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Yıl 2014, , 153 - 175, 01.12.2014


Tertiary Çankırı – Çorum Basin is one of the biggest basin
covering evaporitic formations in the Central Anatolia. During borehole drills
carried out in Bozkır Formation which contain Pliocene aged evaporites in the
basin, a thick rocksalt (halite, NaCl) deposit was detected that consisting of
glauberite (Na2Ca(SO4)2) interlayers (sabhka) synchronous with sedimentation.
Rocksalt bearing layers in Bozkır formation which was deposited in playalake –
sabhka environment, where seasonal changes are effective, were first defined as
Tuz member in this study. Bozkır formation was divided into three zones in
drillings carried out in sabhka – playa -lake transitional environment. From
bottom to top, these are ordered as claystone-less anhydrite zone, rock
salt-claystone-anhydrite-glauberite zone (Tuz member) and claystone-gypsum-less
anhydrite zone. Rocksalt was cut in thicknesses reaching 115 meters within Tuz
member. Rocksalt (playa-lake) which is mostly bedded and white, pale/dark gray
colored is conformable with sedimentation and is low dipping. The level at
which glauberite deposition within Tuz member is observed the thickest was
defined as glauberite-mudstone zone. Glauberite mineral which is observed as
disc and rosette shaped individual forms within mudstone dominant matrix was
formed as a diagenetic mineral in saline mudflat environment (sabhka). In
geochemical analyses carried out (XRD, XRF, SEM) it was detected that
glauberite mineral had been crystallized following anhydrite mineral within
matrix that includes complex crystal forms in sabhka environment, halite
mineral had grown on glauberite mineral and it was sometimes observed in the
form of fracture and crack infill. The glauberite mineral deposition which does
not have an economical thickness is of great importance in terms of the
existence of fossil Na-sulfate deposition scientifically in Çankırı-Çorum


  • Akyürek, B., Bilginer, E., Akbaş, B., Hepşen, N., Pehlivan, Ş., Sunu, O., Soysal, Y., Çatal, E.., Dağer, Z., Sözeri, B., Yıldırım, H. Hakyemez, Y. 1982. Ankara-Elmadağ-Kalecik dolayının temel jeolojisi. Maden Tetkik ve Arama Genel Müdürlüğü Rapor No: 7298 Ankara (unpublished).
  • Birgili, S.,Yoldaş, R., Ünalan, G. 1975. Çankırı-Çorum havzasının jeolojisi ve petrol olanakları. Maden Tetkik ve Arama Genel Müdürlüğü Rapor No: 5621 Ankara (unpublished).
  • Çelik, E., Kayakıran S., Kartalkanat, A.1987. Çayırhan doğal sodyum yatağı maden jeolojisi raporu ve dünyada sodyum sülfat. Maden Tetkik ve Arama Genel Müdürlüğü Rapor No: 5621 Ankara (unpublished).
  • Dromart, G., Dumas, D. 1997. The Salt Basin of Valence (France): In: (Sedimentary deposition in Rift and Foreland Basins in France and Spain (Eds. G. Busson and B.Ch. Schreiber). Columbia University Press, New York, pp. 195-239.
  • Ergun, O.N., 1977. Sedimentology and Tertiary evaporites, Uğurludağ Area Çankırı - Çorum Basin, Turkey. Doktora Tezi, Imperial College, London, 260 s. (unpublished).
  • Görür, N., Oktay, F. Y., Seymen, ‹., Şengör , A. M. C. 1984. Paleotectonic evolution of the Tuzgölü Basin complex, Central Turkey. Sedimentary record of a Neo-Tethyan closure, In: (Eds. Dixon, J. E. and Robertson, A. H. F.) The geological evolution of the eastern mediterranean: Geological Society of London, Special Paper, 17, 467-482.
  • Gündoğan, ‹. 2000. Geology, mineralogy - petrography and economic potential of the Upper Miocene evaporites in the Beypazarı and Çankırı-Çorum Basins. Doktora Tezi, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi, 254 s. (unpublished).
  • Gündoğan, ‹., Helvacı, C. 1999. Sodyum sülfat aramacılığında petrografik çalışmaların önemi. 1. Batı Anadolu Hammadde Kaynakları Sempozyumu, 8-14 Mart 1999, ‹zmir, 370-377.
