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Tıp Fakültesi Öğrencilerinin e-Nabız Sisteminin Oyunlaştırılmasına Yönelik Algı ve Motivasyon Düzeylerinin Belirlenmesi

Yıl 2024, , 325 - 347, 31.12.2024


Amaç: Bu araştırmada e-Nabız kullanıcısı olan tıp fakültesi öğrencilerinin e-Nabız sisteminin oyunlaştırılmasına yönelik motivasyonlarının ve algı düzeylerinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Yöntem: 2022-2023 eğitim ve öğretim yılında Üsküdar Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi’nde öğrenci olan 166 kadın ve 122 erkek olmak üzere toplam 288 kişiye yüz yüze anket uygulanmıştır. Çalışma kapsamında nicel araştırma yöntemlerinden betimleme yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Bulgular: Her gün e-Nabız sistemine giriş yapan kullanıcıların oyunlaştırma konusunda daha yüksek motivasyon düzeyine sahip olduğu gözlemlenmiştir. Her gün e-Nabız sistemine giren katılımcıların oranı ile arada sırada giren katılımcıların oranı arasında istatistiksel açıdan bulunan anlamlı fark da bu sonucu desteklemektedir (p<0.05). Oyunlaştırma uygulamaları hakkında bilgi sahibi olan katılımcıların e-Nabız sisteminin oyunlaştırılmasına ilişkin daha olumlu bir algı ve bakış açısına sahip olduğu ortaya konulmuştur (p<0.05). Katılımcıların %84’ü e-Nabız sistemi üzerinden oyunlaştırma uygulamasını kullanmak istediğini belirtmiştir. Sonuç: Katılımcıların çoğunluğunun e-Nabız sisteminin oyunlaştırılması konusunda yüksek motivasyona ve olumlu algıya sahip olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Oyunlaştırılmış yöntemler ve arayüz özellikleri, e-Nabız sisteminin kullanım oranlarını artırma potansiyeline sahiptir. Bu nedenle oyunlaştırılmış sistemlerin tasarımı ve sistemin daha etkin kullanımına yönelik çalışmaların yapılması önem kazanmaktadır.


  • Allam, A., Kostova, Z., Nakamoto, K. ve Schulz, P. J. (2015). The Effect of Social Support Features and Gamification on a Web-based Intervention for Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients: Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 17(1), e3510.
  • Alsahafi, Y. A. ve Gay, V. (2018). An Overview of Electronic Personal Health Records. Health Policy and Technology, 7(4), 427-432.
  • Andrikopoulou, E., Scott, P., Herrera, H. ve Good, A. (2019). What Are the Important Design Features of Personal health Records to Improve Medication Adherence for Patients with Long-term Conditions? A Systematic Literature Review. BMJ Open, 9(9), Article e028628.
  • Bass, G. (2024). Gamification in Critical Care Education and Practice. Critical Care Explorations, 6(1), e1034.
  • Birinci, Ş. (2023). A Digital Opportunity for Patients to Manage their Health: Turkey National Personal Health Record System (The e-Nabız). Balkan Medical Journal, 40(3), 215-221.
  • Bouayad, L., Ialynytchev, A. ve Padmanabhan, B. (2017). Patient Health Record Systems scope and Functionalities: Literature Review and Future Directions. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 19(11), e388.
  • Burke, B. (2014). Gamify: How Gamification Motivates People to do Extraordinary Things. Routledge.
  • Büyüköztürk, Ş. (2004). Sosyal Bilimler için Veri Analizi El Kitabı. Pegem Akademi.
  • Cechetti, N. P., Bellei, E. A., Biduski, D., Rodriguez, J. P. M., Roman, M. K. ve De Marchi, A. C. B. (2019). Developing and Implementing a Gamification Method to Improve User Engagement: A Case Study with an m-Health Application for Hypertension Monitoring. Telematics and Informatics, 41, 126-138.
  • Deterding, S., Khaled, R., Nacke, L. E. ve Dixon, D. (2011). Gamification: Toward a Definition. CHI 2011 Gamification Workshop Proceedings (s. 1-79) içinde, Canada.
