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Yıl 2017, , 737 - 743, 30.09.2017



  • 1. Kshirsagar, A.D. Bioremediation of wastewater by using micro-algae: An experimental study, International Journal of Life Sciences Biotechnology and Pharma Research, 2013, 2(3), 339-346.
  • 2. Vidali, M. Bioremediation: an Overview, Pure and Applied Chemistry, 2001, 73(7), 1163-1172.
  • 3. Kensa, M.V. Bioremediation: an Overview, Journal of Indust-rial Pollution Control, 2001, 27(2), 161-168.
  • 4. Han, S.Q, Zhang, Z.H, Yan, H. Present situation and develop-mental trend of wastewater treatment and eutrophication waters purification with alga technology, Agro Environmental Develop-ment, 2000, 63(1), 13-16.
  • 5. Olguı́, E.J. Phycoremediation: Key Issues for Cost-Effective Nutrient Removal Processes, Biotechnology Advances, 2003, 22(1), 81-91.
  • 6. Dominic, V.J, Murali, S, Nisha, M.C. Phycoremediation Effici-ency of Three Micro Algae Chlorella vulgaris, Synechocystis salina and Gloeocapsa gelatinosa, Academic review, 2009, 16(1), 138-146.
  • 7. Muthukumaran, M, Raghavan, B.G, Subrahmanian, V.V, Si-vasubrahmaniyan, V. Bioremediation of Industrial Effluent Using Micro Algae, Indian Hydrobiology, 2005, 7(1), 105-122.
  • 8. Dwivedi, S. Bioremediation of Heavy Metal by Algae: Current and Future Perspective, Journal of Advanced Laboratory Research in Biology, 2012, 3(3), 195-199.
  • 9. De La Noue, J, Laliberte, G, Proulx, D. Algae and Waste Water, Journal of Applied Phycology, 1992, 4(3), 247-254.
  • 10. De Bashan, L.E, Moreno, M, Hernandez, J.P, Bashan, J. Am-monium and phosphorus removal from continuous and semi-continuous cultures by the microalgae Chlorella vulgaris coimmo-bilized in alginate beads with Azospirillum brasilense, Water Rese-arch, 2002, 36(12), 2941-2948.
  • 11. Kayar, V. N, Çelik, A. Gediz Nehri Kimi Kirlilik Parametreleri-nin Tayini Ve Su Kalitesinin Belirlenmesi., Ekoloji Dergisi, 2003, 12 (47), 17 – 22.
  • 12. Sager, R, Granick, S. Nutritional studies with Chlamydomonas reinhardti., Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1953, 56 (1), 831-838.
  • 13. Rippka, R, Desruelles, J.B, Herdman, M, Stanier, R.Y. Assign-ments strain history and properties of pure cultures of Cyanobacte-ria, Journal General Microbiology, 1979, 111 (2), 1-61.
  • 14. APHA, AWWA, WPCF. Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater, 20th edn. Washington, 1998, pp 1360.
  • 15. Martinez, M.E, Sánchez, S, Jimenez, J.M, El Yousfi, F, Munoz, L. Nitrogen and phosphorus removal from urban wastewater by the microalga Scenedesmus obliquus, Bioresource technology, 2000, 73(3), 263-272.
  • 16. Zeroual, Y, Moutaouakkil, A, Dzairi, F.Z, Talbi, M, Chung, P.U, Lee, K, Blaghen, M. Biosorption of mercury from aqueous solution by Ulva lactuca biomass, Bioresource Technology, 2003, 90(3), 349-351.
  • 17. Malik, A. Metal bioremediation through growing cells., Envi-ronment international, 2004, 30(2), 261-278.
  • 18. Areco, M.M, Hanela, S, Duran, J, dos Santos Afonso, M. Bio-sorption of Cu (II), Zn (II), Cd (II) and Pb (II) by dead biomasses of green alga Ulva lactuca and the development of a sustainable matrix for adsorption implementation, Journal of hazardous mate-rials, 2012, 213(1), 123-132.
  • 19. Egemen, Ö. Çevre ve Su Kirliliği; Ege Üniv. Press: İzmir, Turkey, 2006, pp 51-59.
  • 20. Grantar, M, Gajin, S, Dalmacija, B. The possibility of phospha-te elimination by the use of algae in the process of wastewater purification, Mikrobiologia, 1984, 21(1), 63-73.
  • 21. Gupta, S.K, Ansari, F.A, Shriwastav, A, Sahoo, N.K, Rawat, I, Bux, F. Dual Role of Chlorella sorokiniana and Scenedesmus ob-liquus for Comprehensive Wastewater Treatment and Biomass Production for Bio-fuels, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2015, 115 (3), 255-264.
  • 22. González, L.E, Cañizares, R.O, Baena, S. Efficiency of ammo-nia and phosphorus removal from a Colombian agroindustrial wastewater by the microalgae Chlorella vulgaris and Scenedesmus dimorphu, Bioresource Technology, 1997, 60(3), 259-262. 23. Aarti, N, Sumathi, P, Subrahmanian, V. Phycoremediation to improve algal water quality, Indian Hydrobiology, 2008, 11(1), 173 – 184.
  • 24. Manoharan, C, Subrahmanian, G. Interaction between pepper-mill effluent and the cyanobacterium Oscillatoria pseudogerminata var. unigranulata, Pollution Research, 1992, 11(1), 73 – 84.
  • 25. Kotteswari, M, Murugesan, S.J, Kamaleswari, K, Veeralakshmi, M. Biomanagement of diary effluent by using cyanobacterium, Indian Hydrobiology, 2007, 10(1), 109-116.
  • 26. Freundlich, H. Uber Die Adsorption in Losungen, Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie,1906, 57(3), 385-470.
  • 27. Calace, N, Muro Di, A, Nardi, E, Petronio, M.B, Pietroletti, M. Adsorption isotherms for describing heavy metal retention in paper mill sludges, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 2002, 41 (22), 5491–5497.
  • 28. Kadirvelu, K, Namasivayam, C. Activated carbon from coconut coir pitch as metal adsorbent: adsorption of Cd (II) from aqueous solution, Advances in Environmental Research, 2003, 7**, 471–478.
  • 29. Munther, I.K. Zinc and cadmium adsorption on low-grade phosphate, Separation and Purification Technology, 2004, 35(1), 61–70.
  • 30. Bhattacharya, A.K, Mandal, S.N, Das, S.K. Adsorption of Zn (II) from aqueous solution by using different adsorbents, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2006,123(1), 43-51.

