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Yıl 2011, Cilt: 143 Sayı: 143, 75 - 94, 01.12.2011



  • Adamia, S. A., Lordkipanidze, M. B. and Zakariadze, G. S., 1977, Evolution of an active continental margin as exemplified by the Alpine history of the Caucasus, Tectonophysics, 40, pp: 183- 199.
  • Akyürek, B., 1981, Ankara Melanjının Kuzey Bölü- münün Temel Jeoloji Özellikleri, Türkiye Jeoloji Kurumu 35. Bilimsel ve Teknik Kurultayı, "Iç Anadolu Jeolojisi Sempozyumu", Tebliğler kitabı, pp: 41-45.
  • , Bilginer, E., Çatal, E., Dağer, Z., Soysal, Y. and Sunu, D., 1979, Eldivan Þabanözü (Çankırı) Dolayında Ofiyolit yerleþmesine Iliþkin Bulgular, Jeoloji Mühendisliği, 9, pp: 5-11.
  • Arai, S., 1994, Characterization of spinel peridotites by olivine - spinel compositional relationships: review and interpretation, Chem. Geol., 113, pp: 191-204.
  • Bacak, G. and Uz, B., 2003, Dağardı güneyi (Kütahya) Ofiyoliti'nin jeolojisi ve jeokimyasal özellikleri: Istanbul Technical University, Mühendislik Dergisi, 2, (4), pp: 86-98.
  • Bailey, E.B. and McCallien, C., 1953, Serpentine lavas, the Ankara melange and the Anatolian thrust, Transactions Royal Society, Edinburgh, 62, pp: 403-442.
  • Blatt, H. and Tracy, J. R., 1996, Petrology: Igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic: W.H. Freeman Company Pres, New York, USA, 350 p.
  • Cameron, E. N., 1975, Post cumulus and subsolidus equilibration of chromite and coexisting silicates in the Eastern Bushveld Complex. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 39, pp: 1021- 1033.
  • Coleman, R.G., 1977, Ophiolites: Ancient Oceanic Lithosphere?, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidel- berg, 229 p.
  • Çakır, Ü., 2009, Structural and geochronological relationships of metamorphic soles of eastern Mediterranean ophiolites to surrounding units: indicators of intraoceanic subduction and emplacement, International Geology Rewiev, 51, 3, pp: 189-215.
  • Dangerfield, A., 2008, Geochemistry, structure and tectonic evolution of the Eldivan Ophiolite, Ankara Melange, central Turkey, Department of Geological Sciences, Brigham Young University, Master of Science, 51 p.
  • Dick, H. J. B. and Bullen, T., 1984, Chromian spinel as a petrogenetic indicator in abyssal and alpine- type peridotites and spatially associated lavas. Contribution of Mineralogy Petrology, 86, pp: 54-76.
  • Droop, G.T.R., 1987, A general equation for estimating Fe+3 concentrations in ferromagnesian silicates and oxides from microprobe analyses using stoichiometric criteria. Mineralogical Magazine, 51: pp: 431-435.
  • Engin, T., Balcı, M., Sümer, Y. and Özkan, Y.Z., 1980, Guleman (Elazığ) krom yatakları ve peridotit biriminin genel jeolojik konumu ve yapısal özellikleri, Maden Tetkik ve Arama Dergisi, 95-96, pp: 77-101.
  • Floyd, P.A., 1993, Geochemical discrimination and petrogenesis of alkali basalt sequences in part of the Ankara melange, Central Turkey. J. Geol. Soc., London, 150, pp: 541-550.
  • Gökten, E. and Floyd, P.A., 2007, Stratigraphy and geochemistry of pillow basalts within the ophio- litic melange of the Izmir-Ankara-Erzincan suture zone: implications for the geotectonic character of the northern branch of Neotethys: International Journal Of Earth Sciences, 96, pp: 725-741 (Geology Rundsch).
