Araştırma Makalesi
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Yıl 2020, , 93 - 102, 15.08.2020



  • Aide, M.T., Aide, C. 2012. Rare earth elements: their importance in understanding soil genesis. ISRN Soil Science 2012.
  • Alfaro, M.R., do Nascimento, C.W.A., Biondi, C.M., da Silva, Y.J.A.B., da Silva, Y.J.A.B., de Aguiar Accioly, A.M., Montero, A., Ugerto, O. M., Estevez, J. 2018. Rare-earth-element geochemistry in soils developed in different geological settings of Cuba. Catena 162, 317-324.
  • Anders, E., Grevesse, N. 1989. Abundances of the elements: Meteoritic and solar. Geochimica et Cosmochimica acta 53(1), 197-214.
  • Blumenthal, M. 1963. Le systeme structural du Taurus sud- anatolien, In Livre a’memoire du Professeur P. Fallot. Mem Soc Geol Fr 2, 611-662.
  • Bragin, I.V., Chelnokov, G.A., Chudaev, O.V., Kharitonova, N.A. 2017. Fractionation of rare-earth elements in surface streams of Baransky volcano (Etorofu, Southern Kuriles). Procedia Earth and Planetary Science 17, 45-48.
  • Budakoğlu, M., Abdelnasser, A., Karaman, M., Kumral, M. 2015. The rare earth element geochemistry on surface sediments, shallow cores and lithological units of Lake Acıgöl basin, Denizli, Turkey. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 111, 632-662.
  • Carvalho, L., Monteiro, R., Figueira, P., Mieiro, C., Pereira, E., Magalhães, V., Pinheiro, L., Vale, C. 2019. Rare earth elements in mud volcano sediments from the Gulf of Cadiz, South Iberian Peninsula. Science of The Total Environment 652, 869-879.
  • Cox, J.J., Masun, K.M., Fayram, T. 2013. Technical report on the Aksu Diamas rare earth element and minor metals, Isparta district, Southwest Turkey. AMR Technical Report No: 43-101, Canada
  • Dumont, J.F. 1976. La Courbure D’Isparta Et L’origine Des Nappes D’Antalya; Hypothese D’un Decrochement Majeur, L’accıdent Trans- Taurique, Qui A Dedouble Le Dispositif Structural Taurique Etabli Par La Tectogenese Du Cretace Superieur. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 86, 56-67.
  • Elitok, Ö., Görmüş, M. 2011. Isparta ve Jeoloji; Gölcük volkanizması (Isparta) ve çevresel sorunlar. SDUGEO Dergi 2 (1), 32-43.
  • Francalanci, L., Innocenti, F., Manetti, P., Savasçin, M.Y. 2000. Neogene alkaline volcanism of the Afyon- Isparta area, Turkey: petrogenesis and geodynamic implications. Mineralogy and Petrology 70(3-4), 285-312.
  • Fulignati, P., Gioncada, A., Sbrana, A. 1999. Rare-earth element (REE) behaviour in the alteration facies of the active magmatic–hydrothermal system of Vulcano (Aeolian Islands, Italy). Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 88(4), 325-342.
  • Görmüş, M., Özkul, M. 1995. Gönen-Atabey (Isparta) ve Ağlasun (Burdur) Arasındaki Bölgenin Stratigrafisi. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 1, 43-64.
  • Gutnic, M. 1977. Géologie du Taurus Pisidien au nord d’Isparta (Turquie).(Principaux résultats extraits des notes de M. Gutnic entre 1964 et 1971 par O. Monod.). Univ. Paris-Sud, Faculté des Sciences Centre d’Orsay.
  • Henderson, P.A.U.L. 1984. General geochemical properties and abundances of the rare earth elements. In Developments in Geochemistry 2, 1-32.
  •, REE Mineralisation in Turkey. (n.d.). Retrieved January 22, 2020, from
  • Inguaggiato, C., Burbano, V., Rouwet, D., Garzón, G. 2017. Geochemical processes assessed by Rare Earth Elements fractionation at “Laguna Verde” acidic- sulphate crater lake (Azufral volcano, Colombia). Applied Geochemistry 79, 65-74.
  • Joron, J.L., Schiano, P., Turpin, L., Treuil, M., Gisbert, T., Leotot, C., Brousse, R. 1991. Exceptional rare earth element enrichments in Tahaa volcano (French Polynesia). Comptes Rendus Académie des Sciences 523-530.
  • Kaçmaz, H. 2016. Major, trace and rare earth element (REE) characteristics of tuffs in the Yenice-Saraycık area (Demirci, Manisa), Western Anatolia, Turkey. Journal of Geochemical Exploration 168, 169-176.
  • Karaman, M.E. 1994. Isparta-Burdur arasının jeolojisi ve tektonik özellikleri. Türkiye Jeoloji Kurumu Bülteni 37(2), 119-134.
  • Koçyiğit, A. 1981. Isparta Büklümü’nde (Batı Toroslar) Toros Karbonat Platformunun Evrimi. Türkiye Jeoloji Kurumu Bülteni 24, 15-23.
  • Koçyiğit, A. 1983. Hoyran gölü (Isparta Büklümü) dolayının tektoniği. Türkiye Jeoloji Kurumu Bülteni 26, 1-10.