  • Gündoğan, ‹., Helvacı, C. 2001. Sedimentological and petrographical aspects of Upper Miocene evaporites in Beypazarı and Çankırı- Çorum Basins, Turkey. International Geology Reviews, 43, 818–829.
  • Gündoğan, ‹., Helvacı, C. 2009. Na-Ca Sülfat Mineral Dönüşümlerinin Petrografik Özellikleri ve Madencilik Araştırmalarındaki Önemi. 62. Türkiye Jeoloji Kurultayı Bildiri Özleri Kitabı-I, 13-17 Nisan 2009, Ankara, s. 114-115.
  • Hakyemez, Y., Barkurt, M.Y., Bilginer, E., Pehlivan, Ş., Can, B.; Dağer, Z., Sözeri, B. 1986. Yapraklı- llgaz-Çankırı-Çandır dolayının jeolojisi. Maden Tetkik ve Arama Genel Müdürlüğü Rapor No: 7966, Ankara, (unpublished).
  • Helvacı, C., ‹nci, U., Yağmurlu, F., Yılmaz, H. 1989. Geologic framework of the Beypazarı district and Neogene trona deposits of the region, Turkey. Doğa, Vol. 13, No. 2, s.245-256.
  • Helvacı, C., Gündoğan, ‹. 2008. Ülkemizdeki Na-Sülfat madenciliği ve Na-Sülfat aramacılığında petrografik dokuların önemi. Prof. Dr. Servet Yaman Maden Yatakları-Jeokimya Çalıştayı. Ç.Ü. Jeoloji Mühendisliği Bölümü, 23-25 Ekim 2008, Adana. Program kitabı, s.7-8.
  • Karadenizli, L. 1999. Çankırı-Çorum Havzası’ndaki Orta Eosen-Erken Miyosen Tortullarının Sediman- tolojisi, Doktora Tezi Ankara Üniversitesi, 189 s. (unpublished).
  • Karadenizli, L., Kazancı, N. 2000. Çankırı-Çorum havzasındaki paleo-yükselti ve alt havzalar. Cumhuriyetin 75. yıldönümü yerbilimleri ve madencilik kongresi, Maden Tetkik ve Arama Genel Müdürlüğü, Ankara, Bildiriler s. 209-227.
  • Karadenizli, L., Saraç, G., Şen, Ş., Seyitoğlu, G., Antoine, P.O., Kazancı, N., Varol, B., Alçiçek, M.C., Gül, A., Erten, H., Esat, K., Özcan, F., Savaşçı, D., Antoine, A., Filoreau, X., Hervet, S., Bouvrain, G., De Bonis, L., Hakyemez, Y. 2004. Çankırı-Çorum Havzasının batı ve güney kesiminin memeli fosillere dayalı Oligo-Miyosen biyostratigrafisi ve dolgulama evrimi. Maden Tetkik ve Arama Genel Müdürlüğü Rapor No: 10706. Ankara, (unpublished).
  • Kaymakçı, N. 2000. Tectono-stratigraphical evolution of the Çankırı basin (Central Anatolia Turkey). PhD Thesis, Univ. Utrecht, Geologia Ultraiectina. 190, 247 p.
  • Koçyiğit, A. 1991. Changing stress orientation in progressive intracontinental deformation is indicated by the Neotectonics of the Ankara Region (NW Central Anatolia). TPJD Bülteni, 3 (1), 43-55.
  • Mees, F. 1999. Textural features of Holocene perennial saline lake deposits of the Taoudenni-Agorgott basin, northern Mali, Sedimentary, Geology, 127, 65-84.
  • Menduina, J.,Ordenez, S., Garcia del Cura M. A. 1984. Geology of the Cerezo del Rio Tiron Glauberite Deposits, Burgos, Bol, Geol Minero 95, 31-51.
  • Norman, T. 1972. Ankara doğusunda Yahşihan bölgesinde Üst Kretase-Alt Tersiyer yaşlı arazinin jeolojisi. Doktora Tezi, ODTÜ Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Ankara (in Turkish).
  • Ordonez, S., Garcia del Cura, M.A. 1994. Deposition and diagenesis of sodium-calcium sulfate salts in the Tertiary saline lakes of the Madrid basin, Spain. Renault, R.W., Last, W.M. (Ed.). Sedimentology and Geochemistry of modern and ancient saline lakes. SEPM Special Publication, 50, 229-238.
  • Orti, F., Gündoğan, I., Helvacı, C. 2002. Sodium sulphate deposits of Neogene age: the Kirmir formation, Beypazarı Basin, Turkey. Sedimentary.Geology. vol. 146, p. 305-333.
