadeh, H., Vecoli, M. 2011. Palynology and isotope geochronology of the upper Ordovician–Silurian successions (Ghelli and Soltan Maidan Formation) in the Khoshyeilagh area, eastern Alborz Range, northern Iran; stratigraphic and palaeogeographic implications. Rewiew of Plalaeobotany and Palynology 164, 251-271.
  • Gorring, M.L., Kay, S.M. 2001. Mantle sources and processes of Neogene slab window magmas from southern Patagonia, Argentina. Journal of Petrology 42, 1067-1094. doi:10.1093/petrology/42.6.1067.
  • Hofmann, A.W., 1988. Chemical differentiation of the Earth: the relationship between mantle, continental crust, and oceanic crust. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 90, 297-314. doi: 10.1016/0012-821X(88)90132-X.
  • Horton, B.K., Hassanzadeh, J., Stockli, D.F., Axen, G.J., Gillis, R.J., Guest, B., Amini, A.H., Fakhari, M., Zamanzadeh S.M., Grove, M. 2008. Detrital zircon provenance of Neoproterozoic to Cenozoic deposits in Iran: Implications for chronostratigraphy and collisional tectonics. Tectonophysics 451, 97-122. Doi: 10.1016/j.tecto.2007.11.063
  • Irvine, T.N., Baragar, W.R.A. 1971. A guide to the chemical classification of the common volcanic rocks. Tectonophysics 451, 97–122.
  • Jenny, J.G. 1977a. Geologie et stratigraphie de l’Elbourz oriental entre Aliabad et Shahrud, Iran. These presentee la Faculte des Sciences de l’Universite de Genve, 1-238.
  • Jenny, J.G. 1977b. Precambrien et Paleozoique inferieur de l’Elbourz oriental entre Aliabad et Shahrud, Iran du nord–est. Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae 70, 761-770.
  • Kamber, E. 2012. Back arc basing in the Coatmalia zone in Africa. Journal of Geophysical 92, 34-62.
  • Kerrich, R., Manikyamba, C. 2011. Geochemistry of alkaline basalts and associated high-Mg basalts from the 2.7 Ga Dharwar craton, Penakacherla Terrane. India: An Archean depleted mantle-OIB array. Precambrian Research 188, 104-122.
  • Kretz, R. 1983. Symbols for rock-forming minerals. American Mineralogist 68, 1-2, 277-279.
  • Le-Maitre, R.W. 1976. The chemical variability of some common igneous rocks. Journal of Petrology 17, 589-637.
  • Nakamura, N. 1974. Determination of REE, Ba, Fe, Mg, Na and K in carbonaceous and ordinary chondrites. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 38, 757-775.
  • Pearce, J.A. 2008. Geochemical fingerprinting of oceanic basalts with applications to ophiolite classification and the search for Archean oceanic crust. Lithos 100, 14-48.
  • Prytulak, J., Elliott, T., 2007. TiO2 enrichment in ocean island basalts. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 263, 388-403. Doi: 10.1016/j.lithos.2007.06.016
  • Raghimi, M. 2010. Tectono–magmatic setting of deformed plutonic rocks of Gorgan Schists in Naharkhoran, Gorgan–Iran. Gorgan University of Agricultural sciences and Natural Resources. Technical report. 56 p (unpublished).
  • Rahimi Chakdel, A. 2007. Geochemistry and petrogenesis investigations of igneous veins in Ziarat village of Gorgan, Gorgan University of Agricultural sciences and Natural Resources. Technical report. 47 p (unpublished).
  • Riley, T.R., Leat, P.T., Curtis, M.L., Millar, I.L., Dunca, R.A., Fazel, A. 2005. Early–Middle Jurassic dolerite dykes from western Dronning maud land (Antarctia): Identifying mantle sources in the Karoo large igneous province. Journal of Petrology 46, 1489-1524.
  • Rollinson, H.R., 1993. Using geochemical data, Evaluation, Presentation, Interpretation Addison: Wesley Longman, Harlow, 352 p.
