Petrographic characteristics of deep marine turbidite sandstones of the Upper Cretaceous Tanjero Formation, Northwestern Sulaimaniyah, Iraq: Implications for provenance and tectonic setting
Yıl 2021,
, 11 - 38, 15.04.2021
Hasan Çelik
Hemin Muhammad Hama Salih
This study was carried out to determine the sedimentary provenance of Upper Cretaceous turbidites of Tanjero Formation. The sandstone portion of the unit has been examined based on field and laboratory studies. Seven sections were measured and described in detail on the perfectly cropped out part of the unit at the southern limb of the Sulaimaniyah Syncline. The thickness of the measured sections varies from 120 m to 192 m. The measured sections start from the top of the underlying Shiranish Formation to the syncline axis in the Tanjero Formation. For petrographic analysis sixty- nine representative rock samples were collected. Modal analysis and ternary diagrams point out that, the sandstones are calclithite (litharenite), very fine to medium grained in size consisting of chert, siltstone, mudstone, radiolarian chert and radiolarian mudstone fragments, angular to subangular in shape, very poorly to moderately sorted, transported over short distances and represent submature stage. Grain contact types and high contact index (4.7) indicate moderate to tightly packing, moderate compaction. Transported broken neritic fossil shells, moderately rounded glauconite grains, and undefinable fossils in the altered carbonate rock fragments indicate that the tectonic provenance, lithic recycle category, composed of not only the clastics as interpreted in previous studies derived from Lower Cretaceous Qulqula (radiolarian) Formation which represents deep marine, but also it revealed that a sedimentary formation must also exist in the source area, which is the Lower Cretaceous Balambo Formation.
The authors would like to thank to Professor Dr. Polla Azad Khanaqa head of the Institute for Strategic Studies and Scientific Researchin Sulaimaniyah, Iraq, for his hospitality, valuable advices on security and the preparation of the thin sections in the laboratory of the institute.We also wish to thank two anonymous reviewers for the time spent on this manuscript; their comments and suggestions have made significant improvements to the work.
- Abdel Kireem, M. R. 1986a. Contribution to the Stratigrap- hy of the Upper Cretaceous and Lower Tertiary of the Sulaimaniyah - Dokan Region, Northeastern Iraq. Neues Jahrbuch Für Geologie Und Paläonto- logie – Abhandlungen 172 (1), 121-139.
- Abdel Kireem, M. R. 1986b. Planctonic Foraminifera and stratigraphy of the Tanjero Formation (Maastri- chtian), northeastern Iraq. Micropaleontology 32, 215-231.
- Al Mehaidi, H.M. 1975. Tertiary nappe in Mawat range, NE Iraq. Geological Society of Iraq 8, 31 - 44.
- Al Rawi, I. 1981. Sedimentology and Petrology of Tanjero Clastic Formation in north and northeastern Iraq. Unpublished Ph. D. Thesis, University of Bagh- dad, 295.
- Alavi, M. 2004. Regional stratigraphy of the Zagros fold-th- rust belt of Iran and its proforeland evolution. American Journal of Science 304, 1-20.
- Alavi, M. 2007. Structures of the Zagros fold-thrust belt in Iran. American Journal of Science 307, 1067- 1095.
- Ameen, B.M. 2008. Lithostratigraphy and Sedimentology of Qamchuqa Formation from, NE Iraq. Unpublis- hed Ph. D. Thesis. University of Sulaimani 147p.
- Armas, P., Moreno, C., Sánchez, M.L., González, F. 2014. Sedimentary palaeoenvironment, petrography, provenance and diagenetic inference of the Anac- leto Formation in the Neuquén Basin, Late Cre- taceous, Argentina. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 53, 59-76.
- Bellen, R.C.V., Dunnington, H.V., Wetzel, R., Morton, D.M. 1959. Lexique. Stratigraphique International, Asie Paris.
- Bordy, E.M., Hancox, J.P., Rubidge, B.S. 2004. Provenan- ce studies of the late Triassicearly Jurassic Elliot formation, main Karoo Basin, South Africa. Ge- ological Society of South Africa.South African Journal of Geology 107, 587-602, 59-76.
- Buday, T., Jassim, S.Z. 1987. The Regional geology of Iraq: Tectonism Magmatism, and Metamorphism. In:
M. J. Abbas and Jassim, S. Z (Ed.). Geosurvey, Baghdad, Iraq, 445.
- Cingolani, C.A., Manassero, M., Abre, P. 2003. Composi- tion, provenance and tectonic setting of Ordovi- cian siliciclastic rocks in the San Rafael block: southern extension of the Precordillera crustal fragment, Argentina. Journal of South American Earth Science 16, 91-106.
