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Yıl 1989, Cilt: 109 Sayı: 109, 64 - 64, 01.02.1989


The study area covers the Caucasus and the northeastern Turkey. Tectonic zones of the Caucasus and their continuations
in the northeastern Turkey, and also the relationships, lateral variations, similarities and differences of the both district,
will be presented. On the basis of the main geologic characteristics, the rock units of the Caucasus are divided into the tectonic
zones. Each zone has pre-Liassic, Liassic and post Liassic units reflecting different geotectonic environment. The northern part
named as the Great Caucasus, the southern part as the Lesser Caucasus, median part as the Transcaucasus of the Caucasus was
bordered by the Scythian platform to the north and by the Iranian platform to the south. The tectonic zones of the Great Caucasus
lie from north to south are presented below: the Laba-Malka zone (the Bechasinian Subzone and the Forerange Subzone), the
Main Range zone, the Southern Slope zone. The Gagra-DJava zone and the Drizula massif and its covers are situated to the north,
the Somcheti-Kafan (Karabakh) zone to the south and the Adjara-Trialetian and Talysh zones which are the continuation of each
other are between the zones of the Transcaucasus. The ophiolitic belt (the Sevan-Akeran Ophiolitic zone to the north, the Vedi
Ophiolitic zone to the south) of the Lesser Caucasus and the Miskhan-Zangezur zone and the Araks zone of the northern part of
Iranian platform have been differentiated. The Caucasus tectonic zones are bordered by the overthurst planes dipping 70-80
degrees to the north. The Oligocene-Recent molasse showing enormous lateral and vertical facial changes, sits upon the rocks of
the tectonic zone conformably or unconformably, in places. The results, presented below, can be obtained by the correlation of
the Caucasus tectonic zones and tectonic zones of northeastern Turkey: 1- The tectonic zones of the Great Caucasus and northern
part of the Transcaucasus can not be followed in the northeastern Turkey. 2- The Adjara-Trialetian zone continues along the Black
Sea Shores. 3- The Somcheti-Kafan (Karabakh) zone, which is southern part of the Transcaucasus corresponds to the Pontian
zone. But, considerable differences on the basis of the stratigraphic sequence and facial changes are observed in the both sides of
the zone. 4- The Lesser Caucasus ophiolitic belt corresponds to the North Anatolian ophiolitic belt. There are two subzones, one
of them is to the north and another is to the south, showing similarities in both side of the belt. 5- Iranian platform of the Lesser
Caucasus corresponds to the Taurus platform, in general. Pre-Liassic Miskhan-Zangezur zone of Iranian platform corresponds to
the Central and East Anatolian massifs the Araks zone to the Taurus zone respectively. If the corresponding tectonic zones of the
Caucasus and northeastern Turkey are correlated, considerable facial changes as well as the similarities are observed. A lot of the
differences result in the lateral and vertical changes of the zones.


  • Adamia, S.A., 1974, l: l 000 000 ölçekli Kafkasya'nın tektonik haritası açıklaması; Tifüs, 23, MTA Jeoloji Etütleri Dairesi Arşivi.
  • — , 1975, Plate tectonics and the evolution of the Alpine System: Discussion and Reply: Geol. Soc. of America Bull., 84/10, 3137-3180.
  • — ; Zakariadze, G.S. ve Lordkipanidze, M.B., 1977 a, Evolution of the Ancient Active Continental Margin, as illustrated by Alpine History of the Caucasus: Geotectonics, 11/4, 299 - 309.
  • — ; Lordkipanidze, M.B. ve Zakariadze, G.S., 1977 b, Evolution of active Continental margin as examplified by the Alpin history of the Caucasus Tectonophysics, 40, 183-199.
  • — ; Chkhotua, T.; Kekelia, M.; Lordkipanidze, M.; Shavishvili, I. ve Zakariadze, G., 1981, Tectonics of the Caucasus and adjoining regions : implications for the evolution of the Tethys ocean : Journal of Structural Geology, 3/4,437 -447.
  • — ; Kekelia, M. ve Tsimakuridze, G., 1983, Pre-Variscan and Variscan granitoids of the Caucasus : Nevvsletter, 5,5-12.
