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Yıl 1982, Cilt: 97-98 Sayı: 97-98, 1 - 20, 01.02.1982


Antalya karmaşığı (Antalya napları) Batı Toroslar'ın İsparta dirseğine yerleşmiş olan ve başlıca Mesozoyik yaşlı
kayalardan oluşan allokton bir topluluktur. Bu karmaşığın kuzeydoğu bölümünde, Eğridir gölü doğusunda iki grup tanımlanmıştır.
Bunlardan Pazarköy grubu, mafik lavlar, radyolaritler, Çamurtaşları, türbiditik kumtaşları, türbiditik kireçtaşları
ve pelajik kireçtaşlarını içeren on formasyondan oluşur. Yuvalı grubu ise tamamen sığ deniz karbonatlarını kapsayan
iki formasyondan oluşur,inceleme alanında bunlardan başka harzburgitler ve oldukça geniş yayılımlı melanj ve megabreşler
bulunur. Antalya karmaşığının kuzeydoğu uzanımı, Mesozoyik yaşlı bir kıta kenarının karmaşık paleocoğrafyasını
yansıtan bir yöreyi simgeler. Devamlı karbonat bankları (Yuvalı grubu) derin deniz çökel ortamlanyle (Pazarköy grubu)
çevrilmiştir. Bu bölge Üst Kretase zamanında kuzeydoğu yönlü itki faylarıyle deformasyona uğramıştır. Bölgede Tersiyer
yaşlı deformasyonun etkileri de gözlenmiştir. 