- Çelik, H, Salih, T.M.H. 2018. Provenance investigation from sedimentary petrography of the Upper Cretaceous deep marine low density turbidites of the Tanjero Formation around Arbat, northeastern Iraq. Tur- kish Journal of Earth Sciences 27 (6), 432-459.
- De Vera, J., Gines, J., Oehlers, M., McClay, K., Doski, J. 2009. Structure of The Zagros fold and thrust belt in the, northern Iraq. Trabajos de Geología, Uni- versidad de Oviedo 29, 213-217.
- Dickinson, W.R. 1970. Interpreting detrital modes of greywacke and arkose. Journal of Sedimentary Research 40, 695–707.
- Dickinson, W.R. 1988. Provenance and sediment dispersal in relation to paleotectonics and paleogeography of sedimentary basins. In: Kleinspehn KL, Poala C, editors. New Perspectives in Basin Analysis. New York, NY, USA: Springer, pp. 3-25.
- Dickinson, W.R., Suczek, C. 1979. Plate tectonics and san- dstone composition. American Association of Pet- roleum Geologist Bulletin 63, 2164-2194.
- Dickinson, W.R., Beard, S., Brakenbridge, F., Erjavec, J., Fergusion, R., Inman, K., Knepp, R., Linberg, P., Ryberg, P. 1983. Provenance of the North Ameri- can Phanerozoic sandstones in relation to tectonic setting. Geological Society of America Bulletin 64, 222-235.
- Dunnington, H.V. 1958. Generation, Migration and Dissi- pation of Oil in northern Iraq. Arabian Gulf, Ge- ology and Productivity. American Association of Petroleum Geologist Foreign Reprint Series No. 2.
- Folk, R.L. 1951. Stages of textural maturity in sedimentary rocks. Journal of Sedimentary Petrology 21,127– 130.
- Folk, R.L. 1966. A review of grain-size parameters. Sedi- mentology 6, 73-93.
- Gazzi, P. 1966. Le arenarie del flysch sopracretaceo dell’Ap- pennino modenese; correlazioni conil flysch di Monghidoro: Mineralogische und Petrographisc- he Acta 12, p 69–97.
- Ghosh, S., Sarkar, S., Ghosh, P.2012. Petrography and major element geochemistry of the Permo-Triassic san- dstones, central India: implications for provenan- ce in an intracratonic pull-apart basin. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 43(1), 207–240.
- Iraq Oil and Gas Report Q1. 2018. Includes 10-Year Fo- recasts to 2026. BMI Research, A Fitch Group Company.
- Jaza, I. 1992. Sedimentary facies analysis of the Tanjero Clastic Formation in Sulaimaniyah District, nort- heast Iraq. Unpublished MSc. Thesis, Salahaddin University, 121.
- Johnson. M.R. 1976. Stratigraphy and Sedimentology of the Cape and Karoo Sequences in the Eastern Cape. Ph.D. Thesis (Unpublished). Rhodes University, Grahams town, South Africa 1-267.
- Karim, K.H. 2004. Basin Analysis of Tanjero Formation in Sulaimaniyah Area, NE-Iraq. PhD. Thesis.
- Karim, K.H. 2007. Possible effect of storm on sediments of Upper Cretaceous Foreland Basin: a case study for tempestite in Tanjero Formation, Sulaimanyia Area, NE-Iraq. Iraqi Journal of Earth Science 7, 1-10.
- Karim, K.H. 2010. Modification of the time-expanded stra- tigraphic column of North East Iraq during Cre- taceous and Tertiary. Published in: Petroleum Geology of Iraq (First Symposium, 21-22 April, Baghdad, Abstract book, 4.
- Karim, K.H., Surdashy, A.M. 2005a. Palaeocurrent analysis of Upper Cretaceous Foreland basin a case study for Tanjero Formation in Sulaimaniyah area, NE-Iraq, 2005. Iraqi Journal of Earth Science 5, 30-44.
- Karim, K.H., Surdashy, A.M. 2005b. Tectonic and deposi- tional history of Upper Cretaceous Tanjero For- mation in Sulaimaniyah area, NE-Iraq. Journal of Zankoi Sulaimani 8, 47-62.