  • McDonough, W.F., Sun, S.S. 1995. The composition of the Earth. Chemical Geology 120(3-4), 223-253.
  • Möller, P., Dulski, P., Morteani, G. 2003. Partitioning of rare earth elements, yttrium, and some major elements among source rocks, liquid and vapor of Larderello-Travale Geothermal Field, Tuscany (Central Italy). Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 67(2), 171-183.
  • Nemec, W., Kazancı, N. 1999. Quaternary colluvium in west-central Anatolia: sedimentary facies and palaeoclimatic significance. Sedimentology 46(1), 139-170.
  • Piper, J.D., Gürsoy, H., Tatar, O., İşseven, T., Koçyı̇ ğı̇ t, A. 2002. Palaeomagnetic evidence for the Gondwanian origin of the Taurides and rotation of the Isparta Angle, southern Turkey. Geological Journal 37(4), 317-336.
  • Platevoet, B., Elitok, Ö., Guillou, H., Bardintzeff, J.M., Yağmurlu, F., Nomade, S., Poisson, A., Deniel,C., Özgür, N. 2014. Petrology of Quaternary volcanic rocks and related plutonic xenoliths from Gölcük volcano, Isparta Angle, Turkey: Origin and evolution of the high-K alkaline series. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 92, 53-76.
  • Poisson, A. 1977. Recherches géologiques dans les Taurides occidentales (Turquie). Universite de Paris-Sud (Centre D’orsay).795 p.
  • Poisson, A., Akay, E., Dumont, J. F., Uysal, Ş. 1984. The Isparta Angle (western Taurides-Turkey): a Mesozoic paleorift. Geology of Taurus Belt: Proceedings Int. Sym. 26-29.
  • Poisson, A., Yağmurlu, F., Bozcu, M., Şentürk, M. 2003. New insights on the tectonic setting and evolution around the apex of the Isparta Angle (SW Turkey). Geological Journal 38(3-4), 257-282.
  • Price, R.C., Taylor, S.R. 1973. The geochemistry of the Dunedin volcano, east Otago, New Zealand: Rare earth elements. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 40(3), 195-205.
  • Rahimi, E., Maghsoudi, A., Hezarkhani, A. 2016. Geochemical investigation and statistical analysis on rare earth elements in Lakehsiyah deposit, Bafq district. Journal of African Earth Sciences 124, 139-150.
  • Roy, P.D., Morton-Bermea, O., Hernández-Álvarez, E., Pi, T., Lozano, R. 2010. Rare earth element geochemistry of the Late Quaternary tephra and volcano-clastic sediments from the Pachuca sub- basin, north-eastern Basin of Mexico. Geofísica Internacional 49(1), 3-15.
  • Savaşcın, M.Y., Oyman, T. 1998. Tectono-magmatic evolution of alkaline volcanics at the Kırka- Afyon-Isparta structural trend, SW Turkey. Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences 7(3), 201-214.
  • Simandl, G.J. 2014. Geology and market-dependent significance of rare earth element resources. Mineralium Deposita 49(8), 889-904.
  • Şen, P., Kuşcu, E., Ak, S. 2012. Nadir toprak elementler, özellikleri, cevherleşmeleri ve Türkiye nadir toprak element potansiyeli. Maden Tetkik ve Arama Genel Müdürlüğü Doğal Kaynaklar ve Ekonomi Bülteni 13: 1-9.
  • Şenel, M. 1997. Türkiye Jeoloji Haritaları Isparta K12 Paftası, Maden Tetkik ve Arama Genel Müdürlüğü No: 2, Ankara.
  • Şenel, M., Dalkılıç, H., Gedik, İ., Serdaroğlu, M., Bölükbaşı, A.S., Metin, S., Esentürk, K., Bilgin, A.Z., Uğuz, F., Korucu, M., Özgül, N. 1992. Eğirdir Yenişarbademli-Gebiz ve Geriş-Köprülü (Isparta/ Antalya) Arasında Kalan Alanların Jeolojisi: Maden Tetkik ve Arama Genel Müdürlüğü Rapor No: 9390, 559 s., Ankara (unpublished).
  • Şenel, M., Gedik, İ., Dalkılıç, H., Serdaroğlu, M., Bilgin, A. Z., Uğuz, M. F., Bölükbaşı, A.S., Korucu, M., Özgül, N. 1996. Isparta büklümü doğusunda, otokton ve allokton birimlerin stratigrafisi (Batı Toroslar). Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 118, 111-160.
  • US Geological Survey, 2002. Rare Earth Elements: Critical Resources for High Technology. USGS Fact Sheet 087-02.
  • US Geological Survey, 2014. Rare Earth Elements – Vital to Modern Technologies and Lifestyles USGS Fact Sheet 3078.
  • Verplanck, P.L., Nordstrom, D.K., Taylor, H.E. 1999. Overview of rare earth element investigations in acid waters of US Geological Survey abandoned mine lands watersheds. US Geol. Surv. Wat. Resourc. Invest. Rep. 83-92.
  • Yağmurlu, F., Savaçcın, Y., Ergün, M. 1997. Relation of alkaline volcanism and active tectonism within the evolution of the Isparta Angle, SW Turkey. The Journal of Geology 105(6), 717-728.

