Araştırma Makalesi
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Determinants of Patient-Centered Communication, Its Impact On Quality of Services, Overall Health Status And Trust In The Healthcare System In The United States

Yıl 2024, , 630 - 639, 29.12.2024


Aim; Within the scope of this study, it is aimed to reveal the factors affecting the level of patient-centred communication of the participants through the data of American cancer patients, and to reveal the effect of patient-centred communication on health service quality, general health status and patients' trust in the health system.
Method; This study was descriptive and cross-sectional. In the study population, t-tests and ANOVA tests were used. Multiple regression analyses were performed using the data obtained from 900 cancer patients who were research participants.
Results; Patient-centred communication levels of cancer patients did not differ according to gender, occupation, family history of cancer, marital status and education variables, but PCC levels differed according to income variables. Patient-centred communication positively affects service quality, health status and trust in the health system.
Conclusion; Patient-centred communication positively affects health outcomes. Patient-centered communication should be used effectively in healthcare. Various communication channels such as telephone, e-mail, mobile applications and online platforms should be offered to meet patients' needs. Likewise, surveys, comment boxes and digital feedback systems should be established to measure patient satisfaction and receive feedback


  • 1. Institute of Medicine. Crossing the Quality Chasm: A New Health System for the 21st Century. Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US); 2001. Avaliable adress:
  • 2. Epstein RM, Fiscella K, Lesser CS, Stange KC. Why the nation needs a policy push on patient-centered health care. Health affairs. 2010;29(8):1489-95.
  • 3. Reeve BB, Thissen DM, Bann CM, Mack N, Treiman K, Sanoff HK, vd. Psychometric evaluation and design of patient-centered communication measures for cancer care settings. Patient education and counseling. 2017;100(7):1322-8.
  • 4. Naughton CA. Patient-Centered Communication. Pharm Basel Switz. 2018;6(1).
  • 5. Epstein R, Street R. Patient-Centered Communication in Cancer Care: Promoting Healing and Reducing Suffering. Bethesda, MD,: National Cancer Institute; 2007. Report No.: NIH Publication No. 07-6225.
  • 6. Levinson W. Patient-centred communication: a sophisticated procedure. BMJ Quality & Safety. 2011;20(10):823-5.
  • 7. Hashim MJ. Patient-Centered Communication: Basic Skills. American family physician. 2017;95(1):29-34.
  • 8. Kourakos M, Fradelos EC, Papathanasiou IV, Saridi M, Kafkia T. Communication as the Basis of Care for Patients with Chronic Diseases. Am J Nurs Sci. 2017;7(3):7.
  • 9. Epstein RM, Franks P, Fiscella K, Shields CG, Meldrum SC, Kravitz RL, vd. Measuring patient-centered communication in patient-physician consultations: theoretical and practical issues. S Social science & medicine. 1982. 2005;61(7):1516-28.
  • 10. Spooner KK, Salemi JL, Salihu HM, Zoorob RJ. Disparities in perceived patient–provider communication quality in the United States: Trends and correlates. Patient education and counseling. 2016;99(5):844-54.
  • 11. Blanch-Hartigan D, Chawla N, Moser RP, Finney Rutten LJ, Hesse BW, Arora NK. Trends in cancer survivors’ experience of patient-centered communication: results from the Health Information National Trends Survey (HINTS). Journal of cancer survivorship. 2016;10(6):1067-77.
  • 12. Wang J. Examining The Relationship Among Patient-Centered Communication, Patient Engagement, And Patient’s Perception Of Quality Of Care In The General U.S. Adult Population. 2016. Theses Diss. Avaliable adress:
  • 13. Kaplan SH, Greenfield S, Ware JE. Assessing the effects of physician-patient interactions on the outcomes of chronic disease. Medical care, 1989;27(3):110-127.