- Karim, K.H., Taha, Z.A. 2009. Tectonical history of Arabi- an platform during Late Cretaceous an example from NE Iraq. Iranian Journal of Earth Sciences 1, 1-14.
- Karim, K.H., Al-Hamadani, R.K., Ahmad, S.H. 2012. Re- lations between Deep and Shallow Stratigraphic Units of northern Iraq during Cretaceous. Iranian Journal of Earth Sciences 4, 95-103.
- Karim, K.H., Ismail, K.M., Bziany, M.M. 2014. Origin of Fossiliferous Limestone Beds inside the Upper Part of Tanjero Formation at the Northwest of Sulaimaniyah Area, NE Iraq. Journal of Zankoi Sulaimaniyah 17, 155-165.
- Kassab, I.I.M. 1975. Planktonic Foraminifera Range in the type Tanjero Formation Upper Campanian-Ma- astrichtian) of N. Iraq. Geological Society of Iraq 8, 73 - 86.
- Koshnaw, R.I., Stockli, D.F., Schlunegger, F. 2018. Timing of the Arabia-Eurasia continental collision—Evidence from detrital zircon U-Pb geochronology of the Red Bed Series strata of the northwest Zagros hinterland, K. region of Iraq. Geology 47: 47-50.
- Koshnaw, R.I., Horton, B.K., Stockli, D.F., Barber, D.E., Tamar-Agha, M.Y. 2019. Sediment routing in the Zagros foreland basin: Drainage reorganization and a shift from axial to transverse sediment dispersal in the northern Iraq Basin Research 00: 1-28.
- Lawa, F.A., Koyi, H., Ibrahim, A. 2013. Tectono- Stratigraphic Evolution of The NW Segment of the Zagros Fold-Thrust Belt, NE Iraq. Journal of Petroleum Geology 36 (1), 75-96.
- Lawa, F.A., Al-Karadakhi, A.I., Ismail, K.M. 2017. An interfingering of the Upper Cretaceous rocks from Chwarta-Mawat Region (NE-Iraq). Iraqi Bulletin of Geology and Mining 13 (1), 15-26.
- Li, G., Pe-Piper, G., Piper, D.J.W. 2012. The provenance of Middle Jurassic sandstones in the Scotian Basin: petrographic evidence of passive margin tectonics. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 49, 1463–1477.
- Lowe, D.R. 1982. Sediment gravity flows: II. Depositional models with special reference to the deposits of high-density turbidity currents. Journal of Sedimentology 52, 279-297.
- Malekzade, Z., Bellier, O., Abbassi, M.R., Shabanian, E., Authemayou, C. 2016. The effects of plate margin inhomogeneity on the deformation pattern within West-Central Zagros Fold-and-Thrust Belt. Tectonophysics 693, 304–326.
- Mange, M.A., Morton, A.C. 2007. Geochemistry of heavy minerals. In Heavy Minerals in Use. Edited by
M. Mange, and D.K. Wright. Developments in Sedimentology 58, 345–391.
- Minas, H. 1997. Sequence stratigraphic analysis of the Upper Cretaceous succession of Central and northern Iraq. Unpublished PhD. Thesis, University of Baghdad. 188.
- Moradpour, A., Sahamieh, R.Z., Khalaji, A.A., Sarikhani, R. 2017. Textural records and geochemistry of the Kermanshah mantle peridotites (Iran): implications for the tectonic evolution of southern Neo-Tethys. Journal of Geosciences 62, 165–186.
- Motaghi, K., Shabanian, E., Tatar, M., Cuffaro, M., Doglioni, C. 2017. The south Zagros suture zone in tele seismic images. Tectonophysics 694, 292–301.
- Pettijohn, F.J., Potter, P.E., Siever, R. 1987. Sand and Sandstone. Second edition. Springer -Verlag. New York Inc. New York. 553.
- Potter, P.E., Pettijohn, F.J. 1977. Palaeocurrent and Basin Analysis, second ed., 413. Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
- Raymond, L.A. 1995. The Study of Igneous, Sedimentary and Metamorphic Rocks. Wm.C. Brown Communication Inc., United States of America, 264-388.
- Rieser, A.B., Neubauer, F., Liu, Y., Ge, X. 2005. Sandstone Provenance of north-western sectors of the intracontinental Cenozoic Qaidam basin, western China: Tectonic Vs Climatic control. Journal of Sedimentary Geology 177, 1–18.