  • Gibbs, D., Hewitt, B. ve McLeod, A. (2018). The Gamification of Electronic Health Records: A Systematic Literature Review.
  • Goethe, O. (2019). Gamification Mindset. Springer International Publishing.
  • Hammedi, W., Leclerq, T., & Van Riel, A. C. R. (2017). The Use of Gamification Mechanics to Increase Employee and User Engagement in Participative Healthcare Services: A Study of Two Cases. Journal of Service Management, 28(4), 640-661.
  • Jawad, H. M. ve Tout, S. (2021). Gamifying Computer Science Education for Z Generation. Information, 12(11), 1-18.
  • Johnson, D., Deterding, S., Kuhn, K., Staneva, A., Stoyanov, S. ve Hides, L. (2016). Gamification for Health and Wellbeing: A Systematic Review of the Literature. Internet Interventions, 6, 89-106.
  • Karasar, N. (2014). Bilimsel Araştırma Yöntemleri: Kavramlar, Teknikler ve İlkeler. Nobel Yayınevi.
  • Kıraç, R. ve Yılmaz, G. (2019). Yetişkinlerde e-Nabız Sistemi Farkındalığının Belirlenmesine Yönelik Bir Araştırma. M. Akbulut (Ed.), 3. Uluslararası 13. Ulusal Sağlık ve Hastane İdaresi Kongresi içinde (s. 1658-1668), Sakarya Üniversitesi.
  • Kopmaz, B. ve Arslanoğlu, A. (2018). Mobil Sağlık ve Akıllı Sağlık Uygulamaları. Sağlık Akademisyenleri Dergisi, 5(4), 251-255.
  • Krebs, P. ve Duncan, D. T. (2015). Health App Use among US Mobile Phone Owners: A National Survey. JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 3(4), Article e101.
  • Lenihan, D. (2012). Health Games: A Key Component for the Evolution of Wellness Programs. Games for Health Journal, 1(3), 233-235.
  • Lidia, A. C., Julio, R. T., Petra, D. S. P. ve Rafael, P. J. (2018). How to Encourage Recycling Behaviour? The Case of Wasteapp: A Gamified Mobile Application. Sustainability, 10(5), 1-20.
  • Mavroeidi, A. G., Kitsiou, A., Kalloniatis, C., & Gritzalis, S. (2019). Gamification vs. Privacy: Identifying and Analysing the Major Concerns. Future Internet, 11(3), 67.
  • Miller, A. S., Cafazzo, J. A. ve Seto, E. (2016). A Game Plan: Gamification Design Principles in mHealth Applications for Chronic Disease Management. Health Informatics Journal, 22(2), 184-193.
  • Morschheuser, B., Hassan, L., Werder, K. ve Hamari, J. (2018). How to Design Gamification? A Method for Engineering Gamified Software. Information and Software Technology, 95, 219-237.
  • Muntean, C. I. (2011). Raising Engagement in e-Learning Through Gamification. Proc. 6th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL (s. 323–329) içinde.
  • Mustafa, A., Ali, N., Dhillon, J. ve Sedera, D. (2023). An Integrated Model for Evaluating the Sustainability of Gamified Mobile Health Apps: An Instrument Development and Validation. Healthcare, 11(7), 1051.
  • Nicholson, S. (2012, June). A User-centered Theoretical Framework for Meaningful Gamification. [Konferans Sunumu]. Games+Learning+Society 8.0, Madison, WI.
  • Ogi, T., Ito, K. ve Nakada, G. (2015). Healthcare Digital Signage Using Gamification Method. 18th International Conference on Network-Based Information Systems (s. 511-516) içinde, Taiwan.
  • Pamungkas, W. R., Handayani, P. W. ve Pinem, A. A. (2022). The Implementation and Impact of Gamification on User Engagement and Acceptance of Mobile Personal Health Record Application. 10th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology (ICoICT) (s. 64-69) içinde. IEEE.
  • Pelling, N. (2011). The (Short) Prehistory of Gamification.