  • — ; Abecadze, M.B. ve Rotua, T.G.C., 1986, Metamorfik Labin serilerinde (Batı Kafkasya) Alpin öncesi tektonik örtüler : SSCB Bium Akademisi Rap., 286, 4, MTA Jeoloji Etütleri Dairesi Arşivi.
  • Akdeniz, N., 1984, Demirözü (Bayburt) Permo-Karboniferi ve bölgesel yapı içindeki yeri : MTA Rap., 7634 (yayımlanmamış), Ankara
  • Akıncı, Ö., 1984, Stratigraphy of the Eastern Pontid Volcanosedimentary Belt and Associated Massiv Sulphide Deposids : J.E. Dixon and A.H.F. Robertson, ed., The Geological Evolution of the Eastern Mediterranean da., Blackvvell Scientific Publications, 415 - 428, Edinburg.
  • Altun, Y., 1984, Giresun-Görele ve Tirebolu (Doğu Karadeniz) yöresindeki renkli metal yataklarının karşılaştırmalı Cevher mineralojileri ve kökenleri : Doktora tezi, İÜ Fen Bilimleri Enst., 109 s (yayımlanmamış), İstanbul.
  • Baydar, O.; Erdoğan, B.; Akyürek, B.;Topçam, A.;Kengil, R.; Korkmazer, B.; Kaynar, A. ve Selim,M., 1969, YusufeliÖğdem-Madenköy-Tortum gölü ve Ersis arasındaki bölgenin jeolojisi : MTA Rap. 5202 (yayımlanmamış), Ankara.
  • Bektaş, O.; Pelin, S. ve Korkmaz, S., 1984, Doğu Pontid YayGerisi Havzasında Manto Yükselimi ve Polijenetik Ofiyolit Olgusu: Ketin Simpozyumu, 175 - 188, Ankara.
  • Belov, AA., 1981, The main development stages and epochs of tectonic activity in the Mediterranean-Alpin folded area in Paleozoic : Nevvsletter, 3, 28 - 34.
  • — , 1986, The paleozoic of the Caucasus and the problem of Paleo-Tethys : Geotectonics, 20/3, 230 - 237.
  • — ; Somin, M.L. ve Adamia, S.A., 1978, Precambrian and Paleozoic of the Caucasus (Brief Synthesis) : Jahrb .Geol. B.-A., Band 121, Heft l, 155 - 175.
  • — ; Gatinsky, Y .G, ve Mossakovsky, A.A., 1986, A precis on pre-Alpine tectonic history of Tethyan paleooceans: Tectonophysics, 121, 197-211.
  • Bergougnan, H., 1976, Structure de la Chaine pontique dans le Haut-Kelkit (Nord-Est de l'Anatolie) : Bull. Soc. Geol. France, (7), XVIII, 3, 675 - 686.
  • Beridze, MA.; Gugushvili, V.I.; Kakhadze, EJ.; Nadareishvili, G.S. ve Othkhmesuri, Z.V., 1984, Mesozoic volcanism, volcanic-Sedimentary lithogenesis and related pyrite oreformation of Georgia : Geologicke' Pra'ce, Spravy 80, 67 -77.
  • Buket, E., 1982, Erzincan-Refahiye ultramafik ve mafik-kayaçlarının petrokimyasal karakterleri ve diğer oluşumlarla deneştirilmesi : Yerbilimleri HÜ Yayl., 9, 43 - 56.
  • Eğin, D. ve Hirst, D.M., 1979, Tectonic and magmatic evolution - of volcanic rocks from the northern Harşit River area, NE Turkey : Geocome-l (First Geological Congress of the Middle East), 56 - 93, Ankara.
  • Gamkrelidze, I.P., 1982, Mobilism and problems of the tectonics of the Caucasus : In problem of the geodinamics of the Caucasus : Nauka, 4-8.
  • — ; Giorgobiani, T.V. ve Kavelashvili, AJ., 1984, On formation mechanism of the Caucasian tectonic structures : Geologiche Pra'ce, Spravy 80, 39 - 45.
  • Gasanov, T.A., 1986, Evolution of the Sevan Akera Ophiolite Zone, Lesser Caucasus : Geotectonics, 20/2, 147 - 156.
  • Gedikoğlu, A., 1978, Harşit granit karmaşığı ve çevre kayaları (Giresun-Doğankent) : Doçentlik tezi, Karadeniz Teknik Univ., (yayımlanmamış), Trabzon.
