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Hakkaniyet Teorisi Çerçevesinde Tüketicilerin Hizmet Telafilerini Değerlendirme Süreci: Kavramsal Bir İnceleme

Yıl 2015, Cilt: 12 Sayı: 2, 1 - 22, 01.12.2015


Günümüzün rekabet ortamından dolayı müşterilerin talepleri artmakta ve işletmelere olan sadakatleri düşmektedir. Her ne kadar işletmeler müşterilerin tatminlerini yükseltmek ve sadakatlerini arttırmak için eksiksiz hizmet sunmaya dikkat etseler de hata yapmaktan kaçınamazlar. İşletmelerin hataları sıfıra indirmesi mümkün olmasa bile hizmet iyileştirme programları ile hataları telafi etmeleri mümkündür. Müşterilerin beklentilerini karşılayabilecek iyileştirmeler yapıldığı takdirde başarısızlık sonucu düşen tatmin yükselecek ve bunun neticesinden sadakat artacaktır. Hizmet iyileştirmelerinin tatmini ve sadakati arttırıcı bu etkisi müşterilerin hizmet telafilerini nasıl değerlendirdiklerini bilme gereksinimini beraberinde getirmiştir. Yapılan çalışmalar, müşterilerin başarısızlık sonrası telafileri değerlendirirken adaletli olunup olunmadığını dikkate aldıklarını göstermiştir. Adaletin prosedürel, etkileşimsel ve dağıtımsal olmak üzere üç farklı boyutu vardır. Bu üç boyutun çoğu zaman hizmet iyileştirmeleri sonrasında oluşan tatmin, sadakat, bağlılık, olumlu ağızdan ağza iletişim gibi satın alma sonrası davranışlar üzerinde etkisi görülmektedir. Bu etki; hizmetin sektörü, hizmet başarısızlığının büyüklüğü, önemi gibi özelliklere bağlı olarak değişmektedir