  • Pereira, P., Duarte, E., Rebelo, F. ve Noriega, P. (2014). A Review of Gamification for Health-related Contexts. A. Marcus (Ed.), User Experience Design for Diverse Interaction Platforms and Environments. DUXU 2014. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (s. 742-753) içinde. Springer.
  • Petkevičius, M. (2024). The Impact of Gamification Elements on the Intention to Use Health Related Applications [Doctoral thesis, University Vilniaus].
  • Rajanen, D. ve Rajanen, M. (2017). Personalized Gamification: A model for Play Data Profiling. M. Meder, A. Rapp, T. Plumbaum ve F. Hopfgartner (Ed.), The First International Workshop on Data-Driven Gamification Design co-located with 21st International Academic MindTrek Conference (s. 26-33) içinde, Finland.
  • Saha, R., Manna, R. ve Ganesan, G. (2012). CAPTCHINO- a Gamification of Image-based CAPTCHAs to Evaluate Usability Issues. 2012 International Conference on Computing Sciences (s. 95-99) içinde, India.
  • Santoso, I. S., Ferdinansyah, A., Sensuse, D. I., Suryono, R. R. ve Hidayanto, A. N. (2021). Effectiveness of Gamification in mHealth Apps Designed for Mental Illness. 2nd International Conference on ICT for Rural Development (IC-ICTRuDev) (s. 1-6) içinde. IEEE.
  • Sardi, L., Idri, A. ve Fernández-Alemán, J. L. (2017). A Systematic Review of Gamification in e-Health. Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 71, 31-48.
  • Schmidt-Kraepelin, M., Toussaint, P.A., Thiebes, S., Hamari, J. ve Sunyaev, A. (2020). Archetypes of Gamification: Analysis of mHealth Apps. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth, 8(10), e19280.
  • Seaborn, K. ve Fels, D.I. (2015). Gamification in Theory and Action: A Survey. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 74, 14-31.
  • Shetty, S. (2022, March 02). How Gamification Emerged as an Effective Tool in Healthcare Mobile app Development?.
  • Tuah, N., Goh, D., Nasirin, S., Ahmedy, F. ve Hossin, M. (2023). Mapping Data Mining Technique and Gamification Approach for Studying Post-stroke Rehabilitation Training: A systematic Literature Review. Ieee Access, 11, 31323-31340.
  • Van Gaalen, A.E.J., Brouwer, J., Schönrock-Adema, J.,Bouwkamp-Timmer,T., Jaarsma, A.D.C. ve Georgiadis, J.R. (2020). Gamification of Health Professionals Education: A Systematic Review. Advances in Health Sciences Education, 26, 683-711.
  • Wang, C. ve Qi, H. (2021). Influencing Factors of Acceptance and Use Behavior of Mobile Health Application Users: Systematic Review. Healthcare, 9(3), 1-13.
  • Warsinsky, S., Schmidt-Kraepelin, M., Thiebes, S. ve Sunyaev, A. (2021). Are Gamification Projects Different? An Exploratory Study on Software Project Risks for Gamified Health Behavior Change Support Systems. Proceedings of the 54th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (s. 1305- 1314) içinde, Hawaii.
  • Werbach, K. ve Hunter, D. (2012). For the Win: How Game Thinking can Revolutionize Your Business. Wharton Digital Press.
  • Wilson, A.S. ve McDonagh, J. E. (2013). A Gamification Model to Encourage Positive Healthcare Behaviors in Young People with Long Term Conditions. EAI Endorsed Transactions on Serious Games, 1(2), 1-10.
  • Yıldırım, B. F. ve Özdemirci, F. (2021). Kişisel Sağlık Bilgi Sistemleri. K. Z. Gedik ve Özlem Yalçınkaya (Ed.), Tıbbi Dokümantasyon ve Sekreterlik Programı ve Mesleki Uygulamalar (s. 290-325) içinde. Hiperyayın.
  • Zichermann, G. ve Cunningham, C. (2011). Gamification by Design: Implementing Game Mechanics in Web and Mobile Apps. O'Reilly Media.
