Geological characteristics of the boundary between Bolkardağı-Bozkır Units and the Ulukışla Basin and the structural evolution of the region, Central Taurides, Turkey
Yıl 2021,
, 163 - 190, 19.08.2021
Tolga Esirtgen
Veysel Işık
The character of the boundary between the tectonic units in the Central Taurides and the Ulukışla Basin is controversial. The contact has been accepted as discordant or tectonic contact by different researchers. The deformation data of the units in the study area provide important information about the Mesozoic - Cenozoic period geological developments of the region. Regional compression in NW - SE direction has caused the development of fold, foliation and reverse fault type structures in the units in the study area. Similar structural deformations are observed in the rock units defined in the Ulukışla Basin as well. In this study, structural data were collected from the field in order to determine the deformation pattern and contact relations of the units in the region. Field data and structural analysis reveal that the contact between the Ulukışla Basin deposits and the Bolkardağı Unit in the study area is of 70° - 80° southeast dipping reverse fault character. These structural data in the region were interpreted as the product of a movement from southeast to northwest.
This study was carried out within the scope of “Orta Toroslar’daki Tektonik Hatların Kinematiği -Yaşlandırılması ve Evrimi” (so called the “Kinematics - Dating and Evolution of Tectonic Lines in the Central Taurides”) conducted by the Department of Geological Researches, MTA General Directorate, Ankara, Turkey and TÜBİTAK - 115Y140 project in 2016 - 2017. The authors are thankful to Assoc. Prof. Ayhan Ilgar, Assoc. Prof. Levent Karadenizli, Dr. Ayşe Çağlayan, Reza Saber and to Aycan Günay as they shared their opinions during field studies. Petrographic and paleontological examinations of the samples were carried out by Aylin Paçala and Fatma Gedik, respectively. The authors would also like to thank them for their assistance. The authors also appreciate to Prof. Dr. Yaşar Eren and two unknown referees for their supportive contributions and suggestions to make the article better.
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Yıl 2021,
, 163 - 190, 19.08.2021
Tolga Esirtgen
Veysel Işık
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