During Dardanelles campaign, Çanakkale province and Gallipoli had become battle field, thus, the people had been sent into inner safe area. Agriculture, subsistence and transport in this region was hindered. Because of the importance of military necessities, people’s subsistence was affected deeply. Due to constantly bombarding, properties burned and aroused housing crisis. Subsistence and housing problem were endeavored to minimize by Ottoman Goverment with in reduced facilities. Also military undertook an important function both reviving agriculture and resolving problem of housing
Çanakkale savaşları sırasında Çanakkale ve Gelibolu savaş alanı haline gelmesinden dolayı halk daha güvenli olan iç bölgelere nakledilmiştir. Bölgedeki tarım, iaşe ve ulaşım sekteye uğramış, askeri ihtiyaçların önde gelmesi özellikle halkın iaşe durumunu derinden etkilemiştir. Sürekli yapılan bombardımanlardan dolayı halkın evi, eşyası, dükkânı yanmış, beraberinde mesken sıkıntısı baş göstermiştir. Hükümet kısıtlı imkânlar dâhilinde aldığı bir takım önlemlerle iaşe ve mesken problemini gidermeye çalışmıştır. Bölgedeki halkın sıkıntılarının giderilmesinde askeriye de, gerek ziraatın canlanması gerekse iaşe probleminin çözülmesinde önemli bir görev icra etmiştir.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Çanakkale, Gelibolu, İaşe, Yardım, Mesken, Nakil.
Situation of The People During Dardanelles Campaign
During Dardanelles campaign, Çanakkale province and Gallipoli had become battle field, thus, the people had been sent into inner safe area. Agriculture, subsistence and transport in this region was hindered. Because of the importance of military necessities, people's subsistence was affected deeply. Due to constantly bombarding, properties burned and aroused housing crisis. Subsistence and housing problem were endeavored to minimize by Ottoman Goverment with in reduced facilities. Also military undertook an important function both reviving agriculture and resolving problem of housing.
Key Words: Dardanelles, Gallipoli, Subsistence, Help, Housing, Transport.
Birincil Dil | Türkçe |
Bölüm | Makaleler |
Yazarlar | |
Yayımlanma Tarihi | 30 Mayıs 2015 |
Yayımlandığı Sayı | Yıl 2015 |