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Yıl 2009, Cilt: 138 Sayı: 138, 7 - 33, 01.07.2009



  • Allen, C.R., Amand, P., Richter, C.F. and Nordquist, J.M. 1965. Relation between seismicity and geological structure in the Southern California Region. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 55, 752-797.
  • Alptekin, G. 1978. Turkiye ve cevresindeki depremlerde manyitüd-frekans bagıntıları ve deformasyon bosalımı, Docentlik tezi, Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi, Trabzon (unpublished).
  • Ambraseys, N.N. and Finkel, C.F. 1995. The seismicity of Turkey and Adjacent Areas (A Historical Review, 1500-1800). Eren Yayıncılık ve Kitapçılık Ltd. Sti., Istanbul.
  • Amelung, F. and King, G., 1997. Earthquake scaling laws for creeping and non-creeping faults. Geophysical Research Letters, 24, 507-
  • Aydan, G., Kumsar, H. and Ulusay, R. 2000. GPS ölçümlerinden yararlanılarak Batı Anadolu'nun depremselliqine bir yaklasim. Ban Anadolu'nun Deprernselliği Sempozyumu, s 279-292, izmir.
  • Aydan, G., Kumsar, H. and Tano, H. 2001. Denizli ve yakın cevresindeki jeotermal kaynakların ve Denizli Fayı zonundaki sicaklık degişimlerinin yerkabuğundaki degişimlerle ilgisi olabilir mi? III. İzmir ve Çevresi'nin Deprem-Jeoteknik Sempozyumu (JEO- TEKNIK-III), CD-ROM, 25 sayfa, izmir.
  • Bath, M., 1983. Earthquake magnitude recent research and current trends. Earth-Science Reviews, 17,315-398.
  • Bozkurt, E. and Sözbilir, H. 2004. Tectonic evolution of the Gediz Graben: field evidence for an episodic, two-stage extension in western Turkey. Geological Magazine, 141 (1), 63-79.
  • Ergin, K., Güçlu, U. and Uz, Z. 1967. Türkiye ve civarının deprem kataloğu (M.S.11-1964). İTÜ, Maden Fakültesi, Arz Fizigi Enstitusu yayınları, 24, istanbul.
  • Evernden, J.F. 1970. Study of regional seismicity and associated problems. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 60, 393-446.
  • Eyidoğan, H., GUylu, U., Utku, Z. and Degirmenci, E. 1991. Türkiye Buyük depremleri makro-sismik rehberi (1900-1988). ITi, Maden Fakultesi, Jeofizik Muhendisligi Bolurnu, İstanbul.
  • Frohlich, C. and Davis, S. 1993. Teleseismic b values: or, much about 1.0. Journal of Geophysical Research, 98, 631-644.
  • Gencoğlu, S. Inan, E., and Guier, H. 1990. Türkiye'nin deprem tehlikesi. TMMOB Jeofizik Muhendisleri Odası, Ankara.
  • Gumbel, E.J. 1958. Statistics of extremes. Columbia University Press, New York.
  • Guo, Z. and Ogata, Y. 1997. Statistical relations between the parameters of aftershocks in time, space and magnitude. Journal of Geophysical Research, 102(B2), 2857-2873.
  • Gupta, H.K. 2002. A review of recent studies of triggered earthquakes by artificial water reservoirs with special emphasis on earthquakes in Koyna, India. Earth-Science Reviews, 58,279-310.
  • Gutenberg, B. and Richter, C.F. 1942. Earthquake magnitude, intensity, energy and acceleration, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 32(3), 163-191. Gutenberg, B. and Richter, C.F. 1944. Frequency of earthquakes in California. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 34, 185-188.
  • Hatzidimitriou, P.M., Papadimitriou, EE, Mountrakis, D.M. and Papazachos, B.C. 1985. The seismic parameter b- of the frequency-magnitude relation and its association with the geological zones in the area of Greece. Tectonophysics, 120, 141-151.
  • Kandilli Rasathanesi ve Deprem Arastrrma Enstitusu, 2006. 05 Mayıs 2006.
