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Petrographic- mineralogical examination and diagenetic history of the Paleogene evaporites in Bulanık (Muş), Turkey

Yıl 2020, , 83 - 92, 15.08.2020


Oligocene aged evaporite formations are observed in shallow sea-sabkha environments that develop in highly restricted conditions from sea in northeastern of the Muş basin. Evaporites are observed as alternated and intercalated with clastics and carbonates that developed under the control of factors such as climate, tectonism, volcanism and diagenesis. Evaporites consist of primary and secondary gypsum and minor anhydrite. In petrographic and minerologic examinations, secondary gypsum textures such as alabastrin, porphyroblastic and satin spar with anhydrite relicts, late diagenetic calcite, bitumen and bioturbation traces were detected. In SEM-EDS studies; celestine crstals, autogenic and detritic clay and quartz grains and euhedral dolomite mineral were observed. As a result of all these studies, the conditions and phases of the evaporites from the sedimentation stage to early diagenesis and late diagenesis processes of the evaporites were illuminated. Secondary gypsum consists of the origin of primary anhydrite and gypsum. From the diagenetic fluids released during the gypsum-anhydrite transformation, the late diagenetic calcite and by the interaction of the ions carried by the hydrothermal solutions to the basin with the groundwater were formed the celestite. Stream activity in the basin was determined by the presence of detritic minerals in gypsum minerals.

Destekleyen Kurum

Van Yüzüncü Yıl University Scientific Research Project

Proje Numarası



This study was carried out within the scope of Van Yüzüncü Yıl University Scientific Research Project (No: 2014-MİM-B082). I would like to thank Çetin Yeşilova and Mustafa Açlan for their contributions during field studies. I would also like to thank İbrahim Gündoğan for his assistance in petrographic and mineralogical studies.