  • Akbulut, A., 1977, Etude Geologique d'une partie du Taurus occidentale au sud d'Eğridir (Turquie): Thesis: Univ. Paris - Sud, Orsay.
  • Allasinaz, A.; Gutnic, M. and Poisson, A., 1974, La formation de l'Isparta Çay: Calcaires a Halobies, Gres a plantes, et Radiolarites d'age Carnien (?) - Norien (Taurides - Region d'Isparta - Turquie): Schr. Erdwiss. Komm. Oster. Akad., 2, 11-21.
  • Bather, F.A., 1905, The Mount Torlesse Annelid: Geol. Mag. (v) 2, 532-541.
  • Bernoulli, D. and Jenkyns, H.C., 1974, Alpine, Mediterranean, and Central Atlantic Mesozoic fades in relation to the early evolution of the Tethys: in Dott, R.H. & Shaver, R.H. eds., Modern and Ancient Geosynclinal Sedimentation: Spec. Publ. Soc. Econ. Paleontol. Mineral., 19, 129-160.
  • Blumenthal, M., 1956, Les chaines bordieres du Taurus au SW du bassin de Karaman-Konya et le probleme de la formation schisto-radiolaritique: MTA Bull., Ankara - Turkey, 48.
  • Brunn, J.H.; Graciansky, P.C. de; Gutnic, M.; Juteau, T.; Lefevre, R.; Marcoux, J.; Monod and Poisson, A., 1970, Structures majeurs et correlations stratigraphiques dans les Taurides occidentales: Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. (7) 12, 515-551.
  • ; Dumont, J.F.; Graciansky, P.C. de; Gutnic, M.; Juteau, T.; Marcoux, J.; Monod, O. and Poisson, A., 1971, Outline of the geology of the western Taurids. in Campbell A.S. ed. Geology and History of Turkey: Petrol. Explor. Soc. Libya., Tripoli, 225-252.
  • Delaune-Mayere, M.; Marcoux, J.; Parrot, J.-F. and Poisson, A., 1977, Modele d'evolution mesozoique de la paleomarge tethysienne au niveau des nappes radiolaritiques et ophiolitiques du Taurus lycien, d'Antalya et du Baer-Bassit. in Biju-Duval, B. &Montaderd L., eds., Structural History of the Mediterranean Basins: Technip Paris, 79-94.
  • Dumont, J.F., 1976a, fitudes geologiques dans les Taurides Occidentales: Les formations paleozoiques et mesozoiques de la coupole de Karacahisar (Province d'Isparta, Turquie): Thesis: Univ. Paris-Sud, Orsay, 213 p.
  • , 1976b, La courbure d'Isparta et l'origine des nappes d'Antalya hypothese d'un decrochement majeur l'accident trans-taurique, qui a dedouble le dispositif structural Taurique etabli par la tectogenese du Cretace superieur: MTA Bull., Ankara - Turkey, 84, 57-68.
  • and Kerey, E. 1975, Eğridir gölü güneyinin temel jeolojik etüdü (Basic geological study of the southern lake of Eğridir): Jeol. Kur. Bull.,Ankara - Turkey, 18, 169-174.
  • ; Uysal, Ş. and Monod. O., 1980, La serie de Zindan: un element de liason entre plate-forme et bassin a l'Est d'Isparta (Taurides occidentales, Turquie): Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. (7) 22, 225-232.
  • Gutnic, M., 1977, Geologie du Taurus pisidien au Nord d'Isparta (Turquie): Principaux resultats extraits des notes de M. Gutnic entre 1964 et 1971 par O. Monod. Publ. Faculte des Sciences, Univ. Paris-Sud, Orsay, 130 p.
  • ; Monod, O.; Poisson, A. and Dumont, J. F., 1979, Geologie des Taurides occidentales (Turquie): Mem. Soc. geol. Fr. 58 (137), 1-112.
  • Hedberg, H.D. ed., 1976, International Stratigraphic Guide: John Wiley New York, 200 p.
  • Jaworski, E., 1915, Die systematische und stratigraphische Stellung von «Torlessia Mackayi» Bath (=Terebellina) von Neuseeland: Centralb fur Min. Geol., Pal., Jahrg. 1915, 504-512. Juteau, T., 1975, Les ophiolites des nappes d'Antalya (Taurides occidentales, Turquie): Mem. Sci. Terre Nancy 32.
  • Kalafatçıoğlu, A., 1973, Geology of the western part of Antalya Bay: MTA Bull., Ankara - Turkey, 81, 31-84.
  • Lefevre, R., 1967, Un nouvel element de la geologie du Taurus lycien: les nappes d'Antalya (Turquie): C. r. Seances Acad. Sci., Paris, 265, 1365-1368.
  • Monod, O., 1976, La courbure d'Isparta: une mosaique de blocs autochtones surmontes de nappes composites a la jonction de l'arc hellenique et de l'arc taurique: Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. (7) 18, 521-531.
  • , 1977, Recherches geologiques dans le Taurus occidental au sud de Beyşehir (Turquie): Thesis: Univ. Paris, Sud, Orsay.
  • Ortynski, I., 1941, Geological report on the area between Eğridir Gölü and Beyşehir Gölü: MTA Rep., AnkaraTurkey, 264.
  • Poisson, A., 1977, Recherches geologiques dans les Taurides occidentales (Turquie): Thesis: Univ. Paris-Sud, Orsay, 2 vols.
  • Robertson, A.H.F. and Woodcock, N.H., 1981a, Alakır Çay Group, Antalya Complex, SW Turkey: deposition on a Mesozoic passive carbonate margin: Sediment. Geol., 30, 95-131.
  • , 1981b, Bilelyeri Group, Antalya Complex, SW Turkey: deposition on a Mesozoic passive continental margin: Sedimentology, 28, 381-399.
  • , 1981c, Godene zone, Antalya Complex, SW Turkey: volcanism and sedimentation on Mesozoic marginal oceanic crust: Geol. Rdsch., 70, 1177-1214.
  • Waldron, J.W.F., in press Structural history of the Antalya Complex in the «Isparta Angle», SW Turkey.
  • Woodcock, N.H. and Robertson, A.H.F., 1977, Imbricate thrust belt tectonics and sedimentation as a guide to emplacement of part of the Antalya Complex SW Turkey: Abstracts 6th Colloquium Geology Aegean Region, İzmir, Turkey


Yıl 1982, Cilt: 97-98 Sayı: 97-98, 1 - 20, 01.02.1982


The Antalya Complex (Antalya Nappes) is an allochthonous assemblage of mainly Mesozoic rocks located in the «Isparta angle» of the western Taurides. Two groups are defined in the northeast segment of the Complex, east of Lake Eğridir. The Pazarköy Group comprises ten formations, including mafic lavas, radiolarites, mudstones, turbiditic sandstones, turbiditic limestones, and pelagic limestones. The Yuvalı Group includes two formations, consisting entirely of shallow-water carbonates. Harzburgite and extensive melange/megabreccia terrains also occur in the area studied. The northeast Antalya Complex represents an area of complicated paleogeography on a Mesozoic continental margin; persistent carbonate banks (Yuvalı Group) were surrounded by deeper water areas (Pazarköy Group). The region was deformed by northeastward thrusting in late Cretaceous time. Effects of Tertiary deformation are also seen. 


