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Yıl 2014, , 75 - 89, 03.08.2014


In Pakistan three different constitutions were put into effect in 1956, 1962 and 1973. These constitutions repealed by the military interventions repeatedly and military law was applied in this process. Finally during Ziya'ül Haq era (1977-1988) Sharia Law was declared as the top source of law within the scope of Islamization of the country with all its institutions. All of these constitutions and laws encouraged Muslim people to live according to Islamic ideology and defended the principle of freedom of sectarian religious education, but were been applied in different ways. In this study, laws, decrees and regulations which constitute legal basis of the religious education in Pakistan and their implementations have been investigated.


  • AHMED, Aziz (1990), Hindistan ve Pakistan’da Modernizm ve İslam, (çev. Ahmet Küskün), YöneliĢ Yayınları, Ġstanbul.
  • ALĠ, Saleem, H. (2009), Islam and Education: Conflict and Conformity in Pakistan’s Madrassahs, Oxford University Press, Karachi.
  • ARDEL, Ahmed (1964), “Pakistan” Maddesi, MEB İslam Ansiklopedisi, Cilt: 9, ss. 499-503.
  • BANO, Masooda (2007), “Beyond Politics: The Reality of a Deobandi Madrasa in Pakistan”, Journal of Islamic Studies, Cilt: 18, Sayı: 1, ss. 43-68.
  • BLANCHARD, Christopher M. (2007), “Islamic Religious Schools, Madrasas: Background”,CRS Report for Congress, RS21654.
  • FAIR, C. Christine (2009), The Madrassah Challenge: Militancy and Religious Education in Pakistan, Vanguard Books Press, Lahore.
  • FEDERAL LAW HOUSE (2010), Constitution of Pakistan 1973, Second Revised Edition, Federal Law House, Rawalpindi-Lahore.
  • GÜNER, Ġbrahim - ÖZCAN, Azmi - BĠRIġIK, Abdülhamit (2007), “Pakistan” Maddesi, TDV İslam Ansiklopedisi, Cilt: 34, ss. 146-149.
  • HATĠBOĞLU, Ġbrahim (2004), İslam Dünyasının Çağdaşlaşma Serüveni, Hadisevi Yayınları, Ġstanbul.
  • HAYES, Louis D. (1987), The Crisis of Education in Pakistan, Vanguard Books Press, Lahore.
  • INSTITUTE OF POLICY STUDIES, (2002), “Pakistan: Religious Education Institutions”, Institute of Policy Studies Task Forse Report, Institute of Policy Studies Publications, Islamabad.
  • ISANI, Usman Ali ve VĠRK, Mohammad Latif (2005), Higher Education in Pakistan, National Book Foundation, Islamabad. KALIM, M. Sıddıq (1978), Pakistan: An Educational Spectrum, Arslan Publications, Lahore.
  • KHALID, Salim Mansur ve KHAN, M. Fayyaz (2006), “Pakistan: The State of Education”, The Muslim World, Sayı: 96, ss. 305-322.
  • KHALID, Tanveer (2004), Islamization in Pakistan: A Political and Constitutional Study From 1947-1988, (Ph.D. Thesis), University of Karachi Political Science, Karachi.
  • KHAN, Adeel (1999), “Ethnicity, IslamandNational Identity in Pakistan”, South Asia: Journal of South AsianStudies, Cilt: 22, Sayı: 1, ss. 167-182.
  • KHAN, Liaquat Ali ve KHAN, Muhammad Zafrulla, Pakistan’s Fundamentals of Freedom, Government of Pakistan Press, Karachi.
  • KHANAM, Akhtar (1973), The Role of Islam in theGovernance of Pakistan, (Ph.D. Thesis), University of Karachi Political Science, Karachi.