  • Abdioğlu, E., Arslan, M., Aydınçakır, D., Gündoğan, İ., Helvacı, C. 2015. Stratigraphy, mineralogy and depositional environment of the evaporite unit in the Aşkale (Erzurum) sub-basin, Eastern Anatolia (Turkey). Journal of African Earth Sciences 111, 100–112.
  • Akay, E., Bıkan, E., Ünay, E. 1989. Stratigraphy of The Muş Tertiary Basin. Bulletin of The Mineral Research and Exploration 109, 59–76.
  • Birgili, Ş. 1968. Muş bölgesi 1/25000 ölçekli J48 d3, d4 ve Muş K47 b2 paftalarının detay petrol etüdü hakkında rapor. Maden Tetkik ve Arama Genel Müdürlüğü Rapor No: 1707, Ankara (unpublished)
  • Ceyhan, F. 1996. Occurence and Origin of Celestite Mineralization Around Sivas. PhD, Cumhuriyet University, Sivas (unpublished).
  • Dinçer, A. 1969. Muş K47-b3 paftasının jeolojisi. Maden Tetkik ve Arama Genel Müdürlüğü Rapor No: 1997, Ankara (unpublished)
  • Gündoğan, İ., Önal, M., Depçi, T. 2005. Sedimentology, petrography and diagenesis of Eocene-Oligocene evaporites: the Tuzhisar formation, SW Sivas Basin. Turkish. Journal Asian Earth Science 25, 791–803.
  • Göncüoğlu, C.M, Turhan, N. 1983. Geology of the Bitlis Metamorphics Belt. Geology of Taurus Belt, International Symposium, 26–29 September 1983, Ankara.
  • Hardie, L.A., Eugster, H.P. 1971. The depositional environment of marine evaporites: A case for shallow, clastic accumulation. Sedimentology 16, 187–220.
  • Hüsing, S.K., Zachariasse, W.J., Van Hinsbergen, D.J., Krijgsman, W., İnceöz, M., Harzhauser, M., Mandic, O., Kroh, A. 2009. Oligocene Miocene basin evolution in SE Anatolia, Turkey: constraints on the closure of the eastern Tethys gateway. Geology Sociecty London Special Publication 311, 107–132.
  • Kendall, A.C. 1978. Facies Models 12: Subaqueous Evaporites. Geoscience 5, 124–138.
  • Kinsman, D.J.J. 1966. Gypsum andanhydrite of recentage, Trucial Coast, Persian Gulf. Proceedings of the 2nd International Salt Symposium, Cleveland, Ohio, 302–326.
  • Önalgil, N., Kadir, S., Külah, T., Eren, M., Gürel, A. 2015. Mineralogy, geochemistry and genesis of the modern sediments of Seyfe Lake, Kırşehir, Central Anatolia, Turkey. Journal Afican Earth Science 102, 116–130.
  • Ortí, F., Pueyo, J.J., Geisler-Cussey, D., Dulau, N. 1984. Evaporitic sedimentation in the coastal salinas of SantaPola (Alicante, Spain). Revista del Instituto de Investigaciones Geologicas 38/39, 169–220.
  • Orti, F., Perez-Lopez, A., Garcia-Veigas, F., PerezValera, F. 2014. Sulfate isotope compositions (δ34S, δ18O) and strontium isotopic ratios (87Sr/86Sr) of Triassic evaporites in the Betic Cordillera (SE Spain). Revista de la Sociedad Geológica de España 27,79–89.
  • Perthuisot, J.P. 1980. Sites et processes delaformationd’ evaporites dans la natureactuelle. Bull. Cent. Rech.Explor. Elf-Aquitaine 4, 207–233.
  • Rosell, L., Orti, F., Kasprzyk, A., Playa, E., Peryt, T.M. 1998. Strontium geochemistry of primary gypsum: Messinian of southeastern Spain and Sicily and Badenian of Poland. Journal Sediment. Res. 68, 63–79.
  • Sakınç, M. 1982. Mollababa-Uruman (Muş ili) yöresinin jeolojisi biostratigrafisi ve paleontolojisi. İstanbul Yerbilimleri 3, 1-2.
  • Sancay, R.H., Batı, Z., Işık, U., Kırıcı, S., Akça, N. 2006. Palynomorph, foraminifera, and calcareous nanoplankton biostratigraphy of Oligo-Miocene sediments in the Muş Basin, Eastern Anatolia, Turkey. Turkish Journal Earth Science 15, 259– 319.
  • Schreiber, B.C, Freidman, G.M, Decima, A., Schreiber, E. 1976. Depositional environments of upper Miocene (Messinian) evaporite deposits of the Sicilian Basin. Sedimentology 23, 729–760.
  • Shearman, D.J. 1964. Recent celestine from the sediments of theTrucial Coast of the Persian Gulf. Nature 202 (4930), 385 – 386.
  • Shearman, D.J., Mossop, G.D., Dunsmore, H., Martin, M. 1972. Origin of gypsum veins by hydraulic fracture. Trans. Inst. Min. Metall. 81, 149–155.
  • Soytürk, N. 1973. Murat Havzası jeolojisi ve hidrokarbon imkânları. TPAO, Arama Grubu Rap. No. 791, Ankara (unpublished).
  • Şaroğlu, F. 1986. Doğu Anadolu’nun neotektonik dönemde jeolojik ve yapısal evrimi. Maden Tetkik ve Arama Genel Müdürlüğü Rapor No: 244, Ankara (unpublished).
  • Şen, S., Antoine, P.O., Varol, B., Ayyıldız, T., Sözeri, K. 2011. Giant rhinoceros Paraceratherium and other vertebrates from Oligocene and Middle Miocene deposits of the Kağızman-Tuzluca Basin Eastern Turkey. Naturwissenschaften 98, 407–423.
  • Ünal, A. 1970. Muş bölgesi 1/25 000 ölçekli Erzurum J47-C4 Muş K47-b4-cl-e2 paftalarının detay petrol etüdü. Maden Tetkik ve Arama Genel Müdürlüğü Rapor No: 4754, Ankara (unpublished).
  • Vasconcelos, C., McKenzie, J.A. 1997. Microbialmediation of modern dolomite precipitation and diagenesis under anoxic conditions (LagoaVermelha, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil). Journal of Sedimentary Petrology 67, 378–390.
  • Warren, J.K. 1982. The hydrological setting, occurrence and significance of gypsum in late Quaternary salt lakes in South Australia. Sedimentology 29, 609–637.
  • Warren, J.K., Kendall, C.G.S.C. 1985. Comparison of sequnces formed in marine sabkha (subaerial) and salina (subaqueas) settings-modern and ancient. American Association of Geology Bulletin 69,1013–1023.
Yıl 2020, , 83 - 92, 15.08.2020