  • 14. National Cancer Institute. Health Information National Trends Survey. 2014. Avaliable adress:
  • 15. Fox J, Weisberg S. car: Companion to Applied Regression. [R package]. 2022. Checklists. Avaliable adress:
  • 16. The jamovi project. jamovi. (Version 2.4)[Computer Software]. 2023. Avaliable adress:
  • 17. R Core Team. R: A Language and environment for statistical computing. (Version 4.1) [Computer software]. 2022. Avaliable adress: (R packages retrieved from CRAN snapshot 2023-04-07).
  • 18. Treiman K, McCormack L, Olmsted M, Roach N, Reeve BB, Martens CE, vd. Engaging Patient Advocates and Other Stakeholders to Design Measures of Patient-Centered Communication in Cancer Care. Patient-Patient-Centered Outcomes Research. 2017;10(1):93-103.
  • 19. Uludağ A. Adana İl Merkezinde Aile Hekimleri ve Hastalarının Hasta Merkezli Bakım Algıları 2016. Avaliable adress:
  • 20. Calo WA, Ortiz AP, Colon V, Krasny S, Tortolero-Luna G. Factors Associated with Perceived Patient-Provider Communication Quality among Puerto Ricans. Journal of health care for the poor and underserved. 2014. 25(2):491-502.
  • 21. Kim D, Sung NJ. Types of Usual Source of Care and Patient-Centered Communications. Korean journal of family medicine. 43(6):353-60.
  • 22. Rademakers J, Delnoij D, Nijman J, de Boer D. Educational inequalities in patient-centred care: patients’ preferences and experiences. BMC Health Services Research.. 2012;12:261.
  • 23. Ong LM, Visser MR, Lammes FB, de Haes JC. Doctor-patient communication and cancer patients’ quality of life and satisfaction. Patient education and counseling. .2000;41(2):145-56.
  • 24. Ruben BD. Communication Theory and Health Communication Practice: The More Things Change, the More They Stay the Same. Health communication.2016;31(1):1-11.
  • 25. Arora NK. Interacting with cancer patients: the significance of physicians’ communication behavior. Social science & medicine. 2003; 57(5):791-806.
  • 26. Baile WF, Aaron J. Patient-physician communication in oncology: past, present, and future. Current opinion in oncology. 2005;17(4):331-5.
  • 27. Stewart MA. What is a successful doctor-patient interview? A study of interactions and outcomes. Social science & medicine. 1984;19(2):167-175.
  • 28. Maatouk-Bürmann B, Ringel N, Spang J, Weiss C, Möltner A, Riemann U, vd. Improving patient-centered communication: Results of a randomized controlled trial. Patient education and counseling. 2016;99(1):117-24.
  • 29. Çakmak C, Uğurluoğlu Ö. Hasta merkezli iletişim ve hizmet kalitesi ilişkisi: hizmet sunucuya güvenin aracı etkisi. Dicle Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi. 2023;12(23):93-108.
  • 30. Çakmak C, Uğurluoğlu Ö. The Effects of Patient-Centered Communication on Patient Engagement, Health-Related Quality of Life, Service Quality Perception and Patient Satisfaction in Patients with Cancer: A Cross-Sectional Study in Türkiye. Cancer Control. .2024;31:10732748241236327.
  • 31. Finney Rutten LJ, Agunwamba AA, Beckjord E, Hesse BW, Moser RP, Arora NK. The Relation Between Having a Usual Source of Care and Ratings of Care Quality: Does Patient-Centered Communication Play a Role? Journal of Health Communication..2015;20(7):759-65.
  • 32. Pearson SD, Raeke LH. Patients’ trust in physicians: many theories, few measures, and little data. Journal of general internal medicine..2000;15(7):509-13.
  • 33. Dang BN, Westbrook RA, Njue SM, Giordano TP. Building trust and rapport early in the new doctor-patient relationship: a longitudinal qualitative study. BMC medical education. 2017;17:32.
  • 34. McWhinney IR. Why we need a new clinical method. Scandinavian journal of primary health care. 1993;11(1):3-7.
  • 35. Hong H, Oh HJ. The Effects of Patient-Centered Communication: Exploring the Mediating Role of Trust in Healthcare Providers. Health communication. 2020;35(4):502-11.

