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Yıl 1994, Cilt: 116 Sayı: 116, 1 - 8, 01.09.1994


Five new species of Radiolitidae from the Maastrichtian of the Bolu area (Western Pontides) and Kocaeli Peninsula, are determined:
Radiolites corporatus n.sp. Radiolites simpliformis n.sp., Durania carinata n.sp.. Sauvagesia sulcata n.sp. and Sauvagesia herekeiana n.sp. 


  • Altınlı, I. E., 1968, Geologic investigation of the İzmit- Hereke-Kurucudağ area: MTA Bull., of Turkey, 71, 1-28, Ankara, Turkey.
  • ; Soytürk, N. and Saka, K., 1970, Geology of the Hereke-Tavşancıl-Tavşanlı Tepecik area: Rev. Fac. Sci. Univ. İstanbul, 35, 69-75, Istanbul.
  • Bayle, M.E., 1857, Nouvelles observations sur quelques especes de Rudistes: Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr., XIV, 2e ser., 690, Paris.
  • Bohm, J., 1927, Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Senonfauna der Bitnynischen Halbinsel: Paleontographica, 69, 187-222, Stutgart.
  • Catulto, T.A., 1838, Memoria geogn.-zoologija sopra alcu-ne conchiglie fossile del calcare jurese di Santa Croce: I.R. Acad. di Sci., IV, 16.
  • CitivelIi, G. and Manotti, G., 1975, Paleontological and se- dimentological characteristics of the Senonian of Pietraseoca (Carseolani, Mountains, Central Apennines): Geol. Romana, XIV, 87-124, Roma.
  • Choffat, P., 1891, Cretacique de Terres Vedras, 203-211, Paris.
  • Coquand, H., 1862, Geologie et Paleontologie de la region sud de la province de Constantine: Mem. Soc. emul. de Provence, 223.
  • Dacque, E., 1903, Mittilungen über den Kreidecomplex von Abu Roach: Paleontographica, XXX, 2e par- tia, 375, Stutgart.
  • D'Orbigny, A., 1847, Paleontologie frangaise Terrains cretaces (Texte, Atlas), IV, 211, Paris.
  • Douville, H., 1891, Sur les caracteres internes des Sauvagesia (I): Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr., XIX, 3e ser., 669- 672, Paris.
  • , 1909, Sur le genre Eoradiolites nov.: Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr., 9, 4e ser., 77, Paris.
  • , 1910, Etudes sur les Rudistes. Rudistes de Sicile, d'Algerie, d'Egypte, du Liban et de la Perse: Mem. Soc. Geol. Fr., No. 41, 50, Paris.
  • Erguvanlı, K., 1949, Etude des pierres de construction et geologie des environs de Hereke et de Gebze (Bithynie): These de Doctorat, ITU, 98 p., Istanbul.
  • Hill, R., 1893, The paleontology of the Cretaceous formations of Texas. The invertebrata fossils of the Caprina limestone beds: Proc. Biolog. Soc., 8, 97-108, Washington.
  • Karacabey-Öztemür, N., 1979, Three new species of the genus Miseia and proposal of a new subfamily of Radiolitidae: Bull. Min. Res. Expl, Inst. of Turkey, 92, 68-73, Ankara.
  • Kaya, O. and Dizer, A., 1984a, Bolu kuzeyi Üst Kretase ve Paleojen Kayalarının stratigrafisi ve yapısı: MTA Bull., 97/98, 57-77, Ankara.
  • and — , 1984b, Mengen (Bolu) Eosen kömür havzasının staratigrafisi: MTA Bull., 97/98, 123- 139, Ankara.
