Araştırma Makalesi
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Yıl 2003, Cilt: 127 Sayı: 127, 1 - 14, 01.08.2003



  • Arpat, E. and Şaroğlu, F., 1975, Türkiye'deki bazı önemli genç tektonik olaylar: Türkiye Jeol. Kur.Bült.18, 91-101.
  • Artüz, M. I., 1970, Some observations on the hydrography of the Turkish Aegean waters during 4-25 September 1963: Publications of the Hydrobiological Research Institute, Faculty of Science, University of Istanbul, Serie B, 1-9.
  • Avşar, N. and Meriç, E., 2001 a, Türkiye'nin güncel bentik foraminiferleri-l (Kuzeydoğu Akdeniz Kuzey Ege Denizi-Çanakkale Boğazı-Kuzey ve Doğu Marmara Denizi-Haliç-İstanbul Bogazi-Bati Karadeniz): Çukurova Üniv. Yerbilimleri, 38, 109-126,
  • and , 2001 b, Çeşme-llıca Koyu (Izmir) bölgesi güncel bentik foraminiferlerinin sistematik dağılımı: Hacettepe Üniv. Yerbilimleri, 24, 13-22,
  • Barut, I. F.; Erdoğan-Yüzbaşıoğlu, N. and Başak, E., 2003, Hydrogeochemical evalution of Western Anatolian mineralwaters: Environmental Geology (in press).
  • Benli, H., and Küçüksezgin, F., 1988, Ulusal Deniz Ölçme ve İzleme Programı, Ege Denizi 6lgme ve İzleme Alt Projesi 1988 Dönemi Kesin Raporu: Reports of the Institute of Marine Sciences and Tecnology, Dokuz Eylül Üniv.,281 p.
  • Binns, R.A. and Deckker, D.L, 1998, The mineral wealth of the Bismark Sea: Scientific American, 9, 3, 92-98.
  • Cimerman, F. and Langer, M. R., 1991, Mediterranean Foraminifera: Slovenska Akademija Znanosti in Umetnosti, Academia Scientiarum et Artium Slovenica. 118 p.
  • Choubey V.M., and Ramola R.C., 1997, Correlation between geology and radon levels in groundwater, soil and indoor air in Bhilangana Valley, Garhwal Himalaya, India Environmental Geology, 32 ,4, 258-262.
  • Civrieux, J.M.S. de, 1970, Mutaciones recientes del genero Peneroplis y relaciones filogenicascon otros Soritidae: Revista Espanola de Micropaleontologia, 11,1, 5-12.
  • Debenay, J-P.; Tsakiridis, E.; Soulard, R., and Grossel, H., 2001, Factors Determining the Distribution of Foraminiferal Assemblages in Port Joinville Harbor (lle d'Yeu, France): The Influence of Pollution: Marine Micropaleontology, 43, 75-118.
  • Elberling, B.; Knudsen, K.L.; Kristansen, P.H. and Asmund, G., 2003, Applying foraminiferal stratigraphy as a biomarker for heavy metal contaminiation and mining impact in a fiord in West Greenland: Marine Environmental Research, 55, 235-256.
  • Ergin, M.; Bodur, M. N.; Ediger, D.; Ediger, V. and Yılmaz, A., 1993a, Organic carbon distribution in the surface sediments of the Sea of Marmara and its control by the inflows from adjecent water masses: Mar. Chemistry, 41,311-326.
  • ; ; Ediger V.; Yemenicioğlu, S., Okyar, M. and Kubilay, N., 1993b, Sources and dispersal of heavy metals in surface sediments along the Eastern Aegean Shelf: Bull. Ocean. Teor. Appl., 11,1, 27-44.
  • and Yemenicioğlu, S., 1997, Gelogic Assessment of Environmental Impact in Bottom Sediments of the Eastern Aegean Sea: Int. Jour. Environmental Studies, 51, 323-334.