  • Salvany, J.M., Veigas, J.G., Orti F. 2007. Glauberite-halite association of the Zaragoza Gypsum Formation (Lower Miocene,Ebro Basin, NE Spain), Sedimentology. 54, 443-467.
  • Salvany, J.M. 1997. Continental evaporitic sedimentation in Navarra during the Oligocene to Lower Miocene: Falces and Lerin Formations. In: Sedimentary deposition in rift and foreland basins ‹n France and Spain, Paleogene and Lower Neogene (Eds. G.Busson and B.Ch. Schreiber), Columbia University Press. New York, 397-419.
  • Seyitoğlu. G., Kazancı, N., Karakuş, K., Fodor, L., Araz. H., Karadenizli, L. 1997. Does continuous compressive tectonic regime exist during Late Palaeogene to Late Neogene in NW Central Anatolia, Turkey? Preliminary observations. Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences, 6, 77-83.
  • Seyitoğlu, G., Kazancı, N., Karadenizli, L., Şen, Ş., Varol, B., Karabıyıkoğlu, T. 2000. Rockfall avalanche deposits associated with normal faulting in the NW of Çankırı basin: ‹mplication fort he post – collisional tectonic evolution of the Neo-Tethyan suture zone. Terra Nova, 12/6, 245–251.
  • Smoot, J.P., Lowenstein, T.K. 1991. Depositional environments of non-marine evaporites. In: Evaporites, Petroleum and Mineral Resources (Ed. J.I., Melvin), Dev. Sedimentology, 50, 189-347.
  • Sönmez, ‹., 2010. Çankırı-Çorum Havzasında Mevsimlik Göl Alanında Güncel Blödit Oluşumu. Maden Tetkik ve Arama Dergisi, 140, 37-55.
  • Şenalp M. 1974a. Tertiary sedimantation in part of Çankırı- Çorum basin, Central Anatolia. Imperial.College London, (unpublished).
  • Şenalp M 1974b. Çankırı-Çorum havzasının Sungurlu bölgesindeki karasal çökellerin sedimantolojisi. Türkiye Jeoloji Kurumu Bülteni, 24 (1) 65-74 (in Turkish).
  • Şengör, A. M. C., Yılmaz, Y. 1981. Tethyan evolution of Turkey: A plate tectonic approach. Tectonophysics, 75, 181–241.
  • Tüysüz, O., Dellaloğlu, A.A. 1992. Çankırı havzasının tektonik birlikleri ve havzanın Jeolojik evrimi. Türkiye 9. Petrol Kongresi Bildirileri özeti, 180 .
  • Usta, H. 1992. Topuzsaray-1 kuyusu , kuyu tamamlama raporu. PIGEM Arsivi.
  • Varol, B., Araz, H., Karadenizli, L., Kazancı, N., Seyitoğlu, G., Şen, Ş. 2002. Sedimentology of the Miocene evaporitıc succession in the North of Çankırı- Çorum Basin, central Anatolia, Turkey. Carbonates and Evaporites, 17/2, 197-209.
  • Yoldaş, R. 1982. Tosya (Kastamonu) ile Bayat (Çorum) arasındaki bölgenin jeolojisi. Doktora tezi, ‹st.Üniv., 311 s. (unpublished).
  • Weaver, C. E. 1989. Clays, Mud and Shales. Development in sedimentology, 44. Elsevier. Amsterdam- Oxford-New York-Tokyo, 819 s.