  • — ; Pelin, S. ve Özsayar, T., 1979, The main lines of geotectonic development of the east Pontides in the Mesozoic Era: Geocome-l (First Geological Congress of the Middle East), 555 - 580, Ankara.
  • International Geological Congress XXVII Session, Moscovv, 1984, Georgian Soviet Socialist Republic, Excursions Guidebook, Publishing house "Khelovneba", Tiflis,224.
  • Ketin, İ., 1966, Tectonic units of Anatolia (Asia Minor) : MTA Derg., 66, 23 - 34, Ankara.
  • Khain, V.E., 1975, Structure and main stages in the tectonomagmatic development of the Caucasus : An attempt at geodynamic interpretation: American Journal of Science, 275 A, 131 - 156.
  • — , 1984, The Alpine-Mediterranean fold belt of the USSR : Episodes, 7/3, 20 - 29.
  • Khutsishvili, O.D., 1977, Khrami kristalen masifinin meydana gelişi, tarihi ve tektoniği, Tiflis, 109 s., MTA Jeoloji Etütleri Dairesi Arşivi.
  • — , 1978, Loki Kristalen kütlesinin oluşumu, tarihçesi ve tektoniği, Tiflis 63 s., MTA Jeoloji Etütleri Dairesi Arşivi.
  • Knipper, A.L., 1970, Development of Serpentinite melange in the Lesser Caucasus : Geostectonics, 6, 384 - 390.
  • — , 1971, Constitution and age of Serpentinite melange in the Lesser Caucasus : Geotectonics, 5, 275 - 282.
  • — , 1980, The tectonic positions of ophiolites of the Lesser Caucasus : A.Panoyiotou (Ed.,), Ophiolites, Printco Itd., Nicosia, 372 - 376, Cyprus.
  • ve Khain, E.V., 1980, Structural position of ophiolites of the Caucasus : Ofioliti, Special Issue, 2, 297 - 314.
  • — ; Ricou, L.E. ve Dercourt, J., 1986, Ophiolites as indicators of the geodinamic evolution of Tethyan Ocean : Tectonophysics, 123, 213 - 240.
  • Lordkipanidze, M.B. ve Zakariadze, G.S., 1980, Evolution of the Alpine volcanism of the Caucasus and its relation to tectonics : İzdar, E. and Nakoman, E. (Ed.,), Piri Reis International Contribution Series Publication No.2 : Sixth Colloquium on Geology of the Aegean Region, Second edition, 415 - 435, İzmir.
  • ; Gugushvili, V.I. Mikadze, G-A-, ve Batjashvili T.V., 1984, Volcanism and postvolcanic processes on the rift and island arc stages of evolution of the AdJara-Trialetia: Geologicke prace, Spravy 80, 91 - 100.
  • Metin, S.; Ayhan, A. ve Papak, İ., 1986, 1:100 000 ölçekli açınsama nitelikli Türkiye Jeoloji haritaları serisi (Elbistan-122): 15, Ankara.
  • Nebert, K., 1961, Kelkit Çayı ve Kızılırmak (Kuzeydoğu Anadolu) nehirleri mecra bölgelerinin jeolojik yapısı, MTA Derg., 75, l - 49.
  • özgül, N., 1981, Munzur dağlarının jeolojisi : MTA Rap.,6995, 136 (yayımlanmamış), Ankara.
  • Özsayar, T.;Pelin, S.;Gedikoğlu, A.; Eren, A.A. ve Çapkınoğlu, Ş., 1980, Ardanuç (Artvin) yöresinin Jeolojisi : TÜBİTAK VII Bilim Kongresi Tebliğleri Yerbilimleri seksiyonu, 189 - 205, Kuşadası-Aydın.
  • ; Pelin, S. ve Gedikoğlu, A., 1981, Doğu Pontidlerde Kretase : KTÜ Yerbilimleri Derg., Jeoloji, 1/2, 65 - 114.
  • Öztürk, A., 1979, Ladik-Destek yöresinin stratigrafisi : TJK Bült., 22/1,27 -34.
  • Pejatovic, S., 1971, Doğu Karadeniz Küçük Kafkasya bölgesindeki metalojenik zonlar ve bunların metalojenik özellikleri: MTA Derg., 77, 10-21.