  • Koçyigit, A. 2005. The Denizli graben-horst system and the eastern limit of western Anatolian continental extension: basin fill, structure, deformational mode, throw amount and episodic evolutionary history, SW Turkey. Geodinamica Acta, 18/3, 167-208. Koşyigit, A. , Yusutoqlu, H., and Bozkurt, E. 1999. Evidence from the Gediz graben for episodic tw-stage extension in western Turkey. J. Geol. Soc. London, 156,605-616
  • Manukau, M. V. and Tsapanos, T.M. 2000. Seismicity and seismic hazard parameters evaluation in the Island of Crete and surrounding area inferred from mixed data files. Tectonophysics, 321, 157-178.
  • Miyamura, S. 1962. Magnitude-frequency relations and its bearing to Geotectonics. Proceedings of the Japan Academy, 38, 27-30.
  • Mogi, K. 1967. Earthquakes and fractures. Tectonophysics, 5, 35-55.
  • Mori, J., and Abercrombie, R.E 1997. Depth dependence of earthquake frequency-magnitude distributions in California: implications for the rupture initiation. Journal of Geophysical Research, 102, 15081-15090.
  • Olsson, R. 1999. An estimation of maximum b- value in the Gutenberg-Richter relation. Journal of Geodynamics, 27, 547-552.
  • Oncel, A.D., and Wyss, M. 2000. The major asperities of the 1999 Mw=7.4 Izmit earthquake defined by the microseismicity of the two decades before it. Geophysical Journal International, 143, 501-506.
  • Pınar, N. and Lahn, E 1952. Turkiye depremleri izah- II kataloqu, Baymdirhk Bakanhqr, Yapi ve
  • Scholz, C.H. 1968. The frequency-magnitude relation of microfracturing in rock and its relation to earthquakes. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 58, 399-415.
  • Shi, Y. and Bolt, BA 1982. The standard error of magnitude-frequency b- value. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 72, 1677-1687.
  • Sobiesiak, M. 2000. Fault plane structure of the Antofagasta, Chile earthquake of 1995. Geophysical Research Letters, 27, 577-600.
  • Saroğlu, F., Emre, O. and Kuscu, I. 1992. Turkiye Diri Fay Haritası, Maden Tetkik ve Arama Genel Mudurlugu (MTA), Ankara.
  • Tabban, A. 1970a. Turkiye'nm Sismisitesi. T.C. İmar ve İskan Bakanlığı: Afet rsleri Genel Mudurlugu Deprem Arastrrma Enstitusu Baskanlıgı, Ankara.
  • 1970b. Grafiklerle Turkiye'nin Sismik Durumu. T.C. imar ve iskan Bakanhq: Afet rslen Genel Mudurlugu Deprem Arasnrma Enstitu su Baskanhqr, Ankara.
  • Gencoqlu, S. 1975. Deprem ve Parametreleri. T.C. imar ve iskan Bakanhjn Deprem Arastrrma Enstitusu Baskanhqr, Ankara.
  • Tsapanos, T.M. 1990. b-Values of two tectonic parts in the circum-Pacific belt. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 134, 229-242.
  • Turcotte, D.L. 1986. A fractal model of Crustal deformation. Tectonophysics, 132, 261-269.
  • Turkelli, N., Sandvol, E., Zor, E., Gbk, R., Gbrgulu, G., Al-Lazkr, A., Bekler, T., Karabulut, H., Eken, T., $eber, D., Barazanqr, M. and Keskin, M. 2003. Dogu Anadolu deprem projesi: sonuclar ve bblgenin jeodinamik yaprsnun yeniden yorumlanrnasma olan katkrlart. Turkiye Kuvaterneri Qah~taYI IV, Bildiri Ozetleri, sayfa 20, Istanbul.
  • Urbancic, T.I., Trifu, C.I., Long, J.M., and Toung, R.P. 1992. Space-time correlations of b value with stress release. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 139,449-462.