Comparing the Phytoremediation Efficiency of Three Different Algae for the Nutrient Removal of Gediz River in Manisa/Turkey

Yıl 2017, , 737 - 743, 30.09.2017


bioremediation, in order to break down the pollutants of water systems, is a
low cost and ecological friendly approach. Different types of algae are being
used in bioremediation processes especially in contaminated waters. Algal
species have the ability to use most of the pollutants as food source. Thus,
they are desirable organisms for bioremediation process. Studying the
bioremediation efficiency levels of different algal species for different types
of contaminants is crucial for increasing the effectiveness of this method. In
this study , three different algal species were used for the bioremediation
process of the water samples, collected in 2015 from Gediz River. In laboratory
conditions the removal efficiency of these three algae for various parameters,
such as nitrate, nitrite, phosphate and ammonium, were measured. According to
the results, the removal efficiency levels for (a) Chlorella sp., measured as PO43- > NO3-
> NO2- > NH3-, were
84.47 %, 83.41 %, 6.22 %, 1.79 %, (b) Scenedesmus
sp., measured as NO3- > NO2-
> NH3- >PO43- , were 97.33 %,
92.92 %, 72.08 %, 56.91 %, and (c) Oscillatoria
sp., measured as NH3- > NO3- >
PO43- > NO2- ,  were 90.08 %, 86.76 %, 83.21 %, 0.28 %


