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Petrographic and palynological investigations of Sinanpaşa (Afyon) Miocene coals

Yıl 2018, Cilt: 156 Sayı: 156, 151 - 166, 27.06.2018


In this study, petrographical
and palynological analyses of coal samples from two regions (the Kırka region
in the south, and the Karacaören region in the north) of the Sinanpaşa (Afyon)
Neogene basin were performed. The coal-bearing Neogene sediments indicate the
occurrence of fi ve facies: paleosol, matrix-supported conglomerate,
coal-bearing mudstone, sandstone-claystone and laminated mudstones. Coal layers
are mainly within coal-bearing mudstone facies. In addition, there are various
types of coalifi ed materials in matrix-supported conglomerate and
sandstone-claystone facies. Based on coal petrography, an interpretation of the
coal-forming environment was made. The investigated coals mainly contain a
huminite maceral group. From the refl ection values (Rmax), these coals
can be classifi ed as sub-bituminous in rank, and as being deposited in swamp
zones associated with limnic environments. The palynological data indicates
that all studied coal-bearing units are of Mid-Miocene age. On the other hand,
based on MAT, CMT, WMT and MAP parameters, it can be stated that at that time
climatic conditions changed seasonally in the study area. Humid climatic
conditions prevailed during the period when the peat was formed, then later
transformed into the coal layers examined in this manuscript.


  • Akgün, F., Akyol, E. 1999. Palynostratigraphy of the coal-bearing Neogene deposits graben in Büyük Menderes Western Anatolia. Geobios 32, 367-383.
  • Akgün, F., Kaya, T., Forsten, A., Atalay, Z. 2000. Biostratigraphic data (Mammalia and Palynology) from the Upper Miocene İncesu Formation at Düzyayla (Hafik Sivas, Central Anataloia). Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences 9, 57-67.
  • Akgün, F., Kayseri, M.S., Akkiraz, M.S. 2007. Palaeoclimatic evolution and vegetational changes during the Late Oligocene-Miocene Period in the Western and Central Anatolia (Turkey). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 253, 56–90.
  • Anderson, D. 1997. The Relationship Between Magmatism and Borate Mineralisation in Western Turkey. PhD Thesis, University of Leicester, 138 p. Leicester (unpublished).
  • Aydar, E. 1998. Early Miocene to Quaternary evolution of volcanism and the basin formation in western Anatolia: a review. Journal of volcanology and Geothermal Research 85, 69-82.
  • Becker-Platen, J.D. 1967. Afyon-Sincanlı-Güney havzasının Linyit Etütü. Maden Tetkik ve Arama Genel Müdürlüğü Report No: 6108, Ankara (unpublished).
  • Benda, L. 1971. Grundzüge einer pollenanalytischen Gliederung des türkischen Jungtertiärs (Känozoikum und Braunkohle der türkei). 4. Beihhefte zum Geologischen Jahrbuch 113, 1-46.
  • Benda, L. and Meunlenkamp, J.E. 1990. Biostratigraphic correlations in the Eastern Mediterranean Neogene 9. Sporomorph associations and event stratigraphy of the Eastern Mediterranean Neogene. Newsletter on Stratigraphy 23, 1-10.
  • Besang, C., Echart, F.J., Harre, W., Keruzer, H., Muller, P. 1977. Radiometrische altersbestimmungen an Neogenen erup-tigesteinen der Turkei. Geologisches Jahrbuch 25, 3-36.
  • Cameron, A.R., Kalkreuth, W.D., Koukouzas, C. 1984. The Petrology of Greek Brown Coals. International Journal of Coal Geology 4, 173-207.
  • Çevikbaş, A., Ercan, T., Metin, S. 1988. Geology and regional distribution of Neogene volcanics between Afyon Şuhut. Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences 21, 479-499.
