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First Turolian findings in the Neogene sequence of Denizli Basin (SW Anatolia) and its regional palaeobiogeographic significance

Yıl 2020, , 1 - 12, 15.12.2020


The large fossil vertebrates obtained from the alluvial flood-plain deposits of the Kolankaya formation are determined as Skoufotragus laticeps (Andree, 1926) and Hipparion brachypus (Hensel, 1862), as representative elements of palaeomammal faunas spanning from the eastern Mediterranean to Iranian domains during the late Miocene (early-middle Turolian, MN11-12). These first Turolian records from the basin fill succession bear importance on reconstruction for the palaeobiogeographic diversity of relevant taxons as well as admit of interbasinal stratigraphic correlation for the Western Anatolian terrestrial Neogene basins.


This study was framed within the Paleoseismology Research Project of Turkey supported by General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration, Directorate of Geology Research Department with grant number of 2018-30.14.05 We would like to thank the project director Hasan Elmacı, S.M. was supported by Ege University, İzmir (research projects: TTM/001/2010, TM/001/2013, TTM/001/2014, TTM/001/2016, TTM/002/2016) during field and lab works. Constructive comments by T. Tanju Kaya (Ege Univ.) are appreciated. The manuscript was critically read and improved by Dimitris S. Kostopoulos (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki).


  • Akgün, F., Kaya, T., Forsten, A., Atalay, Z. 2000. Biostratigraphic data (Mammalia and palynology) for the late Miocene Incesu Formation in Düzyayla (Hafik-Sivas). Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences 9, 57-67.
  • Alçiçek, H. 2010. Stratigraphic correlation of the Neogene basins in Southwestern Anatolia: regional palaeogeographical, palaeoclimatic and tectonic implications. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 291, 297-318.
  • Alçiçek, H., Alçiçek, M.C. 2014. Palustrine carbonates and pedogenic calcretes in the Çal basin of SW Anatolia: Implication on the Plio-Pleistocene regional climatic pattern in the Eastern Mediterranean. Catena 112, 48-55.
  • Alçiçek, H., Varol, B., Özkul, M. 2007. Sedimentary facies, depositional environments and palaeogeographic evolution of the Neogene Denizli Basin of SW Anatolia, Turkey. Sedimentary Geology 202, 596-637.
  • Alçiçek, H., Wesselingh, F.P., Alçiçek, M.C. 2015. Palaeoenvironmental evolution of the late Pliocene-early Pleistocene fluvio-deltaic sequence of the Denizli Basin (SW Turkey). Palaeogeograpy, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 437, 98-116.
  • Alçiçek, M.C. 2007. Tectonic development of an orogen- top rift recorded by its terrestrial sedimentation pattern: the Neogene Eşen Basin of Southwestern Anatolia, Turkey. Sedimentary Geology 200, 117-140.
  • Alçiçek, M.C., Kazancı, N., Özkul, M. 2005. Multiple rifting pulses and sedimentation pattern in the Çameli Basin, Southwestern Anatolia, Turkey. Sedimentary Geology 173, 409-431.
  • Alçiçek, M.C., Ten Veen, J.H., Özkul, M. 2006. Neotectonic development of the Çameli Basin, Southwestern Anatolia, Turkey. In: A. H. F. Robertson, D. Mountrakis (Eds.), Tectonic Development of the Eastern Mediterranean Region. Geological Society London Special Publication 260, 591-611.
  • Alçiçek, M.C., Mayda, S., Alçiçek., H. 2012. Faunal and palaeoenvironmental changes in the Çal Basin, SW Anatolia: Implications for regional stratigraphic correlation of late Cenozoic basins. Comptes Rendus Geoscience 344, 89-98.
  • Alçiçek, M. C., Brogi, A., Capezzuoli, E., Liotta, D., Meccheri, M. 2013. Superimposed basin formation during Neogene- Quaternary extension in SW- Anatolia (Turkey): insights from the kinematics of the Dinar fault zone. Tectonophysics 608, 713- 727.
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  • Alpagut, B., Mayda, S., Kaya, T., Göktaş, F., Halaçlar, K., Kesici, S.D. 2014. Overview of Recent Research on Muğla-Özlüce Mammalian Fossil Locality. 67th Geological Congress of Turkey.15-18 April 2014, Ankara, pp. 732-733.
  • Bernor, R.L., Ataabadi, M.M., Meshida, K., Wolf, D. 2016. The Maragheh hipparions, late Miocene of Azarbaijan, Iran. Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments 96, 453-488.
  • Boulbes, N., Mayda, S., Titov, V.V., Alçiçek, M.C. 2014. Les grands mammifères pléistocènes des travertins du Bassin de Denizli, Sud-ouest de l’Anatolie, Turquie (The large Upper Villafranchian mammals from the Denizli Basin travertines, Southwest Anatolia, Turkey). Anthropologie 118, 44-73.
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Yıl 2020, , 1 - 12, 15.12.2020