Rare earth element contents, geochemistry of soil samples between Burdur and Isparta region and assessment of their origin

Yıl 2020, , 93 - 102, 15.08.2020


This study was carried out in 5 locations between Burdur and Isparta in the inner southern part of Isparta Bend. The study aims to determine the rare earth element (REE) concentrations in the soil samples collected from the field and to interpret the origin of the high concentrations detected. In this context, a total of 104 samples were collected from Canakli Village (19 samples), Cobanisa Village (34 samples), Kuyubasi Village (17 samples), Kuzca Village (17 samples), and Yilanli Village (17 samples) in the study field. The average ∑REE (La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb, Lu) concentration values of the samples by their locations were determined to be Çobanisa (821.88 ppm) > Yılanlı (723.39 ppm) > Kuzca (692.54 ppm) > Çanaklı (583.46 ppm) > Kuyubaşı (484.04 ppm). The average light rare earth element (LREEs) concentration (such as La 229 ppm, Ce 378 ppm) of the samples collected from all locations is higher than the average rare earth element concentration in the Earth’s crust. According to the Chondrite-normalized Rare Earth Elements diagram, the distributions of the rare earth elements in these 5 locations were determined to be very similar and the high concentrations were considered to occur under similar conditions or originated from similar sources. In this context, based on the idea that Gölcük Volcanism may be the source of high concentrations, the rare earth element concentrations of Gölcük Volcanism in the northwest of the zone were compared to those taken from the study area and the values were found to be consistent with each other.


