Some issues are not welcome to be talked about in public due to general ethics and religious dogmas. Although issues related to sexuality, in particular, are of interest to everyone, it is considered a shame to talk about it. Jinn, fairy, etc., which also avoid explicitly mentioning their names from a religious point of view. some assets such as are considered taboo. Sexual intercourse with supernatural beings can also be evaluated in this context. Only people with special virtues can establish contact with supernatural beings. There are compilations that show that such relationships are established in shaman myths. In this study entitled “The Relationship of Marriage with Supernatural Beings in Shamanic Myths” evidence was found about which supernatural beings, how marriage or sexual intercourse was established and what was intended from these established relationships. Especially shaman, especially from the class of Gods Ulgen, Erlik, Uluu-Toyon, etc. ordinary people and animals can also have marriage or sexual relations with the daughters and Sons of supernatural beings such as Esrel, Shulbus, Ayııs Albis and ancestors, with the spirits that are the gods of geographical beings such as mountains, rivers, earth, water and trees, with the light that descends from the sky, with horses and bulls from the lower and upper world to the Middle world. The way these relationships are established varies. Sometimes the Shaman can get injured in such a relationship by force or deception, sometimes by his own will, and sometimes by unwillingness.
At the heart of the idea of marriage or sexual relations with supernatural beings is the purpose of appearing pleasant, pleasing them and obtaining their bestowals to beings who are believed to control nature, control its wealth, abundance and fertility, power of fertility and reproduction. By associating with these beings, ensuring that they give themselves plenty of World blessings; gaining reproductive and fertility power for humans and animals means guaranteeing both a life of prosperity and the continuation of their own height.
Every living being has the drive to exist, thrive and stay tomorrow. At the center of life is to ensure the continuation of life by reproducing and reproducing. The fertility of humans and animals, beings in nature, the productivity of land, mountains, forests, rivers and seas will ensure this. Newborn human Cubs are a guarantee of the future, as well as a new workforce. Shamanism beliefs, entities and events in nature to check the riches and spoils the way they want this relationship with supernatural beings and the rituals they believed Taksim and in addition other offerings of the wealth and power will be in question with urume it is believed that a big benefit will be received. It is believed that establishing good relations with supernatural beings, their satisfaction, will guarantee wealth, prosperity, and the continuation of the neck, while their inability to be satisfied will lead to misery, evil, and extinction.