  • Göncüoğlu, M.C., Yalınız, K. and Tekin, U.K., 2006, Geochemistry, Tectono - Magmatic Discrimina- tion and Radiolarian Ages of Basic Extrusives within the Izmir-Ankara Suture Belt (NW Turkey): Time Constraints for the Neotethyan Evolution, Ofioliti 31, pp: 25-38.
  • Hakyemez, Y., Barkurt, M.Y., Bilginer, E., Pehlivan, Þ., Can, B., Dağer, Z. and Sözeri, B., 1986, Yapraklı - Ilgaz - Çankırı - Çandır Dolayının Jeolojisi. General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration (MTA), Report No: 7966, 114 p., Ankara (unpublished)
  • Irvine, T. A. and Findlay, T. C., 1972, Alpine type peridotite with particular reference to the bay of island igneous complex: Publications of the Earth Physics Brach, Department of Energy, Mines and Resources, Ottowa, Canada, 42, pp: 97-128.
  • Jackson, E. D. and Thayer, T. P., 1972, Some criteria for distinguishing between stratiform concentric and Alpin peridotite - gabbro complexes: 24th International Geological Congress, Montreal, Canada, pp: 289-296.
  • Jagoutz, E., Palme, H., Baddenhausen, H., Blum, K., Cendales, M., Dreibus, G., Spettel, B., Lorenz, V. and Waenke, H., 1979. The abundance of major, minor and trace elements in the Earth's mantle as derived from primitive intramafic modules. In: Merrill, R. B., Bogard, D. D., Hoerz, F., Mc Kay, Dç S. And Robetson, D. C. (Eds.) Proceeding of the Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 2:2, 031-2, 050, Perga- mon New York.
  • Jan, M.Q. and Windley, B.F., 1990, Chromian Spinel - Silicate Chemistry in Ultramafic Rocks of the Jijal Complex, NW - Pakistan, Journal of Petrology, 31, pp: 666-715.
  • Kamenetsky, V. S., Crawford, A. J. and Meffre, S., 2001, Factors controlling chemistry of magma- tic spinel: an empirical study of associated olivine, Cr-spinel and melt inclusions from pri- mitive rocks, Journal of Petrology, 42, pp: 655- 671.
  • Kelemen, P.B., Dick, H. J. B. and Quick, J.E., 1992, Formation of harzburgite by pervasive melt rock reaction in the upper mantle, Nature, 358, pp: 635-641.
  • Khain, V., 1975, Structure and main stages in the tectono - magnetic development of the Cauca- sus: an attempt at geodynamic interpretation. American Journal of Science, 275-A, pp: 131- 156.
  • Kimball, K. L., 1990, Effects of hydrothermal alteration on the compositions of chromian spinels, Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 105 (3), pp: 337-346.
  • Knipper, A.L., 1980, The tectonic position of ophiolites of the Lesser Caucasus in Panayiotou, A. (ed), Ophiolites, Proceeding of International Ophio- lite Symposium, Cyprus, 1979, pp: 372-376.
  • Matsukage, K. and Kubo, K., 2003, Chromian spinel during melting experiments of dry peridotite (KLB.1) at GPa. Am. Mineral, 88, pp: 1271-1278.
  • Morimoto, N.,1989, Nomenclature of pyroxenes. Canadian Mineralogist, 27, pp:143-156.
  • Niu, Y., 2004, Bulk-rock major and trace element com position of abyssal peridotites: implications for mantle melting, melt extraction and post-melt- ing processes beneath mid-ocean ridges, Journal of Petrology, 45, pp: 2423-2458.
  • Okay, A. I. and Tüysüz, O., 1999, Tethyan sutures of northern Turkey: In B. Durand, L. Jolivet, E. Horvath and M. Serrane (Eds.), The Medi- terranean Basins, extension within the Alpine Orogen, Geological Society London Special Publication, 156: pp: 475-515.