  • Erişen, B.; Akkuş, İ.; Uygur, N. and Koçak, A., 1996, Türkiye Jeotermal Envanteri, MTA Genel Müdurlugu, 480s.
  • Hatta, A. and Ujiie, H., 1992, Benthic foraminifera from Coral Sea between Ishigaki and Iriomote Islands: Southern Ryukyu Island arc, northwestern Pasific. Bulletin of Science, University of the Ryukyus, 54, 163-287.
  • Hayward, B. W.; Grenfell, H. R.; Reid, C. M. and Hayward, K. A., 1999, Recent New Zealand shallow-water benthic foraminifera: Taxonomy, ecologic distribution, biogeography, and use in paleoenvironmental assessment: Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences Monograph, New Zealand, 21, 258 p.
  • Hottinger, L.; Halicz, E. and Reiss, Z., 1993, Recent foraminiferida from the Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea: Slovenska Akademija Znanosti in Umetnosti, Academia Scientiarum et Artium Slovenica, 179 p.
  • Ivanoff, A., 1972, Introduction a I'Oceanographie: 1, 208 p., Paris.
  • Krauskopf, K.B., 1985, Introduction to Geochemistry: 2nd Edition, McGraw-Hill Int. Series in the Earth and Planetary Sciences, 550p.
  • Loeblich, Jr. A. R. and Tappan, H., 1994, Foraminifera of the Sahul Shelf and Timor Sea: Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research. Special Publication 31, 663 p.
  • Mascle, J. and Martin, L., 1990, Shallow structure and recent evolution of the Aegean Sea: A synthesis based on continuous reflection profiles: Marine Geology, 97, 271-299.
  • McKenzie, D.P., 1977, Can plate tectonic describe continental deformation?, In: Structural history of the Mediterranean Basins: Biju-Dual, B., and Montadert, L., (eds), Editions Technip, Paris, 189p.
  • Meriç, E., 1986, Deniz dibi termal kaynakların canlı yaşamına etkisi hakkında güncel bir örnek (Ilıca-Çeşme-İzmir). Türkiye Jeol. Kur. Bült., 29,2, 17-21.
  • ; Yanko, V. and Avşar, N., 1995, İzmit Körfezi (Hersek Burnu-Kaba Burun) Kuvaterner istifinin foraminifer faunası: Meriç, E., (ed.), İzmit Körfezi Kuvaterner İstifi, 105-151
  • and Avşar, N., 2000, Deniz diplerindeki aktif fayların belirlenmesinde bentik foraminiferlerin önemi: Batı Anadolu'nun Depremselliği Sempozyumu (BADSEM-2000), 198-205, Izmir.
  • and , 2001, Benthic foraminiferal fauna of Gökçeada Island (Northern Aegean Sea) and its local variations: Acta Adriat., 42, 1, 125-150.
  • , and Nazik, A., 2002 a, Bozcaada (Kuzey Ege Denizi) bentik foraminifer ve ostrakod faunası ile bu toplulukta gözlenen yerel değişimler: Çukurova Üniv. Yerbilimleri, 40- 41, 97-119.
  • , and Bergin, F., 2002 b, Midilli Adası (Kuzey Ege Denizi) bentik foraminifer topluluğu ve bu toplulukta gözlenen yerel de ğişimler: Çukurova Üniv Yerbilimleri, 40-41, 177-193.
  • , Görmüş, M.; Avşar, N. and Ünsal I., 2002 c, Güncel nodosariid bentonik foraminiferlerde üreme sırasındaki anormal oluşumların önemi ve rastlantı faktörü: TPJD Bülteni, 14, 1, 67-82.