  • Diessel, C.F.K. 1986. The correlation between coal facies and depositional environments, Advances in the Study of the Sydney Basin. Proceedings of the 20th Newcastle Symposium, 1986, University of New Castle, 19-22.
  • Ersoy, Y. E., Helvacı, C., Palmer, M. R. 2011. Stratigraphic, structural and geochemical features of the NE–SW trending Neogene volcano-sedimentary basins in western Anatolia: Implications for associations of supra-detachment and transtensional strike-slip basin formation in extensional tectonic setting. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 41, 2, 159-183.
  • Francalanci, L., Innocenti, F., Manetti, P., Savascin, M.Y. 2000. Neogene alkaline volcanism of the Afyon-Isparta area, Turkey: petrogenesis and geodynamic implications. Mineralogy and Petrology 70, 285-312.
  • Günen, E. 2011. Sincanlı Afyon Neojen havzası birimlerinin sedimantolojisi. PhD. Thesis, Ankara University, 200p. Ankara (unpublished).
  • Gürsoy, H., Piper, J.D.A., Tatar, O. 2003. Neotectonic deformation in the western sector of tectonic escape in Anatolia: palaeomagnetic study of the Afyon region, central Turkey. Tectonophysics 374, 57-79.
  • Hacquebard, P. A., Birmingham, T. F., Diessel, J.R. 1967. Petrography of Canadian colas in relation to environment of deposition. Symposium on the Science and Technology of Coal, 1967, Ottawa, 29-31.
  • Helvacı, C., Yağmurlu, F. 1995. Geological setting and economic potential of the lignite and evaporite-bearing Neogene basins of Western Anatolia, Turkey. Israel Journal of Earth Sciences 44, 91-105.
  • International Committee for Coal and Organic Petrology (ICCP). 1994. International Handbook of Coal Petrology.
  • International Committee for Coal and Organic Petrology (ICCP). 2001. The new inertinite classification. Fuel 80, 459-471.
  • Kalkreuth, W., Leckie, D. 1989. Sedimentalogical and petrographical characteristics of Cretaceous Strand plain coals: A model for coal accumulation from the North American Western Interior Seaway. International Journal of Coal Geology 12, 381-424.
  • Karamenderesi, İ.H. 1972. Afyon K 24b paftası detay jeolojik etüdü ve jeotermal alan olanakları. Maden Tetkik ve Arama Genel Müdürlüğü Report No: 5733, Ankara (unpublished).
  • Kartalkanat, A., Mutlu, H., Küçükayman, A. 1990. Afyon-Bayat-İhsaniye-Sincanlı I (ÖİR: 653), II (ÖİR: 653) ve III (ÖİR: 2149) nolu bortuzu sahalarının maden jeolojisi raporu. Maden Tetkik ve Arama Genel Müdürlüğü Report No: 3092, Ankara (unpublished).
  • Kaya, O. 1979. Ortadoğu Ege çöküntüsünün (Neojen) stratigrafisi ve tekniği. Türkiye Jeoloji Kurumu Bülteni 22, 35-58.
  • Kaya, O. 1981. Miocene reference section for the coastal parts of West Anatolia. Newsletters on Stratigraphy 10, 164-191.
  • Koçyiğit, A. 1984. Güneybatı Türkiye ve yakın dolaylarında levha içi yeni tektonik gelişim. Türkiye Jeoloji Kurumu Bülteni 27, 1-16.
  • Koçyiğit, A., Deveci Ş. 2007. Çukurören-Çobanlar (Afyon) arasındaki deprem kaynaklarının (aktif fayların) belirlenmesi. Türkiye Bilimsel ve Teknik Araştırma Kurumu Project No: 106Y209, 71p, Ankara (unpublished).
  • Koçyiğit, A., Özacar, A.A. 2003. Extensional Neotectonic regime through the NE edge of the outer Isparta Angle, SW Turkey: New field and seismic data. Turkish journal of Earth Sciences 12, 67-90.