  • Utku, M. 2003. Turklye'nin quncel depremselliqi: alb ve risk degerleri. Turkiye 15. Jeofizik Kurultayi ve Sergisi, Bildiri Ozetleri Kitabr, sayfa 13, rzmir,
  • 2004. Turkiye deprem haritalan: a, b-, alb ve risk daqrhrnlan, Turkiye 16. Uluslararasi Jeofizik Kongre ve Sergisi, Bildiri Ozetleri Kitabl, sayfa 148-151, Ankara.
  • 2005. Denizli Depremleri: bir fay qelisirni brnegi. Deprem Sempozyumu- Kocaeli 2005, CD-ROM, bildiriler.htm, sayfa 78-81, Ozier Kitabı, sayfa 17, Kocaeli.
  • and Ozyalın, Ş. 2002. Teknolojik anlarmyla 0100: Deprem risk analizi bilgisayar yazılımı. Bilgi Teknolojileri Kongresi, CD- ROM (8 sayfa), Bildiri Ozetleri, sayfa 151-155, Denizli.
  • Wang, J.H. 1988. b- values of shallow earthquakes in Taiwan. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 78, 1243-1254.
  • 1994. On the correlation of observed Gutenberg-Richter's b- value and Omori's p- value for aftershocks. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 84, 2008-2011.
  • Warren, N.W., and Latham, G.v. 1970. An experimental study of thermally induced micro-fracturing and its relation to volcanic seismicity. Journal of Geophysical Research, 75, 4455-4464.
  • Wiemer, S., and Wyss, M., 1997. Mapping the frequency-magnitude distribution in asperities: an improved technique tolculate recurrence times. Journal of Geophysical Research, 102,15115-15128.
  • and Katsumata, K. 1999. Spatial variability of seismicity parameters in aftershock zones. Journal of Geophysical Research, 102, 13135-13151 .
  • Wyss, M., Shimazaki, K., and Wiemer, S. 1997. Mapping active magma chambers by b value beneath Off-Izu volcano, Japan. Journal of Geophysical Research, 102, 20413-20433.
  • Zhu, L., Akyol, N., Mitchell, B.J., and Sbzbilir, H. 2006. Seismotectonics of Western Turkey from High-Resolution Earthquake Relocations and Moment Tensor Determinations. Geophysical Research Letters, 33, L07316, DOl: 10.1 029/2006GL025842.

Analysis of Denizli earthquakes according to their activity and cumulative activity terms

Yıl 2009, Cilt: 138 Sayı: 138, 7 - 33, 01.07.2009


In this study spatial behaviour of local earthquake activity
regime of Denizli and its surrounding areas, outlined by the coordinates
(37.26-38.30N; 28.39-29.75E), has been investigated. It has not been met an
earthquake of magnitude 7.0 and greater in the region having historical
earthquake records since 60 AD. According to earthquake databank of Bogazici
University Kandilli Observatory and Earthquake Research Institute, 1485
earthquakes of magnitude M3.0 have occurred in the region until December 31, 2006.
During the instrumental period starting with the year of 1900, two different
earthquake activities of which one has a more calm outlook probably due to lack
of data, and the other one has a dense activity in the NW-SE direction, have
been observed. On the basis of both the most active years and the activity
periods, it is shown that the earthquake activity between 1971-2006 has
occurred at the two ends of a fault zone in NW-SE direction and by in
succession. Although the faulting progress is not pure periodical process, it
may be said that it shows an activity in a specific order and periods. By this
harmony, the next activity can be observed in the SE end of the fault zone. The
faults in the region may produce earthquakes with a magnitude equal to 6.7 (IO=IX)
or greater. The earthquake activity in the region has 5 different subperiods.
These subperiods are the processes showing the changes in the seismic activity.
From two analyses performed according to activity and cumulative activity
terms, it has been inferred that the subperiod of 1992-2001, which is termed as
4th activity term in this study, is the most active term. The 5th activity term
has still continued with the similar attributes as in the 4th activity term.
The earthquake activity in Denizli and its surroundings has a recurrence period
of 24 years for a magnitude of 5.5 earthquake which is a destructive earthquake
for Turkey. This regime has been a very good example of the earthquake
phenomenon defined as a faulting progress.