  • Pelin, S., 1977, Alucra (Giresun) güneydoğusu yöresinin petrol olanakları bakımından jeolojik incelemesi : KTÜ Yayl., 103 s., Trabzon.
  • Sümengen, M. ve Terlemez, L, 1986, l :100 000 ölçekli açınsama nitelikli Türkiye Jeoloji haritaları serisi (Elbistan—H 22): MTA Yayl., 19 s., Ankara.
  • Şengör, A.M.C., 1987, Orojenik mozayiklerde yanal atım tektoniğinin önemine bir örnek: İran ve çevresinin Mesozoyik tektonik evrimi : Türkiye 7.Petrol Kongresi Bildirileri, 50 - 64.
  • ; Yılmaz, Y. ve Ketin, L, 1980, Remnants of a pre-Late Jurassic ocean in northern Turkey : Fragments of Permian-Triassic Paleo-Tethys?: Geol. Soc. of America Bull., 91,599-609.
  • ve—,1981, Tethyan evolution of Turkey: A plate tectonic approach: Tectonophysics, 75, 181 - 241.
  • Tatar, Y., 1978, Kuzey Anadolu Fay Zonunun Erzincan-Refahiye arasındaki bölümü üzerinde tektonik incelemeler : Yerbilimleri, HÜ Yayl., 4/1-2, 201 - 236.
  • Terzioğlu, N., 1986, Reşadiye, Gölköy ve Koyulhisar arasındaki Tersiyer-Kuvaterner yaşlı volkanitlerin genel stratigrafik özellikleri :Cumhuriyet Üniv., Mühendislik Fak.Derg. Seri A-Yerbilimleri, 3/1,3- 13.
  • Tokel, S., 1977, Doğu Karadeniz bölgesinde Eosen yaşlı kalkalkalen andezitler ve Jeotektonizma : TJk Bült., 20, 49 - 54.
  • Tvalchrelidze, A.G., 1980, Copper metallogeny of the Caucasus European Copper Deposits, 191 - 196, Belgrade.
  • , 1984, Main features of metallogeny of the Caucasus : Proceeding of the Sixth Ouadrennial IAGOD Symposium, 1-5 , Stuttgart.
  • , 1987, Metallogeny of the Lesser Caucasus :S Jankovic Ed., Mineral Deposits of the Tethyan Eurasian Meta - logenic Belt betvveen The Alps and the Pamirs, 119-127, Belgrade.
  • Üşümezsoy, Ş., 1987, The tectonic setting of the porphyry and massive sulphide deposits of the Circum Black Sea : Geosound Yerbilimcinin Sesi, 14 - 15, 20 - 49.
  • Yılmaz, Y., 1972, Petrology and structure of the Gümüşhane granite and the surrounding rocks, NE Anatolia, Ph.D. thesis, Univ. of 260 (yayımlanmamış), London.
  • Yılmaz, A., 1981, Tokat ile Sivas arasındaki bölgede bazı volkanitlerin petrokimyasal özellikleri : TJK Bült., 24/2, 51 -58.
  • , 1983, Tokat (Dumanlı dağı) ile Sivas (Çeltek dağı) dolaylarının temel jeoloji özellikleri ve ofiyolitli karışığının konumu : MTA Derg., 99 - 100, l - 18, Ankara.
  • , 1985, Yukarı Kelkit Çayı ve Munzur Dağları arasının temel jeoloji özellikleri ve yapısal evrimi : TJK Bült., 28/2,79-92.
  • , Terlemez, İ. ve Uysal, Ş., 1987 a, Hınıs (Erzurum güneydoğusu) yöresinin bazı stratigrafik ve tektonik özellikleri : MTA Derg., 108, 38 - 56, Ankara.
  • — ; — ve — , 1987 b, Geological characteristics and structural evolution of the ophiolitic units around Sakaltutan Dağı (Erzurum): Melih Tokay Geology Symposium 87, Abstracts, 55-56, Ankara.
  • Zakariadze, G.S.; Knipper, A.L.; Sobolev, A.V.; Tsamerian, O.P.; Dmitriev, L.V.; Vishnevskaya, V.S.; Kolesov, G.M., 1983, The Ophiolite volcanic series of the Lesser Caucasus : Ofioliti, 8 (3), 439 - 466.
