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Jeanette Winterson’ın Vişnenin Cinsiyeti ve Elif Şafak’ın Pinhan Adlı Romanlarında Mistik Deneyim ve Beden Aşımı

Yıl 2021, , 91 - 106, 29.06.2021


Batı kültürünü temsil eden feminist yazar Jeanette Winterson, Sexing the Cherry adlı romanında ataerkil kültürün bir ögesi olarak, dinin kadının ötekileştirilmesindeki rolünden yola çıkarak, eserinde Kabbala kültürü çerçevesinde mistik bir atmosfer yaratarak, kadını bedensel varlığının ötesine taşımaya çalışır. Türk yazar Elif Şafak da Pinhan adlı romanında benzer bir şekilde sadece toplumsal cinsiyeti değil insanın fiziksel gerçekliğinin ötesindeki varlığını da Sufi mistisizmi açısından ele alır. Bunu yaparken, her iki yazar da karakterlerini farklı zaman dilimlerinde farklı bedenlerde tasavvur ederler ve böylece aşkın gerçekliği ön plana çıkararak kadının ataerkil kültürde ötelenmesine temel oluşturan cinsiyet ayırımını hiçlerler. Bu çalışma, farklı beden, zaman ve mekanlarda yeniden tezahür eden ana karakterler üzerine kurgulanmış bu iki romanı mistik açıdan irdelemektedir. Her iki yazar da, kadının bedensel varlığı üzerinden ötekileştirilmesine tepki olarak birlik kavramını merkeze alan mistisizm üzerinde dururlar.


  • Antosa, Silvia. Crossing Boundaries:Bodily Paradigms in Jeanette Winterson’s Fiction 1985-2000. Rome: Aracne, 2008.
  • Baldrick, Julian. Mystical Islam. An Introduction to Sufism. London: I.B. Tairus, 1992.
  • Bilgin, Elif. Destructuring “Woman in Islam” Within the Context of Bektashi and Mawlawi Thought. (Unpublished Masters Thesis) Ankara: METU June 1996.
  • Christ, Carol P. “Embodied Embedded Mysticism: Affirming the Self and the Others in a Radically Interdependent World.” Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion, Vol. 24 No. 2:159-167.
  • Cooper, E. Jane. “Escapism or Engagement? Plotinus and Feminism.” Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion. Vol. 23 No.1 (2007): 73-93.
  • Derin, Süleyman. Love in Sufism. İstanbul: İnsan Publications, 2008.
  • Fishbane, Eitan P. “Mystical Contemplation and the Limits of the Mind: The Case of Sheqel Ha-Qadesh. Th e Jewish Quarterly Review. Vol. 93 Nos. 1-2,( July-October): 1-27.
  • Ginsburgh, H. Yitzchack. “Authentic Jewish Mysticism and Thought” Ret. May 2009, (
  • Green, Arthur. “God.” European Judaism. Vol. 39 No.2 (Autumn, 2006):83-101.
  • “Migrations: A Meridians Interview with Elif Shafak.” Conducted by J.A. Chancy (Merid. Ed.) Meridians: Feminism, Race, Transnationalism 4.1 (2003): 55-85.
  • Nicholson, Reynold A. The Mystics of Islam. London: Arkana, 1989.
  • Stanborough, Maria Elena. A Gentle Plea For Chaos: “New, Complex Wholeness” in Jeanette Winterson’s Sexing the Cherry. B.A. Thesis.
  • Schneider, Kirk J. “The Deified Self.” Journal of Humanistic Psychology. Vol. 27 No. 2:196-216.
  • Schuon, Frithjof. Tasavvuf: Kabuk ve Öz. İstanbul: İz, 2006.
  • Shafak, Elif. Pinhan. İstanbul: Metis, 2006.
  • Smith, A. Marie. “Fiery Constellations: Winterson’s Sexing the Cherry and Benjamin’s Materialist Historiography.” College Literature Vol. 32 No. 3, (Summer 2005): 21-50.
  • Winterson, Jeanette. Sexing the Cherry. London: Vintage, 1990.