  • Meriç, E.; Görmüş, M.; Nazik, A.; Eryılmaz, M. and Eryılmaz-Yücesoy, F., 2003, Saros Körfezi'nin (Kuzey Ege Denizi) bentik ve planktik foraminifer toplulukları ile çökel dağılımı: Hacettepe Üniv. Yerbilimleri, 28 (In press).
  • ; Avşar, N. and Bergin, F., 2004, Benthic foraminifera of Eastern Aegean Sea (Turkey), systematics and autoecology: Istanbul (In press), 310 p
  • Piper, A.M., 1953, A graphic procedure in the geochemical interpretation of water analyses. US Geol. Survey, Groundwater Note 12.
  • Sgarella, F. and Moncharmont-Zei, M., 1993, Benthic foraminifera of the Gulf of Naples (Italy), systematic and autoecology: Bulletino della Societa Paleontologica Italiana, 32, 2, 145- 264.
  • Shirav (Schwartz), M., and Vulkan, U., 1997, Mapping radon-prone areas- a geophysical approach: Environmental Geology, 31,3/4, 167- 173.
  • Sözeri, B., 1966, İzmir, Çeşme Ilıcası plaj kumundaki aktüel foraminiferler ve variasyonları: Türkiye Jeol. Kur. Bült.,10, 1-2, 143-154.
  • Şaroğlu, F.; Emre, Ö. and Kuşçu, I., 1992, Türkiye dirifay haritası (1/1.000.000 ölçekli orijinal haritadan küçültülmüş baskı): MTA Genel Müdürlüğü, Ankara.
  • Şengör, A.M.C., and Yılmaz, Y. 1981, Thethyan evolution of Turkey: a plate tectonic Approach: Tectonophysics, 75, 181-241.
  • Tait, R.V., 1981, Elements of marine ecology: London, 356 p.
  • Thiermann, F.; Akoumianaki, I.; Hughes, J. A. and Giere, O., 1997, Benthic fauna of a shallowwater gaseohydrothermal vent area in the Aegean Sea (Milos, Greece): Marine Biology, 128, 1, 149-159.
  • Turgut, S., 1987, Ege denizi'nin paleocografik gelişimine ait rapor: TPAO Raporu.
  • Türkiye Mineralli Su Kaynakları (Ege Bölgesi), 1999, Istanbul Universitesi, Tip Fakültesi Tıbbi Ekoloji ve Hidro-Klimatoloji Anabilim Dalı, I.Ü. Araştırma Fonu Projesi Sonuç Raporu: 874/090896 (unpublished report), 119s.
  • Türkiye Madensuları (3), Ege Bölgesi, 1974, I.Ü. Tip Fakültesi, Hidroklimatoloji Kürsüsü, 335 s.
  • Varnavas, S.P.; Halbach, P.; Halbach, M., Panagiotaras, D.; Rahders, E. and Hubner, A., 1999, Characterization of hydrothermal fields and hydrothermal evolution in the Hellenic Volcanic Arc: International conference Oceanography of the eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea, 23 to 26 February 1999, Athens, Greece, 343.
  • Yalçın, H.; Meriç E.; Avşar N.; Bozkaya Ö. and Barut I.F., 2003, İskenderun Körfezi Güncel Çökel ve Foraminiferlerinde Gözlenen Jeokimyasal Anomaliler: Türkiye Jeol. Kur. Bült., 46, 2, (In press).
  • Yanko, V.; Ahmad, M. and Kaminsky, M., 1998, Morphological Deformities of Benthic Foraminiferal Tests in Response to Pollution by Heavy Metals: Implications for Pollution Monitoring: Journal of Foraminiferal Research, 28, 3, 177-200.
  • ; Arnold, A., and Parker W., 1999, The effect of marine pollution on benthic foraminifera: Sen Gupta, B., ed., Modern Foraminifera, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 384 p.
  • Yılmaz, Y., 1990, An approach to the origin of young volcanic rocks of Western Turkey: Şengör, A.M.C., ed..Tectonic evolution of the Thethyan region, Kluwer Academic, 159-189.