  • KRONSTADT, K. Alan (2004), “Education Reform in Pakistan”, CRS Report for Congress, RS22009.
  • MALIK, S. Jamal (1989), “Islamization in Pakistan 1977-1985 The Ulama and Their Places of Learning”, Islamic Studies, Cilt: 28, Sayı: 1, ss. 5-28.
  • MANSOOR, Sabiha (2005), Language Planning in Higher Education, Oxford University Press, Karachi.
  • MELLOR, Warren L. (1985), “A Management Ideology for Education in Pakistan”, Priorities in Educational Development in Pakistan: Report of An International Seminar held at Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad, 7-9 September 1983, (ed. Warren L. Mellor ve M. Athar Khan), Centre for International Education and Development, University of Alberta Press, Edmonton.
  • MISRA, Ashutosh (2003), “Rise of religious parties in Pakistan: Causes and prospects”, Strategic Analysis, Cilt: 27, Sayı: 2, ss. 186-215.
  • MULLICK, Fatima ve MEHRUNNĠSA, Yusuf (2009), Pakistan: Identity, Ideology & Beyond, Quilliam Foundation Press, London.
  • NASR, Vali (2004), “Military Rule, Islamism and Democracy in Pakistan”, The Middle East Journal, Sayı: 58, ss. 195-209.
  • NAYYAR, A. H. (1998), “Madrasah Education Frozen in Time”, Education and the State: Fifty Years of Pakistan, (ed. Pervez Hoodbhoy), Oxford University Press, Karachi, ss. 216-240.
  • PAKDEMĠRLĠ, M. Nur ve EV, Halit (2013), “Pakistan‟da Geleneksel Eğitim Öğretim Kurumları: Medreseler”, 100. Yılında İmam Hatip Liseleri Uluslararası Sempozyumu, 24-25 Kasım 2013, Ġstanbul.
  • PAKDEMĠRLĠ, M. Nur ve EV, Halit (2013), “Din Eğitiminde Geleneksellik ve Modernizm KarmaĢası: Pakistan Örneği”, Uluslararası Küreselleşme Sürecinde Din Eğitimi Sempozyumu, 28-30 Kasım 2013, EskiĢehir.
  • RAHMAN, Fazlur (1970), “Islam and the Constitutional Problem of Pakistan”, Studia Islamica, Sayı: 32, ss. 275-287.
  • RAHMAN, Fazlur (2002), İslâm ve Çağdaşlık, (çev. Alparslan Açıkgenç, M. Hayri KırbaĢoğlu), Ankara Okulu Yayınları, Ankara.
  • RAHMAN, Khalid ve BUKHARĠ, Syed Rashad (2006), “Pakistan: Religious Education and Institutions”, The Muslim World, Sayı: 96, ss. 323-339.
  • RAHMAN, Khalid ve BUKHARĠ, Syed Rashad (2005), “Religious Education Institutions: Present Situation and the Future Strategy”, Policy Perspectives, Cilt: 2, Sayı: 1, ss. 55-81.
  • RAHMAN, Tariq (2006a), “Denizens of Alien Worlds: A survey of the Education System of Pakistan”, Journal of Islamic Studies, Cilt: 17, Sayı: 2, ss. 238-243.
  • RAHMAN, Tariq (2006b), Denizens of Alien Worlds: A Study of Education, Inequality and Polarization in Pakistan, Oxford University Press, Karachi.
  • SAEED, Ġmtiaz Ahmed (1995), “Pakistan‟da Dini Hayat”, I. Din Şûrası Tebliğ ve Müzakereleri, Diyanet ĠĢleri BaĢkanlığı Yayınları, Ankara, s. 80.
  • SALIM, Ahmad, (2006), “Education and Ideological Crossroads in Pakistan”, History and Education in South Asia, (ed. Imtiaz Alam), SAPANA Press, Lahore, ss. 136-152.
  • SAQIB, Ghulam Nabi (1983), Modernization of Muslim Education in Egypt, Pakistan and Turkey: A Comparative Study, Islamic Book Service, Lahore.
  • TALBANI, Aziz (1996), “Pedagogy, Power, and Discourse: Transformation of Islamic Education”, Comparative Education Review, Cilt: 40, Sayı: 1, ss. 66-82