  • Önen, P and Hall, R., 1993, Ophiolites and related metamorphic rocks from the Kütahya region, north- west Turkey, Geological Journal, 28, pp: 399-412.
  • Paulick, H., Bach, W., Godard, M., De Hoog, J.C.M., Suhr, G. and Harvey, J., 2006 Geochemistry of abyssal peridotites (Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 15°20' N, ODP Leg 209): Implications for fluid/rock interaction in slow spreading environments, Chemical Geology, 234, pp:179-210.
  • Ringwood, A. E., 1975, Composition and petrology of the earth's mantle: McGraw Hill, New York, USA, 618 p.
  • Rojay, B., Yalınız, K. and Altıner, D., 1995, Age and Origin of Some Spilitic Basalts from Ankara Melange and their Tectonic Implications to the Evolution of Northern Branch of Neotethys. Cenral Anatolia, International Earth Sciences Colloquium on the Aegean Region, Abstracts, 82 p. , and
  • , 2001, Age and Origin of some Pillow Basalts from Ankara Melange and Their Tectonic Implications to the Evolution of Northern Branch of Neotethys, Central Anatolia. Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences, 10, pp: 93-102.
  • , Altıner, D., Özkan-Altıner, S., Önen, A. P., James, S. and Thirlwall, M. F. 2004, Geodynamic significance of the Cretaceous pillow basalts from North Anatolian Ophiolitic Melange Belt (central Anatolia, Turkey), Geodinamica Acta, pp: 349-361.
  • Singh, A.K., 2009, High-Al chromian spinel in peri- dotites of Manipur Ophiolite Complex, Indo- Myanmar Orogenic Belt: implication for petro- genesis and geotectonic setting, Current Science, 96, 7, pp: 973-978.
  • Snow, J. E. and Dick, H. J. B., 1995, Pervasive mag- nesium loss by marine weathering of peridotite, Geochim, Cosmochim, Acta 59, pp: 4219- 4235.
  • Þengör, A.M.C. and Yılmaz, Y., 1981, Tethian evolution of Turkey: A plate tectonic approach, Tecto- nophysics, 75, pp: 181-241.
  • Tamura, A. and Arai, S., 2006, Harzburgite - dunite - orthopyroxenite suite as a record of supra- subduction zone setting for the Oman ophiolite mantle, Lithos, 90, pp: 43-56.
  • Tankut, A., 1984. Basic and ultrabasic rocks from the Ankara melange, Turkey. In: Dixon. J.E. and Robertson A.H.F. (Eds.) The geological evolu- tion of eastern Mediterranean. Geological Society of London, Special Publication 17, 441- 447. and Gorton, M.P., 1990. Geochemistry of a mafic-ultramafic body in the Ankara melange, Anatolia, Turkey; evidence for a fragment of oceanic lithosphere. Ophiolites, oceanic crustal analogues, Troodos 1987 Symp.Proc. 339-349.
  • Uysal, I., Kaliwoda, M., Karslı, O., Tarkian, M., Sadıklar, M.B. and Ottley, C.J., 2007, Compositional variations as a result of partial melting and melt-peridotite interaction in an upper mantle section from the Ortaca Area, South- western Turkey, The Canadian Mineralogist, Vol: 45, pp:1471-1493.
  • Yalnız, K., Göncüoğlu, M. C. ve Floyd, P.A., 1988. Geochemistry and geodynamic setting of basic volcanics from the northernmost part of the Izmir-Ankara branch of Neotethys. Central Sakarya Region, Turkey. 3 Int. Turkish Geology Symposium 31 August - 4 September 1998 Ankara, Abstracts, 174.
  • Wilson, M., 1993, Igneous petrogenesis: A global tec- tonic approach, Chapman & Hall Pres, New York, USA, 446 p.
  • Zhou, M., Robinson, P.T., Malpas, J. and LI, Z., 1996, Podiform chromitites in the Luobusa ophiolite (Southern Tibet): implications for melt rock interaction and chromite segregation in the upper mantle, Journal of Petrology, 37, pp; 3-21.