  • Konyalı, Y. 1968. Sincanlı Dumlupınar Bölgesinin Jeolojisi ve linyit Etüdleri. Maden Tetkik ve Arama Genel Müdürlüğü Rapor No: 4404, Ankara (unpublished).
  • Lamberson, M. N., Bustin, R.M., Kalkreuth, W. 1991. Lithotype (maceral) composition and variation as correlated with paleo-wetland environments, Gates Formation, Northeastern British Colombia, Canada. International Journal of Coal Geology 18, 87-125.
  • Metin, S., Genç, İ., Bulut, V. 1987. Afyon ve dolayının jeolojisi. Maden Tetkik ve Arama Genel Müdürlüğü Rapor No: 2113, Ankara (unpublished).
  • Mosbrugger, V., Utescher, T. 1997. The Coextistence approach-a method for quantitative reconstructions of Tertiary terrestrial paleoclimate data using plant fossils. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 134, 1-4, 61-86.
  • Naik, A. S., Singh, M. P., Volkmann, N., Singh, P. K., Mohanty, D., Kumar, D. 2016. Petrographic Characteristics and Paleomires of Mand-Raigarh Coals, Mahanadi Gondwana Basin, Chhattisgarh,India. International Journal of Coal Science and Technology 3, 165-183.
  • Öcal, H., Göktaş, F. 2011. 1:100000 ölçekli Türkiye Jeoloji Haritaları Afyon-K24 paftası. Maden Tetkik ve Arama Genel Müdürlüğü Jeoloji Etütleri Dairesi, No: 158, 31p, Ankara.
  • Özgül, N., Bölükbaşı, S., Alkan, H., Öztaş, Y. 1991. Sultandağları Sandıklı Homa-Akdağı yöresinin jeolojisi. Türkiye Petrolleri Anonim Ortaklığı Arama Grubu Report No: 3028, Ankara (unpublished).
  • Robertson, A.H.F., Dixon, J.E. 1984. Introduction: Aspects of the geological evolution of the eastern Mediterranean. Dixon, J.E., Robertson, A.H.F. (Ed.). The Evolution of the Eastern Mediterranean. Geological Society of London. Special Publication 17, 1-74.
  • Singh, M. P., Singh, P. K. 1996. Petrographic characterization and evolution of the Permian coal deposits of the Rajmahal basin, Bihar, India. International Journal of Coal Geology 29, 93-118.
  • Singh, M.P., Singh, P.K, Singh, A.K. 2003. Petrography and Depositional environments of the Permian Coal Deposits of Deoghar Basins, Bihar. Journal of the Geological Society of India 61, 419-438.
  • Singh, P. K., Singh, M. P., Singh, A. K. 2010a. Petro-chemical characterization and evolution of Vastan Lignite, Gujarat, India. International Journal of Coal Geology 82, 1-16.
  • Singh, P. K., Singh, M. P., Singh, A. K., Arora, M. 2010b. Petrographic characteristics of coal from the Lati Formation, Tarakan basin, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. International Journal of Coal Geology 81, 109-116.
  • Singh, P. K., Singh, G.P. Singh, M. P. 2011. Characterization of coal of seams II, III and IIIA from Ramagundam Coalfield, Godavari valley, Andhra Pradesh, India. Energy Sources Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, Taylor and Francis 33, 1863-1870.
  • Singh, P.K.. Singh, M. P. Singh, A. K. Naik, A. S. Singh, Vikas K Singh, Vijay K., Rajak P. K. 2012a. Petrological and geochemical investigations of Rajpardi lignite deposit, Gujarat, India. Energy, Exploration and Exploitation 30, 131-152.
  • Singh, P. K., Singh, M. P., Singh A. K., Naik. A. S. 2012b. Petrographic and geochemical characterization of coals from Tiru valley, Nagaland, NE India. Energy, Exploration and Exploitation 30, 171-192.