  • Barakat, L. L., Ramsey, J. R., Lorenz, M. P. & Gosling, M. (2014), “Severe Service Failure Recovery Revisited: Evidence of Its Determinats in An Emerging Market Context. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 31, 1-5.
  • Bitner, M.J. (1990), “Evaluating Service Encounters: The Effect of Physical Surroundings and Employee Responses”, Journal of Marketing, 54(2), 69-82.
  • Blodgett J. G., Hill D. J. & Tax S. S. (1997), “The Effects of Distributive, Postcomplaint Behavior”, Journal of Retailing, 73(2), 185–210. and Interactional Justice on
  • Blodgett, J. G. (1994), “The Effects of Perceived Justice on Complainants Repatronage Intentions and Negative Word-of- Mouth Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior, 7.Boshaff, C. Journal of Consumer
  • Satisfaction”, (1997), “An Experimental Study Of Service Recovery Options”, International Journal of Service Industry Management, 8(2), 110-130.
  • Chang, Y. W. & Chang, Y. H. (2010), “Does Service Recovery Affect Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty? An Empirical Study of Airline Services”, Journal of Air Transport Management 16, 340-342.
  • Clark, M., Adjei, M.T. & Yancey D.N. (2009), “The Impact of Service Fairness Perceptions on Relationship Quality”, Service Marketing Quarterly, 30, 287-302.
  • Cropanzano, R., Prehar, C. A. & Chen, P.Y. (2002). “Using Social Exchange Theory To Distinguish Procedural From Interactional Justice”, Group & Organization Management, 27 (3), 324-351.
  • Davidow, M. (2003), “Have You Heard The Word? The Effect of Word of Mouth on Perceıved Justıce, Satısfactıon and Repurchase Intentions Following Complaint Handling”, Journal of Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior, 16, 67-80.
  • Ekiz, E.H., Araslı, H., Farivarsadri, G. & Bavik, A. (2008), “Algılanan Adalet Kavramı Perspektifinde Etkin Şikayet Yönetimi: KKTC Üniversiteleri Üzerine Bir Araştırma”, Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 19, s. 43-58.
  • Fan, Y., Wu, C. & Wu W. (2010). “The Impact of Online Retailing Service Recovery and Percieved Justice on Consumer Loyalty”, International Journal of Electronic Business Management, 8(3), 239-249.
  • Grönroos, C. (2007), “Service Management and Marketing. Customer Management In Service Competition”, 3th. Edition, John Wiley & Sons.
  • Haksever, C., Render, B., Russell, R. S. & Murdick, R. G. (2000), “Service Management And Operations”, 2nd edition, New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
  • Hoffman, K.D. & Kelley, S.W. (2000), “Perceived Justice Needs And Recovery Evaluation: A Contingency Approach”, European Journal of Marketing, 34(3/4), 418-432.
  • Hofmann, K.D. & Bateson, J.E.G. (2006), “Services Marketing: Concepts, Strategies and Cases”, 3th Edition, Thomson/South Western.
  • Huseman, R. C., Hatfield, J. D. & Miles, E. W. (1987), A New Perspective On Equity Theory: The Equity Sensitivity Construct”, The Academy of Management Review, 12(2), 222- 234.
  • Jianfen, Z., Mingli, Z. & Qingmin, K. (2010). “The Effect of Service Fairness on Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty” Management and Service Science (MASS), 2010 International Conference on, 24-26 Agust 2010.
  • Jones, T. O. & Saser, W. E. (1995), “Why Sattisfied Customer Defect”, Harvard Business Review, November, s.1-14.
  • Kau , A. K. & Loh, E. W. (2006), “The Effects of Service Recovery on Complainants and Non-Complainants”, Journal of Services Marketing, 20(2), 101–111 A Comparison Between
  • Kurtz, D.L. & Clow, K.E. (1998), “Service Marketing”, JohnWiley & Sons.
  • Kwortnik, R. & Xiaoyun, H. (2011), “The Influence of Guest Perceptions of Service Fairness on Lodging Loyalty in China”, Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, 52, 321-332.