  • Aide, M.T., Aide, C. 2012. Rare earth elements: their importance in understanding soil genesis. ISRN Soil Science 2012.
  • Alfaro, M.R., do Nascimento, C.W.A., Biondi, C.M., da Silva, Y.J.A.B., da Silva, Y.J.A.B., de Aguiar Accioly, A.M., Montero, A., Ugerto, O. M., Estevez, J. 2018. Rare-earth-element geochemistry in soils developed in different geological settings of Cuba. Catena 162, 317-324.
  • Anders, E., Grevesse, N. 1989. Abundances of the elements: Meteoritic and solar. Geochimica et Cosmochimica acta 53(1), 197-214.
  • Blumenthal, M. 1963. Le systeme structural du Taurus sud- anatolien, In Livre a’memoire du Professeur P. Fallot. Mem Soc Geol Fr 2, 611-662.
  • Bragin, I.V., Chelnokov, G.A., Chudaev, O.V., Kharitonova, N.A. 2017. Fractionation of rare-earth elements in surface streams of Baransky volcano (Etorofu, Southern Kuriles). Procedia Earth and Planetary Science 17, 45-48.
  • Budakoğlu, M., Abdelnasser, A., Karaman, M., Kumral, M. 2015. The rare earth element geochemistry on surface sediments, shallow cores and lithological units of Lake Acıgöl basin, Denizli, Turkey. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 111, 632-662.
  • Carvalho, L., Monteiro, R., Figueira, P., Mieiro, C., Pereira, E., Magalhães, V., Pinheiro, L., Vale, C. 2019. Rare earth elements in mud volcano sediments from the Gulf of Cadiz, South Iberian Peninsula. Science of The Total Environment 652, 869-879.
  • Cox, J.J., Masun, K.M., Fayram, T. 2013. Technical report on the Aksu Diamas rare earth element and minor metals, Isparta district, Southwest Turkey. AMR Technical Report No: 43-101, Canada
  • Dumont, J.F. 1976. La Courbure D’Isparta Et L’origine Des Nappes D’Antalya; Hypothese D’un Decrochement Majeur, L’accıdent Trans- Taurique, Qui A Dedouble Le Dispositif Structural Taurique Etabli Par La Tectogenese Du Cretace Superieur. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 86, 56-67.
  • Elitok, Ö., Görmüş, M. 2011. Isparta ve Jeoloji; Gölcük volkanizması (Isparta) ve çevresel sorunlar. SDUGEO Dergi 2 (1), 32-43.
  • Francalanci, L., Innocenti, F., Manetti, P., Savasçin, M.Y. 2000. Neogene alkaline volcanism of the Afyon- Isparta area, Turkey: petrogenesis and geodynamic implications. Mineralogy and Petrology 70(3-4), 285-312.
  • Fulignati, P., Gioncada, A., Sbrana, A. 1999. Rare-earth element (REE) behaviour in the alteration facies of the active magmatic–hydrothermal system of Vulcano (Aeolian Islands, Italy). Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 88(4), 325-342.
  • Görmüş, M., Özkul, M. 1995. Gönen-Atabey (Isparta) ve Ağlasun (Burdur) Arasındaki Bölgenin Stratigrafisi. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 1, 43-64.
  • Gutnic, M. 1977. Géologie du Taurus Pisidien au nord d’Isparta (Turquie).(Principaux résultats extraits des notes de M. Gutnic entre 1964 et 1971 par O. Monod.). Univ. Paris-Sud, Faculté des Sciences Centre d’Orsay.
  • Henderson, P.A.U.L. 1984. General geochemical properties and abundances of the rare earth elements. In Developments in Geochemistry 2, 1-32.
  •, REE Mineralisation in Turkey. (n.d.). Retrieved January 22, 2020, from
  • Inguaggiato, C., Burbano, V., Rouwet, D., Garzón, G. 2017. Geochemical processes assessed by Rare Earth Elements fractionation at “Laguna Verde” acidic- sulphate crater lake (Azufral volcano, Colombia). Applied Geochemistry 79, 65-74.
  • Joron, J.L., Schiano, P., Turpin, L., Treuil, M., Gisbert, T., Leotot, C., Brousse, R. 1991. Exceptional rare earth element enrichments in Tahaa volcano (French Polynesia). Comptes Rendus Académie des Sciences 523-530.
  • Kaçmaz, H. 2016. Major, trace and rare earth element (REE) characteristics of tuffs in the Yenice-Saraycık area (Demirci, Manisa), Western Anatolia, Turkey. Journal of Geochemical Exploration 168, 169-176.
  • Karaman, M.E. 1994. Isparta-Burdur arasının jeolojisi ve tektonik özellikleri. Türkiye Jeoloji Kurumu Bülteni 37(2), 119-134.
  • Koçyiğit, A. 1981. Isparta Büklümü’nde (Batı Toroslar) Toros Karbonat Platformunun Evrimi. Türkiye Jeoloji Kurumu Bülteni 24, 15-23.
  • Koçyiğit, A. 1983. Hoyran gölü (Isparta Büklümü) dolayının tektoniği. Türkiye Jeoloji Kurumu Bülteni 26, 1-10.
  • McDonough, W.F., Sun, S.S. 1995. The composition of the Earth. Chemical Geology 120(3-4), 223-253.
