Dip Paraketasında Kullanılan İki Farklı Yemin Balık Davranışları ve Av Verimi Yönünden Karşılaştırılması
Yıl 2007,
Cilt: 3 Sayı: 2, 177 - 182, 01.06.2007
Süleyman Özdemir
Yakup Erdem
Çetin Sümer
- Sainsbury, J., Commercial Fishing Methods . Oxford Fishing News Books, 359 p. (1996).
- Lokkeborg, S. and Bjordal, A., Species and Size Selectivity in Longline Fishing: a Review Fisheries Research, Vol. 13: 311-322 pp. (1992).
- Bjordal, A., The use of Technical Measures in Responsible Fisheries: Regulation of Fishing Gear . A Fishery Manager's Guidebook-Management Measures and Their Application Chapter 2 ISBN 92- 5-10473204 FAO. (ed. Kevern L. Cochrane) (2001).
- Fernö, A., Solemdal, P. and Tilseth, S., Field Studies on the Behaviour of Whiting (Gadus merlangus L.) Towards Baited Hooks . FiskDir. Skr. Ser. Haw. Unders., Vol. 18: 83-95 pp. (1986).
- Bjordal, A.,. Full scale tests of improved longline gear. Meet. Int. Coun. Expoler. Sea. B 45: 7 p. (1985)
- Lokkeborg, S., Fish Behaviour and Longlining. In Marine Fish Behaviour in Capture and, Abundance Estimation . 9-27 pp. Ed. By A. Fernö and S. Olsen. Fishing New Boks, London. (1994).
- Lokkeborg, S., Longline Bait: Fish Behaviour and the Influence of Attractant Release Rate and Bait Appearance . Dr. Scient Thesis. Dep. of Fish. Biology University of Bergen, Norway. 25 p. (1989).
- Fernö, A., and Huse, I., 1983. The Effect of Experience on the Behaviour of Cod (Gadus morhuaL.) Towards a Baited Hook. Fisheries Research, Vol. 2: 19-28 pp.
- Fernö, A., Advances in Understanding of Basic Behaviour: Consequences for Fish Capture Studies . ICES Mar. Sci. Symp., 196: 5-11pp. (1993).
- Lokkeborg, S. and Johannessen, T., The Importance of Chemical Stimuli in Bait Fishing- Fishing Trials with Pre-soaked Bait . Fisheries Research, Vol. 14: 21-29 pp. (1992).
- Lokkeborg, S., Reduced Catch of Under Sized Cod (Gadus morhua) in Longlining by using Artificial Bait . Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. Vol. 47 (6): 1112-1115 pp. (1990).
- Lokkeborg, S. and Fernö, A., Diel Activity Pattern and Food Search Behaviour in Cod, (Gadus morhua) . Enviromental Biology of Fishes, Vol. 54:345-353 pp. (1999).
- Johannessen, T., Influence of Hook and Bait Size on Catch Efficiency and Length Selection in Longlining for Cod (Gadus morpha L.) and Haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus L.) . Cand. Real. thesis, Uninersity of Bergen, Bergen, Norway, (1983).
- Lokkeborg, S. and Bjordal, A., Size Selective Effects of Increasing Bait Size by Using an Inedible Body on Longline Hooks . Fisheries Research, Vol. 24: 273-279 pp. (1995).
- Özdemir, S., Çe itli Av Araçlar n n Avlanma Etkinli inin Bal k Davran lar Yönünden Incelenmesi . Yüksek Lisans Tezi, O.M.Ü. Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Samsun 80 s. (2003).
- Erdem, Y., Özdemir, S., Sümer, Ç., Vatoz (Raja clavata L.) Bal n n Mide çeri i Üzerine Bir Arastirma . XI. Ulusal Su Ürünleri Sempozyumu, Hatay (2001).
- Lokkeborg, S., Bjordal, A. and Skeide, R.,. Size Selective Effects of a Plastic Body on Longline Hooks . ICES, Fish Capture Committee. C.M. 1991/B:46 (1991).