Yıl 2014, , 75 - 89, 03.08.2014


Pakistan’da 1956, 1962 ve 1973 yıllarında üç farklı anayasa yürürlüğe girmiştir. Bu anayasalar yapılan askerî müdahalelerle defalarca yürürlükten kaldırılmış ve bu süreçte askerî yasalar uygulanmıştır. Son olarak Ziya’ül Hak döneminde (1977-1988) ülkenin tüm kurumlarıyla İslâmîleştirilmesi kapsamında Şeriat Kanunu üst hukuk kaynağı olarak deklare edilmiştir. Tüm bu anayasa ve kanunlar Müslüman halkı İslâm ideolojisine uygun yaşama konusunda teşvik etmiş ve mezheplere göre din eğitimöğretiminin özgürlüğü ilkesini savunmuş, ancak farklı biçimlerde uygulanmıştır. Bu çalışmada, Pakistan din eğitiminin ulusal hukuk açısından yasal dayanaklarını oluşturan kanun, kararname ve yönetmelikler ile bunların uygulamaya yansıma biçimleri incelenmiştir.


  • AHMED, Aziz (1990), Hindistan ve Pakistan’da Modernizm ve İslam, (çev. Ahmet Küskün), YöneliĢ Yayınları, Ġstanbul.
  • ALĠ, Saleem, H. (2009), Islam and Education: Conflict and Conformity in Pakistan’s Madrassahs, Oxford University Press, Karachi.
  • ARDEL, Ahmed (1964), “Pakistan” Maddesi, MEB İslam Ansiklopedisi, Cilt: 9, ss. 499-503.
  • BANO, Masooda (2007), “Beyond Politics: The Reality of a Deobandi Madrasa in Pakistan”, Journal of Islamic Studies, Cilt: 18, Sayı: 1, ss. 43-68.
  • BLANCHARD, Christopher M. (2007), “Islamic Religious Schools, Madrasas: Background”,CRS Report for Congress, RS21654.
  • FAIR, C. Christine (2009), The Madrassah Challenge: Militancy and Religious Education in Pakistan, Vanguard Books Press, Lahore.
  • FEDERAL LAW HOUSE (2010), Constitution of Pakistan 1973, Second Revised Edition, Federal Law House, Rawalpindi-Lahore.
  • GÜNER, Ġbrahim - ÖZCAN, Azmi - BĠRIġIK, Abdülhamit (2007), “Pakistan” Maddesi, TDV İslam Ansiklopedisi, Cilt: 34, ss. 146-149.
  • HATĠBOĞLU, Ġbrahim (2004), İslam Dünyasının Çağdaşlaşma Serüveni, Hadisevi Yayınları, Ġstanbul.
  • HAYES, Louis D. (1987), The Crisis of Education in Pakistan, Vanguard Books Press, Lahore.
  • INSTITUTE OF POLICY STUDIES, (2002), “Pakistan: Religious Education Institutions”, Institute of Policy Studies Task Forse Report, Institute of Policy Studies Publications, Islamabad.
  • ISANI, Usman Ali ve VĠRK, Mohammad Latif (2005), Higher Education in Pakistan, National Book Foundation, Islamabad. KALIM, M. Sıddıq (1978), Pakistan: An Educational Spectrum, Arslan Publications, Lahore.
  • KHALID, Salim Mansur ve KHAN, M. Fayyaz (2006), “Pakistan: The State of Education”, The Muslim World, Sayı: 96, ss. 305-322.
  • KHALID, Tanveer (2004), Islamization in Pakistan: A Political and Constitutional Study From 1947-1988, (Ph.D. Thesis), University of Karachi Political Science, Karachi.
  • KHAN, Adeel (1999), “Ethnicity, IslamandNational Identity in Pakistan”, South Asia: Journal of South AsianStudies, Cilt: 22, Sayı: 1, ss. 167-182.
  • KHAN, Liaquat Ali ve KHAN, Muhammad Zafrulla, Pakistan’s Fundamentals of Freedom, Government of Pakistan Press, Karachi.
  • KHANAM, Akhtar (1973), The Role of Islam in theGovernance of Pakistan, (Ph.D. Thesis), University of Karachi Political Science, Karachi.
  • KRONSTADT, K. Alan (2004), “Education Reform in Pakistan”, CRS Report for Congress, RS22009.
  • MALIK, S. Jamal (1989), “Islamization in Pakistan 1977-1985 The Ulama and Their Places of Learning”, Islamic Studies, Cilt: 28, Sayı: 1, ss. 5-28.