Yıl 1989, Cilt: 109 Sayı: 109, 64 - 64, 01.02.1989



  • Adamia, S.A., 1974, l: l 000 000 ölçekli Kafkasya'nın tektonik haritası açıklaması; Tifüs, 23, MTA Jeoloji Etütleri Dairesi Arşivi.
  • — , 1975, Plate tectonics and the evolution of the Alpine System: Discussion and Reply: Geol. Soc. of America Bull., 84/10, 3137-3180.
  • — ; Zakariadze, G.S. ve Lordkipanidze, M.B., 1977 a, Evolution of the Ancient Active Continental Margin, as illustrated by Alpine History of the Caucasus: Geotectonics, 11/4, 299 - 309.
  • — ; Lordkipanidze, M.B. ve Zakariadze, G.S., 1977 b, Evolution of active Continental margin as examplified by the Alpin history of the Caucasus Tectonophysics, 40, 183-199.
  • — ; Chkhotua, T.; Kekelia, M.; Lordkipanidze, M.; Shavishvili, I. ve Zakariadze, G., 1981, Tectonics of the Caucasus and adjoining regions : implications for the evolution of the Tethys ocean : Journal of Structural Geology, 3/4,437 -447.
  • — ; Kekelia, M. ve Tsimakuridze, G., 1983, Pre-Variscan and Variscan granitoids of the Caucasus : Nevvsletter, 5,5-12.
  • — ; Abecadze, M.B. ve Rotua, T.G.C., 1986, Metamorfik Labin serilerinde (Batı Kafkasya) Alpin öncesi tektonik örtüler : SSCB Bium Akademisi Rap., 286, 4, MTA Jeoloji Etütleri Dairesi Arşivi.
  • Akdeniz, N., 1984, Demirözü (Bayburt) Permo-Karboniferi ve bölgesel yapı içindeki yeri : MTA Rap., 7634 (yayımlanmamış), Ankara
  • Akıncı, Ö., 1984, Stratigraphy of the Eastern Pontid Volcanosedimentary Belt and Associated Massiv Sulphide Deposids : J.E. Dixon and A.H.F. Robertson, ed., The Geological Evolution of the Eastern Mediterranean da., Blackvvell Scientific Publications, 415 - 428, Edinburg.
  • Altun, Y., 1984, Giresun-Görele ve Tirebolu (Doğu Karadeniz) yöresindeki renkli metal yataklarının karşılaştırmalı Cevher mineralojileri ve kökenleri : Doktora tezi, İÜ Fen Bilimleri Enst., 109 s (yayımlanmamış), İstanbul.
  • Baydar, O.; Erdoğan, B.; Akyürek, B.;Topçam, A.;Kengil, R.; Korkmazer, B.; Kaynar, A. ve Selim,M., 1969, YusufeliÖğdem-Madenköy-Tortum gölü ve Ersis arasındaki bölgenin jeolojisi : MTA Rap. 5202 (yayımlanmamış), Ankara.
  • Bektaş, O.; Pelin, S. ve Korkmaz, S., 1984, Doğu Pontid YayGerisi Havzasında Manto Yükselimi ve Polijenetik Ofiyolit Olgusu: Ketin Simpozyumu, 175 - 188, Ankara.
  • Belov, AA., 1981, The main development stages and epochs of tectonic activity in the Mediterranean-Alpin folded area in Paleozoic : Nevvsletter, 3, 28 - 34.
  • — , 1986, The paleozoic of the Caucasus and the problem of Paleo-Tethys : Geotectonics, 20/3, 230 - 237.
  • — ; Somin, M.L. ve Adamia, S.A., 1978, Precambrian and Paleozoic of the Caucasus (Brief Synthesis) : Jahrb .Geol. B.-A., Band 121, Heft l, 155 - 175.
  • — ; Gatinsky, Y .G, ve Mossakovsky, A.A., 1986, A precis on pre-Alpine tectonic history of Tethyan paleooceans: Tectonophysics, 121, 197-211.
  • Bergougnan, H., 1976, Structure de la Chaine pontique dans le Haut-Kelkit (Nord-Est de l'Anatolie) : Bull. Soc. Geol. France, (7), XVIII, 3, 675 - 686.
