The terrigenous Neogene lithology in north of Karaburun peninsula is represented by LowerMiddle Miocene rock units which are cut and bounded by NW-SE trending synthetic faults.Dominant lacustrine sedimentation (Haseki and Hisarcık formations) of Early-Middle Mioceneperiod which was separated by upper and lower regional unconformities, and the Early Miocenemafic volcanism (Karaburun volcanites) were studied within the scope of Karaburun group.Haseki formation which reflects Early Miocene sedimentation begins with fills of alluvial fan ofthe Salman member and is basically formed by algal-biostromal Yeniliman limestone andlacustrine deposits of Aktepe member. With synsedimentary emplacement of the 1stphaseKaraburun volcanites over Yeniliman limestone platform, the dominant sequence which ismicritic limestone intercalating with diatomite of the Aktepe member was deposited inenvironmental conditions deepening towards shore-face. The effectiveness of NW trendingboundary faults which gave rise to 2ndphase of the Karaburun volcanism, shaping the westernedge of Foça depression towards the end of Early Miocene has not changed the dominantdepositional environment, and lacustrine sedimentation has continued with Hisarcık formation.Green and fine clastic shore-face sediments (Karaba¤ları member) of the Hisarcık formationwhich deposited the latest between Early Miocene-Middle Miocene overlie Aktepe sequencewith submarine parallel unconformity. Karaburun volcanism which is represented by highpotassium andesitic products with calc alkaline character (pyroclastics and olivine- phyriclavas) is synchronous with sedimentation of Haseki formation and has two phases. Pyroclasticrocks which are in facies of base-surge, air-fall and ash-fall in lesser amount were emplacedbefore lava eruptions. K/Ar aged, 1stphase products, which are 18.2±1.0 my according to K/Ardating, are in the position of stratigraphical reference level which separates Yenilimanlimestone from Aktepe member. Second phase products are emplaced in Aktepe sequence