- Özdemir, S., Ayaz, A., Gurbet, R. ve Erdem, Y., Farkl Büyüklükte Kanca ve Farkl Tipteki Yem ile Sabah Tan ve Gündüz Zamanlar nda Kullan lan Dip Paraketas n n Av Verimi . Anadolu Üniversitesi Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi, Cilt:7 Say :2, ISSN 1302-3160, Eski ehir (2006).
- Bjorad, A., Effect of Different Longline Baits (mackerel, squid) on Catch Rates and Selectivity for Tusk and Ling . Coun. Meet. Int. Coun. Expoler. Sea. B 31: 9 p. (1983).
- Lokkeborg, S. and Pina, T., Effects of Setting Time, Setting Direction and Soak Time on Longline Catch Rates . Fisheries Research Volume 32. (3) 213-222 pp. (1997).
- Balasubramanian, A., Exploitation of Fish Behaviour in Fishing Gear Desings . Fisheries College and Research Institute, Tuticorin-8, India, FISH CHIMES, Volume 15 No. 3, p. 51, ISSN 0971- 4529. (1995).
- Atema, J., Chemical Senses, Chemical Signals and Feeding Behaviour in Fishes . ICLARM Conf. Proc., Manila, 5. pp 57-101 (1980).
- Furevik, D.M., Behaviour of Fish in Relation to Pots. In Marine Fish Behaviour in Capture and Abundance Estimation . Pp.28-44.Ed. By A. Fernö and S. Olsen. Fishing New Boks, London., Published 1994. ISBN 0-85238-211-1, (1994).
Dip Paraketasında Kullanılan İki Farklı Yemin Balık Davranışları ve Av Verimi Yönünden Karşılaştırılması
Yıl 2007,
Cilt: 3 Sayı: 2, 177 - 182, 01.06.2007
Süleyman Özdemir
Yakup Erdem
Çetin Sümer
Bu çal mada dip paraketas nda istavrit (Trachurus trachurus) ve hamsi (Engraulis encrasicolus) olmak üzere iki farkl yem kullan lmas n n bal k davran larve av arac n n av verimi üzerindeki etkisi ele al nm t r. Çal mada toplam 6 av operasyonu yap lm ve kaya (Gobius sp.), mezgit (Merlangius merlangus euxinus), vatoz (Raja clavata), gelincik (Gaidropsarus mediterraneus) ve pisi (Platichthys flesus) türlerinden olu an toplam 162 adet bal k yakalanm t r. Toplam av n %64 ü istavrit yemi ile yakalan rken %36 s hamsi ile yakalanm t r. Yem tipine göre operasyon ba na dü en av miktarlar aras nda yap lan ttesti sonucunda fark n önemli (p
- Sainsbury, J., Commercial Fishing Methods . Oxford Fishing News Books, 359 p. (1996).
- Lokkeborg, S. and Bjordal, A., Species and Size Selectivity in Longline Fishing: a Review Fisheries Research, Vol. 13: 311-322 pp. (1992).
- Bjordal, A., The use of Technical Measures in Responsible Fisheries: Regulation of Fishing Gear . A Fishery Manager's Guidebook-Management Measures and Their Application Chapter 2 ISBN 92- 5-10473204 FAO. (ed. Kevern L. Cochrane) (2001).
- Fernö, A., Solemdal, P. and Tilseth, S., Field Studies on the Behaviour of Whiting (Gadus merlangus L.) Towards Baited Hooks . FiskDir. Skr. Ser. Haw. Unders., Vol. 18: 83-95 pp. (1986).
- Bjordal, A.,. Full scale tests of improved longline gear. Meet. Int. Coun. Expoler. Sea. B 45: 7 p. (1985)
- Lokkeborg, S., Fish Behaviour and Longlining. In Marine Fish Behaviour in Capture and, Abundance Estimation . 9-27 pp. Ed. By A. Fernö and S. Olsen. Fishing New Boks, London. (1994).