  • ; Dizer, A.; Tansel, I. and Özer, S., 1986a, Stratigraphy of the Upper Cretaceous and Paleogene in Yığılca-Bolu (NW Turkey): Bull. Min. Res. Expl. 107,1-20, Ankara.
  • , Wiedmann, J.; Kozur, H.; Özdemir, Ü.; Özer, S. and Beauvais, L., 1986b, A new discovery of the Lower Cretaceous in İstanbul, Turkey: MTA Bull., 107,106-111, Ankara.
  • Kühn, O., 1933, Rudistenfauna und Kreideentwicklung in Anatolien: N. Jahr. fur Min., Abt. B, 70, 227-250.
  • Matheron, P., 1842, Catalogue des Fossiles des Bouc- hes-du-Rhone, 120.
  • Milovanovic, B., 1938, Anatomie comparee et relation phylogenetiques des Lapeirousiinae: Bull. Acad. Sc. Serbe. Math, et Nat. B Sci. Nat., 4, 85-152. Belgrade.
  • Nöth, L., 1931, Oberkreidefossilen aus Paphlagonien (Kleinasien): N. Jahr. fur Min., Abt. B, 65, 321- 362.
  • Özer, S., 1983, Les formations a rudistes du Senonien superieur d'Anatolie Centrale: Trav. Lab. Stra. et de Paleoecologie, Univ. de Provence, Marseille,Nouvelle Serie, 1, 32 p.
  • , 1988a, Distributions stratigraphiques et geographiques des rudistes du Cretace superieur en Turquie: First Inter. Cong, on Rudists 1988, Belgrade, Serbian Geol. Soc. Abstracts, 16.
  • , 1988b, The paleontology and biogeography of the pironaean (Rudist) species from the Central-East- Southeast Anatolia and Kocaeli Peninsula: Geol. Bull, of Turkey, 31, 47-58, Ankara.
  • , 1991, Upper Cretaceous rudist provinces in Turkey: Suat Erk Jeol. Semp., Ankara Üniv. Fen Fak.- Jeol. Muh. Böl., Abstracts, 111.
  • , 1992, Deux nouvelles especes du genre Miseia (Rudistes) en Turquie. Remarques systematiques et phylogenetiques: Paleontographica, Abt. A, 220, 131-140, Stutgart.
  • ; Tansel, I. and Meriç, E., 1990, Biostratigraphy (Rudists, Foraminifer) of Upper Cretaceous-Paleocene sequence of Hereke-Kocaeli: J. Fac. Eng. Arch. Selçuk Univ. 5, 1-2, 29-50, Konya.
  • Parona, C.F., 1911 a, Rudiste Dell'Appennino (radiolitidi):Reale Accad. delle Sci. di Torino, Serie II, LXII, 290, Torino.
  • , 1911b, Per lo studio del Neocretaceo nel Friuli occidentale: Reale Accad, delle Sci. di Torino, XLVI, 6-9, Torino.
  • , 1912, Rudiste della "Scaglia" Veneta: Deale Acad. Delle Sci. di Torino, XLVII, 4-11, Torino.
  • Patrilius, D., 1974, Duranddelgia et Miseia, deux nouvea-ux genres de rudistes du Senonien de Padurea Crailui (Monts Apuseni): Dari de Seama ale şedin-telör, 3. Paeontologie, LX, 169-180, Bucuresti.
  • Pervinquiere, L., 1912, Etudes de Paleontologie tunisienne II, Gastropodes et Lamellibranches des terraines cretaces: Lamarre et Cie, 326-327,Paris.
  • Polsak, A., 1967, Macrofaune de I'lstrie Meridionale (Yugoslavie): Paleontologia Jugoslavica, 8, 219 s., Zagreb.
  • Pons, J., M., 1977, Estudio estratigrafico y paleontologico de los yacimientos de la Provincia de Lerida: Univ. Autonoma de Barcelona, Publ. de Geol. No. 3, 105 p.
  • Toucas, A., 1909, Etudes sur la classification et revolution des Radiolities: Mem. Soc. Geol. Fr., Pal, 17, 65, Paris.
Yıl 1994, Cilt: 116 Sayı: 116, 1 - 8, 01.09.1994