- Sharbazheri, K.M. 2007. Aging of unconformity within Tanjero Formation in Chwarta Area Northeast of Iraq. Iraqi Journal of Earth Science 7, 37-54.
- Sharbazheri, K.M. 2010. Planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy of the upper Cretaceous reddish to pale brown transitional succession in Smaquli area, northeast Iraq. Iraqi Bulletin of Geology and Mining 6, 1-20.
- Sissakian, V.K. 2013. Geological evolution of the Iraqi Mesopotamia Foredeep, inner platform and near surroundings of the Arabian Plate. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 72, 152–163.
- Sissakian, V.K., Fouad, S.F. 2015. Geological Map of Sulaimaniyah Quadrangle, at scale of 1: 250 000. Journal of Zankoi Sulaimani Part-A- Pure and Applied Sciences.
- Tucker, M.E. 2011. Sedimentary rocks in the field: A practical guide. 4th edn. A John Wiley and Sons Ltd. Publication, 276. ISBN: 978-0-470-68916-5.
Yıl 2021,
, 11 - 38, 15.04.2021
Hasan Çelik
Hemin Muhammad Hama Salih
- Abdel Kireem, M. R. 1986a. Contribution to the Stratigrap- hy of the Upper Cretaceous and Lower Tertiary of the Sulaimaniyah - Dokan Region, Northeastern Iraq. Neues Jahrbuch Für Geologie Und Paläonto- logie – Abhandlungen 172 (1), 121-139.
- Abdel Kireem, M. R. 1986b. Planctonic Foraminifera and stratigraphy of the Tanjero Formation (Maastri- chtian), northeastern Iraq. Micropaleontology 32, 215-231.
- Al Mehaidi, H.M. 1975. Tertiary nappe in Mawat range, NE Iraq. Geological Society of Iraq 8, 31 - 44.
- Al Rawi, I. 1981. Sedimentology and Petrology of Tanjero Clastic Formation in north and northeastern Iraq. Unpublished Ph. D. Thesis, University of Bagh- dad, 295.
- Alavi, M. 2004. Regional stratigraphy of the Zagros fold-th- rust belt of Iran and its proforeland evolution. American Journal of Science 304, 1-20.
- Alavi, M. 2007. Structures of the Zagros fold-thrust belt in Iran. American Journal of Science 307, 1067- 1095.
- Ameen, B.M. 2008. Lithostratigraphy and Sedimentology of Qamchuqa Formation from, NE Iraq. Unpublis- hed Ph. D. Thesis. University of Sulaimani 147p.
- Armas, P., Moreno, C., Sánchez, M.L., González, F. 2014. Sedimentary palaeoenvironment, petrography, provenance and diagenetic inference of the Anac- leto Formation in the Neuquén Basin, Late Cre- taceous, Argentina. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 53, 59-76.
- Bellen, R.C.V., Dunnington, H.V., Wetzel, R., Morton, D.M. 1959. Lexique. Stratigraphique International, Asie Paris.
- Bordy, E.M., Hancox, J.P., Rubidge, B.S. 2004. Provenan- ce studies of the late Triassicearly Jurassic Elliot formation, main Karoo Basin, South Africa. Ge- ological Society of South Africa.South African Journal of Geology 107, 587-602, 59-76.
- Buday, T., Jassim, S.Z. 1987. The Regional geology of Iraq: Tectonism Magmatism, and Metamorphism. In:
M. J. Abbas and Jassim, S. Z (Ed.). Geosurvey, Baghdad, Iraq, 445.
- Cingolani, C.A., Manassero, M., Abre, P. 2003. Composi- tion, provenance and tectonic setting of Ordovi- cian siliciclastic rocks in the San Rafael block: southern extension of the Precordillera crustal fragment, Argentina. Journal of South American Earth Science 16, 91-106.
- Çelik, H, Salih, T.M.H. 2018. Provenance investigation from sedimentary petrography of the Upper Cretaceous deep marine low density turbidites of the Tanjero Formation around Arbat, northeastern Iraq. Tur- kish Journal of Earth Sciences 27 (6), 432-459.
- De Vera, J., Gines, J., Oehlers, M., McClay, K., Doski, J. 2009. Structure of The Zagros fold and thrust belt in the, northern Iraq. Trabajos de Geología, Uni- versidad de Oviedo 29, 213-217.
- Dickinson, W.R. 1970. Interpreting detrital modes of greywacke and arkose. Journal of Sedimentary Research 40, 695–707.