Mineralogical, Petrographical and Geochemical Characteristics of Eldivan Ophiolite (Çankırı) Harzburgitic Tectonites

Yıl 2011, Cilt: 143 Sayı: 143, 75 - 94, 01.12.2011


The Eldivan Ophiolite is located at the central part of the İzmir-Ankara-Erzincan Ophiolitic Belt which is between Şabanözü, Eldivan and Korgun towns. From bottom to top, units forming the ophiolite consist of volcano sedimentary and metamorphic series, tectonites, cumulates and sheeted dikes. Tectonites, which are the main subject of the study, are generally represented by harzburgites and occasionally consist of dunite, pyroxenolite and chromitite levels. In harzburgites which have traces of plastic deformation (foliation, lineation and folding), the minerals display a distinct orientation as a result of intra crystallographic dislocation and grinding mechanism. The degree of deformation decreases upwards. Less amount of clinopyroxene is encountered at lower levels of harzburgites which are composed of olivine (60-90%) and orthopyroxene (10-35%). There is also observed a decrease in the amount of orthopyroxene and an increase in chromite ratio towards upper levels. The composition of olivines is usually forsteritic and orthopyroxene is enstatitic and displays a slight impoverishment in Mg content towards upper levels. However, there is observed a decrease in the amount of chrome but an increase in aluminium amount in the upward direction. This situation can be explained as a result of the primary composite of upper mantle and partial melting processes.


  • Adamia, S. A., Lordkipanidze, M. B. and Zakariadze, G. S., 1977, Evolution of an active continental margin as exemplified by the Alpine history of the Caucasus, Tectonophysics, 40, pp: 183- 199.
  • Akyürek, B., 1981, Ankara Melanjının Kuzey Bölü- münün Temel Jeoloji Özellikleri, Türkiye Jeoloji Kurumu 35. Bilimsel ve Teknik Kurultayı, "Iç Anadolu Jeolojisi Sempozyumu", Tebliğler kitabı, pp: 41-45.
  • , Bilginer, E., Çatal, E., Dağer, Z., Soysal, Y. and Sunu, D., 1979, Eldivan Þabanözü (Çankırı) Dolayında Ofiyolit yerleþmesine Iliþkin Bulgular, Jeoloji Mühendisliği, 9, pp: 5-11.
  • Arai, S., 1994, Characterization of spinel peridotites by olivine - spinel compositional relationships: review and interpretation, Chem. Geol., 113, pp: 191-204.
  • Bacak, G. and Uz, B., 2003, Dağardı güneyi (Kütahya) Ofiyoliti'nin jeolojisi ve jeokimyasal özellikleri: Istanbul Technical University, Mühendislik Dergisi, 2, (4), pp: 86-98.
  • Bailey, E.B. and McCallien, C., 1953, Serpentine lavas, the Ankara melange and the Anatolian thrust, Transactions Royal Society, Edinburgh, 62, pp: 403-442.
  • Blatt, H. and Tracy, J. R., 1996, Petrology: Igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic: W.H. Freeman Company Pres, New York, USA, 350 p.
  • Cameron, E. N., 1975, Post cumulus and subsolidus equilibration of chromite and coexisting silicates in the Eastern Bushveld Complex. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 39, pp: 1021- 1033.
  • Coleman, R.G., 1977, Ophiolites: Ancient Oceanic Lithosphere?, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidel- berg, 229 p.
  • Çakır, Ü., 2009, Structural and geochronological relationships of metamorphic soles of eastern Mediterranean ophiolites to surrounding units: indicators of intraoceanic subduction and emplacement, International Geology Rewiev, 51, 3, pp: 189-215.
  • Dangerfield, A., 2008, Geochemistry, structure and tectonic evolution of the Eldivan Ophiolite, Ankara Melange, central Turkey, Department of Geological Sciences, Brigham Young University, Master of Science, 51 p.