  • Rudnick, R.L., Fountain, D.M. 1995. Nature and composition of the continental crust: a lower crustal perspective. Reviews of Geophysics 33, 267-309.
  • Salehi Rad, M.R. 1979. Etude géologique de la region de Gorgan (Alborz oriental, Iran) These de docteur 3em cycle.
  • Şengor, A.M.C. 1990. A new model for the late Palaeozoic–Mesozoic tectonic evolution of Iran and implications for Oman.
  • Robertson, A.H.F., Searle, M.P., Ries, A.C. (Ed.), The Geology and Tectonics of the Oman region. Geological Society, London, 797-831.
  • Sharabi, M., 1990. Geological map of Gorgan 1:250000, Geological survey of Iran, Tehran.
  • Sinha A.K., 2012. Petrological characterization of Proterozoic mafic dykes from the Singhbhum craton, eastern India, 34th International Geological Congress, Brisbane, Australia.
  • Sinha, A.K., 2013. Geochemistry of distinct mafic dykes from the damodar valley gondwana basins and chhotanagpur gneissic terrain, eastern India: implications for their petrogenesis and tectonic setting, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs.
  • Sinton, J.M., Byerly, G.R. 1980. Silicic differentiates of abyssal oceanic magmas: evidence for late-magmatic vapor transport of potassium. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 47, 423-30.
  • Stampfli, G.M., Borel, G.D. 2002. A plate tectonic model for the Paleozoic and Mesozoic constrained by dynamic plate boundaries and restored synthetic oceanic isochrones. Earth and Planetary sciences letters 196, 17-33.
  • Stöcklin, J. 1968. Structural history and tectonics of Iran: A review. The American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin 52, 1229-1258.
  • Stöcklin, J. 1974. Possible ancient continental margins in Iran. Burk, C.A., Drake, C.L. (Ed.). The geology of continental margins. Springer–Verlag; Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 873–887.
  • Sun, S.S., McDonough, W.F. 1989. Chemical and isotopic systematics of oceanic basalts: implication for mantle composition and processes. Saunders, A.D., Norry, M.J. (Ed.). Magmatism in the Ocean Basins. Geological society, London, Speacial publications, 42, 313-345. doi:10.1144/GSL.SP.1989.042.01.19
  • Thompson, R.N. 1982. Magmatism of the British tertiary volcanic province. Scotland Geological Journal 18, 49-107.
  • Wendt, J., Kaufmann, B., Belka, Z., Farsan, N., Karimi Bavandpur, A. 2005. Devonian /lower and palaeogeography of Iran, Part II. Northern and central Iran. Acta geologica polonica 55, 31-97.
  • Winchester, J.A. Floyd, P.A. 1977. Geochemical discrimination of different magma series and their differentiation products using immobile elements. Chemical Geology 20, 325-343.
  • Wright, J.B., McCurry, P. 1997. Geochemistry of calc-alkaline volcanic in northwestern Nigeria, and a possible Pan-African suture zone. Can, Earth and Planetary Science Letters 37, 90-96.
  • Yang, J.H, Wu, F.Y, Wilde, S.A, Xie, L.W, Yang, Y.H, Liu, X.M. 2007. Trace magma mixing in granite genesis: in–situ U–Pb dating and Hf–isotope analysis of zircons. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 153, 177-190.
  • Yang, J.H., Sun, J.F., Chen, F., Wilde, S.A., Wu, F.Y. 2007. Sources and Petrogenesis of Late Triassic Dolerite Dikes in the Liaodong Peninsula: Implications for Post–collisional Lithosphere Thinning of the Eastern North China Craton. Journal of Petrology 48, 1973-1997.
  • Zamani Pedram, M., Hossieni, H. 2003. Geological map of Gorgan 1:100000, No. 6862, Geological survey of Iran, Tehran.