  • Allen, C.R., Amand, P., Richter, C.F. and Nordquist, J.M. 1965. Relation between seismicity and geological structure in the Southern California Region. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 55, 752-797.
  • Alptekin, G. 1978. Turkiye ve cevresindeki depremlerde manyitüd-frekans bagıntıları ve deformasyon bosalımı, Docentlik tezi, Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi, Trabzon (unpublished).
  • Ambraseys, N.N. and Finkel, C.F. 1995. The seismicity of Turkey and Adjacent Areas (A Historical Review, 1500-1800). Eren Yayıncılık ve Kitapçılık Ltd. Sti., Istanbul.
  • Amelung, F. and King, G., 1997. Earthquake scaling laws for creeping and non-creeping faults. Geophysical Research Letters, 24, 507-
  • Aydan, G., Kumsar, H. and Ulusay, R. 2000. GPS ölçümlerinden yararlanılarak Batı Anadolu'nun depremselliqine bir yaklasim. Ban Anadolu'nun Deprernselliği Sempozyumu, s 279-292, izmir.
  • Aydan, G., Kumsar, H. and Tano, H. 2001. Denizli ve yakın cevresindeki jeotermal kaynakların ve Denizli Fayı zonundaki sicaklık degişimlerinin yerkabuğundaki degişimlerle ilgisi olabilir mi? III. İzmir ve Çevresi'nin Deprem-Jeoteknik Sempozyumu (JEO- TEKNIK-III), CD-ROM, 25 sayfa, izmir.
  • Bath, M., 1983. Earthquake magnitude recent research and current trends. Earth-Science Reviews, 17,315-398.
  • Bozkurt, E. and Sözbilir, H. 2004. Tectonic evolution of the Gediz Graben: field evidence for an episodic, two-stage extension in western Turkey. Geological Magazine, 141 (1), 63-79.
  • Ergin, K., Güçlu, U. and Uz, Z. 1967. Türkiye ve civarının deprem kataloğu (M.S.11-1964). İTÜ, Maden Fakültesi, Arz Fizigi Enstitusu yayınları, 24, istanbul.
  • Evernden, J.F. 1970. Study of regional seismicity and associated problems. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 60, 393-446.
  • Eyidoğan, H., GUylu, U., Utku, Z. and Degirmenci, E. 1991. Türkiye Buyük depremleri makro-sismik rehberi (1900-1988). ITi, Maden Fakultesi, Jeofizik Muhendisligi Bolurnu, İstanbul.
  • Frohlich, C. and Davis, S. 1993. Teleseismic b values: or, much about 1.0. Journal of Geophysical Research, 98, 631-644.
  • Gencoğlu, S. Inan, E., and Guier, H. 1990. Türkiye'nin deprem tehlikesi. TMMOB Jeofizik Muhendisleri Odası, Ankara.
  • Gumbel, E.J. 1958. Statistics of extremes. Columbia University Press, New York.
  • Guo, Z. and Ogata, Y. 1997. Statistical relations between the parameters of aftershocks in time, space and magnitude. Journal of Geophysical Research, 102(B2), 2857-2873.
  • Gupta, H.K. 2002. A review of recent studies of triggered earthquakes by artificial water reservoirs with special emphasis on earthquakes in Koyna, India. Earth-Science Reviews, 58,279-310.
  • Gutenberg, B. and Richter, C.F. 1942. Earthquake magnitude, intensity, energy and acceleration, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 32(3), 163-191. Gutenberg, B. and Richter, C.F. 1944. Frequency of earthquakes in California. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 34, 185-188.
  • Hatzidimitriou, P.M., Papadimitriou, EE, Mountrakis, D.M. and Papazachos, B.C. 1985. The seismic parameter b- of the frequency-magnitude relation and its association with the geological zones in the area of Greece. Tectonophysics, 120, 141-151.
  • Kandilli Rasathanesi ve Deprem Arastrrma Enstitusu, 2006. 05 Mayıs 2006.