  • Lee, K., Joshi, K. & Kyun Kim, Y. (2011), “Identification Of The Four Factor Structure Of Customers Perceived Fairness”, Journal of Targeting, Measurement and Analysis for Marketing, 19 (2), 113-126.
  • Lii, Y., Ding, M. & Chiang, H. (2012), “Relative Effect of Perceived Justice in Airline Recovery: Is Coproate Reputation A Double- Edged Sword?”, Business And Information, Sapporo, s. 596- 618.
  • Lovelock, C. & Wirtz, J. (2007). “Services Marketing: People, Technology, Strategy”, 6th Edition, Pearson Prenticehall.
  • Mattila, A. S. & Patterson, P. G. (2004), “Service Recovery and Fairness Perceptions in Collectivist and Individalist Contexts”, Journal of Service Research, 6(4), 336-346.
  • Matos, C. A., Henrique, J. L. & Vargas Rossi, C. A. (2007), “Service Recovery Paradox: A Meta-Analysis”, Journal of Service Research, 10(1), 60-77.
  • Matos, C.A., Fernandes, D.V., Leis, R.P. & Trez (2011), “A Cross- Cultural Investigation Of Customer Reactions To Service Failure And Recovery”, Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 23, 211–228.
  • Maxham, J. III & Netemeyer, R. (2002), “A Longitudinal Study Of Complaining Customers Evaluations of Multiple Service Failures and Recovery Efforts”, Journal of Marketing, 66(4), s. 57-71.
  • Mccoll-Kennedy, J. R., & Sparks, B. A. (2003), “Application of Fairness Theory To Service Failures and Service Recovery”, Journal of Service Research, 5(3), s. 251-266.
  • Nikbin, D., İsmail, İ., Marimuthu, M. & Jalalkamali, M. (2010), “Perceived Justice in Service Recovery and Recovery Satisfaction: The Moderating Role of Corporate Image”, International Journal of Marketing Studies, 2(2), s. 47-56.
  • Ok, C., Back, K. J. & Shanklin, C. W. (2005), “Modelıng Roles Of Servıce Recovery Strategy: A Relatıonshıp-Focused Vıew”, Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 29(4), s. 484-507
  • Oliver, R. L. (1980), "A Cognitive Model of the Antecedents and Consequences of Satisfaction Decisions,"Journal of Marketing Research, 17 (November), s. 460-469.
  • Oliver, R. L. (1981), “Measurement and Evaluation of Satisfaction Processesin Retail Settings”, Journal of Retailing, 5(7) (Fall), s. 25-48.
  • Patterson, P. G., Elizabeth, C., & Kriengsin, P. (2006), “Service Failure Recovery: The Moderating Impact of Individual-Level Cultural Value Orientation on Perceptions of Justice”, International Journal of Research in Marketing, 23, s. 263-277.
  • Rio-Lanza, A. B., Vazquez-Casielles, R. & Diaz-Martin A.M. (2009), “Satisfaction with Service Recovery: Perceived Justice and Emotional Responses”, Journal of Business Research, 62(8), s. 775-781.
  • Smith, A. K., Bolton, R. N., & Wagner, J. (1999), “A Model Of Customer Satisfaction With Service Encounters Involving Failure And Recovery”, Journal of Marketing Research, 36(3), s. 356-362.
  • Smith, A. K., & Bolton, R. N. (1998), “An Experimental Investigation of Customer Reactions To Service Failure and Recovery Encounters: Paradox of Peril?”, Journal of Services Research, 1(1), s. 65-81.
  • Tax, S. S. & Brown, S. W. (2000), “Service Recovery: Research Insights and Practices”. Swartz, T. A. ve Lacabucci, D. (Ed.), Handbook of service marketing management içinde (ss. 271- 287), Sage Publication.
  • Tax, S. S., Brown, S.W. & Chandrashekaran, M. (1998), “Customer Evaluations of Service Complaint Experiences: Implications for Relationship Marketing”, Journal of Marketing, 62(2), s. 60-76.
  • Ting, C. Y. & Yu, T. K. (2010), “Modeling Patient Perceptıons of Service Recovery: The Effects of Perceived Fairness on Health Center Repatronage”, Socıal Behavıor and Personalıty, 38(3), s. 395-404.
  • Zeithaml, V.A. & Bitner, M.J. (2003), “Services Marketing: Integrating Customer Focus Across The Firm”, 3th. Edition, Boston: McGraw-Hill.