Yıl 2014, , 153 - 175, 01.12.2014


Tertiary Çankırı – Çorum Basin is one of the biggest basin covering evaporitic formations in the Central Anatolia. During borehole drills carried out in Bozkır Formation which contain Pliocene aged evaporites in the basin, a thick rocksalt (halite, NaCl) deposit was detected that consisting of glauberite (Na2Ca(SO4)2) interlayers (sabhka) synchronous with sedimentation. Rocksalt bearing layers in Bozkır formation which was deposited in playalake – sabhka environment, where seasonal changes are effective, were first defined as Tuz member in this study. Bozkır formation was divided into three zones in drillings carried out in sabhka – playa -lake transitional environment. From bottom to top, these are ordered as claystone-less anhydrite zone, rock salt-claystone-anhydrite-glauberite zone (Tuz member) and claystone-gypsum-less anhydrite zone. Rocksalt was cut in thicknesses reaching 115 meters within Tuz member. Rocksalt (playa-lake) which is mostly bedded and white, pale/dark gray colored is conformable with sedimentation and is low dipping. The level at which glauberite deposition within Tuz member is observed the thickest was defined as glauberite-mudstone zone. Glauberite mineral which is observed as disc and rosette shaped individual forms within mudstone dominant matrix was formed as a diagenetic mineral in saline mudflat environment (sabhka). In geochemical analyses carried out (XRD, XRF, SEM) it was detected that glauberite mineral had been crystallized following anhydrite mineral within matrix that includes complex crystal forms in sabhka environment, halite mineral had grown on glauberite mineral and it was sometimes observed in the form of fracture and crack infill. The glauberite mineral deposition which does not have an economical thickness is of great importance in terms of the existence of fossil Na-sulfate deposition scientifically in Çankırı-Çorum Basin.


  • Akyürek, B., Bilginer, E., Akbaş, B., Hepşen, N., Pehlivan, Ş., Sunu, O., Soysal, Y., Çatal, E.., Dağer, Z., Sözeri, B., Yıldırım, H. Hakyemez, Y. 1982. Ankara-Elmadağ-Kalecik dolayının temel jeolojisi. Maden Tetkik ve Arama Genel Müdürlüğü Rapor No: 7298 Ankara (unpublished).
  • Birgili, S.,Yoldaş, R., Ünalan, G. 1975. Çankırı-Çorum havzasının jeolojisi ve petrol olanakları. Maden Tetkik ve Arama Genel Müdürlüğü Rapor No: 5621 Ankara (unpublished).
  • Çelik, E., Kayakıran S., Kartalkanat, A.1987. Çayırhan doğal sodyum yatağı maden jeolojisi raporu ve dünyada sodyum sülfat. Maden Tetkik ve Arama Genel Müdürlüğü Rapor No: 5621 Ankara (unpublished).
  • Dromart, G., Dumas, D. 1997. The Salt Basin of Valence (France): In: (Sedimentary deposition in Rift and Foreland Basins in France and Spain (Eds. G. Busson and B.Ch. Schreiber). Columbia University Press, New York, pp. 195-239.
  • Ergun, O.N., 1977. Sedimentology and Tertiary evaporites, Uğurludağ Area Çankırı - Çorum Basin, Turkey. Doktora Tezi, Imperial College, London, 260 s. (unpublished).
  • Görür, N., Oktay, F. Y., Seymen, ‹., Şengör , A. M. C. 1984. Paleotectonic evolution of the Tuzgölü Basin complex, Central Turkey. Sedimentary record of a Neo-Tethyan closure, In: (Eds. Dixon, J. E. and Robertson, A. H. F.) The geological evolution of the eastern mediterranean: Geological Society of London, Special Paper, 17, 467-482.
  • Gündoğan, ‹. 2000. Geology, mineralogy - petrography and economic potential of the Upper Miocene evaporites in the Beypazarı and Çankırı-Çorum Basins. Doktora Tezi, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi, 254 s. (unpublished).
  • Gündoğan, ‹., Helvacı, C. 1999. Sodyum sülfat aramacılığında petrografik çalışmaların önemi. 1. Batı Anadolu Hammadde Kaynakları Sempozyumu, 8-14 Mart 1999, ‹zmir, 370-377.
  • Gündoğan, ‹., Helvacı, C. 2001. Sedimentological and petrographical aspects of Upper Miocene evaporites in Beypazarı and Çankırı- Çorum Basins, Turkey. International Geology Reviews, 43, 818–829.
  • Gündoğan, ‹., Helvacı, C. 2009. Na-Ca Sülfat Mineral Dönüşümlerinin Petrografik Özellikleri ve Madencilik Araştırmalarındaki Önemi. 62. Türkiye Jeoloji Kurultayı Bildiri Özleri Kitabı-I, 13-17 Nisan 2009, Ankara, s. 114-115.
  • Hakyemez, Y., Barkurt, M.Y., Bilginer, E., Pehlivan, Ş., Can, B.; Dağer, Z., Sözeri, B. 1986. Yapraklı- llgaz-Çankırı-Çandır dolayının jeolojisi. Maden Tetkik ve Arama Genel Müdürlüğü Rapor No: 7966, Ankara, (unpublished).