  • Beridze, MA.; Gugushvili, V.I.; Kakhadze, EJ.; Nadareishvili, G.S. ve Othkhmesuri, Z.V., 1984, Mesozoic volcanism, volcanic-Sedimentary lithogenesis and related pyrite oreformation of Georgia : Geologicke' Pra'ce, Spravy 80, 67 -77.
  • Buket, E., 1982, Erzincan-Refahiye ultramafik ve mafik-kayaçlarının petrokimyasal karakterleri ve diğer oluşumlarla deneştirilmesi : Yerbilimleri HÜ Yayl., 9, 43 - 56.
  • Eğin, D. ve Hirst, D.M., 1979, Tectonic and magmatic evolution - of volcanic rocks from the northern Harşit River area, NE Turkey : Geocome-l (First Geological Congress of the Middle East), 56 - 93, Ankara.
  • Gamkrelidze, I.P., 1982, Mobilism and problems of the tectonics of the Caucasus : In problem of the geodinamics of the Caucasus : Nauka, 4-8.
  • — ; Giorgobiani, T.V. ve Kavelashvili, AJ., 1984, On formation mechanism of the Caucasian tectonic structures : Geologiche Pra'ce, Spravy 80, 39 - 45.
  • Gasanov, T.A., 1986, Evolution of the Sevan Akera Ophiolite Zone, Lesser Caucasus : Geotectonics, 20/2, 147 - 156.
  • Gedikoğlu, A., 1978, Harşit granit karmaşığı ve çevre kayaları (Giresun-Doğankent) : Doçentlik tezi, Karadeniz Teknik Univ., (yayımlanmamış), Trabzon.
  • — ; Pelin, S. ve Özsayar, T., 1979, The main lines of geotectonic development of the east Pontides in the Mesozoic Era: Geocome-l (First Geological Congress of the Middle East), 555 - 580, Ankara.
  • International Geological Congress XXVII Session, Moscovv, 1984, Georgian Soviet Socialist Republic, Excursions Guidebook, Publishing house "Khelovneba", Tiflis,224.
  • Ketin, İ., 1966, Tectonic units of Anatolia (Asia Minor) : MTA Derg., 66, 23 - 34, Ankara.
  • Khain, V.E., 1975, Structure and main stages in the tectonomagmatic development of the Caucasus : An attempt at geodynamic interpretation: American Journal of Science, 275 A, 131 - 156.
  • — , 1984, The Alpine-Mediterranean fold belt of the USSR : Episodes, 7/3, 20 - 29.
  • Khutsishvili, O.D., 1977, Khrami kristalen masifinin meydana gelişi, tarihi ve tektoniği, Tiflis, 109 s., MTA Jeoloji Etütleri Dairesi Arşivi.
  • — , 1978, Loki Kristalen kütlesinin oluşumu, tarihçesi ve tektoniği, Tiflis 63 s., MTA Jeoloji Etütleri Dairesi Arşivi.
  • Knipper, A.L., 1970, Development of Serpentinite melange in the Lesser Caucasus : Geostectonics, 6, 384 - 390.
  • — , 1971, Constitution and age of Serpentinite melange in the Lesser Caucasus : Geotectonics, 5, 275 - 282.
  • — , 1980, The tectonic positions of ophiolites of the Lesser Caucasus : A.Panoyiotou (Ed.,), Ophiolites, Printco Itd., Nicosia, 372 - 376, Cyprus.
  • ve Khain, E.V., 1980, Structural position of ophiolites of the Caucasus : Ofioliti, Special Issue, 2, 297 - 314.
  • — ; Ricou, L.E. ve Dercourt, J., 1986, Ophiolites as indicators of the geodinamic evolution of Tethyan Ocean : Tectonophysics, 123, 213 - 240.
  • Lordkipanidze, M.B. ve Zakariadze, G.S., 1980, Evolution of the Alpine volcanism of the Caucasus and its relation to tectonics : İzdar, E. and Nakoman, E. (Ed.,), Piri Reis International Contribution Series Publication No.2 : Sixth Colloquium on Geology of the Aegean Region, Second edition, 415 - 435, İzmir.
  • ; Gugushvili, V.I. Mikadze, G-A-, ve Batjashvili T.V., 1984, Volcanism and postvolcanic processes on the rift and island arc stages of evolution of the AdJara-Trialetia: Geologicke prace, Spravy 80, 91 - 100.