  • Zichermann, G. ve Linder, J. (2010). Game-based Marketing: Inspire Customer Loyalty Through Rewards, Challenges, and Contests. John Wiley & Sons.

Determination of Perception and Motivation Levels of Medical Faculty Students towards Gamification of e-Nabız System

Yıl 2024, , 325 - 347, 31.12.2024


Aim: In this study, it was aimed to determine the motivation and perception levels of medical faculty students who are e-Nabız users towards the gamification of the e-Nabız system. Methods: A total of 288 people, 166 women and 122 men, who were students at Üsküdar University Faculty of Medicine in the 2022-2023 academic year, were surveyed face-to-face. Within the scope of the study, the descriptive method, one of the quantitative research methods, was used. Findings: It was determined that users who access e-Nabız system every day approached the propositions in the Game Motivation sub-scale with a more positive perspective. The statistically significant difference between the rate of participants who log in to the e-Nabız system every day and the rate of participants who log in occasionally supports this result (p<0.05). It was revealed that participants who had knowledge about gamification applications had a more positive perception and perspective on e-Nabız system gamification (p<0.05). 84% of the participants stated that they would like to use the gamification application through the e-Nabız system. Results: It was determined that the majority of the participants had high motivation and positive perception about the gamification of the e-Nabız system. Gamified methods and interface features reveal the potential to increase the usage rate of e-Nabız system. Therefore, it is important to design the gamified version and conduct studies for more effective use of the system.


  • Allam, A., Kostova, Z., Nakamoto, K. ve Schulz, P. J. (2015). The Effect of Social Support Features and Gamification on a Web-based Intervention for Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients: Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 17(1), e3510.
  • Alsahafi, Y. A. ve Gay, V. (2018). An Overview of Electronic Personal Health Records. Health Policy and Technology, 7(4), 427-432.
  • Andrikopoulou, E., Scott, P., Herrera, H. ve Good, A. (2019). What Are the Important Design Features of Personal health Records to Improve Medication Adherence for Patients with Long-term Conditions? A Systematic Literature Review. BMJ Open, 9(9), Article e028628.
  • Bass, G. (2024). Gamification in Critical Care Education and Practice. Critical Care Explorations, 6(1), e1034.
  • Birinci, Ş. (2023). A Digital Opportunity for Patients to Manage their Health: Turkey National Personal Health Record System (The e-Nabız). Balkan Medical Journal, 40(3), 215-221.
  • Bouayad, L., Ialynytchev, A. ve Padmanabhan, B. (2017). Patient Health Record Systems scope and Functionalities: Literature Review and Future Directions. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 19(11), e388.
  • Burke, B. (2014). Gamify: How Gamification Motivates People to do Extraordinary Things. Routledge.
  • Büyüköztürk, Ş. (2004). Sosyal Bilimler için Veri Analizi El Kitabı. Pegem Akademi.
  • Cechetti, N. P., Bellei, E. A., Biduski, D., Rodriguez, J. P. M., Roman, M. K. ve De Marchi, A. C. B. (2019). Developing and Implementing a Gamification Method to Improve User Engagement: A Case Study with an m-Health Application for Hypertension Monitoring. Telematics and Informatics, 41, 126-138.
  • Deterding, S., Khaled, R., Nacke, L. E. ve Dixon, D. (2011). Gamification: Toward a Definition. CHI 2011 Gamification Workshop Proceedings (s. 1-79) içinde, Canada.
  • Gibbs, D., Hewitt, B. ve McLeod, A. (2018). The Gamification of Electronic Health Records: A Systematic Literature Review.
  • Goethe, O. (2019). Gamification Mindset. Springer International Publishing.
  • Hammedi, W., Leclerq, T., & Van Riel, A. C. R. (2017). The Use of Gamification Mechanics to Increase Employee and User Engagement in Participative Healthcare Services: A Study of Two Cases. Journal of Service Management, 28(4), 640-661.
  • Jawad, H. M. ve Tout, S. (2021). Gamifying Computer Science Education for Z Generation. Information, 12(11), 1-18.