  • Helvacı, C., ‹nci, U., Yağmurlu, F., Yılmaz, H. 1989. Geologic framework of the Beypazarı district and Neogene trona deposits of the region, Turkey. Doğa, Vol. 13, No. 2, s.245-256.
  • Helvacı, C., Gündoğan, ‹. 2008. Ülkemizdeki Na-Sülfat madenciliği ve Na-Sülfat aramacılığında petrografik dokuların önemi. Prof. Dr. Servet Yaman Maden Yatakları-Jeokimya Çalıştayı. Ç.Ü. Jeoloji Mühendisliği Bölümü, 23-25 Ekim 2008, Adana. Program kitabı, s.7-8.
  • Karadenizli, L. 1999. Çankırı-Çorum Havzası’ndaki Orta Eosen-Erken Miyosen Tortullarının Sediman- tolojisi, Doktora Tezi Ankara Üniversitesi, 189 s. (unpublished).
  • Karadenizli, L., Kazancı, N. 2000. Çankırı-Çorum havzasındaki paleo-yükselti ve alt havzalar. Cumhuriyetin 75. yıldönümü yerbilimleri ve madencilik kongresi, Maden Tetkik ve Arama Genel Müdürlüğü, Ankara, Bildiriler s. 209-227.
  • Karadenizli, L., Saraç, G., Şen, Ş., Seyitoğlu, G., Antoine, P.O., Kazancı, N., Varol, B., Alçiçek, M.C., Gül, A., Erten, H., Esat, K., Özcan, F., Savaşçı, D., Antoine, A., Filoreau, X., Hervet, S., Bouvrain, G., De Bonis, L., Hakyemez, Y. 2004. Çankırı-Çorum Havzasının batı ve güney kesiminin memeli fosillere dayalı Oligo-Miyosen biyostratigrafisi ve dolgulama evrimi. Maden Tetkik ve Arama Genel Müdürlüğü Rapor No: 10706. Ankara, (unpublished).
  • Kaymakçı, N. 2000. Tectono-stratigraphical evolution of the Çankırı basin (Central Anatolia Turkey). PhD Thesis, Univ. Utrecht, Geologia Ultraiectina. 190, 247 p.
  • Koçyiğit, A. 1991. Changing stress orientation in progressive intracontinental deformation is indicated by the Neotectonics of the Ankara Region (NW Central Anatolia). TPJD Bülteni, 3 (1), 43-55.
  • Mees, F. 1999. Textural features of Holocene perennial saline lake deposits of the Taoudenni-Agorgott basin, northern Mali, Sedimentary, Geology, 127, 65-84.
  • Menduina, J.,Ordenez, S., Garcia del Cura M. A. 1984. Geology of the Cerezo del Rio Tiron Glauberite Deposits, Burgos, Bol, Geol Minero 95, 31-51.
  • Norman, T. 1972. Ankara doğusunda Yahşihan bölgesinde Üst Kretase-Alt Tersiyer yaşlı arazinin jeolojisi. Doktora Tezi, ODTÜ Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Ankara (in Turkish).
  • Ordonez, S., Garcia del Cura, M.A. 1994. Deposition and diagenesis of sodium-calcium sulfate salts in the Tertiary saline lakes of the Madrid basin, Spain. Renault, R.W., Last, W.M. (Ed.). Sedimentology and Geochemistry of modern and ancient saline lakes. SEPM Special Publication, 50, 229-238.
  • Orti, F., Gündoğan, I., Helvacı, C. 2002. Sodium sulphate deposits of Neogene age: the Kirmir formation, Beypazarı Basin, Turkey. Sedimentary.Geology. vol. 146, p. 305-333.
  • Salvany, J.M., Veigas, J.G., Orti F. 2007. Glauberite-halite association of the Zaragoza Gypsum Formation (Lower Miocene,Ebro Basin, NE Spain), Sedimentology. 54, 443-467.
  • Salvany, J.M. 1997. Continental evaporitic sedimentation in Navarra during the Oligocene to Lower Miocene: Falces and Lerin Formations. In: Sedimentary deposition in rift and foreland basins ‹n France and Spain, Paleogene and Lower Neogene (Eds. G.Busson and B.Ch. Schreiber), Columbia University Press. New York, 397-419.
  • Seyitoğlu. G., Kazancı, N., Karakuş, K., Fodor, L., Araz. H., Karadenizli, L. 1997. Does continuous compressive tectonic regime exist during Late Palaeogene to Late Neogene in NW Central Anatolia, Turkey? Preliminary observations. Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences, 6, 77-83.