- Dickinson, W.R. 1988. Provenance and sediment dispersal in relation to paleotectonics and paleogeography of sedimentary basins. In: Kleinspehn KL, Poala C, editors. New Perspectives in Basin Analysis. New York, NY, USA: Springer, pp. 3-25.
- Dickinson, W.R., Suczek, C. 1979. Plate tectonics and san- dstone composition. American Association of Pet- roleum Geologist Bulletin 63, 2164-2194.
- Dickinson, W.R., Beard, S., Brakenbridge, F., Erjavec, J., Fergusion, R., Inman, K., Knepp, R., Linberg, P., Ryberg, P. 1983. Provenance of the North Ameri- can Phanerozoic sandstones in relation to tectonic setting. Geological Society of America Bulletin 64, 222-235.
- Dunnington, H.V. 1958. Generation, Migration and Dissi- pation of Oil in northern Iraq. Arabian Gulf, Ge- ology and Productivity. American Association of Petroleum Geologist Foreign Reprint Series No. 2.
- Folk, R.L. 1951. Stages of textural maturity in sedimentary rocks. Journal of Sedimentary Petrology 21,127– 130.
- Folk, R.L. 1966. A review of grain-size parameters. Sedi- mentology 6, 73-93.
- Gazzi, P. 1966. Le arenarie del flysch sopracretaceo dell’Ap- pennino modenese; correlazioni conil flysch di Monghidoro: Mineralogische und Petrographisc- he Acta 12, p 69–97.
- Ghosh, S., Sarkar, S., Ghosh, P.2012. Petrography and major element geochemistry of the Permo-Triassic san- dstones, central India: implications for provenan- ce in an intracratonic pull-apart basin. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 43(1), 207–240.
- Iraq Oil and Gas Report Q1. 2018. Includes 10-Year Fo- recasts to 2026. BMI Research, A Fitch Group Company.
- Jaza, I. 1992. Sedimentary facies analysis of the Tanjero Clastic Formation in Sulaimaniyah District, nort- heast Iraq. Unpublished MSc. Thesis, Salahaddin University, 121.
- Johnson. M.R. 1976. Stratigraphy and Sedimentology of the Cape and Karoo Sequences in the Eastern Cape. Ph.D. Thesis (Unpublished). Rhodes University, Grahams town, South Africa 1-267.
- Karim, K.H. 2004. Basin Analysis of Tanjero Formation in Sulaimaniyah Area, NE-Iraq. PhD. Thesis.
- Karim, K.H. 2007. Possible effect of storm on sediments of Upper Cretaceous Foreland Basin: a case study for tempestite in Tanjero Formation, Sulaimanyia Area, NE-Iraq. Iraqi Journal of Earth Science 7, 1-10.
- Karim, K.H. 2010. Modification of the time-expanded stra- tigraphic column of North East Iraq during Cre- taceous and Tertiary. Published in: Petroleum Geology of Iraq (First Symposium, 21-22 April, Baghdad, Abstract book, 4.
- Karim, K.H., Surdashy, A.M. 2005a. Palaeocurrent analysis of Upper Cretaceous Foreland basin a case study for Tanjero Formation in Sulaimaniyah area, NE-Iraq, 2005. Iraqi Journal of Earth Science 5, 30-44.
- Karim, K.H., Surdashy, A.M. 2005b. Tectonic and deposi- tional history of Upper Cretaceous Tanjero For- mation in Sulaimaniyah area, NE-Iraq. Journal of Zankoi Sulaimani 8, 47-62.
- Karim, K.H., Taha, Z.A. 2009. Tectonical history of Arabi- an platform during Late Cretaceous an example from NE Iraq. Iranian Journal of Earth Sciences 1, 1-14.
- Karim, K.H., Al-Hamadani, R.K., Ahmad, S.H. 2012. Re- lations between Deep and Shallow Stratigraphic Units of northern Iraq during Cretaceous. Iranian Journal of Earth Sciences 4, 95-103.
- Karim, K.H., Ismail, K.M., Bziany, M.M. 2014. Origin of Fossiliferous Limestone Beds inside the Upper Part of Tanjero Formation at the Northwest of Sulaimaniyah Area, NE Iraq. Journal of Zankoi Sulaimaniyah 17, 155-165.
- Kassab, I.I.M. 1975. Planktonic Foraminifera Range in the type Tanjero Formation Upper Campanian-Ma- astrichtian) of N. Iraq. Geological Society of Iraq 8, 73 - 86.