Hasta Merkezli İletişimin Belirleyicileri, Hizmet Kalitesi, Genel Sağlık Durumu ve Amerika Birleşik Devletleri'ndeki Sağlık Sistemine Güven Üzerindeki Etkisi

Yıl 2024, , 630 - 639, 29.12.2024


Giriş ve Amaç: Bu çalışma kapsamında Amerikalı kanser hastalarının verileri üzerinden katılımcıların hasta merkezli iletişim düzeyini etkileyen faktörlerin ortaya konulması ve hasta merkezli iletişimin sağlık hizmet kalitesi, genel sağlık durumu ve hastaların sağlık sistemine olan güveni üzerindeki etkisinin ortaya konulması amaçlanmaktadır.
Gereç ve Yöntemler: Bu çalışma tanımlayıcı ve kesitseldir. Çalışma evreninde t-testi ve ANOVA testleri kullanılmıştır. Araştırma katılımcısı olan 900 kanser hastasından elde edilen veriler kullanılarak çoklu regresyon analizleri yapılmıştır.
Bulgular: Kanser hastalarının hasta merkezli iletişim düzeyleri cinsiyet, meslek, ailede kanser öyküsü, medeni durum ve eğitim değişkenlerine göre farklılaşmazken, gelir değişkenine göre farklılık göstermiştir. Hasta odaklı iletişim, hizmet kalitesini, sağlık durumunu ve sağlık sistemine olan güveni olumlu yönde etkilemektedir.
Sonuç: Hasta merkezli iletişim sağlık sonuçlarını olumlu yönde etkiler. Hasta merkezli iletişim sağlık hizmetlerinde etkin bir şekilde kullanılmalıdır. Hastaların ihtiyaçlarını karşılamak için telefon, e-posta, mobil uygulamalar ve çevrimiçi platformlar gibi çeşitli iletişim kanalları sunulmalıdır. Aynı şekilde hasta memnuniyetini ölçmek ve geri bildirim almak için anketler, yorum kutuları ve dijital geri bildirim sistemleri kurulmalıdır.