  • 1. Kshirsagar, A.D. Bioremediation of wastewater by using micro-algae: An experimental study, International Journal of Life Sciences Biotechnology and Pharma Research, 2013, 2(3), 339-346.
  • 2. Vidali, M. Bioremediation: an Overview, Pure and Applied Chemistry, 2001, 73(7), 1163-1172.
  • 3. Kensa, M.V. Bioremediation: an Overview, Journal of Indust-rial Pollution Control, 2001, 27(2), 161-168.
  • 4. Han, S.Q, Zhang, Z.H, Yan, H. Present situation and develop-mental trend of wastewater treatment and eutrophication waters purification with alga technology, Agro Environmental Develop-ment, 2000, 63(1), 13-16.
  • 5. Olguı́, E.J. Phycoremediation: Key Issues for Cost-Effective Nutrient Removal Processes, Biotechnology Advances, 2003, 22(1), 81-91.
  • 6. Dominic, V.J, Murali, S, Nisha, M.C. Phycoremediation Effici-ency of Three Micro Algae Chlorella vulgaris, Synechocystis salina and Gloeocapsa gelatinosa, Academic review, 2009, 16(1), 138-146.
  • 7. Muthukumaran, M, Raghavan, B.G, Subrahmanian, V.V, Si-vasubrahmaniyan, V. Bioremediation of Industrial Effluent Using Micro Algae, Indian Hydrobiology, 2005, 7(1), 105-122.
  • 8. Dwivedi, S. Bioremediation of Heavy Metal by Algae: Current and Future Perspective, Journal of Advanced Laboratory Research in Biology, 2012, 3(3), 195-199.
  • 9. De La Noue, J, Laliberte, G, Proulx, D. Algae and Waste Water, Journal of Applied Phycology, 1992, 4(3), 247-254.
  • 10. De Bashan, L.E, Moreno, M, Hernandez, J.P, Bashan, J. Am-monium and phosphorus removal from continuous and semi-continuous cultures by the microalgae Chlorella vulgaris coimmo-bilized in alginate beads with Azospirillum brasilense, Water Rese-arch, 2002, 36(12), 2941-2948.
  • 11. Kayar, V. N, Çelik, A. Gediz Nehri Kimi Kirlilik Parametreleri-nin Tayini Ve Su Kalitesinin Belirlenmesi., Ekoloji Dergisi, 2003, 12 (47), 17 – 22.
  • 12. Sager, R, Granick, S. Nutritional studies with Chlamydomonas reinhardti., Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1953, 56 (1), 831-838.
  • 13. Rippka, R, Desruelles, J.B, Herdman, M, Stanier, R.Y. Assign-ments strain history and properties of pure cultures of Cyanobacte-ria, Journal General Microbiology, 1979, 111 (2), 1-61.
  • 14. APHA, AWWA, WPCF. Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater, 20th edn. Washington, 1998, pp 1360.
  • 15. Martinez, M.E, Sánchez, S, Jimenez, J.M, El Yousfi, F, Munoz, L. Nitrogen and phosphorus removal from urban wastewater by the microalga Scenedesmus obliquus, Bioresource technology, 2000, 73(3), 263-272.
  • 16. Zeroual, Y, Moutaouakkil, A, Dzairi, F.Z, Talbi, M, Chung, P.U, Lee, K, Blaghen, M. Biosorption of mercury from aqueous solution by Ulva lactuca biomass, Bioresource Technology, 2003, 90(3), 349-351.
  • 17. Malik, A. Metal bioremediation through growing cells., Envi-ronment international, 2004, 30(2), 261-278.
  • 18. Areco, M.M, Hanela, S, Duran, J, dos Santos Afonso, M. Bio-sorption of Cu (II), Zn (II), Cd (II) and Pb (II) by dead biomasses of green alga Ulva lactuca and the development of a sustainable matrix for adsorption implementation, Journal of hazardous mate-rials, 2012, 213(1), 123-132.
  • 19. Egemen, Ö. Çevre ve Su Kirliliği; Ege Üniv. Press: İzmir, Turkey, 2006, pp 51-59.
  • 20. Grantar, M, Gajin, S, Dalmacija, B. The possibility of phospha-te elimination by the use of algae in the process of wastewater purification, Mikrobiologia, 1984, 21(1), 63-73.
  • 21. Gupta, S.K, Ansari, F.A, Shriwastav, A, Sahoo, N.K, Rawat, I, Bux, F. Dual Role of Chlorella sorokiniana and Scenedesmus ob-liquus for Comprehensive Wastewater Treatment and Biomass Production for Bio-fuels, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2015, 115 (3), 255-264.
  • 22. González, L.E, Cañizares, R.O, Baena, S. Efficiency of ammo-nia and phosphorus removal from a Colombian agroindustrial wastewater by the microalgae Chlorella vulgaris and Scenedesmus dimorphu, Bioresource Technology, 1997, 60(3), 259-262. 23. Aarti, N, Sumathi, P, Subrahmanian, V. Phycoremediation to improve algal water quality, Indian Hydrobiology, 2008, 11(1), 173 – 184.
  • 24. Manoharan, C, Subrahmanian, G. Interaction between pepper-mill effluent and the cyanobacterium Oscillatoria pseudogerminata var. unigranulata, Pollution Research, 1992, 11(1), 73 – 84.
  • 25. Kotteswari, M, Murugesan, S.J, Kamaleswari, K, Veeralakshmi, M. Biomanagement of diary effluent by using cyanobacterium, Indian Hydrobiology, 2007, 10(1), 109-116.
  • 26. Freundlich, H. Uber Die Adsorption in Losungen, Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie,1906, 57(3), 385-470.
  • 27. Calace, N, Muro Di, A, Nardi, E, Petronio, M.B, Pietroletti, M. Adsorption isotherms for describing heavy metal retention in paper mill sludges, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 2002, 41 (22), 5491–5497.
  • 28. Kadirvelu, K, Namasivayam, C. Activated carbon from coconut coir pitch as metal adsorbent: adsorption of Cd (II) from aqueous solution, Advances in Environmental Research, 2003, 7**, 471–478.
  • 29. Munther, I.K. Zinc and cadmium adsorption on low-grade phosphate, Separation and Purification Technology, 2004, 35(1), 61–70.
  • 30. Bhattacharya, A.K, Mandal, S.N, Das, S.K. Adsorption of Zn (II) from aqueous solution by using different adsorbents, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2006,123(1), 43-51.
Toplam 29 adet kaynakça vardır.