A Note On Three Abnormal Samples Of Benthic Foraminifers From The Dikili Bay (TURKEY) In The Northeastrn Aegean Sea: Peneroplis planatus (Fichtel and Moll), Rosalina sp., and Elphidium crispum (Linne)

Yıl 2003, Cilt: 127 Sayı: 127, 1 - 14, 01.08.2003


Three of nine foraminifer samples collected from the Dikili Bay in the northwestern Aegean Sea
yielded three species demonstrating aberrance in development: Peneroplis planatus (Fichtel and Moll), Rosalina
sp. and Elphidium crispum (Linne). We suggest that the cause for such abnormalities may well be thermal springs,
which are known to exist in the regions of the Dikili Bay and the Island of Lesbos to the west, and correspondingly
high proportion of certain elements in the waters. 


  • Arpat, E. and Şaroğlu, F., 1975, Türkiye'deki bazı önemli genç tektonik olaylar: Türkiye Jeol. Kur.Bült.18, 91-101.
  • Artüz, M. I., 1970, Some observations on the hydrography of the Turkish Aegean waters during 4-25 September 1963: Publications of the Hydrobiological Research Institute, Faculty of Science, University of Istanbul, Serie B, 1-9.
  • Avşar, N. and Meriç, E., 2001 a, Türkiye'nin güncel bentik foraminiferleri-l (Kuzeydoğu Akdeniz Kuzey Ege Denizi-Çanakkale Boğazı-Kuzey ve Doğu Marmara Denizi-Haliç-İstanbul Bogazi-Bati Karadeniz): Çukurova Üniv. Yerbilimleri, 38, 109-126,
  • and , 2001 b, Çeşme-llıca Koyu (Izmir) bölgesi güncel bentik foraminiferlerinin sistematik dağılımı: Hacettepe Üniv. Yerbilimleri, 24, 13-22,
  • Barut, I. F.; Erdoğan-Yüzbaşıoğlu, N. and Başak, E., 2003, Hydrogeochemical evalution of Western Anatolian mineralwaters: Environmental Geology (in press).
  • Benli, H., and Küçüksezgin, F., 1988, Ulusal Deniz Ölçme ve İzleme Programı, Ege Denizi 6lgme ve İzleme Alt Projesi 1988 Dönemi Kesin Raporu: Reports of the Institute of Marine Sciences and Tecnology, Dokuz Eylül Üniv.,281 p.
  • Binns, R.A. and Deckker, D.L, 1998, The mineral wealth of the Bismark Sea: Scientific American, 9, 3, 92-98.
  • Cimerman, F. and Langer, M. R., 1991, Mediterranean Foraminifera: Slovenska Akademija Znanosti in Umetnosti, Academia Scientiarum et Artium Slovenica. 118 p.
  • Choubey V.M., and Ramola R.C., 1997, Correlation between geology and radon levels in groundwater, soil and indoor air in Bhilangana Valley, Garhwal Himalaya, India Environmental Geology, 32 ,4, 258-262.
  • Civrieux, J.M.S. de, 1970, Mutaciones recientes del genero Peneroplis y relaciones filogenicascon otros Soritidae: Revista Espanola de Micropaleontologia, 11,1, 5-12.
  • Debenay, J-P.; Tsakiridis, E.; Soulard, R., and Grossel, H., 2001, Factors Determining the Distribution of Foraminiferal Assemblages in Port Joinville Harbor (lle d'Yeu, France): The Influence of Pollution: Marine Micropaleontology, 43, 75-118.
  • Elberling, B.; Knudsen, K.L.; Kristansen, P.H. and Asmund, G., 2003, Applying foraminiferal stratigraphy as a biomarker for heavy metal contaminiation and mining impact in a fiord in West Greenland: Marine Environmental Research, 55, 235-256.
  • Ergin, M.; Bodur, M. N.; Ediger, D.; Ediger, V. and Yılmaz, A., 1993a, Organic carbon distribution in the surface sediments of the Sea of Marmara and its control by the inflows from adjecent water masses: Mar. Chemistry, 41,311-326.
