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Avrupa Hisse Senedi Piyasalarında İnanç Temelli Endekslerin Performanslarının Analizi

Yıl 2013, Cilt: 11 Sayı: 1, 135 - 145, 01.03.2013


Ethical and social values are two important factors of economical and financial areas. It has been expressed in many studies that information containing Çalışma 10-16 Eylül 2012 tarihleri arasında gerçekleştirilen “4. Uluslararası Balkanlarda Sosyal Bilimler Kongresi”, Tetova, Makedonya‟da bildiri olarak sunulmuştur. ethical issues related with a company affects the value of that company positively or negatively by 0.5% to 3%. Financial world offers faith-based or ethics-based indices to the investors who invest based on ethical and social values or faith and forming exchange traded funds is predicated on these indices. In this study, monthly and quarterly returns and risks of STOXX Europe Islamic Index (SXISBR) and STOXX Europe Christian Index (SXCHR) have been analyzed comparatively taking STOXX Europe 600 Index as the reference for the period June 2005-May 2012. Findings of the study demonstrate that systematic risk of SXISBR Index is lower, it has positive returns and produces better performance compared to SXCHR Index.


  • AHMEDA, P., NANDAB, N., SCHNUSENBERGA, O. (2010), “Can Firms Do Well While Doing Good?”, Applied Financial Economics, 20, 8458 BAUER, R., KOEDIJK, K., OTTEN, R. (2005), “International Evidence on Ethical Mutual Fund Performance and Investment Style”, Journal of Banking & Finance, 29, 1751-1767. BAUER, R., OTTEN, R., RAD, A.T. (2006), “Ethical Investing in Australia: Is There a Financial Penalty?”, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 14, 33FORTE, G., MIGLIETTA, F. (2011), “A Comparison of Socially Responsible and Islamic Equity Investments”, Journal of Money, Investment and Banking, 21, 116-132. GHOUL, W., KARAM, P. (2007), “MRI and SRI Mutual Funds: A Comparison of Christian, Islamic (Morally Responsible Investing), and Socially Responsible Investing (SRI) Mutual Funds”, Journal of Investing, 16 (2), Summer, 96-102. GIRARD, E., HASSAN, M.K. (2008), “Is There a Cost to Faith-Based Investing: Evidence from FTSE Islamic Indices”, The Journal of Investing, Winter, 112-122, HANIF, M., TARIQ, M., TAHIR, A., MOMENEEN, W. (2012), “Comparative Performance Study of Conventional and Islamic Banking in Pakistan”, International Research Journal of Finance and Economics, 83, 6272, HASSAN, M.K., GIRARD, E. (2011), “Faith-Based Ethical Investing: The Case of Dow Jones Islamic Indexes”, Networks Financial Institute, Indiana State Uni., 2011-WP-06, April, 1-41, HAVEMANN, R., WEBSTER, P. (1999), “Does Ethical Investment Pay?”, EIRIS Research and Other Studies of Ethical Investment and Financial Performance, September, /doesethicalinvestmentpay99.pdf
  • HUSSEIN, K.A. (2004), “Ethical Investment: Empirical Evidence From FTSE Islamic Index”, Islamic Economic Studies, 12 (1), August, 21-40. KURTZ, L., DIBARTOLOMEO, D. (2005), “The KLD Catholic Values 400 Index”, The Journal of Investing, Fall, 101-105. USMANI, M.T. (2002), “An Introduction to Islamic Finance”, The Netherlands: Kluwer Law International: Hassan M.K., Girard E. (2011)‟in içinde, “Faith-Based Ethical Investing: The Case of Dow Jones Islamic Indexes”, Networks Financial Institute, Indiana State Uni., 2011-WP-06, April, 1-41, (Erişim tarihi: 21 Haziran 2012).