  • Möller, P., Dulski, P., Morteani, G. 2003. Partitioning of rare earth elements, yttrium, and some major elements among source rocks, liquid and vapor of Larderello-Travale Geothermal Field, Tuscany (Central Italy). Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 67(2), 171-183.
  • Nemec, W., Kazancı, N. 1999. Quaternary colluvium in west-central Anatolia: sedimentary facies and palaeoclimatic significance. Sedimentology 46(1), 139-170.
  • Piper, J.D., Gürsoy, H., Tatar, O., İşseven, T., Koçyı̇ ğı̇ t, A. 2002. Palaeomagnetic evidence for the Gondwanian origin of the Taurides and rotation of the Isparta Angle, southern Turkey. Geological Journal 37(4), 317-336.
  • Platevoet, B., Elitok, Ö., Guillou, H., Bardintzeff, J.M., Yağmurlu, F., Nomade, S., Poisson, A., Deniel,C., Özgür, N. 2014. Petrology of Quaternary volcanic rocks and related plutonic xenoliths from Gölcük volcano, Isparta Angle, Turkey: Origin and evolution of the high-K alkaline series. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 92, 53-76.
  • Poisson, A. 1977. Recherches géologiques dans les Taurides occidentales (Turquie). Universite de Paris-Sud (Centre D’orsay).795 p.
  • Poisson, A., Akay, E., Dumont, J. F., Uysal, Ş. 1984. The Isparta Angle (western Taurides-Turkey): a Mesozoic paleorift. Geology of Taurus Belt: Proceedings Int. Sym. 26-29.
  • Poisson, A., Yağmurlu, F., Bozcu, M., Şentürk, M. 2003. New insights on the tectonic setting and evolution around the apex of the Isparta Angle (SW Turkey). Geological Journal 38(3-4), 257-282.
  • Price, R.C., Taylor, S.R. 1973. The geochemistry of the Dunedin volcano, east Otago, New Zealand: Rare earth elements. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 40(3), 195-205.
  • Rahimi, E., Maghsoudi, A., Hezarkhani, A. 2016. Geochemical investigation and statistical analysis on rare earth elements in Lakehsiyah deposit, Bafq district. Journal of African Earth Sciences 124, 139-150.
  • Roy, P.D., Morton-Bermea, O., Hernández-Álvarez, E., Pi, T., Lozano, R. 2010. Rare earth element geochemistry of the Late Quaternary tephra and volcano-clastic sediments from the Pachuca sub- basin, north-eastern Basin of Mexico. Geofísica Internacional 49(1), 3-15.
  • Savaşcın, M.Y., Oyman, T. 1998. Tectono-magmatic evolution of alkaline volcanics at the Kırka- Afyon-Isparta structural trend, SW Turkey. Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences 7(3), 201-214.
  • Simandl, G.J. 2014. Geology and market-dependent significance of rare earth element resources. Mineralium Deposita 49(8), 889-904.
  • Şen, P., Kuşcu, E., Ak, S. 2012. Nadir toprak elementler, özellikleri, cevherleşmeleri ve Türkiye nadir toprak element potansiyeli. Maden Tetkik ve Arama Genel Müdürlüğü Doğal Kaynaklar ve Ekonomi Bülteni 13: 1-9.
  • Şenel, M. 1997. Türkiye Jeoloji Haritaları Isparta K12 Paftası, Maden Tetkik ve Arama Genel Müdürlüğü No: 2, Ankara.
  • Şenel, M., Dalkılıç, H., Gedik, İ., Serdaroğlu, M., Bölükbaşı, A.S., Metin, S., Esentürk, K., Bilgin, A.Z., Uğuz, F., Korucu, M., Özgül, N. 1992. Eğirdir Yenişarbademli-Gebiz ve Geriş-Köprülü (Isparta/ Antalya) Arasında Kalan Alanların Jeolojisi: Maden Tetkik ve Arama Genel Müdürlüğü Rapor No: 9390, 559 s., Ankara (unpublished).
  • Şenel, M., Gedik, İ., Dalkılıç, H., Serdaroğlu, M., Bilgin, A. Z., Uğuz, M. F., Bölükbaşı, A.S., Korucu, M., Özgül, N. 1996. Isparta büklümü doğusunda, otokton ve allokton birimlerin stratigrafisi (Batı Toroslar). Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 118, 111-160.
  • US Geological Survey, 2002. Rare Earth Elements: Critical Resources for High Technology. USGS Fact Sheet 087-02.
  • US Geological Survey, 2014. Rare Earth Elements – Vital to Modern Technologies and Lifestyles USGS Fact Sheet 3078.
  • Verplanck, P.L., Nordstrom, D.K., Taylor, H.E. 1999. Overview of rare earth element investigations in acid waters of US Geological Survey abandoned mine lands watersheds. US Geol. Surv. Wat. Resourc. Invest. Rep. 83-92.
  • Yağmurlu, F., Savaçcın, Y., Ergün, M. 1997. Relation of alkaline volcanism and active tectonism within the evolution of the Isparta Angle, SW Turkey. The Journal of Geology 105(6), 717-728.
Toplam 43 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Mühendislik
Bölüm Makaleler