  • Koçyigit, A. 2005. The Denizli graben-horst system and the eastern limit of western Anatolian continental extension: basin fill, structure, deformational mode, throw amount and episodic evolutionary history, SW Turkey. Geodinamica Acta, 18/3, 167-208. Koşyigit, A. , Yusutoqlu, H., and Bozkurt, E. 1999. Evidence from the Gediz graben for episodic tw-stage extension in western Turkey. J. Geol. Soc. London, 156,605-616
  • Manukau, M. V. and Tsapanos, T.M. 2000. Seismicity and seismic hazard parameters evaluation in the Island of Crete and surrounding area inferred from mixed data files. Tectonophysics, 321, 157-178.
  • Miyamura, S. 1962. Magnitude-frequency relations and its bearing to Geotectonics. Proceedings of the Japan Academy, 38, 27-30.
  • Mogi, K. 1967. Earthquakes and fractures. Tectonophysics, 5, 35-55.
  • Mori, J., and Abercrombie, R.E 1997. Depth dependence of earthquake frequency-magnitude distributions in California: implications for the rupture initiation. Journal of Geophysical Research, 102, 15081-15090.
  • Olsson, R. 1999. An estimation of maximum b- value in the Gutenberg-Richter relation. Journal of Geodynamics, 27, 547-552.
  • Oncel, A.D., and Wyss, M. 2000. The major asperities of the 1999 Mw=7.4 Izmit earthquake defined by the microseismicity of the two decades before it. Geophysical Journal International, 143, 501-506.
  • Pınar, N. and Lahn, E 1952. Turkiye depremleri izah- II kataloqu, Baymdirhk Bakanhqr, Yapi ve
  • Scholz, C.H. 1968. The frequency-magnitude relation of microfracturing in rock and its relation to earthquakes. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 58, 399-415.
  • Shi, Y. and Bolt, BA 1982. The standard error of magnitude-frequency b- value. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 72, 1677-1687.
  • Sobiesiak, M. 2000. Fault plane structure of the Antofagasta, Chile earthquake of 1995. Geophysical Research Letters, 27, 577-600.
  • Saroğlu, F., Emre, O. and Kuscu, I. 1992. Turkiye Diri Fay Haritası, Maden Tetkik ve Arama Genel Mudurlugu (MTA), Ankara.
  • Tabban, A. 1970a. Turkiye'nm Sismisitesi. T.C. İmar ve İskan Bakanlığı: Afet rsleri Genel Mudurlugu Deprem Arastrrma Enstitusu Baskanlıgı, Ankara.
  • 1970b. Grafiklerle Turkiye'nin Sismik Durumu. T.C. imar ve iskan Bakanhq: Afet rslen Genel Mudurlugu Deprem Arasnrma Enstitu su Baskanhqr, Ankara.
  • Gencoqlu, S. 1975. Deprem ve Parametreleri. T.C. imar ve iskan Bakanhjn Deprem Arastrrma Enstitusu Baskanhqr, Ankara.
  • Tsapanos, T.M. 1990. b-Values of two tectonic parts in the circum-Pacific belt. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 134, 229-242.
  • Turcotte, D.L. 1986. A fractal model of Crustal deformation. Tectonophysics, 132, 261-269.
  • Turkelli, N., Sandvol, E., Zor, E., Gbk, R., Gbrgulu, G., Al-Lazkr, A., Bekler, T., Karabulut, H., Eken, T., $eber, D., Barazanqr, M. and Keskin, M. 2003. Dogu Anadolu deprem projesi: sonuclar ve bblgenin jeodinamik yaprsnun yeniden yorumlanrnasma olan katkrlart. Turkiye Kuvaterneri Qah~taYI IV, Bildiri Ozetleri, sayfa 20, Istanbul.
  • Urbancic, T.I., Trifu, C.I., Long, J.M., and Toung, R.P. 1992. Space-time correlations of b value with stress release. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 139,449-462.