Proje Numarası



  • Abdioğlu, E., Arslan, M., Aydınçakır, D., Gündoğan, İ., Helvacı, C. 2015. Stratigraphy, mineralogy and depositional environment of the evaporite unit in the Aşkale (Erzurum) sub-basin, Eastern Anatolia (Turkey). Journal of African Earth Sciences 111, 100–112.
  • Akay, E., Bıkan, E., Ünay, E. 1989. Stratigraphy of The Muş Tertiary Basin. Bulletin of The Mineral Research and Exploration 109, 59–76.
  • Birgili, Ş. 1968. Muş bölgesi 1/25000 ölçekli J48 d3, d4 ve Muş K47 b2 paftalarının detay petrol etüdü hakkında rapor. Maden Tetkik ve Arama Genel Müdürlüğü Rapor No: 1707, Ankara (unpublished)
  • Ceyhan, F. 1996. Occurence and Origin of Celestite Mineralization Around Sivas. PhD, Cumhuriyet University, Sivas (unpublished).
  • Dinçer, A. 1969. Muş K47-b3 paftasının jeolojisi. Maden Tetkik ve Arama Genel Müdürlüğü Rapor No: 1997, Ankara (unpublished)
  • Gündoğan, İ., Önal, M., Depçi, T. 2005. Sedimentology, petrography and diagenesis of Eocene-Oligocene evaporites: the Tuzhisar formation, SW Sivas Basin. Turkish. Journal Asian Earth Science 25, 791–803.
  • Göncüoğlu, C.M, Turhan, N. 1983. Geology of the Bitlis Metamorphics Belt. Geology of Taurus Belt, International Symposium, 26–29 September 1983, Ankara.
  • Hardie, L.A., Eugster, H.P. 1971. The depositional environment of marine evaporites: A case for shallow, clastic accumulation. Sedimentology 16, 187–220.
  • Hüsing, S.K., Zachariasse, W.J., Van Hinsbergen, D.J., Krijgsman, W., İnceöz, M., Harzhauser, M., Mandic, O., Kroh, A. 2009. Oligocene Miocene basin evolution in SE Anatolia, Turkey: constraints on the closure of the eastern Tethys gateway. Geology Sociecty London Special Publication 311, 107–132.
  • Kendall, A.C. 1978. Facies Models 12: Subaqueous Evaporites. Geoscience 5, 124–138.
  • Kinsman, D.J.J. 1966. Gypsum andanhydrite of recentage, Trucial Coast, Persian Gulf. Proceedings of the 2nd International Salt Symposium, Cleveland, Ohio, 302–326.
  • Önalgil, N., Kadir, S., Külah, T., Eren, M., Gürel, A. 2015. Mineralogy, geochemistry and genesis of the modern sediments of Seyfe Lake, Kırşehir, Central Anatolia, Turkey. Journal Afican Earth Science 102, 116–130.
  • Ortí, F., Pueyo, J.J., Geisler-Cussey, D., Dulau, N. 1984. Evaporitic sedimentation in the coastal salinas of SantaPola (Alicante, Spain). Revista del Instituto de Investigaciones Geologicas 38/39, 169–220.
  • Orti, F., Perez-Lopez, A., Garcia-Veigas, F., PerezValera, F. 2014. Sulfate isotope compositions (δ34S, δ18O) and strontium isotopic ratios (87Sr/86Sr) of Triassic evaporites in the Betic Cordillera (SE Spain). Revista de la Sociedad Geológica de España 27,79–89.
  • Perthuisot, J.P. 1980. Sites et processes delaformationd’ evaporites dans la natureactuelle. Bull. Cent. Rech.Explor. Elf-Aquitaine 4, 207–233.
  • Rosell, L., Orti, F., Kasprzyk, A., Playa, E., Peryt, T.M. 1998. Strontium geochemistry of primary gypsum: Messinian of southeastern Spain and Sicily and Badenian of Poland. Journal Sediment. Res. 68, 63–79.
  • Sakınç, M. 1982. Mollababa-Uruman (Muş ili) yöresinin jeolojisi biostratigrafisi ve paleontolojisi. İstanbul Yerbilimleri 3, 1-2.
  • Sancay, R.H., Batı, Z., Işık, U., Kırıcı, S., Akça, N. 2006. Palynomorph, foraminifera, and calcareous nanoplankton biostratigraphy of Oligo-Miocene sediments in the Muş Basin, Eastern Anatolia, Turkey. Turkish Journal Earth Science 15, 259– 319.
  • Schreiber, B.C, Freidman, G.M, Decima, A., Schreiber, E. 1976. Depositional environments of upper Miocene (Messinian) evaporite deposits of the Sicilian Basin. Sedimentology 23, 729–760.
  • Shearman, D.J. 1964. Recent celestine from the sediments of theTrucial Coast of the Persian Gulf. Nature 202 (4930), 385 – 386.
  • Shearman, D.J., Mossop, G.D., Dunsmore, H., Martin, M. 1972. Origin of gypsum veins by hydraulic fracture. Trans. Inst. Min. Metall. 81, 149–155.
  • Soytürk, N. 1973. Murat Havzası jeolojisi ve hidrokarbon imkânları. TPAO, Arama Grubu Rap. No. 791, Ankara (unpublished).
  • Şaroğlu, F. 1986. Doğu Anadolu’nun neotektonik dönemde jeolojik ve yapısal evrimi. Maden Tetkik ve Arama Genel Müdürlüğü Rapor No: 244, Ankara (unpublished).
  • Şen, S., Antoine, P.O., Varol, B., Ayyıldız, T., Sözeri, K. 2011. Giant rhinoceros Paraceratherium and other vertebrates from Oligocene and Middle Miocene deposits of the Kağızman-Tuzluca Basin Eastern Turkey. Naturwissenschaften 98, 407–423.
  • Ünal, A. 1970. Muş bölgesi 1/25 000 ölçekli Erzurum J47-C4 Muş K47-b4-cl-e2 paftalarının detay petrol etüdü. Maden Tetkik ve Arama Genel Müdürlüğü Rapor No: 4754, Ankara (unpublished).
  • Vasconcelos, C., McKenzie, J.A. 1997. Microbialmediation of modern dolomite precipitation and diagenesis under anoxic conditions (LagoaVermelha, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil). Journal of Sedimentary Petrology 67, 378–390.
  • Warren, J.K. 1982. The hydrological setting, occurrence and significance of gypsum in late Quaternary salt lakes in South Australia. Sedimentology 29, 609–637.
  • Warren, J.K., Kendall, C.G.S.C. 1985. Comparison of sequnces formed in marine sabkha (subaerial) and salina (subaqueas) settings-modern and ancient. American Association of Geology Bulletin 69,1013–1023.
Toplam 28 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Mühendislik
Bölüm Makaleler