  • Johnson, D., Deterding, S., Kuhn, K., Staneva, A., Stoyanov, S. ve Hides, L. (2016). Gamification for Health and Wellbeing: A Systematic Review of the Literature. Internet Interventions, 6, 89-106.
  • Karasar, N. (2014). Bilimsel Araştırma Yöntemleri: Kavramlar, Teknikler ve İlkeler. Nobel Yayınevi.
  • Kıraç, R. ve Yılmaz, G. (2019). Yetişkinlerde e-Nabız Sistemi Farkındalığının Belirlenmesine Yönelik Bir Araştırma. M. Akbulut (Ed.), 3. Uluslararası 13. Ulusal Sağlık ve Hastane İdaresi Kongresi içinde (s. 1658-1668), Sakarya Üniversitesi.
  • Kopmaz, B. ve Arslanoğlu, A. (2018). Mobil Sağlık ve Akıllı Sağlık Uygulamaları. Sağlık Akademisyenleri Dergisi, 5(4), 251-255.
  • Krebs, P. ve Duncan, D. T. (2015). Health App Use among US Mobile Phone Owners: A National Survey. JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 3(4), Article e101.
  • Lenihan, D. (2012). Health Games: A Key Component for the Evolution of Wellness Programs. Games for Health Journal, 1(3), 233-235.
  • Lidia, A. C., Julio, R. T., Petra, D. S. P. ve Rafael, P. J. (2018). How to Encourage Recycling Behaviour? The Case of Wasteapp: A Gamified Mobile Application. Sustainability, 10(5), 1-20.
  • Mavroeidi, A. G., Kitsiou, A., Kalloniatis, C., & Gritzalis, S. (2019). Gamification vs. Privacy: Identifying and Analysing the Major Concerns. Future Internet, 11(3), 67.
  • Miller, A. S., Cafazzo, J. A. ve Seto, E. (2016). A Game Plan: Gamification Design Principles in mHealth Applications for Chronic Disease Management. Health Informatics Journal, 22(2), 184-193.
  • Morschheuser, B., Hassan, L., Werder, K. ve Hamari, J. (2018). How to Design Gamification? A Method for Engineering Gamified Software. Information and Software Technology, 95, 219-237.
  • Muntean, C. I. (2011). Raising Engagement in e-Learning Through Gamification. Proc. 6th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL (s. 323–329) içinde.
  • Mustafa, A., Ali, N., Dhillon, J. ve Sedera, D. (2023). An Integrated Model for Evaluating the Sustainability of Gamified Mobile Health Apps: An Instrument Development and Validation. Healthcare, 11(7), 1051.
  • Nicholson, S. (2012, June). A User-centered Theoretical Framework for Meaningful Gamification. [Konferans Sunumu]. Games+Learning+Society 8.0, Madison, WI.
  • Ogi, T., Ito, K. ve Nakada, G. (2015). Healthcare Digital Signage Using Gamification Method. 18th International Conference on Network-Based Information Systems (s. 511-516) içinde, Taiwan.
  • Pamungkas, W. R., Handayani, P. W. ve Pinem, A. A. (2022). The Implementation and Impact of Gamification on User Engagement and Acceptance of Mobile Personal Health Record Application. 10th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology (ICoICT) (s. 64-69) içinde. IEEE.
  • Pelling, N. (2011). The (Short) Prehistory of Gamification.
  • Pereira, P., Duarte, E., Rebelo, F. ve Noriega, P. (2014). A Review of Gamification for Health-related Contexts. A. Marcus (Ed.), User Experience Design for Diverse Interaction Platforms and Environments. DUXU 2014. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (s. 742-753) içinde. Springer.
  • Petkevičius, M. (2024). The Impact of Gamification Elements on the Intention to Use Health Related Applications [Doctoral thesis, University Vilniaus].
  • Rajanen, D. ve Rajanen, M. (2017). Personalized Gamification: A model for Play Data Profiling. M. Meder, A. Rapp, T. Plumbaum ve F. Hopfgartner (Ed.), The First International Workshop on Data-Driven Gamification Design co-located with 21st International Academic MindTrek Conference (s. 26-33) içinde, Finland.