- Lokkeborg, S., Longline Bait: Fish Behaviour and the Influence of Attractant Release Rate and Bait Appearance . Dr. Scient Thesis. Dep. of Fish. Biology University of Bergen, Norway. 25 p. (1989).
- Fernö, A., and Huse, I., 1983. The Effect of Experience on the Behaviour of Cod (Gadus morhuaL.) Towards a Baited Hook. Fisheries Research, Vol. 2: 19-28 pp.
- Fernö, A., Advances in Understanding of Basic Behaviour: Consequences for Fish Capture Studies . ICES Mar. Sci. Symp., 196: 5-11pp. (1993).
- Lokkeborg, S. and Johannessen, T., The Importance of Chemical Stimuli in Bait Fishing- Fishing Trials with Pre-soaked Bait . Fisheries Research, Vol. 14: 21-29 pp. (1992).
- Lokkeborg, S., Reduced Catch of Under Sized Cod (Gadus morhua) in Longlining by using Artificial Bait . Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. Vol. 47 (6): 1112-1115 pp. (1990).
- Lokkeborg, S. and Fernö, A., Diel Activity Pattern and Food Search Behaviour in Cod, (Gadus morhua) . Enviromental Biology of Fishes, Vol. 54:345-353 pp. (1999).
- Johannessen, T., Influence of Hook and Bait Size on Catch Efficiency and Length Selection in Longlining for Cod (Gadus morpha L.) and Haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus L.) . Cand. Real. thesis, Uninersity of Bergen, Bergen, Norway, (1983).
- Lokkeborg, S. and Bjordal, A., Size Selective Effects of Increasing Bait Size by Using an Inedible Body on Longline Hooks . Fisheries Research, Vol. 24: 273-279 pp. (1995).
- Özdemir, S., Çe itli Av Araçlar n n Avlanma Etkinli inin Bal k Davran lar Yönünden Incelenmesi . Yüksek Lisans Tezi, O.M.Ü. Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Samsun 80 s. (2003).
- Erdem, Y., Özdemir, S., Sümer, Ç., Vatoz (Raja clavata L.) Bal n n Mide çeri i Üzerine Bir Arastirma . XI. Ulusal Su Ürünleri Sempozyumu, Hatay (2001).
- Lokkeborg, S., Bjordal, A. and Skeide, R.,. Size Selective Effects of a Plastic Body on Longline Hooks . ICES, Fish Capture Committee. C.M. 1991/B:46 (1991).
- Özdemir, S., Ayaz, A., Gurbet, R. ve Erdem, Y., Farkl Büyüklükte Kanca ve Farkl Tipteki Yem ile Sabah Tan ve Gündüz Zamanlar nda Kullan lan Dip Paraketas n n Av Verimi . Anadolu Üniversitesi Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi, Cilt:7 Say :2, ISSN 1302-3160, Eski ehir (2006).
- Bjorad, A., Effect of Different Longline Baits (mackerel, squid) on Catch Rates and Selectivity for Tusk and Ling . Coun. Meet. Int. Coun. Expoler. Sea. B 31: 9 p. (1983).
- Lokkeborg, S. and Pina, T., Effects of Setting Time, Setting Direction and Soak Time on Longline Catch Rates . Fisheries Research Volume 32. (3) 213-222 pp. (1997).
- Balasubramanian, A., Exploitation of Fish Behaviour in Fishing Gear Desings . Fisheries College and Research Institute, Tuticorin-8, India, FISH CHIMES, Volume 15 No. 3, p. 51, ISSN 0971- 4529. (1995).
- Atema, J., Chemical Senses, Chemical Signals and Feeding Behaviour in Fishes . ICLARM Conf. Proc., Manila, 5. pp 57-101 (1980).
- Furevik, D.M., Behaviour of Fish in Relation to Pots. In Marine Fish Behaviour in Capture and Abundance Estimation . Pp.28-44.Ed. By A. Fernö and S. Olsen. Fishing New Boks, London., Published 1994. ISBN 0-85238-211-1, (1994).