  • ; ; Ediger V.; Yemenicioğlu, S., Okyar, M. and Kubilay, N., 1993b, Sources and dispersal of heavy metals in surface sediments along the Eastern Aegean Shelf: Bull. Ocean. Teor. Appl., 11,1, 27-44.
  • and Yemenicioğlu, S., 1997, Gelogic Assessment of Environmental Impact in Bottom Sediments of the Eastern Aegean Sea: Int. Jour. Environmental Studies, 51, 323-334.
  • Erişen, B.; Akkuş, İ.; Uygur, N. and Koçak, A., 1996, Türkiye Jeotermal Envanteri, MTA Genel Müdurlugu, 480s.
  • Hatta, A. and Ujiie, H., 1992, Benthic foraminifera from Coral Sea between Ishigaki and Iriomote Islands: Southern Ryukyu Island arc, northwestern Pasific. Bulletin of Science, University of the Ryukyus, 54, 163-287.
  • Hayward, B. W.; Grenfell, H. R.; Reid, C. M. and Hayward, K. A., 1999, Recent New Zealand shallow-water benthic foraminifera: Taxonomy, ecologic distribution, biogeography, and use in paleoenvironmental assessment: Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences Monograph, New Zealand, 21, 258 p.
  • Hottinger, L.; Halicz, E. and Reiss, Z., 1993, Recent foraminiferida from the Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea: Slovenska Akademija Znanosti in Umetnosti, Academia Scientiarum et Artium Slovenica, 179 p.
  • Ivanoff, A., 1972, Introduction a I'Oceanographie: 1, 208 p., Paris.
  • Krauskopf, K.B., 1985, Introduction to Geochemistry: 2nd Edition, McGraw-Hill Int. Series in the Earth and Planetary Sciences, 550p.
  • Loeblich, Jr. A. R. and Tappan, H., 1994, Foraminifera of the Sahul Shelf and Timor Sea: Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research. Special Publication 31, 663 p.
  • Mascle, J. and Martin, L., 1990, Shallow structure and recent evolution of the Aegean Sea: A synthesis based on continuous reflection profiles: Marine Geology, 97, 271-299.
  • McKenzie, D.P., 1977, Can plate tectonic describe continental deformation?, In: Structural history of the Mediterranean Basins: Biju-Dual, B., and Montadert, L., (eds), Editions Technip, Paris, 189p.
  • Meriç, E., 1986, Deniz dibi termal kaynakların canlı yaşamına etkisi hakkında güncel bir örnek (Ilıca-Çeşme-İzmir). Türkiye Jeol. Kur. Bült., 29,2, 17-21.
  • ; Yanko, V. and Avşar, N., 1995, İzmit Körfezi (Hersek Burnu-Kaba Burun) Kuvaterner istifinin foraminifer faunası: Meriç, E., (ed.), İzmit Körfezi Kuvaterner İstifi, 105-151
  • and Avşar, N., 2000, Deniz diplerindeki aktif fayların belirlenmesinde bentik foraminiferlerin önemi: Batı Anadolu'nun Depremselliği Sempozyumu (BADSEM-2000), 198-205, Izmir.
  • and , 2001, Benthic foraminiferal fauna of Gökçeada Island (Northern Aegean Sea) and its local variations: Acta Adriat., 42, 1, 125-150.
  • , and Nazik, A., 2002 a, Bozcaada (Kuzey Ege Denizi) bentik foraminifer ve ostrakod faunası ile bu toplulukta gözlenen yerel değişimler: Çukurova Üniv. Yerbilimleri, 40- 41, 97-119.
  • , and Bergin, F., 2002 b, Midilli Adası (Kuzey Ege Denizi) bentik foraminifer topluluğu ve bu toplulukta gözlenen yerel de ğişimler: Çukurova Üniv Yerbilimleri, 40-41, 177-193.
  • , Görmüş, M.; Avşar, N. and Ünsal I., 2002 c, Güncel nodosariid bentonik foraminiferlerde üreme sırasındaki anormal oluşumların önemi ve rastlantı faktörü: TPJD Bülteni, 14, 1, 67-82.