  • Altınlı, I. E., 1968, Geologic investigation of the İzmit- Hereke-Kurucudağ area: MTA Bull., of Turkey, 71, 1-28, Ankara, Turkey.
  • ; Soytürk, N. and Saka, K., 1970, Geology of the Hereke-Tavşancıl-Tavşanlı Tepecik area: Rev. Fac. Sci. Univ. İstanbul, 35, 69-75, Istanbul.
  • Bayle, M.E., 1857, Nouvelles observations sur quelques especes de Rudistes: Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr., XIV, 2e ser., 690, Paris.
  • Bohm, J., 1927, Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Senonfauna der Bitnynischen Halbinsel: Paleontographica, 69, 187-222, Stutgart.
  • Catulto, T.A., 1838, Memoria geogn.-zoologija sopra alcu-ne conchiglie fossile del calcare jurese di Santa Croce: I.R. Acad. di Sci., IV, 16.
  • CitivelIi, G. and Manotti, G., 1975, Paleontological and se- dimentological characteristics of the Senonian of Pietraseoca (Carseolani, Mountains, Central Apennines): Geol. Romana, XIV, 87-124, Roma.
  • Choffat, P., 1891, Cretacique de Terres Vedras, 203-211, Paris.
  • Coquand, H., 1862, Geologie et Paleontologie de la region sud de la province de Constantine: Mem. Soc. emul. de Provence, 223.
  • Dacque, E., 1903, Mittilungen über den Kreidecomplex von Abu Roach: Paleontographica, XXX, 2e par- tia, 375, Stutgart.
  • D'Orbigny, A., 1847, Paleontologie frangaise Terrains cretaces (Texte, Atlas), IV, 211, Paris.
  • Douville, H., 1891, Sur les caracteres internes des Sauvagesia (I): Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr., XIX, 3e ser., 669- 672, Paris.
  • , 1909, Sur le genre Eoradiolites nov.: Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr., 9, 4e ser., 77, Paris.
  • , 1910, Etudes sur les Rudistes. Rudistes de Sicile, d'Algerie, d'Egypte, du Liban et de la Perse: Mem. Soc. Geol. Fr., No. 41, 50, Paris.
  • Erguvanlı, K., 1949, Etude des pierres de construction et geologie des environs de Hereke et de Gebze (Bithynie): These de Doctorat, ITU, 98 p., Istanbul.
  • Hill, R., 1893, The paleontology of the Cretaceous formations of Texas. The invertebrata fossils of the Caprina limestone beds: Proc. Biolog. Soc., 8, 97-108, Washington.
  • Karacabey-Öztemür, N., 1979, Three new species of the genus Miseia and proposal of a new subfamily of Radiolitidae: Bull. Min. Res. Expl, Inst. of Turkey, 92, 68-73, Ankara.
  • Kaya, O. and Dizer, A., 1984a, Bolu kuzeyi Üst Kretase ve Paleojen Kayalarının stratigrafisi ve yapısı: MTA Bull., 97/98, 57-77, Ankara.
  • and — , 1984b, Mengen (Bolu) Eosen kömür havzasının staratigrafisi: MTA Bull., 97/98, 123- 139, Ankara.
  • ; Dizer, A.; Tansel, I. and Özer, S., 1986a, Stratigraphy of the Upper Cretaceous and Paleogene in Yığılca-Bolu (NW Turkey): Bull. Min. Res. Expl. 107,1-20, Ankara.
  • , Wiedmann, J.; Kozur, H.; Özdemir, Ü.; Özer, S. and Beauvais, L., 1986b, A new discovery of the Lower Cretaceous in İstanbul, Turkey: MTA Bull., 107,106-111, Ankara.
  • Kühn, O., 1933, Rudistenfauna und Kreideentwicklung in Anatolien: N. Jahr. fur Min., Abt. B, 70, 227-250.
  • Matheron, P., 1842, Catalogue des Fossiles des Bouc- hes-du-Rhone, 120.
  • Milovanovic, B., 1938, Anatomie comparee et relation phylogenetiques des Lapeirousiinae: Bull. Acad. Sc. Serbe. Math, et Nat. B Sci. Nat., 4, 85-152. Belgrade.
  • Nöth, L., 1931, Oberkreidefossilen aus Paphlagonien (Kleinasien): N. Jahr. fur Min., Abt. B, 65, 321- 362.
  • Özer, S., 1983, Les formations a rudistes du Senonien superieur d'Anatolie Centrale: Trav. Lab. Stra. et de Paleoecologie, Univ. de Provence, Marseille,Nouvelle Serie, 1, 32 p.
  • , 1988a, Distributions stratigraphiques et geographiques des rudistes du Cretace superieur en Turquie: First Inter. Cong, on Rudists 1988, Belgrade, Serbian Geol. Soc. Abstracts, 16.
  • , 1988b, The paleontology and biogeography of the pironaean (Rudist) species from the Central-East- Southeast Anatolia and Kocaeli Peninsula: Geol. Bull, of Turkey, 31, 47-58, Ankara.
  • , 1991, Upper Cretaceous rudist provinces in Turkey: Suat Erk Jeol. Semp., Ankara Üniv. Fen Fak.- Jeol. Muh. Böl., Abstracts, 111.
  • , 1992, Deux nouvelles especes du genre Miseia (Rudistes) en Turquie. Remarques systematiques et phylogenetiques: Paleontographica, Abt. A, 220, 131-140, Stutgart.
  • ; Tansel, I. and Meriç, E., 1990, Biostratigraphy (Rudists, Foraminifer) of Upper Cretaceous-Paleocene sequence of Hereke-Kocaeli: J. Fac. Eng. Arch. Selçuk Univ. 5, 1-2, 29-50, Konya.
  • Parona, C.F., 1911 a, Rudiste Dell'Appennino (radiolitidi):Reale Accad. delle Sci. di Torino, Serie II, LXII, 290, Torino.
  • , 1911b, Per lo studio del Neocretaceo nel Friuli occidentale: Reale Accad, delle Sci. di Torino, XLVI, 6-9, Torino.
  • , 1912, Rudiste della "Scaglia" Veneta: Deale Acad. Delle Sci. di Torino, XLVII, 4-11, Torino.
  • Patrilius, D., 1974, Duranddelgia et Miseia, deux nouvea-ux genres de rudistes du Senonien de Padurea Crailui (Monts Apuseni): Dari de Seama ale şedin-telör, 3. Paeontologie, LX, 169-180, Bucuresti.
  • Pervinquiere, L., 1912, Etudes de Paleontologie tunisienne II, Gastropodes et Lamellibranches des terraines cretaces: Lamarre et Cie, 326-327,Paris.
  • Polsak, A., 1967, Macrofaune de I'lstrie Meridionale (Yugoslavie): Paleontologia Jugoslavica, 8, 219 s., Zagreb.
  • Pons, J., M., 1977, Estudio estratigrafico y paleontologico de los yacimientos de la Provincia de Lerida: Univ. Autonoma de Barcelona, Publ. de Geol. No. 3, 105 p.
  • Toucas, A., 1909, Etudes sur la classification et revolution des Radiolities: Mem. Soc. Geol. Fr., Pal, 17, 65, Paris.
Toplam 38 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Mühendislik
Bölüm Makaleler

