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Yıl 2022, Cilt: 167 Sayı: 167, 111 - 125, 20.04.2022



Bu çalışma, Yük. Müh. Semiha Özdemir tarafından Kütahya Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Jeoloji Mühendisliği Bölümü’nde gerçekleştirilen kil içeren kayaların dağılma özelliklerinin arazi koşullarında incelenmesi başlıklı yüksek lisans tezinden üretilmiştir.


  • Admassu, Y., Shakoor, A., Wells, N. A. 2012. Evaluating selected factors affecting the depth of undercutting in rocks subject to differential weathering. Engineering Geology 124, 1-11.
  • ASTM. 1994. Annual Book of ASTM Standards-Soil and Rock, Building Stones.
  • Deo, P. 1972. Shales as embankment materials. PhD Thesis, Purdue University, West Lafayette, 201s.
  • DMİ. 2019. Devlet Meteoroloji İşleri Kütahya İstasyonu verileri.
  • Ergüler, Z. A. 2007. Su içeriğinin kil içeren kayaların mühendislik davranışı üzerindeki etkisinin araştırılması. Doktora Tezi, Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü.
  • Ergüler, Z. A., Shakoor, A. 2009. Quantification of fragment size distribution of clay-bearing rocks after slake durability testing. Environmental and Engineering Geoscience 15 (2), 81-89.
  • Ergüler, Z. A., Ulusay, R. 2009.Water-induced variations in mechanical properties of clay-bearing rocks and representation of water dependence by empirical models. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 46, 355-370.
  • Fookes, P. G., Sweeney, M. 1976. Stabilization and control of rock falls and degrading slopes. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology 9, 37-55.
  • Franklin, J. A., Chandra, A. 1972. The slake-durability test. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 9, 325-341.
  • Gamble, J.C. 1971. Durability-plasticity classification of shales and other argillaceous rocks. PhD Thesis, Geology, University of Illinois, Urbana.
  • Google Earth. 2020. Version
  • Gökçeoğlu, C. 1997. Killi, yoğun süreksizlik içeren ve zayıf kaya kütlelerinin mühendislik sınıflamalarında karşılaşılan güçlüklerin giderilmesine yönelik yaklaşımlar. Doktora Tezi, Hacettepe Üniversitesi, 168.
  • Gökçeoğlu, C., Ulusay, R., Sönmez., H. 2000. Factors effecting the durability of selected weak and clay-bearing rocks from Turkey, with particular emphasis on the influence of the number of drying and wetting cycles. Engineering Geology 57, 215- 237.
  • Gözler, M. Z., Cevher, F., Ergül, E., Asutay, H. J. 1996. Orta Sakarya ve güneyinin jeolojisi. MTA, Rapor No: 9973, Ankara, (yayımlanmamış).
  • Gözler, Z., Cevher, F., Ergül, E., Asutay, H. J. 1997. Orta Sakarya ve güneyinin jeolojisi. MTA, Rapor No. 9973, Ankara, (yayımlanmamış).
  • ISRM. 1981. ISRM Suggested Methods: Rock Characterization, Testing and Monitoring. Brown, E. T. (Ed.), Pergamon Press, London, 211.
  • Koncagül, E. C., Santi, P. M. 1999. Predicting the unconfined compressive strength of the Breathitt shale using slake durability, shore hardness and rock structural properties. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 36, 139- 153.
  • McClure, J. G. 1981. Physiochemical ınvestigation of shale slaking. PhD Thesis, University of California, Berkeley, CA, 314.
  • Moon, V. G., Beattie, A. G. 1995. Textural and microstructural influence on the durability of Waikato coal measures mudrocks. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology 28, 303-312.
  • Moriwaki, Y., Mitchell, J. K. 1977. The role of dispersion in the slaking of intact clay. In: Dispersive Clays, Related Piping, and Erosion in Geotechnical Projects, Sherard, J. L., Decker, R. S. (Ed.). ASTM STP 623: American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, 287-302.
  • Niemann, W. L. 2009. Lessons learned from rates of mudrock undercutting measured over two time periods. Environmental and Engineering Geoscience XV (3), 117–131.
  • Oakland, M. W., Lovell, C. W. 1985. Building embankments with shale. The 26th U.S. Symposium on Rock Mechanics (USRMS), 26-28 June, Rapid City, South Dakota, 305-312.
  • Orhan, A. 2005. Eskişehir İl Merkezi Güney Bölümü Temel Zemin Birimlerinin Jeo-Mühendislik Özellikleri ve Coğrafi Bilgi Sisteminin Uygulanması. Doktora Tezi, Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü.
  • Özburan, M. 2009. Kütahya ve Çevresinin Neotektonik İncelenmesi. Doktora Tezi, Kocaeli Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Kocaeli.
  • Peckover, F. L., Kerr, J. W. G. 1977. Treatment and maintenance of rock slopes along transportation routes. Canadian Geotechnical Journal 14, 487-507.
  • PRISM GROUP. 2006. Oregon State University: Electronic document, available at http://www.prism.
  • Rib, H. T., Liang, T. 1978. Recognition and identification. Schuster, R. L. And Krizek, R. J. (Ed.). Landslides: Analysis and Control, Transportation Research Board Special Publication 176, National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC, Chapter 3, 34-80.
  • Shakoor, A., Brock, D. 1987. Relationship between fissility, composition, and engineering properties of selected shales from northeast Ohio. Bulletin of the Association of Engineering Geologists XXIV (3), 363-379. Shakoor, A., Weber, M. W. 1988. Role of shale undercutting in promoting rock falls and wedge failures along Interstate 77. Bulletin of the Association of Engineering Geologists XXV (2), 219-234.
  • Shakoor, A., Rodgers, J. P. 1992. Predicting the rate of shale undercutting along highway cuts. Bulletin of the Association of Engineering Geologists XXIX (1). 61-75.
  • Sowers, G. F., Royster D. L. 1978. Field investigations, Schuster, R. L., and Krizek, R. J. (Ed.). Landslides: Analysis and Control, Transportation Research Board Special Publication 176, National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC, Chapter 2, 11-33.
  • Stollar, R. L. 1976. Geology and some engineering properties of near-surface Pennsylvanian shales in Northeast Ohio. Master Thesis, Kent State University, Department of Geology, Kent, OH, 36.
  • Thornbury, W. D. 1954. Principles of Geomorphology. John Wiley and Sons, New York, NY, 618.
  • Ulusay, R., Ergüler, Z. A. 2012. Needle penetration test: Evaluation of its performance and possible uses in predicting strength of weak and soft rocks. Engineering Geology 149-150, 47-50.
  • Wood, L. E., Deo, P. 1975. A suggested system for classifying shales materials for embankments. Bulletin of the Association of Engineering Geologists 12(1), 39-55.