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  • Alçiçek, H. 2010. Stratigraphic correlation of the Neogene basins in Southwestern Anatolia: regional palaeogeographical, palaeoclimatic and tectonic implications. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 291, 297-318.
  • Alçiçek, H., Alçiçek, M.C. 2014. Palustrine carbonates and pedogenic calcretes in the Çal basin of SW Anatolia: Implication on the Plio-Pleistocene regional climatic pattern in the Eastern Mediterranean. Catena 112, 48-55.
  • Alçiçek, H., Varol, B., Özkul, M. 2007. Sedimentary facies, depositional environments and palaeogeographic evolution of the Neogene Denizli Basin of SW Anatolia, Turkey. Sedimentary Geology 202, 596-637.
  • Alçiçek, H., Wesselingh, F.P., Alçiçek, M.C. 2015. Palaeoenvironmental evolution of the late Pliocene-early Pleistocene fluvio-deltaic sequence of the Denizli Basin (SW Turkey). Palaeogeograpy, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 437, 98-116.
  • Alçiçek, M.C. 2007. Tectonic development of an orogen- top rift recorded by its terrestrial sedimentation pattern: the Neogene Eşen Basin of Southwestern Anatolia, Turkey. Sedimentary Geology 200, 117-140.
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  • Alçiçek, M.C., Mayda, S., Alçiçek., H. 2012. Faunal and palaeoenvironmental changes in the Çal Basin, SW Anatolia: Implications for regional stratigraphic correlation of late Cenozoic basins. Comptes Rendus Geoscience 344, 89-98.
  • Alçiçek, M. C., Brogi, A., Capezzuoli, E., Liotta, D., Meccheri, M. 2013. Superimposed basin formation during Neogene- Quaternary extension in SW- Anatolia (Turkey): insights from the kinematics of the Dinar fault zone. Tectonophysics 608, 713- 727.
  • Alçiçek, M.C., Mayda, S., Ten Veen, J.H., Boulton, S.J., Alçiçek, H., Tesakov, A., Saraç, G., Hakyemez, Y., Göktaş, F., Murray, A., Wesselingh, F.P., Jimenez- Moreno, G., Büyükmeriç, Y., Bouchal, J.M., Demirel, F.A., Kaya, T.T., Halaçlar, K., Bilgin, M., Van den Hoek Ostende, L.W. 2019. Reconciling the stratigraphy and sedimentation history of the Lycian orogen-top basins, SW Anatolia. Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments 99, 551-570
  • Alpagut, B., Mayda, S., Kaya, T., Göktaş, F., Halaçlar, K., Kesici, S.D. 2014. Overview of Recent Research on Muğla-Özlüce Mammalian Fossil Locality. 67th Geological Congress of Turkey.15-18 April 2014, Ankara, pp. 732-733.
  • Bernor, R.L., Ataabadi, M.M., Meshida, K., Wolf, D. 2016. The Maragheh hipparions, late Miocene of Azarbaijan, Iran. Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments 96, 453-488.
  • Boulbes, N., Mayda, S., Titov, V.V., Alçiçek, M.C. 2014. Les grands mammifères pléistocènes des travertins du Bassin de Denizli, Sud-ouest de l’Anatolie, Turquie (The large Upper Villafranchian mammals from the Denizli Basin travertines, Southwest Anatolia, Turkey). Anthropologie 118, 44-73.
  • Bouvrain, G. 1994. Les gisements de mammifères du Miocène supérieur de Kemiklitepe, Turquie. 9. Bovidae. Bulletin du Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle 16, 175-209.
  • Bozkurt, E. 2003. Origin of NE-trending basins in Western Turkey. Geodinamica Acta 16, 6 -81
  • Eisenmann, V. 1995. What metapodial morphometry has to say about some Miocene hipparions. In: E.S. Vrba, G.H. Denton, T.C. Partridge, and L.H. Burckle (eds.), Palaeoclimate and Evolution with Emphasis on Human Origins, Yale University Press. New Haven, 48-162.
  • Eisenmann, V., Alberdi, M.T., Giuli, C. de., Staesche, U. 1988. Methodology.In: M. Woodburne and P.Y. Sondaar (eds.), Studying Fossil Horses, Brill press. Leiden, 1-71.
