Comparison of Muscle Activation During Toes to Bar Movement Performed with Different Techniques
Yıl 2023,
, 242 - 249, 30.06.2023
Erbil Murat Aydın
Burak Gündoğan
Erkan Demirkan
With the increasing importance of physical fitness in the world, physical activity types such as CrossFit, which includes high-intensity combined movements, have become popular. The aim of this study was to compare the rectus abdominis (RA) muscle activation during the kipping toes-to-bar (KTB) and the strict toes-to-bar (STB) movements. RA muscle activation was measured during the KTB and STB exercises in 12 healthy young men. Participants performed 5 repetitions of both KTB and STB exercises in randomized order. Participants performed both exercises with a 5-minute rest interval. For comparing the RA muscle activity during the KTB and STB paired sample t-test was used. A significant difference was found between the KTB (359.56 ± 160.50 μV) and the STB (415.37 ± 185.63 μV) for RA muscle activation (p<0.05). These findings demonstrated that the difference in RA muscle activity during the STB and KTB movements showcases the importance of the STB movement on the RA that revealed greater motor units’ activation in a non-oscillation position. The study finding emerges that the same exercise can lead to different motor unit activations in the same muscle group, depending on the way the movement is performed.
- Akuthota, V., & Nadler, S.F. (2004). Core strengthening. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 85(1), 86-92.
- Aspe, R.R., & Swinton, P.A. (2014). Electromyographic and kinetic comparison of the back squat and overhead squat. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 28(10), 2827-2836.
- Bautista, D., Durke, D., Cotter, J.A., Escobar, K.A., & Schick, E.E. (2020). A Comparison of muscle activation among the front squat, overhead squat, back extension and plank. International Journal of Exercise Science, 13(1), 714-722. Retrieved from:
- Bechke, E., Kliszczewicz, B., Feito, Y., Kelemen, H., & Nickerson, B. (2017). Resting cardiac autonomic activity and body composition following a 16-week high-intensity functional training intervention in women: A Pilot study. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 12(3), 680-688.
- Bird, M., Fletcher, K.M., & Koch, A.J. (2006). Electromyographic comparison of the ab-slide and crunch exercises. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 20(2), 436-440.
- Carnes, A.J., & Mahoney, S.E. (2019). Polarized versus high-intensity multimodal training in recreational runners. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 14(1), 105-112.
- Chan, E.W.M., Hamid, M.S.A., Nadzalan, A.M., & Hafiz, E. (2020). Abdominal muscle activation: An EMG study of the Sahrmann five-level core stability test. Hong Kong Physiotherapy Journal, 40(02), 89-97.
- Comfort, P., Pearson, S.J., & Mather, D. (2011). An Electromyographical comparison of trunk muscle activity during isometric trunk and dynamic strengthening exercises. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 25(1), 149-154.
- Cook, G., Burton, L., Hoogenboom, B.J., & Voight, M. (2014). Functional movement screening: The Use of fundamental movements as an assessment of function-part 1. International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy 9(3), 396-409. Retrieved from:
- CrossFit. Finding the Fittest on Earth. CrossFit Games [Internet]. 18.06.2020. Retrieved from:
- Escamilla, R.F., Babb, E., DeWitt, R., Jew, P., Kelleher, P., Burnham, T., et al. (2006). Electromyographic analysis of traditional and nontraditional abdominal exercises: Implications for rehabilitation and training. Physical Therapy, 86(5), 656-671.
- Feito, Y., Brown, C., & Olmos, A.A. (2019). A Content analysis of the high-intensity functional training literature: A Look at the past and directions for the future. Human Movement, 20(2), 1-15.
- Feito, Y., Heinrich, K., Butcher, S., & Poston, W. (2018) High-intensity functional training (HIFT): Definition and research implications for improved fitness. Sports, 6(3),76.
- Gilleard, W.L., & Brown, J.M.M. (1994). An Electromyographic validation of an abdominal muscle test. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 75(9), 1002-1007.
- Glassman G. (2011). CrossFit training guide level 1. The CrossFit Journal. Retrieved from:
- Hibbs, A.E., Thompson, K.G., French, D., Wrigley, A., & Spears, I. (2008). Optimizing performance by improving core stability and core strength. Sports Medicine, 38(12), 995-1008.
- Kim, J.W., & Park, M.C. (2020). Effects of the abdominal hollowing technique applied during plank exercises at different angles between ground and the humerus on abdominal stabilization muscle activity. The Journal of Korean Physical Therapy, 32(2), 94-100.
- Lawrence, M.A., & Carlson, L.A. (2015). Effects of an unstable load on force and muscle activation during a parallel back squat. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 29(10), 2949-2953.