Pelin Güngör Yeşilova Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-0748-6192

Proje Numarası 2014-MİM–B082
Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Ağustos 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020

Kaynak Göster

APA Güngör Yeşilova, P. (2020). Petrographic- mineralogical examination and diagenetic history of the Paleogene evaporites in Bulanık (Muş), Turkey. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration, 162(162), 83-92.
AMA Güngör Yeşilova P. Petrographic- mineralogical examination and diagenetic history of the Paleogene evaporites in Bulanık (Muş), Turkey. Bull.Min.Res.Exp. Ağustos 2020;162(162):83-92. doi:10.19111/bulletinofmre.569619
Chicago Güngör Yeşilova, Pelin. “Petrographic- Mineralogical Examination and Diagenetic History of the Paleogene Evaporites in Bulanık (Muş), Turkey”. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 162, sy. 162 (Ağustos 2020): 83-92.
EndNote Güngör Yeşilova P (01 Ağustos 2020) Petrographic- mineralogical examination and diagenetic history of the Paleogene evaporites in Bulanık (Muş), Turkey. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 162 162 83–92.
IEEE P. Güngör Yeşilova, “Petrographic- mineralogical examination and diagenetic history of the Paleogene evaporites in Bulanık (Muş), Turkey”, Bull.Min.Res.Exp., c. 162, sy. 162, ss. 83–92, 2020, doi: 10.19111/bulletinofmre.569619.
ISNAD Güngör Yeşilova, Pelin. “Petrographic- Mineralogical Examination and Diagenetic History of the Paleogene Evaporites in Bulanık (Muş), Turkey”. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 162/162 (Ağustos 2020), 83-92.
JAMA Güngör Yeşilova P. Petrographic- mineralogical examination and diagenetic history of the Paleogene evaporites in Bulanık (Muş), Turkey. Bull.Min.Res.Exp. 2020;162:83–92.
MLA Güngör Yeşilova, Pelin. “Petrographic- Mineralogical Examination and Diagenetic History of the Paleogene Evaporites in Bulanık (Muş), Turkey”. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration, c. 162, sy. 162, 2020, ss. 83-92, doi:10.19111/bulletinofmre.569619.
Vancouver Güngör Yeşilova P. Petrographic- mineralogical examination and diagenetic history of the Paleogene evaporites in Bulanık (Muş), Turkey. Bull.Min.Res.Exp. 2020;162(162):83-92.

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