  • MANSOOR, Sabiha (2005), Language Planning in Higher Education, Oxford University Press, Karachi.
  • MELLOR, Warren L. (1985), “A Management Ideology for Education in Pakistan”, Priorities in Educational Development in Pakistan: Report of An International Seminar held at Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad, 7-9 September 1983, (ed. Warren L. Mellor ve M. Athar Khan), Centre for International Education and Development, University of Alberta Press, Edmonton.
  • MISRA, Ashutosh (2003), “Rise of religious parties in Pakistan: Causes and prospects”, Strategic Analysis, Cilt: 27, Sayı: 2, ss. 186-215.
  • MULLICK, Fatima ve MEHRUNNĠSA, Yusuf (2009), Pakistan: Identity, Ideology & Beyond, Quilliam Foundation Press, London.
  • NASR, Vali (2004), “Military Rule, Islamism and Democracy in Pakistan”, The Middle East Journal, Sayı: 58, ss. 195-209.
  • NAYYAR, A. H. (1998), “Madrasah Education Frozen in Time”, Education and the State: Fifty Years of Pakistan, (ed. Pervez Hoodbhoy), Oxford University Press, Karachi, ss. 216-240.
  • PAKDEMĠRLĠ, M. Nur ve EV, Halit (2013), “Pakistan‟da Geleneksel Eğitim Öğretim Kurumları: Medreseler”, 100. Yılında İmam Hatip Liseleri Uluslararası Sempozyumu, 24-25 Kasım 2013, Ġstanbul.
  • PAKDEMĠRLĠ, M. Nur ve EV, Halit (2013), “Din Eğitiminde Geleneksellik ve Modernizm KarmaĢası: Pakistan Örneği”, Uluslararası Küreselleşme Sürecinde Din Eğitimi Sempozyumu, 28-30 Kasım 2013, EskiĢehir.
  • RAHMAN, Fazlur (1970), “Islam and the Constitutional Problem of Pakistan”, Studia Islamica, Sayı: 32, ss. 275-287.
  • RAHMAN, Fazlur (2002), İslâm ve Çağdaşlık, (çev. Alparslan Açıkgenç, M. Hayri KırbaĢoğlu), Ankara Okulu Yayınları, Ankara.
  • RAHMAN, Khalid ve BUKHARĠ, Syed Rashad (2006), “Pakistan: Religious Education and Institutions”, The Muslim World, Sayı: 96, ss. 323-339.
  • RAHMAN, Khalid ve BUKHARĠ, Syed Rashad (2005), “Religious Education Institutions: Present Situation and the Future Strategy”, Policy Perspectives, Cilt: 2, Sayı: 1, ss. 55-81.
  • RAHMAN, Tariq (2006a), “Denizens of Alien Worlds: A survey of the Education System of Pakistan”, Journal of Islamic Studies, Cilt: 17, Sayı: 2, ss. 238-243.
  • RAHMAN, Tariq (2006b), Denizens of Alien Worlds: A Study of Education, Inequality and Polarization in Pakistan, Oxford University Press, Karachi.
  • SAEED, Ġmtiaz Ahmed (1995), “Pakistan‟da Dini Hayat”, I. Din Şûrası Tebliğ ve Müzakereleri, Diyanet ĠĢleri BaĢkanlığı Yayınları, Ankara, s. 80.
  • SALIM, Ahmad, (2006), “Education and Ideological Crossroads in Pakistan”, History and Education in South Asia, (ed. Imtiaz Alam), SAPANA Press, Lahore, ss. 136-152.
  • SAQIB, Ghulam Nabi (1983), Modernization of Muslim Education in Egypt, Pakistan and Turkey: A Comparative Study, Islamic Book Service, Lahore.
  • TALBANI, Aziz (1996), “Pedagogy, Power, and Discourse: Transformation of Islamic Education”, Comparative Education Review, Cilt: 40, Sayı: 1, ss. 66-82
Toplam 37 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Yrd. Doç. Dr. M. Nur Pakdemirli Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 3 Ağustos 2014
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2014

Kaynak Göster

APA Pakdemirli, Y. D. D. M. N. (2014). PAKİSTAN’DA ULUSAL HUKUK AÇISINDAN DİN EĞİTİMİNİN YASAL DAYANAKLARI VE UYGULAMAYA YANSIMALARI. Manisa Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 12(1), 75-89.