Investigation of the slaking behavior of weak geological units in terms of undercutting rate

Yıl 2022, Cilt: 167 Sayı: 167, 111 - 125, 20.04.2022


It is aimed in this study to measure the undercutting rate of weak geological units under field conditions and to determine the relationship between this parameter and other indexes and physical properties of related rocks. Thus, 11 different locations in which weak materials were found and undercutting problems were observed in the road slopes were selected. In these road cuts, the undercutting depths in many locations were obtained by measurements taken at different dates from the pins installed in the fresh surface of weak units. In addition, undercutting depth was directly taken by using the amount of erosion between durable and weak rock units in the road slopes with a known date of the excavation. Samples having suitable amounts and sizes were collected at the measured locations to be used in physical and durability tests. In the analyses, the applicability of the results of slake index and durability tests, as well as the disintegration ratio in the determination of the disintegration behavior of these geological units, was investigated, and statistically significant empirical equations were obtained. Considering the results obtained from different weak geological units, it was determined that the depth of undercutting values change approximately between 10.1 and 45.8 mm.


  • Admassu, Y., Shakoor, A., Wells, N. A. 2012. Evaluating selected factors affecting the depth of undercutting in rocks subject to differential weathering. Engineering Geology 124, 1-11.
  • ASTM. 1994. Annual Book of ASTM Standards-Soil and Rock, Building Stones.
  • Deo, P. 1972. Shales as embankment materials. PhD Thesis, Purdue University, West Lafayette, 201s.
  • DMİ. 2019. Devlet Meteoroloji İşleri Kütahya İstasyonu verileri.
  • Ergüler, Z. A. 2007. Su içeriğinin kil içeren kayaların mühendislik davranışı üzerindeki etkisinin araştırılması. Doktora Tezi, Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü.
  • Ergüler, Z. A., Shakoor, A. 2009. Quantification of fragment size distribution of clay-bearing rocks after slake durability testing. Environmental and Engineering Geoscience 15 (2), 81-89.
  • Ergüler, Z. A., Ulusay, R. 2009.Water-induced variations in mechanical properties of clay-bearing rocks and representation of water dependence by empirical models. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 46, 355-370.
  • Fookes, P. G., Sweeney, M. 1976. Stabilization and control of rock falls and degrading slopes. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology 9, 37-55.
  • Franklin, J. A., Chandra, A. 1972. The slake-durability test. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 9, 325-341.
  • Gamble, J.C. 1971. Durability-plasticity classification of shales and other argillaceous rocks. PhD Thesis, Geology, University of Illinois, Urbana.
  • Google Earth. 2020. Version
  • Gökçeoğlu, C. 1997. Killi, yoğun süreksizlik içeren ve zayıf kaya kütlelerinin mühendislik sınıflamalarında karşılaşılan güçlüklerin giderilmesine yönelik yaklaşımlar. Doktora Tezi, Hacettepe Üniversitesi, 168.
  • Gökçeoğlu, C., Ulusay, R., Sönmez., H. 2000. Factors effecting the durability of selected weak and clay-bearing rocks from Turkey, with particular emphasis on the influence of the number of drying and wetting cycles. Engineering Geology 57, 215- 237.
  • Gözler, M. Z., Cevher, F., Ergül, E., Asutay, H. J. 1996. Orta Sakarya ve güneyinin jeolojisi. MTA, Rapor No: 9973, Ankara, (yayımlanmamış).
  • Gözler, Z., Cevher, F., Ergül, E., Asutay, H. J. 1997. Orta Sakarya ve güneyinin jeolojisi. MTA, Rapor No. 9973, Ankara, (yayımlanmamış).