  • Dick, H. J. B. and Bullen, T., 1984, Chromian spinel as a petrogenetic indicator in abyssal and alpine- type peridotites and spatially associated lavas. Contribution of Mineralogy Petrology, 86, pp: 54-76.
  • Droop, G.T.R., 1987, A general equation for estimating Fe+3 concentrations in ferromagnesian silicates and oxides from microprobe analyses using stoichiometric criteria. Mineralogical Magazine, 51: pp: 431-435.
  • Engin, T., Balcı, M., Sümer, Y. and Özkan, Y.Z., 1980, Guleman (Elazığ) krom yatakları ve peridotit biriminin genel jeolojik konumu ve yapısal özellikleri, Maden Tetkik ve Arama Dergisi, 95-96, pp: 77-101.
  • Floyd, P.A., 1993, Geochemical discrimination and petrogenesis of alkali basalt sequences in part of the Ankara melange, Central Turkey. J. Geol. Soc., London, 150, pp: 541-550.
  • Gökten, E. and Floyd, P.A., 2007, Stratigraphy and geochemistry of pillow basalts within the ophio- litic melange of the Izmir-Ankara-Erzincan suture zone: implications for the geotectonic character of the northern branch of Neotethys: International Journal Of Earth Sciences, 96, pp: 725-741 (Geology Rundsch).
  • Göncüoğlu, M.C., Yalınız, K. and Tekin, U.K., 2006, Geochemistry, Tectono - Magmatic Discrimina- tion and Radiolarian Ages of Basic Extrusives within the Izmir-Ankara Suture Belt (NW Turkey): Time Constraints for the Neotethyan Evolution, Ofioliti 31, pp: 25-38.
  • Hakyemez, Y., Barkurt, M.Y., Bilginer, E., Pehlivan, Þ., Can, B., Dağer, Z. and Sözeri, B., 1986, Yapraklı - Ilgaz - Çankırı - Çandır Dolayının Jeolojisi. General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration (MTA), Report No: 7966, 114 p., Ankara (unpublished)
  • Irvine, T. A. and Findlay, T. C., 1972, Alpine type peridotite with particular reference to the bay of island igneous complex: Publications of the Earth Physics Brach, Department of Energy, Mines and Resources, Ottowa, Canada, 42, pp: 97-128.
  • Jackson, E. D. and Thayer, T. P., 1972, Some criteria for distinguishing between stratiform concentric and Alpin peridotite - gabbro complexes: 24th International Geological Congress, Montreal, Canada, pp: 289-296.
  • Jagoutz, E., Palme, H., Baddenhausen, H., Blum, K., Cendales, M., Dreibus, G., Spettel, B., Lorenz, V. and Waenke, H., 1979. The abundance of major, minor and trace elements in the Earth's mantle as derived from primitive intramafic modules. In: Merrill, R. B., Bogard, D. D., Hoerz, F., Mc Kay, Dç S. And Robetson, D. C. (Eds.) Proceeding of the Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 2:2, 031-2, 050, Perga- mon New York.
  • Jan, M.Q. and Windley, B.F., 1990, Chromian Spinel - Silicate Chemistry in Ultramafic Rocks of the Jijal Complex, NW - Pakistan, Journal of Petrology, 31, pp: 666-715.
  • Kamenetsky, V. S., Crawford, A. J. and Meffre, S., 2001, Factors controlling chemistry of magma- tic spinel: an empirical study of associated olivine, Cr-spinel and melt inclusions from pri- mitive rocks, Journal of Petrology, 42, pp: 655- 671.
  • Kelemen, P.B., Dick, H. J. B. and Quick, J.E., 1992, Formation of harzburgite by pervasive melt rock reaction in the upper mantle, Nature, 358, pp: 635-641.
  • Khain, V., 1975, Structure and main stages in the tectono - magnetic development of the Cauca- sus: an attempt at geodynamic interpretation. American Journal of Science, 275-A, pp: 131- 156.