  • Zhao, J.H., Zhou, M.F. 2007. Geochemistry of Neoproterozoic mafic intrusions in the Panzhihua district (Sichuan province, SW China). Implications for subduction-related metasomatism in the upper mantle. Precambrian Research 152, 27-47. Doi: 10.1130/0016- 7606(1991)103<0983:SASCOT>2.3.CO;2
Yıl 2018, , 153 - 164, 15.12.2018



  • Abu-Hamatteh, Z.S.H. 2005. Geochemistry and petrogenesis of ma.c magmatic rocks of the Jharol Belt, India: geodynamic implication. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 25, 557-581.
  • Alavi, M. 1991. Sedimentary and structural characteristics of the Paleo–Tethys remnants in northeastern Iran. Geological Society of America Bulletin 103, 983-992. Doi: 10.1130/0016- 7606(1991)103<0983:SASCOT>2.3.CO;2
  • Alavi, M. 1996. Tectonostratigraphic synthesis and structural style of the Alborz mountain system in northern Iran. Journal of Geodynamics 21, 1-33.
  • Ali, K.A., Moghazi, A.M., Moufti, M.R. 2011. Geochemistry and Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic composition of the Harrat Al-Madinah Volcanic Field, Saudi Arabia. Gondwana Research 21(2-3), 670-689. doi:10.1016/
  • Ali, S., Ntaflos, T. 2011. Alkali basalts from Burgenland, Austria: Petrological constraints on the origin of the westernmost magmatism in the Carpathian-Pannonian Region. Lithos 121(1-4), 176-188.
  • Allen, M.B., Ghassemi, M.R., Shahrabi, M., Qorashi, M. 2003. Accommodation of late Cenozoic oblique shortening in the Alborz range, northern Iran. Journal of Structural Geology 25, 659-672. Doi: 10.1016/S0191-8141(02)00064-0
  • Berberian, M., King, G.C. 1981. Towards a palegeography and tectonic evolution of Iran. Cannadian Journal of Earth Sciences 18, 210-265.
  • Brunet, M.F., Ershov, A.V., Korotaev, M.V., Nikishin, A.M. 2003. The South Caspian basin: a review of its evolution from subsidence modelling. Sedimentary Geology 156, 119-148. Doi: 10.1016/S0037-0738(02)00285-3.
  • Coleman, R.G., Donato, M.M. 1979. Oceanic plagiogranite revisited. Barker, F. (Ed.). Trondhjemites, Dacites and Related Rocks. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 149-168.
  • Cornelius, T., NtaAos, Th.V., Akinin, V. 2011. Polybaric petrogenesis of Neogene alkaline magmas in an extensional tectonic environment: Viliga Volcanic Field, northeast Russia. Lithos 122, 13-24.
  • Curtis, M.P., T., Leat, B., Millar, Randall, Riley, I., Storey, D. 1999. Middle Cambrian rift-related volcanism in the Ellsworth Mountains, Antarctica: tectonic implications for the paleo-Pacific margin of Gondwana. Tectonophysics 304, 275-299.
  • Dai, J., Wang, C., Hébert, R., Li, Y., Zhong, H., Guillaume, R., Bezard, R., Wei, Y. 2011. Late Devonian OIB alkaline gabbro in the Yarlung Zangbo Suture Zone: Remnants of the Paleo–Tethys? Gondwana Research 19, 232-243.
  • Davoudzadeh, M., Lensch, G., Weber–Diefenbach, K. 1986. Contribution to the paleogeography, stratigraphy and tectonics of the Infracambrian and Lower Paleozoic of Iran. Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie und Palaontologie Abhandlungen 172, 245-269.
  • Davoudzadeh, M., Weber–Diefenbach, K. 1987. Contribution to the paleogeography, stratigraphy and tectonics of the Upper Paleozoic of Iran. Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie und Palaontologie Abhandlungen 175, 121-146.
  • Delaloye, M., Jenny, J., Stampli, G. 1981. K–Ar dating in the eastern Elburz (Iran). Tectonophysics 79, 27-36.