  • Singh, P. K., Singh, M. P., Prachiti, P. K., Kalpana, M. S., Manikyamba, C., Lakshminarayana, G., Singh Alok K., Naik, A. S. 2012c. Petrographic characteristics and carbon isotopic composition of Permian coal: Implications on depositional environment of Sattupalli coalfield, Godavari Valley, India. International Journal of Coal Geology 90-91, 34-42.
  • Singh A. K., Singh, M. P., Singh P. K. 2013a. Petrological investigations of Oligocene coals from foreland basin of northeast India. Energy, Exploration and Exploitation 31, 909-936.
  • Singh, P. K., Singh, G.P., Singh, M. P., Naik, A.S. 2013b. Petrology of coals from Rampur Seam-IV and Lajkura seam, Ib River coalfield, Mahanadi Valley, Orissa, India. Energy Sources Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, Taylor & Francis 35, 1681-1690.
  • Singh, P. K., Singh, M. P., Volkmann, N., Naik, A. S., Börner, K. 2014. Petrological Characteristics of Lower Gondwana Coal from Singrauli Coalfield, Madhya Pradesh, India. International Journal of Oil, Gas and Coal Technology 8, 194-220.
  • Singh, P. K., Rajak, P. K., Singh, M. P. Singh, V. K., Naik, A. S., Singh, A. K. 2016. Peat swamps at Giral lignite field of Barmer basin, Rajasthan, Western India: Understanding the Evolution through Petrological Modelling International Journal of Coal Science and Technology 3,148–164.
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Yıl 2018, Cilt: 156 Sayı: 156, 151 - 166, 27.06.2018



  • Akgün, F., Akyol, E. 1999. Palynostratigraphy of the coal-bearing Neogene deposits graben in Büyük Menderes Western Anatolia. Geobios 32, 367-383.
  • Akgün, F., Kaya, T., Forsten, A., Atalay, Z. 2000. Biostratigraphic data (Mammalia and Palynology) from the Upper Miocene İncesu Formation at Düzyayla (Hafik Sivas, Central Anataloia). Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences 9, 57-67.
  • Akgün, F., Kayseri, M.S., Akkiraz, M.S. 2007. Palaeoclimatic evolution and vegetational changes during the Late Oligocene-Miocene Period in the Western and Central Anatolia (Turkey). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 253, 56–90.
  • Anderson, D. 1997. The Relationship Between Magmatism and Borate Mineralisation in Western Turkey. PhD Thesis, University of Leicester, 138 p. Leicester (unpublished).
  • Aydar, E. 1998. Early Miocene to Quaternary evolution of volcanism and the basin formation in western Anatolia: a review. Journal of volcanology and Geothermal Research 85, 69-82.
  • Becker-Platen, J.D. 1967. Afyon-Sincanlı-Güney havzasının Linyit Etütü. Maden Tetkik ve Arama Genel Müdürlüğü Report No: 6108, Ankara (unpublished).
  • Benda, L. 1971. Grundzüge einer pollenanalytischen Gliederung des türkischen Jungtertiärs (Känozoikum und Braunkohle der türkei). 4. Beihhefte zum Geologischen Jahrbuch 113, 1-46.
  • Benda, L. and Meunlenkamp, J.E. 1990. Biostratigraphic correlations in the Eastern Mediterranean Neogene 9. Sporomorph associations and event stratigraphy of the Eastern Mediterranean Neogene. Newsletter on Stratigraphy 23, 1-10.
  • Besang, C., Echart, F.J., Harre, W., Keruzer, H., Muller, P. 1977. Radiometrische altersbestimmungen an Neogenen erup-tigesteinen der Turkei. Geologisches Jahrbuch 25, 3-36.
  • Cameron, A.R., Kalkreuth, W.D., Koukouzas, C. 1984. The Petrology of Greek Brown Coals. International Journal of Coal Geology 4, 173-207.