  • Emre, Ö., Duman.T.Y., Özalp, S., Elmacı, H., Olgun, Ş., Şaroğlu, F. 2013. Türkiye Diri Fay Haritası. Maden Tetkik ve Arama Genel Müdürlüğü Özel Yayın Serisi-30. Ankara-Türkiye.
  • Gentry, A.W. 2000. Caprinae and Hippotragini (Bovidae, Mammalia) in the Upper Miocene. In: Vrba, E. S.; Schaller, G. B. (ed.), Antelopes, Deer, and Relatives. Fossil Record, Behavioral Ecology, Systematics, and Conservation. New Haven, CT, USA: Yale University Press, 65–83.
  • Gentry, A. W., Rössner, G. E., Heizmann, E.P.J. 1999. Suborder Ruminantia in: Rössner, G. & Heissig, K. (eds.), The Miocene Land Mammals of Europe, Verlag Dr. F. Pfeil, s. 225-249.
  • Geraads, D. 2017. late Miocene large mammals from Mahmutgazi, Denizli province, Western Turkey. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen 284, 241-257.
  • Hristova, L., Kovachev, D., Spassov, N. 2003. Hipparion brachypus Hensel, 1862 from Hadjidimovo, southwestern Bulgaria (late Miocene). Dokladi na Bulgarskata Akademiya na Naukite 56, 77-84.
  • Kaya, T. 1993. Late Miocene Perissodactyla from Sazak (Kale-Denizli). Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 115, 23-31.
  • Kaya, T., Mayda, S., Kostopoulos, D., Alçiçek, M. C., Merceron, G., Tan, A., Karakütük, S., Giesler, A. K., Scott, S. S. 2012. Şerefköy-2, a new late Miocene mammalian locality from the Yatağan formation, Muğla, SW Turkey. Comptes Rendus Palevol 11, 5-12.
  • Kaymakçı, N. 2006. Kinematic development and paleostress analysis of the Denizli Basin (Western Turkish): implications of spatial varition of relative paleostress magnitudes and orientations. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 27, 207-222.
  • Kaymakçı, N., Langereis, C., Özkaptan, M., Özacar, A. A., Gülyüz, E., Uzel, B., Sözbilir, H., Koç, A. 2018. Paleomagnetic evidences for upper plate response to a STEP fault, SW Anatolia. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 498, 101-115.
  • Koçyiğit, A. 2005. The Denizli graben-horst system and the eastern limit of the Western Anatolian continental extension: basin fill, structure, deformational mode, throw amount and episodic evolutionary history, SW Turkey. Geodinamica Acta 18, 167- 208.
  • Konak, N., Şenel, M. 2002. Geological map of Turkey in 1/500.000 scale: Denizli sheet. Maden Tetkik ve Arama Genel Müdürlüğü Ankara.
  • Kostopoulos, D.S. 2009. The late Miocene Mammal Faunas of the Mytilinii Basin, Samos Island, Greece: new collection. 13. Bovidae. Beiträge zur Paläontologie 31, 345-389.
  • Kostopoulos, D.S., Bernor, R.L. 2011. The Maragheh bovids (Mammalia, Artiodactyla): systematic revision and biostratigraphic-zoogeographic interpretation. Geodiversitas 33, 649-708.
  • Kostopoulos, D.S., Karakütük, S. 2015. late Miocene bovids from Şerefköy-2 (SW Turkey) and their position withinthe sub-Paratethyan biogeographic province. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 60, 49–66.
  • Koufos, G.D. 1987. Study of the Pikermi hipparions. Part I: Generalities and taxonomy. Part II: Comparisons and odontograms. Bulletin Museum Nationale Histoire Naturelle Paris 4e ser. 9 sect. C 2: 197– 252, 3: 327–363.
  • Koufos, G.D. 2016. Hipparion macedonicum revisited: New data on evolution of hipparionine horses from the late Miocene of Greece. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 61, 519-536.
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Toplam 61 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Mühendislik
Bölüm Makaleler