Yıl 2013, Cilt: 11 Sayı: 1, 135 - 145, 01.03.2013


Etik ve sosyal değerler ekonomi ve finans alanının önemli iki unsurudur. İşletme ile ilgili etik içeren bir haberin, işletmenin değerini %0,5 ile %3 düzeyinde olumlu ya da olumsuz etkilediği birçok araştırmada ifade edilmektedir. Finans dünyası etik ve sosyal değerlere veya inanç temeline göre yatırım kararı verenlere inanç temelli ya da etik temelli endeksler sunmakta ve bu endeksler borsa yatırım fonlarının oluşturulmasında esas alınmaktadır. Bu çalışmada Ocak 2005-Mayıs 2012 arasındaki dönemde STOXX Avrupa İslami Değerler Endeksi (SXISBR) ile STOXX Avrupa Hıristiyan Değerler Endeksi’nin (SXCHR) aylık ve üç aylık getirileri ve riski, STOXX Avrupa 600 Endeksi (SXXR) referans alınarak karşılaştırmalı olarak analiz edilmiştir. Sonuçlar değerlendirildiğinde, SXCHR endeksine göre, SXISBR endeksinin sistematik riskinin düşük olduğu, pozitif getiriye sahip olduğu ve daha iyi performans gösterdiği anlaşılmaktadır.


  • AHMEDA, P., NANDAB, N., SCHNUSENBERGA, O. (2010), “Can Firms Do Well While Doing Good?”, Applied Financial Economics, 20, 8458 BAUER, R., KOEDIJK, K., OTTEN, R. (2005), “International Evidence on Ethical Mutual Fund Performance and Investment Style”, Journal of Banking & Finance, 29, 1751-1767. BAUER, R., OTTEN, R., RAD, A.T. (2006), “Ethical Investing in Australia: Is There a Financial Penalty?”, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 14, 33FORTE, G., MIGLIETTA, F. (2011), “A Comparison of Socially Responsible and Islamic Equity Investments”, Journal of Money, Investment and Banking, 21, 116-132. GHOUL, W., KARAM, P. (2007), “MRI and SRI Mutual Funds: A Comparison of Christian, Islamic (Morally Responsible Investing), and Socially Responsible Investing (SRI) Mutual Funds”, Journal of Investing, 16 (2), Summer, 96-102. GIRARD, E., HASSAN, M.K. (2008), “Is There a Cost to Faith-Based Investing: Evidence from FTSE Islamic Indices”, The Journal of Investing, Winter, 112-122, HANIF, M., TARIQ, M., TAHIR, A., MOMENEEN, W. (2012), “Comparative Performance Study of Conventional and Islamic Banking in Pakistan”, International Research Journal of Finance and Economics, 83, 6272, HASSAN, M.K., GIRARD, E. (2011), “Faith-Based Ethical Investing: The Case of Dow Jones Islamic Indexes”, Networks Financial Institute, Indiana State Uni., 2011-WP-06, April, 1-41, HAVEMANN, R., WEBSTER, P. (1999), “Does Ethical Investment Pay?”, EIRIS Research and Other Studies of Ethical Investment and Financial Performance, September, /doesethicalinvestmentpay99.pdf
  • HUSSEIN, K.A. (2004), “Ethical Investment: Empirical Evidence From FTSE Islamic Index”, Islamic Economic Studies, 12 (1), August, 21-40. KURTZ, L., DIBARTOLOMEO, D. (2005), “The KLD Catholic Values 400 Index”, The Journal of Investing, Fall, 101-105. USMANI, M.T. (2002), “An Introduction to Islamic Finance”, The Netherlands: Kluwer Law International: Hassan M.K., Girard E. (2011)‟in içinde, “Faith-Based Ethical Investing: The Case of Dow Jones Islamic Indexes”, Networks Financial Institute, Indiana State Uni., 2011-WP-06, April, 1-41, (Erişim tarihi: 21 Haziran 2012).
Toplam 2 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Doç. Dr. Hüseyin Aktaş Bu kişi benim

Yrd. Doç. Dr. Koray Kayalıdere Bu kişi benim

Doç. Dr. Mahmut Karğın Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Mart 2013
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2013 Cilt: 11 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Aktaş, D. D. H., Kayalıdere, Y. D. D. K., & Karğın, D. . . . . . . . . D. M. (2013). AVRUPA HİSSE SENEDİ PİYASALARINDA İNANÇ TEMELLİ ENDEKSLERİN PERFORMANSLARININ ANALİZİ. Manisa Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 11(1), 135-145.