- Lichtenstein, M.B., & Jensen, T.T. (2016) Exercise addiction in CrossFit: Prevalence and psychometric properties of the Exercise Addiction Inventory. Addictive Behaviors Reports, 3, 33-37.
- Luciano, F., Zilianti, C., Perini, L., Guzzardella, A., & Pavei, G. (2020). Rectus abdominis activity, but not femoris, is similar in different core training exercises: A Statistical parametric mapping analysis. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, 52, Article 102424.
- Mangine, G.T., Stratton, M.T., Almeda, C.G., Roberts, M.D., Esmat, T.A., VanDusseldorp, T.A., et al. (2020). Physiological differences between advanced CrossFit athletes, recreational CrossFit subjects, and physically-active adults. Plos One, 15(4), e0223548.
- Morat, T., Holzer, D., & Trumpf, R. (2019). Trunk muscle activation during dynamic sling training exercises. International Journal of Exercise Science, 12(1), 590-601.
- Shinkle, J., Nesser, T.W., Demchak, T.J., & McMannus, D.M. (2012). Effect of core strength on the measure of power in the extremities. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 26(2), 373-380.
- Tahara, A. K., Valenti, É. E., Khobkhun, F., Richards, J., & Santiago, P. R. P. (2023). The immediate effects of two Pilates exercises with and without a foam roller on abdominal muscle activity. Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies.
- Thompson, W.R. (2017). Worldwide survey of fitness trends for 2018: the CREP edition. ACSM’s Health & Fitness Journal, 21(6), 10-19.
- Weisenthal, B.M., Beck, C.A., Maloney, M.D., DeHaven, K.E., & Giordano, B.D. (2014). Injury rate and patterns among CrossFit athletes. Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine, 2(4), 2325967114531177.
- Youdas, J.W., Guck, B.R., Hebrink, R.C., Rugotzke, J.D., Madson, T.J., & Hollman, J.H. (2008). An electromyographic analysis of the Ab-Slide exercise, abdominal crunch, supine double leg thrust, and side bridge in healthy young adults: implications for rehabilitation professionals. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 22(6), 1939-1946.
Farklı Tekniklerle Uygulanan Bara Ayak Çekiş Hareketi Sırasında Kas Aktivasyonunun Karşılaştırılması
Yıl 2023,
, 242 - 249, 30.06.2023
Erbil Murat Aydın
Burak Gündoğan
Erkan Demirkan
Dünyada fiziksel uygunluğun öneminin artmasıyla birlikte CrossFit gibi yüksek yoğunluklu kombine hareketleri içeren fiziksel aktivite türleri popüler hale gelmiştir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, salınımlı bara ayak çekiş (kipping toes to bar (KTB)) ve salınımsız bara ayak çekiş (strict toes to bar (STB)) hareketleri sırasında rectus abdominis (RA) kas aktivasyonunu karşılaştırmaktır. 12 sağlıklı erkek bireyin RA kas aktivasyonu KTB ve STB sırasında ölçülmüştür. Katılımcılar rastgele sıra ile hem KTB hem de STB egzersizlerini 5 tekrar gerçekleştirmişlerdir. Katılımcılar her iki egzersizi 5 dakikalık dinlenme aralığı ile gerçekleştirmişlerdir. KTB ve STB sırasında elde edilen RA kas aktivasyonlarının karşılaştırılması için eşleştirilmiş örneklem t-testi kullanılmıştır. RA kas aktivasyonu için KTB (359.56 ± 160.50 μV) ve STB (415.37 ± 185.63 μV) arasında anlamlı fark bulunmuştur (p<0.05). Bu çalışmanın bulguları, STB ve KTB hareketleri sırasında RA kas aktivitesindeki farkın, STB hareketinin RA üzerindeki önemini gösterdiğini ve bu da salınımsız bir pozisyonda daha büyük motor ünite aktivasyonunun ortaya çıktığını göstermektedir. Aynı egzersizin, hareketin yapılma biçimine bağlı olarak aynı kas grubunda farklı motor ünite aktivasyonuna yol açabileceği çalışma bulgusu ortaya çıkmaktadır.
- Akuthota, V., & Nadler, S.F. (2004). Core strengthening. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 85(1), 86-92.
- Aspe, R.R., & Swinton, P.A. (2014). Electromyographic and kinetic comparison of the back squat and overhead squat. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 28(10), 2827-2836.
- Bautista, D., Durke, D., Cotter, J.A., Escobar, K.A., & Schick, E.E. (2020). A Comparison of muscle activation among the front squat, overhead squat, back extension and plank. International Journal of Exercise Science, 13(1), 714-722. Retrieved from:
- Bechke, E., Kliszczewicz, B., Feito, Y., Kelemen, H., & Nickerson, B. (2017). Resting cardiac autonomic activity and body composition following a 16-week high-intensity functional training intervention in women: A Pilot study. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 12(3), 680-688.