Mystical Transgression of the Body in Jeanette Winterson’s Sexing the Cherry and Elif Shafak’s Pinhan (Sufi)

Yıl 2021, , 91 - 106, 29.06.2021


Both English writer Jeanette Winterson and Turkish writer Elif Shafak are marked through their involvement with feminism. Considering their concern with mysticism as a reaction against the Orthodox religion which they believe gives support to the patriarchal oppression of women, this study compares Winterson’s Sexing the Cherry and Shafak’s Pinhan. Winterson deals with Kabbala mysticism in Sexing the Cherry whereas Shafak adapts Sufism in Pinhan. Both authors depict, in their novels, fluid character identities who reincarnate in different times and spaces in different bodies. This attitude is considered, even though they adapt different types of mysticism, as the reflection of their concern with spirituality, which they develop against the discriminating patriarchal religion. By privileging spiritual reality over the physical reality, they both annihilate women’s subjection to physical laws of patriarchy.


  • Antosa, Silvia. Crossing Boundaries:Bodily Paradigms in Jeanette Winterson’s Fiction 1985-2000. Rome: Aracne, 2008.
  • Baldrick, Julian. Mystical Islam. An Introduction to Sufism. London: I.B. Tairus, 1992.
  • Bilgin, Elif. Destructuring “Woman in Islam” Within the Context of Bektashi and Mawlawi Thought. (Unpublished Masters Thesis) Ankara: METU June 1996.
  • Christ, Carol P. “Embodied Embedded Mysticism: Affirming the Self and the Others in a Radically Interdependent World.” Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion, Vol. 24 No. 2:159-167.
  • Cooper, E. Jane. “Escapism or Engagement? Plotinus and Feminism.” Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion. Vol. 23 No.1 (2007): 73-93.
  • Derin, Süleyman. Love in Sufism. İstanbul: İnsan Publications, 2008.
  • Fishbane, Eitan P. “Mystical Contemplation and the Limits of the Mind: The Case of Sheqel Ha-Qadesh. Th e Jewish Quarterly Review. Vol. 93 Nos. 1-2,( July-October): 1-27.
  • Ginsburgh, H. Yitzchack. “Authentic Jewish Mysticism and Thought” Ret. May 2009, (
  • Green, Arthur. “God.” European Judaism. Vol. 39 No.2 (Autumn, 2006):83-101.
  • “Migrations: A Meridians Interview with Elif Shafak.” Conducted by J.A. Chancy (Merid. Ed.) Meridians: Feminism, Race, Transnationalism 4.1 (2003): 55-85.
  • Nicholson, Reynold A. The Mystics of Islam. London: Arkana, 1989.
  • Stanborough, Maria Elena. A Gentle Plea For Chaos: “New, Complex Wholeness” in Jeanette Winterson’s Sexing the Cherry. B.A. Thesis.
  • Schneider, Kirk J. “The Deified Self.” Journal of Humanistic Psychology. Vol. 27 No. 2:196-216.
  • Schuon, Frithjof. Tasavvuf: Kabuk ve Öz. İstanbul: İz, 2006.
  • Shafak, Elif. Pinhan. İstanbul: Metis, 2006.
  • Smith, A. Marie. “Fiery Constellations: Winterson’s Sexing the Cherry and Benjamin’s Materialist Historiography.” College Literature Vol. 32 No. 3, (Summer 2005): 21-50.
  • Winterson, Jeanette. Sexing the Cherry. London: Vintage, 1990.
Toplam 17 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Bölüm Makaleler

Zeynep Yılmaz Kurt 0000-0003-1194-6718

Yayımlanma Tarihi 29 Haziran 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021

Kaynak Göster

APA Yılmaz Kurt, Z. (2021). Mystical Transgression of the Body in Jeanette Winterson’s Sexing the Cherry and Elif Shafak’s Pinhan (Sufi). Cankaya University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 15(1), 91-106.

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