  • Seyitoğlu, G., Kazancı, N., Karadenizli, L., Şen, Ş., Varol, B., Karabıyıkoğlu, T. 2000. Rockfall avalanche deposits associated with normal faulting in the NW of Çankırı basin: ‹mplication fort he post – collisional tectonic evolution of the Neo-Tethyan suture zone. Terra Nova, 12/6, 245–251.
  • Smoot, J.P., Lowenstein, T.K. 1991. Depositional environments of non-marine evaporites. In: Evaporites, Petroleum and Mineral Resources (Ed. J.I., Melvin), Dev. Sedimentology, 50, 189-347.
  • Sönmez, ‹., 2010. Çankırı-Çorum Havzasında Mevsimlik Göl Alanında Güncel Blödit Oluşumu. Maden Tetkik ve Arama Dergisi, 140, 37-55.
  • Şenalp M. 1974a. Tertiary sedimantation in part of Çankırı- Çorum basin, Central Anatolia. Imperial.College London, (unpublished).
  • Şenalp M 1974b. Çankırı-Çorum havzasının Sungurlu bölgesindeki karasal çökellerin sedimantolojisi. Türkiye Jeoloji Kurumu Bülteni, 24 (1) 65-74 (in Turkish).
  • Şengör, A. M. C., Yılmaz, Y. 1981. Tethyan evolution of Turkey: A plate tectonic approach. Tectonophysics, 75, 181–241.
  • Tüysüz, O., Dellaloğlu, A.A. 1992. Çankırı havzasının tektonik birlikleri ve havzanın Jeolojik evrimi. Türkiye 9. Petrol Kongresi Bildirileri özeti, 180 .
  • Usta, H. 1992. Topuzsaray-1 kuyusu , kuyu tamamlama raporu. PIGEM Arsivi.
  • Varol, B., Araz, H., Karadenizli, L., Kazancı, N., Seyitoğlu, G., Şen, Ş. 2002. Sedimentology of the Miocene evaporitıc succession in the North of Çankırı- Çorum Basin, central Anatolia, Turkey. Carbonates and Evaporites, 17/2, 197-209.
  • Yoldaş, R. 1982. Tosya (Kastamonu) ile Bayat (Çorum) arasındaki bölgenin jeolojisi. Doktora tezi, ‹st.Üniv., 311 s. (unpublished).
  • Weaver, C. E. 1989. Clays, Mud and Shales. Development in sedimentology, 44. Elsevier. Amsterdam- Oxford-New York-Tokyo, 819 s.
Toplam 37 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Mühendislik
Bölüm Makaleler

İlhan Sönmez Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 2014
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2014

Kaynak Göster

APA Sönmez, İ. (2014). GLAUBERITE-HALITE ASSOCIATION IN BOZKIR FORMATION. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration, 149(149), 153-175.
AMA Sönmez İ. GLAUBERITE-HALITE ASSOCIATION IN BOZKIR FORMATION. Bull.Min.Res.Exp. Aralık 2014;149(149):153-175. doi:10.19111/bmre.68068
Chicago Sönmez, İlhan. “GLAUBERITE-HALITE ASSOCIATION IN BOZKIR FORMATION”. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 149, sy. 149 (Aralık 2014): 153-75.
EndNote Sönmez İ (01 Aralık 2014) GLAUBERITE-HALITE ASSOCIATION IN BOZKIR FORMATION. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 149 149 153–175.
IEEE İ. Sönmez, “GLAUBERITE-HALITE ASSOCIATION IN BOZKIR FORMATION”, Bull.Min.Res.Exp., c. 149, sy. 149, ss. 153–175, 2014, doi: 10.19111/bmre.68068.
ISNAD Sönmez, İlhan. “GLAUBERITE-HALITE ASSOCIATION IN BOZKIR FORMATION”. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 149/149 (Aralık 2014), 153-175.
MLA Sönmez, İlhan. “GLAUBERITE-HALITE ASSOCIATION IN BOZKIR FORMATION”. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration, c. 149, sy. 149, 2014, ss. 153-75, doi:10.19111/bmre.68068.
Vancouver Sönmez İ. GLAUBERITE-HALITE ASSOCIATION IN BOZKIR FORMATION. Bull.Min.Res.Exp. 2014;149(149):153-75.

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