  • ISRM. 1981. ISRM Suggested Methods: Rock Characterization, Testing and Monitoring. Brown, E. T. (Ed.), Pergamon Press, London, 211.
  • Koncagül, E. C., Santi, P. M. 1999. Predicting the unconfined compressive strength of the Breathitt shale using slake durability, shore hardness and rock structural properties. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 36, 139- 153.
  • McClure, J. G. 1981. Physiochemical ınvestigation of shale slaking. PhD Thesis, University of California, Berkeley, CA, 314.
  • Moon, V. G., Beattie, A. G. 1995. Textural and microstructural influence on the durability of Waikato coal measures mudrocks. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology 28, 303-312.
  • Moriwaki, Y., Mitchell, J. K. 1977. The role of dispersion in the slaking of intact clay. In: Dispersive Clays, Related Piping, and Erosion in Geotechnical Projects, Sherard, J. L., Decker, R. S. (Ed.). ASTM STP 623: American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, 287-302.
  • Niemann, W. L. 2009. Lessons learned from rates of mudrock undercutting measured over two time periods. Environmental and Engineering Geoscience XV (3), 117–131.
  • Oakland, M. W., Lovell, C. W. 1985. Building embankments with shale. The 26th U.S. Symposium on Rock Mechanics (USRMS), 26-28 June, Rapid City, South Dakota, 305-312.
  • Orhan, A. 2005. Eskişehir İl Merkezi Güney Bölümü Temel Zemin Birimlerinin Jeo-Mühendislik Özellikleri ve Coğrafi Bilgi Sisteminin Uygulanması. Doktora Tezi, Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü.
  • Özburan, M. 2009. Kütahya ve Çevresinin Neotektonik İncelenmesi. Doktora Tezi, Kocaeli Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Kocaeli.
  • Peckover, F. L., Kerr, J. W. G. 1977. Treatment and maintenance of rock slopes along transportation routes. Canadian Geotechnical Journal 14, 487-507.
  • PRISM GROUP. 2006. Oregon State University: Electronic document, available at http://www.prism.
  • Rib, H. T., Liang, T. 1978. Recognition and identification. Schuster, R. L. And Krizek, R. J. (Ed.). Landslides: Analysis and Control, Transportation Research Board Special Publication 176, National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC, Chapter 3, 34-80.
  • Shakoor, A., Brock, D. 1987. Relationship between fissility, composition, and engineering properties of selected shales from northeast Ohio. Bulletin of the Association of Engineering Geologists XXIV (3), 363-379. Shakoor, A., Weber, M. W. 1988. Role of shale undercutting in promoting rock falls and wedge failures along Interstate 77. Bulletin of the Association of Engineering Geologists XXV (2), 219-234.
  • Shakoor, A., Rodgers, J. P. 1992. Predicting the rate of shale undercutting along highway cuts. Bulletin of the Association of Engineering Geologists XXIX (1). 61-75.
  • Sowers, G. F., Royster D. L. 1978. Field investigations, Schuster, R. L., and Krizek, R. J. (Ed.). Landslides: Analysis and Control, Transportation Research Board Special Publication 176, National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC, Chapter 2, 11-33.
  • Stollar, R. L. 1976. Geology and some engineering properties of near-surface Pennsylvanian shales in Northeast Ohio. Master Thesis, Kent State University, Department of Geology, Kent, OH, 36.
  • Thornbury, W. D. 1954. Principles of Geomorphology. John Wiley and Sons, New York, NY, 618.
  • Ulusay, R., Ergüler, Z. A. 2012. Needle penetration test: Evaluation of its performance and possible uses in predicting strength of weak and soft rocks. Engineering Geology 149-150, 47-50.
  • Wood, L. E., Deo, P. 1975. A suggested system for classifying shales materials for embankments. Bulletin of the Association of Engineering Geologists 12(1), 39-55.
Toplam 34 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Mühendislik
Bölüm Makaleler