Consumers’ Service Recovery Assessment Process Within The Frame of Equity Theory: A Conceptual Review

Yıl 2015, Cilt: 12 Sayı: 2, 1 - 22, 01.12.2015


Nowadays, while consumers are becoming more demanding their loyalty to businesses is decreasing because of the competitiveness in the market. Although businesses care about service in full for increasing the customers’ satisfaction and loyalties, they cannot avoid from failures. Even if it is not possible for businesses to cancel out these failures, they can be corrected by the means of service recovery programs. As the recovery programs which can meet the expectations of customer materialize, the satisfaction which decrease due to failure will increase again and, the loyalty will increase, as well. The strengthening effects of service recoveries’ satisfactions and loyalties brings with requirement of knowing how customers evaluate the service recovery. Studies in recent years show that customers rely on the justness of recoveries in evaluating the recovery which occur after failure, they consider that these recoveries are just or not. Justice has three different dimensions which that procedural, transactional and distributional. These three dimensions’ affect the consumer behaviors like satisfaction after service recoveries, loyalty, commitment and WOM. This effect varies depending on the service type, the magnitude and importance of service failure


  • Barakat, L. L., Ramsey, J. R., Lorenz, M. P. & Gosling, M. (2014), “Severe Service Failure Recovery Revisited: Evidence of Its Determinats in An Emerging Market Context. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 31, 1-5.
  • Bitner, M.J. (1990), “Evaluating Service Encounters: The Effect of Physical Surroundings and Employee Responses”, Journal of Marketing, 54(2), 69-82.
  • Blodgett J. G., Hill D. J. & Tax S. S. (1997), “The Effects of Distributive, Postcomplaint Behavior”, Journal of Retailing, 73(2), 185–210. and Interactional Justice on
  • Blodgett, J. G. (1994), “The Effects of Perceived Justice on Complainants Repatronage Intentions and Negative Word-of- Mouth Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior, 7.Boshaff, C. Journal of Consumer
  • Satisfaction”, (1997), “An Experimental Study Of Service Recovery Options”, International Journal of Service Industry Management, 8(2), 110-130.
  • Chang, Y. W. & Chang, Y. H. (2010), “Does Service Recovery Affect Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty? An Empirical Study of Airline Services”, Journal of Air Transport Management 16, 340-342.
  • Clark, M., Adjei, M.T. & Yancey D.N. (2009), “The Impact of Service Fairness Perceptions on Relationship Quality”, Service Marketing Quarterly, 30, 287-302.
  • Cropanzano, R., Prehar, C. A. & Chen, P.Y. (2002). “Using Social Exchange Theory To Distinguish Procedural From Interactional Justice”, Group & Organization Management, 27 (3), 324-351.
  • Davidow, M. (2003), “Have You Heard The Word? The Effect of Word of Mouth on Perceıved Justıce, Satısfactıon and Repurchase Intentions Following Complaint Handling”, Journal of Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior, 16, 67-80.
  • Ekiz, E.H., Araslı, H., Farivarsadri, G. & Bavik, A. (2008), “Algılanan Adalet Kavramı Perspektifinde Etkin Şikayet Yönetimi: KKTC Üniversiteleri Üzerine Bir Araştırma”, Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 19, s. 43-58.
  • Fan, Y., Wu, C. & Wu W. (2010). “The Impact of Online Retailing Service Recovery and Percieved Justice on Consumer Loyalty”, International Journal of Electronic Business Management, 8(3), 239-249.
  • Grönroos, C. (2007), “Service Management and Marketing. Customer Management In Service Competition”, 3th. Edition, John Wiley & Sons.
  • Haksever, C., Render, B., Russell, R. S. & Murdick, R. G. (2000), “Service Management And Operations”, 2nd edition, New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
  • Hoffman, K.D. & Kelley, S.W. (2000), “Perceived Justice Needs And Recovery Evaluation: A Contingency Approach”, European Journal of Marketing, 34(3/4), 418-432.
  • Hofmann, K.D. & Bateson, J.E.G. (2006), “Services Marketing: Concepts, Strategies and Cases”, 3th Edition, Thomson/South Western.
  • Huseman, R. C., Hatfield, J. D. & Miles, E. W. (1987), A New Perspective On Equity Theory: The Equity Sensitivity Construct”, The Academy of Management Review, 12(2), 222- 234.
  • Jianfen, Z., Mingli, Z. & Qingmin, K. (2010). “The Effect of Service Fairness on Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty” Management and Service Science (MASS), 2010 International Conference on, 24-26 Agust 2010.
  • Jones, T. O. & Saser, W. E. (1995), “Why Sattisfied Customer Defect”, Harvard Business Review, November, s.1-14.