  • Çevikbaş, A., Ercan, T., Metin, S. 1988. Geology and regional distribution of Neogene volcanics between Afyon Şuhut. Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences 21, 479-499.
  • Diessel, C.F.K. 1986. The correlation between coal facies and depositional environments, Advances in the Study of the Sydney Basin. Proceedings of the 20th Newcastle Symposium, 1986, University of New Castle, 19-22.
  • Ersoy, Y. E., Helvacı, C., Palmer, M. R. 2011. Stratigraphic, structural and geochemical features of the NE–SW trending Neogene volcano-sedimentary basins in western Anatolia: Implications for associations of supra-detachment and transtensional strike-slip basin formation in extensional tectonic setting. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 41, 2, 159-183.
  • Francalanci, L., Innocenti, F., Manetti, P., Savascin, M.Y. 2000. Neogene alkaline volcanism of the Afyon-Isparta area, Turkey: petrogenesis and geodynamic implications. Mineralogy and Petrology 70, 285-312.
  • Günen, E. 2011. Sincanlı Afyon Neojen havzası birimlerinin sedimantolojisi. PhD. Thesis, Ankara University, 200p. Ankara (unpublished).
  • Gürsoy, H., Piper, J.D.A., Tatar, O. 2003. Neotectonic deformation in the western sector of tectonic escape in Anatolia: palaeomagnetic study of the Afyon region, central Turkey. Tectonophysics 374, 57-79.
  • Hacquebard, P. A., Birmingham, T. F., Diessel, J.R. 1967. Petrography of Canadian colas in relation to environment of deposition. Symposium on the Science and Technology of Coal, 1967, Ottawa, 29-31.
  • Helvacı, C., Yağmurlu, F. 1995. Geological setting and economic potential of the lignite and evaporite-bearing Neogene basins of Western Anatolia, Turkey. Israel Journal of Earth Sciences 44, 91-105.
  • International Committee for Coal and Organic Petrology (ICCP). 1994. International Handbook of Coal Petrology.
  • International Committee for Coal and Organic Petrology (ICCP). 2001. The new inertinite classification. Fuel 80, 459-471.
  • Kalkreuth, W., Leckie, D. 1989. Sedimentalogical and petrographical characteristics of Cretaceous Strand plain coals: A model for coal accumulation from the North American Western Interior Seaway. International Journal of Coal Geology 12, 381-424.
  • Karamenderesi, İ.H. 1972. Afyon K 24b paftası detay jeolojik etüdü ve jeotermal alan olanakları. Maden Tetkik ve Arama Genel Müdürlüğü Report No: 5733, Ankara (unpublished).
  • Kartalkanat, A., Mutlu, H., Küçükayman, A. 1990. Afyon-Bayat-İhsaniye-Sincanlı I (ÖİR: 653), II (ÖİR: 653) ve III (ÖİR: 2149) nolu bortuzu sahalarının maden jeolojisi raporu. Maden Tetkik ve Arama Genel Müdürlüğü Report No: 3092, Ankara (unpublished).
  • Kaya, O. 1979. Ortadoğu Ege çöküntüsünün (Neojen) stratigrafisi ve tekniği. Türkiye Jeoloji Kurumu Bülteni 22, 35-58.
  • Kaya, O. 1981. Miocene reference section for the coastal parts of West Anatolia. Newsletters on Stratigraphy 10, 164-191.
  • Koçyiğit, A. 1984. Güneybatı Türkiye ve yakın dolaylarında levha içi yeni tektonik gelişim. Türkiye Jeoloji Kurumu Bülteni 27, 1-16.
  • Koçyiğit, A., Deveci Ş. 2007. Çukurören-Çobanlar (Afyon) arasındaki deprem kaynaklarının (aktif fayların) belirlenmesi. Türkiye Bilimsel ve Teknik Araştırma Kurumu Project No: 106Y209, 71p, Ankara (unpublished).