  • Saha, R., Manna, R. ve Ganesan, G. (2012). CAPTCHINO- a Gamification of Image-based CAPTCHAs to Evaluate Usability Issues. 2012 International Conference on Computing Sciences (s. 95-99) içinde, India.
  • Santoso, I. S., Ferdinansyah, A., Sensuse, D. I., Suryono, R. R. ve Hidayanto, A. N. (2021). Effectiveness of Gamification in mHealth Apps Designed for Mental Illness. 2nd International Conference on ICT for Rural Development (IC-ICTRuDev) (s. 1-6) içinde. IEEE.
  • Sardi, L., Idri, A. ve Fernández-Alemán, J. L. (2017). A Systematic Review of Gamification in e-Health. Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 71, 31-48.
  • Schmidt-Kraepelin, M., Toussaint, P.A., Thiebes, S., Hamari, J. ve Sunyaev, A. (2020). Archetypes of Gamification: Analysis of mHealth Apps. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth, 8(10), e19280.
  • Seaborn, K. ve Fels, D.I. (2015). Gamification in Theory and Action: A Survey. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 74, 14-31.
  • Shetty, S. (2022, March 02). How Gamification Emerged as an Effective Tool in Healthcare Mobile app Development?.
  • Tuah, N., Goh, D., Nasirin, S., Ahmedy, F. ve Hossin, M. (2023). Mapping Data Mining Technique and Gamification Approach for Studying Post-stroke Rehabilitation Training: A systematic Literature Review. Ieee Access, 11, 31323-31340.
  • Van Gaalen, A.E.J., Brouwer, J., Schönrock-Adema, J.,Bouwkamp-Timmer,T., Jaarsma, A.D.C. ve Georgiadis, J.R. (2020). Gamification of Health Professionals Education: A Systematic Review. Advances in Health Sciences Education, 26, 683-711.
  • Wang, C. ve Qi, H. (2021). Influencing Factors of Acceptance and Use Behavior of Mobile Health Application Users: Systematic Review. Healthcare, 9(3), 1-13.
  • Warsinsky, S., Schmidt-Kraepelin, M., Thiebes, S. ve Sunyaev, A. (2021). Are Gamification Projects Different? An Exploratory Study on Software Project Risks for Gamified Health Behavior Change Support Systems. Proceedings of the 54th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (s. 1305- 1314) içinde, Hawaii.
  • Werbach, K. ve Hunter, D. (2012). For the Win: How Game Thinking can Revolutionize Your Business. Wharton Digital Press.
  • Wilson, A.S. ve McDonagh, J. E. (2013). A Gamification Model to Encourage Positive Healthcare Behaviors in Young People with Long Term Conditions. EAI Endorsed Transactions on Serious Games, 1(2), 1-10.
  • Yıldırım, B. F. ve Özdemirci, F. (2021). Kişisel Sağlık Bilgi Sistemleri. K. Z. Gedik ve Özlem Yalçınkaya (Ed.), Tıbbi Dokümantasyon ve Sekreterlik Programı ve Mesleki Uygulamalar (s. 290-325) içinde. Hiperyayın.
  • Zichermann, G. ve Cunningham, C. (2011). Gamification by Design: Implementing Game Mechanics in Web and Mobile Apps. O'Reilly Media.
  • Zichermann, G. ve Linder, J. (2010). Game-based Marketing: Inspire Customer Loyalty Through Rewards, Challenges, and Contests. John Wiley & Sons.
Toplam 48 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Bilgi Sistemleri (Diğer)
Bölüm Hakemli Makaleler

Banu Fulya Yıldırım 0000-0002-4988-7584

Demet Soylu 0000-0002-2005-6875

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 17 Temmuz 2024
Kabul Tarihi 15 Kasım 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Yıldırım, B. F., & Soylu, D. (2024). Tıp Fakültesi Öğrencilerinin e-Nabız Sisteminin Oyunlaştırılmasına Yönelik Algı ve Motivasyon Düzeylerinin Belirlenmesi. Bilgi Yönetimi, 7(2), 325-347.