  • Akbulut, A., 1977, Etude Geologique d'une partie du Taurus occidentale au sud d'Eğridir (Turquie): Thesis: Univ. Paris - Sud, Orsay.
  • Allasinaz, A.; Gutnic, M. and Poisson, A., 1974, La formation de l'Isparta Çay: Calcaires a Halobies, Gres a plantes, et Radiolarites d'age Carnien (?) - Norien (Taurides - Region d'Isparta - Turquie): Schr. Erdwiss. Komm. Oster. Akad., 2, 11-21.
  • Bather, F.A., 1905, The Mount Torlesse Annelid: Geol. Mag. (v) 2, 532-541.
  • Bernoulli, D. and Jenkyns, H.C., 1974, Alpine, Mediterranean, and Central Atlantic Mesozoic fades in relation to the early evolution of the Tethys: in Dott, R.H. & Shaver, R.H. eds., Modern and Ancient Geosynclinal Sedimentation: Spec. Publ. Soc. Econ. Paleontol. Mineral., 19, 129-160.
  • Blumenthal, M., 1956, Les chaines bordieres du Taurus au SW du bassin de Karaman-Konya et le probleme de la formation schisto-radiolaritique: MTA Bull., Ankara - Turkey, 48.
  • Brunn, J.H.; Graciansky, P.C. de; Gutnic, M.; Juteau, T.; Lefevre, R.; Marcoux, J.; Monod and Poisson, A., 1970, Structures majeurs et correlations stratigraphiques dans les Taurides occidentales: Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. (7) 12, 515-551.
  • ; Dumont, J.F.; Graciansky, P.C. de; Gutnic, M.; Juteau, T.; Marcoux, J.; Monod, O. and Poisson, A., 1971, Outline of the geology of the western Taurids. in Campbell A.S. ed. Geology and History of Turkey: Petrol. Explor. Soc. Libya., Tripoli, 225-252.
  • Delaune-Mayere, M.; Marcoux, J.; Parrot, J.-F. and Poisson, A., 1977, Modele d'evolution mesozoique de la paleomarge tethysienne au niveau des nappes radiolaritiques et ophiolitiques du Taurus lycien, d'Antalya et du Baer-Bassit. in Biju-Duval, B. &Montaderd L., eds., Structural History of the Mediterranean Basins: Technip Paris, 79-94.
  • Dumont, J.F., 1976a, fitudes geologiques dans les Taurides Occidentales: Les formations paleozoiques et mesozoiques de la coupole de Karacahisar (Province d'Isparta, Turquie): Thesis: Univ. Paris-Sud, Orsay, 213 p.
  • , 1976b, La courbure d'Isparta et l'origine des nappes d'Antalya hypothese d'un decrochement majeur l'accident trans-taurique, qui a dedouble le dispositif structural Taurique etabli par la tectogenese du Cretace superieur: MTA Bull., Ankara - Turkey, 84, 57-68.
  • and Kerey, E. 1975, Eğridir gölü güneyinin temel jeolojik etüdü (Basic geological study of the southern lake of Eğridir): Jeol. Kur. Bull.,Ankara - Turkey, 18, 169-174.
  • ; Uysal, Ş. and Monod. O., 1980, La serie de Zindan: un element de liason entre plate-forme et bassin a l'Est d'Isparta (Taurides occidentales, Turquie): Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. (7) 22, 225-232.
  • Gutnic, M., 1977, Geologie du Taurus pisidien au Nord d'Isparta (Turquie): Principaux resultats extraits des notes de M. Gutnic entre 1964 et 1971 par O. Monod. Publ. Faculte des Sciences, Univ. Paris-Sud, Orsay, 130 p.
  • ; Monod, O.; Poisson, A. and Dumont, J. F., 1979, Geologie des Taurides occidentales (Turquie): Mem. Soc. geol. Fr. 58 (137), 1-112.
  • Hedberg, H.D. ed., 1976, International Stratigraphic Guide: John Wiley New York, 200 p.
  • Jaworski, E., 1915, Die systematische und stratigraphische Stellung von «Torlessia Mackayi» Bath (=Terebellina) von Neuseeland: Centralb fur Min. Geol., Pal., Jahrg. 1915, 504-512. Juteau, T., 1975, Les ophiolites des nappes d'Antalya (Taurides occidentales, Turquie): Mem. Sci. Terre Nancy 32.
  • Kalafatçıoğlu, A., 1973, Geology of the western part of Antalya Bay: MTA Bull., Ankara - Turkey, 81, 31-84.
  • Lefevre, R., 1967, Un nouvel element de la geologie du Taurus lycien: les nappes d'Antalya (Turquie): C. r. Seances Acad. Sci., Paris, 265, 1365-1368.
  • Monod, O., 1976, La courbure d'Isparta: une mosaique de blocs autochtones surmontes de nappes composites a la jonction de l'arc hellenique et de l'arc taurique: Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. (7) 18, 521-531.
  • , 1977, Recherches geologiques dans le Taurus occidental au sud de Beyşehir (Turquie): Thesis: Univ. Paris, Sud, Orsay.
  • Ortynski, I., 1941, Geological report on the area between Eğridir Gölü and Beyşehir Gölü: MTA Rep., AnkaraTurkey, 264.
  • Poisson, A., 1977, Recherches geologiques dans les Taurides occidentales (Turquie): Thesis: Univ. Paris-Sud, Orsay, 2 vols.
  • Robertson, A.H.F. and Woodcock, N.H., 1981a, Alakır Çay Group, Antalya Complex, SW Turkey: deposition on a Mesozoic passive carbonate margin: Sediment. Geol., 30, 95-131.
  • , 1981b, Bilelyeri Group, Antalya Complex, SW Turkey: deposition on a Mesozoic passive continental margin: Sedimentology, 28, 381-399.
  • , 1981c, Godene zone, Antalya Complex, SW Turkey: volcanism and sedimentation on Mesozoic marginal oceanic crust: Geol. Rdsch., 70, 1177-1214.
  • Waldron, J.W.F., in press Structural history of the Antalya Complex in the «Isparta Angle», SW Turkey.
  • Woodcock, N.H. and Robertson, A.H.F., 1977, Imbricate thrust belt tectonics and sedimentation as a guide to emplacement of part of the Antalya Complex SW Turkey: Abstracts 6th Colloquium Geology Aegean Region, İzmir, Turkey
Toplam 27 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
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Bölüm Makaleler