  • Koçyiğit, A., Özacar, A.A. 2003. Extensional Neotectonic regime through the NE edge of the outer Isparta Angle, SW Turkey: New field and seismic data. Turkish journal of Earth Sciences 12, 67-90.
  • Konyalı, Y. 1968. Sincanlı Dumlupınar Bölgesinin Jeolojisi ve linyit Etüdleri. Maden Tetkik ve Arama Genel Müdürlüğü Rapor No: 4404, Ankara (unpublished).
  • Lamberson, M. N., Bustin, R.M., Kalkreuth, W. 1991. Lithotype (maceral) composition and variation as correlated with paleo-wetland environments, Gates Formation, Northeastern British Colombia, Canada. International Journal of Coal Geology 18, 87-125.
  • Metin, S., Genç, İ., Bulut, V. 1987. Afyon ve dolayının jeolojisi. Maden Tetkik ve Arama Genel Müdürlüğü Rapor No: 2113, Ankara (unpublished).
  • Mosbrugger, V., Utescher, T. 1997. The Coextistence approach-a method for quantitative reconstructions of Tertiary terrestrial paleoclimate data using plant fossils. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 134, 1-4, 61-86.
  • Naik, A. S., Singh, M. P., Volkmann, N., Singh, P. K., Mohanty, D., Kumar, D. 2016. Petrographic Characteristics and Paleomires of Mand-Raigarh Coals, Mahanadi Gondwana Basin, Chhattisgarh,India. International Journal of Coal Science and Technology 3, 165-183.
  • Öcal, H., Göktaş, F. 2011. 1:100000 ölçekli Türkiye Jeoloji Haritaları Afyon-K24 paftası. Maden Tetkik ve Arama Genel Müdürlüğü Jeoloji Etütleri Dairesi, No: 158, 31p, Ankara.
  • Özgül, N., Bölükbaşı, S., Alkan, H., Öztaş, Y. 1991. Sultandağları Sandıklı Homa-Akdağı yöresinin jeolojisi. Türkiye Petrolleri Anonim Ortaklığı Arama Grubu Report No: 3028, Ankara (unpublished).
  • Robertson, A.H.F., Dixon, J.E. 1984. Introduction: Aspects of the geological evolution of the eastern Mediterranean. Dixon, J.E., Robertson, A.H.F. (Ed.). The Evolution of the Eastern Mediterranean. Geological Society of London. Special Publication 17, 1-74.
  • Singh, M. P., Singh, P. K. 1996. Petrographic characterization and evolution of the Permian coal deposits of the Rajmahal basin, Bihar, India. International Journal of Coal Geology 29, 93-118.
  • Singh, M.P., Singh, P.K, Singh, A.K. 2003. Petrography and Depositional environments of the Permian Coal Deposits of Deoghar Basins, Bihar. Journal of the Geological Society of India 61, 419-438.
  • Singh, P. K., Singh, M. P., Singh, A. K. 2010a. Petro-chemical characterization and evolution of Vastan Lignite, Gujarat, India. International Journal of Coal Geology 82, 1-16.
  • Singh, P. K., Singh, M. P., Singh, A. K., Arora, M. 2010b. Petrographic characteristics of coal from the Lati Formation, Tarakan basin, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. International Journal of Coal Geology 81, 109-116.
  • Singh, P. K., Singh, G.P. Singh, M. P. 2011. Characterization of coal of seams II, III and IIIA from Ramagundam Coalfield, Godavari valley, Andhra Pradesh, India. Energy Sources Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, Taylor and Francis 33, 1863-1870.
  • Singh, P.K.. Singh, M. P. Singh, A. K. Naik, A. S. Singh, Vikas K Singh, Vijay K., Rajak P. K. 2012a. Petrological and geochemical investigations of Rajpardi lignite deposit, Gujarat, India. Energy, Exploration and Exploitation 30, 131-152.