Semiha Özdemir Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-2245-2935

Zeynal Abiddin Ergüler Bu kişi benim 0000-0003-2324-7746

Yayımlanma Tarihi 20 Nisan 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022 Cilt: 167 Sayı: 167

Kaynak Göster

APA Özdemir, S., & Ergüler, Z. A. (2022). Investigation of the slaking behavior of weak geological units in terms of undercutting rate. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration, 167(167), 111-125.
AMA Özdemir S, Ergüler ZA. Investigation of the slaking behavior of weak geological units in terms of undercutting rate. Bull.Min.Res.Exp. Nisan 2022;167(167):111-125. doi:10.19111/bulletinofmre.898013
Chicago Özdemir, Semiha, ve Zeynal Abiddin Ergüler. “Investigation of the Slaking Behavior of Weak Geological Units in Terms of Undercutting Rate”. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 167, sy. 167 (Nisan 2022): 111-25.
EndNote Özdemir S, Ergüler ZA (01 Nisan 2022) Investigation of the slaking behavior of weak geological units in terms of undercutting rate. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 167 167 111–125.
IEEE S. Özdemir ve Z. A. Ergüler, “Investigation of the slaking behavior of weak geological units in terms of undercutting rate”, Bull.Min.Res.Exp., c. 167, sy. 167, ss. 111–125, 2022, doi: 10.19111/bulletinofmre.898013.
ISNAD Özdemir, Semiha - Ergüler, Zeynal Abiddin. “Investigation of the Slaking Behavior of Weak Geological Units in Terms of Undercutting Rate”. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 167/167 (Nisan 2022), 111-125.
JAMA Özdemir S, Ergüler ZA. Investigation of the slaking behavior of weak geological units in terms of undercutting rate. Bull.Min.Res.Exp. 2022;167:111–125.
MLA Özdemir, Semiha ve Zeynal Abiddin Ergüler. “Investigation of the Slaking Behavior of Weak Geological Units in Terms of Undercutting Rate”. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration, c. 167, sy. 167, 2022, ss. 111-25, doi:10.19111/bulletinofmre.898013.
Vancouver Özdemir S, Ergüler ZA. Investigation of the slaking behavior of weak geological units in terms of undercutting rate. Bull.Min.Res.Exp. 2022;167(167):111-25.

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