  • Meriç, E.; Görmüş, M.; Nazik, A.; Eryılmaz, M. and Eryılmaz-Yücesoy, F., 2003, Saros Körfezi'nin (Kuzey Ege Denizi) bentik ve planktik foraminifer toplulukları ile çökel dağılımı: Hacettepe Üniv. Yerbilimleri, 28 (In press).
  • ; Avşar, N. and Bergin, F., 2004, Benthic foraminifera of Eastern Aegean Sea (Turkey), systematics and autoecology: Istanbul (In press), 310 p
  • Piper, A.M., 1953, A graphic procedure in the geochemical interpretation of water analyses. US Geol. Survey, Groundwater Note 12.
  • Sgarella, F. and Moncharmont-Zei, M., 1993, Benthic foraminifera of the Gulf of Naples (Italy), systematic and autoecology: Bulletino della Societa Paleontologica Italiana, 32, 2, 145- 264.
  • Shirav (Schwartz), M., and Vulkan, U., 1997, Mapping radon-prone areas- a geophysical approach: Environmental Geology, 31,3/4, 167- 173.
  • Sözeri, B., 1966, İzmir, Çeşme Ilıcası plaj kumundaki aktüel foraminiferler ve variasyonları: Türkiye Jeol. Kur. Bült.,10, 1-2, 143-154.
  • Şaroğlu, F.; Emre, Ö. and Kuşçu, I., 1992, Türkiye dirifay haritası (1/1.000.000 ölçekli orijinal haritadan küçültülmüş baskı): MTA Genel Müdürlüğü, Ankara.
  • Şengör, A.M.C., and Yılmaz, Y. 1981, Thethyan evolution of Turkey: a plate tectonic Approach: Tectonophysics, 75, 181-241.
  • Tait, R.V., 1981, Elements of marine ecology: London, 356 p.
  • Thiermann, F.; Akoumianaki, I.; Hughes, J. A. and Giere, O., 1997, Benthic fauna of a shallowwater gaseohydrothermal vent area in the Aegean Sea (Milos, Greece): Marine Biology, 128, 1, 149-159.
  • Turgut, S., 1987, Ege denizi'nin paleocografik gelişimine ait rapor: TPAO Raporu.
  • Türkiye Mineralli Su Kaynakları (Ege Bölgesi), 1999, Istanbul Universitesi, Tip Fakültesi Tıbbi Ekoloji ve Hidro-Klimatoloji Anabilim Dalı, I.Ü. Araştırma Fonu Projesi Sonuç Raporu: 874/090896 (unpublished report), 119s.
  • Türkiye Madensuları (3), Ege Bölgesi, 1974, I.Ü. Tip Fakültesi, Hidroklimatoloji Kürsüsü, 335 s.
  • Varnavas, S.P.; Halbach, P.; Halbach, M., Panagiotaras, D.; Rahders, E. and Hubner, A., 1999, Characterization of hydrothermal fields and hydrothermal evolution in the Hellenic Volcanic Arc: International conference Oceanography of the eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea, 23 to 26 February 1999, Athens, Greece, 343.
  • Yalçın, H.; Meriç E.; Avşar N.; Bozkaya Ö. and Barut I.F., 2003, İskenderun Körfezi Güncel Çökel ve Foraminiferlerinde Gözlenen Jeokimyasal Anomaliler: Türkiye Jeol. Kur. Bült., 46, 2, (In press).
  • Yanko, V.; Ahmad, M. and Kaminsky, M., 1998, Morphological Deformities of Benthic Foraminiferal Tests in Response to Pollution by Heavy Metals: Implications for Pollution Monitoring: Journal of Foraminiferal Research, 28, 3, 177-200.
  • ; Arnold, A., and Parker W., 1999, The effect of marine pollution on benthic foraminifera: Sen Gupta, B., ed., Modern Foraminifera, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 384 p.
  • Yılmaz, Y., 1990, An approach to the origin of young volcanic rocks of Western Turkey: Şengör, A.M.C., ed..Tectonic evolution of the Thethyan region, Kluwer Academic, 159-189.
Toplam 49 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Mühendislik
Bölüm Makaleler