Bölüm Makaleler

Tuğba Şentürk Bu kişi benim

Çisil Çamlı Bu kişi benim

Şükran Yıldız Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Eylül 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2017

Kaynak Göster

APA Şentürk, T., Çamlı, Ç., & Yıldız, Ş. (2017). Comparing the Phytoremediation Efficiency of Three Different Algae for the Nutrient Removal of Gediz River in Manisa/Turkey. Celal Bayar University Journal of Science, 13(3), 737-743.
AMA Şentürk T, Çamlı Ç, Yıldız Ş. Comparing the Phytoremediation Efficiency of Three Different Algae for the Nutrient Removal of Gediz River in Manisa/Turkey. CBUJOS. Eylül 2017;13(3):737-743. doi:10.18466/cbayarfbe.339348
Chicago Şentürk, Tuğba, Çisil Çamlı, ve Şükran Yıldız. “Comparing the Phytoremediation Efficiency of Three Different Algae for the Nutrient Removal of Gediz River in Manisa/Turkey”. Celal Bayar University Journal of Science 13, sy. 3 (Eylül 2017): 737-43.
EndNote Şentürk T, Çamlı Ç, Yıldız Ş (01 Eylül 2017) Comparing the Phytoremediation Efficiency of Three Different Algae for the Nutrient Removal of Gediz River in Manisa/Turkey. Celal Bayar University Journal of Science 13 3 737–743.
IEEE T. Şentürk, Ç. Çamlı, ve Ş. Yıldız, “Comparing the Phytoremediation Efficiency of Three Different Algae for the Nutrient Removal of Gediz River in Manisa/Turkey”, CBUJOS, c. 13, sy. 3, ss. 737–743, 2017, doi: 10.18466/cbayarfbe.339348.
ISNAD Şentürk, Tuğba vd. “Comparing the Phytoremediation Efficiency of Three Different Algae for the Nutrient Removal of Gediz River in Manisa/Turkey”. Celal Bayar University Journal of Science 13/3 (Eylül 2017), 737-743.
JAMA Şentürk T, Çamlı Ç, Yıldız Ş. Comparing the Phytoremediation Efficiency of Three Different Algae for the Nutrient Removal of Gediz River in Manisa/Turkey. CBUJOS. 2017;13:737–743.
MLA Şentürk, Tuğba vd. “Comparing the Phytoremediation Efficiency of Three Different Algae for the Nutrient Removal of Gediz River in Manisa/Turkey”. Celal Bayar University Journal of Science, c. 13, sy. 3, 2017, ss. 737-43, doi:10.18466/cbayarfbe.339348.
Vancouver Şentürk T, Çamlı Ç, Yıldız Ş. Comparing the Phytoremediation Efficiency of Three Different Algae for the Nutrient Removal of Gediz River in Manisa/Turkey. CBUJOS. 2017;13(3):737-43.