  • Falloon, T.J., Green, D.H., Hatton, C.J., Harris, K.L. 1988. Anhydrous partial melting of a fertile and depleted peridotite from 2 to 30 kbar and application to basalt petrogenesis. Journal of Petrology 29, 1257-1282. doi:10.1093/petrology/29.6.1257
  • Gansser, A. 1951. Geological reconnaissance in Gorgan and surrounding area. National Iran Oil Company, interal geological report no 10, 37 (unpublished).
  • Geravand, M. 2012. Natural pollution assessment of heavy metals in soils of Gorgan’s schist. Master's thesis, Shahrood University of Technology, 156 p. Shahrood (unpublished).
  • Ghavidel Sivaki, M., Hassanzadeh, H., Vecoli, M. 2011. Palynology and isotope geochronology of the upper Ordovician–Silurian successions (Ghelli and Soltan Maidan Formation) in the Khoshyeilagh area, eastern Alborz Range, northern Iran; stratigraphic and palaeogeographic implications. Rewiew of Plalaeobotany and Palynology 164, 251-271.
  • Gorring, M.L., Kay, S.M. 2001. Mantle sources and processes of Neogene slab window magmas from southern Patagonia, Argentina. Journal of Petrology 42, 1067-1094. doi:10.1093/petrology/42.6.1067.
  • Hofmann, A.W., 1988. Chemical differentiation of the Earth: the relationship between mantle, continental crust, and oceanic crust. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 90, 297-314. doi: 10.1016/0012-821X(88)90132-X.
  • Horton, B.K., Hassanzadeh, J., Stockli, D.F., Axen, G.J., Gillis, R.J., Guest, B., Amini, A.H., Fakhari, M., Zamanzadeh S.M., Grove, M. 2008. Detrital zircon provenance of Neoproterozoic to Cenozoic deposits in Iran: Implications for chronostratigraphy and collisional tectonics. Tectonophysics 451, 97-122. Doi: 10.1016/j.tecto.2007.11.063
  • Irvine, T.N., Baragar, W.R.A. 1971. A guide to the chemical classification of the common volcanic rocks. Tectonophysics 451, 97–122.
  • Jenny, J.G. 1977a. Geologie et stratigraphie de l’Elbourz oriental entre Aliabad et Shahrud, Iran. These presentee la Faculte des Sciences de l’Universite de Genve, 1-238.
  • Jenny, J.G. 1977b. Precambrien et Paleozoique inferieur de l’Elbourz oriental entre Aliabad et Shahrud, Iran du nord–est. Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae 70, 761-770.
  • Kamber, E. 2012. Back arc basing in the Coatmalia zone in Africa. Journal of Geophysical 92, 34-62.
  • Kerrich, R., Manikyamba, C. 2011. Geochemistry of alkaline basalts and associated high-Mg basalts from the 2.7 Ga Dharwar craton, Penakacherla Terrane. India: An Archean depleted mantle-OIB array. Precambrian Research 188, 104-122.
  • Kretz, R. 1983. Symbols for rock-forming minerals. American Mineralogist 68, 1-2, 277-279.
  • Le-Maitre, R.W. 1976. The chemical variability of some common igneous rocks. Journal of Petrology 17, 589-637.
  • Nakamura, N. 1974. Determination of REE, Ba, Fe, Mg, Na and K in carbonaceous and ordinary chondrites. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 38, 757-775.
  • Pearce, J.A. 2008. Geochemical fingerprinting of oceanic basalts with applications to ophiolite classification and the search for Archean oceanic crust. Lithos 100, 14-48.
  • Prytulak, J., Elliott, T., 2007. TiO2 enrichment in ocean island basalts. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 263, 388-403. Doi: 10.1016/j.lithos.2007.06.016
  • Raghimi, M. 2010. Tectono–magmatic setting of deformed plutonic rocks of Gorgan Schists in Naharkhoran, Gorgan–Iran. Gorgan University of Agricultural sciences and Natural Resources. Technical report. 56 p (unpublished).