  • 1. Institute of Medicine. Crossing the Quality Chasm: A New Health System for the 21st Century. Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US); 2001. Avaliable adress:
  • 2. Epstein RM, Fiscella K, Lesser CS, Stange KC. Why the nation needs a policy push on patient-centered health care. Health affairs. 2010;29(8):1489-95.
  • 3. Reeve BB, Thissen DM, Bann CM, Mack N, Treiman K, Sanoff HK, vd. Psychometric evaluation and design of patient-centered communication measures for cancer care settings. Patient education and counseling. 2017;100(7):1322-8.
  • 4. Naughton CA. Patient-Centered Communication. Pharm Basel Switz. 2018;6(1).
  • 5. Epstein R, Street R. Patient-Centered Communication in Cancer Care: Promoting Healing and Reducing Suffering. Bethesda, MD,: National Cancer Institute; 2007. Report No.: NIH Publication No. 07-6225.
  • 6. Levinson W. Patient-centred communication: a sophisticated procedure. BMJ Quality & Safety. 2011;20(10):823-5.
  • 7. Hashim MJ. Patient-Centered Communication: Basic Skills. American family physician. 2017;95(1):29-34.
  • 8. Kourakos M, Fradelos EC, Papathanasiou IV, Saridi M, Kafkia T. Communication as the Basis of Care for Patients with Chronic Diseases. Am J Nurs Sci. 2017;7(3):7.
  • 9. Epstein RM, Franks P, Fiscella K, Shields CG, Meldrum SC, Kravitz RL, vd. Measuring patient-centered communication in patient-physician consultations: theoretical and practical issues. S Social science & medicine. 1982. 2005;61(7):1516-28.
  • 10. Spooner KK, Salemi JL, Salihu HM, Zoorob RJ. Disparities in perceived patient–provider communication quality in the United States: Trends and correlates. Patient education and counseling. 2016;99(5):844-54.
  • 11. Blanch-Hartigan D, Chawla N, Moser RP, Finney Rutten LJ, Hesse BW, Arora NK. Trends in cancer survivors’ experience of patient-centered communication: results from the Health Information National Trends Survey (HINTS). Journal of cancer survivorship. 2016;10(6):1067-77.
  • 12. Wang J. Examining The Relationship Among Patient-Centered Communication, Patient Engagement, And Patient’s Perception Of Quality Of Care In The General U.S. Adult Population. 2016. Theses Diss. Avaliable adress:
  • 13. Kaplan SH, Greenfield S, Ware JE. Assessing the effects of physician-patient interactions on the outcomes of chronic disease. Medical care, 1989;27(3):110-127.
  • 14. National Cancer Institute. Health Information National Trends Survey. 2014. Avaliable adress:
  • 15. Fox J, Weisberg S. car: Companion to Applied Regression. [R package]. 2022. Checklists. Avaliable adress:
  • 16. The jamovi project. jamovi. (Version 2.4)[Computer Software]. 2023. Avaliable adress:
  • 17. R Core Team. R: A Language and environment for statistical computing. (Version 4.1) [Computer software]. 2022. Avaliable adress: (R packages retrieved from CRAN snapshot 2023-04-07).
  • 18. Treiman K, McCormack L, Olmsted M, Roach N, Reeve BB, Martens CE, vd. Engaging Patient Advocates and Other Stakeholders to Design Measures of Patient-Centered Communication in Cancer Care. Patient-Patient-Centered Outcomes Research. 2017;10(1):93-103.
  • 19. Uludağ A. Adana İl Merkezinde Aile Hekimleri ve Hastalarının Hasta Merkezli Bakım Algıları 2016. Avaliable adress:
  • 20. Calo WA, Ortiz AP, Colon V, Krasny S, Tortolero-Luna G. Factors Associated with Perceived Patient-Provider Communication Quality among Puerto Ricans. Journal of health care for the poor and underserved. 2014. 25(2):491-502.
  • 21. Kim D, Sung NJ. Types of Usual Source of Care and Patient-Centered Communications. Korean journal of family medicine. 43(6):353-60.
  • 22. Rademakers J, Delnoij D, Nijman J, de Boer D. Educational inequalities in patient-centred care: patients’ preferences and experiences. BMC Health Services Research.. 2012;12:261.
  • 23. Ong LM, Visser MR, Lammes FB, de Haes JC. Doctor-patient communication and cancer patients’ quality of life and satisfaction. Patient education and counseling. .2000;41(2):145-56.
  • 24. Ruben BD. Communication Theory and Health Communication Practice: The More Things Change, the More They Stay the Same. Health communication.2016;31(1):1-11.
  • 25. Arora NK. Interacting with cancer patients: the significance of physicians’ communication behavior. Social science & medicine. 2003; 57(5):791-806.
  • 26. Baile WF, Aaron J. Patient-physician communication in oncology: past, present, and future. Current opinion in oncology. 2005;17(4):331-5.
  • 27. Stewart MA. What is a successful doctor-patient interview? A study of interactions and outcomes. Social science & medicine. 1984;19(2):167-175.
  • 28. Maatouk-Bürmann B, Ringel N, Spang J, Weiss C, Möltner A, Riemann U, vd. Improving patient-centered communication: Results of a randomized controlled trial. Patient education and counseling. 2016;99(1):117-24.
  • 29. Çakmak C, Uğurluoğlu Ö. Hasta merkezli iletişim ve hizmet kalitesi ilişkisi: hizmet sunucuya güvenin aracı etkisi. Dicle Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi. 2023;12(23):93-108.
  • 30. Çakmak C, Uğurluoğlu Ö. The Effects of Patient-Centered Communication on Patient Engagement, Health-Related Quality of Life, Service Quality Perception and Patient Satisfaction in Patients with Cancer: A Cross-Sectional Study in Türkiye. Cancer Control. .2024;31:10732748241236327.
  • 31. Finney Rutten LJ, Agunwamba AA, Beckjord E, Hesse BW, Moser RP, Arora NK. The Relation Between Having a Usual Source of Care and Ratings of Care Quality: Does Patient-Centered Communication Play a Role? Journal of Health Communication..2015;20(7):759-65.
  • 32. Pearson SD, Raeke LH. Patients’ trust in physicians: many theories, few measures, and little data. Journal of general internal medicine..2000;15(7):509-13.
  • 33. Dang BN, Westbrook RA, Njue SM, Giordano TP. Building trust and rapport early in the new doctor-patient relationship: a longitudinal qualitative study. BMC medical education. 2017;17:32.
  • 34. McWhinney IR. Why we need a new clinical method. Scandinavian journal of primary health care. 1993;11(1):3-7.
  • 35. Hong H, Oh HJ. The Effects of Patient-Centered Communication: Exploring the Mediating Role of Trust in Healthcare Providers. Health communication. 2020;35(4):502-11.
Toplam 35 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Sağlık Kurumları Yönetimi, Sağlık Hizmetleri ve Sistemleri (Diğer)
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Cuma Çakmak 0000-0002-4409-9669