  • Singh, P. K., Singh, M. P., Singh A. K., Naik. A. S. 2012b. Petrographic and geochemical characterization of coals from Tiru valley, Nagaland, NE India. Energy, Exploration and Exploitation 30, 171-192.
  • Singh, P. K., Singh, M. P., Prachiti, P. K., Kalpana, M. S., Manikyamba, C., Lakshminarayana, G., Singh Alok K., Naik, A. S. 2012c. Petrographic characteristics and carbon isotopic composition of Permian coal: Implications on depositional environment of Sattupalli coalfield, Godavari Valley, India. International Journal of Coal Geology 90-91, 34-42.
  • Singh A. K., Singh, M. P., Singh P. K. 2013a. Petrological investigations of Oligocene coals from foreland basin of northeast India. Energy, Exploration and Exploitation 31, 909-936.
  • Singh, P. K., Singh, G.P., Singh, M. P., Naik, A.S. 2013b. Petrology of coals from Rampur Seam-IV and Lajkura seam, Ib River coalfield, Mahanadi Valley, Orissa, India. Energy Sources Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, Taylor & Francis 35, 1681-1690.
  • Singh, P. K., Singh, M. P., Volkmann, N., Naik, A. S., Börner, K. 2014. Petrological Characteristics of Lower Gondwana Coal from Singrauli Coalfield, Madhya Pradesh, India. International Journal of Oil, Gas and Coal Technology 8, 194-220.
  • Singh, P. K., Rajak, P. K., Singh, M. P. Singh, V. K., Naik, A. S., Singh, A. K. 2016. Peat swamps at Giral lignite field of Barmer basin, Rajasthan, Western India: Understanding the Evolution through Petrological Modelling International Journal of Coal Science and Technology 3,148–164.
  • Singh, P. K., Singh, V. K., Singh, M. P., Rajak, P. K. 2017a. Petrographic characteristics and Paleoenvironmental history of Eocene lignites of Cambay basin, Western India. International Journal of Coal Science and Technology 4, 214–233.
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Toplam 63 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Elif Akıska Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 27 Haziran 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018 Cilt: 156 Sayı: 156

Kaynak Göster

APA Akıska, E. (2018). Petrographic and palynological investigations of Sinanpaşa (Afyon) Miocene coals. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration, 156(156), 151-166.
AMA Akıska E. Petrographic and palynological investigations of Sinanpaşa (Afyon) Miocene coals. Bull.Min.Res.Exp. Haziran 2018;156(156):151-166. doi:10.19111/bulletinofmre.363345
Chicago Akıska, Elif. “Petrographic and Palynological Investigations of Sinanpaşa (Afyon) Miocene Coals”. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 156, sy. 156 (Haziran 2018): 151-66.
EndNote Akıska E (01 Haziran 2018) Petrographic and palynological investigations of Sinanpaşa (Afyon) Miocene coals. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 156 156 151–166.
IEEE E. Akıska, “Petrographic and palynological investigations of Sinanpaşa (Afyon) Miocene coals”, Bull.Min.Res.Exp., c. 156, sy. 156, ss. 151–166, 2018, doi: 10.19111/bulletinofmre.363345.
ISNAD Akıska, Elif. “Petrographic and Palynological Investigations of Sinanpaşa (Afyon) Miocene Coals”. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 156/156 (Haziran 2018), 151-166.
JAMA Akıska E. Petrographic and palynological investigations of Sinanpaşa (Afyon) Miocene coals. Bull.Min.Res.Exp. 2018;156:151–166.
MLA Akıska, Elif. “Petrographic and Palynological Investigations of Sinanpaşa (Afyon) Miocene Coals”. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration, c. 156, sy. 156, 2018, ss. 151-66, doi:10.19111/bulletinofmre.363345.
Vancouver Akıska E. Petrographic and palynological investigations of Sinanpaşa (Afyon) Miocene coals. Bull.Min.Res.Exp. 2018;156(156):151-66.

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