  • Rahimi Chakdel, A. 2007. Geochemistry and petrogenesis investigations of igneous veins in Ziarat village of Gorgan, Gorgan University of Agricultural sciences and Natural Resources. Technical report. 47 p (unpublished).
  • Riley, T.R., Leat, P.T., Curtis, M.L., Millar, I.L., Dunca, R.A., Fazel, A. 2005. Early–Middle Jurassic dolerite dykes from western Dronning maud land (Antarctia): Identifying mantle sources in the Karoo large igneous province. Journal of Petrology 46, 1489-1524.
  • Rollinson, H.R., 1993. Using geochemical data, Evaluation, Presentation, Interpretation Addison: Wesley Longman, Harlow, 352 p.
  • Rudnick, R.L., Fountain, D.M. 1995. Nature and composition of the continental crust: a lower crustal perspective. Reviews of Geophysics 33, 267-309.
  • Salehi Rad, M.R. 1979. Etude géologique de la region de Gorgan (Alborz oriental, Iran) These de docteur 3em cycle.
  • Şengor, A.M.C. 1990. A new model for the late Palaeozoic–Mesozoic tectonic evolution of Iran and implications for Oman.
  • Robertson, A.H.F., Searle, M.P., Ries, A.C. (Ed.), The Geology and Tectonics of the Oman region. Geological Society, London, 797-831.
  • Sharabi, M., 1990. Geological map of Gorgan 1:250000, Geological survey of Iran, Tehran.
  • Sinha A.K., 2012. Petrological characterization of Proterozoic mafic dykes from the Singhbhum craton, eastern India, 34th International Geological Congress, Brisbane, Australia.
  • Sinha, A.K., 2013. Geochemistry of distinct mafic dykes from the damodar valley gondwana basins and chhotanagpur gneissic terrain, eastern India: implications for their petrogenesis and tectonic setting, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs.
  • Sinton, J.M., Byerly, G.R. 1980. Silicic differentiates of abyssal oceanic magmas: evidence for late-magmatic vapor transport of potassium. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 47, 423-30.
  • Stampfli, G.M., Borel, G.D. 2002. A plate tectonic model for the Paleozoic and Mesozoic constrained by dynamic plate boundaries and restored synthetic oceanic isochrones. Earth and Planetary sciences letters 196, 17-33.
  • Stöcklin, J. 1968. Structural history and tectonics of Iran: A review. The American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin 52, 1229-1258.
  • Stöcklin, J. 1974. Possible ancient continental margins in Iran. Burk, C.A., Drake, C.L. (Ed.). The geology of continental margins. Springer–Verlag; Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 873–887.
  • Sun, S.S., McDonough, W.F. 1989. Chemical and isotopic systematics of oceanic basalts: implication for mantle composition and processes. Saunders, A.D., Norry, M.J. (Ed.). Magmatism in the Ocean Basins. Geological society, London, Speacial publications, 42, 313-345. doi:10.1144/GSL.SP.1989.042.01.19
  • Thompson, R.N. 1982. Magmatism of the British tertiary volcanic province. Scotland Geological Journal 18, 49-107.
  • Wendt, J., Kaufmann, B., Belka, Z., Farsan, N., Karimi Bavandpur, A. 2005. Devonian /lower and palaeogeography of Iran, Part II. Northern and central Iran. Acta geologica polonica 55, 31-97.
  • Winchester, J.A. Floyd, P.A. 1977. Geochemical discrimination of different magma series and their differentiation products using immobile elements. Chemical Geology 20, 325-343.
  • Wright, J.B., McCurry, P. 1997. Geochemistry of calc-alkaline volcanic in northwestern Nigeria, and a possible Pan-African suture zone. Can, Earth and Planetary Science Letters 37, 90-96.