İsmail Biçer 0000-0003-1878-0546

Yayımlanma Tarihi 29 Aralık 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 21 Haziran 2024
Kabul Tarihi 21 Kasım 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Çakmak, C., & Biçer, İ. (2024). Determinants of Patient-Centered Communication, Its Impact On Quality of Services, Overall Health Status And Trust In The Healthcare System In The United States. Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 11(4), 630-639.
AMA Çakmak C, Biçer İ. Determinants of Patient-Centered Communication, Its Impact On Quality of Services, Overall Health Status And Trust In The Healthcare System In The United States. CBU-SBED. Aralık 2024;11(4):630-639. doi:10.34087/cbusbed.1503044
Chicago Çakmak, Cuma, ve İsmail Biçer. “Determinants of Patient-Centered Communication, Its Impact On Quality of Services, Overall Health Status And Trust In The Healthcare System In The United States”. Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 11, sy. 4 (Aralık 2024): 630-39.
EndNote Çakmak C, Biçer İ (01 Aralık 2024) Determinants of Patient-Centered Communication, Its Impact On Quality of Services, Overall Health Status And Trust In The Healthcare System In The United States. Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 11 4 630–639.
IEEE C. Çakmak ve İ. Biçer, “Determinants of Patient-Centered Communication, Its Impact On Quality of Services, Overall Health Status And Trust In The Healthcare System In The United States”, CBU-SBED, c. 11, sy. 4, ss. 630–639, 2024, doi: 10.34087/cbusbed.1503044.
ISNAD Çakmak, Cuma - Biçer, İsmail. “Determinants of Patient-Centered Communication, Its Impact On Quality of Services, Overall Health Status And Trust In The Healthcare System In The United States”. Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 11/4 (Aralık 2024), 630-639.
JAMA Çakmak C, Biçer İ. Determinants of Patient-Centered Communication, Its Impact On Quality of Services, Overall Health Status And Trust In The Healthcare System In The United States. CBU-SBED. 2024;11:630–639.
MLA Çakmak, Cuma ve İsmail Biçer. “Determinants of Patient-Centered Communication, Its Impact On Quality of Services, Overall Health Status And Trust In The Healthcare System In The United States”. Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, c. 11, sy. 4, 2024, ss. 630-9, doi:10.34087/cbusbed.1503044.
Vancouver Çakmak C, Biçer İ. Determinants of Patient-Centered Communication, Its Impact On Quality of Services, Overall Health Status And Trust In The Healthcare System In The United States. CBU-SBED. 2024;11(4):630-9.