  • Kimball, K. L., 1990, Effects of hydrothermal alteration on the compositions of chromian spinels, Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 105 (3), pp: 337-346.
  • Knipper, A.L., 1980, The tectonic position of ophiolites of the Lesser Caucasus in Panayiotou, A. (ed), Ophiolites, Proceeding of International Ophio- lite Symposium, Cyprus, 1979, pp: 372-376.
  • Matsukage, K. and Kubo, K., 2003, Chromian spinel during melting experiments of dry peridotite (KLB.1) at GPa. Am. Mineral, 88, pp: 1271-1278.
  • Morimoto, N.,1989, Nomenclature of pyroxenes. Canadian Mineralogist, 27, pp:143-156.
  • Niu, Y., 2004, Bulk-rock major and trace element com position of abyssal peridotites: implications for mantle melting, melt extraction and post-melt- ing processes beneath mid-ocean ridges, Journal of Petrology, 45, pp: 2423-2458.
  • Okay, A. I. and Tüysüz, O., 1999, Tethyan sutures of northern Turkey: In B. Durand, L. Jolivet, E. Horvath and M. Serrane (Eds.), The Medi- terranean Basins, extension within the Alpine Orogen, Geological Society London Special Publication, 156: pp: 475-515.
  • Önen, P and Hall, R., 1993, Ophiolites and related metamorphic rocks from the Kütahya region, north- west Turkey, Geological Journal, 28, pp: 399-412.
  • Paulick, H., Bach, W., Godard, M., De Hoog, J.C.M., Suhr, G. and Harvey, J., 2006 Geochemistry of abyssal peridotites (Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 15°20' N, ODP Leg 209): Implications for fluid/rock interaction in slow spreading environments, Chemical Geology, 234, pp:179-210.
  • Ringwood, A. E., 1975, Composition and petrology of the earth's mantle: McGraw Hill, New York, USA, 618 p.
  • Rojay, B., Yalınız, K. and Altıner, D., 1995, Age and Origin of Some Spilitic Basalts from Ankara Melange and their Tectonic Implications to the Evolution of Northern Branch of Neotethys. Cenral Anatolia, International Earth Sciences Colloquium on the Aegean Region, Abstracts, 82 p. , and
  • , 2001, Age and Origin of some Pillow Basalts from Ankara Melange and Their Tectonic Implications to the Evolution of Northern Branch of Neotethys, Central Anatolia. Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences, 10, pp: 93-102.
  • , Altıner, D., Özkan-Altıner, S., Önen, A. P., James, S. and Thirlwall, M. F. 2004, Geodynamic significance of the Cretaceous pillow basalts from North Anatolian Ophiolitic Melange Belt (central Anatolia, Turkey), Geodinamica Acta, pp: 349-361.
  • Singh, A.K., 2009, High-Al chromian spinel in peri- dotites of Manipur Ophiolite Complex, Indo- Myanmar Orogenic Belt: implication for petro- genesis and geotectonic setting, Current Science, 96, 7, pp: 973-978.
  • Snow, J. E. and Dick, H. J. B., 1995, Pervasive mag- nesium loss by marine weathering of peridotite, Geochim, Cosmochim, Acta 59, pp: 4219- 4235.
  • Þengör, A.M.C. and Yılmaz, Y., 1981, Tethian evolution of Turkey: A plate tectonic approach, Tecto- nophysics, 75, pp: 181-241.
  • Tamura, A. and Arai, S., 2006, Harzburgite - dunite - orthopyroxenite suite as a record of supra- subduction zone setting for the Oman ophiolite mantle, Lithos, 90, pp: 43-56.
  • Tankut, A., 1984. Basic and ultrabasic rocks from the Ankara melange, Turkey. In: Dixon. J.E. and Robertson A.H.F. (Eds.) The geological evolu- tion of eastern Mediterranean. Geological Society of London, Special Publication 17, 441- 447. and Gorton, M.P., 1990. Geochemistry of a mafic-ultramafic body in the Ankara melange, Anatolia, Turkey; evidence for a fragment of oceanic lithosphere. Ophiolites, oceanic crustal analogues, Troodos 1987 Symp.Proc. 339-349.