- Koshnaw, R.I., Stockli, D.F., Schlunegger, F. 2018. Timing of the Arabia-Eurasia continental collision—Evidence from detrital zircon U-Pb geochronology of the Red Bed Series strata of the northwest Zagros hinterland, K. region of Iraq. Geology 47: 47-50.
- Koshnaw, R.I., Horton, B.K., Stockli, D.F., Barber, D.E., Tamar-Agha, M.Y. 2019. Sediment routing in the Zagros foreland basin: Drainage reorganization and a shift from axial to transverse sediment dispersal in the northern Iraq Basin Research 00: 1-28.
- Lawa, F.A., Koyi, H., Ibrahim, A. 2013. Tectono- Stratigraphic Evolution of The NW Segment of the Zagros Fold-Thrust Belt, NE Iraq. Journal of Petroleum Geology 36 (1), 75-96.
- Lawa, F.A., Al-Karadakhi, A.I., Ismail, K.M. 2017. An interfingering of the Upper Cretaceous rocks from Chwarta-Mawat Region (NE-Iraq). Iraqi Bulletin of Geology and Mining 13 (1), 15-26.
- Li, G., Pe-Piper, G., Piper, D.J.W. 2012. The provenance of Middle Jurassic sandstones in the Scotian Basin: petrographic evidence of passive margin tectonics. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 49, 1463–1477.
- Lowe, D.R. 1982. Sediment gravity flows: II. Depositional models with special reference to the deposits of high-density turbidity currents. Journal of Sedimentology 52, 279-297.
- Malekzade, Z., Bellier, O., Abbassi, M.R., Shabanian, E., Authemayou, C. 2016. The effects of plate margin inhomogeneity on the deformation pattern within West-Central Zagros Fold-and-Thrust Belt. Tectonophysics 693, 304–326.
- Mange, M.A., Morton, A.C. 2007. Geochemistry of heavy minerals. In Heavy Minerals in Use. Edited by
M. Mange, and D.K. Wright. Developments in Sedimentology 58, 345–391.
- Minas, H. 1997. Sequence stratigraphic analysis of the Upper Cretaceous succession of Central and northern Iraq. Unpublished PhD. Thesis, University of Baghdad. 188.
- Moradpour, A., Sahamieh, R.Z., Khalaji, A.A., Sarikhani, R. 2017. Textural records and geochemistry of the Kermanshah mantle peridotites (Iran): implications for the tectonic evolution of southern Neo-Tethys. Journal of Geosciences 62, 165–186.
- Motaghi, K., Shabanian, E., Tatar, M., Cuffaro, M., Doglioni, C. 2017. The south Zagros suture zone in tele seismic images. Tectonophysics 694, 292–301.
- Pettijohn, F.J., Potter, P.E., Siever, R. 1987. Sand and Sandstone. Second edition. Springer -Verlag. New York Inc. New York. 553.
- Potter, P.E., Pettijohn, F.J. 1977. Palaeocurrent and Basin Analysis, second ed., 413. Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
- Raymond, L.A. 1995. The Study of Igneous, Sedimentary and Metamorphic Rocks. Wm.C. Brown Communication Inc., United States of America, 264-388.
- Rieser, A.B., Neubauer, F., Liu, Y., Ge, X. 2005. Sandstone Provenance of north-western sectors of the intracontinental Cenozoic Qaidam basin, western China: Tectonic Vs Climatic control. Journal of Sedimentary Geology 177, 1–18.
- Sharbazheri, K.M. 2007. Aging of unconformity within Tanjero Formation in Chwarta Area Northeast of Iraq. Iraqi Journal of Earth Science 7, 37-54.
- Sharbazheri, K.M. 2010. Planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy of the upper Cretaceous reddish to pale brown transitional succession in Smaquli area, northeast Iraq. Iraqi Bulletin of Geology and Mining 6, 1-20.
- Sissakian, V.K. 2013. Geological evolution of the Iraqi Mesopotamia Foredeep, inner platform and near surroundings of the Arabian Plate. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 72, 152–163.
- Sissakian, V.K., Fouad, S.F. 2015. Geological Map of Sulaimaniyah Quadrangle, at scale of 1: 250 000. Journal of Zankoi Sulaimani Part-A- Pure and Applied Sciences.
- Tucker, M.E. 2011. Sedimentary rocks in the field: A practical guide. 4th edn. A John Wiley and Sons Ltd. Publication, 276. ISBN: 978-0-470-68916-5.