  • Metin, S.; Ayhan, A. ve Papak, İ., 1986, 1:100 000 ölçekli açınsama nitelikli Türkiye Jeoloji haritaları serisi (Elbistan-122): 15, Ankara.
  • Nebert, K., 1961, Kelkit Çayı ve Kızılırmak (Kuzeydoğu Anadolu) nehirleri mecra bölgelerinin jeolojik yapısı, MTA Derg., 75, l - 49.
  • özgül, N., 1981, Munzur dağlarının jeolojisi : MTA Rap.,6995, 136 (yayımlanmamış), Ankara.
  • Özsayar, T.;Pelin, S.;Gedikoğlu, A.; Eren, A.A. ve Çapkınoğlu, Ş., 1980, Ardanuç (Artvin) yöresinin Jeolojisi : TÜBİTAK VII Bilim Kongresi Tebliğleri Yerbilimleri seksiyonu, 189 - 205, Kuşadası-Aydın.
  • ; Pelin, S. ve Gedikoğlu, A., 1981, Doğu Pontidlerde Kretase : KTÜ Yerbilimleri Derg., Jeoloji, 1/2, 65 - 114.
  • Öztürk, A., 1979, Ladik-Destek yöresinin stratigrafisi : TJK Bült., 22/1,27 -34.
  • Pejatovic, S., 1971, Doğu Karadeniz Küçük Kafkasya bölgesindeki metalojenik zonlar ve bunların metalojenik özellikleri: MTA Derg., 77, 10-21.
  • Pelin, S., 1977, Alucra (Giresun) güneydoğusu yöresinin petrol olanakları bakımından jeolojik incelemesi : KTÜ Yayl., 103 s., Trabzon.
  • Sümengen, M. ve Terlemez, L, 1986, l :100 000 ölçekli açınsama nitelikli Türkiye Jeoloji haritaları serisi (Elbistan—H 22): MTA Yayl., 19 s., Ankara.
  • Şengör, A.M.C., 1987, Orojenik mozayiklerde yanal atım tektoniğinin önemine bir örnek: İran ve çevresinin Mesozoyik tektonik evrimi : Türkiye 7.Petrol Kongresi Bildirileri, 50 - 64.
  • ; Yılmaz, Y. ve Ketin, L, 1980, Remnants of a pre-Late Jurassic ocean in northern Turkey : Fragments of Permian-Triassic Paleo-Tethys?: Geol. Soc. of America Bull., 91,599-609.
  • ve—,1981, Tethyan evolution of Turkey: A plate tectonic approach: Tectonophysics, 75, 181 - 241.
  • Tatar, Y., 1978, Kuzey Anadolu Fay Zonunun Erzincan-Refahiye arasındaki bölümü üzerinde tektonik incelemeler : Yerbilimleri, HÜ Yayl., 4/1-2, 201 - 236.
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Toplam 64 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Mühendislik
Bölüm Makaleler

Ali Yılmaz Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Şubat 1989
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 1989 Cilt: 109 Sayı: 109

Kaynak Göster

APA Yılmaz, A. (1989). TECTONIC ZONES OF THE CAUCASUS AND THEIR CONTINUATIONS IN THE NORTH-EASTERN OF TURKEY : A CORRELATION. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration, 109(109), 64-64.
Chicago Yılmaz, Ali. “TECTONIC ZONES OF THE CAUCASUS AND THEIR CONTINUATIONS IN THE NORTH-EASTERN OF TURKEY : A CORRELATION”. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 109, sy. 109 (Şubat 1989): 64-64.
EndNote Yılmaz A (01 Şubat 1989) TECTONIC ZONES OF THE CAUCASUS AND THEIR CONTINUATIONS IN THE NORTH-EASTERN OF TURKEY : A CORRELATION. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 109 109 64–64.
ISNAD Yılmaz, Ali. “TECTONIC ZONES OF THE CAUCASUS AND THEIR CONTINUATIONS IN THE NORTH-EASTERN OF TURKEY : A CORRELATION”. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 109/109 (Şubat 1989), 64-64.
MLA Yılmaz, Ali. “TECTONIC ZONES OF THE CAUCASUS AND THEIR CONTINUATIONS IN THE NORTH-EASTERN OF TURKEY : A CORRELATION”. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration, c. 109, sy. 109, 1989, ss. 64-64.

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