  • Utku, M. 2003. Turklye'nin quncel depremselliqi: alb ve risk degerleri. Turkiye 15. Jeofizik Kurultayi ve Sergisi, Bildiri Ozetleri Kitabr, sayfa 13, rzmir,
  • 2004. Turkiye deprem haritalan: a, b-, alb ve risk daqrhrnlan, Turkiye 16. Uluslararasi Jeofizik Kongre ve Sergisi, Bildiri Ozetleri Kitabl, sayfa 148-151, Ankara.
  • 2005. Denizli Depremleri: bir fay qelisirni brnegi. Deprem Sempozyumu- Kocaeli 2005, CD-ROM, bildiriler.htm, sayfa 78-81, Ozier Kitabı, sayfa 17, Kocaeli.
  • and Ozyalın, Ş. 2002. Teknolojik anlarmyla 0100: Deprem risk analizi bilgisayar yazılımı. Bilgi Teknolojileri Kongresi, CD- ROM (8 sayfa), Bildiri Ozetleri, sayfa 151-155, Denizli.
  • Wang, J.H. 1988. b- values of shallow earthquakes in Taiwan. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 78, 1243-1254.
  • 1994. On the correlation of observed Gutenberg-Richter's b- value and Omori's p- value for aftershocks. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 84, 2008-2011.
  • Warren, N.W., and Latham, G.v. 1970. An experimental study of thermally induced micro-fracturing and its relation to volcanic seismicity. Journal of Geophysical Research, 75, 4455-4464.
  • Wiemer, S., and Wyss, M., 1997. Mapping the frequency-magnitude distribution in asperities: an improved technique tolculate recurrence times. Journal of Geophysical Research, 102,15115-15128.
  • and Katsumata, K. 1999. Spatial variability of seismicity parameters in aftershock zones. Journal of Geophysical Research, 102, 13135-13151 .
  • Wyss, M., Shimazaki, K., and Wiemer, S. 1997. Mapping active magma chambers by b value beneath Off-Izu volcano, Japan. Journal of Geophysical Research, 102, 20413-20433.
  • Zhu, L., Akyol, N., Mitchell, B.J., and Sbzbilir, H. 2006. Seismotectonics of Western Turkey from High-Resolution Earthquake Relocations and Moment Tensor Determinations. Geophysical Research Letters, 33, L07316, DOl: 10.1 029/2006GL025842.
Toplam 49 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Mühendislik
Bölüm Makaleler

Mehmet Utku

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Temmuz 2009
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2009 Cilt: 138 Sayı: 138

Kaynak Göster

APA Utku, M. (2009). Analysis of Denizli earthquakes according to their activity and cumulative activity terms. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration, 138(138), 7-33.
AMA Utku M. Analysis of Denizli earthquakes according to their activity and cumulative activity terms. Bull.Min.Res.Exp. Temmuz 2009;138(138):7-33.
Chicago Utku, Mehmet. “Analysis of Denizli Earthquakes According to Their Activity and Cumulative Activity Terms”. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 138, sy. 138 (Temmuz 2009): 7-33.
EndNote Utku M (01 Temmuz 2009) Analysis of Denizli earthquakes according to their activity and cumulative activity terms. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 138 138 7–33.
IEEE M. Utku, “Analysis of Denizli earthquakes according to their activity and cumulative activity terms”, Bull.Min.Res.Exp., c. 138, sy. 138, ss. 7–33, 2009.
ISNAD Utku, Mehmet. “Analysis of Denizli Earthquakes According to Their Activity and Cumulative Activity Terms”. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 138/138 (Temmuz 2009), 7-33.
JAMA Utku M. Analysis of Denizli earthquakes according to their activity and cumulative activity terms. Bull.Min.Res.Exp. 2009;138:7–33.
MLA Utku, Mehmet. “Analysis of Denizli Earthquakes According to Their Activity and Cumulative Activity Terms”. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration, c. 138, sy. 138, 2009, ss. 7-33.
Vancouver Utku M. Analysis of Denizli earthquakes according to their activity and cumulative activity terms. Bull.Min.Res.Exp. 2009;138(138):7-33.

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