Adil Doğan Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-2501-1852

Serdar Mayda 0000-0001-5432-3559

M.cihat Alçiçek 0000-0001-7689-7625

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Aralık 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020

Kaynak Göster

APA Doğan, A., Mayda, S., & Alçiçek, M. (2020). First Turolian findings in the Neogene sequence of Denizli Basin (SW Anatolia) and its regional palaeobiogeographic significance. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration, 163(163), 1-12.
AMA Doğan A, Mayda S, Alçiçek M. First Turolian findings in the Neogene sequence of Denizli Basin (SW Anatolia) and its regional palaeobiogeographic significance. Bull.Min.Res.Exp. Aralık 2020;163(163):1-12. doi:10.19111/bulletinofmre.651620
Chicago Doğan, Adil, Serdar Mayda, ve M.cihat Alçiçek. “First Turolian Findings in the Neogene Sequence of Denizli Basin (SW Anatolia) and Its Regional Palaeobiogeographic Significance”. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 163, sy. 163 (Aralık 2020): 1-12.
EndNote Doğan A, Mayda S, Alçiçek M (01 Aralık 2020) First Turolian findings in the Neogene sequence of Denizli Basin (SW Anatolia) and its regional palaeobiogeographic significance. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 163 163 1–12.
IEEE A. Doğan, S. Mayda, ve M. Alçiçek, “First Turolian findings in the Neogene sequence of Denizli Basin (SW Anatolia) and its regional palaeobiogeographic significance”, Bull.Min.Res.Exp., c. 163, sy. 163, ss. 1–12, 2020, doi: 10.19111/bulletinofmre.651620.
ISNAD Doğan, Adil vd. “First Turolian Findings in the Neogene Sequence of Denizli Basin (SW Anatolia) and Its Regional Palaeobiogeographic Significance”. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 163/163 (Aralık 2020), 1-12.
JAMA Doğan A, Mayda S, Alçiçek M. First Turolian findings in the Neogene sequence of Denizli Basin (SW Anatolia) and its regional palaeobiogeographic significance. Bull.Min.Res.Exp. 2020;163:1–12.
MLA Doğan, Adil vd. “First Turolian Findings in the Neogene Sequence of Denizli Basin (SW Anatolia) and Its Regional Palaeobiogeographic Significance”. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration, c. 163, sy. 163, 2020, ss. 1-12, doi:10.19111/bulletinofmre.651620.
Vancouver Doğan A, Mayda S, Alçiçek M. First Turolian findings in the Neogene sequence of Denizli Basin (SW Anatolia) and its regional palaeobiogeographic significance. Bull.Min.Res.Exp. 2020;163(163):1-12.

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