Engin Meriç Bu kişi benim

Niyazi Avşar Bu kişi benim

Fulya Bergin Bu kişi benim

İpek F. Barut

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ağustos 2003
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2003 Cilt: 127 Sayı: 127

Kaynak Göster

APA Meriç, E., Avşar, N., Bergin, F., Barut, İ. F. (2003). A Note On Three Abnormal Samples Of Benthic Foraminifers From The Dikili Bay (TURKEY) In The Northeastrn Aegean Sea: Peneroplis planatus (Fichtel and Moll), Rosalina sp., and Elphidium crispum (Linne). Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration, 127(127), 1-14.
AMA Meriç E, Avşar N, Bergin F, Barut İF. A Note On Three Abnormal Samples Of Benthic Foraminifers From The Dikili Bay (TURKEY) In The Northeastrn Aegean Sea: Peneroplis planatus (Fichtel and Moll), Rosalina sp., and Elphidium crispum (Linne). Bull.Min.Res.Exp. Ağustos 2003;127(127):1-14.
Chicago Meriç, Engin, Niyazi Avşar, Fulya Bergin, ve İpek F. Barut. “A Note On Three Abnormal Samples Of Benthic Foraminifers From The Dikili Bay (TURKEY) In The Northeastrn Aegean Sea: Peneroplis Planatus (Fichtel and Moll), Rosalina sp., and Elphidium Crispum (Linne)”. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 127, sy. 127 (Ağustos 2003): 1-14.
EndNote Meriç E, Avşar N, Bergin F, Barut İF (01 Ağustos 2003) A Note On Three Abnormal Samples Of Benthic Foraminifers From The Dikili Bay (TURKEY) In The Northeastrn Aegean Sea: Peneroplis planatus (Fichtel and Moll), Rosalina sp., and Elphidium crispum (Linne). Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 127 127 1–14.
IEEE E. Meriç, N. Avşar, F. Bergin, ve İ. F. Barut, “A Note On Three Abnormal Samples Of Benthic Foraminifers From The Dikili Bay (TURKEY) In The Northeastrn Aegean Sea: Peneroplis planatus (Fichtel and Moll), Rosalina sp., and Elphidium crispum (Linne)”, Bull.Min.Res.Exp., c. 127, sy. 127, ss. 1–14, 2003.
ISNAD Meriç, Engin vd. “A Note On Three Abnormal Samples Of Benthic Foraminifers From The Dikili Bay (TURKEY) In The Northeastrn Aegean Sea: Peneroplis Planatus (Fichtel and Moll), Rosalina sp., and Elphidium Crispum (Linne)”. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 127/127 (Ağustos 2003), 1-14.
JAMA Meriç E, Avşar N, Bergin F, Barut İF. A Note On Three Abnormal Samples Of Benthic Foraminifers From The Dikili Bay (TURKEY) In The Northeastrn Aegean Sea: Peneroplis planatus (Fichtel and Moll), Rosalina sp., and Elphidium crispum (Linne). Bull.Min.Res.Exp. 2003;127:1–14.
MLA Meriç, Engin vd. “A Note On Three Abnormal Samples Of Benthic Foraminifers From The Dikili Bay (TURKEY) In The Northeastrn Aegean Sea: Peneroplis Planatus (Fichtel and Moll), Rosalina sp., and Elphidium Crispum (Linne)”. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration, c. 127, sy. 127, 2003, ss. 1-14.
Vancouver Meriç E, Avşar N, Bergin F, Barut İF. A Note On Three Abnormal Samples Of Benthic Foraminifers From The Dikili Bay (TURKEY) In The Northeastrn Aegean Sea: Peneroplis planatus (Fichtel and Moll), Rosalina sp., and Elphidium crispum (Linne). Bull.Min.Res.Exp. 2003;127(127):1-14.

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