Sacit Özer Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Eylül 1994
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 1994 Cilt: 116 Sayı: 116

Kaynak Göster

APA Özer, S. (1994). NEW SPECIES OF RADIOLITIDAE FROM THE BOLU AREA (W. BLACK-SEA) AND KOCAELİ PENINSULA. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration, 116(116), 1-8.
Chicago Özer, Sacit. “NEW SPECIES OF RADIOLITIDAE FROM THE BOLU AREA (W. BLACK-SEA) AND KOCAELİ PENINSULA”. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 116, sy. 116 (Eylül 1994): 1-8.
EndNote Özer S (01 Eylül 1994) NEW SPECIES OF RADIOLITIDAE FROM THE BOLU AREA (W. BLACK-SEA) AND KOCAELİ PENINSULA. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 116 116 1–8.
ISNAD Özer, Sacit. “NEW SPECIES OF RADIOLITIDAE FROM THE BOLU AREA (W. BLACK-SEA) AND KOCAELİ PENINSULA”. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 116/116 (Eylül 1994), 1-8.
MLA Özer, Sacit. “NEW SPECIES OF RADIOLITIDAE FROM THE BOLU AREA (W. BLACK-SEA) AND KOCAELİ PENINSULA”. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration, c. 116, sy. 116, 1994, ss. 1-8.

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