Ebru Tat Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-1480-649X

Mustafa Gurhan Yalcın Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-8011-5371

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Ağustos 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020

Kaynak Göster

APA Tat, E., & Yalcın, M. G. (2020). Rare earth element contents, geochemistry of soil samples between Burdur and Isparta region and assessment of their origin. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration, 162(162), 93-102.
AMA Tat E, Yalcın MG. Rare earth element contents, geochemistry of soil samples between Burdur and Isparta region and assessment of their origin. Bull.Min.Res.Exp. Ağustos 2020;162(162):93-102. doi:10.19111/bulletinofmre.687929
Chicago Tat, Ebru, ve Mustafa Gurhan Yalcın. “Rare Earth Element Contents, Geochemistry of Soil Samples Between Burdur and Isparta Region and Assessment of Their Origin”. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 162, sy. 162 (Ağustos 2020): 93-102.
EndNote Tat E, Yalcın MG (01 Ağustos 2020) Rare earth element contents, geochemistry of soil samples between Burdur and Isparta region and assessment of their origin. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 162 162 93–102.
IEEE E. Tat ve M. G. Yalcın, “Rare earth element contents, geochemistry of soil samples between Burdur and Isparta region and assessment of their origin”, Bull.Min.Res.Exp., c. 162, sy. 162, ss. 93–102, 2020, doi: 10.19111/bulletinofmre.687929.
ISNAD Tat, Ebru - Yalcın, Mustafa Gurhan. “Rare Earth Element Contents, Geochemistry of Soil Samples Between Burdur and Isparta Region and Assessment of Their Origin”. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 162/162 (Ağustos 2020), 93-102.
JAMA Tat E, Yalcın MG. Rare earth element contents, geochemistry of soil samples between Burdur and Isparta region and assessment of their origin. Bull.Min.Res.Exp. 2020;162:93–102.
MLA Tat, Ebru ve Mustafa Gurhan Yalcın. “Rare Earth Element Contents, Geochemistry of Soil Samples Between Burdur and Isparta Region and Assessment of Their Origin”. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration, c. 162, sy. 162, 2020, ss. 93-102, doi:10.19111/bulletinofmre.687929.
Vancouver Tat E, Yalcın MG. Rare earth element contents, geochemistry of soil samples between Burdur and Isparta region and assessment of their origin. Bull.Min.Res.Exp. 2020;162(162):93-102.

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