  • Yang, J.H, Wu, F.Y, Wilde, S.A, Xie, L.W, Yang, Y.H, Liu, X.M. 2007. Trace magma mixing in granite genesis: in–situ U–Pb dating and Hf–isotope analysis of zircons. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 153, 177-190.
  • Yang, J.H., Sun, J.F., Chen, F., Wilde, S.A., Wu, F.Y. 2007. Sources and Petrogenesis of Late Triassic Dolerite Dikes in the Liaodong Peninsula: Implications for Post–collisional Lithosphere Thinning of the Eastern North China Craton. Journal of Petrology 48, 1973-1997.
  • Zamani Pedram, M., Hossieni, H. 2003. Geological map of Gorgan 1:100000, No. 6862, Geological survey of Iran, Tehran.
  • Zhao, J.H., Zhou, M.F. 2007. Geochemistry of Neoproterozoic mafic intrusions in the Panzhihua district (Sichuan province, SW China). Implications for subduction-related metasomatism in the upper mantle. Precambrian Research 152, 27-47. Doi: 10.1130/0016- 7606(1991)103<0983:SASCOT>2.3.CO;2
Toplam 56 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Mühendislik
Bölüm Makaleler

Qassem Azizzadeh Bu kişi benim

Mostafa Raghimi Bu kişi benim

Seyed Jamal Sheıkhzakarıaee Bu kişi benim

Aziz Rahımı Chakdel Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Aralık 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018

Kaynak Göster

APA Azizzadeh, Q., Raghimi, M., Sheıkhzakarıaee, S. J., Rahımı Chakdel, A. (2018). Geochemical characteristics of Gabbroic rocks in Zyarat in North East of Iran. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration, 157(157), 153-164.
AMA Azizzadeh Q, Raghimi M, Sheıkhzakarıaee SJ, Rahımı Chakdel A. Geochemical characteristics of Gabbroic rocks in Zyarat in North East of Iran. Bull.Min.Res.Exp. Aralık 2018;157(157):153-164. doi:10.19111/bulletinofmre.413716
Chicago Azizzadeh, Qassem, Mostafa Raghimi, Seyed Jamal Sheıkhzakarıaee, ve Aziz Rahımı Chakdel. “Geochemical Characteristics of Gabbroic Rocks in Zyarat in North East of Iran”. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 157, sy. 157 (Aralık 2018): 153-64.
EndNote Azizzadeh Q, Raghimi M, Sheıkhzakarıaee SJ, Rahımı Chakdel A (01 Aralık 2018) Geochemical characteristics of Gabbroic rocks in Zyarat in North East of Iran. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 157 157 153–164.
IEEE Q. Azizzadeh, M. Raghimi, S. J. Sheıkhzakarıaee, ve A. Rahımı Chakdel, “Geochemical characteristics of Gabbroic rocks in Zyarat in North East of Iran”, Bull.Min.Res.Exp., c. 157, sy. 157, ss. 153–164, 2018, doi: 10.19111/bulletinofmre.413716.
ISNAD Azizzadeh, Qassem vd. “Geochemical Characteristics of Gabbroic Rocks in Zyarat in North East of Iran”. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 157/157 (Aralık 2018), 153-164.
JAMA Azizzadeh Q, Raghimi M, Sheıkhzakarıaee SJ, Rahımı Chakdel A. Geochemical characteristics of Gabbroic rocks in Zyarat in North East of Iran. Bull.Min.Res.Exp. 2018;157:153–164.
MLA Azizzadeh, Qassem vd. “Geochemical Characteristics of Gabbroic Rocks in Zyarat in North East of Iran”. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration, c. 157, sy. 157, 2018, ss. 153-64, doi:10.19111/bulletinofmre.413716.
Vancouver Azizzadeh Q, Raghimi M, Sheıkhzakarıaee SJ, Rahımı Chakdel A. Geochemical characteristics of Gabbroic rocks in Zyarat in North East of Iran. Bull.Min.Res.Exp. 2018;157(157):153-64.

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