- Bird, M., Fletcher, K.M., & Koch, A.J. (2006). Electromyographic comparison of the ab-slide and crunch exercises. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 20(2), 436-440.
- Carnes, A.J., & Mahoney, S.E. (2019). Polarized versus high-intensity multimodal training in recreational runners. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 14(1), 105-112.
- Chan, E.W.M., Hamid, M.S.A., Nadzalan, A.M., & Hafiz, E. (2020). Abdominal muscle activation: An EMG study of the Sahrmann five-level core stability test. Hong Kong Physiotherapy Journal, 40(02), 89-97.
- Comfort, P., Pearson, S.J., & Mather, D. (2011). An Electromyographical comparison of trunk muscle activity during isometric trunk and dynamic strengthening exercises. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 25(1), 149-154.
- Cook, G., Burton, L., Hoogenboom, B.J., & Voight, M. (2014). Functional movement screening: The Use of fundamental movements as an assessment of function-part 1. International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy 9(3), 396-409. Retrieved from:
- CrossFit. Finding the Fittest on Earth. CrossFit Games [Internet]. 18.06.2020. Retrieved from:
- Escamilla, R.F., Babb, E., DeWitt, R., Jew, P., Kelleher, P., Burnham, T., et al. (2006). Electromyographic analysis of traditional and nontraditional abdominal exercises: Implications for rehabilitation and training. Physical Therapy, 86(5), 656-671.
- Feito, Y., Brown, C., & Olmos, A.A. (2019). A Content analysis of the high-intensity functional training literature: A Look at the past and directions for the future. Human Movement, 20(2), 1-15.
- Feito, Y., Heinrich, K., Butcher, S., & Poston, W. (2018) High-intensity functional training (HIFT): Definition and research implications for improved fitness. Sports, 6(3),76.
- Gilleard, W.L., & Brown, J.M.M. (1994). An Electromyographic validation of an abdominal muscle test. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 75(9), 1002-1007.
- Glassman G. (2011). CrossFit training guide level 1. The CrossFit Journal. Retrieved from:
- Hibbs, A.E., Thompson, K.G., French, D., Wrigley, A., & Spears, I. (2008). Optimizing performance by improving core stability and core strength. Sports Medicine, 38(12), 995-1008.
- Kim, J.W., & Park, M.C. (2020). Effects of the abdominal hollowing technique applied during plank exercises at different angles between ground and the humerus on abdominal stabilization muscle activity. The Journal of Korean Physical Therapy, 32(2), 94-100.
- Lawrence, M.A., & Carlson, L.A. (2015). Effects of an unstable load on force and muscle activation during a parallel back squat. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 29(10), 2949-2953.
- Lichtenstein, M.B., & Jensen, T.T. (2016) Exercise addiction in CrossFit: Prevalence and psychometric properties of the Exercise Addiction Inventory. Addictive Behaviors Reports, 3, 33-37.
- Luciano, F., Zilianti, C., Perini, L., Guzzardella, A., & Pavei, G. (2020). Rectus abdominis activity, but not femoris, is similar in different core training exercises: A Statistical parametric mapping analysis. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, 52, Article 102424.
- Mangine, G.T., Stratton, M.T., Almeda, C.G., Roberts, M.D., Esmat, T.A., VanDusseldorp, T.A., et al. (2020). Physiological differences between advanced CrossFit athletes, recreational CrossFit subjects, and physically-active adults. Plos One, 15(4), e0223548.
- Morat, T., Holzer, D., & Trumpf, R. (2019). Trunk muscle activation during dynamic sling training exercises. International Journal of Exercise Science, 12(1), 590-601.
- Shinkle, J., Nesser, T.W., Demchak, T.J., & McMannus, D.M. (2012). Effect of core strength on the measure of power in the extremities. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 26(2), 373-380.
- Tahara, A. K., Valenti, É. E., Khobkhun, F., Richards, J., & Santiago, P. R. P. (2023). The immediate effects of two Pilates exercises with and without a foam roller on abdominal muscle activity. Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies.
- Thompson, W.R. (2017). Worldwide survey of fitness trends for 2018: the CREP edition. ACSM’s Health & Fitness Journal, 21(6), 10-19.
- Weisenthal, B.M., Beck, C.A., Maloney, M.D., DeHaven, K.E., & Giordano, B.D. (2014). Injury rate and patterns among CrossFit athletes. Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine, 2(4), 2325967114531177.
- Youdas, J.W., Guck, B.R., Hebrink, R.C., Rugotzke, J.D., Madson, T.J., & Hollman, J.H. (2008). An electromyographic analysis of the Ab-Slide exercise, abdominal crunch, supine double leg thrust, and side bridge in healthy young adults: implications for rehabilitation professionals. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 22(6), 1939-1946.