  • Uysal, I., Kaliwoda, M., Karslı, O., Tarkian, M., Sadıklar, M.B. and Ottley, C.J., 2007, Compositional variations as a result of partial melting and melt-peridotite interaction in an upper mantle section from the Ortaca Area, South- western Turkey, The Canadian Mineralogist, Vol: 45, pp:1471-1493.
  • Yalnız, K., Göncüoğlu, M. C. ve Floyd, P.A., 1988. Geochemistry and geodynamic setting of basic volcanics from the northernmost part of the Izmir-Ankara branch of Neotethys. Central Sakarya Region, Turkey. 3 Int. Turkish Geology Symposium 31 August - 4 September 1998 Ankara, Abstracts, 174.
  • Wilson, M., 1993, Igneous petrogenesis: A global tec- tonic approach, Chapman & Hall Pres, New York, USA, 446 p.
  • Zhou, M., Robinson, P.T., Malpas, J. and LI, Z., 1996, Podiform chromitites in the Luobusa ophiolite (Southern Tibet): implications for melt rock interaction and chromite segregation in the upper mantle, Journal of Petrology, 37, pp; 3-21.
Toplam 46 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Mühendislik
Bölüm Makaleler

Tijen Üner Bu kişi benim

Üner Çakır Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 2011
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2011 Cilt: 143 Sayı: 143

Kaynak Göster

APA Üner, T., & Çakır, Ü. (2011). Mineralogical, Petrographical and Geochemical Characteristics of Eldivan Ophiolite (Çankırı) Harzburgitic Tectonites. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration, 143(143), 75-94.
AMA Üner T, Çakır Ü. Mineralogical, Petrographical and Geochemical Characteristics of Eldivan Ophiolite (Çankırı) Harzburgitic Tectonites. Bull.Min.Res.Exp. Aralık 2011;143(143):75-94.
Chicago Üner, Tijen, ve Üner Çakır. “Mineralogical, Petrographical and Geochemical Characteristics of Eldivan Ophiolite (Çankırı) Harzburgitic Tectonites”. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 143, sy. 143 (Aralık 2011): 75-94.
EndNote Üner T, Çakır Ü (01 Aralık 2011) Mineralogical, Petrographical and Geochemical Characteristics of Eldivan Ophiolite (Çankırı) Harzburgitic Tectonites. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 143 143 75–94.
IEEE T. Üner ve Ü. Çakır, “Mineralogical, Petrographical and Geochemical Characteristics of Eldivan Ophiolite (Çankırı) Harzburgitic Tectonites”, Bull.Min.Res.Exp., c. 143, sy. 143, ss. 75–94, 2011.
ISNAD Üner, Tijen - Çakır, Üner. “Mineralogical, Petrographical and Geochemical Characteristics of Eldivan Ophiolite (Çankırı) Harzburgitic Tectonites”. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 143/143 (Aralık 2011), 75-94.
JAMA Üner T, Çakır Ü. Mineralogical, Petrographical and Geochemical Characteristics of Eldivan Ophiolite (Çankırı) Harzburgitic Tectonites. Bull.Min.Res.Exp. 2011;143:75–94.
MLA Üner, Tijen ve Üner Çakır. “Mineralogical, Petrographical and Geochemical Characteristics of Eldivan Ophiolite (Çankırı) Harzburgitic Tectonites”. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration, c. 143, sy. 143, 2011, ss. 75-94.
Vancouver Üner T, Çakır Ü. Mineralogical, Petrographical and Geochemical Characteristics of Eldivan Ophiolite (Çankırı) Harzburgitic Tectonites. Bull.Min.Res.Exp. 2011;143(143):75-94.

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