  • Kau , A. K. & Loh, E. W. (2006), “The Effects of Service Recovery on Complainants and Non-Complainants”, Journal of Services Marketing, 20(2), 101–111 A Comparison Between
  • Kurtz, D.L. & Clow, K.E. (1998), “Service Marketing”, JohnWiley & Sons.
  • Kwortnik, R. & Xiaoyun, H. (2011), “The Influence of Guest Perceptions of Service Fairness on Lodging Loyalty in China”, Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, 52, 321-332.
  • Lee, K., Joshi, K. & Kyun Kim, Y. (2011), “Identification Of The Four Factor Structure Of Customers Perceived Fairness”, Journal of Targeting, Measurement and Analysis for Marketing, 19 (2), 113-126.
  • Lii, Y., Ding, M. & Chiang, H. (2012), “Relative Effect of Perceived Justice in Airline Recovery: Is Coproate Reputation A Double- Edged Sword?”, Business And Information, Sapporo, s. 596- 618.
  • Lovelock, C. & Wirtz, J. (2007). “Services Marketing: People, Technology, Strategy”, 6th Edition, Pearson Prenticehall.
  • Mattila, A. S. & Patterson, P. G. (2004), “Service Recovery and Fairness Perceptions in Collectivist and Individalist Contexts”, Journal of Service Research, 6(4), 336-346.
  • Matos, C. A., Henrique, J. L. & Vargas Rossi, C. A. (2007), “Service Recovery Paradox: A Meta-Analysis”, Journal of Service Research, 10(1), 60-77.
  • Matos, C.A., Fernandes, D.V., Leis, R.P. & Trez (2011), “A Cross- Cultural Investigation Of Customer Reactions To Service Failure And Recovery”, Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 23, 211–228.
  • Maxham, J. III & Netemeyer, R. (2002), “A Longitudinal Study Of Complaining Customers Evaluations of Multiple Service Failures and Recovery Efforts”, Journal of Marketing, 66(4), s. 57-71.
  • Mccoll-Kennedy, J. R., & Sparks, B. A. (2003), “Application of Fairness Theory To Service Failures and Service Recovery”, Journal of Service Research, 5(3), s. 251-266.
  • Nikbin, D., İsmail, İ., Marimuthu, M. & Jalalkamali, M. (2010), “Perceived Justice in Service Recovery and Recovery Satisfaction: The Moderating Role of Corporate Image”, International Journal of Marketing Studies, 2(2), s. 47-56.
  • Ok, C., Back, K. J. & Shanklin, C. W. (2005), “Modelıng Roles Of Servıce Recovery Strategy: A Relatıonshıp-Focused Vıew”, Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 29(4), s. 484-507
  • Oliver, R. L. (1980), "A Cognitive Model of the Antecedents and Consequences of Satisfaction Decisions,"Journal of Marketing Research, 17 (November), s. 460-469.
  • Oliver, R. L. (1981), “Measurement and Evaluation of Satisfaction Processesin Retail Settings”, Journal of Retailing, 5(7) (Fall), s. 25-48.
  • Patterson, P. G., Elizabeth, C., & Kriengsin, P. (2006), “Service Failure Recovery: The Moderating Impact of Individual-Level Cultural Value Orientation on Perceptions of Justice”, International Journal of Research in Marketing, 23, s. 263-277.
  • Rio-Lanza, A. B., Vazquez-Casielles, R. & Diaz-Martin A.M. (2009), “Satisfaction with Service Recovery: Perceived Justice and Emotional Responses”, Journal of Business Research, 62(8), s. 775-781.
  • Smith, A. K., Bolton, R. N., & Wagner, J. (1999), “A Model Of Customer Satisfaction With Service Encounters Involving Failure And Recovery”, Journal of Marketing Research, 36(3), s. 356-362.
  • Smith, A. K., & Bolton, R. N. (1998), “An Experimental Investigation of Customer Reactions To Service Failure and Recovery Encounters: Paradox of Peril?”, Journal of Services Research, 1(1), s. 65-81.
  • Tax, S. S. & Brown, S. W. (2000), “Service Recovery: Research Insights and Practices”. Swartz, T. A. ve Lacabucci, D. (Ed.), Handbook of service marketing management içinde (ss. 271- 287), Sage Publication.
  • Tax, S. S., Brown, S.W. & Chandrashekaran, M. (1998), “Customer Evaluations of Service Complaint Experiences: Implications for Relationship Marketing”, Journal of Marketing, 62(2), s. 60-76.
  • Ting, C. Y. & Yu, T. K. (2010), “Modeling Patient Perceptıons of Service Recovery: The Effects of Perceived Fairness on Health Center Repatronage”, Socıal Behavıor and Personalıty, 38(3), s. 395-404.
  • Zeithaml, V.A. & Bitner, M.J. (2003), “Services Marketing: Integrating Customer Focus Across The Firm”, 3th. Edition, Boston: McGraw-Hill.
Toplam 41 adet kaynakça vardır.


Diğer ID JA39VU26RM
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Mehmet İsmail Yağcı Bu kişi benim

Ümit Doğrul Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 2015
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2015 Cilt: 12 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Yağcı, M. İ., & Doğrul, Ü. (2015). Hakkaniyet Teorisi Çerçevesinde Tüketicilerin Hizmet Telafilerini Değerlendirme Süreci: Kavramsal Bir İnceleme. Çağ Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 12(2), 1-22.