John W.f. Waldron Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Şubat 1982
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 1982 Cilt: 97-98 Sayı: 97-98

Kaynak Göster

APA Waldron, J. W. (1982). ANTALYA KARMAŞIĞI KUZEYDOĞU UZANIMININ lSPARTA BÖLGESiNDEKi STRATİGRAFİSİ VE SEDİMANTER EVRİMİ. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration, 97-98(97-98), 1-20.
Chicago Waldron, John W.f. “ANTALYA KARMAŞIĞI KUZEYDOĞU UZANIMININ LSPARTA BÖLGESiNDEKi STRATİGRAFİSİ VE SEDİMANTER EVRİMİ”. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 97-98, sy. 97-98 (Şubat 1982): 1-20.
EndNote Waldron JW (01 Şubat 1982) ANTALYA KARMAŞIĞI KUZEYDOĞU UZANIMININ lSPARTA BÖLGESiNDEKi STRATİGRAFİSİ VE SEDİMANTER EVRİMİ. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 97-98 97-98 1–20.
ISNAD Waldron, John W.f. “ANTALYA KARMAŞIĞI KUZEYDOĞU UZANIMININ LSPARTA BÖLGESiNDEKi STRATİGRAFİSİ VE SEDİMANTER EVRİMİ”. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 97-98/97-98 (Şubat 1982), 1-20.
MLA Waldron, John W.f. “ANTALYA KARMAŞIĞI KUZEYDOĞU UZANIMININ LSPARTA BÖLGESiNDEKi STRATİGRAFİSİ VE SEDİMANTER EVRİMİ”. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration, c. 97-98, sy. 97-98, 1982, ss. 1-20.

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